Bo Ailun looked at himself. He didn't think he was still chubby so why was she calling him chubs? Qie Xieling's lips upturned resisting the urge to laugh.
"I am pretty sure Chubs don't like you like that. You aren't his type," he said before taking a bite of the only palatable thing on their table and that was some shredded potatoes. The carnivore was now a herbivore and frugivore all because of her good husband over here.
"Who is my type then since you know everything?" asked Bo Ailun with a sneer. He believed Qie Xieling was ruining his young master and spoiling all his future plans thus he took this as some form of retaliation however weak it was.
While chewing Qie Xieling looked around and after some time he pointed at a woman with a high ponytail and tall stature. "Depending on your confidence level you would typically go for her but you normally get shut down. So you go for the sweet innocent type with a kind smile over there."
Bo Ailun, "..."
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