It has been a decade. We were celebrating another Wedding Anniversary today. Just some of our families, relatives and close friends were invited. It was held in our house just simple celebration that we can interact with our love ones and even kids can feel at home and play too.
Before giving birth with my third child, we decided to move into a house not anymore condo. It is good for the kids since they grew up so fast. And not just that, we moved back to my hometown. An exclusive subdivision Colton developed it long time ago. The one he told me would be our real home.
Colton agreed to it since he can continue with his own business or transfer to the other branch which is located near my hometown.
We want to start a new life; I want us to get old into a place surrounded with my family. It may not be the same block but within the area. My parents were not far from our place so we can visit them with the kids' time to time.
Zed and Cate were married too. They were living the same subdivision with us but two blocks away from our house.
Zari came closer to me as she left her husband Vince with Colton. They were chatting with the others. "Hey," she said.
"Hey, I guess your tummy will going to pop out soon." I said as she sat next to me. I rubbed her big tummy and she is having twins, girls to be exact just like us. She does not want to be like me that I waited for the big day to know the baby's gender even the doctor knew already. Well, I want to be surprise that was it but with my other pregnancies I didn't.
"Yes, we are so excited for these two to come. I wanted to have a girl but was not expecting to give me two." She said and I laughed. That's what I have been through with my twins. I did not expect to have 2 but I was happy when knowing I had 1 boy 1 girl. It was not her first time being pregnant. On my wedding day she was pregnant too the same as me, same age with my third child.
Now, Colton and I have four kids. Christian Soren Torres and Christina Shea Torres- the twins were 11. Charles Sami Torres is 10 and our youngest Callie Skylar Torres is 5. We are happy with four and that was it.
As I looked at the people at the party I smiled with contentment because all of them were here even Colton's parents and siblings too.
My grandparents, my parents and all my siblings even my Uncle Shane (Mom's only brother) & his families were all present. We are very close family that I want my children to have when they get older and have family of their own. Friends were here too.
Speaking of friends, my best friend George and Eddy hit each other. They made it official after Zari's wedding. After Colton and I got married, they got married too on the same year. They have three kids one girl and two boys. Jake found his true love and they got married too. Then they adopted two kids with the same age as my twins and Sami.
I saw my youngest daughter playing with George's youngest, same age as my daughter Callie but not a daughter it's a son Eian. I smiled as I stared at them, they looked cute together.
George sat beside me. "What are you smiling at?" she asked, giving me some cake and Zari, a glass of juice.
"I was looking for those two little fellows." I said as I pointed to them. Actually, it was not only them playing but I can see George's son guarding my daughter Callie like he was protecting her. They were playing with a little older than them.
George laughed seeing them. "I will take a picture of them. They are so cute and my son is so possessive with my goddaughter Callie." She said and she clicked her camera. George also on the go with her camera.
"You know what; I think they will end up marrying in the future." Zari said smiling, looking at them.
"I agree to that, sis." Jake came in from nowhere. "I never saw other kids like Eian to Callie. Our other kids treat like real siblings and friends but Eian was something else at the young age."
I shook my head. We were both laughing thinking about that. As soon as my eyes travelled to my husband Colton, he was looking at me. I smiled and he walked towards us.
"Ladies, excuse us. I will kidnap my beloved wife for a while." He said as he helped me up lead to the center. There are some people dancing in a slow tune.
"Happy Anniversary, babe, I cannot believe we reached more than a decade together already and four kids. I love you more." Colton said as he kissed my lips.
"Happy Anniversary, babe, yes, me too more than a decade with ups and downs in our relationship as a married couple it was worth it. We may not be perfect one but our love will always bring out the best in us. I love you even more." I replied with kiss too. "Thank you for supporting everything with our family. Being near with my family is my best dream. I love you so, so much." I hugged him tight.
"I love you too. I am also happy that this town is also my childhood memories. Luckily, we have the same goals to live a place to be Us grow old together with a house called home." He spoke. "You know that I will always do anything for you and you are my happiness." Colton said and we kissed. "We will always be together till death do us part. Happy Wedding Anniversary to us, honey."
Thank you for reading.
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