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40% Reincarnated in The Owl House / Chapter 10: Surprising events and ridiculous failures

Capítulo 10: Surprising events and ridiculous failures


Hi guys just wanted to post a chapter since it's almost a holiday, so I hope you enjoy it and happy Easter!


"*beep*!*beep*!*beep*!" I heard as my eyes shot open to the sound of an alarm before I got up to see I was in a basement... 'Oh yeah I guess I do live in one now don't I?' I thought as I stood up and got dressed before heading to the bathroom upstairs to brush my teeth as I climbed up on a stool. "Chris breakfast's ready." I heard as I turned around to see Luz at the door. "....." I stood there in silence too tired to say anything. "Ok good talk," Luz said as she awkwardly closed the door before I turned back to the sink.

Stepping down from the stool and out of the bathroom after finishing brushing my teeth I went to the kitchen. "*sip*...What's for breakfast?" I asked after taking a sip from a cup of tea. "Well! We're having some bacon and eggs!" Luz said as enthusiastically as ever. "Don't you mean Bak- you know what never mind," I said drowsily remembering that was a Boiling Isles thing, not an Earth thing. "So what do we have planned for today?" I said as I took another sip of tea making me feel more like myself.

"Well-" Camila said as she was cut off by an enthusiastic Luz."Well, we were thinking-" Luz said before being stopped by Camila. "Mija, please don't interrupt me," Camila said calmly. "So what we'll be doing today is registering you to transfer into Gravesfield Elementary since you need a proper education," Camila said as I looked up thoughtfully. 'Human school huh? Probably going to be as boring as before I went to the boiling Isles but ok since I need to get used to Earth again.' I thought before mindlessly staring at my eggs like eyes were going to appear on them.

'Oh yeah, not eyeggs.' I thought before picking up my fork and scooping them up into my mouth as I carried on breakfast normally before I started to take another sip of tea. "We also have that other call with your friends," Camila said as I choked on my tea causing me to cough it up remembering the Boonchuys and the rest that I met yesterday. "Woah you ok Chris?" Luz said worried before I gave her a thumbs up while I was hunched over. "Oh did you forget about our little call later today?" Camila said as I started to feel nervous. 'Well, that woke me up!' I thought in a nervously energetic voice. "Nope! Nope! I remember it like you decided it yesterday!" I said awkwardly as Camila looked at me unconvinced.

"That's because it was yesterday," Camila stated matter-of-factly. "Yes, it was! Speaking of those friends I should probably go call them now!" I said as I rushed to the house phone before being pulled back. "Oh no young man, we'll talk to them later but for now we need to get to the school to meet with the principal for your enrollment meeting," Camila said as I was dragged out the door struggling in her grip before we reached her car where I was buckled into the back seat with Luz. 'How is she so strong even though I have as much strength as an adult man?' I thought exasperated. "Now I know you probably won't try to act up too much on our way there but when we do can you not try to sneak off or act up like you did when we were walking to the car?" Camila asked as I absentmindedly listened as Camila started driving. "Hey don't be so nervous. I know that you weren't the most social person back in our old school but I know you'll great time at this one!" Luz said trying to comfort me for the wrong reason.

'I know wasn't the most social but that was because I was always looking after you to make sure you didn't terrorize everyone as much as you did in the series but I guess that effort went to waste when you moved here.' I thought feeling slightly annoyed at Luz before I stopped and sighed knowing that this type of stuff is in Luz's nature. 'Now how do I contact them...' I thought focusing back on thinking of a way to get in touch with the Boonchuys to tell them about the call before I heard yelling that broke me out of my trance. "Are you listening? Don't make me get out the Chancla!" Camila said grabbing my attention. "I'm listening! I'm listening!" I said a bit panicked at the word Chancla. "*clearing throat* good now like I was saying, you won't make trouble will you?" Camila asked as I smiled as honestly as I could. "Of course! I don't want to make the wrong first impression." I said as Camila smiled. "Great! Wouldn't want you to cause too much trouble with any weird thing you want to do or cause trouble with your pet... speaking of your snake where is it?" Camila said questioning where Hissby was.

"He's probably in the basement, speaking of the basement how about we head back?" I said looking out the back window of the car for the second time this week. "Sorry, Mijo but you'll have to wait until we're back home," Camila said as I turned to her. "Ok, but can we get- wait Mijo?" I said feeling confused. "Yes Mijo, is it weird for me to call you that?" Camila asked as I broke from my confusion. "Oh no it's fine it just caught me off guard," I said as I laid back in my seat. "Ok then!" Camila said a bit cheerfully. 'Wow, she seems to be taking her role as my guardian very seriously to the point of treating me like I am her kid.' I thought caught off guard by how easily she seemed to adjust to taking care of me before I saw Luz smirking smugly as I felt that tinge of annoyance from earlier resurface. "Ok, we're here," Camila said with a smile still on her face as we went inside the school before Camila led me to the Principal's office as Luz went to class. "Ah welcome Camila." The man I assumed to be the Principal said before noticing me. "Oh, and you must be Chris! Nice to meet you I'm Principal Conan." He said smiling as he shook my hand. "Strong grip you got there." Principal Conan said as he let go of my hand and returned to his seat. "Now let's get down to business, first being..." Principal Conan said as Camila sat there for an hour talking to the principal, ironing out the fine details of my enrollment to Gravesfield Elementary.

Time skip 1 1/2 hours later...

'Finally, we're done! I never thought the enrollment process could take so long.' I thought as Camila and I walked out of the doors of the school. 'Can't wait to get back... oh shit, I forgot I need to call them!' I thought as I panicked while trying to keep my face as calm as possible. 'Wait, could I do that to contact them?' I thought as I turned to Camila. "Hey, you know Camila before we go back to the house can I go explore the town a bit?" I said hoping she would agree. "Why?" Camila asked confused. "Well, I wanted to explore the town for a bit to get used to it," I said as Camila started to look at me suspiciously making me sweat a bit. "What gives with her intuition with this kind of stuff, is she psychic or something?" I both thought and said unaware I was talking as Camila's suspicious look turned into a small reassuring smile. "Sure we can do that, just make sure to not get lost. Oh and before you ask, yes my intuition is practically psychic, also try not to think out loud." Camila said to me catching me off guard. "Huh?" I said confused. 'Wait was I thinking out loud?' I thought both confused and concerned as I checked to see if I was saying my thoughts and to my relief, I wasn't. 'Ok good.' I thought in relief. 'Now how do I distract Camila while I make a call?' I thought as we arrived in front of... an ice cream shop. 'Well, that's convenient.' I thought as I opened the door of the car, exiting it before turning to Camila. "Hey, Camila could we get ice cream before we go around the town?" I asked trying to put on an innocent act. "No no no mister, don't try that with me. I already know what that whole innocent act means so don't try it." Camila said seriously. "Ok fine I won't but I do need to do something here before we go touring around town so please will you let me?" I asked trying to appeal to her like a kid begging their parent for a toy. "...*sigh*, fine but you have to do one thing for me, can you agree to that?" Camila asked as I nodded my head a bit too eagerly without knowing what she wanted me to do. "I want you... to call me Mama Camila from now on like Luz does with calling me Mama," Camila asked as my body froze completely with a smile of disbelief on my face. "What?" I said still in disbelief at the sudden request.

"Call me Mama Camila, after all, it looks cuter, and since I'm technically your parent now. Though don't get me wrong Mijo, I'm not saying I want to be some replacement for your mother just that since you're technically part of Luz and I's family now we should be more familiar with each other." Camila said nervously as I snapped out of my shock. "No, it's fine since I called you that before, I might as well call you that now... Mama Camila." I said with an awkward smile on my face as I felt like barfing again Camila gave me a look similar to a person who found something cute which is accurate since I was a child but that didn't mean I found it any better. 'Just get through this Chris you've already met most of the significant characters in the show so I can't exactly isolate myself from them now.' I thought surrendering to my fate of being tangled up in the plot of this world. 'Well even if I can't stop my involvement, I can try to prepare for it.' I thought as I chuckled at my efforts which seemed to draw me closer to the plot rather than further from it.

"Then I'll be off, Mama Camila!" I said in an exaggerated voice to hide how awkward I was feeling from calling Camila, Mama Camila. "Gotta get used to that," I mumble as I walk off towards the pay phone we drove by on the way into the central part of town. "Wow, this looks old," I said looking at it. "Will that one trick with the quarter and string work? Well can't know until I try, now can I?" I said before chuckling awkwardly. "Ok well here's to hoping this works," I said as I took one peek back to see if anyone was looking at me before turning around as I confirmed it. As I stared at the pay phone I stuck my finger up to the slot before casting a spell a blue line of ooze started to extend from my finger as I used the fluid from the abomination magic to feel around for a switch or something to push on. 'Ok, ok almost there aaaand got it!' I thought as I started to dial the number I remember using yesterday I held the phone to my ear as it rang.

'Geez I didn't realize how convenient these could be, it's a shame that they get rid of a lot of them in the future after they turned obsolete.' I thought remembering how little I saw public pay phones on the street in 2023 compared to this time in 2013 when touchscreen phones weren't as advanced and flip phones weren't having as much of an effect on the drop in pay phones. Finishing that thought I finally heard someone pick up. "Hello, this is Chris that one kid from the other day-" I said before being interrupted by a voice on the other end. "Oh, you're Chris, the magic door boy?" A feminine voice said as I realized who this was. "Yeah that's me, you must be Mrs.Boonchuy. It's nice to meet you even if it's over the phone.. is it possible to talk to your husband or A-" I said before stopping realizing it was probably bad to give my warning to a girl who is literally 7 years old. "My husband or who?" Mrs.Boonchuy asked before I focused back on her. "Never mind can I just talk to your husband? I need to tell him something" I asked noticing Camila looking around for me impatiently. "I'm sorry but he's a bit busy right now with work, actually your my daughter's age so shouldn't you be in school?" She said as I saw Camila spot me as I turned the phone away from her sight. "Look that's not important right now, just tell your husband that there might get a call later about me being friends with Anne and the other two and to not mention how I can use magic or how I met Anne and everyone else with a magical door. Now I have to go since I have to be somewhere, so please get that message to them." I asked begging as I heard a quick "ok" as I hung up the phone before I turned to see Camila right next to me. 'Did I really just say there might be a call about meeting Anne with a magical door, ugh.' I mentally scolded myself for my awkward way of explaining.

"So this is what you wanted to do?" Camila said as she looked at the pay phone. "What was so important that you had to use this phone?" Camila asked turning to me with a gentle yet oddly intimidating expression. "W-well I forgot to tell those friends I talked about that we were going to call them later," I said telling a half-truth as Camila looked at me a bit concerned. "Mijo is there something you're not telling me about your friends? I ignored it last time because I thought you would tell me before now but now I'm concerned." Camila said with a frown. "Camil-" I said before being interrupted. "Mama Camila," Camila said as she looked at me seriously before I looked away avoiding her gaze. "Look Mama Camila it's not my friends that are the problem because they're really nice girls who live in Los Angeles-" I said before stopping when I saw a mischievous look in Camila's eyes. "Ohhhh, so that's why you didn't want to talk about it," Camila said as I became confused. "What are you...! Wait no no no you got it wrong I-" I said before I felt a finger on my lip shutting my mouth. "No, I get it but I didn't think you would be interested in girls at this age," Camila said as I tried to pull my lips out of her hand before she abruptly let go as we started walking off back towards the direction we came from. "Now come on let's go get some ice cream!" Camila said as she held my hand before she led me toward the ice cream parlor.

Time skip, a few hours later...

Finishing the last bit of ice cream in the back seat of the car, I felt a bump as I looked up to see us pulling into the driveway. "*sigh* we're finally back..." I said feeling relief. 'That was more boring than I expected.' I thought as I got out of the car. "Hey what time are we going to be on that call?" I ask as Camila turned to me before she closed the garage door. "Well I was planning on starting the call after I picked up Luz at 3, why do you want to call earlier?" Camila asked curiously. "Actually... yeah sure let's do that," I said answering her. "So Mama Camila when should we call them?" I asked as Camila turned to me. "How about we do it an hour from now? I need to do some work for now." Camila said as I nodded before heading back to my room in the basement where I suddenly felt a bit lightheaded. "Woah!" I said as I caught myself on the rail. "Must be from that wound yesterday, I still don't know why I didn't just use healing magic to recover," I said to myself as I heard glass shatter. "Oh right, that's why," I said remembering how Camila noticed it before I got a chance to heal it with magic. "Hey, Mama Camila are you ok?" I asked as I opened the door to the basement before I looked out to see Camila sweeping up a glass cup on the floor. "Yes, Mijo now can you hold this?" Camila said as I walked over before she handed me a dustpan as we spent the next few minutes sweeping glass off the ground. "Well that was interesting but I'm gonna go back to my room," I said as I walked back to my room where I took a nap for the next hour.

POV Change ???

'This human hasn't done anything since he defeated me in that forest. Isn't he a great hunter, so why does he lay there?' A wolf-like shadow appeared revealing a creature similar to the one Chris named Stalker as Stalker thought this he looked down at Chris who had just fallen asleep before his shoulders started to tense. 'Wait did he notice me?' He thought as he backed away into the shadows before he saw Chris roll over on the futon he was laying on showing a drooling face. 'Maybe I'm overestimating the child.' Stalker thought as he rolled his eyes at him before laying down on the ground. 'It's been a day or so since I found myself like this, tethered to this child for whatever reason.' Stalker thought as he continued his rant. 'When I first awoke I saw this child using my abilities leaving me surprised before reasoning that he was a hunter with great potential but seeing how he acted yesterday at that odd wall that opens in the forest and now with him sleeping so carelessly, proving my assumptions untrue. I mean look at this child, how could he have the potential to become a great hunter when he's so... small and frail.' Stalker said as he looked at Chris with disappointment obvious on his face. 'Well it does not matter, I will just make him into one...' He said ominously as he faded into the shadows.

Time skip, an hour later, POV Change Chris

"*snore**snore**cough**hack*, huh? What?" I said as I woke up coughing up spit I probably choked on. 'Well waking up like that was less than pleasant.' I thought as I got up lazily and stretched. 'It should be an hour or so after lunchtime, right? I think had something already but let's grab a snack... just in case.' I thought to myself licking my lips as I walked upstairs to see Mama Camila sitting in the kitchen before I ducked behind a wall. "Drat! My attempts were stopped by a conveniently placed person!" I mumbled dramatically before silently slapping my forehead as I cringed at my weird way of saying that sentence. 'Well I guess I'll just have to go aroun-' I thought as I heard a creak from where I stepped looking down to see an old-looking floorboard. "Oh, Chris is that you? Can you come to the kitchen? I was about to come and get you for the call but since you're up I don't need to." Camila said as I walked into the kitchen with an awkward smile as I remembered the call we had with the Boonchuys. "Yeah Mama Camila, sorry for not waking up earlier," I said still holding my smile as Camila took her phone out. "Here you go Mijo, can't wait to talk to your friend!" Camila said smiling as I dialed the number before it started ringing. 'Don't pick up, don't pick up.' I thought as I hoped that I wouldn't have to go through an awkward conversation as I tried to hide the 'magical way' I met them.

"*click* Boonchuy residence, this is Mr.Boonchuy speaking?" I heard Mr.Boonchuy say on the other end. "Hey, Mr.Boonchuy how are you? It's me, Chris, are you busy?" I asked as I heard the sound of running feet in the background. "No Chris I'm not busy-" Mr.Boonchuy said as I heard another voice from the phone. "Chris is that you?" I heard a younger voice say. "Oh hi, Anne nice to hear from you!" I said in the cheeriest voice I could muster while standing in front of Camila. "Wait is that her, the girl from Los Angeles you're friends with? Quickly put her on speaker!" Camila asked excitedly as I put on the speaker. "Hey Anne someone wanted to talk to you and your family that's from here is that ok?" I ask before I heard an "ok". "Oh my gosh you must be one of the girls Chris talked about! It's nice to hear from you, my name is Camila and I'm Chris's parent," Camila said confusing me before I brushed it off. 'I guess she's just saying that since she's taking care of me.' I thought as I shrugged. "Mhm, you're asking about Chris's snake and when he can come ove-" I heard from Camila who looked confused as I realized what was being said before I tried to snatch the phone out of her hand only to fail when I couldn't quite reach it. 'I hate being short!' I screamed in my head as I thought about how much taller I was back when I was a teen in my last life.

"Mama Camila, could I please have the phone?" I whispered standing in front of her as she nodded still with a look of confusion on her face. "Hey!" I whispered slightly annoyed as I moved into the family room in the front. "Guys wha-" I said before being interrupted almost instantly. "Hey, Chris! Do you want to do a sleepover this weekend? I wanted to ask since you can create those door thingies to get here... so what do you say?" I heard a young girl who I knew was Anne. "*sigh* Anne how ab-" I said stopping yet again as I turned towards the window to see something familiar looking at me with its blood-red eyes. "You know what... sure," I said thoughtlessly agreeing as I backed away from the family room. "Well it was fun chatting but we need to go do something, bye!" I said as I started to hang up the phone. "Cool, but Wai-" I heard Anne say as I hung up. "Mijo! That was rude, don't hang up on your friend!" Camila said sternly as I turned to her with a look of serious concern on my face. "Mama Camila we have to hide," I said as Camila looked at me with a mix of confusion and concern. "What do you mean Mijo?" Camila said as I tried to think of an excuse. "T-there was a guy looking into the window," I said awkwardly, worry still in my voice. "What do you mean 'guy'?" Camila asked as she looked at me with more concern before turning towards the doorway to the family room. "I'm sure you're just worried for nothing, let me go cheeeeaaahhh!" Camila said before I heard her shrill scream causing me to run into the family room to see Stalker now standing inside the family room. 'Shit! How'd it get in!' I thought as I stood there keeping my eyes locked on Stalker standing by the window now inside. "Mama Camila, we need to get to the back door," I whispered tensely as I leaned over to her. The only thing I got from her was a nod I barely saw in the side of my vision as we backed into the kitchen before I saw Camila close the door as she grabbed a broom...

"A broom?" I said as Camila put her finger up to her lips making me realize I was talking too loud before I turned back to the door to hear a banging against the door. 'Oh no...' I said before grabbing Camila's hand. "We need to run!" I said as I pulled her as quickly and quietly as possible to the back living room before I heard a door slam open. "Grrrrr..." I heard as I quickly opened the door before I pulled Camila out the door as we tried to run to the front of the house before my face turned thoughtful. 'Wait... How did Stalker even get in, no how is he even alive!' I thought as I saw a large mass of shadow fly out the closed window as it manifested in front of us as Stalker making us stop in our tracks before running the other way towards the forest. 'Well, that answers one of my questions!' I thought panicked before seeing Camila slow down as we entered the forest. 'Ah shit that's right, she doesn't have the same stamina as me which is kind of surprising- no Chris focus! What should I do?' I thought seriously as I looked around at the trees before I saw something familiar off in the distance causing me to squint. 'Wait is that... the shack!' I thought as I looked at Camila.

"Camila I thought of a way to get away from that thing but I'm going to need you to trust me!" I said so loud it was close to yelling causing Camila to look at me a bit doubtful before nodding. "Ok, I need you to close you to not freak out," I said as I transformed my hand into the same clawed hand I used yesterday before I cut my cheek creating a stream of blood. "Chris why did you cut yourself and what happened to your hand!" Camila asked in concern before I started feeling lightheaded again. 'Fuck that's right, I lost a lot of blood yesterday. Well, it doesn't matter, we still need to get out of here...' I thought as the feeling got worse making my eyes start to feel heavy as the rest of my body followed. "Shit, you can't quit on me now body," I said sluggishly as my eyes started to close further until we got to the shack as darkness overtook my vision.

Time skip, a few hours later...

"Ugh..." I groaned out as I woke up. "What happened?" I said before I remembered what happened causing me to shoot up into a sitting position and look around to see I was in the guest room. "Good nothing happened..." I said relieved as I laid back down. 'Was that all a dream? It must've been if Stalker appeared in it.' I thought remembering how I killed Stalker. "Ah Mijo, you're finally awake!" I heard from my side as I saw Camila standing by the now open door smiling. "You should be more careful with your health, I almost had to take you to the hospital for a blood transfusion," Camila said making me feel confused. 'Wasn't that only a dream though?' I thought before looking down at my hands. 'Huh?' I said confused as I saw my hand in its transformed state making me hide it behind my back. "Oh your hand, That's right. How is it? I tried not to touch it since I don't know anything about fantasy stuff." Camila said calmly, talking about how I transformed my hand like it was a well-known fact that I could. 'Wait so that wasn't a dream?' I thought to myself as I looked at Camila nervously. "Wait so what happened?" I asked as Camila explained how Stalker just disappeared into the forest when I passed out. 'why would he...' I thought before I brushed it off for the time being. 'It doesn't matter right now, what does matter is that nothing bad happened.' I thought as I looked up at Camila. "So about that whole thing..." I said as Camila stopped me. "That is something I want to know about but you don't have to explain if you're not ready yet," Camila said making me feel bad for trying to keep what happened with me and the Boiling Isles.

"While it's a relief to hear that, I think it would be better to tell you," I said before standing up. 'Wait, I should check for Luz before I start talking just in case.' I thought as I checked out the door silently to see no one. 'That's a relief, wouldn't want Luz to listen and learn about magic early.' I thought as I turned around and walked back over to the bed. "If you're looking Luz then you should try downstairs in the living room since she's down there watching anime," Camila said as I shake my head. "Thanks, Mama Camila, now that I've checked let's get down to it..." I said as I then explained what happened during the whole time I was missing barring bland things like showering and other things that would be repetitive. " that's how I got to where you found me in the forest," I said finishing my story as Camila looked at me with the same calm look she had before the story. "What? No surprise or disbelief?" I asked as Camila shrugged. "Well after you got about halfway into your story I was more intrigued than anything," Camila said as she smiled. "Thanks for being honest Mijo." Camila continued as she ruffled my hair.

"You're welcome," I said calmly as I began to smile as well. "Is that all you wanted to know or?" I asked as Camila's face turned thoughtful. "Actually yes I was wondering how you met your friends in Los Angeles if you didn't meet them when you were in the Boiling Isles?" Camila asked curiously. "Well I kind of, maybe met them when I was testing if I could make something when we got back from the Creek," I said nervously as a look of realization made its way onto Camila's face. "Wait was it when I showed that shack to you?" Camila asked as I nodded. "So you made a portal like the one in your story despite knowing what happened before... is that why you came back bleeding?" Camila asked as I nodded before she started scolding me for my less-than-smart decisions.

"Sorry Mama Camila..." I apologized as I faced my head downwards. "It's fine just try not to overdo it the next time you try that," Camila said surprising me. "Wait you're still allowing me to create portals?" I asked confused. "Well yes, I mean you did agree to go to a sleepover that's across the country this weekend, and with how expensive tickets for a plane there would be... it would be better for you to create a portal under MY supervision once you recover enough to make one," Camila said as I remembered what I said on the phone before hanging up. "*sigh* so when's the sleepover?" I asked reluctantly regretting that I agreed without thinking about it first. "It's on Friday after your three friends finish their school day," Camila said as I nodded. "And school starts for me next week right?" I asked trying to clarify what was happening in the next few days. "Yes, you start on Monday," Camila said clearing things up for me. 'Yes! No school for the week!' I cheered mentally as I kept my face completely neutral. "Well don't be too excited, until you're actually in school you'll be with me or a babysitter. 'And the excitement's gone. I probably don't need to repeat this but being 7 years old sucks!' I thought as I nodded. "And now that we have all of this sorted out, let's head downstairs," Camila said standing up. "Wait why?" I asked looking at her confused. "You still need to eat dinner," Camila said as I nodded in understanding before I stood as well and followed her downstairs to the kitchen.

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