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74.51% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 193: Plans Change

Capítulo 193: Plans Change

I don't own star wars

"…Why does my head feel like someone dropped a ship on it?" came a defeated whine from the table. I opened my eyes, sitting up as Nerri, sleeping in a nearby vine hammock slowly sat up and blinked.

"Oh right… forgot about her." I mumbled as Lala sat up, and eyed her bindings disapprovingly, then oddly she looked at the rest of herself and snorted angrily.

"…I am deeply disappointed to wake up, tied up, and NOT naked." Lala noted rather sternly, glancing around at all of us and settling on Nerri. "Hell-o pretty puppy!" she said seductively as Nerri looked visibly confused, but still blushed noticeably. "You're new."

"…I… don't know how to react to that." Nerri said flatly.

"MMn someone gag her or something." Oriana moaned quietly next to me on her collection of cushions, rolling over so her head brushed against my hand. She rolled off her cushions and bonked her head on the floor, abruptly waking her up.

"Oh look the stripper's here to… I'm deeply disappointed she still has clothes on to."

"Oh for the love of-I'm not a stripper!" She said getting off the floor, she was still in the waitress 'uniform'. She didn't exactly have much time to change, plus I imagine it was remarkably breezy. We were in a jungle after all the humidity alone would-I'm getting off track. "You should talk you…you." She paused, turning a little red as her comeback faltered slightly. "You 2 credit hooker!"

"Ohh scathing…" Lala grinned as she bounced to the edge of the table, letting her bound feet hang over the edge. "So. Where are we? And why am I not naked?"

"You don't get to ask questions." Oriana said coolly, "In fact. Don't talk." She waved off Lala before reaching into her bag of scrap. Which is what it essentially was now. "Kal find something to gag her with."

"Now. Now now now…" Lala said, "Let's be civil… I'm certainly not going to do anything tied up…" she then spotted me, shirtless, and winked. "…Feel free to do whatever you like though Kal, baby."

I sighed at the nickname, not even bothering to correct her.

"Why did you even save her anyway?!" Oriana said, pulling out a strip of rather ruined cloth. Finding it satisfactory she began to approach an amused Lala. "You could've grabbed the COFFEE maker and it would've been more useful!"

"Hey I can be useful!" Lala said indignantly, playfully kicking Oriana away with her bound feet as she grinned at me. "…I mean, really I AM a zeltron."

Oriana gapped at her for a moment and sighed, rubbing her temples. "…We're going to die here."

"…Well you will." Nerri said rather unhealthfully, "I've been surviving on my own for a while now I will probably be fine." She glanced at the bag of broken tools and ruined clothes. "…Were you not able to make contact?"

Oriana sighed, raising her hands up in defeat, (making her large breasts unintentionally bounce) "I'm not a jawa savant. I only get static and an old radio station that I think is incredibly racist. And this is coming from an Imperial Chiss…" she said sounding incredibly disappointed.

I wrapped and arm around her shoulder, giving her a one armed hug. It was a fair try regardless. I imagine a few of my uncle's friends could probably jury rig a com device from the parts in her bag. But Oriana was also not trying too hard… I imagine she didn't really try at all. Concluding that any possible help sent, if at all, would not help me…

She blushed as she rubbed her cheek against my chest. "You did your best. In this situation that's all anyone could ask." Nerri said as she sighed reluctantly.

Lala blinked at all of us confused. "…Sooooo I take it we're not anywhere good then?" she asked lazily.

Nerri's canine like features scowled angrily as she spat the word. "Juggalo II."

Lala laughed grinning broadly, "Oh my force seriously? What are you complaining about?" she shifted on the table a little, ass if trying to cross her legs but considering they were bound it wasn't going to work. "What's the problem?"

"…We don't have a ship or access to one." I said watching her curiously.

"Then just EARN one." she said, speaking as if she was talking to children. "Hello! People lose ships in card games ALL the time! The arena isn't any better! Sometimes ships get confiscated BECAUSE they can't pay." She grinned seductively at me and I sighed, rubbing my forehead.

"…You just want me to fight."

"Fucking yes I do! But that's not the point!" she giggled, "All you got to do is enter, win a lot of credits, and eventually we'll get paid with a ship!"

"We?" Oriana scowled at her but Lala rolled her eyes.

"Well. YEAH. Unless you guys are tight with Crazy Candi?" she watched us for a second, Nerri fidgeting slightly under her gaze. "That's what I thought. I can get you into the city without being blasted or robbed. And talk to Candi…"

Oriana rubbed her forehead, "We are NOT listening to the assassin."

"Uh. ACTUALLY. I'm technically a bounty hunter… mom insisted I sharpen my teeth before I take a bite." She shrugged a little sheepishly, "But what else do you got? Mmn?..." her eyes went up and down Oriana's scantly clad body once more before adding. "Other than a great set of breasts?"

Oriana growled. "I KNOW I have a great set of tits you don't have to keep bringing it up!" she turned to me, and she had that look on her face, the 'back me up' look. She had that same look when Barsoon stole her bra back at the academy… if I remember correctly, I broke his arm. Granted that was a little more than she asked, but I also did that for me.

I sighed, I wasn't going to break Lala's arm. But I suppose we should move this along. "Lala. Stop riling her up and get on with what you mean."

"Kal." Oriana hissed indignantly. But I shrugged, silently apologizing.

"…She's not wrong." I said reluctantly, "If she's got an idea to get us off Juggalo II we're going to have to go with it."

"No we don't!" she hissed silently as I crossed my arms, "I can figure something out!" Lala merely looked amused as she quietly waited out our argument.

"I honestly don't care how we get off Juggalo II." Nerri said suddenly, as we looked at her. "I want OFF. However, we do it I will be content."

"…It wouldn't hurt to hear her out." I whispered in Oriana's ear. "If it's too crazy we can just… impotently think of something else." She shuddered angrily before replying rather reluctantly.

"…I want to shoot her." I sighed, that will have to do.

"…If it doesn't work you can shoot her." I noted before giving a rather smug-looking Lala my full attention.

"How. Exactly would we get off Juggalo II?"

"The only way off is to have our own ship. Crazy Candi isn't in the habit of passing them out." Nerri interjected helpfully, glaring at Lala.

"Yes. But she DOES have them. Confiscated ships." Lala smiled, winking at me. "We just have to earn them and that's what Kal baby is for…" she ignored my reluctant sigh, "there are three things Crazy Candi loves more than anything. Credits, Combat, and Sex. Not necessarily in that order." She said wiggling her legs like a land locked fish's tail. "Since we clearly don't have the credits, and since most of us probably don't want to sleep with a balloon titty sex clown, we do combat." Ignoring the odd looks Oriana and I gave her she continued.

"We enter Kal in the blood games, he beats the shit out of the scrapings she managed to trick into it, then. When he inevitably becomes champion, we request a nice, big, ship." She smiled confidently.

We all stared at her, before once again Nerri broke the silence.

"…Are you fucking stupid?" I honestly didn't expect her to swear, she didn't seem like the type. "You don't just walk into Crazy Candi's arena and come out alive! Only the legendary Blackjaw Gryst managed to become champion because he wouldn't die!" she then eyed me up and down for a moment, lingering on my many battle scars, and her look suddenly softened. "…Admittedly…Kal does look like he could handle it…" before she glared at Lala, "But to bet everything on him would be foolish… it's how I got trapped on this death world in the first place."

"I sense a backstory." Lala smiled cheerily, but I waved a hand.

"She doesn't have to tell-"

"My former lover and captain sold me to Candi when he gambled all of the ship's money on her games." She snarled, her canine features rising angrily, "Bastard." She hissed angrily, "I barely escaped her slavers into the jungle as he left the planet without me!"

"Apparently she was going to anyway." Oriana mumbled as Nerri spat on the floor.

"When I get off planet, I'm going to hunt him down and tear his throat out with my teeth!" she gnashed her teeth angrily.

…I'm starting to really like her. I hope we get her off planet.

"Okay. Fine. These blood games… what do I have to do?" I asked as Lala giggled a little madly,

"Sweeeeeet!" She hopped off the table, balanced on her feet, and grinned at me. "We get to the only city on Juggalo II and enter you! We also…" she eyed me up and down, frowning slightly. "…Need to get you some armor or something. You got to look good for the crowd, indentured slave won't increase our cred." She eyed Nerri. "Does this place have any gear?"

"Probably not in his size… but we might be able to scrounge up something from the half eaten corpses on the way." Nerri noted.

"Oh that's lovely." Oriana growled quietly. "So Kal becomes a gladiator for a crazy clown lady and we have to hope for the best?"

"Yep!" Lala smiled.

"Well… INSTEAD of that why don't YOU call somebody to pick us up?" Oriana ask as Lala blinked curiously at us.

"…Who do you think I can call? My boss? You do realize she'd probably kill you and enslave Kal right? This plan means he stays under my protection as a fighter, Crazy Candi won't just enslave us, which she is known to do, because she'll think Kal is Tulba's property. She might have a planet but she's not going to mess with the hutts." Oriana, originally looking agitated, frown at the surprisingly sound reasoning Lala just gave. "Otherwise we're going to have to get used to living in this ramshackle old ship." She glanced around, "…And honestly it might not be so bad."

"No. We'll do it your way." I said, pulling a knife from Oriana's bag to free her feet. She grinned seductively at me. "But one trick." I said imposingly, holding the knife at her throat, "And it will be the last thing you do." I then sliced her bindings as Oriana held up her ramshackle com device. Tossing it reluctantly onto the table.

"…Okay. Fine then. Where do we start?"

"With gear for Kal… I now a good place." Nerri said, arming herself with her bow. "It will smell like an old corpse until we clean it but it should look imposing enough."

"Good enough for me." I noted, pulling out one of the few blaster pistols we managed to recover from Oriana's ship. "Lead the way."

"Give me a minute to get changed and I'll be right behind you." Oriana said, grabbing her back and heading into the bedroom. Lala tried to lean to get a good view, but Oriana stayed well out of sight before returning in her cipher suit.

Lala sighed sadly, "I'm going to miss the dancer outfit…" she mumbled as Oriana tossed her bag aside, the telltale jangle of a metal top against itself rattled inside. "Aren't you Kal, baby?" I blinked, unable to answer properly as Oriana slowly zipped up her catsuit front eyeing me with an odd twinkle in her eye.

"…Maybe." I said under my breath as they both smiled, apparently however unaware of each other doing so.

"Follow me." Nerri said, as Oriana and I stepped onto the elevator. "Do not stray from my path… your blaster will not stop a wild Nexxu."

Lala joined us on the cramped elevator, pressing her generous chest to mine and smirking knowingly. "Oh. Sorry Kal, baby…" she noted, obviously not sorry at all. "It's a bit cramped."

"Why are you coming?" I asked as Nerri lowered the elevator.

"Aesthetics…" she said obviously as we hit the ground a little harder than I expected. Probably because of the weight. "You can't just grab corpse armor you got to make it look good!"

Nerri walked ahead of us, silent as a sith infiltrator, gesturing for us to follow in her steps. Lala, just as silent if not more casual, quietly followed behind as Oriana and I did the same. "…I had armor already. Its back on coruscant…"

Oriana shrugged absently, "And yet that fact will do us no good here… I don't like this Kal. Crazy Candi isn't known for making and keeping all her deals…"

I sighed then, a little morbidly I noted. "…If I die in the games then you can call for your own evac." I said, she stared at me horrified, then I shrugged. "…At least then somebody will win."

"…That's NOT funny." She said firmly, I smirked inwardly… Boomer would've thought it was hilarious. But he's not here anymore… "I'm serious Kal… you better not fuck up."

I nodded slowly, "…I don't intend to. Who knows Lala might be lying through her teeth, then you can shoot her…" I noted and her mood picked up a little.

It wasn't long until surprisingly Nerri brought us to the wreck of a transport cruiser. Long overgrown with vines and foliage, it had been her for a very long time. She gestured to it with a wave. "Its been here longer than I have. I might have thought it a good place to take shelter if it wasn't for the dead squad of soldiers…" Oriana and I didn't hesitate, approaching the wreck as I gripped its dented and bent ramp, yanking it down and open as Lala cooed at the sight.

"Mmn… That reminds me Kal, baby how much do you bench?" I ignored her glancing inside the ruined ship.

"There's gear here?" I asked as Nerri shrugged.

"Its too far from the city to scavenge safely. And I say that with a large amount of sarcasm for this planet. But as for how intact it is…" it was then I found a long dead human skeleton, long rotten away by time and the elements. His trooper armor was old, in model and in age, but it would serve the purpose once cleaned up. There were more bodies of long dead troopers, but oddly lacking a pilot. Taking bits and pieces of their more serviceable gear, we began to head back to… base? I'll say base.

Lala took one last glance around. "No blasters of weapons. That's a shame."

Nerri shrugged, "Just because it's too far to scavenge doesn't mean it hasn't been. But I imagine anything of further use made its way into the stomach of various deadly fauna…"

"This is no better, but if we're going for show it might just pass…" I noted, eying the aged armor we had scrapped together. "…Let's polish it up and make our way to the city."

Nerri frowned and started leading us back. "I will take you there, but I will not enter."

I nodded, understanding immediately. If she was supposed to be a slave, a Nelvaanian would be a quick spot, rare as they are. "Understood."

"We'll come and get you if Kal and the mercenary don't end up dead." Oriana said as Lala blinked at her curiously.

"Wait, why would I be dead?"

"Because if Kal dies. I'm going to kill you." Oriana said with such fire in her ruby eyes I thought Lala would suddenly set aflame.

Lala seemed to think about it for a minute and shrugged dismissively. "Well you could certainly try jiggles…"

"Seriously?" Oriana said coolly as Lala completely out of nowhere gave Oriana a peck on the cheek, skipping away as Oriana's face when red with fury.

"I, unlike, you am quite confident in Kal, baby's skills. Its not like Candy will put him up against an army of blaster armed thugs! It's one on one combat…" before adding under her breath. "…Maybe one on monster combat." Before chipping up, "He'll be fine…."

Oriana pretty face contorted in a very distinct scowl… but we soon made it back to camp. And using a bit of water, scented flowers, and a few sandpapers like leaves we managed to polish up the armor… it certainly wouldn't be worn into blaster fire but if I was going to look intimidating it would do. But I wasn't wearing a dead man's helmet… they tend to smell no matter what… You should know how I know that, so don't ask.

The only real problem I had with it was it wasn't my color… but beggars can't be choosers.

With a slight silver sheen, I stepped out of the bedroom as Lala whistled at the sight of me decked out in old armor. "That right there is a sight." She grinned as I adjusted the armguards. The straps were long stretched out and worn so they probably wouldn't stay there, and the chest plate was a bit heavy and the straps for it suffered the same problem. But since they made me look imposing, again the goal, it wouldn't really matter. "You look like you were made to wear that…" she grinned as Oriana and I shared a brief knowing look.

"Shirts a little scratchy but I can't complain…" I said, running my hands through my hair… I frowned for a minute, my gear was particularly shiny and now was a good time as any. Checking my forearm bracer and using it as a mirror I looked at my hair…

…Shit. Red roots… but they were barely noticeable. Should be fine. Scratching my face to hide the fact that I was examining my hair and merely seeing if there was something there, I adjusted the greaves. "So. Do I look imposing?"

"Very." Nerri noted, eyeing me up and down.

"As imposing as ever…" Oriana noted, but then glanced at the rest of us. "So… out of curiosity what will we do when someone asks where we came from?" but Lala, still staring at me with starry eyes that would probably be reflected in my silver polished armor waved a dismissive hand.

"I've already thought of that… by the by… put that waitress uniform back on when we go…" Oriana glared at her.

"…Why…?" she said slowly and a little angrily.

"Because jiggles, I'm going to say that Kal fighting in the arena was my plan. But we ended up crashing in the jungle." She said, grinning knowingly. "And how am I supposed to explain that you're his sexy blue slave girl if you don't look the part?"

Oriana, blushing red from… embarrassment or fury, I wasn't exactly sure, fumed at her. "You don't HAVE to say I'm a sex slave!!" she said indignantly but Lala winked at her and, completely ignoring Oriana's personal space, felt up her generous breasts.

"Well Yeah but all the best fighters have sex slaves. And you look the part. Asesino has an entire household of them you know."

"That's not!-But I!" Oriana smacked Lala's groping hands firmly away, "Stop that!"

"I need a reason to explain you." Lala said firmly, surprisingly lucid all of a sudden. "If you're not his sex slave then what are you?" Oriana's mouth opened and closed, briefly at a loss for words. "I'm his manager. So Candi won't question me, but a sexy big-titted blue Chiss girl in a catsuit? She's going to question that… If you're a sex slave? No question. You're here to relax my champ." She then smacked my armored chest with the back of her hand, it rattled a little more than I would like… "Otherwise Candi might separate us and, no joke, that's a one-way ride to enslavement, kidnapping, and murder. All that fun stuff. We need to stay together…"

Oriana, pouting slightly, stomped her foot and went to change. I however glanced at Lala. "…Is all of that true?"

She winked slowly at me with a pretty purple eye, and suddenly I found myself flush. "…A little bit… but I'm not the only one who wants to see her in that metal bikini… now am I?" she said in a sultry whisper.

…She was not wrong…

End of chapter.

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