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31.81% Softness & Darkness Series / Chapter 7: Chapter 6

Capítulo 7: Chapter 6


Harley couldn't believe that Deborah literally punched Addy than as if the equation couldn't get worse here came Lisa to the rescue of Addy once again. Now it isn't going to be as easy to get her off of Addy this time since she knew Lisa has been floating around for a while waiting for the perfect moment to get her back. Harley thought to herself so much for temporary lovers when your true love won't acknowledge your existence. Harley wanted to be happy with just Addy but it seems every chance she tries to get close it fails to exists because of someone being involved. Soon as she saw Addy and Lisa leave with Lisa carrying her bridal style it pissed her off that she isn't the one doing the rescuing this time for Addy. She wanted more than anything to make everything go right but as soon as they get close all that fails because their in a fight to get one another as proven fact their love for each other will never feel settled since there is always an obstacle between them. She has to literally drop Deborah for her to get Addy and Addy to drop Lisa a second time. Wait, what happened to Reba? That doesn't seem to add up since Lisa was following Reba around like a puppy.

"Harley, we have a big problem." Ariel said as she came around the corner from the bar.

"I just figured it out, where is Reba?" Harley asked without missing a beat.

"Dead. She died in a car accident last week and no one was aware until Lisa came back." Ariel explained.

"What the fuck?! Lisa had to of murdered Reba for this to happen. Their is no way that this has to go unseen. I mean Lisa just came here and got Addy from Deborah punching her." Harley responded with panic in her voice.

"No, according to the newspaper around here it was the bad weather from heading back to the bar and Lisa just happened to survive with little to no cuts as the car ran into a tree unfortunately Reba hit it hard enough that it killed her instantly. I am surprised Lisa isn't traumatized to be honest. So, Taylor is mourning, Marie and I are setting up the funeral, Abby is calling everyone including family, Celeste has gone off the deep end somewhere, and who knows if you two are even going to bother to participate in this mess. As for Lisa and Addy that is also in the area. That is basically it." Ariel replied being calm.

"Great just great! Not only did we lose my mom, my sister has lost her mind, and my friends are going to be busy with this. On top of me trying to get Addy back from Lisa, can this week get any worse. Don't answer that because of my partner here decided to control my life." Harley responded sarcastically.

"All will be fine, Harley. We will get everything under control for now just go with Deborah and relax." Ariel replied calmly as possible.

"Fine, Addy comes looking for me at any given time tell her I am in mourning over my mom since I have to act like I cared for that woman because I know damn well my sister isn't." Harley responded still in a sarcastic tone.

Harley grabbed Deborah by the arm then explained what happened to her selfish ignorant asshole of a mother is now set for her and Celeste also the fact that Taylor is now lost without her. So, she has to be the one to get everything figured out without making a scene. The only thing she left out was about Addy and that is her own problem until she gets the woman of her dreams since this now has become a nightmare. They had no choice but to make their way back to their apartment for the reason that they had no reason to be standing around near the coffee shop. Everything became so quiet walking back to their apartment. Shops were closing, people looked like zombies, and like a ghost town that her mother had passed away, leaving everyone in a gray somber.

Harley couldn't figure out what the hell got into this town. Her mother wasn't that special of a person to leave any kind of impact. Hell, most of the time she was always drinking or demanding people around like a fucking Mistress that had control over everything. Finally, arriving at their apartment they both decided on a movie, popcorn, and then fell asleep in one another arms without speaking a word about the death of Reba because neither of them had no reason to speak of her. Harley's memory still flooded with the thoughts of Addy being taken by Lisa again rescuing her from Deborah though their was no need at the time since she stood their watching everything go down. Harley realized she couldn't just lay there with her thoughts going as she finally got on the computer looking up at Addy's information as it read with a strike in the heart a second time that she is in a relationship with Lisa and their marriage will happen for sure by the end of the year. Harley hit her fist on the desk this wasn't a game to her heart no more, she needed Addy, she wanted Addy, and desired for her more then Deborah. Harley knew Addy got hit hard from Deborah but she didn't expect it to be this bad when she went back to Lisa and still plan their wedding this has to be a nightmare. Out of the blue a message came up from Addy.


This isn't Addy she is still passed out but you better not get between me and my future wife. I saw the way you stare at her. This isn't some game. Addy Lynn Keith will be my wife and you will be with Deborah Ford. You two will never be together. I didn't even stay with your mom because she couldn't get over Taylor, I am glad she is dead at least she is out of the picture. Celeste is in the mental ward by the way, saw an ambulance pick her up yesterday from being crazy. Good luck, Harley!

Lisa Anna Winters

Harley felt sick. She knew Lisa was bad news but didn't expect it to be this bad. Harley knew one thing she had to do and that is to rescue Addy from marrying Lisa before time runs out. Funeral went on without any problems though Celeste couldn't attend being proof that her mental stability just couldn't handle losing their mom. Taylor tried to get herself to do something positive and find new love but that seemed out of the equation for her. Ariel and Marie still seemed happy despite planning the funeral for her mom. Lisa came by herself since according to her since Deborah knocked Addy so hard that she got to sick to attend even though it's been a week. Harley knew this isn't Addy to miss any events but she had to get through to her somehow without Lisa or Deborah knowing. Melissa started getting close to Harley each day though she couldn't understand that reasoning.

"You can still leave Deborah for me. I am always in your court for some love making like we used too, and since Celeste is gone, I can have you all to myself." Melissa said whispering so no one could hear.

"Melissa, your beautiful, gorgeous and everything my sister deserves. I can't be with my sister's wife-to-be that is so not right. I am in love with someone else and I don't want to lose her to some broad." Harley whispered back.

"You are right on that Lisa is a broad. You do need to leave Deborah though all she does is drag you down and she hurt Addy meaning that woman would never trust you. If you have to sneak off to another home or friends. Hell, find a new lover until you can get Addy to be with you. You need to exit from Deborah that is what Addy wanted to begin with, right?" Melissa whispered in return as the funeral went on outside without them.

"You have a point and Deborah does stalk my every move it does get rather nerve wracking that I can't go anywhere without her wondering where I am." Harley replied.

Melissa held Harley's hand tightly then kissed her knuckles.

"You have a heart of gold, and a delicate soul, Harley. Addy would be so lucky to have you if only she saw that." Melissa explained.

"I can keep dreaming about her until then since Deborah won't let me go anywhere else." Harley replied as she saw Melissa's phone lit up with Celeste name across it.

Harley watched Melissa walked outside with her phone clung to her ear. She sat their looking at the pictures of her mom of what a loving woman she used to be until Reba became a slut that desperately needed love and sex daily. Harley felt a hand capture hers sighing she saw it being Deborah.

"Instead of moping about your mom. We can go to the famous bar in this town and enjoy the highlights of the latest music. Also, I do apologize for punching that chick a while ago but no one gets my Harley let alone argues with her choices." Deborah spoke with gritted teeth.

Harley rolled her eyes there is only one club in this town and it is hosted by Ariel Nyx and her fiance Marie Lavoie it is only good because it has a red and black theme all around it. Dance floors to jive too and also excellent coffee. Ariel wanted to make it purple theme but their was nothing of her interest so she went with Gothic colors instead. Harley sat their looking at where her mom's casket sat inside the funeral home just couldn't shake the uneasy feeling to her heart.

"I am wanting to go somewhere new, fun, and exciting. Not that bar tonight. How about a dinner at home an a movie?" Harley suggested.

"We always do that babe. How about we do this, we head out of town for a few days and enjoy ourselves in a hotel to where no one can find us. Make our love more passionate and desirable." Deborah suggested casually.

"No, not this time." Harley replied. "Sorry just not feeling it all of a sudden think depression has set in. Realizing my mom isn't here to stop me and Celeste from going on with our lives as casually."

"You are a real piece of work. One minute you want to leave, next you are a worthless bitch. I can't seem to find a medium with you. I am going to the bar enjoy your moping in a funeral home, hope that director kicks you out for staying too long." Deborah released her hand from Harley and left without another word.

Harley got up from her seat as someone rushed through the door with a dreaded look. Melissa looked like she seen a ghost though this isn't the first time she reacted that way but this time their were tears flowing down her face. That is when something hit her that there is something wrong with Melissa whom normally is happy go lucky and loving life.

"Harley, you're sister..." Melissa said.

"My sister, what? Tell me." Harley clutched the chair awaiting a reply.

"I tried everything, she wouldn't listen, I am so sorry please believe me I never meant her any harm." Melissa sobbed.

"Tell me, Melissa, what happened to my sister?" Harley begged.

Melissa didn't speak another word just sobbed on the ground knowing that she had no information on what is going on with her sister. She couldn't let Deborah know that it would be worthless to even let her know of another tragic event. Harley knew in her mind something had gone down because Celeste has never been one to handle death so well including family members so she assumed that her sister hung herself, drunk herself to death, overdosed, or shot herself. Celeste has a really bad mental stability as it is so losing her mom and not having Addy could of messed with her severally but she couldn't determined that until she gone over to Melissa's place or await the news through the grape vine like it was with her own mom. That would leave her all by herself in this world. Harley held Melissa in her arms just listening to her sob since that is the only information she could indicate on Celeste because she wasn't going to use her cell phone to find out anything that is nosy but she does wonder if Melissa called law enforcement if need be.

Leaving the funeral home alone felt like a numbing sensation to her already severed heart that her mom is gone and now possibly her sister along with Addy not even able to function on her own. You belong with Addy, don't give up. No one can take her from you unless you keep letting them. Break it off with Deborah so you can be with Addy and Addy will be in your arms don't keep fighting her off. You almost had her then your dumb ass let her go. Don't do it again. Harley chuckled at her own thoughts like her brain knew where it all summed up to getting Addy. She realizes that Addy could have been hers if she didn't push her away but we all know where the heart lies when Lisa is involved. Celeste would have begged to keep Addy as hers or keep raping her until she had her way. Fault is she knew the worst if she attempted to get Addy from Lisa it is a battle that is more than what she wanted. Harley made it to the apartment to find her things outside, well, that wasn't what she expected then she heard moaning loudly it made her sick. Harley pounded on the door hearing hushed sounds being rushed around.

"Open up Deborah!" Harley yelled.

"Fuck you bitch. Go love on Melissa while Celeste is dead." Deborah yelled back.

Harley laughed knowing her sister couldn't be dead that is all a big joke though she thought long and hard it is a possible but either way she didn't deserve this game with Deborah. Harley grabbed a few things that were essentials that she needed then made her way to Addy once and for all since Deborah left her this is her opportunity to love a woman she deserved through a lifetime. Making her way across the small town past the bar and down the street a little ways with a cheerful smile to head to Addy that isn't much further by going up some stairs reaching her. She found Addy's apartment door ajar as she walked in slowly.

"Taylor, Addy anyone here?" Harley spoke softly.

"Addy is no longer here, Taylor lives in Reba's home, and you are intruding into my home." Lisa said with venom.

"Sorry just looking for Addy." Harley replied apologetic.

"You're in luck, she's down at the bar waiting for you." Lisa responded.

"Oh well, talk to you later, once again sorry for intruding." Harley replied then ran out of the apartment with her things.

Harley ended up arriving at the bar out of breath still smiling that Addy is actually waiting for her. Walking into the bar, letting her eyes wander the bar, center dance floor, and booths but she couldn't see Addy. Harley's eyes made contact with Ariel that moment Ariel smiled then pointed to where Addy sat indulged in a drink that looked tropical. Making her way over she kept a full smile on her face and finally sitting on a bar stool next to Addy.

"Do you wish to explain to me why you are in a bar alone?" Harley whispered into Addy's ear.

"H-Harley?" Addy asked with a gulp.

"Yes." Harley whispered with a soft s into Addy's ear.

Harley saw Addy shiver as their eyes met. Is this it? Do they finally have each other? Harley reached for Addy's hand in her own. A beautiful blonde hair, blue-eyed beauty queen that is finally hers.

"I-I left Lisa because she demanded marriage again, I can't do it not now, I need time." Addy rushed out her words.

"Deborah cheated on me while I was in sorrow over my mom Reba and no word on my sister Celeste, have you heard anything?" Harley squeezed Addy's hand as she responded.

Harley saw Addy shook her head as Ariel came over with a smile.

"I see you two have finally gotten together. Took you two long enough. Harley, your sister is fine. She is in a mental ward for care, she did try to hurt herself but Melissa got a hold of law enforcement in time." Ariel said with a wink.

"That is some good news then at least I won't be attending two funeral's the same week." Harley replied smiling.

"Agreed but in that arrangement you two will be living in the apartment above the bar since you're exes have kicked you out. You will both be expected to pay rent equally. Unfortunately, I only have one small bedroom apartment left with a kitchen, living room, dining space, and one office room. If that is an inconvenience for you both then you will need to find someplace else. I don't care what you do as long as you keep up with the rent. Now, the room number is 5 it shouldn't be that difficult to find. I am always working late hours here so don't expect any racket from us. Do we have an agreement ladies?" Ariel responded with a smile.

Harley and Addy looked at each other nervously this isn't what they expected right away though they haven't even gone on a date yet either. They needed a place to live until they got on their feet and they both can work in the bar minus their exes showing up but it is worth the pay day nonetheless. Harley didn't know if Addy is even ready to move this fast either. This all became such a new task of a relationship that they both now had tread lines to appoint about how this whole thing will work since they are finally together. The one quote that still follows in her head loving her beyond myself was never in the plans and it is now a reality if they can love one another. Harley knew loving Addy will be a task in itself of acceptance that will prove their bond will go beyond just quotes. It is a matter of time they decide to walk down the aisle but even Harley wasn't prepared to go that far. They just sat their staring at one another without a word of unsure of what to say since words are unspoken of two ladies that finally belong together.

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