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Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System original

Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System

Autor: ZhaoYuzheru

© WebNovel


Abel struggled to open his eyes as an extreme amount of pain has invaded his mind. Abel felt like his mind was being crushed and he was so overwhelmed that he couldn't even let out a scream. Fortunately the pain only lasted for a few seconds before disappearing. Abel franctically looked around to understand his situation. 'An old fashioned room, lots of barrels... Wait, is the ground moving?'

Abel immediatly stood up and got to the window at the other side of the room. After looking at it he was immediately speechless. '... I am in a ship' Abel was having a hard time making sense of his situation, he was at home watching some old movies in christmas. He was very bored so he bought some drinks and invited a few of his friends. After drinking with his friends he remembered he got drunk but he didn't remember anything after that. 'İs this a prank or did I f*cking get kidnapped'

'Ding! Welcome to the sign in system. The system is reward of your heroic death in your last life. With this system you will be able to gain rewards at each island you sign in. The rewards will depend on the island's importance.'

Abel was a little dumbfounded after he heard the system's voice in his mind. Even if he was doubtful, hearing random voices in your head had very little explanations. Either he really died and got a system or he was going crazy. 'What does it mean by a heroic dead? What have I done after I got drunk?' After the voice informed about the existence of system it was quiet as it ignored Abel.

''System? Hello? Are you there...?''


''Status?'' Finally system had a reaction as he revealed Abel's status.

Name: Abel

Age: 18

Race: Half Lunarian

Strength: 18

Agility: 16

Stamina: 20

Endurance: 25

' Congrulations for succesfully triggering the system. Do you wish to open the begginer's pack?'

After abel saw the status panel, everything he has seen up until this moment start to connect in his mind. And he felt everything makes sense now. He has died and reincarnated into the One Piece world. However Abel got over it in a few moments. Since he already accepted his death and the system's existence, reincarnating to a fictional world wouldn't surprise him that much.

'' Open it.''

' You have gained :Body tempering pill x3, unique ability: 'Scan', İmmortal grade healing pill x1'

Body Tempering Pill: Eating this pill and meditating for 2 hours will result in, endurance +5

'Scan': Use this ability to see through a persons stats.

İmmortal grade healing pill: A pill that can cure anything in this world. As long as a person is not dead this pill can bring them back to life.

Abel was relatively satisfied with the rewards, though he didn't understand how stats work. 'I should use scan on someone to understand where I stand right now.' He coincidentally saw a mirror and checked his appearance. As expected from a lunarian he has a relatively long white hair, brown skin and a tall stature. Abel felt his body in his previous life was not bad but comparing it, this body was at least 100 times more handsome. Unlike a lunarian he didn't have any wings though.

'İs it because I am only half lunarian?' He was a bit confused, however he felt relieved that he didn't have any wings. Otherwise everyone would know he was from lunarian linage and he will be hunted by world government. Right now only his hair colour and skin tone was similar to lunarians. But that could be explained by various means or at most he could dye his hair. But if he had the dark wing, the distinct trait of lunarians he would never be able to hide it.

After Abel settled his thoughts, he started to plan his next course of actions. 'First let's see where I am. İf there is any person I should use scan to understand if my stats are low or high. Also I need to understand my situation. Am I captured? Do they know I am a lunarian? Oh... wait, this system was called sign in system?'

'' Sign in''

'Ding! Congrulations you have signed in Goat İsland. Calculating the island's history and importance... Calculation completed: F grade. Reward: 500 berry( you can buy a bottle of beer.)'

'...' Abel was speechless. 'The rewards for signing in is quiet bad. Or rather the grade was too low. I guess I need to visit some important places to sign in. Hmm... Goat İsland. Why does this sound familia-'

'' Hey, look. The sleeping prince finally woke up.'' A snicker interrupted his thoughs as a slim person and a tall burly person entered the room.

'' İt is good that he woke up. We would have to drag him to the captain. Brat, you are lucky that our captain took a fancy on you. İf she hasn't saved you you would have drowned or got eaten by sea kings already.'' the burly man remarked.

'She...?' Even though Abel was annoyed at their mocking tone he still wanted to understand his situation first.

'' Well, I would like to thank your captain personally for saving me. May I learn her name?'' Abel asked politely.

'' Hahaha, you should feel honored that our captain took a fancy on you. Listen well, she is the most beautiful pirate in east blue. Her name is Alvida. You should have heard of her fame, right?'' the burly man answered gloatingly.

'Oh... it is her. What the f*ck does he mean? She take a fancy on me?' Abel was very uncomfortable after he learnt his situation as he had a few guesses in his mind about why he was being fancied. But he didn't want to make a scene before learning her stats and she also saved him. So he wouldn't wish to fight unless it was necessary. But he was still very irritated with their mocking attidute. Since he was not given face he wouldn't bother to play the kind act anymore.

'' Haven't heard of her. Lead the way, don't waste my time.'' Abel's tone became cold as he cut the plesanteries short.

The burly man furrowed his brows as he glared at Abel with slight anger. 'Who does he think he is? Just because captain like his looks he thinks he is some big shot!? I will play with you when captain got bored playing with you.'

''Well, sure follow me. I think you will be shocked when you see how beautiful our captain is. You are a very lucky man.'' Burly man spoke with a cheerful voice while mocking Abel inside.

ZhaoYuzheru ZhaoYuzheru

My first fanfic. I am just writing for fun. English is not my native language so if you see any grammar mistakes let me know with a comment and I will fix it. Other than that you can share me your opinions and suggestions about the story and can also ask anything about the story. Well, that's it.

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