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22.22% smut collection / Chapter 4: chapter 4

Capítulo 4: chapter 4


Thanks to a certain fifth dimensional imp two souls are given a new lease on life in the DC universe to cause some chaos.

And things kick off with a jail break and some theft.


Hello everyone one welcome to the next isekai scenario for Otherworld incident. This time in none other than the DC universe!

How will D_Rissing and myself against these odds and the powers that exist in DC? What kinda chaos will we end up causing?

Well strap yourselves in and enjoy because you're about to see as D_Rissing kicks things off as a villain many Power Ranger fans among you might recognize~

Chapter Text

In a black seemingly lifeless void a loud voice that sounded strangely like the late

Gilbert Gottfried spoke out, "Ladies and gentleman welcome to~"

And in the next instance a spotlight appeared and shined on two figures who were white voidless silhouettes with of the figures getting up rubbing their eyes while whirling around seemingly to try to spot the source of the voice in the seemingly endless dark void despite possessing no eyes, how the voice merely carried on uncaring.

"Everyones favorite game show~" At that suddenly the black void lit up in a flash and when the light died down it was replaced with a game show set stage colored in a purple color scheme with two giant spinning wheels at the center of the stage, "The Game of life!"

And at that proclamation those words lit up shining bright above the wheels as a unseen audience clapped, cheered, and whistled, "With everyone's favorite host!"

With a small pop a small bowler hat appeared between two white voidless figures with them glancing down confused before the hat zoomed up and a pair legs kicked out of it with a whole (If small) form emerged who spread his arms declaring with a wide smirk while revealing themselves as the voice, "Mr. Mxyzptlk!"

The figure was a small (Barely coming up to below the voidless figures knees) balding man with black beady eyes, a white shirt, dark green bow tie, and purple suit.

The figures seemed to take a step back in shock with one pointing shock and seemingly tried to say something but no words escaped causing their hands to fly to their throats with the self declared Mr. Mxyzptlk merely giving a amused chuckle, "Sorry buddy no vocal cords till you get your new meat suit~"

He said before clapping his hands together, "Which brings us to everyone show, THE GAME OF LIFE!" Once again the audience cheered and clapped excitedly with Mxyzptlk smirking as he adjusted his suit, "Where we select some lucky losers for the chance of a life time."

He gave a smirk, "A chance to escape their dull lives and have some real fun." He said before giving a malicious grin and chuckle while rubbing his hands together muttering, "While hopefully causing a major headache for a certain farm boy and his justice club along the way~"

He said with a nasty chuckle before giving his attention back to the two voidless figures, "That's right you two!" He pointed at the two figures, "Are today's lucky losers~"

He floated around the voidless formless figures with crossed arms, "You get a chance to start a new life in a version of comic book geeks from your reality call the DC universe." He smirked, "What kind you might ask~"

He let out a laugh, "Well where's the fun in spoiling the surprise~" He said before zooming over to the two giants wheels, "Before we get into more detail first thing first." He gestured grandly to the two wheels behind him, "It's time to spin the wheels of life!"

The audience than roared with excited with Mr. Mxyzptlk wearing a grin like a shark smelling blood, "Yes the wheel of life where we decide what forms taken from across this wide never ending multiverse our contestants will be taking in their new lives!"

He pointed his finger at the formless figures, "After all your old selves would be lucky to survive a day~" He said with a nasty smirk and chuckle before further explaining, "Which where these beauties come in."

He jerked his thumb over his back, "On wheels you'll see pictures of many familiar faces taken from universe you two mooks might recognize from your home dimension." He brushed off some imaginary dirty from his sleeves, "At least recognize from fictional media..but."

Here he shot another evil smirk, "While all these potential forms are fictional in your home reality they are very real out there in another part of the multi verse~" He said before gesturing grandly toward himself, "Just like yours truly!"

The audience once more roared with applause, "Thank you, thank you folks you're too kind~" He said with a laugh before turning his focus back to the two " lucky contestants", "Anyway to sum up we'll spin the wheels and whoever they land on."

He snapped his fingers and the wheels began to spin at mad speed, "That's who you two will become." The figures seemed to give a start as Mr. Mxyzptlk crossed his arms with a smirk, "That's right you two will be transformed into a whole new being inheriting and possessing any and all of your chosen forms natural abilities and powers."

He said before turning his back to the figures to the wheels, "Now lets find out what or rather who our lucky contestants will be!"

He yelled snapping his fingers causing the wheels to slow down with him grinning with mad anticipation eagerly waiting to see what faces taken across the multiverse these mooks will become~

And soon the wheels spun and came to a stop with the fifth dimensional imp giving a wide smirk at the results, "And we've got our lucky winners folks!"

He declared in fitting showman fashion, "For our first contestant it's the dino scientist who wanted to wipe humanity while dealing with a team with a thing for colored spandex it's Mesogog!"

At that declaration one of the figures began to wreath and glow as they fell into the floor with the second figure seemingly staring in shock as the imp continued, "While for our second contestant we've got the hothead with daddy issues and a burning hatred for all things childhood Benedict Uno better known as Father!"

At this soon the second figure joined the first wreathing and giving off a glow and soon with a snap of Mxyzptlk (who was hovering amused overhead but decided to speed things up) fingers a bright flash engulfed them as two new figures stood where the white voidless figures previously stood before the imp with a smirk and a snap of fingers sent the two off with two flashes of light.

"and there they go folks...would they success on their new lives? or would they perish before starting?" he imp chuckled "honestly i dont care as long they give us a good show am i right?" the audience laughed "then lets see how manny troubles those two can get into!!!"

a large screen descended and soon a picture began playing.

(Blackgate penitentiary-Gotham city)

It was a stormy night in what many considered "the most dangerous city in the world"

thunder rumble while lighting flashed through the sky; a downpour fell with fury over the city.

At the penitentiary of Blackgate things seems to be...calm.

not filled with crazy lunatics like Arkham, nights were quiet on a good night.

Inside the prison, close to a door with a sign that read "EVIDENCE ROOM" a guard was trying to remain calm only to jump when a lightning cracked the sky again.

"Man the sky is really falling out" he said "I wonder if that Maximilian fellow escaped?"

"Nah i heard is one of the rouges from Central City" his partner said "Weather wizard or something like that"

"Figures." The first said with a snort while glancing nervously around, "As if Gotham doesn't have enough freaks and loons to worry about."

He said rubbing his arm, "Now we've got other city's sending their own wackos to give us grief as tourists." He grumbled while his partner looked at him sympathetically, "Hey relax."

He said giving a grin, "Look we've got the Justice League now he'll be dealt with and sent to a place like this in no time."

Only for the first man to give him a flat bitter look, "Uh huh considering one of the former members of the justice league was a back stabbing bird spy you'll forgive me if I don't feel so assured."

With his partner giving a wince, "Freddy you've got to let that go, you can't blame the whole League for Hawkgirls stunt."

However the man merely rolled his eyes, "Can and will.." He said before grumbling, "Honestly if you ask me the world was better off without all these costumed loons."

His partner was about to answer when a green flash called his attention.

Now one could think it was another lighting didnt come from came from inside.

From the other side of the door they were guarding to be exact.

"Tell me i just imagined that" he said.

"No...i also noticed it" Freddy said both turning to the door. "Should we...?"

"We have to...yeah" he said pulling out a flashlight and his key he unlocked the door and opened it.

Both guards entered a big storage-like-room filled with multiple weapons, suits and items that belonged to the criminals sent to their prisons.

not as colorful as the storage at Arkaham yet having suits and weapons that belonged to the mafia bosses and any-non crazy-criminal was still impressive

"Watch your back Jones." Freddy said in a low tone as he shined his own flash light while pulling his gun, "If we're lucky it's just a electrical problem."

He said in a nervous tone with Jones giving a slight gulp, "And if we aren't?" Here Freddy stilled before giving Jones a look, "Than we just pray it's not Joker."


The sound of something moving called their attention.

Slowly they advanced up to turn the corner on a shelve.

There they saw some figures ravaging through the shelves throwing things away...searching for something.

What? the two cops didnt care as they pulled the flashlights on them

"FREEZE!!!" Jones called as he illuminated the figures...and the next words stuck on his throat at his shock.

There were 8 of them.

Not as tall as them but maybe at teen height.

wearing black clothing that looked armored.

But it was their faces and hands what really called their attention.

Reptilian green faces that didnt seem to have eyes or mouths turned on them, instead of hands they had what looked like small scythes; small horns on the heads completed the look

"WHAT IN THE HELL!" Freddy yelled in fright before taking a step back as the figures started to walk forward, "STAY BACK YOU FREAKS!"

He yelled while pointing his gun straight at them and firing away




The bullets hit the creatures making them stagger back...but only a moment.

outside the impact it seems the bullets didnt have much effect on them as they turned almost growling at the cops.

"Now...that was rude" at deep, raspy voice echoed in the room as another, taller figure, walked from the next isle standing behind the guards "and here i was hoping to get what i needed and get out before you noticed but it seems i miscalculate how loud our arrival could be" the figure said from the darkness with only a pair of orange eyes looking at the two guards

"Stand down!" Jones yelled pointing his gun at the figure, "Or we will shoot!" He said with Freddy giving a growl, "You heard him freak come out nice and....easy." He said trailing off as he shined his flashlight onto the figure feeling his heart freeze in fear

"I have a better idea...why dont dead?" the figure snarled.


and two red streams of energy suddenly hit the two cops on their heads forcing them to their knees at the sudden pain

both groaned and cried until they felt limp on the floor.

"Ummmmm" he turned to the others "take them back to the lab...i can make use of them later" he then pulled up what looked like a silver plastic suit "i have what i need....only one thing left"

lighting crossed the sky awaking Lloyd Ventrix from another nightmare.

another night seeing the face of his sweet Kimmy looking him in fear....calling him a monster...wishing to never see him again.

"oh my dear princess" tears fell down his face.

"nothing worst for a father that have a daughter fearing him" a voice called his attention as outside his cell a dark and tall figure was standing "even worst have said daughter be pulled away from him because the lies and fears of an ungrateful wife doesnt it? Lloyd...or is Mojo?"

At that Lloyd jumped off his cot exclaiming, 'Who's there?!" He yelled glaring confusedly over at the shrouded figure, "And how do you know that name?!"

He demanded as he knew the name Mojo all too well as the identity he took on as his daughters "imaginary friend" when he got his hands on the material from his former job at Sam Giddell lab to make his invisibility suit, "And what do you want?!"

He added in a unnerved voice.

"I have my means" the figure said "and what i offer you a job" something was thrown into his cell through the bars.

looking down Lloyd realized it was his old invisibility suit

"I'm...listening." The man said in a intrigued yet uneasy tone while looking down greedly at his old suit as he bent down and picked it up, "What's the job...and why me?" He found himself asking warily looking at the figure in the shadows

"the job is quite sure you are familiar with it" the figure said "as for why you? thats easy...i know of your past Mr Ventrix i know you are one of the best thieves on this city in and out that in need of someone like that...someone that can walk undetected and steal some...lets call them objects for now...and bring them to me without no one...meta or normal...super or not knowing about it"

Lloyd frowned as he started to put on his suit, "Okay.." He said looking at the shadowy figure with a critical gaze, "Sounds simple enough...but what's the catch?"

He asked with a wary tone and arched brow before letting out a bitter snort, "Outside of trying to refuse or run off with my suit likely not to end well for me."

He stated in a blunt tone because while he was hardly a criminal elite much less a fucking super villain (And he was getting serious latter vibes from his prospective benefactor) but he was still a Gotham born and raised native and he always knew that offers like this came with a catch and a price to pay if you tried to back out or refuse the offer out right.

"The only catch is that you will be working for me for a while" said the stranger "How long? that will depend how well you work" and almost reptilian snarl came from him "if Im satisfied with the results after a time...then i will give you your reward" a pair of orange eyes seems to glow in the darkness "not only will I make you a rich man...but i will also tell you the location of your daughter and help you claim her back from your ex-wife"

At this Lloyd froze as he heard the offer and he found himself licking his lips nervously as he thought of the prospect of being reunited with his daughter, "Y-you're..serious?"

He asked in disbelief while running his hand through his hair, 'I mean it's been years they could anywhere!" He said throwing his arms in the air before looking down at the ground sourly, "Plus Kimberly probably almost ready to graduate high school by now."

He said with a scowl as the realization hit him once again how long he's been locked up and that he had missed out on seeing his little girl grow up

"I only speak the truth" said the figure "and yes she has grown...going 13 actually...and she still likes to wear a pink nightgown as sleeping wear" he added to clue the thief he DOES know where her daughter is "it looks quite good on her with that blonde hair and light blue eyes"

Lloyd felt his heart freeze and found himself glaring at the man in the shadows, "Okay listen here slimeball." He growled stepping up to the bars, "I'm grateful for this and willing to do your dirty work if you hold your side of the bargain."

He gripped ahold of the bars, "But if you lay one hand on my little Kimberly i'll fucking skin you alive!"

Silence feel as the figure´s eyes narrowed.

"I will let that slide for now" he said in low angry tone "but i would be very careful about threatening me" a lighting flashed and for a moment a non-human figure was visible for Lloyd to see how he was talking too "because if you fail me or think about betray me...i will make sure your last moments on this earth are so full with agony you will wish for the release of death!" a reptilian growl emerged from him

Lloyd found himself stepping back giving a fearful gulp at the monsters words knowing he'd live up to them, never mind what he'd do to poor Kimberly, "U-understood.."

He said with slight stutter before giving a frown, "Just get me out of here and tell me where I can find my daughter and i'll do whatever you want!"

"Indeed you will" said the figure before a clawed had with three red tipped fingers grabbed the door of the cell.


and tear it open.

"Allow me too to introduce my self" the figure added "you can call me..."

another lighting crashed longer to reveal a reptilian-humaniod figure dressed in black. his skin was green except a red part over his eyes and forehead and a spiky "crown" and a fang filled maw.


Lloyd once more found himself gulping wondering what the heck he was getting himself mixed in. As while in prison he knew that the criminal underworld of the world had gotten a lot more crazier with more genuine super villains besides the nut cases the bastard bat dealt with showing up.

But getting himself in debt and working for one of said nut cases who appeared to be some kinda mutant lizard monster?! A part of him thought he should try to make a break for it or try to stay in prison, but a larger part of him fueled by the determination of reuniting with his daughter and fixing everything overruled it as he said with a slight uneasy tone, "Pleasure to meet you boss."

He said with a nod, "Now let's blow this joint." He said in a low dark tone ,"The sooner I get you what you want, the sooner you tell me where my daughter is."

"Indeed" Mesogog said "and fortunately for you...your first job isnt in Gotham" he added before green lighting flashed and some sort of green vortex opened behind the saurian "after you Mr Ventrix"

Lloyd looked warily at the vortex before steeling his nerves, "For Kimberly." He whispered before making a run and jumping straight into the vortex while hoping he wasn't jumping to his doom

"Ummm for Kimberly indeed" the lizard said as he walked into the vortex which closed behind him.

it wont be until morning for someone to find out Lloyd Ventrix and two guards missing from the prison...and to the next night for the bat signal to illuminate the sky.

Elsewhere on Earth far from Gotham on a island in the middle of the ocean in a currently undisclosed location

A green vortex opened up sending a man flying out it with a scream, "ARGH..OOOF!" He said while finding himself landing on the floor with a hard groan, "Urg..and I thought roller coasters made me sick to my stomach."

Lloyd Ventrix said getting up and rubbing his head before looking around at his surrounding, "Where..where am I anyways?" He asked himself before hearing the vortex flash behind him and a voice speak up

"Welcome to my humble above" Mesogog said in calm tone as he walked pass the man.

Looking around him Llyod noticed he was inside what looked like a laboratory.

Empty shelves around him alongside a great console and a big machine that filled the majority of the room alongside what looked like a chair or throne where his new boss sat down.

"But if you want to know where exactly we are....well im afraid that will be classified information for you" said the reptile

Llyod despite himself and his wariness not to mention forming fear of Mesogog gave a snort, "What don't trust me." He said with crossed arms, "It's not like i'm in any position to rat you out to the Bat or his Justice club."

"More likely you cant do that... yet" said the mutant "you better than anyone should know the risk of being capture out there...especially if you already have been marked as a criminal"

"Point.." Lloyd said with a sigh before looking around at the lab, "But nice little set up you've got here." He said walking around and looking around the lab, "Makes me kinda curious who else you got on your payroll boss"

He said with slight curious tone trying to fish out some more information about his new "employer" and their resources

"ummm if you want to know" said Mesogog before another portal flashed and 8 Tyrannodrones appered "meet my Tyrannodrones"

the creatures gurgled at the man

Lloyd found himself taking several steps back in fear while yelling out in surprise, "SHIT!" He said gazing fearfully at the creatures, "Just..what the hell are these things?"

He asked aloud with wide eyes before finding his tongue slipping as he looked over at Mesogog, "And for that matter what the heck are you?" He said before freezing but deciding and internally going fuck it might as well try to get some straight answers, "A meta-human, a alien like those rats with wings from the invasion?"

The reptile narrowed his eyes.

"I will be very careful about your next words Mojo" he said in low threatening tone "you dont need to know what i am...all you need to care is about the jobs i will be giving you if you want to know where your daughter is"

Lloyd gave a growl but sighed nodding his head, "Fine..just tell me what you need me to get." He said crossing his arms before giving the place another once over with his eyes, "And maybe tell me where i'm going to be sleeping while working for you."

"Ummm there will be a room ready for you" said the saurian "as for where you are going" he pushed a button on his throne and a screen lowered itself "as i said before your first job will be away from Gotham...but it will also work as a test for you" a bit of static...and then a full view of the famous Daily planet building "after all if you are able to steal something under Superman´s nose...then you wont need to worry about your future"

Lloyd felt his heart freeze before sighing sarcastically as he replied, "Great." Before rolling his eyes, "After all who wouldn't want to be thrown straight at the super sharks right after getting busted out from the slammer."

"Considering that shark is currently out space building himself and others a home...i think you have better chances against his female cousin as she is the only one in town right now" said Mesogog with some irritation in his tone

Lloyd sighed pinching the brow And f his noise, "Great so I stesd of the big man I get the chance to get my butt kicked by a bratty teenager...just perfect." He said with a groan because despite his determination to see his daughter again he looking forward to this job

He than lifted up his head and shot his boss a dry look as he remembered and realized something, "You know those krypton freaks got stuff lile x ray vision right?"

He said before pinching his suit, "My suit might turn me invisible but I haven't exactly tested it against super vision bull shit you know "

A small growl build up from the reptilian.

"well consider this a field test" said the saurian "plus you wont be targeting a bank or any place that always have crime" another button press and the image changed "this is your target"

on the screen was a big building with the sign "METROPOLIS´NATURAL MUSEUM"

Lloyd gave the sight a flat look before sighing and muttering to himself, "For Kimberly Lloyd do it for Kimberly." He said before giving his new "boss" a serious look, "Alright what's the plan?"

He asked crossing his arms, "And this better not be a suicide plan with me as the fall guy." He said with a slight undertone of annoyance, "I know your in charge and can probably kill me easily but that doesn't mean I'm crazy for a plan that send me back to the prison emergency ward."

"dont worry...if anything this will be familiar to you as you will need to open a safe and get certain item from it" Mesogog explained "Some days ago one of Luthor´s drilling operations in the artic accidentally discovered the frozen remains of a Megalodon shark inside an iceberg" the screen changed to show the news "The body was well preserved and Luthor himself paid its transport to the museum here in metropolis for its study"

Lloyd despite himself looked intrigued at the news feed while giving a curious hum, "So what you want me to get your sharkcicle?"

He asked with a arched brow, "What for you plan to sell it on the blackmarket or something?" He asked honestly curious as he didn't see the big deal about this fossil other than as something to sell for a quick buck or use in some PR stunt.

"And you sure you want to steal from Luthor of all people?" He added in since he knew cleared of charges or not after that weird incident with the imposter Justice League and managing to take back control of LexCorp.

Luthor while selling the whole redemption bullcrap to the public, was not a man to cross lightly or preferable at all if possible.

Mesogog narrowed his eyes.

"You do realize a Megalodon would be impossible for you to carry unless you are Superman right?" he asked sarcastically "but i said the body was so well preserver that the scientist managed to extract an entire vial of blood and spinal fluid out of the creature...same vials that must be under lock inside a frozen safe inside the museum" he looked at Llyod "your mission is getting those vials and bring them to me"

Lloyd at first gave a embarrassed flush as he coughed, "Right..of course...I knew that." He muttered looking away, "But yeah consider it done boss."

He said with a nod, "You want those vials consider them yours." He narrowed his eyes in a glare, "Just live up to your side of the bargain."

the saurian didnt even try to hide his anger.

"I will live to my end of the bargain" he said standing up "BOTH you also remember to not fail me" he added before activating a portal "that will take you close to the museum...go and bring me the vials"

"You got it...boss." Lloyd said as he covered his face and turned on the suit before rushing into the vortex determined to get this job done as quickly as possible and to reunite with his daughter

While Gotham was getting a storm.

the night at Metropolis was quiet...some wind but no rain.

At the museum an old janitor was cleaning one of the laboratory rooms.

"good night Dr. Maru..working late again?" he asked noticing a woman with black hair dressed with a lab coat over a white blouse, black mini-skirt, nylon stoking and black low-heel shoes.

"Hello Jeffrey...yeah the megalodon is really giving me quite the work" she answered looking up from the papers she was cheking.

"is a big fish on difficult it could be?" the janitor asked.

The scientist laughed.

"Oh Jeffry...its not just that" she said "did you know that getting DNA from a fossil is hard because the more time one creature is dead the more damage its genes will be? well this fish as you call it is so well preserved that its DNA is almost intact...imagine all we can learn from it because of that!"

The janitor simply shook his head with a small smile, "If you say so doc." He said before giving a rueful chuckle, "Just looks like a cool looking museum exhibit to me~"

He said before asking, "Now going to be all right to lock up by yourself doc?" He said with a arched brow, "Because I can wait till your done before clocking out and heading back home myself." He said with a slight shrug

"Dont worry" she said pulling out a security card "i have my own key...go home and rest Jeffry that i will be ok"

"if you say so doc...good night" the janitor said before turning and walking out the lab

"Good night." Dr. Maur said with a smile as she began to make her way over to a safe in the wall, "Now than.." She said putting in the security code, "Let's see what our friends samples have to say."

She said with her smile widening as she saw the vials held in the safe feeling quite eager to get to work not noticing the a piece of lab equipment starting to float up seemingly by itself behind her


The woman fell on the floor unconscious before she could noticed something.

"Well that was easy" the invisible form of Llyod said "sorry love...but i have a job to do" he said stepping over the unconscious woman looking inside the safe.

there were two red and one yellow.

"For what reason would that lizard will need these?" he couldnt help but ask as he pulled both out

Before shrugging it off as none of his business because as long as he got his daughter back the lizard could conquer north america with a army of mutants or whatever those things from earlier were for all he gave a fuck.

"Alright time to go." Lloyd said shaking his head and bring himself back to the present and with vials in hand he rushed off out of the lab not even bothering to pocket them only focused on getting the hell out of here as quickly as he could

All he needed was to return to the point behind the museum were he appeared where the vortex will open again so he could return to the lair...easy as...

in that moment two voices made him stop.

"i still dont know why you needed to come this late for something you can ask in the morning" a female voice called.

"i told you Mercy...there would be to many people in the morning and i would prefer to learn all i can about that shark before anyone else" another male voice made Llyod sweat as he knew that voice.

Lex Luthor

Fuck..fuck...FUCK! Lloyd thought as he swirled his head around invisible or not he didnt want to risk getting Lex fucking Luthor attention or ire!

However before he could process or think of what to do the doors open with Luthor himself stepping in followed by former CEO now once again personal bodyguard/assistant Mercy Graves, "After all you know it always pays to be one step...ahead."

Luthor explained to her before turning his head toward the room and freezing as his eyes fell onto a shocking and slight infuriating sight

"Mercy call security!" ordered Luthor approaching the downer doctor "Doctor? hey doctor...answer me!!" the millonare said in anger slapping the woman trying to wake her as his eyes fell on the empty safe

"Urgg.." The doctor however didn't wake up merely groaning in pain to Luthor annoyance and anger as Mercy was ordering security to lockdown the building while unseen to the two Lloyd was silently swearing seeing things go fubar

However he wasn't caught just yet so he as quietly yet as quickly as he could began to sneak toward the entrance of the lab hoping that he didn't give away anything and that his cover wasn't blown

"Hey who goes there?!!!" a guard voice close to him almost made his heart stop.


Only for the wall close by be blow to smithereens my a red laser beam.

The commotion called everyone´s attention as a figure dressed in a black armor with a big helmet with wide red lenses walked from the smoke.

"Black Manta" Luthor said in anger "Well at least now we know who our thief is!!!"

Black Manta let out a dark chuckle, "That's right Luthor i'm here for the Megadon samples." He said in a dark tone as the lenses of his helmet glowed red, "Hand them over and no one has to get hurt."

He ordered in a steely tone as a group of uniformed soldiers wearing black armor with red lines, with what appeared to be glass domed helmets covering their heads entered from behind him pointing blasters into the room.

Luthor however raised an eyebrow.

"Hand them over?" he asked "you already took them!!!" he called in anger

This cause Black Manta figure to seemingly go still before roaring, "What?!" He took a hard step forward past his manta troopers, "If I already had them Luthor would I still be here demanding them?!"

He said in a loud annoyed tone, "NO!" His visor shot a energy blast with it fortunately for Luthor aimed above him and instead hitting the wall behind him


"Instead i'd already be long gone not dealing with your foolish accusations, when its obvious to anyone with a brain that someone else has stolen away my prize!"

Llyod began making his way out taking advantage they were distracted.

"Your prize?" asked Luthor "and what were you planning to do with those samples?" he asked.

"Thats what i would like to know too." a female voice sounded.

the newcomer was a young blonde girl with a white top (with the S symbol on it) leaving her midriff discover; a blue mini skirt and red boots and cape

"Also you know your ruckus can be heard from miles? Neighbors will complain" Supergirl said in kidding tone

"FUCK!" Llyod thought out loud freezing at the sight of her while internally thinking a frantic mantra, please don't let be able to see me, please don't let her able to see me, please for the love of God and his daughter DON'T LET HER ABLE TO SEE ME!

And as those frantic thoughts raced through his mind Black Manta gave a dark growl, "This doesn't concern you girl!"

He said and even with his helmet you could just feel the glare he was sending, "Fly away and stay out of my way, and we won't have your cousin picking a fight over you being in the ER."

Kara tchd.

"Big words for someone with a fishtank on its head" said the girl crossing her arms.

"Although he is right" said Luthor "i would prefer someone more...experience like your cousin taking care of this"

"Considering your history your lucky i'm willing to help at all." Kara said with a slight subtle glared aimed at him before focusing her attention back at Black Manta, "And as for you I suggest you and your goons give up now unless you want"

She said before trailing off as her super hearing picked up the sound of heavy breathing and also fast foot steps heading out the door before she whirled her head at the source

Llyod stopped and held his breath.

Supergirl narrowed her eyes...she could swear...

"What?" asked Manta "too dumb to finish that sentence?" he mocked as his lenses lighted up "here allow me to help you" he exclaimed shooting on the female kryptonian

"WhOA!" Supergirl said with a yelp narrowly dodging it before narrowing her eyes, "Oh it's on!" She yelled as her eyes glowed red and she returned fire with her own heat vision with Black Manta quickly doing a dodging roll while yelling out, "TAKE THIS SUPER CHEERLEADER OUT!"

And the Manta Trooper quickly raised their blasters and fired!




"MY LAB!" Lex roared out enraged as he ducked behing a table with Mercy, true replacing and repairing the damage would be pocket change for him but that didn't honestly change a thing as this was still nothing but a major insult to him!

And as the chaos of battle unfolded Lloyd fled through the lab doors intent on getting out there now! Exploiting the chaos and distraction before he dragged into it

The invisible thief didnt stop running even when he managed to reach the museum´s gardens.

"ah ah ah ah...ok where is it?" he exclaimed in fear as he could hear the explosions coming from the building (alongside some lasers coming out through the roof).

finally his eyes noticed a small green glow.

"please take me out of here" he begged as he ran towards the glow that soon expanded into a green vortex that he didnt doubt to jump into.




and come out in Mesogog´s lab.

"Ummm not the more graceful entrance" said the saurian walking towards the thief as he returned to the visible spectrum "But considering you just went through your first hero vs villain battle is understandable" he narrowed his eyes "as long as you get what i wanted"

" the stuff." He said while trying to catch his breath removing the hood of his suit sending Mesogog a glare, "And i'm just fine by the way thank you for asking."

he said a tad bitingly while reaching into his suit and pulling out the vials he secured from LexCorp, "Also you could have mentioned the possibility of a freaking super villain coming to take what you wanted."

I didnt expect Manta to be there although i should have suspected" said the saurian taking the vials "although i wonder if this was a solo act or if he was sent there by someone else" he added as he walked towards one of his shelves where he put the vials inside a pair of glass canisters

"Don't know don't care." Lloyd stated with annoyed tone, "The only thing I care about is my daughter."

He said crossing his arms, "I got you what you wanted so will you tell me where she is already?"

Mesogog paused. before sharply turn.

"it seems you have selective memory" he added walking towards a console "i said this was the FIRST job" he pushed some buttons "you will learn where your daughter is after you finish working for before" a push of a lever and energy ran through the canisters.

the liquids inside the vials broke free and mixed with the energy turning the canisters red and yellow as they were filled with the respective liquid

Lloyd gave a slight annoyed growl, "And exactly how long will that take?" He asked with a slight glare, "And how do I know you're not planning to just kill me after your done having me do your dirty work?"

Mesogog growled in anger.

"I dont appreciate you doubting me Mojo!!"



"Ahhhhhh!!!!!" Lloyd cried felling to his knees as the saurian used his psionic power on the thief.

Just when Mojo thought his head was going to explode Mesogog cut his attack allowing him to breath.

"Im a dino of my word....if i say you will know where your daughter then thats what will happen" said the saurian "i dont have the need to kill you and i prefer pay my debts...your work will be done once all the shelves in this lab are filled" he finished pointing to the shelves (now having two filled canisters) in total were about like 3 shelves each with 50 empty spaces

"ARg..ugh." Lloyd let out a pained grunt before staring in disbelief at the empty spaces, "Just..just what the hell are you planning to need all this?"

He asked while making a wild guess that the other empty spots were for blood and things like the vials he stole before adding in, "Also alright i'll believe you...for now." He added in slight whisper

"What im planning?" the saurian gave a soft chuckle "Lets just say im just fixing a evolution mistake" he said "outside that its not like you care...after all isnt getting back to your daughter the most important thing to you?"

Lloyd frowned but sighed as he nodded in acceptance, "It is..and your right." He said with a frown looking over at the man, "And if it means getting her back i'll sell out the whole planet if I have to."

He said with a clenched fists before smirking over at Mesogog, "So what's next...boss?" He asked eager to repay his debt and see his daughter again, though a small part of him wondered if he could not only survive this insanity but also find a way to get payback on the Bat from it.

Suddenly the world stopped as Myxzptlk paused the tv.

"Oh whoah...i didnt expect this to get this serious" he said before turning to the audience "but it seems the first soul is really getting into his role as a villain isnt it folks?" clapping and cheering "Lets hope poor Lloyd survives this...although i dont really care as i dont have kids" clapping "Hahaha well about a change of pace and see what the other idiot is doing?" cheering and clapping "Ok then lets go"

He pushed the button and the screen changed

next chapter
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