After they finished greeting the Rohese crew and giving nods to the Geomancers, Lassim was struck by the Geomancer team's imposing features—each man's and woman's forearms were encased in glowing crystals that ranged in hue from deep amethyst to vibrant sapphire. Their robust arms glistened and sparkled under the midday sun.
Hallen caught Lassim's attention and pointed towards a nearby cliff section where several poles topped with glowing blue orbs formed a perimeter. "The geomancer team here," he began, gesturing towards the men and women, "start their work by growing the necessary crystals on solid ground in a mini-farm plot style."
Thank you Continuum for the character suggestions you provided for this new villian! I appreciate the input and hope you enjoy the chapter. The next few chapters things will be a tad intense I reckon... Please look forward to them and enjoy. Your votes and golden tickets mean the world to me. They really help me a lot in the ranking so my book gets promoted. Please continue to support me if you like this work.