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36.5% Sith Warrior [OLD] | Star Wars: The Old Republic / Chapter 23: THE DISTURBANCE IN THE FORCE


In war, there was no neutral ground.

Leena learned that the hard way. To fight and die or to surrender and die – she knew her choice and she chose her home. She chose the Empire and chose to unleash its wrath.

The Sith rushed towards the spaceport that would have eventually led her to the Jedi investigator. But when the Jedi saw her, she dismissed the two Imperial soldiers with her Jedi mind tricks and turned fully towards the apprentice. "You're too late Sith. I already transmitted the conversation between you and Commander Rylon to the Jedi Council. Nomen Karr has his proof. Now Master Karr and his Padawan will track down and expose every Sith agent in the galaxy."

"I will let you enjoy your delusions." Said the Sith as she took out a single lightsaber.

"Enjoyment is not part of the equation." The Jedi calmly answered. "I have purity of purpose. I seek neither thrills nor satisfaction. Unlike you, I am calm."

Claiming to be enlightened, Leena couldn't help but roll her eyes "The dark side shall fail you Sith. Save yourself. Surrender and the Jedi Council will give you every opportunity to discover redemption." It was a kind offer.

An offer Leena would have taken, but then the conflict began to trouble her, even more, when she sensed the presence of another Jedi within the spaceport. The feeling that made the Force shout its disturbance grew stronger as this Jedi would appear himself behind the masked Sith.

Holding his green lightsaber, much like the other Jedi in front of her – he is also calm. Until the moment he sensed something familiar from the Sith, the Jedi slightly lowed his lightsaber.

The apprentice did not understand. She felt confusion and conflict within the male Jedi, who was also calm and confident earlier before he saw her face, or rather, saw her grey eyes.

"Leena?" He mumbled her name, causing the Sith to be confused.

"How do you know my name, Jedi?" She demanded as she took out her other lightsaber, prepared for the defensive stance in facing two Jedis at the same time. Even if she had Vette, and even if she knew that reinforcements were coming – these were two fully trained Jedi Knights. But the male one appeared to be more powerful than the female.

"I—" but before the male Jedi could finish, Vette was prepared to fire off her blasters on her sister's command.

The Jedi felt… conflicted.

No wisdom of Satele Shan, no teaching of Master Orgus, and not even a single Jedi lore could grant him an answer for that single moment. It was odd, for the apprentice as she lowered her lightsabers as well – she could feel a strange, a very strange connection with the Jedi in front of her.

"The both of you should lower down your lightsabers, and surrender." The Sith offered a rather peaceful solution. Wanting the answer on why her connection with a Jedi, who she had never met in her whole lifetime – felt strong… in the Force.

"Surrender is not possible," Answered the female Jedi as she opened her lightsaber. "We are in the right. We won't kill you, or your companion Sith. But we are leaving. So, we are going to have to… incapacitate you."

"Mashallon! No!" The male Jedi called out as his own companion charged for an attack towards the Sith. Leena couldn't help but raise her lightsabers high as they both clashed – as any Jedi and Sith encounter across the galaxy would end up in.

But unlike the Jedi, the Sith was faster and more flexible as she faced the Jedi knight with a fully calm mind so she could calculate clearly throughout their lightsaber exchange. This was the conflict that her mother had preached throughout the Holocron.

She chose to path, she chose war – and there was no turning back, knowing that fate would demand a price for this choice she made.

Let there be no mistake, there was no ending this centuries year old war between the Sith and the Jedi. The Jedi companion did not move, he froze on the spot – not knowing what to do and Vette watched, knowing that she would only get in the way of her friend.

The calmness of the Jedi was an insult to the Sith's burning passion and strength. She was everything the male Jedi fears, the pure imbalance that causes the galaxy to crumble at their feet.

"Master!" The female Jedi called, seems like the other was no ordinary Jedi Knight but he is a man who has assumed the rank of Master within the Jedi Order. The Master rallied to the side of the Knight as they came on face to face with the Sith.

None of them knew that she was only a mere apprentice and Vette was trying to aim for the right person, but because of the speed and agility of both parties – she was having a difficult time. She might accidentally kill Leena and she wouldn't want that. She danced as gracefully and as dangerous as the water currents of the ocean. Blocking every attack, the Jedi would throw at her.

The Jedi were as skilled as what the overseers of Korriban have told her and her fellow acolytes, that the Jedi were nothing more than an Order who have only understood the mystics of the Force, partially. Unlike the Sith who has a full grasp of it, or so they were told.

The Force was also strong within the Jedi Master she faced, as the Master could sense the strong Force the Sith also had inside of her.

Leena pushed the master away from her with the might of the Force, went on to perform a more advanced exchange with the Knight as Quinn came in with reinforcements. The Master stood up on his feet as he began to charge once more to the Sith.

With only Leena and the knight, toe to toe, Vette had a clear shot and could keep up – Quinn had his blaster out as well and did not hesitate to shoot the knight on the leg, causing her to crumble down on the ground as the Sith met her match with the Master Jedi.

Their connection with the Force was both strong, but he could feel her be stronger. She overpowers him with the understanding of the Force, while he, overpowers her with experience in combat. The Master Jedi hit her lightsaber so hard, it flew from her hand. Hit her stomach with his knee and slammed his hand on her back, causing her to crumble.

"Leena!" Vette called out to the apprentice as she looked up at the Master Jedi, her eyes widen in shock as he was about to slice her open -- but he stopped, there and then. The soldiers were in position, he was outnumbered but he didn't care for it.

He had eye contact with the apprentice. Both of their familiar grey eyes meeting one another. The apprentice who was trapped in shock and disbelief, the Master on the other hand, had his eyes scream through sorrow and guilt.

He turned off his lightsaber and rushed towards the ship, leaving the Jedi Knight, unconscious and defeated in the hands of the Sith. Climbing on board, Quinn ordered his men to open fire but the Jedi was lucky not to take a hit and the ship forced itself out of the spaceport – she won and failed.

She won because the Jedi investigator, a Jedi Knight was on the floor, legless and unconscious. Failed because the Jedi Master – who has been disturbing her through the Force by his mere presence, escaped. He could have had the information the knight had; they were doomed.

Leena left a loose end that Baras would never forgive her for.

Vette rushed towards Leena who was still holding herself on the ground. Taking deep breaths as she slowly sat up and looked around. Quinn walked towards her as his men began to contact others to try and track down that ship and shoot it down from the sky – whatever that Jedi had on him, she was doomed and she and Vette knew it.

"Do not worry, my Lord," Quinn stated calmly as he knelt in front of her. His blue eyes onto her grey ones as he began to give a more assuring tone. "I intercepted with all of the Jedi's transmissions. No Jedi would know anything… not even the one who escaped."

Leena smiled in relief. "You just earned your pay, Lieutenant."

"I'm only doing my job, my Lord." The lieutenant nodded in amusement. "I had her monitored and screened the entire time. There was never any risk at all."

"Then how did the other Jedi know she's here?" Vette questioned the Lieutenant. She was worried and scared for her Sith companion – she was almost killed if the Jedi didn't hesitate and ran for his life. Leena turned towards the Twi'lek and smiled.

"They must have had a bond. Force users would usually know if someone close to them would be in danger or even died, even on the other side of the galaxy. It's normal, Vette." The Sith explained.

"What shall we do with the Jedi, my Lord?" Quinn asked the apprentice.

"Place her in a cell," Leena ordered. "A crippled Jedi wouldn't do much in a cell and make sure her lightsaber is out of reach."

Quinn nodded. "Understood, my Lord." He then ordered his men to carry the wounded Jedi into an Imperial cell. Imprisoning her as a soldier at war. "I'm sure you know what you're doing, my Lord. But sparing the Jedi is a curious choice."

The Lieutenant commented as he and Vette assisted the Sith back on her feet. "A Jedi investigator will be a wealth of information. Never waste resources, as I was taught."

"Of course, my Lord. What matters is the threat has been averted. Lord Baras will be anxious to learn what became of this. When you're ready, I'll contact him at my office."

"We did a job well done, Lieutenant. We should rest and contact him tomorrow." Leena gave out her orders.

And Quinn nodded. "Of course, my Lord. I'll be at my barracks." He excused himself from the presence of the Sith apprentice.

That evening when supper was finished, Leena proceeded towards her chambers and began to contemplate the earlier battle.

'Two Jedi's.' She thought to herself. Looking down at her hands as she saw it as a failure in her part, even when Quinn assured her that the Jedi who escape, knew nothing why the other Jedi was even here. The shadow of fear began to swallow her while, as a little girl left inside the box, hugging her legs and crying in the darkness.

This was a failure in Baras's eyes and she knew it. He was far away from her but she knew, that he was a man who would never forget a punishment. She was a hero in the eyes of the Imperial soldiers but, she's a failure in the eyes of her Master.

Her hands began to tremble through the fear that has to conquer her mind. Baras could do so many things to her even from afar, she was afraid not for herself – but for the people she considered family. Baras could easily get her father or her sister, two blood relatives that she hasn't seen in so many years. She could get Eskella – Tremel's daughter who told her to be strong and pray that one day they can avenge the overseer he murdered. Or perhaps, they would do something horrid to Vette.

He can do things that even she wasn't even capable of imagining.

She wasn't even the one who shot the Jedi Knight down, Quinn did it so she won't be harmed. He was a soldier doing his own duties, Vette was prepared to protect her the best she could – but she, she had a lightsaber. She was a Sith who was supposed to kill two Jedi's who stood in the way of her master's plans.

But she failed.

And she was afraid of what her master could do.

The following day, Leena proceeded to Quinn's office where he was already in discussion with Baras. Leena took a deep breath as Vette patted her on the back, she would have to face him soon and she was the one to report to him.

"It is not my place, Lord Baras. I leave that for your apprentice to convey." Quinn spoke politely towards the Lord who saved his career. He wouldn't dare to speak out his opinion when not asked and he wouldn't want to cross him, as she was about to when she walked closer having Baras's sights set on her already.

"Then step aside, Lieutenant. My apprentice has arrived. Nice of you to join us, Quinn refuses to update me, insisting the privilege be yours. I assume the Jedi investigator has been stopped?"

"The investigator has been stopped," Leena informed her master the truth but not all. "If you desire, Master, she will be sent to you for interrogation. Your doubts and worries are becoming… intolerable, Master."

"Considering recent developments, Yes, I had much concern… as well as disappointment." Raising his hand, Leena suddenly felt a strong sense of strangling around her neck. Being choked was one tolerable thing that she experienced with Baras – in truth, it was better than lighting.

Quinn couldn't believe his eyes as he witnessed Sith brutality first hand. Vette, on the other hand, called out for Leena's name in desperation. Fear was on the Twi'lek's face, wondering if Baras would eventually kill her right in front of them. "I had hoped to avoid confronting the Jedi, but our hand was forced. Even with Commander Rylon no longer be exposed – you have failed me to deliver the other Jedi who you allowed to escape."

"L-Lord Baras if I may speak freely—"

"Quiet Lieutenant!" The Sith Lord commanded. "This is between Master and apprentice." The Sith Lord turned back to his apprentice and decided to let her go. On her knees, coughing and gasping any air so she could breathe properly – the Twi'lek rushed towards her friend in worry. "The only reason I'm keeping you around is because of your previous achievements. If you fail me again, perhaps I will put a shock collar around your neck. Understand?"

She coughed. "Y-yes, Master."

"Good," he nodded in satisfaction. "And how would you assess Lieutenant Quinn's contribution?"

Vette helped her Sith friend to stand up, back on her feet – the Sith apprentice stood tall with her chin up. It only made the Lieutenant admire her more. She was punished and was able to retain a certain image even after the little tragedy. "Lieutenant Quinn is an exceptional officer. I couldn't have done it without him."

"High praise indeed, even for an intolerable apprentice." He then turned to the Lieutenant. "Quinn, I believe you have sufficiently repaid the debt you owe me. I'm putting you up for the captaincy and transmitting an executive order allowing you to station wherever you choose. You are dismissed."

She was punished and he was rewarded, a rather typical move from Baras but she understood why. She allowed a Jedi Master to escape, he on the other hand not only performed his duty at peak efficiency but also, captured a Jedi while she was holding her down – he gave out the shot and he deserved it.

The Lieutenant bowed. "Thank you, Lord Baras. If my actions benefit the Empire, they benefit me. I would have done the same regardless of our past." He then turned to the apprentice, at first, Vette managed to catch a glimpse of his emotion through his eyes. He was worried about Leena.

Who wouldn't be? The woman was almost choked to death by her Master. "My Lord," he addressed. "Before I depart, it has been my extreme honor to serve you. You are the epitome of everything the Empire stands for."

Leena smiled as if nothing happened a few moments ago. "The honor has been mine, Lieutenant."

"Maybe our paths will cross once more, my Lord." Excusing himself. It was only her, the Twi'lek and a holo of Baras left in the room. The apprentice was relieved that Quinn was finally gone, she then turned to Baras as there was more to hear from him.

"He will have his hands full. There are powerful Imperials dedicated to keeping him down. But if Quinn can overcome them and rise to the station he deserves, there is great hope for our Imperial allies."

Leena nodded in agreement, as much as she hated to. "Maybe we should assist him?"

"I have no time for such needling dramas, apprentice and neither do you."

"Of… of course, master." She replied, like a slave.

"Your presence on Balmorra is no longer needed. Return to your ship when you're ready to leave. I'll contact you there." When Baras was already gone, Vette turned to her friend.

"Vette, remember when I said I don't need power?"


"I will need a lot of it if both of us will be free of him."

As Leena and Vette began to head for the spaceport, the Twi'lek noticed how silent her friend has become. She was tortured and, in a sense, humiliated when her Master found out she failed to stop the Jedi that fled. But what did he expect?

But what pleased the Twi'lek the most was that she was still there. Somewhere inside of the Sith, the Leena she knew is still there.

She was a Sith apprentice and the man who escaped was a Jedi Master – but that didn't scare her, no. Something else did, a hidden fear that woke up from inside of her. She saw a familiar face from under the hood, and those familiar and similar grey eyes, she needed confirmation. If her Master found out about the odd interaction, and why the Jedi Master spared her – she had a hunch, but she needed solid confirmation. Baras would have tortured her to death for the information if it was true.

The darkness began to whisper in her ears: He has returned to take everything you love, everything you have worked hard for – he will be the end of you, Leena Sern.

It disturbed her greatly. More than what the Force gave her throughout the weeks she spent on Balmorra alone. She hoped that it was the last time he would see that particular Jedi but even fate knew that, there is nothing older or stronger than Sith blood.

In all her years away from her family, that one interaction brought loneliness back into her heart. That little girl inside the dark box with no holes nor a single strand of light – will always be inside that box. She will always be alone.

Leena stopped from her tracks as she saw Quinn walk towards, a fair distance away from the ship – he stood there, respectfully in front of her and his military antics did not fade away. "My Lord, I hope you don't find my appearance here obtrusive. I beg an audience." He bowed.

Leena gave out a shy smile as she nodded. "You don't need to bow in my presence Quinn, you're always welcome to speak in front of me."

"It pleases me to know that, my Lord." He smiled as he continued on what he has to say. "As you know, Lord Baras enabled my reassignment anywhere I choose. It is an evolution I've longed for and assumed would never come. Aiding your mission on this planet has reawakened the ambition I began my career with – to make the most profound impact possible for the Empire."

"It pleases me to hear that I… inspired you somehow, despite that horrid event you saw earlier. Welcome back to life, Quinn." Leena took note that he was there when Baras almost killed her.

"That is how it feels, my Lord." Quinn smiled as she had acknowledged the impact, she had on him. Never in his life has he saw a Sith who would make such clear victory for the Empire, despite what Baras did to her for letting a single Jedi escape. A Jedi who knew nothing of what happened. "I cannot think of a more glorious and honorable way to make a difference in the galaxy than to serve you."

In her shock, Quinn knelt down in front of her. "I'm here to pledge myself to you. I'm ready and willing to serve in whatever capacity you see fit."

"Whatever capacity I see fit?" Leena chuckled as she teased. "An intriguing idea, Quinn."

"Yeah, I'm so intrigued I could yawn," Vette commented on her own humor.

"You're starting to sound like Darth Occlus." Leena shook her head with a sigh, as she turned to her companion who was already laughing her ass off.

"My Lord, if given the chance," Quinn continued his statement. "I know I will prove myself to you. I'm a top-notched pilot, military strategist and a deadly shot." He proved the deadly shot part on the Jedi. "I can fly this ship, plan your battles, assess your enemies and kill them. You won't find a more tireless and loyal subject. I offer my military prowess and dedicate every ounce of my strength to your cause."

"You won't be a servant, you will be as every bit as my equal," The girl smiled sweetly as she would smile towards Vette from time to time. The Twi'lek on the other hand, couldn't help but be pleased, she hasn't been like this for years now – especially when Baras would punish her like that or even worse. "I would be pleased to have you, Quinn. Or should I call you Captain?"

"The pleasure will be mine." He said as he stood up. He was happy to be accepted but did not know what lies ahead for him. "Thank you, my Lord. I will submit my reassignment papers as we depart."

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