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2.31% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 6: Scarlet Love Letter

Capítulo 6: Scarlet Love Letter

I don't own star wars

This chapter contains scenes of a flashback.

When I was a little girl I knew I wanted to be a spy. I wanted to do something meaningful for my Republic. I wanted to be a rebel. I wanted my rebel father and senator mother to be proud of what I would do serving my Republic. And I was good at it… my superiors loved my talents, my skills, and I'm not going to lie they liked the way I looked. I was perfect as a spy: Cunning, quick thinking, a damn good shot, and as everyone I meet on the job tells me; I'm beautiful…

I know it sounds like I'm stroking my ego but I'm just trying to get my point across…

I mean… before the mission on Dromund Kaas; where everything in my life took a turn, I had dozens of missions under my belt. Sabotage, infiltrations, hell even a few honeypots… I could do it all. But Dromund Kaas was different…

I'll admit my head was bloated from all the success of my previous missions. My overconfidence at the sheer dumb luck of my success rate. And you know what? I should've known Dromund Kaas wasn't right for me. Starting off I'm a Togruta… it didn't matter how beautiful I was with Moff Altora Kane in charge… she wasn't letting anyone get escorted to one of her parties by an alien… and the city where my mission was located, Cyber-Low, was the most anti-alien on the planet. Their own allies the Chiss had trouble there…

But I was stupid and headstrong. I thought I could work around that… I should've spotted that Chiss cipher agent who saw me enter the lab building as a common cleaner. She was way too fucking hot to be some common barista. I should've been just a little more flirty with the security guards to keep their mouths shut and flash just a smaller amount of skin to give them something to hope for, and I should've never made eye contact with that lab technician that I knew immediately had a secret 'forbidden' fetish for alien girls.

I should've avoided him completely. I figured one quick seduction, a tap of my tranquilizer dart, and poof, all the time in the world that I needed… but I was wrong, and I was stupid. First and foremost I should've lured him away from the lab… flash my eyelashes a little and gotten him into one of the closets for a little 'private time' with the pretty alien. Maybe I would've had to have actually fucked him rather than tranquilize him to get just a little more leverage on him but… he was a pretty disgusting piece of work and at the thought, I could hardly keep my stomach down.

So… when we were alone in the lab and one quick looping scrambler and the cameras were blind for a few moments, long enough to get everything I needed as I got him close enough. And he dropped to the floor…

A brand new bio-weapon was being developed there… some sort of gas they were planning to test of one of the republic worlds… the 'rebels' as the imperials liked to refer to us as to dehumanize us… fucking Imperial bastards. Well, they should've been more careful… I copied the data, and wiped the hard drive, before setting the EMP for good measure and making my way out. The copying data was more of a formality… just in case the gas was already made and we needed an antidote to distill.

I was idealistic, I know… I just… let me believe it just a little longer okay? Please?

I was hardly down the hall before the alarm started blaring… I made my way towards the window to see half a dozen troopers being led into the building by that sexy Chiss barista with the great tip earners… she had a great rack and I was jealous shut up. I had screwed up, I had thought I had minutes when I only had seconds… it didn't matter if I had been an innocent cleaner, in Cypher-Low under Moff Altora I would be detained on principle. Regardless of being seriously inconvenienced or innocent, which I clearly wasn't, it was time I couldn't waste.

So I ran for it, down the emergency escape and into the slums. I had broken into a nearby apartment, and quickly changed into clothes that honestly were too tight for me. And made a break for it again after hiding away my uniform…

But it hardly helped… trooper patrols were now everywhere, and grainy holo-vids of my face in the lab were everywhere. They were poor shots, but it didn't matter suddenly every unfortunate togruta on Dromund Kaas, male and female, had a target on their heads until either I was caught or full of blaster holes in the street…

I was… I was a fucking mess… it was my first real screw-up that I couldn't fix… I was bobbing and darting into the alien slums, trying to blend in, trying to find help. But everyone there was unwilling to give me any further aid other than not telling the patrols that they saw me… the alien civilians in Cypher-low had a bleak but accepted outlook on life… finally I found a nearly abandoned apartment building, it was something for aliens but only humans lived on the upper floors as cheap housing…

…and then I met him…

He was nothing special at first… he was just another faceless trooper. And when he restrained me, when he touched me... I was still disgusted and frustrated. I could feel his gaze under his helmet as he looked at my ass, treating me like an object, like meat.

Just another fucking closet xenophile trooper I thought at the time…

I have to admit I didn't expect him to shove me into the apartment… or lead away the other troopers who came after me. But I wasn't going to be some victim for him to play with… so I grabbed the closest thing I could swing, an old analog broom, and swung at him the moment the door opened. Some sick, twisted six sense seemed to prevent him from taking the full blow letting it glance off his helmet and letting it crash to the ground… then I felt my knee give way as he bash it with his rifle.

Then my night took a very different turn…

…I admit it… he was handsome, in a younger man sort of way… I liked his eyes, and I liked how his red hair went well with my skin. And suddenly he wasn't some nameless trooper. He was a young horny trooper and he had just found himself a jackpot of a woman.

I'm not submissive… and I wasn't submissive… at… you know, at first… Fuck, it began to play out like a holo-girl vid. He was so… commanding… When he looked at me and he knew exactly what he wanted. I expected him to take it, but I was later surprised. I know he had the advantage, all the power, but that's not what made that night so different…

I could see it in his eyes… he appreciated me. Like I was a priceless work of art, I know that makes him sound materialistic and chauvinistic. A misogynist, I don't really know… but it was different than that, more. I had been with all three at one point, in my job and on it… Even the republic has a few bad apples, one of my superiors, another togruta, he groped my ass once. Just because I was a pretty togruta working underneath him he thought he owned me. He saw something to conquer, and possess… he wanted to collar me and keep me in his bed all day, breeding me and filling me with his bastard children, (he was married)… he told me so himself. All I had to do was be his legal slave and I'd have a very lucrative career. He didn't last long after I broke his arm and reported on him with the recording I made after getting him to admit it. I know, what it's like to be objectified.

But the trooper… somehow it was like I was objectifying him; controlling his own demands of me. Like when I suggested I take off my, again, too-tight pants, the look on his face told me that he hadn't really even considered taking it that far. I know I stripped for him, danced for him, and tried to seduce him, which maybe I actually had done but just didn't notice it.

I think we were subconsciously… holding each other, in our hands… I know that sounds weird but… maybe neither of us was in control of that night, or maybe the control switched so quickly I just didn't realize it…

But by that point, I was just… I was just horny as hell…

I've been with men, and women… I've been aroused… I've been pleasured by all manner of toys and tools, I even once enjoyed myself during a honey pot… but that night with the trooper was so… different. Every time I was on the job, each moment had a purpose, a long-term goal in mind but as I danced for him, shook my ass like a well-paid twi'lek hooker for him I suddenly wanted more…

I touched myself in front of him… not to seduce him but for me… I wanted to do it. I wanted him to watch me, to keep watching me. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wanted him to be happy with what I was doing for him…

Hell, I wanted him. He was clumsy, apparently arrogant, and obviously some sort of closet pervert but… I had never felt like that in my whole career… you don't just suddenly want a random enemy you barely know to take you passionately… I wanted him to ravish me, to enjoy himself with me… Fuck I thought I was in love… I realize now just how force damn stupid it sounds but maybe it was love at first sight I don't fucking know. But the idea of him collaring me, breeding me… loving me... it suddenly didn't seem so offensive or weird to be with the trooper… I wanted his imperial babies…

I don't remember when I came… I don't remember when he touched me… my mind was in a state of orgasmic bliss and all I could see was him… I loved looking at his eyes they were so green. And strangely innocent, I don't think he had been a trooper for long… but considering how gently he was caressing me I don't think he ever really was…

I felt his cum cover me, marking me as his… I didn't even care how degrading it felt. I tasted him on my lips… it wasn't nearly as foul as the other times I had to taste it when on the job. It was sweeter, like dantooine pears. I suddenly wanted it inside my mouth as his scent went up my nose, I wondered momentarily how something so sweet tasting could smell so fishy… I got as much of him in my mouth as I could. I wanted him to see…

I showed him… like a holo-vid girl during the finish I performed for him. Showing him how much of his seed he had given my mouth.

"Swallow…" he said softly, I don't think he really believes his fortunes…

But me… I wanted him to be happy… I wanted him to see. So I did… he tasted just like dantooine pears. I opened my mouth again. I wanted him to know I wouldn't deceive him, whatever he wanted of me I would do… I was out of my mind

"Good… good girl…" he told me, and he stroked my lekku, you know togruta lekku aren't as sensitive as twi'lek's right? But it felt amazing… like it was suddenly a fresh new erogenous zone just for him. I was fucking drunk on the moment… on the atmosphere…

And it was just… over… he was nervous, frantic. Like he didn't really understand what he had done. We didn't even get to the part where he throws me onto the bed… I had been expecting it… WANTING it. so deep in my own bliss my mind believed that he earned it, I owned him for keeping me away from the patrols…

Then all of a sudden he was helping me. He was telling me where to go, who to see, and what to do. He told me his name and my mind went blank for a moment as I stood there staring at him with his cum all over my chest…

"…tell him Aiden sent you, and he'll do it. He owes me one…"

His name was Aiden, I kind of liked it… but I quickly came down from my pheromone high. And I realized that I was still covered in his cum. "Oh… what the fuck?..."

He was telling me what to do again, as I grabbed my pants and boots, and later I would clearly remember what his instructions were but all I wanted to know right now was one thing. "Why are you doing this?" it was just such an odd thing for a trooper to do. I mean, he essentially got what he wanted and the standard trooper protocol would mean he would turn me in anyway…

He started me as he screamed in frustration. "Because I don't want you to get caught!" I was you know… stunned, he hardly knew me. We were natural enemies and now that weren't drunk on the atmosphere of lust and carnal desire it was almost business as usual but for him to say that, to help me for no reason other than the fact that I helped him get off…

Well… it wasn't like he told me he loved me… and it was just ridiculous…

Before I realized it, before I could stop him he was gone… I wanted to know more about him. Talk to him, maybe turn him to our side as long as I promised to be with him… I wanted him to know that. If he came to the republic I would be there with him, I wanted it to have meaning… I wanted him to know my name. My real name… not a codename or cover… I was angry, he called me Scarlet and I spat at him, at the time I was disgusted but now that I realized that that's all he knew me as. I wanted to be sick… but if I was sick I was going to throw up and if I threw up then all I would have left of him were memories…

And that thought just made me sicker… and even more miserable...

I think I cried in that room before I left… He was just so sad. So desperate to help me, he didn't want me caught by the troopers it would have been a death sentence, they would've had their way with me, penetrating me, dominating me. Using every hole for their own pleasures. It wasn't a good thing to be caught by imperials as a female spy; the holo-girl vids got one thing right. And when they were done they would have tossed me to the inquisitors. I suddenly thought that everything was so fucking unfair…

Call me delusional… a fool… a romantic or cheesy but… Fuck I don't know… at the time everything was dark and awful and I wasn't just talking about Dromund Kaas. I was too depressed to care. The journey to the hangar was easy… he kept his word, just another different thing about the Trooper. About Aiden…

It bothered me a little you know… that he only knew me as 'Scarlet'. I knew who he was but it bothered me that it went one way… a spy should not want their enemy to know who they really are. Snowga, his rodian friend was distant and a grumbler. He wasn't happy that he had to take me along, but apparently, the favor that he owed Aiden was greater than his own desire to keep as far out of imperial politics as possible…

Before we left we were inspected, it was protocol. I was hidden in a smuggler's hole above the entrance to the ship. The inspector, a fat blob of an officer, didn't even turn around to look… he was accompanied by a trooper and my heart skipped a beat… although I fucking knew it wasn't him… I just wanted it to be…

It was then I realized… that everything was horribly wrong… what if the next trooper I shot was him?

…oh fuck right?

As the inspectors left, I openly cried as I realized what was wrong with me. Snowga was at a loss on how to handle me so he just left me to cry it all out in one of his spare cabins. I didn't want to think about it… I just wanted to get back to the republic and take a new job, something far away from troopers… I was a danger now. I can't be hesitating if I was under fire… wondering if every trooper I fired on was Aiden…

I didn't give a shit if I killed some random fucking trooper. I cared if I shot Aiden, and that was the problem… I was compromised and I needed a break…

The ride was smooth and uninterrupted, Snowga once you got to know him was reasonable enough. He's a pretty good pazaak player. And I'll admit… at night when the snip was on autopilot and I knew Snowga was asleep…

My pants would hit the floor and my hand would slip into my underwear… I would close my eyes and I would remember him. His green eyes, his red hair, his gentle caress of my lekku… they're sensitive now when I think of him… like a brand new clitoris. I would switch hands, and alternate whenever they were wet enough to give me a firm taste of my own fluids. I would always imagine him watching me… staring unblinkingly at me as I licked my wet used fingers clean…

He would tell me he wanted me safe… he would tell me he wanted to see more of me. All of me… and then I would slip a finger into my ass… I imagined it was him taking it for his own, in and out, slowly at first as I adjusted to his alien size… but I would take all of him, I would give him what I gave nobody else…

In my fantasies this is him… the young trooper dominating the older spy woman he had caught unawares… my fantasy would play in my mind like holo-vids. Sometimes it was that night, that wonderful night when we were equals in a filthy abandoned apartment on Dromund Kaas. But instead of him leaving at the end he would take me… pressing me against the windows for everyone in the slums to see that I was his and he was mine… he would cum inside me, pressing me hard against the glass and not allowing me to escape his claiming of my fertile womb.

Sometimes he was a space pirate I had caught… I would tease him in his cell, chaining him to the wall as I took him in my mouth, swallowing every drop of his distinct dantooine pear taste as I told him he would be my prisoner forever, kissing him… dominating him. Rewarding him to his utter delight as he declared his undying loyalty to me…

Sometimes… in fact, more recently, I would imagine I was a harem girl… dancing naked for him in a room of other alien women. Performing for him like he was a hutt gangster. I would be leashed, he would be holding the chain… suddenly he wouldn't be able to hold his lust for me and would pull me closer… I would not resist, I would approach willingly… I would smile and take all he would give me… the girls around us would watch in despair as they realized I was the only one to receive such attention… he would demand that I bore his children, before releasing himself inside me as I accepted his demands in ecstasy.

The Fuck? What is wrong with me? When I finally returned to the capital I made my report… and requested leave and therapy. I just had to talk to someone, anyone who would listen to me. I just needed to talk…

"Yeah great, thanks for that…" my nautolan friend Pali Sadoo said from her psychiatrist chair, her head tails twitching slightly as she wrote down on her notepad. "But seriously, did you have to go into detail? I'm happy to listen and help but now I'm going to have erotic dreams tonight about this guy…"

"I thought that's what therapy was for…" I said softly, "You are my therapist. You're supposed to figure out how to help me…"

"And I'll try…" before adding under her breath, "No matter how much our personal relationship makes this just a little weird." She cleared her throat and smiled at me, "Well to start, you're in love."

I rolled on the couch to look at her. I mean I knew I was, in some strange weird way. "Love... Isn't it more like obsession?"

Pali held her hands unsurely, as if they were weighing scales, and moved them up and down as if to try and balance them "Well… yes but… you don't have a shrine for him or anything right? You just fantasize about him a lot?"

"I promise you I don't have a shrine to him." I replied glaring at her angrily, "But isn't it… isn't it wrong?"

"Well…" Pali began slowly again, looking at me a little sad, "…Sweetie nobody can tell you who to fall in love with. I myself dated a wookiee for years thinking we'd be together forever. Then he got into holo-vids and met another girl…" she shrugged dismissively, "Just because your Aiden is an imperial trooper doesn't mean it's wrong, it's just complicated."

I slammed my head onto the couch arm, I did not want to hear that I wanted to work again. I wanted to be a spy… "…I want to work again Pali."

"…I know…" she said assuredly, "…but that means you're going to have to decide whether your devotion to the republic is stronger than your fear of accidentally shooting your newfound 'friend'." She blinked at me thoughtfully and placed her notepad on her lap, "…If you like, maybe this will help. Let's think logically alright? As far as we know, he's a patroller stationed on Dromund Kaas right? So first just request that you're never sent back. and judging from the 'trauma' of this event I think it could be arranged. You're too valuable to deny at least that."

I nodded at her unflinchingly, anything… anything to have both of what I wanted. To work again and to make sure Aiden stayed safely away from my blaster fire. "Okay... and?"

"And really think about it…" she said leaning back in the chair, smug with herself at realizing the sheer math behind it. "There are literally millions upon millions of troopers in the imperial corps. Some of them are stuck as patrollers forever and a day. The odds of you finding Aiden in a combat situation are astronomical. Hutt Gambling addicts wouldn't place bets on it… and even if you did…" she drummed her knees with her fingers and smiled kindly at me, "…I think he wouldn't be able to shoot at you either… you'd noticed if a trooper wasn't firing at you now wouldn't you?"

It was as if the curtain of confusion lifted as my brain connected the dots. "…You're right…" I said suddenly eyes wide with realizing, "Holy shit!" I leaped on the couch, "You're right!" it was a glorious realization that I could go back to work…

"I try…" Pali said happily, watching me dancing in place in my excitement. But slowly she frowned, apparently the rest of the news she was about to give me was less than positive. "…But you know sweetie." She began, catching my attention as I continued to do a happy (not sexy) dance, "…That also means that the odds of you seeing him again are just as wide…"

That hit me like a crate of durasteel bars… I dropped back down onto the couch dejected. I wouldn't see him again, I was conflicting with myself. On one hand, I wanted him safe. And on the other hand, I wanted him IN my actual hands…

"…Do you want to talk about it?" she asked sadly, always the consummate professional "…Sweetie, I know you're coming to terms with it… but it still might help."

"…No." I said flatly, getting to my feet, "…no, it's okay Pali… I can always see him in my fantasies right?"

"…Right…" she said slowly, surprisingly unable to read my expression, and she had a talent for that as a psychiatrist to spies "Well… you were my last appointment for the day and I think we've made an impressive breakthrough." She then cleared her throat uncomfortably, "As well as providing me with some strong fetish fuel. By the force... So do you want to get dinner? There's a lovely new twi'lek cuisine restaurant…"

I didn't answer her right away… "…I want something from a dantooine menu." I replied finally, not dignifying the look she gave me.

"…I can work with that…" and she joined me in walking to the door of her office, "By the way about your new handle name… are you sure? It's a little more… personal than it should be."

"Yes…" I said, blushing at the throught, "…if he ever reads it in a report… I want him to know I was thinking about him…"

"…Scarlet Trooper does have a catchy ring to it." she replied comfortingly, giving me a gentle and loving hug around the shoulders as we left for dinner…

End of Chapter

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