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Capítulo 44: Chapter 44

After confirming his identity as Kamiki Hikaru, the guy smiled warmly and extended a friendly greeting to the trio of Ryo, Yoruichi, and Oreki. "Yeah, that's me" he acknowledged, his demeanor gracious despite the interruption to his routine. However, beneath his polite exterior, a simmering frustration brewed within him as he silently cursed Oreki for disrupting his usual activities. Despite maintaining his composed facade, a hint of resentment flickered in his eyes as he exchanged pleasantries with the group. He thought to himself "This fucking fucker better be prepared to get fuck"

Kamiki Hikaru wears a simple hoody and glasses to hide from public eye, His hair is blonde and his eyes are blue that almost resemble a bright blue star,

"Oh my God, oh my God!" Oreki exclaimed with uncontained excitement, his movements animated as he danced around in delight even the experience Hikaru cannot see any flaws in his acting thus easily deceiving him in the process. "It's you, it's really you!" he declared, his eyes shining with fervent admiration as he glanced excitedly at Yoruichi and Ryo. However, his exuberance was quickly halted by Hikaru's gentle reminder.

"Let's not block the sidewalk" Hikaru interjected calmly, his tone carrying a hint of amusement as he urged Oreki to restrain his excitement. With a polite smile, he added, "And please lower your voice. I don't want anyone else to know that I'm here." His request was delivered with a friendly demeanor, emphasizing the importance of discretion in their interaction., yet there was a subtle hint of annoyance in his tone.

"Oh, right, I'm sorry, Kamiki-san" Oreki apologized, his voice laced with sincerity as he performed an exaggerated bow before Hikaru. "It won't happen again" he promised, his gaze meeting Hikaru's with genuine contrition. Despite his initial excitement, Oreki recognized the need to respect Hikaru's wishes and maintain a sense of discretion in their interaction.

"You don't have to apologize" Hikaru reassured Oreki with a warm smile, raising both hands in a placating gesture. As he observed Oreki's earnest demeanor, a flicker of amusement danced in his eyes. "Maybe he really is my fan" he mused silently to himself, his lips quirking into a knowing grin. Yet, behind the facade of friendliness, a darker thought crossed Hikaru's mind as he glanced at Ryo beside Oreki.

With a subtle shift in his expression, Hikaru's grin took on a menacing edge as he contemplated the potential uses for Oreki's apparent admiration. "And maybe I can use this guy to kill my next prey after Ai" he thought to himself, a malicious glint flickering in his eyes as he entertained the notion of exploiting Oreki's loyalty for his own sinister purposes. Despite the facade of friendliness, a cold calculation lurked beneath the surface, hinting at the true nature of Kamiki Hikaru's intentions.

"But still, I'm sorry" Oreki apologized once more, his sincerity evident in his tone as he sought to rectify his earlier enthusiasm. Hikaru couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at the thought of exploiting Oreki's eagerness for his own sinister purposes. "Be grateful for yourself for being my pawn in the future" he mused silently, his mind already concocting dark schemes to manipulate his unsuspecting fanboy. However, he realized he still didn't know their names.

Hikaru invite them to move to a restaurant of his choosing as he will meeting a friend here. Oreki had a big hunch that about one Hikaru's going meet soon.

After they sat in the dining table with Hikaru sitting alone while the trio sat closed together.

"Order something you like my treat" Hikaru smile at them but Oreki rejected his offer saying "It's okay we already ate earlier" he smile at in return.

Hikaru nodded in understanding started ordering for himself and his soon to arrive companion..

After ordering his afternoon lunch,

Hikaru glanced at Oreki and Yoruichi, a realization dawned on him. "Oh right, I don't know his and the woman's name yet" he thought to himself, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. Despite the pleasant facade he maintained, his thoughts were filled with malice and calculation, envisioning the ways in which he could use their identities to his advantage.

"Then please tell me your name, Mr. Biggest Fan" Hikaru addressed Oreki with a polite smile, his words tinged with a hint of curiosity. Despite the hidden agenda lurking behind his charming demeanor, Hikaru's outward appearance remained unchanged, his smile masking the malevolent intentions that churned beneath the surface.

"Shinomiya Oreki, but please, just call me Oreki" Oreki introduced himself with a polite nod, extending a hand in greeting. Noticing Hikaru's curious gaze shifting towards the two girls, he took the initiative to introduce them as well. "This girl is Yamada Ryo, and this woman is Yoruichi" he said, his tone respectful as he acknowledged their preferences. "She does not like her surname"

As Hikaru exchanged pleasantries with them, a sickeningly sweet smile adorned his lips as he shook their hands. His gaze lingered on Ryo, his expression veering into something unsettlingly intense. "Especially you, Yamada-san" he remarked, his voice dripping with false charm as he held her hand a moment longer. However, Ryo's instincts screamed at her to break eye contact, sensing a danger that lurked beneath Hikaru's facade.

Unnerved by Hikaru's lingering gaze, Ryo quickly withdrew her hand, breaking the eye contact with a sense of unease. Despite the outward pleasantries, she couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort that settled over her, a silent warning that urged her to tread carefully around the enigmatic Kamiki Hikaru.

Oreki interjected with a reassuring smile, seeking to alleviate the tension that had settled over the group. "She's quite shy around new people, so please forgive her" he explained, his tone gentle as he clasped his hands together in a gesture of sincerity. His words carried a sense of understanding, acknowledging Ryo's discomfort while also subtly deflecting attention away from her unease.

"It's okay, it's okay" Hikaru dismissed with a casual wave of his hand, his smile unwavering as he attempted to diffuse the awkwardness of the moment. However, beneath his pleasant demeanor, a sinister thought began to take shape in his mind. "I need to find a way in the future to talk to her privately" he thought to himself, his thoughts tinged with a sense of anticipation as he contemplated the potential for manipulation.

"By the way, did you know her from somewhere, Kamiki-san?" Oreki inquired curiously, gesturing discreetly towards Ryo, who was attempting to hide from Hikaru's line of sight by using one of the oldest trick in humanity by using her phone and ignore everyone. The question hung in the air, laden with a sense of intrigue as Oreki sought to uncover any potential connections between Hikaru and Ryo.

"I watched her band's performance once and fell in love with her at that time" Hikaru replied with a smile, his words deliberately chosen to express his interest in Ryo. However, he started acting like he is panicking as if he did that meant that "I mean, I fell in love with your band's music" he 'corrected' himself hastily.

As he observed Ryo's attempts to avoid his gaze, a sense of frustration simmered beneath Hikaru's composed exterior. "Why is this woman hiding from me? Am I being too obvious?" he pondered silently, his thoughts racing as he searched for an explanation for Ryo's avoidance. 

"Eh, really?" Oreki gasped in genuine surprise, his eyes widening as he glanced at Ryo with an excited grin. "Hey, Ryo, it seems like you have a fan here, and it's a celebrity at that!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with enthusiasm as he played the role of a devoted fan. Knowing Ryo's reserved nature, Oreki took it upon himself to express his excitement as he knew she not going to react on Hikaru advances.

"Thank you for watching our band; it meant a lot to us" Ryo responded graciously, her words directed at Hikaru as she bowed her head in a gesture of appreciation. Despite Hikaru's intentional confession and advances, Ryo remained composed, choosing to focus on expressing her gratitude for his support of her band. Her response was polite yet distant, subtly indicating her reluctance to engage further with Hikaru's attempts to flirt with her.

"I'm just doing my job as a fan" Hikaru replied proudly, his smile masking the simmering frustration that churned within him. Despite his outward display of admiration, he couldn't shake the anger that gnawed at him beneath the surface. "This girl is playing hard to get, and it pisses me off" he seethed inwardly, his jaw clenched in frustration as he struggled to conceal his irritation.

Yoruichi, who had been calmly observing the interaction, interjected with a pointed question, her words laced with curiosity. "Hey, Boss, why are you sucking up to him... I mean, why are you fanboying over him so weirdly?" she queried, her gaze fixed on Oreki with a puzzled expression. With a quick glance towards Hikaru, she added, "No offense" seeking to soften the impact of her observation.

"None taken" Hikaru responded with a smile, though behind the facade lurked a hidden malice, his true intentions veiled beneath his charming demeanor. "The audacity of this woman... I'm going to deal with you too," he seethed inwardly, his thoughts tinged with resentment as he contemplated his next move. However, upon observing Yoruichi's intimidating presence, he decided to employ a different approach, opting to use a proxy to exact his revenge.

As Oreki glanced at Yoruichi, he launched into an explanation with fervent determination, seeking to shed light on Hikaru's past as a famous child actor and his subsequent decision to maintain a low profile. "Kamiki-san here is a famous child actor from the past, and he's still involved in acting, though he's been keeping a low profile" Oreki explained, his tone earnest as he relayed what he knew. Pausing for a moment, he continued, "I've been following his activities on his blog to keep up with his plans for the future, but he suddenly stopped." Oreki turned to Hikaru, awaiting any corrections or additions to his account of the situation.

Hikaru nodded in agreement with Oreki's explanation, though inwardly he couldn't help but feel a sense of discomfort at the thought of his devoted fan knowing so much about him. "Of course he knows it all; he's my fanboy" he mused silently, a shiver running down his spine for reasons he couldn't quite comprehend. Involuntarily, he clenched his butt muscles, a reflexive response to the sudden chill that swept over him.

Observing Hikaru's reaction, Oreki shook his head with a reassuring smile. "I'm not like that" he insisted, seeking to alleviate any concerns that Hikaru might have had about his intentions. With a sense of sincerity in his tone, Oreki clarified his stance, eager to dispel any misunderstandings that might have arisen from their conversation.

Accepting Oreki's assurance, Hikaru nodded in agreement, though beneath his amiable facade, he continued to scheme, concocting new plans to manipulate the situation to his advantage. "It's going to be difficult to frame him in the future if he's gay, or maybe I can spin it that he killed the girl I'm dating at the time out of jealousy?" he pondered, his thoughts already drifting towards darker possibilities. Despite Oreki's reassurance, Hikaru remained determined to find a way to exploit their interaction for his own nefarious purposes.

Meanwhile, Oreki maintained his facade of sincerity, seamlessly weaving lies into his conversation as easily as he breathed air. "It's just that I really appreciated your acting when I saw it in the past" he admitted with a smile, though the words rang hollow with deceit, he said it as if it's the truth as easily as he breath air.

"Let me continue" Oreki interjected, steering the conversation back to the topic at hand. "Back when I was still naive and aspiring to become an actor, I started looking for theater troupes to join for practice" he continued, weaving his lies with practiced ease. "That's when I saw you again in one of the theaters, with a group called Lalalie Theatrical Company, doing a stage play as a group" he added, further embellishing his deception to align with his fabricated narrative.

Listening intently, Hikaru nodded in understanding, memories of his time with the troupe resurfacing with a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "I kind of miss my time in the troupe, but sadly, we've already left the group" he remarked, his words laden with a deeper meaning. While he outwardly expressed a longing for his past experiences, inwardly, Hikaru harbored darker intentions, viewing his former troupe members as potential pawns in his sinister schemes. "I won't be rejoining that troupe" he mused silently, his thoughts consumed by thoughts of manipulation and exploitation. "I can't use them as bait for my future victim" he concluded, his malicious intent simmering beneath the surface as he contemplated his next move.

"We...?" Oreki questioned, feigning ignorance before arriving at the answer himself. "Oh, that girl! The one who's always with you... what was her name again... ah, Hoshino Ai" he concluded, his memory jogged by the mention of her name. Despite his usual facade of deceit, Oreki's smile was genuine as he spoke of Hoshino Ai, his admiration for her talents shining through without a hint of pretense. "She's a great actress, just like you, Kamiki-san, and I'm quite a big fan of her too" he added, his words sincere as he acknowledged Ai's skill and charm.

"She indeed is a great actress" Hikaru agreed, his tone reflecting a genuine appreciation for Ai's talents. However, beneath the surface, he couldn't help but reflect on the deeper implications of Oreki's words. "And because she was able to see through my facade and lies" he mused silently.

"If fact, you'll be able to meet Ai if you stay and wait for a while" Hikaru informed Oreki, attempting to entice him into prolonging their encounter. Behind his polite offer, however, lurked a darker motive as Hikaru schemed to use Ai's presence as a distraction, allowing him to engage Ryo in private conversation and further his manipulative agenda. "I need Ai to distract this guy and that woman so I can talk to Ryo solo and make her fall for me easily" he mused silently, his mind already crafting intricate plans to achieve his objectives.

"Really? But I don't want to meet any more celebrities, though. I mean, meeting you here is a pure coincidence" Oreki explained, his words earning him a perplexed look from Hikaru. Sensing the need to clarify his stance, Oreki elaborated further, revealing his reluctance to encounter his idols face-to-face. "I don't want to see the truth of her up close. However, if she is indeed faking and lying about her feelings towards her fans, I want her to keep doing it and make her fans happy, and feel loved, as that will also make me happy and admire her more as a fan" he explained before adding more. "You'll never know; her fake love could surpass the genuine one."

"I see understand" Hikaru nodded whilie staring at Oreki "Then are satisfied meeting me personally?" Hikaru questioned, though he already anticipated the response, having orchestrated the interaction to perfection from the very beginning. With calculated precision, he sought to manipulate Oreki's impression of him, eager to use his words as leverage in his pursuit of Ryo. "Now, praise me in front of Ryo-chan" he mused to himself, confident in Oreki's compliance.

Oreki obliged with an answer, his words carefully chosen to appease Hikaru's ego and further his own agenda. "Just like I imagined, kind-hearted, and you have a commendable aura" he stated with authoritative conviction, his tone masking any hint of insincerity as he sought to lull Hikaru into a false sense of security. He had been using his fool authority to make Hikaru dumb and make him easily believe what Oreki's saying is true.

Oreki shifted the conversation, probing Hikaru about his relationship with Hoshino. "Are you and Hoshino-san dating? You two were always together during your theater days" he inquired just so because he wants to. Hikaru swiftly denied any romantic involvement, his gaze darting towards Ryo, who remained engrossed in her phone. Inwardly, he cursed Oreki's inquiry, cursing the unintended revelation and the potential implications it held for his plans. "Damn it, Pawn, why do you have to blabber your mouth unnecessarily" he lamented, regretting the slip of information that threatened to unravel his carefully laid schemes.

"'Yet' I see what you did there, Kamiki-san" Oreki chuckled lightly before continuing with a playful tone. "But you guys are meant for each other" he remarked, his gaze shifting towards Hikaru as he acknowledged their compatibility. "You're a good-looking guy and a great actor, while Hoshino-san is a good-looking girl and a great actress" he observed, recognizing the complementary qualities that made them a formidable pair. With a playful clap of his hands, Oreki then said "What a great combination! Imagine what your future children will look like."

Hikaru couldn't help but chuckle at Oreki's observation, finding amusement in the unexpected turn of the conversation. "Not only a fanboy, you're a shipper too" he remarked with a smile, acknowledging Oreki's playful enthusiasm. "And to add to his obrsevation Hoshino and I are good liars" He mused to himself.

"Now then, I think we've already taken up enough of your time" Oreki said to Hikaru, gently interrupting the actor's train of thought. Despite Hikaru's insistence on extending their interaction, Oreki shook his head to decline the invitation. "Are you really sure you guys don't want to eat before leaving?" Hikaru persisted, his offer of hospitality reflecting a genuine desire to prolong their conversation. However, Oreki remained steadfast in his decision, politely declining the invitation.

"By the way, why did she call you boss earlier?" Hikaru asked, curious about the nature of their relationship.

"She's my bodyguard" Oreki replied bluntly, shooting Hikaru a smirk before adding, "You should get one too. You never know when you might encounter a disgruntled fan out of nowhere." They both stood up from their seats.

Upon hearing this, Hikaru's eyebrows furrowed as he gazed outside in contemplation. He failed to notice his date approaching. "What the hell is wrong with this guy? Is he threatening me?" he wondered. Quickly dismissing the thought, he reasoned, "No, he's genuinely concerned for my well-being. What a nice fanboy." However, his musings took a darker turn as he thought, "Well, too bad you're going to be my pawn from now on."

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