38-Year-Old Immortal Emperor, he really exists...
"Being an Immortal Emperor is nothing special. Only when you become a Two-digit number or above can you be considered transcendent."
Wang Ping shook his head slightly and spoke softly.
"(⊙o⊙)…" Alpha was speechless and couldn't find any words to say.
"Our chat group should be developed properly. Since I have already become a Three-digit number, theoretically, we should move to the upper-middle level. However, I prefer to get things done in one fell swoop. So, wait until I become a Two-digit number. Then I'll take you guys directly to the upper-level area, and develop the Third Generation Transmigrator Chat Group into a Two-digit number power comparable to Chenwang Palace."
At this time, Wang Ping spoke again.
"(⊙o⊙)…" Alpha opened her mouth, not knowing how to respond. Her mind was having trouble processing this.