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9.26% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 24: Nar Shaddaa Knights

Capítulo 24: Nar Shaddaa Knights

I don't own star wars.

Tuuba was having quite a night. It was the equivalent of a small raid on various pieces of his business but I could already see the massive slash to his underworld empire. It was always interesting to see just how pissed that hutt could get when things went south for him…

And, unsurprisingly, all the footage was wiped clean… apparently a droid A.I. had hacked into Tuuba's servers and wiped the footage leaving a collection of videos that contained a laughing droid head. So even though he had an inkling of an idea as to who had attacked his businesses he had no proof. So if he attacked Torga in open warfare he would have to answer to my boss; his mother Babayaga.

It was kind of funny really. The brothers were always a 'laugh' to watch, Tuuba would try and fail to kill his brother at dozens of opportunities while his empire grew exponentially. But if Torga put his mind to it he could easily kill Tuuba and take everything over, but for some unhuttlike reason, he didn't.

I watched as the Nar Shaddaa police force wandered around the Iron Maiden. Well, I say police force but it really just depended on what section of the city the Empire or the Republic occupied at the time. And I silently watched as a young republic trooper ran out of the building and vomited into a decorative bush.

It was just a few bodies nothing to get sick over.

I could not help but be fascinated by the efficiency of Torga's assault. I had wondered why attack such small businesses at first instead of raiding the Vault of the sector and going for the hard credits. But then my cybernetic brain managed to put up a theory.

This wasn't about robbing Tuuba, it was about hurting him.

I saw it immediately as a trio of attractive twi'lek women slowly strutted down the street and stared satisfied at the sheer destruction of the Iron Maiden. They were escorts or hookers, or however you wanted to describe them. Personally I preferred escorts. Very pretty and loosely dressed; two reds and a green, they began whispering excitedly as the body bags of Tuuba's thugs were hauled out of the building.

You'd think that seeing a street walker on Nar Shaddaa would be a common sight, but not around the Iron Maiden. Tuuba made it very clear what happened to girls who sold themselves in his territory if they didn't work for him. They either ended up in the Iron Maiden itself, or were tossed down into the slums by an express line. Now with no fortress of pleasure to hide behind the girls could walk freely. Whether they worked for themselves or for one of the other dozens of two-bit gangsters too stupid or small time to leave Nar Shaddaa and try their luck on Coruscant or some other city planet.

Tuuba was losing ground… I had already seen dozens of low-end drug dealers peddling their goods in dark alleys. People needed their fix, and if Tuuba couldn't give it to them they'll find another dealer; who of course at first will sell to them at a cheaper price so that when Tuuba inevitably recovered the customers would keep coming back. That was the plan; it was brilliant in its simplicity, very long-term. Granted eventually this whole sector will become a warzone once Tuuba was strong again but my mind calculated that it would be some time and who knows what would happen during it.

Tuuba's nonfamily rival Quallo could become strong enough in the sector to weather the storm. Tuuba could be so angry at his brother that he would be more concerned with vengeance than his money, though that was unlikely. Or maybe Torga would have finally had enough and simply send one of his own assassins after Tuuba but that was also unlikely.

Personally I was beginning to believe that Torga wasn't so much a gangster with business sense, but more of a professional business man with gangster qualities, so while he saw the necessity of bounty hunters he wasn't so keen on assassins and keeping the stereotypical hutt persona about him.

Regardless… I would eventually have to make my report to Babayaga. She'll find this whole thing hilarious. As if fratricide was a regular holo-drama. Although I suppose that's just because at the end of the day she could literally burn her spawns' empires to the ground and take them for herself in a hutt heartbeat.

Which while very slow and very long. Was still dangerously strong...

"Hi there…"

My blue cybernetic eye swiveled onto one of the Twi'lek escorts, the green one. She smiled very prettily at me, showing off her well-cared-for teeth. "Can I help you?" I asked politely.

"…That's usually not how this works." She giggled sweetly while the other two escorts chuckled as well. "Looks to me like you were interested in having fun at the Maiden tonight..." then letting her pretty blue eyes draw my attention to the building, "It also looks like you're out of luck."

Inwardly I darkly chuckled at that; I was never in a mood for Tuuba's idea of a 'good time'. In my opinion, you can tell a lot about a person by how they describe people at a lower position. For instance, I called these girls escorts, because they provided a good time for usually a reasonable fee. Tuuba would've called them meat, and the implications of that word were a little more literal sometimes than you would like to know.

And Babayaga when she described me, was 'a loyal soldier'. Whereas Tuuba's simple mind would've lumped me together with 'bounty hunter scum'. Dangerous as he knows I am.

"Seems that way…" I replied conversationally, my voice was just a little modulated, replaced long ago after I became a cybernetic during Babayaga's employ. "Did you see anything?"

"Nope." She replied honestly, looking a little smug, "We stay far away from here usually but when we heard what happened we had to come see." The way she stood, and obviously the way she dressed she was trying to draw my attention to her body, and she was succeeding in a way, but I wasn't an easily distracted young man anymore.

Hell, I was probably old enough to be their respective fathers, even if the likelihood of me impregnating one of the many, many twi'leks I've been with over the years was low without genetic aid. "Shame. I would've liked to know…" I said softly, tapping my cybernetic arm in thought.

"…So are you looking for a good time or not?" she asked, placing her hands adorably behind her back and pushing her reasonably sized breasts forward. "…Maybe you'd like a massage. I know sometimes cyborgs can get very sore."

I found the selection of twi'lek before me rather brilliant. The green one was well proportioned in the chest and the rear, the shorter red twi'lek had the largest chest, while the taller one had a bigger rear… something for everyone apparently. And as always the case with twi'leks they had very attractive faces; they made me want to gently caress them

"…Well it seems my night isn't really going anywhere for now." I said finally, giving her my full attention. "How much?"

She smiled that salesmen's smile that all escorts got when they caught a customer, "200 credits for an hour. And as long as you aren't rough like in there." She gestured to the Iron Maiden, "You can enjoy every second."

Although it was highly beneficial that nobody recognized my face. I always felt slightly annoyed that nobody seemed to know who I was outside Babayaga's organization. On Nal Hutta I'm a little ashamed to say, a girl like her would've charged me 200 credits for a whole night, and she'd enjoy every second, but it also had been a while since I partook in outside professionals. I glanced at the other two twi'leks thoughtfully, before finally deciding I should treat myself. "How much is it for all three of you?"

She laughed, it wasn't a cruel laugh. It just was to her obviously a ridiculous idea that an old cyborg like me could handle all three of them for a few minutes let alone an hour. The other two giggled rather adorably as well, thinking I was joking. "Seriously? You're pretty ambitious aren't you? Well, then it's 600 for the hour. Or at least as long as you can last…" she added with a good humored smile.

"How about for the whole night?" I asked conversationally rubbing my old stiff neck in preparation. Again, it had in fact been a while.

She frowned at me, looking a little annoyed. "…Look, you're a handsome man in a 'sugar daddy' sort of way but if you don't want to be serious…"

"How much for all three of you…" I clarified, looking at the watch on my arm, "Which from now is about 8 hours, to spend the whole night?"

Seeing that I was serious they began to whisper intently in huttese, if I truly cared for what they were saying I could easily listen in but this was more for them than me. If I was pent up I could just go back to Nal Hutta and enjoy myself with one of the many beautiful servant girls in the mansion provided to me by Babayaga's employment.

"…4800 credits." She said finally. "And you pay for the room."

"I'll give you 6000…" I replied diplomatically, occupying their time for the whole night would've been a chip in their profits. It only seemed fair. "And as to the room, one of my apartments is nearby." I placed my organic hand on her backside and squeezed, pulling her close against me

"It's your money sugar daddy…" she giggled, leaning hard against me as I lead them to my place.

The lights brightened up the room as we entered. This apartment was one massive room, a bathroom and a small kitchen. But it wasn't really for living in, it was a safehouse that I had access to, one of many. But it also had a massive double bed which was what I was going to need tonight

"Who do you want to play with first?" the green one asked as the other two immediately began stripping before me; slow, deliberate and teasingly, with practiced care as one article of clothing was removed one after another, they even briefly posed for me. Soon the only things they had on were their various accessories, head decorations and high heels.

"All of you on the bed, show me your backsides…" I said firmly, removing my own clothes. "Keep your legs on the floor, and press your chests on the sheets."

She laughed but obeyed, lying down between the other two twi'leks, "Oh… I like that confidence." She cooed.

The twi'lek with the largest buttocks on the left, and the one with the largest bust on the right I approached them letting my pants drop to the floor as I rubbed my hardened length on the green ones moderately sized, fleshy rear.

"Oh!" she stared legitimately surprised at my size, "Look at that girls, that's an all-natural one." She suddenly seemed much more interested.

The largest-breasted twi'lek looked a lot more nervous at my length but the other one licked her lips with anticipation as I pressed their butts close together, caressing their flesh.

"What are your names?" I asked suddenly, slowly moving my length between the green one's buttcheeks. "I don't want to call you 'Butt' and 'Breasts' all night." I gave both respective red twi'lek's rears a squeeze as I referred to them appropriately.

"This is Teeta…" the green one said, reaching over and griping the large-breasted twi'lek's breasts. "And this is her sister Moona…" she said slapping the large buttock twi'lek on the rear. "I'm Goldie." She said softly, licking her lips, "Now are you going to tease me or enjoy yourself?"

"I can do both…" I said, still not penetrating her, but I slipped my cybernetic fingers into Moona's tight pussy, and one in her butthole… then using a very specific attachment that was originally placed on me as a joke, I let my fingers vibrate gently inside her. She squealed in excited delight as the simultaneous stimulation shot pleasurably up her body and she pressed hard against the bed quivering on my hand and demanding more in huttese.

"I'm afraid I can't do that to you…" I said, addressing Teeta and licking the fingers of my organic hand, "But I imagine you'll still have fun." With well-practiced skill I began to probe and pleasure her increasingly wet vagina, she sighed contentedly, not nearly as wildly pleasured as Moona but she seemed to me like she needed to relax. She did look a lot more nervous than her friends at my size.

"He feels good Goldie…" Teeta moaned softly, "Holy force I didn't think anyone was that good with their fingers…"

Goldie pouted at me, "Hey come on…" she apparently had a certain amount of control over her butt cheeks, squeezing me as I continued to rub between them, "…Me too." Still caressing the other two I easily pulled back from her and slowly thrust myself inside her. She moaned as I spread her open, but suddenly it was overtaken by Moona's orgasm.

She squealed as her eyes rolled upwards, but I didn't stop I just pushed my vibrating fingers further in as I began thrusting in Goldie. She squirmed on the bed as her leg muscles tightened and she pushed forwards trying to stop me from continuing but I merely followed her, keeping my fingers inside her holes. She began screaming curses in huttese, but Goldie and Teeta just laughed delightedly.

"Go! Go! Ride that high sweetie!" Goldie laughed as a blissful smile stretched across her friend's face. And as if to drive me on she kissed her, their tongues stretching out of their mouths as they moaned and swirled around each other.

"O-oh!" Teeta began squirming adorably underneath my hand, "Me too… me too! He's so good!" her head flung backwards as she moaned like a kath hound mating call, I felt her clench tightly around my fingers as if not wanting to let go. I pulled my fingers away and stroked one of her lekku as if to say 'good girl' and I watched as her muscles tightened from her orgasm.

I was just as satisfied with my performance as they were, and now they were all warmed up, I needed to get Goldie to her reward as well. Pulling my cyborg hand from Moona, making her release a disappointed whimper I stuck my longest finger into Goldie's asshole and turned it up to the max setting.

Laughing with pleasured delight Goldie squealed erotically as I kept thrusting, "Holy shit old man! Holy shit! UGH! FORCE!" she hissed and came hard on me, her orgasm forcing her tunnel to squeeze tightly to my length as if begging me to release my load into her.

But it wasn't time for that yet. I got them off to give them a taste; it hasn't even been an hour yet. And thanks to all my enhancements and natural skills developed over years of girls… if they weren't about to enjoy themselves I'd say they were in trouble.

They all panted erotically, and looking at them all I pulled out of Goldie, leaving her vagina panting and gasping for more of me. But looking at Moona's glorious backside, I began caressing her tight butthole with a softly vibrating finger. "…So what can I do with you Moona?" I asked, almost kindly as I gently probed her.

She spoke in huttese, breathlessly with well-earned desire, "What would you like?"

"What do you think?" I asked, shoving my finger deeper into her butt hole and turning up the vibration. She moaned in pleasure as I pulled it back out.

"Where do you want me?" she asked, accepting my wants. Gently I pulled her off the bed and lead her to the wall, carefully placing her against it and pulling her gloriously large rear towards me. I gave it a very light slap and caress.

"Ready?" I asked softly, letting the head of my cock press patiently against her hole.

"Whenever you are…" she whispered, still in huttese as I thrust into her. Her moan of pleasure was pulled from her throat as I slipped my large hardened length all the way inside stretching her hole to its maximum ability. Her sister and Goldie watched us intently as I steadily penetrated her, playing with themselves as I did. I just kept going, like a machine, feeling Moona cum at constant intervals. She squirmed and squealed, bouncing her rear rigorously against me as I took as much of her as I could. She whimpered suddenly as her 5th​ orgasm hit, drowning out Teeta's own self-given orgasm.

"Cum!" she screamed desperately, panting and pleading as she gazed at me, "Please cum! I can't take it anymore!" I gently stroked her lekku and she shivered at my pleasurable touch, "Please!" she squealed as yet another orgasm hit. Her whole body quivered and her fleshy rear jiggled sumptuously against me. I wanted to enjoy her more… and I was going to, but I wanted her to know that I came, only when I wanted to.

"Where?" I asked, and she watched me, mouth agape and not understanding, "Where do you want me to cum?"

"Wherever you want!" she whimpered desperately in huttese, biting her bottom lip in pleasure.

"But what I want…" I told her softly, whispering it like a lover in her *ears (hearing organs) "…is for you to tell me."

Her eyes closed as she let out an erotic whine, she was still bouncing that 'nal hutta booty' as I thrust into her with that steady mind-bending rhythm. She began to yelp as she couldn't take it; then finally in galactic basic she urgently roared "Asshole! Cum in asshole!" she breathed, obviously not used to using the language.

Instantly I slammed myself against her flesh letting it mold against my hips and shot my load deep inside her, caressing her lekku as her 7th​ orgasm hit. She groaned her satisfying pleasure as I pulled her head to face me and I stuck my tongue into her gaping and loving mouth, our tongues embraced for just a moment. Then I began to thrust 'mercilessly' into her again. Smacking her large soft rear cheeks twice with my organic hand to get her going again.

"No~!" she whimpered slightly with a small nervous laugh. She did not want me to continue but at the same time, her body desired me too as I did. Her body began naturally reacting, shaking and jiggling as she slammed back against me, "No, too much! Please let me rest!" she groaned as I kept thrusting into her, it wasn't long before she came again and I decided it was enough torture for her for now. Pulling out suddenly and letting her collapse to the floor as her legs gave out I pulled her head back and released another load of my seed onto her face and down her chest. Making a mess all over her…

Her eyes closed in bliss, she panted her satisfaction as I stroked her cum covered lekku. Ignoring for a moment Goldie and Teeta's groans of delight on the bed, I rubbed my seed into Moona's skin.

"Which one of you came more?" I finally asked softly, eyeing them both while still stroking Moona liked she was a contented pet and I was her loving owner.

Teeta bit her lip adorably and raised her hand.

"Go into the bathroom and turn the shower on." I said firmly, easily lifting the satisfied Moona in a bridal carry, and ignoring the remaining semen on her body as it pressed against me.

"And what about me?" Goldie said, a little dejected but still vigorously masturbating as Teeta headed towards the massive shower.

"Keep going, and keep watching." I replied, setting Moona gently down in the water as the showerhead cascaded down soothingly onto her. I grabbed Teeta's arm and pulled her into the shower with us, letting the water shine onto her body.

Twi'leks always looked amazing when wet; it was like water polished them to a sheen. I caressed her large wondrous orbs of flesh as Goldie sat on the toilet seat and watched us intently. "…Do you know how to use these?" I asked her, prodding her stomach with my hardened length and squeezing her breasts gently.

"Yes." She replied honestly and getting to her knees while using the shower water as lube she began to give me a titjob. I stroked her lekku as she not only embraced and rubbed me with her breasts, but took my length in her mouth as best she could. She might seem like she was an amateur but clearly, someone had been doing this a lot.

The water, as said before only enhanced my pleasure as it acted as lube, but it also gave me something wonderful to look at. She was a beautiful Twi'lek but in water she was a goddess. I'm not trying to be romantic, that was merely the effect water had on all twi'leks. Even the homeliest of twi'lek woman (which is still like a 5-6 on the human attractiveness scale) would look unbelievably beautiful in water. If Ryloth was covered in oceans, you'd never leave if you visited.

I came just a little in her mouth, as if to give her some taste of how good she felt. She whimpered slightly but swallowed it, smiling up at me as if she was done. But she wasn't and she figured that out as I hardened between her breasts again.

"Again, please…" I said politely, escorts tended to put more effort into their work when I was a 'gentleman'. Watching me a little confused (apparently not used to manners of any sort) she smiled faintly and quickly went right back to work as her sister moaned in the corner of the shower contentedly, letting the water clean her with minuscule effort.

She made me cum three more times, but each time I pulled away and shot my load onto her face. She didn't really like it, but thanks to the shower she was quickly washed clean. After the third load I decided it was her turn. Pulling her carefully to her feet so as not to hurt her, I made her face the shower and slipped myself tenderly inside her. Pressing her against the wall and still steadily thrusting I pulled the spout from the wall and turned it to the massage setting.

She looked at me with a face that said 'oh no' as I let the water flow slowly down her body as I made my way to her crotch. Then with a mouth that said "Oh yes!" I increased my thrusting as the shower head massage setting slammed rhythmically against her clitoris.

She was just as tight and felt just as good as her sister. She was also much more sensitive, cuming hard just a few minutes into our connection, I lightly nibbled at her lekku and naturally, she squealed another orgasm almost instantly as her breasts scrubbed the wall like giant sponges as I thrust up into her, lifting her slightly from the floor until her only connection to it was her tiptoes.

"Too good!" she yelled as yet another orgasm hit, "Goldie he's too good!" she looked over her shoulder and embraced my lips with her own, desperate to taste as much of me as possible. "Fuck me." she breathed, "Fuck me!" she shouted as she came again, "As hard as you want Daddy!" she squealed as I pressed her tightly to the wall, letting the shower head drop to the floor and spray everywhere as I used both hands to pull her hard against me and kept penetrating her, burying my full length with each stroke "Use Teeta Daddy!"

"Moona!" she screamed loudly as another glorious orgasm hit and she began spouting nonsense as her mind flew somewhere else to escape the intense pleasure. "Moona this is my new Daddy! He's going to fuck me forever! Cuming!" she yelled her orgasm letting her tongue hanging from her mouth and began clawing on the tile of the wall, her body unable to take the pleasure and trying to crawl away from me.

"I'm your daddy now am I?" I whispered into her *ears (you already know) "…When did any daughter of mine become an escort?" I teased her lightly, "Cum for me again…"

"Yes daddy!" she yelled happily and quivered immediately on command, blissfully staring at the ceiling in mad pleasure. "Cum Daddy. Cum!"

I decided it was time for her break, and I released into her, gently kissing her neck as my seed rushed impatiently into her quivering womb.

"No Daddy…" she breathed, apparently cemented to her 'daddy' fantasy, "No. Daddy you're going to knock me up." She moaned deliriously, her mind still elsewhere as I finished and carefully I pulled out. She fell back against me exhausted and gently I placed her next to her sister on the floor of the shower.

Almost instinctively they began holding each other, it was rather adorable. Placing the shower back and setting it back to normal I let it gently caress them as I looked at Goldie on the seat. She had the look of a predator on her face… she licked her lips.

"Is it my turn now?" she asked breathlessly, still playing with herself fanatically.

"…Get on the bed." I said softly. She rushed back into the bedroom and leaped onto the bed spreading herself to me while still unashamedly playing with her folds.

"I'm all ready sugar daddy…" she said softly as I approached her. I rolled my eyes, and grabbing her legs I easily pulled her closer to the edge of the bed, she yelped in surprise. "Oh! What are you going to do with me?" she asked huskily, still playing with herself.

I stared appreciatively at her beautiful body, then kneeling down I gave her clitoris a longing lick. She groaned slightly, "Oh… are you hungry?" she asked gently rubbing herself on my tongue.

"Famished." I said flatly, before taking her in my mouth. She cried out in pleasure as I shoved my vibrating fingers into her, as many as I could fit without hurting her, and continued to suckle on her clit as if it was a nipple.

"Oh force!" she quivered at my skill, "Oh my force!" her body began to shake as she came, "Ugh!" she slammed her hands on the bed as her orgasm rocked her to the core. Before her body had a chance to recover I dropped on top of her and pinned her down, ramming myself deep into her tightened hole. "You're so big!" she groaned, scrapping my scarred back with her fingernails as she adjusted again to my size.

"You're good and tight…" I moaned into her *ear again, gradually moving inside her as she tightened around me, "You should charge more for yourself."

"T-tuuba!" she squirmed under me, "H-he makes us charge cheap because of his whorehouse!" she whimped, "Oh force you're wearing me out!"

"I haven't even started yet…" I said, quickening my pace slightly as she gasped out in pleasure. "You're just so darn sensitive!" she felt so good, I wanted to cum but I had plenty of time.

"You're a monster!" she laughed happily wrapping her legs around me tightly as I keep pounding into her, "H-how many times have you even cum tonight?" she asked amazed.

"…Not nearly enough to satisfy my 8-hour purchase." I replied, carefully nibbling her lekku as she screamed another orgasm and once again tightened up. "Are you sure you're up to it?"

I suddenly felt her thrust up to meet me, trying to get herself to cum again, "Even if I'm not don't stop! Fuck me unconscious if you want! Just use my holes! Ugh!" she came again, "But for force sakes cum! Cum already!"

I did, burying myself and my tongue into her mouth I released yet another load. My dick might be all-natural, but over seventy percent of my body was not. Giving me amazing stamina and control, and using that control I got instantly hard inside her once more as her orgasm resided.

"…How long do we have left?" she asked, gazing into my eyes.

I smirked like a young man again, "A little under seven hours…"

She licked her lips seductively at me. "…Well then I better give you your money's worth."

I took her again and again, and then when Teeta and Moona recovered I took them as well, separately then together. I took every inch of their holes, I covered every inch of their bodies. Then I took them back into the shower and claimed them some more… it was a veritable orgy in my room for hours on end.

Hours later Goldie squirmed under me on the bed as I slammed my hips into her ass, Moona and Teeta were once again blissfully passed out on the bed. Unfortunately, Goldie had essentially been mind blown, ecstatically she took me but only managed to release pleasurable groans as I released inside her butthole again. I slowly slipped myself out of her as she closed her eyes from exhaustion… my seed leaked out of her well-used hole

I sniffed and a little cruelly, I admit, I shoved my flaccid dick into an unconscious Moona's mouth, as hers was the closest accessible. I Briefly used her lips and tongue to clean myself, although she instinctively licked and suckled me, before pulling out and moving towards a recliner chair, leaving my bed partners on my bed in a heap. Moona gasped erotically as she begged subconsciously for more of my taste. I started out to the Nar Shaddaa's early morning. My time with them was almost up.

Then there was a small buzzing on my arm, and I looked… just a bit surprised at who was calling I set up the receiver directly to my ear so as to not disturb the girls.

"Knights." I said softly as I answered.

"Knights…" the voice repeated but it was deep, harsh, and spoken in Huttese.

"Babayaga." I said instinctively bowing my head as if she was in the room, "This is a surprise, normally I need to speak to one of your majordomos."

"Knights…" she repeated a little more pleasantly, "…Did you have a good time?"

I looked at the exhausted passed-out escorts on the bed, "Babayaga, were they a gift?" I asked, a little jokingly.

"Ho Ho Ho…" she laughed deeply, "No, but perhaps you would like me to send a courtesy to them if they satisfied you. Usually, you just partake of the flowers in your mansion."

"…Well if they accept your offer I wouldn't say no." I replied, watching Teeta's large breasts slowly rise and fall, "They were quite an experience."

"I'll see what I can do." She said with a deep purr. "Still I am not calling you to talk about my employment choices. I'm afraid that the Duros I sent you to discipline have come down with an unfortunate case of death… by blaster fire. So I'm afraid I can't justify paying you."

"Yes I noticed that." I mumbled quietly, only partially annoyed by my paycheck being taken. "Your son had quite a night."

The hutt laughed again, "Yes! Always funny to see him explode. Still not why I'm calling… later today, or even tomorrow you're going to get a call from an old acquaintance of mine. Xalbaia."

"Tuuba's drugmaker?" I snorted, "What does he want her to talk to me about?"

"Ho Ho Ho…" Babayaga laughed, "No… Xalbaia is talking to you, not Tuuba. She asked me to let her borrow a skilled bounty hunter to catch something that interested her."

"Like?" I asked, only slightly interested.

"A beast here and there, a handful of chemicals in the possession of the empire and the republic, and she would like you to bring a certain man named Aiden to her alive. That is a must…"

I shrugged sounded easy enough. "Alright then. Are you alright with that?"

"Yes… but I want you to leave Aiden alone for awhile. Take your time with the jobs she offers you. Aiden is a monkey wrench into Tuuba's machines, and I love watching him squirm trying to fix it. It amuses me."

I rolled my eyes; she was a cruel mistress sometimes. "Yes ma'am. Anything else?"

"Yes." She replied softly, "Do not inform Tuuba that Xalbaia has propositioned you. I imagine she'll tell you that herself but I felt I needed to say it."

"Of course." I replied as Goldie began to stir on the bed. "I'll see you later then ma'am."

"Yes… and I'll send for your new playmates."

And with that, she hung up as Goldie awoke and eyed me dreamily, "Sugar daddy?"

"Ozjin Knights." I said finally, I had grown bored of their nicknames for me, and hopefully, if they accepted Babayaga's offer they wouldn't need to use them.

"…Well…" she looked at the digital clock and said a little playfully. "You still got thirty minutes Ozzy… want me to help you use them?" I shook my head with a chuckle and pointed to my hardened dick, she approached me and kneeled, taking me in her mouth, sliding me easily down her throat as if it were made deliberately to stroke my length. It was a perfect fit; she didn't gag or choke as she flowed steadily down to the hilt. I lovingly stroked her lekku; I loved twi'leks, they are most exotic sentients in the galaxy and my preferred partners. She quivered under my touch as she slipped her fingers into herself and slowly began to rile herself up once more…

"I'm going to cum down your throat…" I said softly, she had hardly taken me in and I was ready to do so. I had decided that my last few minutes with her for the night I would be inside her. "Will you take it?"

"Umm hmm…" she moaned her consent and hilted my length as if I was sheathing a vibro-blade. As I came down her throat, I stared into her blue eyes. "I have twenty minutes left…" I groaned, finishing and carefully pulling her by the lekku off my length, "I now want to spend all of it inside you…"

"…Yes Ozzy…" she breathed breathlessly before climbing onto me and slipping me inside her. We made every second count before I filled her again. And then much later on Nal Hutta we made them count for a lot more. Spending many of my off nights inside the three of them; my new favorite servant girls…

End of Chapter

Ozjin Knights is basically the 'boba fett' of Aiden's generation... only he bangs the hot twi'leks throwing themselves at him.

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