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81.85% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 212: Back to the Past: Bro Night

Capítulo 212: Back to the Past: Bro Night

I don't own star wars

…I imagine most people don't wake up in the morning and beat someone to death with a power converter… but I'm not like most people. in fact this is not the first time I've beaten someone to death with a power converter, but usually I know the reason for it.

"Gragh! GUuug!!" the gran dropped to the ground, his face a messy pulp as I quickly collected myself.

…I was naked. And unarmored… fuck.

I felt my face. No helmet… not good… I woke up in a place I didn't recognize but judging from the smell and the noise it was Nar Shaddaa… wait…

I shook off the bleary feeling in my head, running my hands through my black hair… I remember women and drinking… I almost remember a good time with a busty twi'lek and a short-stacked Zeltron… fuck, I lost it. I kicked over the unconscious-no… wait he's dead… whatever. I didn't recognize him, and he had a vibroknife, he also came at me pretty aggressively… and according to the bindings on my wrists and my current surroundings I was taken captive…

…I was drugged, and a rival gangster took me, prisoner. This idiot was set to guard me, maybe retrieve me… well I can't say working for Torga isn't fun… but now I'm missing my gear. I NEED my gear… it's like my second skin. I frowned, and quickly checked the gran's pockets for anything useful… Ah-ha! A com… I took it, checked it over, and quickly tried to think of who to call…

…Can't really call the clan… I'd never hear the end of it, and I didn't want to lose any respect so Hirai was out, not to mention any coms that weren't of the holo variety were a nightmare ever since her vocal cord injury. I don't want to owe any other clan I know a favor… I either need to do this myself… or…

…Eh. He's a friend. And he owes me. Probably. So I gave him a call.

After a long moment of palpable silence, he finally picked up. "Oooh hoo this better be fucking good WHOEVER this is." Came a rather impatient-sounding Aiden Firemane as a couple of familiar voices cooed.

"Aiden why are you answering the com?" Calypso 'Milky Way' Bessana purred.

"That better not be work calling… mmm!!" Yura Firemane crooned.

…I was not surprised that I called my friend mid-coitus. It was a THING with us. "Aiden. It's Urai… I need a favor. How fast can you get to Nar Shaddaa?" I checked outside… I recognized the area. "District XK12." My mind already whirling on which gangsters worked the area.

"…This can't wait, can it?" he replied with a sigh as his girls crooned and moaned indignantly.

"…I need help Aiden." I said, reluctantly.

"…I'll be right there."

Acquiring less then fitting and slightly bloody clothes from the gran, I slipped the vibroknife into my new old boots and kicked the naked gran over the edge into the depths of Nar Shaddaa. Clean up is always easy here. In his pockets were a few credits, the com, keycodes to a speeder, and a matchbook to some sort of club, The Lacy Lady… Why does all of my work involve strip clubs?

I made myself scarce, it seems they were keeping me in a quiet, out of the way safe house. I had arranged the meet up in the closest space port. But I wasn't leaving. Not yet.

A little more than an hour later… the Scarlet Rebel II hissed through the open hanger roof, landing comfortably on the port pad as I approached, and the ramp opened. Signature blood Red coat, red armor, red hair and green eyes. Aiden Firemane had landed… he stepped out of his vessel, a pair of very surly but beautiful looking women, Yura and Milky, glared at me. "I'll be back when I finish helping Urai." He said, waving with a half-smile at them… but they kept glaring at me as the ramp shut… "…Oh man you really pissed them off." He mumbled, handing me a spare blaster rifle. It felt good and weighty in my hands. "So. What's going on?"

My explanation was brief and to the point, he nodded knowingly. "…Sounds like you got honey-trapped." I frowned at that.

"Thank you. Aiden. That had not occurred to me." I replied sarcastically.

Aiden shrugged but smirked. "Alright so do we have any clues?"

"…I can only imagine-" I said sourly, pulling out the "Lacy Lady" matchbook. "-That whoever's running this club has issues with me. Or Torga."

"…Better than nothing… but just in case, who has Torga pissed off recently?"

"…Nobody I'm aware off." I replied as Aiden scratched his scruffy beard in thought.

"Well. Darn… okay I guess we're going to a strip club… why is it always a strip club? Ah well. Bro night!" he grinned as I sighed.


"What? We're dad's now. This is us going out and having a good time together…"

"…We're probably going to shoot people." I noted.

"A good time." He repeated, grinning, "…Rent a speeder?" he asked as I shook the Gran's keycodes.

"Got that covered…"

We got in the speeder as he took the matchbook, examining it. "…He was certainly there recently, only one match has been used." He glanced at me as I input the location in the guidance system. "…Or you know. He just wanted to see some half-naked girls."

"No, he was trying to take me somewhere… that's what I got out of him before I beat him to death." He frowned at me. I rolled my eyes, "I was half-drugged. Give me a break… I'm not exactly used to waking up in a strange place with no clothes after a night with beautiful women." I glared at him and he shrugged good naturedly.

"That's fair."

I pulled the speeder down as we arrived, far enough away to get a good view but not close enough in case I would be recognized. A big pink neon sign flickered on and off 'Lacy Lady', as men walked in by the handfuls…

"So… what's the plan?" Aiden asked, watching thoughtful as I revved up the blaster rifle.

"Go in. Start shooting." He put a hand on the rifle and pushed it down.

"…Really? Come on Urai I know your pissed, but that sounds like a lot of dead strippers. We don't even know who runs the place. So calm down, call that plan B, and think for a second."

I growled, took a breath, and glared at the building. After a moment of deep thought. "…I suppose theoretically I didn't take off my helmet in the building. So only people who've seen my face would recognize me."

"That's it… I believe in you." Aiden grinned as I rolled my eye and continued.

"…And if they've seen my face they were probably involved in this scheme, so at least we'll know if they suddenly start running"

"There we go! Now lets go see some strippers." Aiden grinned, putting the blaster rifle in the speeder and handing me a blaster pistol, I suppose it was much easier to hide. We approached the Lacy Lady, Casuaul. Just a couple of friends looking for a good time… before we passed through the double doors I paused, there was a holo-imager outside, it flickered every few seconds showing a new life-sized girl. Apparently, according to the huttese imaging over the girl, it was a previewer of who would be dancing on the main stage.

Currently it showed a blue skinned twi'lek with northern continent features, her mouth was slightly open and a long thick tongue hung way past her chin, her hands were on her big, heavy and round fake breasts and her shapely hourglass waist was clad in a tight thong bikini. Apart from the bikini, she was naked, her hands covering over her nipples, a small trace of her aureole peeking from behind her fingers.

"…I know her." I said, staring at the holo-image as Aiden glanced at her. my head hurt a little as the vague memories throbbed. I remember her oddly long tongue slithering on my cheek as she pressed her breasts to my arms. "…She was… I was with her…"

Aiden studied the girl and smirked, "Urai you dog…" he grinned good-naturedly as the imager changed.

A zeltron appeared; the right side of her head was shaven close to the scalp, but the left was long and lustrous, covering over her left eye. Her lips were big and pouty, and she had a ring piercing on the bottom lip. But she was also little under five feet, she was short, but stacked. Her hands were on her head, jutting her big breasts, wrapped in a tube top, out… She didn't have a 'dancer thin' frame, but her lower body was still pleasantly shapely, with a large bountiful ass and thick thighs, her modesty covered by long curtain like veil that hung from her front and back, between her legs and over the center of her wide ass, held together by a tight thin chain around her waist. Practically ready to burst off her body.

I recognized her too… and her lips, at more than one point they were on mine. "…I was definitely here." I said glancing at Aiden. He crossed his arms thoughtfully and nodded. But was shoved forwards by an eager looking Gamorrean, he grunted and squealed. We were blocking the entrance.

"Sorry bout that." Aiden said politely as the gamorrean grunted again, but walked it, apparently more interested in seeing women than starting a fight. "Okay they definitely brought the 'honey' from here… but were they involved in the trap?" he asked under his breath as I shook off the memories of last night as the Zeltron girl changed into a ridiculously huge breasted human woman.

"…Good question. Let's go ask." I replied as Aiden smirked. And we entered…

The jizz music made my head throb, but I managed to push it back as I glanced around the club, there was a bar being tended by girls wearing tight tops and lots of make-up. A main square stage with three poles and currently occupied by three attractive strippers. A half dozen booths with sturdy tables occupied by various species including a collection of Jawas.

A waitress, a human blonde girl in tight shorts that emphasized her shapely lower body, walked past them. One grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the table, exchanging words and credits. She stuffed the credits into her tall leather boots, drop down her serving tray, and stepped directly onto the table, dancing for the chattering cheering Jawas, bouncing her rear and shaking her chest.

…Honestly I was used to strip clubs. Hell, I lived in one… Aiden however seemed more curious than anything. I glanced at him, as he tilted his head subtly towards the bar. He led the way and I followed.

"What can I get you boys?" purred the tabby cathar, leaning forward and looking particularly adorable even as her breasts bounced in her tight shirt. Aiden grinned charmingly; I just rolled my eyes.

"Hey there beautiful." He said, "My buddy just had a real bad breakup."

She eyed me up and down, and frowned sadly, "Ooh… that's too bad." She said sweetly, batting her pretty eyes at me as her ears twitched cutely.

"I was wondering, there was a pretty Zeltron girl on the holo outside." Aiden tilted his head, "…My buddy's got a thing for Zeltrons." He added as I snorted… personally I don't have a 'thing' for any 'thing'. Human, twi'lek, zeltron, mirialan. Those were just words as far as I was concerned… granted I had a 'fondness' for mirialans until my wife cheated and left me… but that wasn't a mark against their race.

"Shapely Staci." The cather said, "Short? Stacked? Extra cushion for pushin?" she purred as Aiden kept smiling at her.

"That's right. Is she in?"

"Well… she just got off stage…" she replied. "I suppose I could call her up for you…" she then smiled at me, I honestly could not help but smile back. "…But are you sure you don't have a 'thing' for cathars?" she purred, her tight behind wagging slightly as she gazed at me.

"…Maybe I will later." I admitted as she giggled sweetly.

"…I'll call her up for you boys. Go wait in the vip rooms, #1…" she said, pointing towards a droid guarded door. Aiden tipped his hat, and pushed her some credits in thanks, then together Aiden and I headed towards the back.

"…I'll be honest Aiden. I'm surprised you're not getting a good eyeful." I said as we passed the droid into the first room, curtained off from the hallway.

"Uh, I don't know if you noticed but I'm married to two of the most beautiful women in the galaxy." He replied grinning, "…And one of them can break me in half." He added as I shrugged. "Not to mention the other two…" he noted as I conceded the point.

"…So. Now what?"

"Now we ask politely why she honey trapped you." Aiden said, gesturing to the side of the curtain. "Wait there…" he said as he sat down, staring at the curtain and waiting.

We didn't have to wait long.

"…Hey there baby…" cooed a velvety voice as she stepped into the room. Well, her breasts came first, then the rest of her. She was wearing the same clothes that had appeared on the holo-viewer outside. The cloth wave enticingly as she pushed opened the curtain and swayed seductively for Aiden. Her long hair covered her right side, the side I was standing on… she didn't notice me. "I'm Staci."

"Hello Staci." I said, she turned, and her eyes widened as I put the blaster pistol to her head. "Don't scream." I said immediately as Aiden got off the couch.

"Y-You…" she said nervously, shivering noticeable as I pulled her away from the curtain and towards the couch. "But you're not supposed to be here!" she said. I glared at her into silence. Aiden covered her mouth from behind as she squeaked nervously. She was dwarfed by the both of us. Barely coming up to our chests. She was cute, and sexy… shame.

"Heeey…" Aiden said smiling, "Soo… I try to make it a habit of NOT shooting sex workers…" he said as she went rigid. "But my buddy Urai is really pissed off. So I'm not entirely sure about him…" she whimpered nervously. "So… here's the deal. He pulled out the last of the Gran's credits and stuffed them into the chain of her bottoms. "You tell us WHY you thought it was a good idea to jerk around a mandalorian without a happy ending and I'll convince him not to shoot you."

"Seriously?" I asked indignantly, looking away from the terrified Zeltron girl.

"What? The not shooting part? Yeah."

"No. I mean the happy ending part is everything about sex with you?"

He glared flatly at me, "…You have caught me screwing my wives too many times for me to answer that question. Can we get back to getting your stuff?"

I sighed, nodded, and we both went back to our 'Nice Bounty Hunter/ pissed of Mandolorian' thing. Aiden then removed his hand as she sang like a pa'lowick.

"I-I was just supposed to keep you distracted!" she said hesitantly, "Me and Su'lei. Keep you happy and entertain you! T-Then you just kinda… passed out! And-and the boss told us good job and sent us on our way. I don't know where your stuff is…" she fidgeted. "Please don't shoot me." She begged pleadingly.

"Ooh how can we shoot that face?" Aiden said, as her pretty eyes watered in tears.

…Well I certainly can't… she was just doing her job. I work with way too many strippers not to relate… but to the matter at hand. She was too nervous to notice me pull my finger of the trigger. But felt the blaster barrel against her temple. "MMnhmm!!" she shivered in terror as I growled.

"Where's. My. Helmet."

"I-I don't know. Me and Su'lei left you with the boss and his men." She said, not looking at me.

"then where's your boss?" I growled.

"I-In his office…" she said as I looked at Aiden. He just smiled.

"Well let's ask him then… take us there." He said to her, pushing her gently ahead. I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her close to me as she shivered.

"Act natural." I said, stroking her body as she shuddered.

We slipped unnoticed through the crowds, too distracted by the girls to care that three people were wandering around… slipping us into the back hallways and heading towards a ornate door. I was about to 'knock'… with my boot. When we heard.

"Where the hell is Corfee!!?" Staci shuddered and seemed to try and run, only for Aiden to clap a hand on her smooth pink shoulder and press his ear to the door. I joined him.

"Apparently… Urai was too much for him…" came another… familiar voice.

Familiar to me. I KNEW that voice. I hadn't heard it since my father passed… that son of a bitch!

"Sanju-Ro." I snarled in a low hiss as Aiden looked at me curiously.


"…He's a Mandalorian, my father's former right-hand and former heir to the clan."

"…What changed that?" Aiden asked, but he had a look on his face that told me he already knew the answer.

"I was born. He didn't like that." I noted with a scowl.

…Sanju-Ro used to be the heir apparent. Then my father met my mother and had me… Sanju was supposed to train me, aid me, when I inherited the leadership. But he resented me and left the clan once my father died. Sanju-Ro was a traditionalist, he never took off his helmet in public, but he was also honor and glory crazy.

"Damn it Sanju this is getting out of control…" the first voice mumbled nervously. "What will we do? Torga will come down on my holdings like a star destroyer! We need to find that Mandalorian…"

"Calm down." Sanju said coldly, almost emotionless. "…The chemical cocktail we slipped him will have jumbled his memories. It won't be traced back to us, and we can deny everything… Urai even helped us by getting rid of Corfee, that stupid idiot. I told him to take a crew."

"Yes… yes your right we can just. Deny everything… Torga will never know."

"All that's left is to tie up loose ends. Everyone involved."

"W-what? Even me?"

"…No… sir. Not you." Sanju said patiently. "…But I know I won't talk. And you won't talk… Corfee is dead. So that just leaves our bait." Staci suddenly went very, very vigid. Her pink skin turning white as her eyes widened. "Those two strippers, we need to send them far, far away."

"…On vacation?"

"…Yes. A permanent one… at muzzle velocity."

"…Oh my god, they're going to kill us…" she whimpered. "I did exactly what they told me too!" she cried softly. "I'm going to die." She sobbed, trying her hardest to keep as quiet as possible. "Su'Lei too…" she sobbed, panic setting in.

"You're not going to die." Aiden replied calmly, "As it so happens Urai and I are excellent damsel savers." Simultaneously Aiden and I readied our pistols as I took Staci and dragged her aside. "Care to knock?"


My foot shattered the door and I got a brief glance of a fat Weequay and a black armored Mandalorian, so black that I couldn't tell where his visor began, and his helmet ended. "Sanju-Ro!" I roared, aiming as he reached out and dragged the weequay in front of him.

He gave on a single indignant cry before shrieking in pain as my blaster fire pierced into his arm. Aiden dragged me aside as Sanju's blaster rifle was up and sending blaster rounds rapidly back at us as the weequay whimpered in pain on the floor. "Sanju!!" I roared, as Aiden and I fired around the corner. Sanju however was gone, another door swung free at the back of the office. "Bastard!" I growled as Aiden stepped in, kicking over the weequay.

"Hey." He pointed the blaster directly at his face as Staci hesitantly followed me in. "Where's my buddies helmet?"

"S-Sanju took it that BASTARD!" he hissed as I stepped on his wounded arm. "Arrgh!!"

"Where did he go!!?" I snarled.

"H-He stashes his ship at a nearby warehouse!" he sobbed, "I-It was all his idea! To take your bioscans and rob Torga! it was all him!" Aiden glanced at me curiously as I angrily rolled my eyes.

"…Do you even have access to Torga's money?"

"Not directly I need his permission and he gives me credits." I replied sourly, "His accountants handle his money, I handle assholes like him." I gestured to the weequay. "What the FUCK is your name anyway?"

"…Sabadu…" he sobbed.

"You fucking work for Torga now." I said coldly, getting something out of today before aiming my blaster at him and firing rapidly at his head. Purposefully missing as the bolts singed around him. He nodded rapidly, completely terrified "Y-Yes! Yes sir!!"

"And those girls. Staci, and Su'Lei." I added. "They're MINE now. Compensation for PISSING ME OFF." Staci blushed and fidgeted, beside me. "You touch what's mine and I TAKE what's yours!" I stepped between his legs, pushing slightly as he squeaked indignantly. "Do you understand me!?"

"Yes sir! Yes Urai sir!" he sobbed, as Aiden nodded.

"That's great and all but we should go get your ex-buddy right?"

"He was never my 'buddy'." I turned to Staci, she jumped and fidgeted. "Get your friend, and get to-" I glanced at Aiden.

"Hanger 8AJA." He suppled.

"There. You're mine now." She fidgeted, "…Nobody's going to touch you, but me." I added, less harshly as she nodded her head, very pink in the face. "Go!" I said, she jumped nervously and quickly ran out of the room. "Let's go." I added to Aiden he smirked and traded on Sabadu's chest as we ran after Sanju-Ro."

We went through a long tunnel, it twisted and turned but soon we were back on the street, "Which why did he-" I began but Aiden pointed.

"There! Into that warehouse." He said running to a decrepitude looking building as the very roof began to shutter and clank open. "Shit!" Aiden cursed, shoulder charging through the rotting door as a one-man ship began to hum to life.

"Shoot the engines!" I roared as we simultaneously blasted the engines with our pistols. We must have hit one a dozen times as it began to lift off but suddenly it burst in a flicker of light and smoked, crashing back to the floor.

Everything was still. Nobody moved.

…Then the side of the ship slid open with an ominous hiss… Sanju-Ro stood there, radiating fury, blaster in one hand, and a detonator in the other. Strapped to my helmet was a thermo-detonator. Fuck me. "Urai-Ken." He snarled, "I'm calling you out…"

"…Seriously?" Aiden mumbled as I cringed irritatedly.

"Sanju return my helmet." I said coldly as his thumb slowly rubbed the button on the detonator.

"Come and get it." he said. Sternly. Glaring at me behind his black helmet.

"…Aiden. Stay out of this."

"You literally brought me into this." Aiden replied, but kept his blaster on Sanju as I handed him the other. "Besides what's stopping him from just shooting you dead?"

"…He's a Mandalorian." I said firmly. And approached.

"…I've been waiting a long time for this." He said, holstering his blaster and stepping off his ship to meet me. Seconds before his hand cracked across my face. I stumbled he came at me again, his fist wrapped around the detonator as it slammed against my face.

I can't say getting into a fistfight with an experienced Mandalorian in armor was a good idea. But I'm still a little drugged… I blocked his oncoming attack with one arm before sinking my fist into the softer parts of his arm, he grunted painfully before I kicked the side of his knee. My father trained both of us, we knew each other's moves but I was much more limited in where I could hit him…

That and he was still wearing his helmet, of which I was made most aware off as it cracked on my face in a head butt.

"Aggh!" blood spewed from my nose as he booted me in the chest, sending me to the ground.

"I should've led the clan." He growled coldly, sitting on my chest and pounding me as I protected my face… today was not my day. "I was superior! I would've led us to glory and honor! Not some hutt's personal toys!"

"You would've killed us all! You got five of our clan killed just so you could fight a squadron of republic troopers!"

"It was glorious." He replied manically, grabbing my hair and wailing at me with his detonator hand, "Your father was a fool to pick a meek little shit like you."

…Fuck this asshole.

I reached down, grabbed the vibroknife from my boot, and slashed it blindly across his side as he growled angrily, I got mostly armor but some mesh was slashed open, blood seeping from the wound. "You dishonorable coward!" he roared.

"You're wearing armor!" I replied back angrily. "And your holding my father's helmet hostage!"

"Let me change that." he said, firmly and everything slowed as his thumb went to push the button.


"AAAAARRRRGH!!" he clutched at his stump of an arm, smoking as he trembled, the detonator destroyed as I ran the knife into his side and shoved him off. Aiden glared behind his smoking blaster as he approached the wounded Sanju.

"…Yeah. I've had enough of you beating on my friend…" he said coldly.

"Y-you… should've faced me… in honorable combat…" hissed Sanju as he glared behind his helmet at me. "As was… tradition..." his smoking stomp sizzled painfully as he twitched.

"…Tradition gets our people killed." I replied abruptly. I glanced at Aiden soundlessly sending my thanks, he just nodded. That was the thing between us… we had each other's back. I took my helmet from his ship, giving to me by my father and his father before him going all the way back to a Mandalore. Perhaps one day I'll give it to my Mirai… assuming my ex doesn't turn her into a slut…

Which… considering the rest of her mother figures were a large group of strippers I had to be more than concerned.

"I will kill you for this Urai. I will…" he hissed, he was apparently going into shock.

"Aiden?" I said coldly, as Aiden tossed me his blaster. "My father let you leave Sanju. As was tradition. But then you made war on your clan." I said aiming at him and firing repeatedly until his smoking body stilled. "…That was tradition..."

"…Man that shit gets you killed." Aiden noted as I handed him back his blaster. "Got everything?" he asked as I quickly searched the ship. Not finding the rest of my gear.

"No. but I got what was more important." I said, removing the charges on my helmet and tossing them into the ship.

"And a pair of strippers." Aiden pointed out, Inwardly I sighed to myself. I had done that in the heat of the moment, getting property and girls for Torga out of this awful day had briefly taken over when I threatened Sabadu. "I also assume you want a ride?"

"…Considering I'm not entirely sure how I got to Nar Shaddaa in the first place. Yes. Please." I added, as he smirked.

"Bro night." He replied confidently as I rolled my eyes.

"Let's not make that a thing."

"What? Strippers? Blaster fights? A vendetta? I love my job." He noted.

"Aren't you a sheriff?" I replied with a grin.

"Well yeah. But my jurisdiction is Luna IV. Right now, I'm a semi-retired bounty hunter helping out my best friend."

"…I'm your best friend?" I replied, legitimately surprised.

"Well… I pay Short-Round, so our relationship is mostly professional. And Caradoc owes my family a life debt so that's kinda cheating. So that leaves my only male friend, you." He noted, sincerely. "…So I got your back Urai… any other angry Mandalorian outcasts I need to worry about?"

"Not that I'm aware off…" I noted, although admittedly. I was unsure.

We returned to the hanger, standing nervously outside The Scarlet Rebel II was somewhat more moderately dressed Staci and Su'Lei. Both with small bags of things and looking nervous as we approached. "…Looking pretty good there Urai." Aiden noted as I glared at him. The ramp opened as he smiled at them, "Ladies. Welcome aboard." They glanced at me; I tilted my head towards the ship.

Judging by how terrified Su'Lei looked. She was made away how their lives were forfeit, coming with me saves them… but as we got onto the ramp. Milky and Yura glared at Aiden, who had the audacity to look sheepish as Milky noted cutely. "You're late."

"…I didn't really have a time table Milky-" he began only for the former holo-girl to wrap her arms around him, kissing him deeply and violently as Staci and Su'Lei watched in fascination. Aiden finally took a breath, gazing at the sultry look his wife was giving him as Yura purred, rubbing his arms. "Ahem… ladies and gentlemen, our flight will be delayed. Please have a look around and amuse yourSELVES!" he was suddenly dragged away towards his quarters by his wives where the doors then promptly SHUT.

"….WOO HOO!!" came an echoing cry as I rolled my eyes. And glanced at the former Lacy Lady strippers. Now. More than likely, Jewels.

"…What are you going to do with us." Su'Lei breathed softly, she spoke in huttese… I placed my helmet down on a nearby workbench.

"I'm going to take you to Torga. Your Jewels now… I'll let the other girls explain."

"…You're not going to kill us?" Staci fidgeted nervously as I rolled my eyes, running a hand through my black hair.

"If I was going to do that, I would've done it. You were only doing what you were told, yes?" they nodded quickly. "Then we'll call it even… obedient girls, are good girls. Torga doesn't kill girls for being obedient." Torga in general doesn't kill girls at all, he'd just get rid of them for a profit, any profit if they prove to be too troublesome.

They glanced at each other and seemed to relax a little. I sighed, looking around the Rebel II. "Get comfy. Aiden likes to… stretch out his sessions." I noted, sighing. An hour or two? When it came to sex Aiden was comparatively a Mandalorian. I began to walk through the ship, passing the kitchen to one of the many spare rooms…

The girls followed me. "Just relax." I said, "I'm sure there are some holo-vids on this ship NOT amateur porn…"

Staci suddenly pressed her generous cleavage to my chest. Gazing sultrily up at me. As I stared curiously back. "…You saved our lives, didn't you master Urai." She purred silkily as I raised an eyebrow at her. 'Master' Urai now, was it.

"In a sense…" I said placidly as Su'Lei began rubbing my arms, her thick lekku brushing against me as her surprisingly long tongue slithered over her lips.

"Master Urai…" Su'Lei cooed and huttese.

"So… we should, apologize… properly to you." Staci said silkily, her own tongue sliding across her purple lips as her hips wiggled. "Please master Urai, let us entertain you."

"…I suppose I should sample your talents before I introduce you to Torga…" I noted lazily, my hands sliding around their bodies. Su'Lei's slender hourglass waist and Staci's large apple ass. As their hands slid against my crotch.

"Ooh.. Master Urai." Staci purred, "…It's big." She cooed, rubbing her breasts against me as she gazed sultrily at me. "Don't hurt us with your big weapon Master Urai…" she teased, moaning pleadingly as Su'Lei wiggled her big soft breasts against my arm.

"No hurt." She begged in basic, sounding nervous, "Make feel good…" she whimpered, her long tongue sliding against my face, slithering around my ear. "No hurt."

I smirked, caressing their soft shapely bodies… I was convinced. "Alright. Come." I ordered, stepping away from them and taking their hands, guiding them into a room. Two beds were on each wall and I pulled them towards one. "Don't call me 'Master'. Urai will be fine." I sad firmly as they cooed, hands caressing their own bodies as I glanced up and down them both. "Strip." I said, sitting on the opposite bed as they pressed their bodies together and began to dance, slowly, twirling and swaying their bodies as strips of clothing were removed. By their own hands or each other's.

Stripped to their underwear Staci swayed her short, stacked body until her wide hips were facing me, her ass bouncing left, right, up and down as Su'Lei knelt beside her, her long tongue slithered from her mouth and along the zeltron's silky pink ass cheek. They moaned together as Staci's ass rubbed against Su'Lei's fleshy organ as it bounced.

A slight sheen now on her cheeks, Su'Lei gripped Staci's underwear and pulled it down as Staci's hips rolled and bounced. Su'Lei's hands cupped Staci's ass cheeks, lifting them up as she gazed nervously at me. "Good body. Staci feel good." She said, patting Staci's big ass cheek proudly as Staci giggled.

"Staci." I said firmly, Staci stopped dancing, gazing at me over her shoulder. "Come here." She paused, then turned, approaching me as I gripped her bra, pulling it slightly. She removed it for me, her big round breasts wobbling free as I wrapped a hand onto her ass, it smacked loud but not hard as she purred. "Su'Lei." I said, pulling Staci's naked body against my still clothed one and watched the pretty twi'lek. "Dance."

"…Yes." She said obediently, watching me as she began to sway her hips. Staying in place as her body moved, her hands sliding up and down her frame, tossing her thick lekku occasionally as I caressed Staci's smooth body… her hand slowly sliding to my crotch to rub my obvious erection as it throbbed to Su'Lei's enticing movements.

Soon her soft and large natural breasts bounced free of her bra as she let it drop to the floor, her hands slipping beneath the waistline of her panties, pushing them with a shimmy to the floor. She rubbed her inner thighs, emphasizing her smooth pussy before sliding over her bouncy natural breasts to rub her lekku. "I Good?" she cooed as I smiled.

"Very good." She smiled prettily at me, my hand still rubbing Staci's ass she leaned close, whispering in my ear.

"…How do you want us, Urai?"

I chuckled, squeezing her ass hard as she cooed, "Let's start with the basics." I slowly got up, taking off my shirt as they eyed my muscled body. Then dropping the loose pants as their eyes focused on my cock. "Big." Su'Lei said, eyes wide as she stared.

"Thank you." I grinned, reaching out to her pliable breasts, pulling her forward as I tilted her head and kissed her.

"Mmn… mwah…" she moaned, mouth opening as she shoved her long tongue into my mouth, wrestling mine admirable as I groped and squeezed her body against me, my cock rubbing between her thighs, and against her pussy as a tiny drool of arousal left a trace over it as her hips ground back and forth.

"MMN…" I pulled away, her blue face a little pink. "Pretty girl." I purred in huttese as her blue face went very pink and she fidgeted shyly. "Show me your tongue." I said as she fidgeted again but opened her mouth as her long tongue stretched out. It went over her chin and could almost curl under her jaw to touch her neck. "Beautiful." I said as she moaned, my thumb running against it as she wiggled it.

I pulled away, sitting down on the bed as I stared at her silently, my cock throbbing. She fidgeted, then knelt before more. Hand on my cock as her tongue pressed almost the full length against it, before it curled slightly around it. she pulled her hand away, aiming my tip into her mouth with only her tongue as her hands went to her elastic breasts. Holding them tightly as she waited.

"Suck." I ordered, her lips wrapped over my length. "MMn…" my hands clutched gently to her thick lekku, casually stroking them as she returned the moan.

"Mmn!" she slurped down my length, her tongue tight around my shaft as her head went lower, seemingly pulling my cock deeper into her mouth. Like a snake dragging prey to its lair. Her mouth was amazing, her tongue was firm, her lips were soft, her suction was tight. She suckled and slobbered over my length, bobbing her head as I stroked her supple lekku, moaning in pleasure as her eyes gazed devotedly up at me, eager to please, eager to satisfy.

…It was a good thing I claimed ownership of her. Killing a talented woman like this would've been a blight on the galaxy.

"MMN. MMn! Mmph! SLURP!!"

"Ah! Hah. Fuck." I cursed softly as my cock pulsed in her mouth with every bob of her head. She gazed at me devotedly, pleadingly, begging me to be satisfied with her oral skills. It wasn't a difficult request to grant. "Cumming!" I declared, she sunk my cock into her throat, her tongue slobbering over my ballsack as she drained my first load, suckling gently as she cooed. I direct deposit into her stomach, and she held me long inside her throat until I was finished. Gasping for breath as her long tongue flicked my length with a snap, shooting into her mouth.

She licked her lips adorably, gazing at me as my cock pulsed weakly against her cheek. "I do good suck?" she asked meekly as I grinned, firmly stroking her lekku as she cooed.

"You did great. Sit on the bed." I said kindly as she got to her feet, sitting down on the bed as I let my attention turn to Staci. She lied slightly on the bed, legs spread and fingers rubbing her pussy absently as she watched her friend give me head. She was wet, she was ready, and my cock throbbed enticingly at the thought.

I grabbed her ankle, easily adjusting her on the bed as I spread her legs wider, pushing them back as her feet became parallel with the roof. "Your so hard Urai…" she cooed as I crawled dominatingly over her, "MMn that's going to feel so good inside my pussy." My saliva-soaked cock rubbed against her silky folds as I grinned at her.

"Oh? You want it inside your pussy?" I asked, rubbing my tip against her drooling labia as she purred.

"Uh huh…" she said, wiggling her hip, trying to get me to push.

"How do you want it? Hmm? Maybe I should find a rubber… I'm sure Aiden has one."

…No he fucking doesn't.

"I want it hard. I want it DEEP. FUCK me like you OWN me…" she purred, licking her lips as her pussy drooled excitedly, her pheromones going haywire as I gently cupped her chin. Smirking.

"I DO own you." I felt her pussy quiver on my tip, then I heard her scream as I got to the base of my cock in one firm thrust.

"Ooh my GOD!!" she cried out, shaking wildly as I immediately pounded down into her, the bed creaking and groaning beneath us as her short body bounced with my pumps. Her pussy squelching wetly around my cock as I slid easily in and out of her, even as her fold clamped down, trying to keep me deep inside as I pulled out. "Oooh stretch my pussy…!" she squealed as she trembled.

She felt… amazing. Most women feel amazing, admittedly. But there was something about one who submitted so entirely to me that just enhanced the feeling. "Fuck me! Fuck me!!" she squealed as Su'Lei watched in awed fascination.

"You! Feel! Amazing!" I snarled, grunting at the feeling of her clamping down. Slamming deep as she shuddered and screamed, pinning her body onto the bed. "You like that cock don't you?"

"I fucking LOVE cock! I love it raw!" she moaned as I began to rapidly move my hips, barely pulling out and just worming on her body with rapid piston pumps. "I Love it DEEP. I want to be fucked all the time…" she whined, pleadingly as her body shuddered majestically beneath me, an orgasm surging through her as I pushed her long purple hair from her face gazing possessively at her.

"…Maybe I should just keep you as my personal pet." I growled softly as she trembled, wiggled, tightened around me at me words. "Collar you." I said, licking her cheek as she groaned, shuddering as I lied still, cock pulsing in her sensitive, quivering insides. "Keep you leashed in my bed chambers to be used. Morning! and! Night!" I grunted, with three steady and deep thrusts.

"Oh GOOOD! Whatever you want!!" she whined, "Please! Please!! Faster! FASTER!!" she begged, gazing pleadingly at me. "I can feel it…. please so close!!" her toes curling in the air as her fingers sunk into her flesh.

I pulled slowly out, to the tip. And finished her off.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! YES! YES! YES! POUND THAT PUSSY! I'M GOING TO CUUUUUUUUUUM!!!!" Better and tighter than ever before she clamped down, thrashing wildly beneath me as her head slammed on the bed, back and forth, Ugh!! UUUGH!!! FUCK ME!!!"

"Take! My! SEED!" I growled like a primal animal and filled that zeltron womb with my release. "EErgh." He hilted as her pussy spasmed around me, draining me as she shivered, sucking out every drop as I squeezed her chest and rubbed her cheek, her eyes hazy and quivering.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck it won't stop…" she cried weakly, "Oh…ooooh…. My pussy… It's so fuuuullll. MMN!" I kissed her, claiming her lips as they smacked against mine hungrily, "Mwah..mmmn-ah.." I started to remove myself. "No…" she whimpered, "NOooo stay…" she came as I left her, "Ahhhahh…" she bounced on the bed as I viewed the picture of contentment before me. Legs still spread as her pussy oozed my load, but seemed determined to keep most of it inside her.

I had other plans. "Su'Lei." I said gently, curling my finger at the beautiful twi'lek, she got up and approached me, I gently took the back of her head in my hand and kissed her. she moaned as I got off the bed, rubbing her pussy with my other hand as my cock throbbed back to life… and I pushed her towards Staci's cum filled pussy. She knew what I wanted even without words as her tongue slithered from her mouth to gently pierce Staci's hole.

"Nooo so mean…" she whined, "That's mine…" she shuddered and watched her friend scrap out my cum, cooing lovingly as they both twitched.

Su'Lei had one leg on the bed, the other standing on the floor. I had a hard cock that needed a new hole. My hands were on her hips before she knew who was coming, my cock piercing into her tight sliky pussy as she moaned up into Staci's tunnel. Both of them shuddering as I pulled out and hilted my cock again and again into the beautiful twi'lek. Her bountiful ass shaking erotically with each deep thrust as I grunted rhythmically.

Staci squalled and trembled, legs wrapping lightly around Su'Lei's head as she came, but that wasn't very fair. I grinned, sliding up Su'Lei's waist as I kept thrust, grabbing her lekku at the connection to her head before griping firmly and sliding my hand down to her tip.

"MMNmmMPH!!!!???" Su'Lei tightened and orgasmed almost immediately, shaking and quaking under my thrusting cock as her tongue lashed rapidly inside Staci's tunnel, scraping the vaginal walls madly like a writhing snake.

"Oh My fucking god Su'Lei!!" Staci squealed as her hips bounced and thrashed, I pushed Su'Lei's face deep against Staci, forcing that tongue as deep as it would go as I hilted into the orgasming twi'lek. Gripping her lekku with my other hand and stroking wrapped as she shivered and came again and again.

Ugh-UWAAhHHAHA!!" Staci's back arched, her legs lashed and stretched out as Su'Lei's face quivered against her pussy, before she collapsed, twitching. I grabbed Su'Lei's lekku and pulled her tounge free from Staci.

"Oohh! Ooh FUCK! PUSSY! GOOD!!!" she squalled, bouncing as I cupped her bouncing breasts in my hands, holding her upright as I pounded her from behind. Lekku, tongue and breasts bouncing against her body from the hard fucking, I pumped against her. "AHHH!!" she tightened, and I lost it. Her pussy sucking my cum out as I hilted and held her, nibbling her lekku as I squeezed her limp body from behind.

"That was amazing…" she whimpered in huttese as I lied her on top of a exhausted Staci. Their pussy's pressed together she glanced at me, blushing. "More. Again. Please…" she shuddered in basic, spreading her ass cheeks for me as her pussy drooled my cum onto Staci's shaking pussy lips. "Claim my body…" she cooed in huttese.

I grinned, maybe I should keep them for myself, before taking a good grip on her lekku and claiming her lips.

An hour later.

"Ugh! Ughhuh! Yeah!!" Staci bounced on my lap, tits bouncing against my chin as she gazed lovingly into my eyes, my hands on her big shapely ass as she bit her bottom lips. "You gonna give me more cum baby?" she purred, pleadingly as I squeezed her ass, grinning back. Tired. But content.

"You know it." I smiled, smacking her bouncing ass cheeks as she cooed loudly. "Got to work double time since Su'Lei is napping." I cooed as she kissed me, our twi'lek lover dozing face down on the bed opposite us, her pussy gaping and drooling on the sheets as Staci rode me harder and faster.

"I want it. I want that cum. Ah ooh..!" she shuddered, slowly leaning back as her eyes rolled up, "Ooh! Ooh! Cum! I'm cumming!"

"Hey Urai-oh"

"GUH!!" I grabbed her hips and pulled her down, holding her still as she screamed, leaning far back on my lap as she sucked out my load. "Get back here…" I growled hungrily, hooking my hand around her head and pulling her back for her breasts to press against me chest. "Take that load…"

"Yeess…" she purred dazedly, sloppily kissing me as my hands smacked hard on that big juicy ass. This is MY ass now. I'm keeping them.

"…Huh… so this is what its like to walk in on me…" Aiden mumbled thoughtful from the door. "…Can't say I see the big deal." He tilted his head slightly, "…Huh…I suddenly have a desire to go wake up Milky…" he grinned at me as I lifted Staci up and place her limp, exhausted body on the bed. Pulling my dripping cock from her folds as she cooed, rolled over and immediately went to sleep.

"Great. You just have to catch me another 10 times and well call it even." I noted as he suddenly tossed me a pair of pants.

"Eh. No rush... Ready to head off?"

"Yeah. I'm ready." I said, pulling on pants and following him out of the room, leaving my girls asleep all snug in their beds.

…Muh… my girls.

"…Hey Aiden?"


"Does Milky have any spare collars lying around?" Aiden just grinned.

End of chapter

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