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46.03% Sith Warrior [OLD] | Star Wars: The Old Republic / Chapter 29: FOR FAMILY

Capítulo 29: FOR FAMILY


Leena's father barely talked about her mother and her brothers when she lived with him all those years ago. There wasn't complete silence on the ship as Vette's cheerful chatter somehow always enlightened the Sith's mood. She was some sort of safeguard, a reminder of who she was – Leena. Just, simply Leena.

With the evening and Vette in her quarters, Quinn would stand in the presence of his Lord and would report what he reported to Baras. Carefully going through the details of what he wanted to know, what kind of plans he had for the future, Quinn carefully analyzed all of this and did not dare to give any misinformation to the Sern apprentice.

He knew that he owed his life to Baras but this… Lord Sern had something more to offer. He couldn't pinpoint what it was but, he could find the assurance in her eyes – those Sith corrupted eyes had a hint of sadness after they departed from Nar Shaddaa.

The Captain was aware that Sith plays some sort of game that pushes their pawns to their death, he knew he was a pawn. A pawn for Darth Baras and now a pawn for Leena Sern. The little game she played was absolutely terrifying for those who don't know the rules.

It was odd enough when the Sith would ask for a second opinion from him. A man like Quinn already found the one fatal mistake of Darth Baras – people like Leena Sern would never forget what he did to her. He knew he was right, as arrogant as it sounds – with chaos being a ladder, chaos being fear, he forgot that vengeance can be a dagger that will soon stab him in the back.

The saying goes that Serns are hard to tame. Serns don't usually fight for power, they fight for the family – and everyone forgot that from the moment when Lord Zylas Sern fell at the Battle of Alderaan.

Vette saw the worth in Leena all those years ago, as Arrun believed that the Force had something great for her. Baras saw the apprentice's worth as a weapon to destroy his enemies in the process. Occlus believed that this child has something that Zylas hoped for, and someday, with the right guidance – she will achieve more than anyone in the galaxy.

Quinn swore his loyalties to this new Lord Sern and he didn't have any regrets on it – he actually believed that she would shape the Empire into a new. But her father. Her lonely father saw his daughter being taken away from him, all because she was something special.


What's the point of all the medals and these ranks, along with the achievements when his daughters were gone out there in the galaxy? He smiled sadly. He knew that his girls have tender hearts, just like their mother did at their age. Erhart Zabro knew he would never see his girls again. All he could do was hope that they're still alive.

He lost the game the day he gave them all away. Regrets would do nothing for it, someday it will get him killed. All he could remember was that Zylas was a strong woman, fierce when it came to protecting their children. At some point, she would have wanted this. She would have wanted them to carry on.

He knows it's true.

For decades he stood in front of his men, giving commands and brought the Empire to victory. The Empire was all he had left. How could he know?

After what his connections told him, all he could do was pray to the stars that his daughters will stay strong. He did what he thought was best for his children, regardless if one missed him dearly, the other hated him so, and the rest merely forgot his existence.

He's too hard on himself but they were Serns, the blood of their mother – they must learn how to protect themselves and look after one another. If possible, they shouldn't fight a war amongst themselves for soon, they will have enemies of their own.

A lonely man with a stern expression for most of the time. His men respected him, feared him and loved him.

A man of the Empire, they called him.

The husband of Lord Sern, they remembered him for that.

Some even see him as a Moff that could rival the power and influence of Broysc, which was something the old man hated. Moff Zabro brought the Empire to countless victories, turn the tides against the Republic and had the cold blood of his enemies. He was to be commended and he was true.

The future of his children was already determined years ago, and he accepted that he will not be part of that future. It was a rare enough thing, a man who lives up to his reputation. No one really trusted Zabro, but they respected him – he displayed a kind of personality that earned it.

He wasn't a fool like Broysc or other Moffs who would hail down at the presence of a Dark Lord. He understood clearly that sometimes he must work with his rivals rather than destroy them, something Leena unconsciously inherited from the old man.

"Got orders from the planetary governor of Balmorra to recruit you, sir. You're needed at this war conference, priority alpha one." An Imperial messenger spoke through the holoterminal. As much as Moff Zabro was paying attention, he couldn't understand why a planetary governor would give a sudden request like that.

With the priority level high, he was hesitant. "I don't remember having contact with any planetary governor."

"The Dark Council sent an emissary, sir – big-time Sith Lord – to personally review the status of the Balmorran occupation. This conference will determine the next stage of the ground campaign. Whole war's about to be decided, and the governor wants your expertise." The messenger continued to explain. Zabro couldn't help but sigh, even with decades after Zylas's death – his name is still somehow remembered by the Sith.

"This emissary of the Dark Council – what do we know about him?"

"Sith politics aren't my business, sir. One of Darth Marr's servants is what I hear – don't know anything else. Assigning black-level clearance, no one will cause you trouble, sir. Be quick, they're starting as soon as you arrive on the planet." Ending the transmission, Zabro sighed once more – thinking what could be done with the Balmorra planetary ground campaign.

As a soldier who quickly climbed on the ranks for years in the absence of his wife and children, Zabro was very careful with the Sith and their commands. He's a soldier with duties to the Empire but also a father with complicated duties for all of his children.

The Force is a mystery to him, but for all of those abilities – he strongly believed that the Jedi lack the vision to wield it.

Quickly placing his ships into hyperspace, the Moff began to plan through his actions and what can be done with Balmorra, for military leadership is a journey. A great tactician creates plans. A good tactician recognizes the soundness of the plan presented to him. A fair tactician must see the plan succeed before offering approval. And those with no tactical ability at all may never understand or accept it nor will such people understand or accept the tactician.

To those without that ability, those who possess it are a mystery and when a mind is too deficient in understanding, the resulting gap is often filled with resentment. Basic knowledge for those who strived in the Imperial Academy. When he arrived on Balmorra, he was greeted with Imperial soldiers with lower status and importance with the campaign.

Military leadership is a journey and not a destination.

With the coordinates set and his men able to receive direct orders, the Moff was calm and composed when he stood in the presence of a Dark Lord of the Sith. "Do you know the worse part, Governor?" She spoke as she stretched out her hand, watching as the former Balmorran – or rather, the late Balmorran Governor was being strangled to death.

"I-I didn't! I didn't!"

"Exactly – you don't even own up to your mistakes. That's why the Dark Council gave this planet to me." He always saw the cruel ways of the Sith and at the same time, not all Sith were blinded by the corruption of the Force. Sith like his late wife knew how to lead troops and boost their morale, bringing them to victory as promised. Then there are Sith like Darth Marr who brought the Empire together and pushed away from the strict traditions for their proud Empire to evolve.

And then there are Sith who just kill to set either an example or to waste resources for their amusement. Zabro knew his place far too well but he wasn't afraid of Force-sensitives, if he was, then he shouldn't have married one. "Forgive me, my Lord but we must forgive the mistakes of our lesser. I'm sure the governor would apologize if he had the opportunity."

"Would he?" The Dark Lord asked.

"Yes, please…" The former governor was ready to beg if he manages to live.

"Very well." She listened and decided to let him go. "I'm Darth Lachris, and I've been tasked with cleansing Balmorra. I'm glad that you came Moff Zabro, both my Master Darth Marr and Darth Occlus have high praises for you and your men."

"I'm only doing my job, my Lord."

"So, it seems. You're here because I asked the governor to bring me his best. A young Sith apprentice was here not too long ago and managed to break the defenses and lowered the morale of the rebels, and even with that uncanny achievement, Balmorra still has a problem." After the small praise, the Sith opened up her holocom to show the Moff a holotransmission to the public of the planet.

He narrowed down his eyes, knowing exactly who this man is. "My friends in the resistance. I won't take much time. The Empire says it owns Balmorra. The Republic says: 'It's yours – we're gone!' But you and I know Balmorra's won with sweat and tears – and my boys will stand by your side until everyone knows it."

"Tell me, Moff Zabro – you do know who that man was, yes?"

The Moff nodded. "Grand Marshal Chekette, formerly of the Republic Army. They say that he has Officially, along with his troops – have gone rogue after the Republic withdrew from this sector. You have mentioned a Sith apprentice doing some damage before I arrived, my Lord?"

"Yes." The Darth answered. "Ever since then, they've been holed up under siege, aiding the resistance and fortifying their positions. This Sith apprentice has already met their scouting parties, was even so bold to waltz in with her lightsaber and a slave Twi'lek with blasters – as the reports claimed."

"Is there anyone on Balmorra who isn't fighting the Empire?" Of all the things that irritated Zabro for years, that would be useless rebellions.

"Good to see that an Imperial can understand my displeasure with the previous administration. Cheketta and the resistance are based in the Balmorran Arms Factory – home to the brightest engineers in the galaxy. Thanks to our apprentice friend, the factories generators are still broken, even with its defenses cutting-edge, the barricades still block our scans, still giving the resistance peace and privacy."

"This Sith apprentice hasn't damaged the generators a hundred percent?"

"She did. They were just quick to repair them." Claimed the Darth. Though it did pique his interest, an apprentice, of all Sith in their Order managed to waltz in with only a lightsaber and a Twi'lek – has committed such damage that even Chekette needed to act fast. "Cheketta may've officially gone rogue, but the Republic still supports him. They fund his revolution from the shadows, make supply drops in secrets. Those Republic hypocrites want the Arms Factory as a beachhead—and as Balmorra's new governor, I say we take it before they mount a full invasion."

"If the Republic invades Balmorra, they'll be violating the peace with the Empire."

"And if they act through mercenaries? A foreign government? They'll hide their involvement, but it'll be an invasion just the same."

"If so, my Lord we must obliterate the factory defenses. Lower the barricades that block our scans and an army to support this assault. I will make sure that there is proof of Republic involvement on Balmorra at your disposal.

The Darth seemed to be amused at the Imperial's proposal. "And expose their lies on the galactic stage."


Leena was seated by the couch as she was reading through the datapad that was provided by Quinn. Even though she wanted to believe that the ship has been quiet, the apprentice cracked a smile as she began to hear Vette trying to talk to Quinn. 2V brought in something sweet as she requested, with a small nod, the apprentice took the sweets and proceeded with her work.

'The next time we see each other, we'll talk about your mother, okay? I promise.' The words of her father echoed through her mind. Of all the things that she could remember, she remembered him. It was rather dangerous, knowing what kind of Sith Baras is – her smile turned into a frown, the sad memory of being taken away from her father came back like a dream turning into a nightmare.

With all those years being apart, the sad thing was that – she doesn't even remember what he looked like. He was like this other hole inside of her that nothing can fill in for him. Even with the physical absence of her mother, Leena knew that she could seek guidance when she needed it, trying to make up for all those years. Azal was another hole she never really thought of, a sister she never heard from, a sister she didn't dare to reach out because of the dangers.

And there was Arrun, a man she loved – it wasn't fair, it should be her but she is.

The galaxy demands a sacrifice.

She could have started a family with him if Baras didn't dare touch him – perhaps if Occlus did something, he would still be alive and with her. Time can be short and dreams can be shattered into nightmares along with the darkness of a person's heart. Pain can be transformed into many ways, to her, the pain became vengeance.

She then wondered if her father ever felt regret for letting her go with Overseer Tremel if he felt pain and guilt for leaving her mother and her brothers behind. He would barely talk about the event, but he would tell her how brave her mother was facing the enemy without a flinch of fear. He talked about how fierce Zylas can be when it came to them.

She wondered if her father ever thought about her, tried to reach out to her regardless of the dangers. She wondered if Azal was doing well under his care, and when he's out there to fight battles in the name of the Empire, who was taking care of her?

The thought of family would flash through her mind. The dark is generous, despite all of the suffering she's been through and the pain she has received, it was still generous. The dark is patient and the dark is her source of warmth. Her assurance to life.

With every light that comes in her life, she had to remember, that even stars burn out and the brightest light can cast a very large shadow.

"Vette, for the last time, I do not have the patience for your nonsense chatter!" Leena snapped back to reality when she heard Quinn's loud voice from the bridge, causing her to turn around so that her eyes could see the entryway.

"Well sorry Captain protocol! It couldn't hurt for you to relax a bit!" Vette basically barked back. Leena unconsciously let out a small giggle, she was rather amused at the exchange.

"Oh my, there they go again. Should I tell them to lower their voices, Master?" 2V asked, with a smile still visible on her lips the apprentice turned her attention back to the datapad.

"Let them be 2V," Leena answered. "Just let them be." Taking a bite out of the sweets the droid made for her, the apprentice didn't feel as lonely as she was back on Dromand Kaas. Vette did give her the company and she was the only one Leena had along with 2V, Arrun was another asset, an asset in her life that would never come back no matter how hard she prays to the stars.

Nothing's more hateful than failing to protect the one you love.

Father and daughter shared the same guilt and regret. One didn't allow that to define his future and his choices, while the other gave in to the pressure of anger and hatred – eventually leading to vengeance. Anything for family.


Moffs usually stand by at headquarters and coordinate his men from there – but not Zabro.

A military man who missed the sense of danger in the battlefield, boosting the morale of his soldiers was one thing but fighting along-side them were actions he was always most proud of. When he breached the Balmorran Arms Factory with a handful of men, shooting down Rebel troops were proven to be easy, even for a man of his age.

"My Lord, can you read me? I have already lowered the barricades to the Balmorran Arms Factory."

"I hear you perfectly well, Imperial. Scanning the interior now." At first, the Darth thought that Zabro was joking when he said he would personally see through the mission with his soldiers. As impressed as she was, she came into the realization of why her Master and another member of the dark council gave this one Imperial such high praise.

But even with such praise, the Darth couldn't help but be wary of the situation. Besides dispatching soldiers, she managed to dispatch Sith who could assist with the assault. She gave direct orders that the Moff should be listened to and at the same time, the Moff himself was very careful with his words whenever he came in contact with the Sith.

"Hold on… someone cut through this interference!" When she did, the image of the former Grand Marshal appeared in front of the Moff. And Zabro wasn't pleased with all. "Pardon my interruption. I'm Grand Marshal Cheketta, formerly of the Republic Army."

"You're about to be overrun with Imperial troops, but this doesn't have to be a bloodbath. We can openly discuss your terms for surrender, Cheketta." The Moff offered. He stood tall with his hands neatly folded behind him, his men covering his back with their rifles out in the open and Sith with their lightsabers out for the cutting.

"You won't like what I have to say, soldier." The Republic scum spoke with arrogance. "I'm not a complete fool – once I realized you planned to lower our defenses, I sent a few friends." Zabro turned around to find who these friends of Cheketta were. His eyes widen in shock, a couple of Republic troopers known as Tempest Squad came into a report along with a single Jedi Knight.

He didn't care about the number of troopers that was sent – but rather, what caught his attention and concern was the Jedi Knight.

A Jedi Knight who had the exact same eyes as his late wife and his two daughters. The familiarity of the shade of grey was there, through more than two decades Zabro did age – someone different from his younger years. But he knows a Sern when he sees one. "Fresh 'volunteers,' who've taken a leave of absence to join the Balmorran resistance. Taste of what's coming to you soldier."

The troops Zabro had placed their firearms at aim, ready to shoot at their Moff's command, the Siths that were with them seemed eager to cut down the Jedi like animals finding their prey. "You expect me to believe these people are acting without Republic orders? They're violating the peace treaty by supporting the resistance."

"Tyrral, are you here on Republic orders?" Cheketta asked.

"No, sir."

"There you go." Zabro clicked his tongue once the transmission ended. Taking out his blaster, he gave out a single for an open fire.

The Moff stood his ground as he managed to kill a couple of troopers here and there, he would steal occasional glances to see if the Sith were doing well and from the looks of it – they're not. This was a fully trained Jedi Knight, and as he judged the flexibility and tactical mind of this Jedi, he was slowly receiving answers to his heritage.

Then again, the name gave it all away.

When most of the Republic squad was down, so were the Sith that accompanied them. The Moff underestimated the young Jedi all too well and raised his hand to a ceasefire.

The Jedi met eye contact with the Moff, he could sense something familiar from him at the same time stood his ground. "I'm not sure who would be more disappointed." Claimed the Moff as he lowered his blaster. "Me or your sisters."

The Jedi's grey eyes widen as he heard the name, it was all coming back to him. He knew those eyes, lowering his lightsaber, he couldn't believe it with his own eyes.

"You know who I am, and I know who you are." Said the Jedi as he pointed his lightsaber towards the Moff. The remaining Imperials raised their rifles even higher, waiting for the command to shoot. "Would you really risk it?"

"I should be asking you that." The Moff spoke calmly. "But I want you to know failure, utter defeat, and that it is I, who delivers it crashing down upon you. Now, let us proceed."

When Zabro raised his blaster and began to open fire, his Imperial troopers joined him. Though a Jedi with his skills as he wielded two lightsabers managed to block them, Zabro took out one more blaster and fired at the knee – causing the Master Jedi to fall down.

"Halt!" Commanded the Moff.

The Jedi on the ground and unable to move with the pain. He looked up to meet Zabro's eyes and seemed like he was cursing him from just one look. "You're no longer a boy, son. You should have done better."

"Can you hear me?" Darth Lachris's voice was heard and the Moff turned to greet. "This channel is still open… did Cheketta send a Jedi?"

"Along with a Special Forces team, my Lord. He claimed they weren't with the Republic."

"I'm sure he did." Spoke the Dark Lord. "My people are performing a full scan of the factory now that the defenses are down. I'll patch you into the report, Imperial."

With that, an Imperial Officer patched through. "Sir, we're detecting unusual signals from the inside of the factory." As the conversation was being conducted, the troopers managed to cuff down the Jedi and confiscating his lightsabers. "What appears to be a… hyperspace beacon. It should be possible… it must've taken them decades."

"If it wasn't possible then this wouldn't have happened." The Moff was slowly losing patience.

"Don't underestimate the engineers of their resources. What can it do?" Asked the Darth.

"In theory, starships could follow the beacon, and jump in-system almost directly overhead. It seems that the Republic is flying reinforcements to the Balmorran Arms Factory and bypassing our defenses." Zabro sighed as he turned to the Jedi and the back to the terminal. "And all this time the Republic ad their engineers were boxed in, they were laying the groundwork for an invasion. Give me a status report."

The Imperial officer obliged and proceeded his work. "Picking up… there are dozens of ships out there. Silhouette is Republic Special Forces. Triumph-class."

Zabro knew well that this is how the Republic performed in the war – multiple stroke teams, strategic objectives, one Jedi per military squad and they managed to take entire planets. Lachris could already feel the stress as did the Moff. "They know we see them. They're rushing to land now!"

"Since they are proceeding to the factory, my Lord we can stop them from the ground. We can take down their landing platforms and guidance systems. Please have attack squadrons blow those ships out of the sky." The Moff proceeded with his plans.

"Agreed." Nodded the Darth. "Fail me now, and we perish with Balmorra." The transmission ended and the Moff directed his remaining men to their tasks and stations while reinforcements are to come. Naturally, Zabro's second-in-command was rather hesitant to leave his commanding officer but the old man insisted and left him alone with the Jedi.

The Moff sighed heavily as if his child did something utterly disappointing for a parent to even have knowledge of. He turned to the Jedi who hasn't said a word during the whole exchange with the Sith and his officers from headquarters.

"I knew this day would come eventually, but even at my age I couldn't help but be disappointed in you." Zabro had his hands resting behind his back. Not knowing what to even feel – happiness and relief that his oldest son is well, alive and in front of him. Or sadness, sorrow, and disappointment that he became a Jedi and has appeared to be an enemy to the Empire. "I had great dreams for you Tyrral. You weren't as young as your siblings when it all happened."

"Great dreams…" The Jedi murmured. "…the Sith think inwards, only about themselves."

"And the Jedi don't?" The Moff raised his brow as the Jedi did not answer. "You are the oldest son of Lord Zylas Sern judging from your lightsaber, you haven't forgotten about your mother."

"How can I? I wasn't as young as my siblings when she went mad."

"We were at war. You're already old enough to tasted battle yourself in warzones." Zabro recalled the painful memory of that night after the Battle of Alderaan. "Your mother did what she needed in the name of her Emperor."

"I am a Jedi Knight," Tyrral spoke with determination. "I will take my life in my own hands. And we both know that the mother was a monster. All Sith are monsters tearing families apart, destroying homes, conquering lives for their pleasure of entertainment. I am not your son. Not anymore."

"You're my son. You will always be my son." The Moff spoke sternly. He needed his children to be the people that they were always meant to be. Leena is Sith and his youngest girl was placed in the ranks of the academy. His sons betrayed him by becoming a Jedi. "Shall I explain to you in one easy lesson on how the galaxy works?"

"Use small words, father, I'm not as bright as you."

"A good man does everything in his power to ensure the safety of his family, regardless of his own selfish desires. Is that simple enough for you, son?"

"It's a very good lesson, father." The Jedi managed to place a sarcastic tone, hardly the appropriate time since they were inside while there's a war going on outside between their factions. It's been years, more than two decades since they last saw each other even. And they met in the worst possible scenario. "Then again it's easy for you to preach to the family when all of your children aren't even in your reach."

"Easy for me is it?" The Moff wasn't amused.

"When have you ever done something that wasn't in the interest of mother but for the benefit of your actual children?"

"Since the day I allowed the Jedi to take you." There was a long pause between the two. As if even the Force held in silence didn't want to interfere with what Zabro had to say with his held down Jedi son.

"When you and Varan were taken, I swallowed my pride and allowed the Jedi to take you and raise you to have a much better future than what your mother had imagined. I committed treason for your safety so that you could have a future that's not in the pit of darkness and madness. Your mother wanted you to be Sith instead, I allowed you to live the lives you wanted… and still considered you both my sons." No one wins in wars, there are only survivors.

He doesn't know what the Force does, nor does he even believe that it affects people's lives.

Where was the Force when he had to make that decision?

Where was the Force when his little girl was forced to be in the Sith.

"Cheketta should be captured by now and your Jedi friends are probably slaughtered." The Moff proceeded to act as a soldier rather than a father even more. He walked towards his son, releasing him from his shackles. Tyrral looked up, wondering why he would free him at the same time – they were still blood regardless. "Remember what I told you… when your Republic and your precious Order fail you."

A rare enough thing, a man who lives up to his reputation.

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