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66.66% smut collection / Chapter 12: chapter 12

Capítulo 12: chapter 12

"just go Lincoln and dont make me regret convincing Sam to give you lessons!!" cried the rocker

"Hehe i'm going, i'm going~" He called out before heading off what they believe to be Sam's place for his "music lessons" but in reality he was heading toward a abandoned music store down time called the beat n drum, "Though if you knew our lesson plans you'd probably do more than regret~"

He said in a low tone with a smirk as he headed off

(Later down time Royal Woods)

Lincoln arrived at what appeared to be a two story shop that from the outside had some wear and tear with the sign Beat n Drum having over head with windows boarded up and having been abandoned for several years now but Lincoln ignored all of that as he looked around not spotting anyone he pushed the front door open and called out

"Sam you here yet" He said with a grin than adding in a teasing tone, "I'm here for my "music lesson" " He said with a slight laugh placing the guitar case down on a abandoned register counter

"Coming Link" a female voice called from the backstore "im just checking the wont believe the treasures they left behind."

form the doorway a blonde female (with a blue bang) walked out..she was a beautiful teen in her 16´s dressed in a short, teal leather jacket with a crimson patch bearing a white skull on the back, a white T-shirt with the roundel of the RAF on the front, a pair of deep burgundy jeans with two slight holes at the knees, a black belt with silver studs, and dark purple boots.

"Oh?" Lincoln said with a arched brow as he walked up to Sam while letting his eyes roam over her body, "Anything good?" He asked feeling curious despite himself, "Because when I found this place I figured they would have already cleared out everything good."

"Hahaha you think so? Check this out" she said pulling an old vinyl disk "a first edition of Bohemia rhapsody in semi-perfect condition!!!"

Lincoln gave a impressed whistle at the sight, "Nice find Sam.." He said grinning up at the girl, "That's probably one heck of a collectors item.."

He remarked before giving a shrug, "Or something that cost a pretty penny if you want to cash it in.." He said but smiled at the girl, "Either way it's all yours now~"

"Thanks Link" said the blonde girl with a smile "cant wait to show it to Luna"

Lincoln arched a brow at that, "That reminds me she sends her love~" He said as he walked up to her side, "And told me to make sure I don't make her regret convincing you to teach me~"

He remarked before shooting her a teasing grin, "Though I can't think of why she'd regret this...can you~?" He added teasingly as his hand went to her butt giving it a squeeze

"Eppp!!! L-Lincoln?!!!" Sam cried in shock

"What.." Lincoln said with a teasing smirk and mocking confusion as he gave her butt another squeeze, "I'm just checking out one of my favorite instrument to play~" He said before letting go of her ass just to give it a hard hit


"ahhhhh" Sam moaned " that" Sam blushed trying to move away

"Oh why not~" Lincoln asked before darting his hand forward and grabbing her ass again, "I don't remember you complaining last weekend~" He said looking up at her with a smirk

"Umm Lincoln...that...that was time only and..." Sam blushed still remembering that particular incident.

It started innocent...after the band had a gig they celebrated and someone spiked the punch a bit...fortunately the majority of them (Luna included) ended up falling sleep...she and Lincoln (who offered to help them) were still awake although she was quite...loose in what she was doing.

at some point she made a comment about her weight or her ass (she couldnt remember) that somehow ended with her daring the boy to spank her.

Something he did much to her own embarrassment

"Hehe come on Sam we both know you liked it~" Lincoln said with his teasing smirk while he kneaded and squeezed her ass with his right hand, "After all I haven't forgotten that cute moaning yelp you let out when I first smacked this sexy ass~"

He said uncaring of his crude foul language or the factor that his parents would have a heart attack if they heard him talk like that...though considering what he's doing his newfound folks and sisters would likely die from shock regardless...that is of course if poor Luna didn't die from bursting a blood vile in anger or from heart break.

He thought with a amused smirk as he looked up at Sam, "Plus..." He let out another laugh, "I also remember you enjoying the little game we played after that first dare of yours~"

Sam´s blush deepened.

Of course after that her (drunk) ego played against her and both failed on a "truth and dare" game...although ended up being more dare than truth and with them down to their underwear.

worst...she wasnt wearing a bra that day

"please Lincoln...dont mention that" Sam said full in shame. after she sober up she remembered all and to this date she couldnt face Luna about that

"Oh why not?~" Lincoln said with mocking confusion as he tilted his head while still kneading and squeezing her ass (Internally pleased she hadn't tried to pull away), "You can't expect me to forget that night.."

He arched a brow at her, "Or what happen between us?" He added sending her smirk as he wiggled his eyes brows at her.

While remembering how his little gambit to secretly spike the punch for the Moon Goats little celebration had paid off and than some

Resulting in not only getting some alone time with Sam while Luna and the others were knocked out from the alcohol, but also resulted in that little truth and dare game, that went from him smacking her sexy ass, to them seeing each other in their underwear (Minus the bra for Sam), and it didn't end there~"

"Why.." He gave a grin, "I don't think I could ever forget the taste of either your delicious lips.." He let out another laugh, "or your sexy tits ~" He said giving his lips a lick

Lincoln!!!" she cried scandalize/shocked "where you learn to speak like that!!" or act like this

"Why.." He tapped his free hand to his chin mock thoughtfully before replying with a smirk, "I think some of it came from you~" He said with a laugh

The girl blushed...yeah she might have used that language...but she was drunk dammit!!!

"Could..could you please..." she tried to said "can we please start the lesson?"

"HEhe sure thing.." Lincoln said giving her ass another squeeze, "Just one thing.." He looked up at her with a smirk, "Any chance I could have another kiss?~"

"Lincoln stop!" cried the girl "look i know a boy entering puberty you have...urges" she said with a blush "and i might have...cause you to...feel even more urges" her blush deepened "but you know im with your sister...and...i dont think she would be happy with either of know..."

"Ah come on Sam.." Lincoln said with his best hurt frown and slight whine, "It's like you said the other weekend.." He gained a amused smile on his face as he threw her broken words (Words he might have admittedly put into her mind by first suggestion but still), "What Luna doesn't know won't hurt her~"

He said with a laugh before adding with a smirk, "Besides.." He gave a her a perverted leer, "If I remember right you certainly had a blast giving me a lap dance before we made out on the couch."

He said while giving her ass a squeeze for emphasis, "All while Luna was snoozing right next to us too~"

Sam´s blush deepen to the point she could be seen steaming.

"ok ok STOP!!!" she cried "look if I...if i kiss you" cough "would you promise to NEVER mention about what happened...ever again"

Lincoln frowned but soon sighed, "Fine..okay." He said looking down at his feet but not removing his hand as he asked in his best depressed hurt tone, "But was what happen that night really that bad."

He said in a low tone gazing down at his shoes doing his best to hide a small smirk from Sam, "Because.." He gritted his teeth, "it was probably the most amazing night of my life and I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since!"

He said blurting out in a rush of emotion (Or at least making it appear that way to Sam.)

"Oh Lincoln" Sam said feeling bad for the boy "look...i wont was also...quite the was...well nice" she blushed trying to forget she WET herself by an 12 year old boy touching/spanking/dry humping...ok no focus!!! "and im sure you will make a girl...really happy in the future"

she said trying to sound firm " not only older than you by a good chunk but im also with your sister Luna" she kneeled and put a hand on his cheek trying to comfort him "you understand right?"

"You're only older than me by four years." He said in low tone looking away before turning to stare into her eyes with his best depressed gaze, "And Luna..." He sighed looking down, "I know that you're right your with my sister.."

He said before he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, "It's just after what happen that night.." He let out a growl, "I love Luna but I can't help but wonder if she deserves a girl as amazing and sexy as you."

He stared into her eyes as he raised his hand up gently placing it over the hand she had placed on his cheek, "I know it's wrong for me to think that..but." He looked deep into her eyes, "I've just never felt like this before for anyone before."

He "confessed" to his "sisters" girlfriend, "Any other girl I've ever liked before just seem like childish crushes that can't compare to someone like you."

"Oh Lincoln" his words cut deep. she felt awful and only wanted to make him feel...better "Im sorry...i should have been more responsible" she mentally promise that if she find out who spiked the punch she will give them a PUNCH of herself "i didnt want to make you feel like this"

she bit her lips and an idea came to mind...a bad idea but that might work "If...if it make you feel about...I...ummm...give you a special show? Since its the last time i...could make it special...if you want"

"" Lincoln arched a confused brow though his tone was curious while internally he was fist pumping at this and was determined to take this as far as he could, "That sounds.." He gave a gulp sending her a tentative grin, "Wonderful~"

He said staring up at her with desire and affection, "But what do you have in mind?" He added with a tilt of his head

"I ummmm" she blushed "Ok just...sit there ok" she looked inside her bag and pulled out her phone "I...i was ehem..planning to do this for a a way i could use your opinion so..." she scrolled down and selected a song and soft rock began filling the room

Lincoln took a seat on the old bean bag chair in the corner Sam gestured to as he looked toward her with enraptured eyes and as the music began to play he couldn't stop a lick of his lips as he said, "You have no idea how jealous I am of Luna right now than."

After hearing that she planned to do this for Luna though was internally crowing that she was doing it for him instead~

"ummm thanks" said the girl blushing before she took a deep breath and began dancing.

slowly she moved her hips in hypnotic patter before turning and giving Lincoln a "sensual look" while putting extra movements to her bootie. following the music, she took off her jacket throwing it in Lincoln´s direction before using her hands to caress her whole body. up her face, down her breasts all the way to her legs

Lincoln himself was watching with a enraptured gaze and wide smile as he stared with lust at Sam feeling a certain organ twitch in his pants, "You've got to be the most beautiful sexiest girl in the world."

He said in a low breathy whisper and actually kinda meaning it as in his eyes right now and for some time Sam probably was one of the most beautiful sexiest girls alive in this reality

Sam blushed but kept her mind on her act...this was just practice for Luna...and it will make Lincoln feel better...then they can put all this behind.

She took one of her boots and untied it before taking it off showing her white sock.

The boot went flying towards Lincoln as she removed her sock and repeated the process with her other boot and sock.

Then she began moving up, her hands caressing her until they reach her belt.

She gulped as she unbuckle it and then unbutton her pants, pulling down her zipper giving him a peak of her electric blue panties

Lincoln meanwhile had Sam boots and jacket in his arms and was unable to stop himself from doing something even he thought a bit weird and that was inhale their scent, "Hmm..ahhh." He said with a low sight actually finding it strangely pleasant while still keeping his eyes on Sam dance and licking his lips, "This is the second greatest day of my life."

He stated in a blunt tone while he watched with a wide grin

"dont.." Sam blushed by his actions and his words...but kept her mind focus as she turned around...and slowly began peeling down her pants with her panty-clad-ass pointing at the boy as she bent down

Lincoln unseen to Sam gave a wide smirk at the sight as he took in the glorious vision, "Ah there's the sexiest rockingest ass in the world." He said with a large grin

"ummmm" Sam blushed as she took off her pants (leaving herself only in her blue panties)before throwing them at Lincoln " liking this?" she asked as she moved her ass at the music tempo

" know it~" Lincoln said with a wide grin as he watched her dance and twerk that sexy ass, "The only thing that could make this moment better is if I could touch or rub my face against those sexy cheeks~"

He said with a cheeky grin

"umm well....ummm" she blushed as she turned and walked towards Lincoln "i..might have something like that" she said with a blush taking off her shirt (showing again she wasnt wearing a bra)

Lincoln once more stared up at her orbs in awe, "Sam you really are the best thing to ever happen in my life." He said putting on his best tone of absolutely awe (Something was a lot easier than you expect considering the situation) before unable to resist throwing her a teasing smirk, "And no bra again..naughty girl~

"ummm...i just...dont feel i need it...well..." her breasts werent small but werent bigger either...they were...quite nice for their size...well developed but not bimbo like (like Leni) "ummm...well...i...want to try something...if you...want"

Lincoln moved his gaze from her breasts up to her eyes, "Sam for you i'd be willing to try or do anything." He said putting as much passion and compassion as he could into his voice

"Im..ummm ok...if you sure..." she said blushing moving her hands towards his pants "i..i want to..take this"

The soul that had become Lincoln Loud couldn't stop the eager grin, "Go right ahead~" He said before grabbing the bottom of his shirt, "I suppose it's only fair if I get naked and give you a bit of a show too anyway~"

He said while pulling up his shirt and than throwing off to the side next to Sam boots and jacket

" dont really have too..." said Sam blushing

"Sam.." Lincoln smiled at her as he placed his hand down against her own hands that were pressed against his pants, "Maybe I don't have to but I want to.." He grinned, "Like I said i'm willing to do anything for you~" He said even shooting her a wink while adding, "Even give a pretty girl her own view to enjoy~"

ummmm" Sam blushed and unbuttoned Lincoln´s pants showing he was wearing red undies...that had a tent already "whoa...for a 12 year old you..." she blushed...Lincoln was quite developed

"Hehe impressed~" Lincoln asked with a teasing tone while he grinned up at her

" really are a growing boy" Sam gulped "ok..I...ummmm...if...if you feel uncomfortable....please tell me"" she grabbed his briefs and peel them down revealing his semi-hard member

Lincoln let out a content sigh as he leaned into the bean bag, "Sam I don't think I could ever get uncomfortable when i'm doing something with you." He shot her a smirk, "Because every moment with you is like heaven~"

"ummmm!" the blushing girl gulped "ok...then i will try" he grabbed his member and brought it to the valley of her breasts "sorry if this awkward...i havent really" she blushed pressing her breasts together and began moving them

"Hmm it's okay Sam.." Lincoln said with a slight groan smiling at her, "Something like this, sharing this with you." The smile grew wider, "It's not awkward, it's a dream come true~" He said as he enjoyed the feel of her breasts against and around his cock

" glad it" she said blushing feeling ashamed that....she was actually also enjoying this.

trying to ignore this she continue caressing her mounts against his cock

" could..I not~" Lincoln said with a groan closing his arms, "It's experience this...with...a"

"ummm Lincoln...I...thanks I..." Sam shivered although internally she was freaking up a bit as she could feel her pussy tingle and dripping "am i really getting wet from this?!" she cried in her mind as her movements became faster

"Argh..oh Sam!" Lincoln groaned out at her pace getting faster, "!" He gasped out in euphoric bliss

Sam flinched a bit feeling something liquid fell off his cock (and out her own pussy) but she simply continue hopping this would be enough for him

"Hmm..that's it.." He said with a slight grunt enjoying the feel and pace of her boob job, "Work my cock with those sexy tits of yours beautiful~" He said once again uncaring of his language, "You know you love it~"

"ugg ugg I...uggg" she shivered feeling more juices dripping out of her.

was she really enjoying this?

was she loving doing this with Lincoln? Her girlfriend´s brother!!!!

"Hmm that's it~" Lincoln groaned with bliss, "Ronnie Anne and Stella might be cute but they aint got nothing on a sexy rockstar badass bitch like you~"

He said trying to fuel her desire and egg her on more with a large grin

"ugg ugg uggg!" Sam could feel his cock becoming harder as some pre-cum began leaking out

"Urg..yeah..that's it~" Lincoln panted out with a groan, "Get your girlfriends little brother off you naughty girl~" He said sending her a smirk, "You know you want my cum~"

"I...I...uggggg" she squirted in her panties as Lincoln also reaching his limit

"Argh...FUCK!" Lincoln yelled out with a loud pleasure filled groan feeling his release hit as he tried to warn Sam, "Sam ..I'm...gonna..,"

Sam simply closed her eyes and pressed her breasts harder on him

Lincoln could no longer hold back his release and started to cum hard over her tits and face, SLURRRRRRRTTTTTTTT!

While at the same moment shouting something in orgasmic passion, "I LOVE YOU!"

"ahhhhh!!!" Sam couldnt help but moan as she also cum in her panties and his semen covered her breasts and face

Lincoln himself gave a groan grinning a large smug victorious grin as he laid back in the beanbag as he gather his breath, "Sam ..that...was.." He let out a laugh, "Fucking amazing ~"

He said laughing before adding with a smug smirk, "And looks like I'm not the only one who enjoyed this either ~" He said realizing she had experience her own orgasm and was catching her breath

"ah ah quite...was" said the girl blushing as she moved back letting his warm seed drip from her breasts "umm...i hope...this...helped" Sam said with a small shivered at her damped panties

" helped a bit I suppose." He said tapping his chin with a shrug smile before confessing with a frown, "Though now I think I'm even more in love with you then before." He said looking at her watching as his seed dripped down and off her body causing his cock to twitch and harden a bit again

"ah ah ah...what?" she asked a bit shocked

Lincoln stared into her eyes, "I said I love you " He out as much passion and desire as he could into his voice as he stood up and took a step closer to Sam, "And how could I not ."

He reached over to the shocked teen and gently took one of her hands into his own giving it a soft squeeze, "You're beautiful, sexy, one the coolest girls I know.."

He shot her a grin, "I feel more alive than ever when I'm with you.."

"L...Lincoln" Sam would lie if she said she wasnt touched by his words...but "Lincoln...i...we...we with Luna..and..."

Lincoln shot Sam a smug grin as he replied back, "Alls fair in war and love Sam~" He said with a slight laugh while squeezing her hand before a leer grew on his face, "And like we said last weekend what Luna doesn't know won't hurt her~"

And at those words he placed his free hand right on top of her blue panty covered pussy gently rubbing it

"eppp ahhhh!!!" Sam cried at the sudden action "wait ahhh Lincoln ahhhhh" she tried to grab his wrist to stop him

However Lincoln let go of her other hand and moved to grabbed her other wrist as he started to rub through her panty clad pussy faster

"ah ah..please...Lincoln" the girl cried although her voice was more of a moan "you cant..i cant ahhhh"

"Why not?" Lincoln asked with a smirk as he looked up at her, "Can you honestly tell me a part of you doesn't want this too?"

"But..ah know..we cant...ah ah ah Luna..." Sam tried to protests but her body was heating up and she CERTAINLY was enjoying his touch

"Luna isn't here right now is she?" Lincoln stated/question with a smirk as he kept rubbing through her pussy, "It's just me..." He gave Sam a leer, "And a sexy goddess of rock~"

"ah ah ah Lincoln ah ah ah please little man ah ah dont...dont tease ahhhh" Sam moaned

Lincoln smirk widen, "As my goddess wishes ~" He said with a chuckle before gripping the panties and tearing them off throwing them carelessly over his shoulder before shoving done of his finger straight into the shocked teens pussy

"kyaaaaa!!!!" Sam cried in pleasure as his finger enter him "L-Lincoln!!! ahhh!"

"That's it Sam...scream" Lincoln had a large smirk, "Scream for me my sexy rockstar!" He said increasing his fingers pace

"ah ah ah not fair L...Lincoln!! ah ah ah you cant ah ah ah think of your sister ahhhhh!!!!"

However Lincoln wasn't having Sams pleas as he could only say one thing, "Fuck Luna Sam!" He said looking at her with desire, "If it means being with you than she can hate for rest of her life for all I care!"

"dont...dont say that please" Sam begged "she is your sister...i love love her right?" she asked trying to pull straws

"Eh maybe.." Lincoln said with a uncaring shrug and the soul that now called the body home did admit he certainly cared about and perhaps desired Luna but he wasn't sure if he loved her like the original Lincoln even with his memories.. especially considering what he was doing without a ounce of guilt, "But I love you more~"

"Linc!!!!!" the girl cried hitting another climax

Lincoln gave a wide evil grin at both the sight of her orgasm and feel of it against his hands, "Did I ever tell you you're so beautiful when you cum?~" Before pulling his hand back and smirking at the juices that coated it

"ah ah ah ah" Sam couldnt believe her girlfriend´s little brother was able to made her cum twice...and worst of all she enjoyed both times!!!!

Lincoln raised the juice covered hand up to his mouth and gave it a lick, "Hmm...delicious~" He said before giving Sam a bright "innocent" smile as he asked, "Want to try some~"

Sam blushed and shook her there anyway this could get more embarrassing?

"Something wrong Sam?" Lincoln asked innocently giving his fingers another lick as his rock hard cock pointed at her, "I just wanted to give you a taste of what you gave me.." He took a step closer to her and spoke in a low tone of desire, "And to show you just a taste of how much you mean to me."

"I..I...believe you Lincoln" she said trying to regain control "but..maybe...we know finish this? we still have a lesson to go through after all"

"Finish this.." Lincoln repeated as he rubbed his chin with a smirk, "How do you mean?" He asked as he gently placed his head against her pussy, "Do you want me to eat you out too?" He asked giving her pussy a quick lick savoring the taste before adding on, "Or maybe.."

He looked at her with a eager smile, "You want to go all the way?"

"all...the way?" she asked only for Lincoln to suddenly spread her legs and took position "wait Lincoln no!!! thats too cant!!!"

"Why not.." Lincoln said giving her a gentle push causing the teenager to fall back and land on the bean bag as he crawled right on top of her, "If I have to have my first time with anyone it'd be you...besides."

He smirked into her eyes from his position down by her legs and crouch, "We both know you want this~" And for added emphasis to his statement he rubbed his cock against her pussy

"ahhh please Lincoln" Sam begged "I...i love my own little bro..and...i know i said i will do our last time special know thats too much"

Lincoln at this paused and sighed fighting every desire and instinct he had to plunge his dick inside her right than and there before lifting up his head and staring hard into her eyes, "Alright..i'll stop."

He said but didn't remove himself from his position or stop rubbing his dick against her pussy, "If.." He shot her a smirk, "You can look me in the eyes and tell me honestly with all your soul that a part of you hasn't enjoyed everything that's happen.." He leaned and added with a husky whisper, "And honestly tell me that part of you doesn't want to go further~"

Sam gulped...this was her chance...she will tell him she didnt want to continue...will apologize to him for causing this (a strip-tease? what was she thinking), they will go for the lesson and it will be the last thing they said about it.

just tell him Sam.

"I...." he looked in his eyes...those love-filled for her "I...I..." come on!! say it...dont mess this up "I..." dont think on his words...or his divine touch...and how he simply made you butter at his hands "I..."

"Come on Sam.." Lincoln whispered in a low husky tone reaching up and squeezing her left breast with his right hand while his left hand rubbed and squeeze her right thigh and his cock rubbed against her pussy, "Just tell me..." He stared into her eyes, "what you want."

"I...I want..." she took a deep breath "I want...I" she tried to said it...try to ignore his cock teasing her pussy and his hand massaging her breasts...she tried

"Oh?" Lincoln arched a brow as he smirk, "So you do want me...want this.." He added as he smiled at her while he gently started to push his cock into her pussy but made sure not to go too deep or far and break her least not yet~

"uggg ahhhhhh" Sam maoned "No..I...want you..I ahhhhhhh" she cried.

was it suppose to be this big or was Lincoln just gifted?

"You want me.." Lincoln repeated with a smirk giving her breast and thigh a squeeze as he roared out, "than you've GOT ME!" He said with a wide grin thrusting hard and fast into her pussy breaking her hymen and taking her virginity in the process while exclaiming out, "I FUCKING LOVE YOU SAM!"

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!" she cried her legs suddenly putting around Lincoln´s waist pulling him closer (and deeper inside her)

Lincoln himself groaned out from the tightness and wet feeling of her pussy as he moved his hand from her thigh and gripped her other breast using both of his hands on her breasts as leverage as he started to hammer away at her pussy

"ah ah ah ah Li...Lincoln!!! ah ah ah ah" she couldnt stop felt so good

"Arg..hmmm...SAM!" Lincoln groaned out squeezing her breasts and plowing his hips forward for all he was worth while staring at her with enraptured desire, "You're pussy is wet and tight~"

"ah ah ah...Lincoln..I...this isnt ahhh" she moaned "oh god...its...good!!!"

"Argh..that's've got a real Loud fucking you~" Lincoln said smirking up at her before giving her nipples a twist, "You think Luna could ever fuck you this good?"

"ahhhhhh!!!!" Sam moaned "I..i dont know ahhhh..." she cried a bit thinking about Luna...and the fact she was fucking her brother...

"She won't and she can't.." Lincoln said in between grunts with a wide smirk, "Because she'll never compare to me or my..." He pulled his hips back, "HUGE!" than thrust as hard and fast he could inside her, "COCK!"

"ahhhh ah ah ah ah ah oh ah ah ah oh god ah ah ah it feels..ahhh so good ahhhh" Sam moaned in delight starting to lose herself at the feeling

Lincoln smirked wide with triumph at this, "Ah..yeah..your damn feels good Sam~" He said in between grunts of pleasure while pounding away at her pussy as hard as he could, "Because you and me.." He smirked knowing the line was corny but part of him couldn't resist, "were meant to be~"

"ah ah ah ah ah Lincoln ah ah ah ah LINCOLN!!!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah.." Lincoln grunted slamming his dick as hard and fast as he could before he screamed out the girls name with passion as he felt her pussy tighten around his cock, "SAM!"

Gripping and twisting her nipples at the same moment he screamed

"ah ah ah ah LINCOLN AH AH AH LINCOLN AHHHHH!!!!" cried the girl cumming again

And as the girls wet pussy gripped his cock like a vice grip Lincoln could only throw his head back and cry out as he shot his seed into Sam's newly deflowered pussy, "SAAAAAAAAAAMMMMM!"


both cried as Lincoln released his seed inside the girl.

Lincoln gave a groan holding his position for several moments before giving a content sigh as the last load was shot than let himself fall on top of Sam with a victorious grin taking several moments to catch is breath

Before he started to kiss at Sam's stomach and around her breasts any spot his mouth could reach while his dick was still lodged in the taller girls pussy, "So could..Luna..ever make you feel this good~" He said in between a layer of butterfly kisses

"Ah...Ah...Luna....luna" some tears fell "Im sorry...i cant...he is sorry my moon"

Lincoln felt both satisfaction yet jealousy at this reaction, "Shh..shh..Sam." He said in soothing tone while reaching up and giving her breast a squeeze, "You've got nothing to apologize for~"

He said before adding with a smirk, "After all you're only doing what your heart wants.." He let out a chuckle, "And it wants me~"

He grinned twisting the nipple, "If anything Luna's to blame for not giving you the attention you deserve, or being strong enough to keep you from those that want to take a perfect rock goddess like you away~"

Sam kept crying although one part of her was touched about his words.

and if being honest...when was the last time Luna said something like that to her? all she talked about was music bands, and how she is the best rocker, and if she is lucky a couple of cute nicknames to her but...outside that?

"You deserve more Sam.." Lincoln said as he reached up and began to knead and massage her breasts while feeling his cock stir and twitch in her pussy, "You deserve someone who will worship you like the goddess of rock you are~"

He smirked at her, "Someone who isn't just riding your coattails to her own success like my sister." He said giving a shake of his head, "Someone who'd do anything to help you achieve your dreams...or..

Lincoln sighed with a frown, "Failing that give you a happy life you'll never trade.." He stared deep into her eyes, "Someone that will give you pleasure Luna never could...someone that can make you feel love."

He gained a amused smirk, "Someone who could give you a family someday.." He chuckled before shrugging, "Like maybe a daughter named Lina~"

"Lina?...that name sounds cute" said Sam actually imaging the girl...white hair..maybe a blue lock of hair

"I know right.." Lincoln said kissing up her stomach as he gave her breast a squeeze, "A adorable girl.." He smirked, "With my white hair and her mothers beauty~" He said tugging one breast before managing to lean forward and give it a lick (being careful to avoid any of his dry semen that was still there from her earlier boobjob)

"ahhhh ummmm" she shivered again only this time it was out of pleasure

Lincoln smirked at that, "Sounds like you like the sound of it.." He said with a laugh squeezing and licking her breasts for all they were worth while kneading them, "I can be that someone Sam.." He looked imploringly into her eyes, "If you let me."

"Lincoln" and in that moment she didnt care anymore..all she wanted was his love..his attention...everything.

and whit that she closed the distance kissing him with all the lust she could

Lincolns eyes widen in shock before closing as he felt a surge of victorious triumph and his cock becoming hard again as he raised his hand up to Sam's head running them through hair as he returned and deepen the kiss

"ummm ummm" the girl moaned as her mind lost itself into the kiss

"Hmmm....amhmmm." Lincoln return the moan with his own as he twirl his tongue inside Sams mouth

"Ummm ummm" her body heated up causing her to leak even more

"Hmm..ah..Sam~" Lincoln said with a groan breaking the kiss only to dive his face straight toward her neck giving it a bite as he started to suck on it.

"Ahhhhhh Lincoln!!!" she cried in lust " are going to ahhh leave a mark"

"Hmmm...good~" Lincoln said with a smirk after removing his mouth only to lick up the side of her neck as he whispered huskily into her ear, "Let Luna and everyone else see that you belong to me now~" Right before diving right back onto her neck while twisting her nipples

"ahhhh...but...i dont know...what if..." Sam didnt want Luna to find out about this...she couldnt imagine how to face her with this

"What if...what?" Lincoln asked pulling his head back with a smirk while he started to slowly move his harden cock inside Sam's pussy, "Luna finds out she's gotten cuckqueen by her own little brother~" He asked giving Sam's nipples a twist, "And that i've made you feel more alive in the last half hour than Luna ever did in your entire relationship~"

Sam felt a jolt of fear.

"No!!! she will kill us both" she cried

Lincoln arched a brow at her before letting out a laugh as he gently bucked his hips enjoying the feel of her tight pussy again, "Hmm like she could~" He said with a amused snort before sending Sam a evil smirk, "But if you're really worried we could always put her in her place~"

"Eh? put her in place?" Sam asked confused

"Yeah you know."' Lincoln stopped his hips staring into her eyes, "Make her watch as I show her how a real Loud makes a sexy rockstar scream~"

"Ummmmm" she blushed....why was she thinking on that idea as something she wanted?

"Just think about it Sam~" Lincoln said with a dark purr twisting her nipples and squeezing them between his fingers, "Luna stripped and tied up on the floor watching us on her own bed~"

He leaned in and added in a dark husky whisper, "Watching you scream your head off as you bounce off my cock and i'm spanking your sexy ass~"

"ummmmm...that..." that souned hot...her Luna...all naked...for her.... "I like how that sounds"

"Hehe...I knew you would~" Lincoln said giving her lips a kiss, "Just think about her staring up at us as I fill you with my seed~"

"Think about what she would say.." He added picturing her heart broken cries and demands of why, "And what you'll tell her~" He said layering butterfly kisses up her neck

"I....ummm...i will tell her" Sam moaned "that actually...knew how treat me...with love"

"And could actually." Lincoln added in drawing his hips back and withdrawing his cock from her pussy but leaving the tip in, "FUCK!" Before thrusting it back inside her as he started to fuck it, "as half as good as your little brother~"

He stated fucking her pussy while smirking at her and waving her to continue what she was saying

"ah ah ah ah fuck her? fuck me? Lincoln ah ah ah ah" she moaned as she imagine Lincoln fucking her...and then Luna....and then both

"Argh..Sam.." Lincoln groaned out before arching a surprised brow at some of her words and giving a large smirk, " want me to fuck my own sister?" He coyly asked with a devious smirk, "You naughty slut~"

He said with a laugh giving her breasts a hard smack, "Cheating on her and leaving her for her own brother ain't enough for you~" He said with a laugh while he plowed her pussy hard for the second time, "You want to see your man fuck and break your ex his own sister with his cock too~"

"ahhhh!!! I...I dont ahhhhh!!!" she moaned/cried as he smacked her again "Ahhhhh...yeeeesssss!!!"

"Admit it you wanted this didn't you slut!" Lincoln cried with a eager wide grin, "Ever since last weekend you've wanted me to steal you away from Luna, to pop your cherry, and fuck you like a animal!"

He exclaimed giving her tits another good smack, "Just like you want me to fuck and break Luna into our fucking bitch!"

" I ahhhhhh!!!!" Sam moaned as her breasts began turning red by his hits

"Admit it Sam.." Lincoln growled out with lust, "You want me, you want my cock...and.." He smirked at her, "You want me to break my sister with my cock~"

"I...I..." she blushed "i want you!!!" she cired "I want Luna!!! i want you to fuck us both!!!!"

Lincoln grin wide like a shark smelling blood as he slammed his cock inside her, "Than consider it done!" He yelled out with a wide grin, "You'll be my Queen!" He slapped her tits, "And we'll rape and break Luna into our willing slave!" He added with a twisted grin grabbing and twisting her nipples~

"AHHHHHHH LINCOLN!!!!" she cried hitting her climax again

And Lincoln feeling Sam's pussy clench tightly around his cock again could only once again let loose his load inside her pussy as he screamed out his new girls name, "SAAAAAAAAAAAAAMM!" While gripping and twisting her nipples for all they were worth


both cried as he released his load.

then she remained still on the bag trying to catch her breath

Lincoln himself also laid back on Sam's breast using them as pillow catching his breath before looking up at her with a smirk, "So.." He let out a chuckle, "This means we're going steady now~" He asked with a amused smirk

"ummmm....ah...ummm...yes" she said in low tone blushing like crazy

"Hehe good.." He said befrore giving her lips a sweet kiss before pulling back, "So than.." Lincoln gave the side of her neck a slow sensual lick "Who do you love more.." He gave her tits a good squeeze, "Luna or me?"

"ahhh...y-you....YOU!!!" she cried in delight her mind totally in love with his touch

Lincoln felt a surge of victorious pleasure at this confession as smirked at her, "So this means you have no problem either leaving Luna...or." He gained a evil smirk, "Helping me break her into our toy~" He gave her lips a quick peck, "Her fate..your choice." He told her in a evil whisper

"I...i want Luna...I want Luna with me...under you" she said with a lustful expression

"Hehe...oh." Lincoln asked giving her lips a quick peck as he asked in a dark whisper, "Even if that means holding her down while I rape all her holes?~" He gave the side of her neck a lick, "Or putting on a strap on and double teaming her with me while she screams for us to stop~"

"ahhh yes yes!!!!" she said in delight

Lincoln could only smile at her as he said one thing, "I love you so much right now my evil sexy rockstar~" While leaning forward to give her lips a eager kiss

"I...i love" she blushed "my white haired master"

"I know you do my rock queen~" Lincoln said cupping her cheek before getting a evil smile and give Sam newfound attitude a test as he admitted something, "Spiking that punch was the best thing i've ever done~"

He admitted with a laugh

"You? you did that?" asked Sam confused "Why did you...?"

Lincoln smirked as he cupped her cheek, "Why do you think Sam..." He gently rubbed as he spoke in a low plan, "I'm the man with the plan~"

He chuckled grinning evilly, "And if that plan involves stealing the girl of my dreams away from my sister..." He shrug, "Well that's just love~" He said before giving her lips a sweet kiss

"ummm" the surprise then faded replaced by good old lust and love from the kiss making her relax as she kissed back

Lincoln returned the kiss for several moments before pulling back as he asked with a smirk, "I hope that doesn't change anything.." He arched a brow, "Does it?" Emphasizing the question by smacking her breasts again watching them bounce

"Ahhh...n-no!!!" she cried in delight "my genius master"

"Hehe glad to hear it~" Lincoln said with a smirk as he withdrew his cock from her pussy (Watching with a pleased smirk at the seed pouring out) and laid beside Sam, "So than.." He arched a brow looking up at her, "Still got some time before have to head home.."

He wiggled his eyes, "Want to keep going or would you prefer to snuggle and chat~"

Sam blushed.

"Although i would love to...go again" she said with a shiver "if i do so again i feel you will actually knock me out"

"Hehe what can I say.." Lincoln said with a smug smirk while wrapping his arm around Sams waist to squeeze her against his side, "When you're good you're good~"

He said laughing before smirking at her, "I guess i'll have to wait till next time before I rail your sexy ass hole doggy style than babe~"

Sam blushed but wasnt against the idea as both cuddle against each other, enjoying their common heat and slowly falling sleep

And as he choose to take a nap with his new girl after technical losing his virginity the soul inside Lincoln crowed at a job well done at achieving his goal and could only look forward to what awaited in the future~

As his mind went to Luna and several other girls...after all. He thought with a devious smirk as he closed his eyes and laid his head against Sam's breasts...this was only the beginning.

(Back in the Loud House Neighborhood)

It was close to sunset when the old actor decided to call it a day and his workers left.

they did managed to cover a lot of ground.

the kitchen was ready (fridge with enough food for tonight and tomorrow), couch and tv set...bed and wardrobe also set (only need to put cloths in)...basically all was left where random things he could fill later..for now he had a place to sleep and rest and that was important.

and after finding out he will be living next to one of the more chaotic family on tv and that one of them probably is like him (an isekai guy)...a night of sleep after a good dinner sounded perfect in his book...then tomorrow he will plan what to do with this information



However this plan would experience a unexpected interruption when the front door went knocking as a innocent voice called out, "Hello Mr. Phoenix are you there?"

Ozai blinked recognizing the voice like Leni´s.

curious he approached and opened the door.

"Leni?" he couldnt help but ask "What are you doing here?"

Hi Mr. Phoenix Leni waved a with wide innocent if slightly dopey grin, "I'm here for the dinner.." She chirped cheerfully before giving a confused frown as she looked around, "Though I think everyone else is running late for some reason.."

She said scratching the back of her head before smiling reassuringly at the man, "But i'm sure they'll be here soon.."

Ozai blinked.

"Leni...what make you think the dinner is today?" he asked feeling this will be a classic "Leni mixed things up because she is Leni" moment

Leni frowned, "Wait didn't mom and dad say tonight.." She asked with a cute tilt of her head, "I think you all said it would be later.." She said frowning and thinking hard before shrugging, "And it's later.." She said with her bright smile returning

Ozai facepalmed...yep he was right.

"later as in later this week" said Ozai "sigh...forget it...wanna come in?"

"Sure .." Leni chirped with a eager oblivious smile while walking into the house, "You're really a lot nicer in person than on tv.."

She said as she looked around Ozai new home and the progress of the move in so far, "Though you really need to decorate your house more."

"will keep that in mind" the man said closing the door "there is still much to do but think the house will be ready for our dinner" he said turning to Leni.

and couldnt help but give the girl a good innocent yet so good looking...he couldnt help but smile at her

Leni herself after done looking around looked back at Mr. Phoenix and once saw him smiling at her return it with one of her own, "Oh that's great..." She said before blinking and looking at him curiously, "So what are we having?"

She asked before frowning, "I hope it's nothing too fat or greasy.." She said before taking a pose, "I've totes had to watch my figure lately."

Ozai couldnt help but laugh.

"hahahaha you? if i can tell you have a nice figure already" the man said with a smile

"Ah thanks..." Leni said with a wide sweet smile, "You're totes sweet.." She said with a goggy before frowning, "Though I heard a couple of my boys taking at my job saying I had big jugs..."

She gained a confused look on her face, "Which really doesn't make any sense since wasn't holding any milk jugs..." She said before pouting, "But I figured they meant I was getting fat.." She said with a huff and hurt tone

That made the man blink as a thought passed his mind...although...could he...

well it wasnt everyday you can find yourself with a cutie like maybe...

deciding to give it a test Ozai answered.

"oh no Leni they didnt meant you fat" he said approaching the girl and pointing at her chest "they are saying your breasts are really big"

"Really..?" Leni question with a confused frown as she reached up and started to squeeze and feel up her breafy right in front of Ozai through her clothes, "And..."

She bit her lips before looking at Ozai with concern, "That's totes a good thing... right?"

"Because I totes remember Lori being upset about my breasts when I had to get new bras last year .." She said with confused tilt of her head before looking up in thought, "Though she seemed really happy a few months ago when she had to get some new bras."

Ozai blinked...ok this could happen.

"it is...some men think girls with big breasts are the best" ok time for a test "ummm and you have quite a good size for what i can tell...but...ummm" he gaze on her breasts "i wonder if you fill all the requirements"

"Requirements?.." Leni gave a confused blink, "What kinda requirements?" She asked with a frown while looking down at her breasts

"Oh nothing to worry about" said Ozai "only the requirements a girl must have to be considered the best girl and to be considered attractive" he said "but im sure you fill all the criteria"

Leni felt a slight blush while smile brightly yet a bit shyer, "Ah thank you Mr. Phoenix.." She said reaching up and twirling a lock of her hair around her finger, "You really are totes such a sweetie~"

She said with another giggle before frowning, "But you sure I fit the cri..cri.." She stuttered for a moment, "That thing you said.."

"ummmm" Ozai made it look like he was thinking about it "well we could make the test for it." he said with a smile

"What kinda test?.." Leni asked with a nervous fidget before looking down with a frown, "I've never been good at them.."

"oh dont sure you will do it its not a paper test but a...feeling test" Ozai said

"Feeling test.." Leni repeated confused scratching her head, "I don't think i've done that before..." She said with a frow

"well.." he smiled "you think you up for it? you can say no if you want as im sure your chest is perfect as it is"

Leni frowned before nibbling her lips for several moments, "No.." She said shaking her head with a frown, "I want to do the test!" She stated with a determined tone, "And this time i'll totes pass for sure~

Ozai laughed.

"thats the spirit my dear" he said "ok how about we go to my room? this is a private test after all"

Leni blinked before giving a shrug, "Okay.." She chirped with a bounce of her step, "Just lead the way Mr. Phoenix.."

Ozai took a deep breath...will he actually be doing this?

looking the retreating form Of Leni... the answer was quite simply YES.

so he approaching her and put a hand on a shoulder guiding her to his room (closing the door behind them)

And as Ozai closed the door Leni cheerfully skipped inside the room and looked around noticing that while the bed and some such had been moved in a lot of the decor had yet to be unpacked, "You know if you want i could totes help you decorate.."

She said turning with a bright cheerful smile to face him.

"well after the test you could tell me all your ideas" said the man "so you ready to begin?"

"Yep!" Leni chirped before giving a blink, "" She bit her lip, "What do I need to do?" She asked while taking a seat on the bed

Ozai walked behind her.

"just stay still for this part" he said moving his hands around her...and groping her breasts

Leni gasped out with her eyes widening as she looked up at him in shock, "Mr..Phoenix.." She said in a nervous tone before giving off a slight moan, "What..what are you doing?"

"this is the first test" said Ozai "im feeling how big your breasts are" he said as he continue massaging it "also see how soft they are"

"I..ah.." Leni could only gasp out as she closed her eyes giving a moan, " nice~"

"you liking it?" he asked "thats good...ummm and i can tell you have a good size...and quite soft too" he said with a smile

"" Leni gasped out feeling flushed and blushing, "" She said staring up into his eyes

"Its as i said" he said looking at her eyes "you already have a nice body" he squeezed her breasts "you should be proud of it"

" really think so.." Leni asked flushing with a shy smile not sure why she suddenly felt all nervous, "I'm not fat or anything?" She asked with a frown

"No..of course not" he then said "although..ummm"

"What.." Leni asked with almost fearful tone as she looked up at him with a frown at this

" just...your dress is in the way" he said "cant really have a good look at your body with it on"

Leni gave a blink looking down at her dress, "So I should take it off?" She asked with confusion in her tone, "But my mom and sisters always told me I shouldn't let dad, Linky, or any strangers see me naked."

"and they are shouldnt take it off before any stranger" he then smiled "but im not a stranger right? you know who am i right?"

"Oh..duh.." Leni said with a slight giggle nodding her head, "You're our new neighbor Ozai Phoenix the famous movie star of course I know who you are.."

She said with a bright smile, "So I guess this means you aren't a stranger.." She said as reached for the top of her dress before pausing, "Wait though does this mean I can get naked around my familys friends than?" She asked with a tilt of her head

"No Leni...remember this is a special case" said Ozai "like a normal exam you cant do it at your home...or you take exam papers to your home to do them?"

"Ah okay that makes sense." Leni said with a nod before reaching up at the top of her dress and started to peel it down and once it fell around her ankles with her kicking off her shoes to be more comfortable it revealed her light green pantie covered body

" do have a beautiful body" he said "and no bra today Leni?"

Leni gave a flush but shrugged not bothering to hide her bare breasts with her dress and sandals around her feet all she was wearing was her panties, "No they get kinda uncomfortable sometimes.." She admitted

"maybe you need to buy new ones" he said in delight moving closer and cup her naked breasts directly "ummm but now i can certainly say you have a nice pair here"

"HEhe thank you~" Leni said with a little giggle as she raised her hands up giving them a squeeze, "Though are big boobies really attractive?" She asked as while she was proud of her looks she hadn't really ever thought much about her boobies before

"It depend on the guy to be honest" said the man massaging ehr breasts "some prefer them really big others prefer them small" he teased her nipples "yours are in a perfect point...they are big...but not too big"

"Hmm..thank you oenix." Leni gasped up feeling strange feeling of pleasure hit her body at the massage her boobies were receiving, "Hmm..feels so good~" She said with a sigh of pleasure

Ozai smiled things were going how about push it a bit more?

"ok Leni i will said you have the breasts to be a great girl" he said "you ready for the next test?"

"You bet!" Leni said with a eager nod and determined grin, "I'm totes ready to get a A~"

Ozai smiled.

"indeed" he said before grabbing the girl like a bride on his arms and then putting her down on the bed

Leni found herself blushing yet smiling at Mr. Phoenix, " what do I have to do Mr. Phoenix?" She asked curiously before asking in shy tone, "And is it okay I call you Ozai sir?"

"it is my dear Leni" he said moving his hand to the waistband of her panties and began pulling at them to take them off

Leni found her heart beating really fast as he did so and as she stared up at him she admitted something, "You know.." She looked shyly away, "I always thought you were really scary on tv..but." She looked up into his eyes blushing, "Really handsome too~"

"oh? really?" he said as he finished peeling off her panties "you honor me with your words my dear" eh smiled "if anything i think you would have been a perfect fire-princess in the show"

"Hehe you really think so~" Leni said with a flush, "I always thought Azula was pretty~" She mentioned with a blissful smile

"and you are even prettier" he said as he gazed on her pussy. "you take good care of your body..and you have a sweet personality" he added bringing a hand and began touching her

"Ah..oh..Ozai~" Leni gasped out in a slight squeal of pleasure while smiling wide at his words

"Next test...test of pleasure" said Ozai "see if you can both enjoy and satisfy a man"

"Ah..oohhhhh." Leni groaned out at his touch, "Satisfy.." She repeated in a slight confused daze

"yes...a good girl can make a man happy with her body" explained Ozai "but at the same time she must be able to enjoy herself" he added moving a finger teasing her labia "tell me my dear..have you ever touch yourself?"

"Ah..hmm...yes.." Leni admitted with a flush, "Lori taught me how to~" She said giving a shy yet bright smile, "We've even done it with each other sometimes~" She told him before frowning, "Though she said we had to be quiet and never tell anybody else when we did it for some reason."

"its because is a special bounding that is secret" said Ozai "the same is for this secret and is special just for us"

"It is.." Leni asked with a gulp staring up into his eyes, "Does.." She flushed looking down, "Does this mean you like me~"

Ozia hummed

"you know...yeah...i think i like you" he said "you are beautiful inside and outside...and i love that sunshine personality of are great girl my dear"

Leni smiled bright blushing red, "Does..this..mean.." She found herself stuttering out suddenly nervous, "You want to date me?" She asked in breathy whisper as she felt her heart pound as it sounded like a dream come true a handsome good looking older guy a movie star no less would like to date her.

Ozai thoguth about it...well he was already about to take her in bed so.

"Yes my dear...i think i want to date you" he said "but it will be secret dating" he added "you dont tell your parents ok"

"Why...why not ." Leni repeated with a frown, "I'm sure they'd totes love you being my boyfriend.." She said with cheerful smile before getting a more sheepish expression, "And I'm not very good at keeping secrets." She admitted tad embarrassed remembering how she could plan the best surprise parties but always spoiled the surprise

Ozai had to think something.

"Its because i want to surprise them later" he said "so i need you to keep the secret until i can prepare the surprise" he added "and if they ask...tell them im your old man friend" he finished with a smile

"Oh.." Leni repeated and with a hum she chirpped out with a smile, "Okay!" She grinned eagerly and happy, "I'm totes sure they'll love the surprise~" She said with a giggle already picturing their happy expressions when they found out she was a dating a tv star~

"Though.." She gave a confused blink, "I don't think you're that old.." She said giving a shrug while smiling up at him from her position on the bed, "You dont' have any liver spots or wrinkles.."

"hehehe you are sweet my dear" he said spreading her legs "and for that i think you deserve this" he said as he unbutton his pants and pulled them down alongside his underwear to show his cock

"Oh.." Leni stuttered finding herself blushing, "It's so..big." She said with a note of awe as the only time she had ever seen a guys thingy was back when linky was a baby but this...this was certainly a lot bigger than a baby~

And she knew that a guy showing a girl her penis was a very big deal relationship wise...or at least that's what she gathered from overhearing gossip around school anyway

"Thank you my dear" Ozai said climbing over her and taking position teasing her entrance with his tip "i hope you find pleasure on it as i will with you"

"Oh is this the next part of the test.." Leni asked with a eager innocent smile, "Because something about this seems familiar.." She said with a frown

"it is" he said with a smile as he pressed his cock on her entrance

"Hmm..what do I need to do?" Leni asked in a breathy whisper

"just relax...and let me test you" he added as his tip managed to open her labia and he began inserting himself inside her

"OhhhhHH!" Leni squealed out feeling a sting of pleasure hit her it was like when she played with herself or Lori....only somehow something about this was even better

"ahhh thats good my dear uggg" he groaned as he kept introducing his member inside her "just relax and enjoy"

"Hmm bigger than my or...Lori's fingers.." Leni said between some gasping moans

"hehehe i hope so" he said feeling her barrier "but i bet your sister never reached this part" he said with a groan ready pierce her

"What..parRRRRTTTTT!?" Leni began to ask only to squeal out as she felt Ozai cock pierce through her hymen and claim her virginity

"ahhh this one my dear" he said as he finished inserting his whole length inside her

"OHHHH PHOENIX...OZAI!" Leni screamed with a gasp,"IT HURTS!" She said with tears running down her face

"sorry my dear" he said using a finger to clean away the tears "it will only be for a moment i assure you soon you will feel good"

"But it hurts so much!" Leni cried with tears in her eyes, "I don't want to fail the test but it hurts!"

"shhhh its okay my dear" he said massaging a breast "just will pass soon"

"Sniff..sniff..okay..' Leni said with a shy tentative tone while giving another slight gasp of pain, "But..when does..good part..start?" She asked frowning, "Because this test isn't fun anymore."

"shhh dont will come soon" he said and began moving slowly in and out her

Leni gritted her teeth but soon the pain started to slowly fade away as a feeling of pleasure hit her body, "Ohh..ohhhhhh~"

"ah ah ah you feeling better ugg my dear" he asked as he pumped in and out the blonde girl enjoying the tightness of her body

"Ah..ah ah ah ah YES!" Leni replied after some grunts squealing with her eyes going to the back of her head, "Feels so weird and tingly and good!"

"ah ah ah ah thats good my means your body is of good material ahhh i think you will pass this test no problem!!" he groaned in delight

"Ohhhh so good ah ah ah ah ah ah ah it feels so good!" Leni squealed out wrapping her legs around Ozai waist.

"ah ah ah yes...ah ah ah ah it does umm ah ah ah ha ha" grunted Ozai in delight grabbing one of her bouncing breasts

"" Leni said with a moaning slightly naughty giggle, "It..ahhmm...feels...good...and...tickles~"

"ug ug ug ug ug Leni..ah ah ah ah you definitely will pass ummmm" he added stopping for a moment to lick and suck at her kitties

"Ah ah hmmm..yay!" Leni squealed out in pleasure and joy from the news while enjoying the sensation of Oazi sucking at her titties it was even better than when Lori did it~ "I get a A and a new boyfriend~"

"ummmm yes and I get a nice fuck and a nice pair of tits to enjoy" he added resuming his bumping in and out "ug ug ug ug ug"

"Ah.ah.. ah nice~" Leni moaned out in return as she started to buck her hips in response to his thrusts feeling her body sinking into greater pleasure than she's ever felt before in her life

"ug ug ug ug i know they are nice" he said squeezing them with force

"AHMMM!" Leni squealed at that the forceful squeeze feeling so good as she bucked her hips, "So ah did I pass the tests yet than?" She asked with a curious if slightly fucked silly look on her face.

"ah ah ah ah ah ah yes...but still...there is one last thing to do" he grunted in delight

"Ah ah ah ohh...what?" She asked with curiosity and pleasure bucking as hard as she could in turn while feeling like she could explode from pleasure any minute

"see ah ah ah ah ah how much cum you can keep in!!!!" he cried before pushing in a last time and releasing his load inside the girl

This caused Leni eyes to go wide as she felt Ozai seed shoot inside her with her soon giving off her own piercing moan as she experienced her own orgasm her pussy wrapping tightly around his cock squeezing it, "AAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOZZZZZZAAAAAAIIII!!!

She squealed as she wrapped her legs around his waist by instinct

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" the man grunted in delight as soon began empty himself inside Leni

"Ahhmmmmmm~" Leni groaned out in post orgasmic bliss as she felt Ozai shoot deep inside her as she panted and laid on the table blearily recalling something like this before when her mom with Lisa sat her down for a special talk, ""

She asked with a silly smile recalling that while the talk was boring and she kinda zoned out she did think Lisa mentioned something about if a boy shoots sticky stuff inside a girl they'll have a baby

"hehehehe well that depend" said Ozai pulling out "you haven't been bleeding from down here lately right?"

Leni gave a blink up at him, "Um no last time was about a week ago." She said with a frown while biting her lip in thought

"umm then probably won't be a mom for a bit" he said "but maybe you can be one in the future"

"Oh...yay!" Leni said with a blink and wide smile looking up at Ozai while still feeling his cock inside her, "And you'd totes be a great daddy~" She said beaming before remembering something important, "So did I pass the test?" She asked in a eager tone

The man smiled before kissing her again.

"with flying colors my dear" he said

"YAY!" Leni squealed out smiling bright enough to light up the whole room as she stared up at him, "I passed the test and i'm dating a celebrity now." She clapped excitedly, "This is so totes the best day ever!"

She squealed out staring up at him with love, "And I can't wait to see the big surprise you have planned for my family and when we'll them them about us~" She said but put on a serious look, "But until than I'll totes keep our relationship a secret pinky promise."

"hehehe I know you will" he said caressing her face "you are as beautiful as smart so I know you will keep this secret" he added giving her another kiss " about we eat something and then take a bath?"

At this a noise sounded out from Leni stomach and she gave a embarrassed smile, "Hehe sure something to eat sounds totes good~"

She said before grinning, "As for the bath can we do one of those romantic candle lit baths together~" She said looking up at Ozai, "I've always wanted to try one of those after seeing it on tv~"

"Then my sexy shall have one" said the actor with a smile

At this Leni smiled eagerly before reaching up to wrap her arms around Ozai to pull him into a kiss believing that she really was living a dream come true~

She was dating a handsome older man and tv star how lucky was she~ She thought groaning happily into the kiss.

next chapter
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