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100% Star Jumper / Chapter 28: Season 2: Episode 11 - Decommission

Capítulo 28: Season 2: Episode 11 - Decommission

Episode 11 - Decommission

Stardate: 41176.4

Earth Standard Date: March 05, 2364.

Location: NX-01 Enterprise, Delphic Expanse

"What was the experiment you were considering?" T'Pol asked.

"We can open portals to anywhere we've been previously," he explained, "Including the Seleya, assuming it's still intact. I learned in my time away that I could import ships that I own into the system. Since the Seleya is derelict, I should be able to import it."

T'Pol's eyebrow arched. "To what end?" she questioned. "The ship is hardly functional."

Tyson shrugged. "I don't know what I can do with it until I try. I know that ships I import, if destroyed, will be recreated in a year. At the worst, I could import it, set it to self-destruct, and then have a new one next year."

T'Pol fell silent, her brow furrowing slightly as she mulled over his words. After a moment, she spoke, "Your reasoning is logical," she conceded. "Though a starship the size of the Seleya with just yourself, or the two of us, seems impractical."

Tyson grinned, undeterred by her pragmatism. He approached the wall of her cabin, placing his hand flat against its surface. The air shimmered and warped as he began to open a portal. As the seconds ticked by and the room wasn't sucked through a depressurized void, Tyson's grin widened. The Seleya was still intact. The portal expanded, revealing the bridge of the Seleya exactly as Tyson remembered it. The consoles stood screens stood dark, proof of the ship's abandoned state.

T'Pol straightened, her posture becoming more formal. "I must return to my duties," she said. She hesitated for a moment before adding, "Enjoy your salvage operation."

Tyson turned to face her, meeting her eyes. "T'Pol," he said, his voice soft but earnest, "I'd like to acquaint you with the amenities available in the Personal Reality. Would you be interested in joining me for a meal?"

T'Pol's eyebrow rose once more, but Tyson caught a flicker of... Curiosity? Interest? in her dark eyes. "I would be amenable to sharing a meal," she responded after a moment's consideration.

A warm smile spread across Tyson's face. "I'll see you soon then," he said, feeling a surge of anticipation.

With a final nod to T'Pol, Tyson stepped through the portal onto the bridge of the Seleya. The air was stale, carrying the faint metallic scent of a long-abandoned ship. As he heard T'Pol's cabin door close behind him, signaling her departure to her duties, Tyson closed the portal.

As he tried to access one of the consoles on the Seleya's bridge, he received a popup in his HUD.

[Free] Import (Spaceships)

Instead of choosing a Ship Type and Size for purchase, import one space-worthy vessel you already own. Its default Section Size and Rating are that of a ship of the corresponding size. At your choice, ship parts you buy can either replace pre-existing parts of the original ship or exist in addition to them.

D'Kyr-Class cruiser (Spaceships)

A Vulcan cruiser operated during the mid-22nd century. It has a crew of approximately 150, is armed with particle beam weapons and photonic weapons, deflector shields, and is powered by a warp-ring drive.

He accepted the import and the D'Kyr appeared on his character sheet. Tyson opened the ship menu, reviewing the options now available to him. No upgrades were available, which made sense since the vessel wasn't docked at a spaceport. But there was one option that caught him by surprise. Decommission. He stroked his chin in thought as he considered whether to scrap the antiquated ship or find a use for it.

Decommission (Spaceship)

Destroy this vessel. Decommissioned vessels do not self-destruct, they are absorbed by the system. In return, you are granted half of its value in Ship Points. Any living creatures on a vessel when decommissioned will be sent to your Personal Reality along with any CP-backed items. Non-CP-backed items will be destroyed.

[100 SP] Ship Size Rating: III

[100 SP] Artificial Gravity

[50 SP] Fighter Craft

[100 SP] Cargo Bay

[200 SP] Alcubierre Drive

[300 SP] Antimatter Reactor

[50 SP] Navigation Suite

[100 SP] Deflector Shields

[50 SP] Docking Port

[50 SP] Beam Weapons

[100 SP] Missiles

Total Adjusted Decommission Value: 600 SP

"Well, well," he muttered to himself, "Looks like if I want to end up with a great ship, I'm going to have to live up to my Space Pirate Origin after all."

The irony wasn't lost on him. But the potential was undeniable. 600 SP for a ship that was currently inoperable? That was nothing to scoff at. Still, Tyson hesitated. Was decommissioning the best option? For the era of the NX-01 Enterprise, the D'Kyr class was a powerhouse. It was massive, boasting shields that the Enterprise of this time lacked, not to mention impressive firepower.

As he contemplated, another thought struck him. Why hadn't this been an option when he acquired the Sith Interceptor? Tyson's brow furrowed as he considered the question. Two factors came to mind. First, the Sith Interceptor was a much simpler craft. No shields, no hyperdrive, and no amenities to speak of. Secondly, it had been mass-produced by the Star Forge. Maybe that made it essentially worthless when imported into his system.

The Star Forge.

The thought hit Tyson like a physical blow, making him freeze in place. His eyes widened as the implications washed over him. The Star Forg was key. That needed to be his next priority.

"Ivy," he called out, his voice tight with sudden urgency. "We need to start planning our next move. The Star Forge has to be our target."

Ivy's avatar materialized in his field of vision, her expression curious. "I'm not familiar with the Star Forge."

Tyson replied, "Sorry. I forgot even though you're Vicky, you're isolated from your main self unless we're within communication range. The Star Forge is a space station that Revan and Malak used to create the Sith fleet. I need to get control of it immediately. Especially with this stupid Mary Sue Drawback that came from nowhere. The last thing I need is an enemy gaining control of a station that can infinitely produce starships."

Ivy nodded, her holographic form pacing the bridge as she processed the information. "That does sound like something we need to get a handle on immediately," she warned. "We'll need my main-self to create a virtual intelligence in the station so that if someone else does get control of it, they won't actually have control."

"We can't." Tyson disagreed, "The Star Forge is steeped in the Dark Side of the Force. I can't risk you interacting with the station, since you're Force-sensative. The last thing I need is a powerful artificial intelligence corrupted by the dark side. But that's a problem to handle when I get there, which is now our top priority."

With a deep breath, Tyson made his decision. He reached out and selected 'Decommission' on the main console. And in the blink of an eye, he found himself standing in the antechamber of his Personal Reality.

Ship Points: 2000

The familiar space materialized around him, but Tyson barely noticed. The Ship Points from the Seleya's decommission were a nice bonus, but they paled in comparison to the potential of the Star Forge.

"Ivy," he said, "We've got to move."

Ivy's avatar reappeared. "Aye Aye," she replied, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Tyson stepped through the Inter-Reality Connecting Door, leaving his antechamber behind. He found himself in Malak's private quarters but quickly exited making his way towards the bridge. His Gray Goo Suit shifted and reformed taking on the appearance of his Sith armor. By the time he reached the bridge, Ivy had already transmitted the situation to the true Vicky, who was maintaining her cover as Darth Malak.

On the bridge of the Leviathan, consoles beeped and crew members moved with purpose. At the center of it all stood Darth Malak, his presence commanded respect and fear from all who surrounded him. As Tyson approached, Malak turned to regard him. "Ah, Typhon," the Sith Lord's mechanical voice resonated through the bridge. "I was just about to call for you."

Malak summoned Admiral Karath to join them. The Admiral hurried to comply. The Sith Lord addressed the gathered group. "Admiral, I wish to dispatch Typhon on a personal mission. Have a shuttle prepared for his departure."

Karath nodded sharply, ever the dutiful servant. "Right away, Lord Malak. Shall I arrange an honor guard or troopers to escort him?"

"That won't be necessary," Malak replied, dismissing the suggestion with a wave of his hand.

Karath, eager to please, quickly added, "A shuttle is always prepped in the Hangar Bay. You may depart at your convenience, Lord Typhon."

As Karath wished him luck and returned to his post, Malak escorted Tyson to the Hangar Bay. Crew members and droids alike scurried out of their path, none daring to make eye contact with the intimidating duo.

They entered a shuttle together. As the ramp raised behind them, sealing them off from the rest of the ship, a palpable change came over the atmosphere. Once they were truly alone, Malak's visage began to shift and morph. The Sith Lord melted away, replaced by the familiar and welcome form of Vicky.

When her transformation was complete, she wasted no time in rushing into Tyson's arms. Tyson caught her and hugged her tightly. The feel of her in his arms was a welcome reminder of the reality behind their elaborate charade.

"I've missed you," Vicky murmured, her voice muffled against his chest.

Tyson chuckled softly, the sound strange coming from behind his Sith mask. "We were never really apart," he reminded her gently, referring to the VI version of her that was always with him.

Vicky pulled back slightly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "It's not the same, and you know it," she chided. Then, her expression growing more serious, she asked, "So, the Star Forge, huh?"

Tyson sighed, releasing Vicky and moving to the shuttle's controls. As he began the pre-flight sequence, he explained, "It's our next big move. The potential of that station... Vicky, I need to secure it as soon as possible."

Vicky nodded. "I understand the appeal." As the shuttle's engines hummed to life, Vicky reached out, placing her hand over Tyson's. "Good luck. I'll be with you."

"I'm pretty sure you're supposed to say, May the Force be with you," he replied.

Vicky headed for the ramp, shifting back into the form of Malak. "Who needs the Force, when you've got me." She answered over her shoulder, as she returned to her ruse.

The shuttle lifted off, leaving the Leviathan behind.

As the shuttle settled into its hyperspace journey, Ivy sprang to life.

"I've received a substantial data packet from my counterpart in the Leviathan's systems," she began, "The Star Forge, our primary objective, is an Ancient Rakatan creation located in their home system, known as Lehon."

"Go on," Tyson urged, eager to hear more.

The VI continued, her voice steady as she outlined their journey. "Currently, the Leviathan is holding position in the Allenteen system with the Sith fleet. Our route will take us along the Shipwright's Trace hyperspace route to its end in the Fondor System."

Ivy manifested within his field of vision in the co-pilot seat. Though she wasn't real, she could appear so to his sight, and he could even feel feedback from touching her 'hologram' since she existed within his Gray Goo Suit. She continued, "From there, we'll need to adjust our course. The Rimma Trade Route will take us one system over to Vindalia."

"After Vindalia, we'll make the Giju Run to Hijaf. At that point, we'll head into the Unknown Regions. We'll have to follow the route that Malak and Revan plotted during their original journey."

The journey ahead was complex. "How long until we reach the Star Forge?" he asked.

"It'll take a little over a day to reach Hijaf," she reported. "From there, it's another three days to Lehon, assuming we don't encounter any unexpected obstacles."

Tyson nodded, leaning back in his seat as he processed this information. Four days. In just four days, they could be standing before one of the most powerful artifacts in the galaxy. The thought was both thrilling and terrifying.

"We'll need to be prepared for anything," he mused aloud.

The VI chimed in again, her voice calm and analytical. "Based on the data available, we should anticipate limited automated defense systems. This spacecraft was created by the Star Forge and should be recognized as such. The facility has limited weapons, and relies on its creations for defense."

The shuttle hurtled through hyperspace. The journey to the Star Forge had begun. Tyson and Ivy settled in for the journey ahead.

— Star Jumper —

The shuttle glided silently through the inky blackness of space. The stars of the Lehon system twinkled innocently, unaware of the invisible spacecraft approaching. Tyson sat at the controls. The journey had been long and uneventful. He'd made good use of the four-day trip, slipping back to his Personal Reality to gather the Scaling Cloak, which he had installed into the shuttle's systems. He even made a brief stop on the NX-01 to update T'Pol on the Seleya's fate.

Now, as they approached their ultimate goal, Tyson felt a mix of anticipation and trepidation coiling in his gut. The Star Forge loomed before them, a massive structure that seemed to dwarf the very stars around it. Its angular design spoke of an alien aesthetic, looking like a claw from a vending machine game.

"We're approaching the docking area," Ivy announced, her voice low as if she feared being overheard despite their cloaked state. "No signs of detection so far."

Tyson nodded, his eyes never leaving the approaching behemoth. "Let's hope our luck holds," he murmured. "Any activity on the sensors?"

Ivy shook her head, her brow furrowed in concentration as she studied the readouts. "Nothing. The station has not detected us. No automated defenses, no communication attempts... nothing."

As they drew closer, the sheer scale of the Star Forge became even more apparent. The station seemed to pulse with inner energy through the Force, as if it were a living, breathing entity rather than a construct of metal and technology.

"Beginning docking procedures," Tyson announced. The shuttle maneuvered gracefully, aligning itself with one of the many docking ports that dotted the Star Forge's exterior.

With a soft hiss and a gentle thud, the shuttle made contact. Tyson held his breath, half expecting alarms to blare or for some ancient defense system to spring to life. But there was only silence.

"We're docked," Ivy confirmed, her voice tinged with disbelief. "And... we're still undetected."

Tyson let out a long, slow breath, allowing himself a moment to savor their accomplishment. "We're not out of the woods yet," he cautioned, "But I have to admit, I didn't expect it to be this easy."

As they began the process of equalizing pressure and preparing to board the station, Tyson couldn't shake the feeling that this was almost too good to be true. The Star Forge, one of the most powerful and sought-after artifacts in this galaxy, and they had just waltzed right up to it undetected. "Just because we made it this far without a hitch doesn't mean there aren't surprises waiting for us inside."

With a soft hiss, the shuttle's ramp lowered, revealing the cavernous hangar bay of the Star Forge. The air was thick with the scent of metal and ozone from the station's endless production of war machines.

As he approached the edge of the shuttle's shield bubble, Tyson felt a moment of trepidation.

This was the point of no return.

Tyson engaged the Scaling Cloak within his Gray Goo Suit. The advanced technology enveloped him in a bubble of invisibility, allowing him to move undetected through the Star Forge. He couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for Vicky's purchase of this item. Without it, he'd be facing an endless horde of Assault Drones.

The shuttle's shield flickered briefly, allowing him to pass through.

In that instant, the shuttle became visible, shimmering into existence. The reaction was immediate and violent. Assault Drones swiveled toward the sudden intruder. Red targeting lasers danced across the shuttle's hull as the droids opened fire, their weapons spitting plasma bolts with mechanical precision. Tyson didn't hesitate to run out, invisible under his shield and Scaling Cloak. As soon as he cleared the shuttle's shield, it snapped back into place, rendering it invisible once more. The droids' attacks ceased abruptly as their target vanished as quickly as it had appeared. Confusion seemed to ripple through their ranks if such a thing was possible for machines.

"Ivy," he whispered, "We need a path to the command center."

In response, a glowing trail materialized before him, visible only through his HUD. It snaked through the corridors of the Star Forge, a beacon guiding him through the structure. Tyson moved swiftly but cautiously. There was an underlying sense of menace to the place as if the very walls were alive and hostile.

Assault Drones patrolled at regular intervals, their sensors sweeping for any sign of intruders. The knowledge that the Star Forge could produce these killing machines endlessly added an extra layer of tension to his journey.

After what felt like hours of careful navigation, Tyson finally reached his destination. The command center loomed before him, a hub of terminals and holographic displays that pulsed with the lifeblood of the station's operations.

Tyson approached the main console. A password prompt glowed on the screen, a final line of defense against unauthorized access. But Tyson had come prepared for just such an obstacle.

He held out his hand, palm hovering just above the console's surface. The nanobots that comprised the Jumper's Master Key flowed from his suit in a liquid metal stream. They seeped into the console, bypassing digital barriers as if they didn't exist. For a tense moment, nothing happened. Then, with a soft chime, the console sprang to life. Screens flickered and changed, granting access to the Star Forge's most sensitive systems.

Tyson allowed himself a small smile of triumph. "We're in," he murmured, his fingers already dancing across the holographic interface.

[Free] Import (Spaceships)

Instead of choosing a Ship Type and Size for purchase, import one space-worthy vessel you already own. Its default Section Size and Rating are that of a ship of the corresponding size. At your choice, ship parts you buy can either replace pre-existing parts of the original ship or exist in addition to them.

Star Forge (Spaceships)

A giant automated shipyard created by the Rakatan Infinite Empire nearly 26 thousand years ago. The Star Forge draws energy and matter from a nearby star which, when combined with the power of the Force, is capable of creating an endless supply of ships, droids, and other war material. Its production is its best defense, but it is also armed with Turbolasers and Shields.

Decommission (Spaceship)

Destroy this vessel. Decommissioned vessels do not self-destruct, they are absorbed by the system. In return, you are granted half of its value in Ship Points. Any living creatures on a vessel when decommissioned will be sent to your Personal Reality along with any CP-backed items. Non-CP-backed items will be destroyed.

[400 SP] Ship Size Rating: V

[100 SP] Artificial Gravity

[200 SP] Auto-Repair System

[50 SP] Fighter Craft

[100 SP] Cargo Bay

[100 SP] Hangar

[200 SP] Production Lines

[100 SP] Automated Ship

[400 SP] Negentropy Reactor

[50 SP] Navigation Suite

[100 SP] Deflector Shields

[50 SP] Docking Port

[400 SP] Matter Printer

[200 SP] Clarketech Module

[50 SP] Beam Weapons

[-400 SP] Cursed: Dark Side Taint

Total Adjusted Decommission Value: 1050 SP

Tyson contemplated the holographic image of the Star Forge hovering before him. The ancient space station was a technological marvel, capable of endlessly producing ships, droids, and other machines by harnessing the power of a star. Yet as remarkable as the Star Forge was, Tyson hesitated to keep it active. He could feel the dark side's taint permeating every centimeter of the station.

The Star Forge had been constructed countless ages ago by the Rakatan Infinite Empire, fueled by the power of the dark side. That foul energy had seeped into the very framework of the station over the millennia, like oil soaked into wood. Tyson had no way of cleansing that darkness from the Star Forge, at least none that he knew of. Nor did he have any particular defenses against the insidious creeping of the dark side's corruption. He couldn't in good conscience allow his companion Vicky to create a Virtual Intelligence to inhabit the Star Forge while it remained tainted. Decommissioning the Star Forge was the wise choice, Tyson knew.

And yet, a voice whispered in the back of his mind.

One of the upgrade options gave him pause.

It would allow the station to take an alternate form. Because the Star Forge was itself a starbase itself, he could make upgrades and changes to it instantly. The potential of the Star Forge was nearly limitless. If he could endlessly produce ships, who would threaten him? The Dominion? The Borg? The Sith? The Republic? He'd be able to defeat them all.

[200 SP] Space Hulk (Spaceships)

You may buy a new size for your vessel. It gains an alt-form having that size, while still having access to everything its original form has.

The Star Forge had some inherent limitations. Its Negentropy Reactor absorbed matter and energy from the star to power itself. If he purchased the upgrade to change its size, it would still require that energy source and it held little in reserve. Additionally, the station lacked any propulsion system. Tyson estimated a minimum of 50 SP for added energy storage, or more for a secondary energy source, 200 SP for a warp drive, and 200 more to reduce its size. He could make the Star Forge into a functional, fighter-sized craft that could transform back into its original size and capabilities… and it would only cost 450 SP total.

Or he could decommission the station entirely, giving him a total of 3050 SP. With such a high amount of Ship Points, he could upgrade another ship or station with all the Star Forge's functionality and still have Ship Points remaining.

Tyson had to ask himself. Did he need the Star Forge? It had created the Sith fleet, which was now under Vicky's control. The station could replace any losses they suffered, but did Tyson care? He had no plans for the Sith to rule the galaxy. On top of that, many of the Star Forge's upgrades were of questionable use to him. Unless he had Vicky end her charade, and Tyson took over as the new Sith Lord. If he fought off Malak, he should be able to fight off any challengers. Why be timid, when he could control the Sith, and conquer the Republic?

Was there even a need to decide now? He could always decommission the Star Forge later if needed. Purchasing the Space Hulk upgrade now would allow him to shrink it to a fighter-sized vessel that could fit through his portal and into the Warehouse. He could defer adding an FTL drive if it was just going into storage. At worst, decommissioning it afterward would only cost him 100 refunded SP.

Tyson's finger hovered over the purchase option for the Space Hulk upgrade. The temptation was overwhelming. With barely any effort, he could take the infamous Star Forge back to his Personal Reality. The station's power would be his to command. Yet something held him back. As alluring as the prospect was, alarm bells rang faintly in the back of Tyson's mind.

This was too convenient, too easy.

He could practically taste the Star Forge's potential, and it left a bitter aftertaste of doubt.

Stepping away from the console, Tyson opened a portal into his Personal Reality.

Leaving the Star Forge cleared his head of the station's oppressive ambiance. Away from the Dark Side's insidious influence, Tyson realized…

He had nearly fallen into the Star Forge's trap.

This space station was temptation incarnate, ready to give him the galaxy if he would only accept its power. While he was no strict adherent to Jedi dogma, Tyson recognized that the Star Forge embodied everything the Jedi Order rejected; greed, corruption, and the endless hunger for power. He had felt the station's siren call, beckoning him to use its might to dominate the galaxy. Such strength would be incredibly dangerous in the wrong hands.

Tyson knew he could not claim the Star Forge for himself. To do so would put his soul at risk, opening himself to the Dark Side's corruption. Even if he resisted using it for evil, the station's mere presence could warp him over time. He had only been on the station for a few minutes, and he'd felt its influence.

If any enemy seized control of the Star Forge, the consequences would be catastrophic.

There was only one solution. The Star Forge had to be destroyed, its dark potential eliminated from the galaxy forever. The risk of keeping it intact was simply too great. Tyson would not let temptation or wishful thinking cloud his judgment. The wisest course was to Decommission the ancient space station. With a heavy sigh, he chose Decommission.

Ship Points: 3050

Episode: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic - The Star Forge Complete!

+100 RP

Reality Points: 350

Tyson stepped into his Warehouse. His eyes were drawn inexorably to the Agony Booth, where Darth Malak was trapped. The once-imposing Sith Lord now looked vulnerable, his form wracked by the booth's constant torment. Tyson approached slowly, his mind still reeling from his recent encounter with the Star Forge. As he stood before Malak, Tyson felt a shift in his perspective. The subtle pull of the Star Forge, its insidious influence, still echoed in his mind. He couldn't help but wonder if this same force had shaped Malak's descent into darkness. Was the man before him not just a tyrant, but also a victim of the very power he sought to control?

The philosophical implications of his realization weighed heavily on his conscience. If Malak had been corrupted by the Star Forge, was he truly responsible for his actions? Or was he merely a pawn of the dark side?

Either way, Tyson sure as hell wasn't about to let him out.

With one last glance at the suffering Sith Lord, Tyson opened a portal and returned to his quarters on the Enterprise-D.

— Star Jumper —


Origins: Human, Humanoid, Drop-In, Space Pirate, Bad Guy

Race: Augment Human-Betazoid (Hybrid)

Character Points: 1400, [250 KOTOR (Vicky)]

Reality Points: 350

Ship Points: 3050

Credits: 116,450

Status Effects: (none)


Gauntlet (Locked)

Ensign Marty Stu

A Simple Re'Q'uest

Hybrid (Betazoid)

Amok Time/Blood Fever


Mary Sue


Cosmic Awareness

Out of Nowhere

Going Native

Live and Let Live

This is (Not?) Rocket Science

Kinda Bland


Painted On




Master with your Hands

Best of the Best

Everything Is A Weapon


Force Specialization: Intelligence

Tactical Info

Sever Force


Laser Blade


Agony Booth

Cloaking Minefield


Gray Goo Suit


(Vicky) V-KO IV Nursedroid: Access Key, Artificial Intelligence Upgrade, Gray Goo Upgrade, Master With Your Hands, Light Weapon, Jumper's Master Key, Scaling Cloak, Origin:Jedi, Force Specialization: Intelligence, Enhanced Mind, Lightsaber, Armored Robes, Battle Meditation

T'Pol: Access Key,

Personal Reality:

Access Key, Additional Keys

Security System

High-Security Inter-Reality Connecting Door (Star Trek Enterprise)

Medical Bay

High-Security Inter-Reality Connecting Door (Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic)

Key Link

Housing Complex

Basic Nutrition

Choice Apartments

Who's Got the Powa

Pipes Pipes Pipes

Playing With Portals

Portal Link


Tramp Freighter (Destroyed - Respawn on 02/28/2365)

Sith Interceptor (Bridge Upgrade)

Steatoda Steatoda

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