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94.2% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 244: Interval Sixty-Five: Baby Boomer

Capítulo 244: Interval Sixty-Five: Baby Boomer

I don't own Star Wars

Nar Shadda, a deceptive hive of scum and villainy.

"Shut up Boomer." Mumbled KATE irately as Squad DAG-143 breathed in the smoggy air of the notorious vice planet.

"Lighten up KATE!" declared Boomer, grinning cheekily at her. Even out of his demo-trooper armor Boomer still wafted with the distinct scent of something explosive, napalm, or some combination of the two, and his face seemed permanently covered in a small amount of soot.

"That is the purpose of our shore leave." Declared Boss, eyeing the neon of multiple languages from across the galaxy flicking and flashing endlessly off into the sky. Go here. By This. She that... or some semblance of the idea. "To lighten up."

Patch fidgeted in his uniform as Boomer wrapped an arm around his shoulder, shaking him good-naturedly. "Come on PATCH… don't tell me you're going to shuffle back to the ship like Wolf?"

"I wouldn't call it shuffling." Wolf noted with a half-smile at Boomer. "Oriana made it clear that I shouldn't linger on Nar Shaddaa… my family is notorious for certain tastes that she'd like me to avoid." Boomer frowned at Wolf, before noting suspiciously.

"You know for a guy not in a relationship you seem to be in one." Wolf glared Boomer. As he scoffed, and wagged a good chunk of credits, slipping it into his pocket… right next to his hold-out blaster. "Well! If none of you are going to have any fun with me I'll find my own fun!"

"Make sure you're back here in an hour!" Boss ordered firmly, "I CAN track you Boomer!"

To be specific WOLF will track him, but semantics.

But Boomer waved him off, grinning broadly as he let his gaze wander. Patch watched him go for a minute, before groaning and running after him. "I'll keep an eye on him!... can't have him blowing anything up to entertain himself. Their first month as an official Imperial Squad and their fame and efficiency was growing… along with a tendency to cause trouble.

Patch jogged after his squadmate as Boomer grinned at him, slapping his shoulder as he approached and dragging him through Nar shaddaa. "Glad you're here with me Patch!"

"…Because you'd had to wander around alone?"

"What? No. So it doesn't look so weird when I go down this alleyway."

"What alleyway-ooooh…" Patch mumbled, noticing a distinct pattern in the advertising…

All Nude! Live Girls! Company and Kindness! Good hourly rates!

"Aw Boomer." Grumbled Patch as a collection of attractive skimpy dressed women walked by them, ignoring them completely as Boomer led him around. People vanishing into love hotels, alleyways, or even public restrooms. "Come on man do you have to be so weird?"

"It's not weird! We're soldiers, credits are burning through our wallets and we NEED the touch of a lovely thing." He replied, briefly distracted by the ass of a Togruta as she strutted by in skimpy mesh and a short skirt. "And you need it the most!"

"What?! No I don't!"

"Come ooooon Patch." Boomer replied, elbowing him faintly. "…Don't think I don't know about all those unsigned love poems you wrote for a certain sapphire-eyed beauty…" Patch noticeably clamped up. "Which is why, specifically, I brought you here!" he then gestured to a large building with a neon twi'lek above them, swishing her hips and tails with flicking neon lights as the worlds 'TAILS! TAILS! TAILS!' flashed beneath her feet.

"…Nope." Patch declared as Boomer grabbed his arm.

"Come on it's not what you think! It's just a little cabaret club! Girls dance… pour you drinks." He easily dragged Patch along despite the medics' resistance. "Listen to you whine about your non-existent girlfriend."

"I hate you for this." Mumbled Patch dejectedly but his eyes couldn't help but wonder about the darkly light club. There were a few stages, but mercifully the girls on them were dancing with their clothes on slowly to slow-paced jizz music. Shapely hips, voluptuous breasts, swishing plump or thin lekku, all the colors of the rainbow and more.

There was a bar, but there were many, MANY booths and most were occupied by men and elegantly dressed twi'lek girls, fawning or catering to various men of multiple species even a puggy blue ortolan curling his snout against a giggle purple beauty, wrapping up in her lekku as she fondly stroked his ears, feeding him some sort of dish that Patch didn't recognize nor did he want too..

"Nope." Patch replied but Boomer got him in a headlock "ACK!"

"Stop… stop fighting me, Patch. It won't work!" he mumbled, easily subduing the medic. Boomer had to haul several pounds of explosives in full armor there was no way Patch could match him for strength, even though Wolf had them both beat.

"Gentlemen… there's no need for violence." Came a silky voice as Boomer kept his arm around Patch's throat but turned to face a ruby red twi'lek wearing what accommodated to a red curtain with enough holes for her to slip her limbs and head through, revealing a great deal of cleavage and there was a LOT… of cleavage to reveal.

Long, shapely legs, big voluminous breasts and wide child-bearing hims, her long, thin red lekku were adorned with bracelets of gold and her eyes were a shimmering ocean blue, her purple lips stretched into a smile. "…Please?"

Boomer just smiled, "He's being stubborn." He then let go. "But he needs company like the rest of us."

"Oh, most certainly… please…" she wrapped her arm around Boomer's and led him along. "Come over here with me and we'll get you acquainted with our girls…" she said sweatly, "…What is that intoxicating cologne you're wearing?"

"Napalm." He replied as she laughed, slapping his chest with her other hand.

"Oh you!" she giggled, "My name is Ruby… and this is the Oasis of Ryloth."

"I know, I heard good things." Replied Boomer as Patch tried to escape. "Don't let him leave." He smiled as Patch was suddenly ambushed by very busty twin twi'leks, both shiny lime green and wearing traditional, skimpy, dancer's garbs as they dragged him along by an arm each.

Ruby led Boomer to a both, "Well you be sharing company?" she asked, as Boomer shrugged.

"As long as he enjoys himself." Boomer replied as the twin twi'leks stuffed Patch into a booth as he squeaked, both girls giggling as they followed in after him, trapping him between them as they fawned adorably over his increasingly red face. He was almost as red as Ruby. "Speaking of enjoying himself I don't suppose you're open to keeping me enterained?"

She smiled and winked, "…Be right back." She declared, turning abruptly as her curtain-like dress swished, showing off far more thigh than Boomer expected as she strutted towards the bar, as if knowing his eyes were on her ass.

"Boomer help!" squeaked Patch only to be smothered by giggling twi'lek twins, giving him far more 'service' than anyone else currently in the building.

"Get it out of your system buddy." Boomer replied casually as Ruby made her return, carrying a pair of crystal glasses in on hand and a large bottle of what could only be wine in the other. Sliding next to him and putting a glass in front of him.

"I must warn you… I'm an.. expensive commodity." She cooed, popping the bottle easily and pouring a clear but deep blue liquid into the glass. "And I only like expensive things."

"Well, that's great! I like expensive things to. I destroy them all the time…" he replied as she chuckled, pouring herself a glass, licking her lips as she rested them on the glass and began to drink.

About 20 minutes in.

Ruby chottled with genuine laughter as Boomer sloshed blue liquid in his mostly empty glass. "So I says to him. I says to Wolf… 'It's not my fault Critcher's ego was too heavy for the shuttle!"

"Ha-ha! Ah-ha-haha!" she giggled, covering her mouth with her other hand as her breasts wobbled with laughter. "By the force you're insane!" she laughed as Boomer poured another round into their respective glasses. "Ha-ha-ha!" she giggled, smiling sweetly as Boomer's attention turned to Patch a few booths over.

"Patch buddy! Told you this was a good idea!"

Patch however was lying on one of the twin's lap, stroking his head as he poured his soul to them. The other twin gently stroked his arm as he just kept talking. "It's not that weird, is it? That I write them but don't send them?"

"Noooo." Cooed Twin 1: who called herself Winter. "I think it's sweet."

"Yeah, we get love letters all the time." Cooed Twin 2: who called herself Summer. "And only like a third of them are weird…"

"It's just… you know." he mumbled, sighing softly in Winter's lap. "I'm not really supposed to talk to her, let alone like her…"

"Oooh forbidden love is so much more interesting." Summer replied patting his arm, "That's what makes it so much more meaningful.

"HUSH you… and you should just start with actually talking to her. She might be more approachable. Who cares what her brother thinks."

"…You haven't met her brother." Patch replied as both twins nodded but Summer then spoke up.

"Well if you're afraid of approaching her because of her family it wasn't meant to be." She said as both twins nodded their heads sagely, their lekku wiggling adorably as Patch sighed.

"…But I really like her."

"First loves come and go." Winter replied, stroking his head. "…There are other Tauntauns in the herd."

Patch sighed, "Yeah… I guess… it's not like she even knows who I am. My squad is much more interesting in eccentric anyway she's not going to notice the weird medic…"

"Aw don't be like that, you're interesting…" cooed Summer, taking a seat as Winter easily lifted Patch off her lap and let Summer take a turn as he rested his head on hers.

"You're just saying that." sighed Patch.

"I am but it makes you feel better right?"

"…Sigh… yeah."

…The doors to the club burst open as a scared twi'lek flanked by an assortment of thug sentients marched in behind him carrying various implements from a lead pipe to an overlarge wrench. The scared twi'lek however wielded a particularly new-looking blaster carbine. He then raised it up in the air and started blasting the ceiling.

The girls screamed, and most of the patrons cowered as the scarred twi'lek marched right up to Ruby's booth. The only occupied booth that didn't seem bothered at all at the sudden blaster fire. "Ruby!" he screamed at her in huttese. "Tolbot isn't waiting any longer! You pay protection or you pay for a new whorehouse."

Ruby stopped her drunken giggles long enough to glare at him and mumbled irately. "Not a whorehouse." She declared as Patch and the Twins took cover, he pulled a communicator out of his pocket, furiously jabbing the call button, not even saying anything just jabbing away.

"It works better if you send a message!" Summer hissed nervously as the twi'lek shot the roof again and a few of his thugs started breaking things, smashing chairs, tables, punching holes in the walls.

"I am sending a message!" he replied, finally he stopped jabbing the com and slipped it back into his pocket. "It's faster my way."

Boomer glared the thug down as he grabbed at Ruby's arm but she shook him off, "I'm busy. Get a real job instead of working for some two-credit gangster who barely qualifies as a landlord." She hissed smugly, sticking out her surprisingly long tongue and blowing a raspberry. "Pfffb! He'll be dead within a week! Why spend good money on a corpse?"

"You fucking bitch." He lowered his blaster slightly only for Boomer to draw his blaster.

"Ah-ah…" he warned firmly, "…I'm not a great shot but I can't miss you from here." He said, "And stop ruining my fun."

"Yeeaaah stop ruining his fun!" declared Ruby giggling a little more drunkenly than the situation allowed.

It was then Boomer noticed the number of bodies surrounding him, brandishing blunt weapons. "…Oh…" he mumbled, "…Patch. Buddy? Back me up?" Boomer noted, eyeing an angry klattooinian with a sledgehammer.

"Already on it!" Patch declared, as his com beeped and he took cover. "He's here!"

"What?" The scarred twi'lek was briefly distracted by Patch he didn't notice a red-haired green-eyed man snarling angrily like an attack dog into the bar and quickly closing the distance. The twi'lek managed to turn his head just in time for Wolf to grab a lekku, and yank him hard to the floor.

The Twi'lek screamed as his skin on his lekku burst, tearing slightly as he hit the ground hard only to be met with an angry boot onto his face. "MGH!!" knocking out a few teeth as Wolf kicked the blaster away.

A thug reacted faster than the others swinging his large wrench at Wolf only to stare stunned as the snarling man turned on him, catching his wrist in one hand and the wrench with the other, not even pausing as he yanked the wrench from his grip EASILY and swing it one handed across his head with a loud BANG! He went down and didn't move as Wolf roared angrily at the remaining thugs, tossing away the wrench and hurling himself at them. Gripping one around the throat and choke slamming him EASILY through the table of Boomer's booth.

He smashed one's ankle with the heel of his boot before he smashed his nose with his palm, grabbing his head and yanking him into his knee, HARD, destroying his nose and sending him to the ground before whirling on the Klattooninian who put up a better fight, swinging the sledgehammer with strength and speed, Wolf barely dodging it as the klattooninian brought it down hard smashing a hole in the floor before Wolf's foot broke it in half at the head.

The Klattooninian eyed his confused weapon with some confusion and couldn't even stop Wolf from grabbing the back of his head and hurling him face first onto the broken head of the hammer on the floor with a loud, BONG! Wolf breathed baring his teeth like an angry animal as the two remaining thugs dropped their weapons, gazing at him in horrified awe before they quickly made a run for it.

The scarred twi'lek bleeding from the nose crawled desperately over to the blaster only to have his hand stepped on by Boomer who wrapped an odd cord and a small device around his arm. "THeere you goo." Cheered Boomer, holding what seemed to be a trigger. "This sucker's got about half a click of signal so I suggest you start RUNNING." He grinned madly, "Tick-tick-boom."

The device started beeping as the twi'lek gapped at it.

"RunrunrunrunRUN!" Boomer tauntingly cheered as the bleeding Twi'lek scrambled to his feet and screamed as he ran from the bar. Ruby gazed at him in awe as he watched him go and frowned almost adorably.

"…You wouldn't REALLY blow him up would you?" she asked skeptically as Boomer blinked.

"What? Oh… nah I just wanted him to leave. Pretty sure I didn't bring any explosives with me." He eyed the detonator… and pushed the button. He hesitated then smirked, "Nope! No boom."

"Force damn it, Boomer." Growled Wolf, "Patch. Are you alright?" he asked as Patch raised a thumbs up from his hiding spot.

"I'm good." He declared as the two twins also held up their thumbs.

"Hello Mr. WOLF…" smiled Ruby, "Boomer's told me ALL about you…"

"…Hmph." Grunted Wolf, "…I'll be taking the medic. You can keep Boomer." He declared firmly, marching over to the booth. "Patch?"

"Yep right." He got up with the twins as Wolf hauled him carefully from the booth, he waved to the twins and they waved fondly in farewell. "It's been nice girls."

"Come back soon." They declared together as Wolf walked Patch out.

"What about me?" Boomer grinned as Wolf snorted, smirking at him.

"You still got time before Boss sends me or KATE to get you, enjoy it." Boomer slipped the detonator into his pocket… or, honestly wherever he kept it. He always had the means to make at least ONE bomb on his person at all times.

"…Well." Ruby smiled, wrapping his arm around Boomers, "Where were we then?"

Boomer looked around at the wrecked bar, already being tended to by a few of the girls. "…I think we were over there, but Wolf broke our booth."

"…Hmmn… it is sort of… broken at the moment. So why don't I show you my appreciation for getting rid of Tolbot's thugs.

"Wolf did that…" grinned Boomer as Ruby licked her lips.

"…He's your friend isn't he?"


"And he has a very protective family?"

"I'd say touchy but the context of that is only really funny to me." He said giggling as she walked him away.

"…Enjoy the Moment Mr. Boomer." She declared, leading him from the bar.

One moment later.

"MMGn-mmn!" Ruby threw herself against Boomer who smelled like gunpowder, pepper and a shit ton of liquor. They stumbled into her apartment, stripping him of his uniform as his hands slipped beneath the strip of cloth she called a dress, squeezing her soft ass as they stumbled back into the room and fell onto the couch. "MMngh! Mmngh! Ah…"

She was skilled with her tongue, more than just her words and her honeyed lies. It would be crude to say all twi'leks were excellent lovers but it wouldn't be a lie. Boomer's calloused fingers sunk into her red rear as she pushed off his body, grinding on his lap as he reached up, tugging, lifting and stretching her dress away as she finally let it fall apart from her body exposing her smooth skin and full breasts.

"Oh!" she laughed as she was rolled over onto the couch beneath him as he sat up, completely stripping from his uniform tossing his shirt away as she reached up for his pants, opened them and- "…Oh…" she gasped, feeling his impressive size as he grinned.

"Yeah… that's not a detonator." He declared confidently as she bit her bottom lip, extracting his 'detonator' from his underwear and stroking his nearly ten inches of length with her delicate fingers.

"No it's not…" she replied, as he hooked her leg, "Mgh! He raised it up, pressing his rigid erection to her silky folds, "NMaaah! Ahh!!" he fell onto her as she came immediately, her eyes rolling up into her head as he buried his cock into her body. She felt it jam against her womb, her toes curling as she squealed. "Aaah! Force ooooh! Ooh!! NNGh!" she wrapped her arms around him, grinding his body against her as she gasped. "Ooh!"

"Nghgh! Aah! Ah! Aaah!" he gasped, shaking as furiously bucked his hips. "Oooh… mmgh!" he slid his hands up her body, gripping her lekku tightly as she screamed in pleasure, tightening around Boomer as she came…

"AHhh! Aaah!!" he pushed his hips against her. Shaking as she felt his load rush into her body. "Haaah-ooooh…" she gasped as they immediately went limp. "Hah… haha." She caressed his hand as his thumbs did little circles around her lekku. "Mmngh! Mmn… don't… don't doo that…" she gasped, vibrating beneath him as he licked her neck, "MMNgh! AH!" Boomer grit his teeth, yanking free of her body as his cock briefly went limp before shooting up again as he rolled her over onto her stomach, "Ah-aah!" she buried himself back into her body as she laughed, "Ahh-ha-ha-aaah!" she squeaked adorably as he gripped her lekku and rode her hard. Pounding her into the couch as he continued to caress her lekku.

…She never really considered herself some concubine, or slut just because she was a twi'lek but she could never deny that they seemed to be designed by evolution itself to BE sexual… One needed to put in a lot of effort to find an 'ugly' twi'lek female, they exuded natural seductive pheromones, their lekku were sensitive to the touch, and hung behind their heads like riding reigns…

Just saying: it's very hard to argue that twi'lek's weren't designed for lust and fucking.

"Aaah! Ah! UGH-UGH-NNGh! Aaah!" she gasped, shaking as she pushed herself up. He let go of her lekku but inwardly she wanted him to hold onto them more… a twi'lek girl could get hooked on their own lekku. "Ha-ah-ah!" he held her waist firmly in his hands, furiously thrusting into her from behind as his head rolled on his neck.

Her breasts swinging beneath her as she bounced back and forth, her red ass cheeks wobbling as he clapped loudly against her with his hips. Her tongue lolled from her mouth as they moaned together, her fell back onto her as her legs gave out, shaking in pleasure as he bounced onto her again and again and again…


"UUGh!!" their bodies tightened together as he dropped his imperial seed into her womb once again, her legs wrapped around his, rubbing them gently as her silky red skin became covered in goosebumps. "Ha-ha-ha…" he laughed breathlessly. "…I love shore leave…" he grinned into her lekku, licking, kissing and sucking on her headtails as she giggled.

"Ooooh…" she slapped him feebly with the back of her hand, "Ha-ha-ha… you have a quick fuse."

"Yeah but I still got some pretty big booms left." He noted, already thrusting into her again, "Give me a second…"

"Ahh-aah! Hopefully, not an ACTUAL!" she gasped, shaking beneath him, "Second! Oooh! Ooh!!! SHIT!"

40 minutes later.

"Mmmngh…" Boomer dozed faintly on top of Ruby as she cooed beneath him. Rubbing her soft body as she closed her eyes, occasionally shaking before a loud knock rattled the door. Boomer grumbled, both of them shooting away as Boss's voice echoed through it.

"Boomer! Come on get up! You're late!"

Boomer extracted himself from Ruby as she rested her head on her arms, her lekku wiggling as one hung off the couch as she watched him dress. "Sorry to blow up and leave you all alone." She scoffed and winked at him.

"You'll be back." She smirked, "I'll let you run a tab at the bar."

"Oooh right." He replied, reaching into his pockets, "I owe you for the bar. Here just take my credits… I stole them from Wolf anyway." He whispered with a wink. "See you next time I have leave!" she waved to him in farewell, stretching catlike on the couch as her overstuffed pussy leaked his plentiful load.

"…Hmmn…" she sat up, stretched, and didn't think to much about it. And continued to do so until she started gaining weight, and her belly grew rounder. Her breasts fuller…

And little Flare was born nine months later.

Ruby held the tiny little baby in her arms. She cooed, suckling on her mother's milk as Summer and Winter watched her almost fondly as Ruby did accounts. "Ooooh… I want one." Summer purred as Ruby smirked, shaking her head.

"I wouldn't recommend it. Not a lot of guys want to be pampered by an expecting single mother." Ruby grinned sweetly as the girls giggled.

"Knock Knock." Rykrr walked into the bar, carrying two heavy crates under both arms. "Tarisian ale, Corellian whiskey, and my own special mix." He easily placed the crates down and dusted his hands together. "Hello you." He smiled at the babe, completely ignoring the fact that Ruby was nursing her. "That girl's getting bigger by the day." He cheered fondly.

Ruby smiled, "How much do I owe you Rykrr?" she asked, as he waved a hand.

"Pay me when you can. I've had a sudden windfall." He smiled at her, "This new boy I found. Kallus? Wrecking the underground lately." He glanced around at the refurbished bar, "And I see you finally got rid of the blaster holes."

"Business has been poor lately." She declared, "More and more boys are expecting my girls to put out." Rykrr stroked his mustache thoughtfully. "If they want that they should head to the Jewel of Tattooine."

"I know what you mean." He cooed at the baby as she continued to ignore him for her meal.

"I highly doubt it." she smiled, "…How many of your clients are expecting you to go shirtless and dance for them." Rykrr's mustache bristled as he grinned.

"…Well in my younger days in the ring-"

"Hush you'll wake my baby." She declared, even though Flare was noticeably not asleep.

"Well if you have any trouble you let me know. I'll take care of it, and my new guy can use the practice."

"The last thing I need is another angry guard dog wrecking my place of business especially after the LAST one." she replied chuckling.

Rykrr's smiled, "…I thought you said Tolbot's goons did that."

"They did. But they had help from THIS one's…" she said, cooing at Flare, "Father's friend… good thing you took care of Tolbot or I'd be having more problems than lack of child support."

Rykrr looked noticeably more rigid, smirking dangerously. "…I don't know what you mean." He smiled. Ruby just smiled back… It was a know FACT that after her place was shot up that Rykrr crushed Tolbot's 'business' and Tolbot himself… with his bare hands: Pulped his head like a Dantooine fruit.

"…My mistake." She replied sagely as Rykrr smiled, and gently caressed the baby's cheek before helping Summer and Winter heft the crates to the back.

"Well if you really need child support come and bet on my fights. Especially if Kallus is fighting." He declared as Ruby just grinned. He can't be any better than Wolf, the friend of Flare's father Boomer…

Despite how silly their names were.


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