Pyrrha and I walked back home and were now standing in front of the Nikos estate. I didn't want to go in as if my guess was right, Mrs. Bella had used her mom intuition to somehow know we got in a dangerous situation. Why I think that is because it has happened before. While Pyrrha and I were in front of the door debating whether we should go in or not, the door opened to show a very terrifying red-headed demon.
Bella: "Come on in. I'm sure we have a lot to talk about." Her tone was sweet but her expression contrasted with it. It was that of a demons.
*gulp* 'This is what I was afraid of.'
Seeing neither Pyrrha nor me moving she grabbed our heads and dragged us in. Long story short, we got yelled at for three hours and got a week of house arrest. Because they knew I could use the forge at that time, I had my house arrest in the Nikos mansion. I think it's a good thing as I get to see Pyrrha. While in the house arrest, I got closer to Pyrrha. In that one week, Pyrrha and I got more comfortable in our relationship. She also gained the habit of sleeping on my lap. I always thought it was the other way around, I was wrong apparently. Currently -on the last day of house arrest-, Pyrrha was sleeping with her head on my lap while on the couch while I was reading a book about multipurpose weapons with my hand stroking her head.
Ryu: 'So cute.' I couldn't help but think of how cute she looked with that small drool coming out of her mouth.
Closing my book I started to think. I had made plans to join the Mistral Regional Tournament so I could gain the necessary acknowledgment to join Beacon alongside Pyrrha. But recently I have realized that it wasn't my only option. I could get a recommendation from a Hunter or become a mercenary. A recommendation was an option because if I showed enough skill to a powerful hunter, I could easily get into Beacon even before the plot. Being a mercenary also had a its advantages, such as more freedom as if a hunter scouted me they would try to keep me in their watch. Other advantages would be exploration and experience which I could also get with the hunter option. This was a hard choice to make but I will stay here for at least a year more so let's not think about that for now.
Looking at the sleeping face of Pyrrha I too started to drift off to dreamland.
The house arrest was finally over!! I can now go back to my forge as I had a shit load of ideas in my mind such ass 'What would happen if I were to forge an enchanted steel, would it keep the enchants or would it not, would it become one with it, is this a way I can add a ton of enchants on things. This needs some further experimentation.'. The answer to that question is, you get a beautiful explosion right to the face, wait no that's not it. I can fuse the enchantments into it, it's just that they aren't stable yet. One set closer to making an NP, HELL YEAH! Also, my UBW evolved. I can now add minor concepts to swords and no, that doesn't make it an NP. How so? Well, I can only add 2 concepts that correspond, and I can't maintain them for too long, and most importantly... they don't have a special attack. Anything that doesn't have a special attack cannot be considered a real NP, they can but I won't.
Anyways, I have made big progress in the past week. My Holy Flame has been maxed out, now producing flames over 1.000.000 °C and also I can make it go as low as -1.000 °C. I have also been training my Nen diligently, speaking of nen. Can Pyrrha learn it? Wait, can anyone learn something from another world? What if it puts stress on her body? What if she explodes?! I can't risk that.
In Nen, I need to develop my Hatsu. I need something to cover my weaknesses as there are probably a few easily targetable weaknesses I have. Let's see, I'm strong and fast but don't have a lot of endurance but I have Ken for that and am in the process of learning Ryu. What about escape. Nah, empty dungeons for the win. Wait I might be strong in a one on one but in a battle of major numbers I need something that will take out a large number of enemies without exhausting myself. Like I have flying slash and Caladbolg but both use a load of energy. I can also use UBWs reality marble but that puts a lot of strain on me. I need something that uses minimal energy to take out a lot of enemies then it should be more dependant on control than firepower, but that would use a lot of mental stamina to pull of. Can't think of anything. Well, like an old wise man said; "The best ideas, come at the most unexpected times" so I'll leave it alone for a moment. Let's enjoy what I have right now.
I have decided, I'll take the mercenary route. Why? Because dealing with the responsibility that will be put on my shoulders will be annoying. As anyone knows, this world's hunters don't just hunt Grimm all day. They also have to do public service ranging from helping the orphanage to even helping an old man cross the street. The reason is to smooth the worries of the citizens about powerful people walking around unrestrained. Even if it's done for an understandable reason, it's still a pain. I will also have to worry about collateral damage, lets just say Fairy Tail would be proud of how I fight. But once again, I won't be doing that anytime soon. Let's just enjoy my peaceful life alongside Pyrrha and the other.
Pyrrha and I were walking around the town square wich consisted of a bunch of houses and even more trees surrounding an open area. Mistral, was a very green city.
Ryu: "Soo, where should we go today?" Today was another one of the many dates we had so far. On all the dates we have had thus far, we have only gone to the Heavenly Buddha Sweet shop, the mountain climbing zone(an area clear of grimm) and went to a movie theater.
Pyrrha: "I don't know, shall we just relax or do you have any ideas?"
Ryu: "I heard there was an arcade nearby. We can go there if you want to." She thought for a minute.
Pyrrha:"Sure. I don't mind as long as I'm with you." She shrugged her shoulders and winked at me at the last part. I then proceeded to poked her head Itachi style.
Ryu: "Oi. You stole my line."
Pyrrha: "That I did. Now, onto the arcade!" She said as she pointed towards a random direction.
Ryu: "Fine" with that I started walking until Pyrrha held my shoulder stopping me.
Pyrrha: "Since you wanted to go in that direction, it means the arcade is in the opposite direction." a vein bulged on my forehead. This girl was making fun of me.
Ryu: "How does that make sense?!"
After walking for 5 mins.
Ryu: "It really was in the opposite direction." That made me depressed. Was this my Emiya curse, like Archers E rank luck.
Pyrrha: "Come on in, lets enjoy ourselves." With that the game was on.
We played Mario Cart which also happen to exist in RWBY, I won 3 of every 4 matches. The ones where I lost were on purpose but don't tell this to her as she gets salty. We then went on a shooter game where you used guns to shoot grimm that were approaching you. I couldn't help but make a Jojo reference.
Ryu: "Hoo. You're approaching me. Instead of running away you're coming right to me? Then come and let me beat the shit out of you!" The last part was my add. This monologue caused Pyrrha to look at me as if shes looking at a madman for a few minutes. Later she shrugged it of as Ryu being Ryu.
After the sun went down our date was over and I escorted Pyrrha to her home. Not forgetting to give her a kiss as a goodbye I too went home. Coming home, I just went to sleep as today had been a long day.
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