So as you have all known that it is already Febuary, and yet i have not uploaded anything. The reason for this is because there is another translator who is trying to take this seriously. I am doing this cuz i am bored at the same time to put this out there so people can read it, i am not taking this SERIOUSLY otherwise there would be little to no mistakes in the translation. The TL Chaosreigns is definitly doing a much much better job than me, so i was waiting for him to catch up, and he edits his work after proofreading. The reason why i am writing/typing this message is to ask everyone if they want me to continue with a trash to mediocre level of translation which might or might not cause you to lose brain cells or do you want to read this novel with better translation and grammer and not lose any brain cells at all. Mind you if u choose the former i still wont take it seriously. The choice is yours to make, i am down for anything. I will give u lots couple of days.
Yours Truly,
Lin Fa- *Ahem* Mikazaki