My name is Jamal and this is my story.
Unlike most anime fanatics I'm not the extreme type that hardly have a social life and spends most of their time in their house. I was blessed with good looks and had a small but tight groupe of friends. We would do everything together from something as basic as smoking and drinking together to having each others backs in fights.
But everything good has an end. That end came when I was in school. I was my usual seat at the back of the class and as usual not paying attention to class with my phone in my hands rewatching episodes of one piece. I heard someone clear their throat at my aide and lifted my head to glance at the teacher that caught me red handed.
That bitch looked so smug like she deserved and award or something. "What is it Miss Granger?" I asked playing stupid with her.
"You know the rules Jamal hand over your phone." She said and smirked my way.
" No, sorry can't do. It's Friday if I give it to you now I won't be getting it back till Monday morning." I said while staring at her with bored eyes knowing she couldn't do shit to me.
" Then your out of the class! Go to detention I'll come by after class and give a call to your parents!" She said face red displaying all her rage.
As I made my way out of the class, I kept watching my episode without minding my surroundings with my head down looking at my phone and my AirPods still on.
As I made a left turn I ended up colliding with someone and dropping my phone in the process looking up. I was met with the silent kid from school and a look of distress in his eyes. I looked at what was making him trip and realized he had a gun in his hand and I just caught him with it.
" What the fuck?" He lifted the gun to my head and I started panicking. " Bro chill! Chill! I didn't see nothing, just let me go." He was sweating and seemed in dilemma, I never did anything to wrong him I knew he was being bullied but I didn't do nothing to help him. He finally came to a conclusion looked at me and said " Your lucky you never wronged me, now get out of the school ground I'm about to shoot this bitch up!".
" Ok, calm down. I'm just going to get my phone back, slowly." I started crouching slowly to get my phone back and saw on the screen the determined look on Luffy's face when protecting his friends. With a determination I never thought I had I pushed him down and straddled him and started punching him. Hoping I would somehow knock him out. I heard the first *bang* and felt pain in my chest. I started hitting him even faster trying as hard as I could to knock him out. The second *bang* I heard got me on my shoulder. My arm dropped and everything started to get blurry. I gave one last hit with my good hand before I passed out completely and was welcomed by infinite darkness.
After I don't know how long, I woke up in a room so white it hurt my eyes. And in the middle of that room was Morgan Freeman in a white suit reading a journal.
"Hello?" I asked with a little wariness. Morgan just looked up from his journal and returned to it. " Hey? Am I dead? Where am I?"
He finally closed his journal looked at me and sighed.
" Look kid it's unfortunate what happened to you, but you died a hero and as all heroes. You've earned the right to reincarnate with 3 wishes." He seemed bored while speaking like he was tired of going through this same pattern.
" A hero? I don't understand I didn't save anyone?" He just through his journal at me and on it was a third-person view of my fight with the school shooter. I saw how I got shot twice and how I kept trying to knock him out. And finally dying. But when my body gave out on me. My head collided with his and I ended up knocking him out.
" So as you can see, you managed to knock him up. Giving time for the police to come to your school and arrest him." I just looked at him dumbfounded. "Damn I really did it at the end." I said proudly.
" Yes, Yes you did. Now get on with your wishes." he said in his usual boring tone.
"Can I have time to think about it? And what world would I be going to?" I asked while putting my hand under my chin.
" The world is chosen at random by this wheel." A giant wheel with all the shows, animes and movies I've watched in my life was displayed in front of me. With way too many to cite them all.
" Is it possible that I spin the wheel before making my wishes?" I asked him with a depressed tone knowing that I'll probably end in a world I didn't want. Like some scary movies or post-apocalyptic world.
" Go ahead I don't really care." He said and shrugged his shoulders at me.
I spun the wheel as hard as I could and looked with anticipation. I was really hoping to land on one of my favourite anime worlds like one piece or naruto or the MCU if I had to land in a movie.
The world it landed on ended up being Twilight a movie I only watched to get in a certain girls pants. I looked at Morgan in mortification with a pleading look.
"No take backs! Now how about those wishes." He said with a smug smile. 'Fucking sadist'.
" Fine at least it's not some really dangerous world. Is there any limit to my wishes?" I asked while thinking of all the possible things I could wish for.
" None. As long as it's not more wishes or becoming a God. Then I'm ok with it."
After an eternity of thinking I had this 3 wishes in mind that would help me breeze through the Twilight world.
" I wish for the following: Gura Gura no mi from one piece without the devil curse, Storm's powers from X-men and a mental barrier to protect against any type of mind-reading." The first two were in my opinion OP for the level of strength in the twilight universe. And the last was necessary so no one can find out about me being a reincarnation.
And with a snap of his fingers. "Done, and goodbye Hero." I was immediately engulfed by a void space that appeared under me and everything went dark.
My new name is Theodore Swan, but everyone called me Theo. I was born as the twin brother of Isabella Marie Swan. The protagonist of the Twilight saga.
I was born with white hair and red/purple eyes. So I was diagnosed as an albino. Probably has something to do with storms powers. At an early age I was seen as a genius. And my parents poured a lot of love and attention into me. Which unfortunately made Bella hate me, she was being jealous and would spend her time either telling my parents of every little thing I screwed up to try and get me in trouble or would cry and ask for attention. This obviously put a strain on our parent's relationship and they ended up signing up for divorce. My mom got to keep us and my dad would come visit us in the summer since we moved with our mom to Phoenix Arizona after the divorce.
I didn't blame Bella for it. Since I knew that with or without her jealousy our parents would have broken up.
I of course kept trying to use my powers but with how destructive they were it proved difficult. They seemed to work just fine. The only downside was that I couldn't use them as a child since my mother was watching me none stop. And when she left me alone I had Bella who seemed to be blaming herself after the divorce. And kept hanging out with me at every occasion trying to mend our strained relationship by playing with me. So all I could do was have a normal childhood.
When I finally reached 12 years old, Bella started going to the library and spending more time with my mom. Which left me a lot of free time. I started going into an abandoned factory near our house and practicing with storm powers. Till I managed to fly. And the moment I managed to do that. I started going to isolated forest and try controlling the power of the Gura Gura no mi and the full destructive powers of Storm. It of course made the news every single time I let it all out. Since it would cause incredible destruction in the surrounding area the media kept it at report of earthquakes to cyclones and tornadoes appearing out of nowhere. I kept changing locations each time so I wouldn't get found out. To sometimes even going out to sea and practice in abandoned islands. I could already control my powers easily my biggest problem was holding back and my poor stamina.
5 years later, of constant training and I still had problems in controlling how much output and damage I do with my powers. It was like having an ocean and trying pouring yourself a glass of water without spilling any. I fortunately didn't have any stamina problems anymore seems the more I used my powers the more my body learned to cope with the strain it causes. Forcing my body in the process to adapt to it. Making me gain muscles quickly. The only downside was when using the Gura Gura no mi. Since I'm not a giant of a man that live in the one piece world with their human bodies that can lift tones if trained. If I hit hard enough and the shaking in the area became too important I would have to flee the scene by flying away or I risked getting buried alive by the massive gap that opened in the earth.
My relationship with Bella was awkward now, we stopped hanging out at 12 since she finally managed to get the intention of my mother that she was craving for so many years.
Bella is clumsy and anti-social unlike me who was good at anything I put my mind into. I would spend my time out of school either training my powers, working out or going to parties. I was thankful for the good looks I was blessed with in both my lives. My albino hair made me look like a delinquent and attracted the attention of a lot of people. I fortunately wasn't bullied since I was pretty muscular do to training for the past 5 years. And I was at the comfortable height of 6 foot 3 inches (1.90 m).
(A/N-looks like the book cover but without the piercings.)
After 17 years of being in this world the plot was finally about to begin. My mom had met this guys named phill a year ago and with my and Bella's blessing ended up marrying him. Which led me to this situation, where Bella was trying to convince me to move out with her to Forks with our dad so we could let our mother travel with her now husband instead of babysitting us.
" So what do you say Theo, we graduate in a year so we just need to finish this school year and the next and we won't have to stick with dad afterwards?" Bella asked with pleading eyes.
" Sure, unlike you I like dad. I actually missed him." I said while looking at her with a bored expression. " Now you finished what you've got to say. Get out of my room." I said while looking at the door.
Bella groaned, " It's not like I want to be in here with you. I'm just letting you know. I'll call Charlie and try to get some tickets for tomorrow night. So start packing."
" Yeah, yeah get out. And close the door behind you." Bella stormed out and slammed the door while leaving.
I started getting pissed off at her behaviour and felt a storm brewing outside. I closed my eyes and started counting to ten while taking deep breaths to calm myself. The sun returned and I decided to take a nap to pass the time instead of going out with a couple of friends like I planned doing before Bella ruined my mood with her disrespect toward our father.
I was woke up by someone throwing rocks at my window. I made my way to the window and was met by my friend Kyle who was signalling for me to come out. I looked at the time. It was at 1 am. I had nothing better to do so I quickly dressed up and left the house from the window. Jumping down from the second floor and walking out like I just got down from the stairs.
" Dude your crazy you now that!" Kyle said with wide eyes and laughing like some stupid gorilla.
" Damn Kyle you're already shit faced! I'm driving!" I said as I G-lock handshaked him.
" I'm not shit faced." he said with a little slur to his voice making him sound even more shit faced.
"So where are we going?" I asked as I made my way to the driver's side of the car.
" Ah we're going back to my house! I threw a party there and I didn't find you in the crowd so I came to get you." He said as he sat down in the passenger side and started signing to the music in his car.
I just stopped talking to him and drove to his place. As soon as we got there he stormed out into the crowd shouting "Theo is here!".
I just put my hand on my face promising retribution on him. I went inside and had fun drinking and smoking. I was passing most of my night with a Michaela something. We kept flirting around till she pulled me to an empty room in Kyle's house and we ended up having sex. After my little fun with her, I went back to the party and kept drinking I hated when these type of situation happened. At every party, I would try not to bang a random girl but they always would keep flirting and the more alcohol I drank the more I would stop thinking with my brain and more with my dick. That makes it the 9th time this situation happened and the feeling of regret was always the same. This feeling was strange, I never had it in my past life. So I had trouble understanding why it kept happening in this one. It's not like I don't like girls I do, it's just I feel like I'm hurting myself by doing one night stands.
" Fuck it I guess, it not like am looking for a stable relationship. I'll be moving out of Phoenix in less than 24 hours." I emptied my cup in a single breath. " Might as well have as much fun as possible." I went back to the room that I just left and went for second and third with Michaela.
* Ringtone* I stretched my hand while still burying my head in the pillow. Till I reached my phone. I answered and was greeted with the rage-filled voice of Bella.
"Chill, Chill..."I started looking around to find out where I was. " I'm at Kyle's house."
" Where is that?" she replied in a panic.
" Hold on I'm going to send you the address." I replied and hung up. After texting her the address I finally noticed the girl's body next to me. I silently took my clothes that where scattered in the room and made my way out of the room silently.
Kyle's house was a mess with red cups everywhere and some empty bottles. I walked to the bathroom and took my after-party leak. And went outside to wait for Bella. 5 minutes later she was in front of the house I climbed into the car with a huge headache. And was met with my calm mother and angry Bella.
" Your incredible you know that! You know we have a FLIGHT TO TAKE and decide that partying is a good idea." Every word she uttered made my head hurt even more. I felt myself growing angrier the more she kept going.
" Bella can't you SHUT THE FUCK UP!" She immediately closed her mouth and stopped talking. Bella knew that I don't shout often and if I did it means she was pissing me off royally.
The rest of the ride was spent in silence with my mom trying to alleviate the mood by being her cheerful self. God I loved this woman, always cheerful and the happy one in our gloomy family.
We finally made it to the airport, bid goodbye to our mother and left for Port Angeles.
As we made it there I saw Bella struggling to pull her belongings. Till it finally hit me I didn't pack.
Bella seemed to notice and smirked at me. "Oh you finally realized, mom made me pack for both of us so you're welcome." I smiled at her and helped her carry the luggage. I'm sure mom didn't, Bella just did it on her own.
Bella was the organized one in the family. Always keeping the house clean, cooking for us and even helping mom pay the bills in time. Whereas I am the complete opposite, disorganized, not caring about a single thing and the only meal I could cook was eggs. I was more of a live in the moment type of guy. My personality was quite strange to say the least I was bored most of the time but I could go from bored and uninterested to having the spontaneous idea of bungee jumping or go mountain climbing. As long as something had my interest I won't be able to stop myself from doing it. Some of my friends deemed me bipolar because of it. But it's just how I was made I guess.
As we made our way out of the airport I immediately spotted the Police cruiser my dad drives and waved at him.
We made it to the car and I greeted my dad with a bear hug. " Hi dad! How are you doing?"
He hugged me back, " I'm good thanks." we broke the hug and he shook hands with Bella who pretended to be happy but it was clear that she wasn't as pleased to see him as me.
She looked at me pleading for me to divert his intention from her. I just smirked at her and rushed to sit in the backseat. To force her to have as much conversation with our dad by sitting in front.
They sat in the car and my dad only talked a couple of time to me and Bella through the long 2 hours drive to Forks. Questioning me on why I smelled of alcohol, and having Bella rat me out without blinking. Sibling love I guess always trying to make each other life as hellish as possible. But my father seemed to not mind.
After that awkward ride that was mostly spent in silence do to dad and Bella's incapacity at maintaining a conversation. I quickly left the car and took our luggage inside. In front of the house I noticed my dad's gift to Bella a red monstrosity of a truck. She seemed to like it. And be genuinely happy for once. She thanked dad and hugged him. He had a noticeable blush on his face not one to expect thanks and hugs.
I smiled his way and went to my room to look if it changed. My room was next to Bella's and it stayed the same as I left it. With the same dark blue coloured walls. Small kid closet and even my toys as a kid were still at their usual place in the box at the corner of my room. The only change was a new bigger bed. And a new nightstand with a lamp on it.
I crashed on the bed as fast as I could and went to sleep. I was still tired from the party and my hangover was still present.
I let myself relax and fall in blissful sleep knowing that with my powers nothing in this world could bring me any harm.
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