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94.44% Reborn As Papa Silva / Chapter 17: You're Evil (1)

Capítulo 17: You're Evil (1)

In an undisclosed location that straddled the line between the noble realm and the commoner realm, a wooden cottage stood in a remote forest clearing.

From the outside, the cottage appeared abandoned, neglected for years, with cracked boards and moss creeping up its sides. Bushes and trees encroached upon the structure, giving it an air of desolation. The path leading to the cabin was utterly decimated—beaten and cracked, as if this place had weathered a great battle.

Keyword: looked. Once one stepped onto the porch, however, the scene would change dramatically. The dilapidated exterior transformed into a beautiful white villa, its expansive glass windows gleaming in the sunlight, showcasing a refined Victorian architecture. The rough pathway and wild greenery gave way to a meticulously landscaped garden, replete with vibrant flowers and manicured hedges, revealing this was a place heavily attended to.

A barrier with illusionary properties had been set up to mask the villa's true nature, discouraging unwanted visitors from approaching or even registering its existence on anyone's radar.

Inside the villa, the sound of gruff laughter echoed through the air, accompanied by the clinking of glasses. As one opened the door and navigated through the living room, marked by exquisite oak floorboards, they would soon arrive at the dining area.

This large room was spacious enough to accommodate the average family and then some, yet much of it lay unused. At its center stood a small circular table, beneath a glass chandelier that caught the light beautifully, casting shimmering reflections on the walls. Three middle-aged men occupied the table, deep in conversation.

The man sitting at the center, facing the living room exit, was distinguished by his short, golden-brown hair combed back, except for one lock that hung down over his forehead. A small black dot rested just below his lower lip, above his chin, and he wore an arrogant, smug smile tinged with indifference. Clad in an expensive-looking golden doublet adorned with green and purple stripes, and black hooked shoes, he held a smoke pipe in his right hand. This man was none other than Lux Kira, the younger brother of the current king of the Clover Kingdom, the patriarch of the Kira Family, and the father of Damnatio Kira. [1]

On his right sat a man with long blond hair tied back in a neat ponytail, his bangs offset to the left. He had fair skin and pencil-thin blond eyebrows that framed mostly slanted green eyes. Dressed in a white shawl and small stud earrings, this man was the current head of House Haphass—Veriol Haphass. [2]

To the left of Lux sat a tall, slender man with long, light purple hair cascading down his back. He adorned a silver beaded chain around his head, with a small blue pendant hanging at the center of his forehead. His light-colored robe, marked with dark crosses along the hem and high collar, paired with light-colored boots featuring crosses at the toes that extended up his shins, gave him a unique and striking appearance. He was Zyrex Lugner, the current head of House Lugner. [3]

Lux leaned back, taking a long, indulgent puff from his pipe before closing his eyes in satisfaction, exhaling a plume of smoke that curled lazily around him. Opening his eyes, he cast a pleased, smug look at his companions. "Well, gentlemen," he drawled, savoring each word, "we've done it. Those fools in The White Serpent have taken the bait. They've accepted that mission." [4]

"Pfff… hahaha, what idiots?!" Veriol couldn't resist slapping the table, letting out a derisive, mocking laugh filled with undisguised disdain.

Zyrex let out a small smile, gracing his impassive face. "We didn't even have to do much to draw them out. That stupid bitch, Lovilia, volunteered not just herself but her entire squad for the mission."

Veriol laughed even harder. "Does pregnancy turn women into such fools? This is what Conrad gets for marrying a peasant. Not even able to smell a trap shortly after declaring she's with child. Has that bitch not suspected anything, from such a mission falling into her lap?!"

Lux gave a low, derisive chuckle. "You know, peasants and commoners, trash like them, are always eager to rush around and prove themselves. They have weak bodies, weak mana, and even weaker minds."

Lux smiled once more, taking another puff from his pipe. It's a shame for that woman, though. Although her magic and lineage are nothing special, she has a nice body. I would've liked to experience it once.

Lux could understand Conrad's love for that woman. Her body made her lacking mana less of an eyesore. But alas, Lux Kira would have to go his entire life without bedding her, because he can't risk going personally to the trap and leaving behind some clues.

As much as he despised Conrad Leto, he recognized his abilities as a mage. A thief excels in tracking, and Conrad is the number one thief in history.

He literally steals magic.

"How much longer do we have to wait for the good news?" Zyrex glanced at Lux, who was the unanimous leader in the room.

"Four days." Lux puffed out a smoke before continuing. "The White Serpent has been alerted to the appearance of a dungeon in a forest at the border of the forsaken realm."

"Little do they know it's a secret location that my family had cleaned out decades ago. Nothing of worth will be found there."

"I hired a bunch of talented trap mages to reactivate and arm the dungeon with traps and arrays that will surely cut down their numbers!"

Veriol paused for a moment, his usual smugness replaced with hesitance as he remembered a not-so-proud memory. "Are you sure… it will kill them all? After all, that bitch's magic is quite troublesome."

Lux Kira gave Veriol Haphass a sidelong glance, restraining himself from rolling his eyes and cursing the man. The shame of the nobility. Instead, he just puffed another smoke and spoke again, "Should that outcome occur, I've already made preparations."

"And what are they?" Zyrex crossed his arms and frowned.

This time more enthusiastic to speak, Lux gave a low smile and whispered softly, yet in the quiet room, it was enough for everyone to hear. "Everyone knows Clover and Diamond have a bloody history of competing over dungeons. So in exchange for some riches and more test subjects, I hired one of their eight Shining Generals to finish off any survivors and escapees."

"Even if Conrad finds out, the only traces will lead back to Diamond. No one will suspect anything. And even if they do… well, who could be so selfless as to go through the trouble of convincing everyone to ignore the obvious evidence and point their eyes at the Kingdom's nobility?"

Even if they did, it wouldn't matter. The royal court is already in my back pocket, Lux thought smugly. Even if they did blame someone, it wouldn't be me. And I already have a perfect scapegoat in mind if that worst outcome comes to be.

No one has opposed Conrad's reforms with more visibility and fanfare than him. He'd probably be the prime suspect anyway; my planted evidence would simply be the icing on the cake.

After he's dealt with… not only will I be Lord Kira, but Lord Kira Silva. "Hehehe," Lux couldn't help but let out a low chuckle.

His thoughts drifted to a beautiful silver-haired, purple-eyed woman. He tried to hide his lust and fury. How dare that half-breed mutt take such a treasure for himself? Such a gem belongs in the hands of true royalty, not some bastard boy toy outsider!

Lux took another puff of smoke to calm himself down.

Zyrex nodded in approval, while Veriol went back to his usual arrogance. "As expected of Lord Kira, you've thought about everything!" Veriol was just about to raise a glass in front of him as a toast, but Lux stopped him.

"No hurry, Veriol," Lux gave a slow smile. "We're still waiting on a guest."

"Guest?" Veriol Haphass and Zyrex Lugner exchanged a glance of bewilderment. How could they possibly entertain a guest? This villa and their existence here was supposed to be a complete secret.

Naturally, they couldn't meet face to face in the noble realm and royal capital, where eyes and ears were everywhere. They had to invest quite a bit of trouble to build this place and create cryptic signals and codes that appeared in the daily newspapers to arrange meetups.

So that means… if there's a new guest, it can only be… "a new collaborator?" Veriol asked, though it sounded more like a question.

Lux nodded with a smile and looked forward. "He's here… or they're here.

Zyrex and Veriol turned to follow his gaze, tensing up as they heard the front door open. They waited patiently, listening to a pair of footsteps growing louder before two figures came into view.

The front one was a tall, slender man wearing a fur coat, with distinctive silver-white hair tied into a rat tail, and a pair of brown laced slippers as his footwear. Behind him, following silently, was a balding butler with a gray handlebar mustache, dressed in an expensive yet servile one-piece black suit, carrying a silver suitcase.

Zyrex and Veriol exchanged a wry grin before standing up, followed by Lux, who stood up last.

Veriol smiled and spread his hands wide. "I admit I was shocked we would have any more additions to this group of ours, but if it's you, it makes all the sense."

Zyrex nodded in agreement.

Lux Kira then focused on the silver-haired figure, expertly hiding his disdain under a polite smile. "Greetings, Lord Silva," Lux forced himself to give a short, polite bow. At the end of the day, Sebastian Silva was royalty, even if he hated to admit it. Royalty bowed to no one except the King and fellow royalty. Naturally, as the head of a fellow royal house, Sebastian Silva was worthy of that respect.

Sebastian returned the bow with a short one of his own. "Always a pleasure, Lord Kira."

He then focused on Veriol and Zyrex, who also bowed to him but more deeply and submissively since they were minor nobles.

"Sir Haphass. Sir Lugner." Sebastian acknowledged their presence with a short nod.

The two were pleased to know that Sebastian Silva was aware of their identities. But of course he was; Sebastian Silva was a failure of a mage, always facing oppression due to being the head of a magic knight family without being one himself. The only thing he had going for him was his status as a politician and the power he carefully cultivated in the royal palace. Sebastian Silva was a workaholic—no time for family, but all the time in the world for his career. He dedicated 95% of his efforts to that.

Always looking for an advantage and ways to climb the ladder, he sought to make everyone fear, respect, and acknowledge him—especially that pig who sat on the throne, so he would take him seriously. The world of nobility was a world of connections; without them, you had no prospects or future. What connections could Sebastian, a member of a branch family that branched off from another branch family, possibly have? When he was appointed as Head of House Silva, many of the vassal houses under them showed signs of wavering loyalty. Who would be willing to serve a guy they just pinned as lucky, who somehow managed to seduce the young lady of House Silva?

So how did Sebastian Silva get them to stay, and how did he build his connections? He didn't. He forced them to stay and made connections. He spent all available time he had learning everything he could about nobility, studying every noble family and house as if he were preparing for an exam. He grasped their weaknesses, their backdoor deals, their bribes, their scandalous affairs, dark dealings, shames, and embarrassments, using them against others to compel their cooperation and loyalty.

If you didn't comply, well, he wouldn't hesitate to start a rumor. In aristocracy, nothing is more dangerous than rumors, as the thing valued most is reputation. With it, even penniless peasants and commoners could climb through the ranks. A ruined reputation meant game over. He learned about every player in the noble and aristocratic circles to find those who could be of use to him, increasing his power and sway in the courtroom. Before he was called the Wolf of the Courts, he was called the Vulture of the Courts for his unforgiving and merciless attitude—biting onto everything that could serve him and spitting out anything that no longer had anything to give him.

Naturally, he was aware of House Haphass and House Lugner, especially House Haphass, as he was already plotting their downfall the moment he read Veriol's offer for Noelle. Well, this just makes it easier for me. I don't have to go out of my way to look for you. Sebastian studied the punchable, slime-faced trash briefly before setting his eyes on Zyrex. Is this Zyrex's father? Well, that makes sense. Like father, like son, they say. That bastard's horrible personality had to come from somewhere.

As the two raised their heads and stood up straight, Sebastian had to resist the urge to spit in their faces. Just like Lux, he forced a smile on his face—though his was less fake and more indifferent than Lux's exaggerated one.

"Gentlemen," Sebastian gave them a nod. "I admit I was offended that it took you so long to consider; I'd want to be part of such a thing."

Lux Kira chuckled. "Apologies, Lord Silva. This was all on me. I just thought you had so much on your plate arranging for your wife's impending funeral. I thought it'd be insensitive of me to offer. But when I heard Alfred sniffing around, I realized I was too shortsighted—who else but Sebastian Silva would want to be part of Conrad Leto's downfall?"

Sebastian shrugged indifferently at the mention of Acier. "What worth could a corpse bring me, or House Silva? Sixteen years and only one capable child? I think her reputation was exaggerated. It has to be. How else could a supposed Wizard King candidate fall to a common illness of all things?"

"I have more important things to do than waste any more time on that woman."

Veriol and Zyrex nodded at that, though they were starting to suspect that much of Acier Silva's achievements were embellished and purposefully exaggerated through House Silva's channels. Death from birth? Seriously? How pathetic. Commoner and peasant scum pump out children like workshop lines, and the Dancing Princess of the Battlefield tapped out a measly four despite merely being in her early thirties. Weak was the only word that came to mind.

Lux Kira nodded as well, but his thoughts were more petty. Let's see how long you can keep that bravado up, you half-breed. After I take your house, I'll heal her and take your wife too. And show you despair by bedding her in your very own bed. Hehehe, I'll even make you watch. I'm sure Conrad will be happy to play along and let me before your execution since you are the one who will be held responsible for his wife's, unborn child's, and squad's deaths.

Lux hurriedly tried to change the topic to avoid revealing his thoughts. Waving it off, he continued, "Enough about some measly woman. Let's all have a seat; I saved one for you." He pointed across the table to the empty seat facing him.

Sebastian nodded indifferently as Alfred pulled the seat out for his master, then stood behind it while Sebastian sat down. Only after that did the other three take their seats.

After a brief moment of silence, Lux smiled gently and gestured his hand in Sebastian's direction. "Tell me, Lord Silva, I've always known of your disdain for Conrad, but how about you enlighten us on why you wanted to join this little faction of ours and show that fool some despair?"

Sebastian, sitting regally in his chair with his eyes closed, didn't answer right away. "You can call me Sebastian. We're all like-minded friends here, aren't we?"

Veriol and Zyrex nodded approvingly—Veriol more slimy, while Zyrex did so more stiffly. Lux paused, hiding his disdain as he thought, Well, you'll regret it. This may very well be the last time you receive a sign of respect from fellow nobility. Better for me anyway; I always hated treating a mutt like you as an equal. Heh.

With a smile so exaggerated that it might make one doubt its sincerity, Lux clapped his hands. "Of course, Sebastian. Then feel free to call me Lux; it's only right."

Lux never looked at Zyrex or Veriol, clearly reserving this liberty for Sebastian alone. Even if he had, the two of them wouldn't dare to call him that, even if they had a hundred lifetimes.

As close collaborators with Lux Kira, they knew full well of the man's true personality. Just like his elder brother, the only ones he took remotely seriously were fellow royalty. To him, everyone beneath him—nobility, commoners, and peasants—were trash.

The noble trash was just less of an eyesore, so he could tolerate them somewhat. But if they did something as audacious as call him by his first name… well, they should be prepared for a less-than-pleasant ending. So even if Lux gave them that blessing, they wouldn't dare take it.

Sebastian sat across from Lux and gave a nod. "So, Lux, you wanted to know what brings me here, right?"

Lux nodded back, his eyes closed and wearing his usual serene smile. Four days until my plans and dreams come to fruition, he thought. Might as well let this fool entertain me until then.

"I hate Conrad."

Lux's eyes snapped open, surprised by such a blunt and crass response from someone like Sebastian, who usually hid behind cryptic elegance and veiled insults. But Sebastian barely noticed, continuing on.

"That idiot Leto is trying to bridge the class gap—erase the walls between nobility, commoners, and peasants, all for some ridiculous dream where everyone laughs together? HOW DARE HE?! THAT AUDACIOUS, FAILED NOBLE DOG!"

Bam! A vein pulsed in Sebastian's forehead as he slammed the table, sending drinks sloshing and shaking the whole setup as he stood up and leaned over. The others around the table stared, stunned by the rare passion from their usually stoic companion.

Is this how he truly feels? The three thought in unison. Even Lux didn't think to complain about the spilled wine staining his custom table.

Behind Sebastian, Alfred, his butler, stood calm and unflinching, every bit the proper servant.

Sebastian, unbothered, gripped the table harder, cracking the wood beneath his fingers and drawing blood from his nails. "A nation where we all get along? Laugh together? Work together?! DON'T GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT!" He pounded the table again, his red face and fierce eyes daring anyone to interrupt him.

"All that bastard wants is to steal from us! To take our wealth and spread it to those low-level parasites, make us equals, so that his peasant wife and trash friends can forget they're beneath us!"

"Look at what he's done." Sebastian gestured broadly. "Under that traitorous, self-hating excuse of a noble, the Magic Knights—our prestigious Magic Knights—have been polluted by not just commoners, but two peasants and even some lowborn foreigner!"

"The Magic Knights," Sebastian spat, glaring at the three. "They are meant to carry out Lord Lemiel's will, to protect, govern, and defend the nation. Am I wrong?"

The three shook their heads, slowly.


Sebastian seethed, voice filled with fury. "Pile them all together—all those lowborn filth wouldn't have a fraction of our mana! And yet we allow that garbage to pollute our ranks? And they think they can walk into our courts, our offices?!"

"Those ungrateful swine!" Veriol snarled, blood boiling with rage, while Zyrex nodded vehemently alongside him.

"Exactly!" Sebastian pointed at Veriol. "For centuries, we've protected those useless, low-magic scum without asking anything in return. We even granted them the honor of paying a little tribute to us, so we could keep them safe! We stand between them and other nations, magic beasts, and all manner of threats, putting our lives on the line—and instead of gratitude, now they want to replace us?!"

"Eight generations of Wizard Kings ago, they even rebelled and tried to wipe us out!"

"And what did we do?" he demanded, looking around the table.

"Showed them mercy!" Zyrex shouted, his voice shaking with emotion.

"Exactly!" Sebastian bellowed. "We only executed the main perpetrator and rebels, despite them biting the hand that fed them, showing them a generosity that made them less than dogs. They played nice for a couple of generations, but now in Conrad's time, they're acting up again!"

"They say they want equality," Sebastian sneered, leaning in close, "but what do they really want?"

"Blood," Lux muttered hoarsely.

Sebastian nodded approvingly, resuming his rant with renewed energy. "Precisely. Eight generations ago, under the pretense of equality, they waged a civil war—a rebellion led by that traitorous Avalanche. Noble and royal blood flowed like rivers, and countless houses with promising young men and women were wiped out to satisfy that nobody's lust for power! So many valuable lives were lost just to put an end to that tyrant's madness."

"And what happened next?!" he demanded, his gaze sweeping across the three men, daring them to answer.

"The Diamond Kingdom struck our borders." Sebastian's voice softened, laced with bitterness. "Already weakened, we took yet another blow as more noble blood was shed to hold them off. Our losses then were immeasurable. Only now, eight generations later, have we truly recovered. And yet, here we are again, with Conrad Leto singing the same destructive tune."

"Well? Will we let them tear down everything we've rebuilt?" His voice echoed through the room, taut with tension.

"No!" The three yelled in unison, their faces flushed and eyes red with fury.

"Of course not! Rather than let history repeat itself, we'll make a preemptive strike. Not just Conrad, but his wife, his squad, every last sympathizer and supporter must DIE!" Sebastian slammed his fist down once more, this time shattering the table completely, glassware tumbling to the floor and smashing into shards.

Silence fell over the room as the three of them stared, momentarily stunned by the shattered wood and glass around them. They slumped back in their chairs, breaths heavy. Veriol gulped, his gaze shifting upward to Sebastian Silva, who stood tall and resolute, towering over them.

Veriol hesitated, then spoke up carefully, each word chosen to avoid Sebastian's ire. "Lord Silva… isn't that a bit extreme? Conrad is beloved, and supported by the majority. That's why it's just us here tonight. Even if we had the strength to oppose him… would there even be a Clover Kingdom left after all that death?"

Sebastian's gaze sharpened, and he gave Veriol a sneering look of contempt. "You think everyone supports that fool? Nobles cozy up to him only to gain power! But when they see his real agenda—destroying our authority, making it so no one holds power over anyone—they'll be the first to stab him in the back."

His voice dropped to a whisper filled with venom. "And if we want to act, it must be soon. Before that upstart Julius, Conrad's prized supporter, grows stronger. Do you want to face a man who can control time?"

The three men exchanged uneasy glances, considering his words. Finally, Zyrex spoke up. "Perhaps Novachrono could be… persuaded to our side. With the right price, surely—"

"You fool!" Sebastian cut him off, voice dripping with disdain. "Novachrono is being groomed as Conrad's successor! It was he who brought that foreigner here, he who took in that wretched Vangeance brat. He has stood by Conrad since they were both young, defending his every move. It was Julius who introduced him to Lovilia, and Julius who advocated for that redheaded peasant's acknowledgment. Novachrono doesn't just support Conrad's ideals; he's actively pushing for them himself!"

Zyrex and Veriol flinched at his outburst, glancing toward Lux for confirmation.

"He's right," Lux said quietly, his usual air of arrogance replaced by a somber steeliness. "For the safety of the Clover Kingdom and lasting peace, the worthless, the traitorous, and the undesirables must be purged." His tone was cold and unfeeling as if it were an inevitable truth.

Zyrex and Veriol shared a final look, each recognizing the deadly resolve that had settled in Lux's eyes. They turned back to him, nodding in solemn unison. "We'll follow your lead, Lord Kira," they affirmed, before looking to Sebastian. "And yours as well, Lord Silva."

Pausing for a moment, Sebastian calmed his breath and nodded indifferently. "Good." He then straightened in his chair and snapped his fingers. "Pennyworth."

The butler opened his suitcase, his hands shimmering with a silver-gray aura. From the case, four wine glasses floated gracefully into the hands of the four men. Alfred then produced a black wine bottle and positioned himself once more behind them, a silent guardian.

"What's this?" Lux asked, narrowing his eyes as he studied Sebastian closely.

"A drink—and a toast to new friends and allies. If we're going to create the Clover Kingdom of our dreams, we need to trust each other. So, I offer you this drink. The question is, do you dare to take it?" Sebastian held his glass aloft, giving it a gentle shake.

Lux considered him for a moment before a sly smile crept onto his face. "Well, of course I do, Sebastian. We're comrades after all!" His somber demeanor melted away, replaced by that same insincere grin, as Veriol and Zyrex nodded alongside him.

Sebastian nodded in response, and with another snap of his fingers, Alfred uncorked the bottle, pouring first for his master.

"Clover Cuvée," Veriol whistled, his eyes wide with surprise as he glanced at the label on the bottle. "Very impressive stuff." Jealousy laced his words; the Clover Kingdom's most luxurious brand was reserved for royalty and their closest vassals. He'd only had the honor of tasting it once at Augustus' coronation ceremony.

Zyrex, though equally impressed, masked his astonishment better. As for Lux… well, he savored it daily, and its value mattered little to him. Yet, it was his favorite, and he never shared his stash with anyone. So, being offered an extra glass today felt like a small indulgence.

Alfred moved around the table, filling everyone's glasses to the brim until the bottle was empty. He then resumed his position behind Sebastian, standing at the ready.

A slow smile tugged at Sebastian's lips as he raised his glass high. "To friends, to allies, to our future!"

"To our future!" they echoed, raising their glasses. But no one took a sip, eyes shifting nervously around the table, each waiting for the others to go first. The trio's gaze finally settled on Sebastian.

His smile widened, and without hesitation, he tilted his head back and took a large gulp of his drink, glugging it down with surprising grace, managing to retain his regal bearing despite the crude display.

Only after Sebastian had finished did the others' smiles grow more genuine. They followed suit, lifting their glasses to their lips and drinking deeply. The quartet enjoyed the beverage in silence, relishing the quiet camaraderie that filled the room.

Once the glasses were empty, Alfred collected them with his telekinetic touch, packing them back into his suitcase, leaving the air thick with the weight of their shared resolve and the promise of what lay ahead.

The quartet exchanged a small smile, but the moment was short-lived. Suddenly, the trio's expressions twisted into horror as a churn surged in their stomachs. They toppled from their chairs, clutching their midsections, their bodies writhing in agony. Vitriol and Zyrex watched in abject terror as their veins darkened, bulging a ghastly purple beneath their skin. They wanted to scream for help, to beg Lux for aid or plead for mercy from Sebastian, but no sound escaped their lips; only frothy bubbles formed at the corners of their mouths.

They convulsed on the floor, twisting in pain, and within moments, their bodies began to melt away like wax under a flame. Their blood, intestines, and organs faded rapidly, leaving behind nothing but hollowed skeletons.

Lux, however, was more fortunate. As soon as he sensed something amiss, he began circulating his mana. Light magic held holy properties; it could banish evil and cure sickness. He planned to draw on these very powers to heal Acier and win her favor in the future. But a wave of dread washed over him as he realized the chaotic state of his mana—it was frenzied and unmanageable. Lux struggled to cast any grimoire magic, forced to rely solely on brute force to contain the poison coursing through him, halting its effects without the aid of spells.

He looked up at Sebastian Silva, who watched him with cold detachment from his chair. How dare this pretender look down on me? But with time slipping away, Lux refused to waste another moment on insults. "How… a-are… you… n-not… affected?!"

Lux had taken a sip of the wine, confident that Sebastian would never dare to poison it after drinking first. The very notion that this fake royal would endanger himself was ludicrous. Yet, here Sebastian sat, untouched by the plague that had consumed the others.

Sebastian spoke plainly, his tone calm and unruffled. "I've recently made some good friends. One of them is a highly skilled poison mage. But not just with poisons; she's also well-versed in hexes. So I had her cast a curse on the drink. In exchange for a significant amount of power, she ensured that the first person to drink would be entirely immune to the curse's effects."

"You bastard!" Lux gasped hoarsely, anger mixing with fear as he struggled against the tightening grip of the poison. He fought to stabilize his mana, focusing on containing the toxic surge, careful not to agitate his condition further. "How did you know you'd drink first?"

Sebastian rolled his eyes, his demeanor exuding an air of superiority. "You're arrogant, but not foolish. What noble hasn't faced assassination attempts? You've been trained from a young age to have a servant or assistant taste-test your meals and drinks. Naturally, you wouldn't trust a drink from a stranger without good reason to believe it isn't poisoned. So I had to take the first sip."

He paused, a slight smirk creeping onto his lips as he shrugged. "But let's say one of you had made a miscalculation—like insisting Alfred take the first sip or ordering one of your lackeys to be the sacrifice. I was prepared for that too."

Sebastian stuck out his tongue, and Lux narrowed his eyes in disbelief. Etched on the back of his tongue was a six-point star array, inscribed in black ink, a mark of his cunning and preparedness.

"Consider it a precaution," Sebastian continued, a hint of satisfaction lacing his voice. "A little insurance against the inevitable treachery of those around me."

Lux gritted his teeth, feeling the warmth of blood dripping from his nose, eyes, and ears. "W-why are you d-doing this? You hate Conrad!" Lux Kira demanded an answer, his voice strained but defiant. The entire aristocracy knew of Sebastian Silva's relentless opposition to Conrad Leto, Julius Novachrono, House Vermillion, and their sympathizers among the common folk. So why was he sabotaging their efforts now? Why was he doing this?

Sebastian shrugged, the indifference in his expression almost mocking. "I've had a change of heart in recent days. I don't find Leto's ideas as… unbearable."

Lux's frustration boiled over. Don't give me that bullshit! He coughed up a mouthful of phlegm, his vision blurring slightly as he glared up at Sebastian. "Enough games, Silva. Give…me the antidote."

Sebastian sighed dramatically, looking down at Lux with an unsettling glimmer of pity in his eyes. "I can't give you something that doesn't exist."

Lux froze, disbelief washing over him. No way. This coward wouldn't dare come here without such a thing. Sebastian Silva was the type of person who never acted without backup plans upon backup plans. He wouldn't stake everything on some harlot's hexes and arrays. There had to be an antidote!

Just as Lux was about to risk everything and lunge at Sebastian, the Silva Patriarch continued, "But let's say there was…" Lux snapped his attention back to him, heart racing. "...why on earth would I ever give it to you?"

Sebastian leaned his head on his right fist, his gaze oozing contempt as he studied Lux with a sense of disdain. "Do you really think I'm here solely because of Conrad, Lux?"

What? Lux struggled to grasp the meaning behind Sebastian's words, confusion and battling with his growing fear.

"I've been planning to kill you for a while, you know why?" Sebastian added, his voice slow and deliberate, each word dripping with malice.

A dry lump formed in Lux's throat as a chill crept through him. "W-why?" he managed to ask, the word barely a whisper, but the weight of the question hung heavily in the air between them.

Sebastian held up one finger, his gaze piercing as he leaned forward slightly. "First, your lust for my wife."

Huh? Lux widened his eyes in disbelief as Sebastian elaborated. "As sneaky as you think you are, you've never properly hidden how you fancy Acier. It's actually small talk at many noble gatherings, where it seemed everyone but you were aware. No one would dare slip up in front of the Lux Kira, that they are aware of the source of your wet dreams."

"Naturally, my wife knows as well. I'll be sure to inform her of your good riddance. I've toyed with that woman my entire life, but even I never dared to tease her with you. The sheer disgust on her face whenever she was in your presence, or even if your name was mentioned, was enough for even me to know my limits."

Lux began to cough up blood, but Sebastian unperturbed, remained indifferent as he raised another finger. "Two, you dared to covet my House and my son."

This accusation didn't need an explanation. House Kira had never hidden its greed for House Silva, and the hundreds of marriage offers for Nozel had all come from them or proud vassals of House Kira.

Sebastian then raised a third finger. "Finally, you've repetitively targeted me."

He knows? Lux's eyes widened in incomprehension as he cried tears of blood, his skin taking on a ghastly purple hue. He began to itch himself desperately, fighting against the poison coursing through his veins.

Sebastian recalled a particular marriage proposal from four days ago, a smirk forming on his lips. "Originally, I thought that was from Augustus…" he began slowly, a chuckle escaping him. "...But then I remembered there's no way that fat lazy pig would ever bother to write an offer himself. You did a decent job imitating his handwriting. I had to dig up some old files to find a letter I knew was actually written by him, and compare. They were pretty close, which is why I didn't notice at first. But once I compared them closely, there were obvious differences. The way those I's were dotted and T's dashed was reminiscent of another Kira."

Sebastian shot Lux a smug grin that made him pant in horror.

Sebastian scratched his head, laughter bubbling to the surface. "Let me guess your plan. You offered me a daughter of House Kira, hoping I would accept. With the pillar of my family dying, you thought it was obvious I would because the only way for House Silva to retain power and influence after Acier passed was to tie ourselves to House Kira. You wanted me to accept, and then you would declare to the world that Sebastian Silva didn't even have the decency to wait for his wife's death, thoroughly ruining my reputation."

"I would then undoubtedly be stripped of my power, divorced, and kicked from House Silva. You could swoop in to save a dying Acier Silva with your light magic, win her heart and loyalty, and marry the woman of your fantasies. Oh, and take House Silva for yourself as an added bonus."

"How am I doing so far?" Sebastian looked down coldly at Lux, who lay on the oakwood floor, belly down, retching and reaching out his hand toward him.

But Sebastian didn't care; he continued to speak, almost to himself. "However, to your puzzlement, you never received a response. You couldn't afford to wait much longer because Acier is on death's door. So when you heard Alfred was snooping around for you, you started plotting again."

"You invited me to join your group and become part of this operation. Then you would purposely leave traces that would track back to me, which no one would doubt because it's well-known that Sebastian Silva despises Conrad Leto and everything he stands for. No one would doubt it, and I probably wouldn't even get a fair trial because you control the courtroom. I'd be executed before I could confess anything and at least bring you down with me."

"Afterwards, a helpless House Silva, with its greatest military strength dying and its patriarch was gone, would have to give you what you wanted to survive: Acier Silva. Even if she weren't willing, to protect her children, she'd have to marry you."

Sebastian then nodded, a smirk playing on his lips as he looked down at Lux, who panted and began to crawl toward him. "It was a good plan, Lux, though I'm sorry to say Acier is beyond saving. It'd be a waste of effort. Nozel would probably marry a girl from House Vermillion and be done with everything."

Lux slumped heavily on the floor, struggling against the weight of despair and the poison coursing through his veins. "You'll… never… get… away… with… this," he gasped, each word a monumental effort.

Sebastian smiled, an expression that oozed confidence and triumph. "Oh, I think I will… isn't that right…" He tilted his head back, looking past Alfred to a figure standing in the shadows.

A short, pale-skinned boy with short, black hair combed back, save for one lock that hung down over the center of his forehead, stepped forward. He bore a small black dot just below his lower lip and above his chin, giving him an almost otherworldly appearance. His long-sleeved green robe flared out at the collar, and over this, he wore a white stole adorned with a clover shape on the back. Beneath, a pair of black boots completed his enigmatic look. He observed the unfolding scene with an emotionless demeanor as if it were all just a passing spectacle in someone else's life.

"...Damnatio?" Sebastian prompted, his broad smile betraying a sense of satisfaction as the boy stepped out from the shadows, his movements deliberate and calm. Damnatio Kira lowered his head to look at his dying father, his expression inscrutable. No one knew what thoughts swirled in his mind, what emotions flickered behind those cold, dark eyes.

Author's Notes:

[1] In the work, Damnatio's father is unnamed, we only know he did something to cause Damnatio to judge him, well let's fill that plot point here

[2] Another unnamed or shown character in the work. All we know is that Salim's father's influence let him get away with many things. Salim's name was Veriol in the OG one-shot, so I'm giving that name to his father

[3] Another unnamed OC, father of Xerx Lugner, vice-captain of the Purple Orcas. His son is a totally indifferent cold-hearted bastard, so his father should be similar

[4] The official English translated name is White Serpent, so I'm changing the name from White Snake

[5] Should I change Richita's name to Lichita? The official Viz Translation. I used Richita before because it's the Romanji, but Lichita sounds more German, and I think represents the significance of the 'L' in Liebe's name. What do you think?

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