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Capítulo 12: 6th year

soon i was on a train to Hogwarts i looked for Hermione as i saw her i was happy and was about to go and meet her but zabini caught me for something else you see he was tasked to make sure i do my job properly as his mother was in their custody and as i found out just now i was really sad so i asked him where is his mother to which he replied that she is at her own zabini manor under the watch full eyes of death eaters so i gave him the portkey and told him if his mom wants to ever escape it is a powerful portkey she can use this to send her to a safe place all her needs will be fulfilled i got one for my mother and my father and Daphne's parents and sister and so for others the place is quite big so they can use it for a year without any worries so he should send it he was really happy and thanked me and hugged me well that was new.

soon we were back in the compartment but we were greeted by a black dust all around us and i knew that Potter was here so i waited and soon when the train reached i closed all the windows and casted a petrificus totalus on him and left after crushing his nose and damn that felt good i know i know psychotic much but let it be i left but was stopped by filch.

filch:is this a cane it can be used as a weapon.

Draco:its a walking stick you dumpwit squib oh sorry i forgot you are not one anymore thanks to me.

snape: it's alright mr.filch i can vouch for Mr Malfoy.

Draco: nice face Potter suits you.

to which he just snorted so we left the feast had begun by the time i arrived and dumbledore started his speech and introduced slughorn and from this i remember about the half-blood book but i don't need it as i am already the best so let potter have it but i wanted this year to be fun and this year is going to be great so i bought some things like the bond strings and attached them to some other people and the fun will soon begun and i want my friends to have a leverage on the light side so win-win.

the classes started and i was in the potions room earlier than anyone and soon Hermione came in as no one was here i smirked and went to her and before she could say anything kissed her, her eyes widened but after a few second she started kissing back and soon i heard someone approaching i kissed her one more time and went back to my place and just smirked at her and she blushed furiously soon we were joined all the people and Slughorn started teaching and then came in potter and Slughorn seems close friend well whatever by my side Daphne was looking at him and so was potter looking at her but then he went to get the books while Hermione was answering the questions she started answering about amortenia and it was amusing to look at her as of she is bewitched.

Hermione:for example i smell freshly opened books, green apples, Cologne...

then she caught herself back and put her head down while other girls were slowly headed towards the potion and i was looking at Hermione with a smirk and she was blushing and looking away from me soon we started creating the potions and i wanted to be done first so i was faster then potter and with potion mastery and alchemy mastery I ended the potion before potter as he also ended right after as Slughorn was coming to check my results as I called him

Slughorn: have you completed Mr malfoy.

Draco: I did professor this potion easier than veritas serum.

Slughorn: well you are the youngest potion master in the world so that is expected of you(then he drooped a leaf and it was gone.) well i have to say its perfect can kill all of us in this room with one drop congratulations Mr Malfoy , oh harry you have done it too just a minute ill be right there with you.

then he left and went to potter and Hermione was looking frustrated so i used Legillmency on her and entered her mind and she noticed this too and looked at me.

Hermione:what is it Draco.

Draco:dont be so down love the potions book is an old version and slughorn haven't changed the recipe as the recipe is different now this book that you are using is 36 yrs old and they haven't changed it to new and better recipe yet.

Hermione: is that so then why is harry able to do it.

Draco: oh that's because the book he is holding belongs to someone powerful of his time before me he was the youngest potion master in Britain and a exemplary mage who was able to create spells which weren't dark magic but was powerful as one the mage's pen name was half blood prince if that belongs to him then its good for him but be cautious of it too.

Hermione: its written by a dark mage.

Draco: no love he is able to cast a Patronus charm so that dosen't make him a dark mage.

Hermione: thanks for telling me and why aren't you talking to me for so long.

Draco:just know this love i am under surveillance soon i will tell you everything so please love believe me.

and then she smilled and then the class was finished with me getting the Felix felixes while power looked down casted.soon the days went on and i gave the potion to Daphne in exchange for her promise as i sent her family the portkeyes too.

Harry (POV)

it been hard without Sirius being here but thanks to my friends, the Weasleys and Daphne i was able to cope up with Sirius's death.

Sirius was really happy when he met Daphne other than him no one knows about her as we are scared Voldemort has risen up again and is recruiting more and more people as time passes by even her family was almost forced into it but thanks to some luck they are planning to go into hiding a safe place according to her many family friends are also going to the same place by the end of the year if war is inevitable i am happy that she will be safe I can't lose any more of my family.

this year dumbledore and i went to invite a potion teacher named Slughorn who is a former colleague of professor dumbledore he at first dismissed the thought directly but then he said yes.

just a few days before hogwarts we were at Diagonally the twins have opened another shop here and they are making good wealth in these hard times as we left the shop we saw Malfoy going to knock turn alley we followed him and saw him in a shop called borgin and burkes he was standing next to a cabinet and there was someone else at guard too we soon left i feel that Malfoy has become a death eater while everyone is refusing my claims but my instincts never lie to me and i will try hard to find the truth. soon we're back at Hogwarts the first classes started and McGonagall sent me to the new potion classes with Ron, he us acting a bit different past a few weeks now he keeps on staring at Hermione most of the time it seems he likes her well hope they get together as we reached the classes we were told to get the books from the cupboard and I got an old tampered one the books belong to someone called half-blood prince I followed the instructions given in the book said and I was able to finish the potion earlier than anyone else but just a few seconds later than Malfoy he got the Felix Felixus but whatever it's hard to beat him as he is called a genius.but to my shock i got the potion from Daphne, one day we were at the astronomy tower

having our regular make-out session and as we sat there looking at the stars she handed me the luck potions she said she saw that i wanted the potion so made a deal with Malfoy and then bought it i was so happy and thanked her dearly.

Daphne: umm.....harry um your friend Ronald's sister ginerva weasly is she single right now.

Harry: why?

Daphne:is she or is she not potter?

Harry: Yeah, maybe Greengrass.but still why babe?

Daphne:well someone i know is interested in her so ya know.

well who can that be now hope it's not someone bad.

soon it was the day of Quidditch tryouts, i as the new captain was at the field the tryouts went good ron got in as a keeper while strangely Cormac who i thought would be in the team missed all the shots every single one of them.


What the hell i followed Draco as he left the Quidditch ground and as he was alone i caught him.

Draco: what's up Hermione?

Hermione: did you cast a wandless spell on maclaggen?

Draco:well yeah isn't that obvious.

Hermione:and why did you do that?

Draco: well who told that cretin to look at my woman i am watching him this entire year he is sending you those flirtatious looks that i want to gauge his eye out but making him lose the game was fun too.

Hermione: but that wrong Draco.

Draco: well have you heard the quote everything is fair in love and war and this my love is my retaliation towards cretins like him.

Hermione: well i love you too but what you did was....(wait what did i just said). i looked shocked and flustered i slowly looked up and he was grinning widely i punched his chest slowly and told him to stop grinning while he laughed and hugged me we were hidden by the trees and in this weather of rain and cold he was warm but still looked distant when i asked him about not sending me letter previous summer but he changes the topic.


professor dumbledore has been showing me past memories of voldermort of when he was just a child according to him the reason why Voldemort is invincible is because of a secret known to Slughorn and he won't tell anyone about it and it is now my mission to make him tell about it and was working on it days went by and came in Hogsmeade visits holidays me Hermione and ron were going out to have butter bear for the first time today Daphne couldn't come as she was busy with homework so it was just us for past few days we or Hermione was trying to find out about the book mostly and it seems she got the results.

Harry: so who is the half-blood prince?

Hermione: i don't know i just found out from Draco apparently he met him.

Ronald:wait you talked to him you know we don't like you anywhere near him but still you went ahead and talked to him.

Hermione: i don't remember giving you right to interfere in my life now Ronald.

Harry: enough you guys, so what did he say?

Hermione:he just said that well he laughed first then said "that explains why potter is excelling in potion so suddenly" apparently it belongs to someone powerful of his time before Draco he was the youngest potion master in Britain and a exemplary mage who was able to create spells which weren't dark magic but was powerful as one the mage's pen name was half blood prince and warned me that if that (book)belongs to him(Harry)(halfblood prince's book) then its good for him but be cautious of it too.

Harry: its written by a dark Wizard.

Hermione : no harry draco said he (HBP)is able to cast a Patronus charm so that dosen't make him a dark mage.

Ohh.soon we reached the bar as we sat and ordered are drinks i saw draco enter the pub and then looked at us vigilantly and then entered a back room or something.

Ron: Bloody hell!!!

Hermione:what happened?

we looked where he was looking and it was funny sitting in the corner with a guy who looked a lot like dean.

Harry:is that dean?no it is not him.

Hermione:thats blaise zabini Harry.

Harry:oh yeh you are right.

Ron: how dare she sit with a slytherin and in public too.

Harry: they are just holding hands ron(and in the next moment he looked pissed i looked back and they were kisssing)and snogging.

Ron: i am leaving.

Hermione: sit down ron she is not a little child she can make her own decisions.

Ron: yeah , and she is making a wrong one right now.

soon both of them left hand in hand and they looked happy do that who Daphne was talking about well never would have thought the person to be zabini of all people.

soon we all left too for the castle.

next few days were gone on Quidditch practice and with my friends and girlfriend,ginny and zabini started dating and we saw a grinning Neville for past few days he is arriving late in the dorms at night it was suspicious but he looked happy he changed his wand and that was the reason he wasn't good at magic huh took him long to figure that out. tonight was the first Slughorn party.

me and Hermione were the only Gryffindors here.


in a room there was a circular table around it sat students with Slughorn having dessert.

Slughorn - So tell me, Cormac, do you see anything of your uncle Tiberius these days?

Cormac - Yes, sir, in fact I'm meant to get hunting with him and the Minister of Magic over the holidays.

Slughorn - Oh, well, be sure to give them both my best. And what about your uncle, Belby? For those of you who don't know well, Marcus' uncle invented the Wolfsbane Potion. Is he working on anything new?

Marcus - I don't know. He and my dad don't get along. 'Prolly cause my dad says potions are rubbish. His only potion worth having is a stiff one at the end of the day.

Slughorn- Ah, Mr.malfoy the youngest order of Merlin winner you sir have done something that not many of us have achieve so what are you doing these days.

Draco:Nothing much professor just increasing the amount of galleons in my personal vault for past few months now and trying to create a new type of potion if succeeded will be a potent cure to something.

Slughorn-well do tell us when you are done with your project.

slughorn - And what about you, Ms. Granger, what exactly does your family do in the Muggle world?

Hermione - My parents are dentists. They tend to people's teeth.

Slughorn - Fascinating. And is that considered a dangerous profession?

Hermione - No. Although, one boy, Robbie Fenwich, did bite my father once. He needed ten stitches.

Slugborn - Ah, Ms. Weasley. Come in, come in.

Hermione- Look, her eyes. They've been fighting again. Her and Ron.

Ginny - Sorry, I'm not usually late.

Slughorn - No matter, just in time for dessert. That is if Belby has left you any.

But suddenly cormac was thrown at back of the room shocking everyone.

Slughorn-oh, my mr cormac are you okay what happened.

as every one stood up other than Draco who only ate his dessert and looked around as nothing has happened and a bewildered Hermione staring at him.

later on

Slughorn - Goodbye. Bye-bye. Potter!

Harry - I'm sorry, sir, I was just admiring your hourglass.

Slughorn - Ah yes, most intriguing object. The sand runs in accordance with the quality of the conversation. It is stimulating, the sand runs slowly. If it is not...

Harry - I think I'll be going, then.

Slughorn - Nonsense. You have nothing to fear, dear boy. Actually, some of your classmates... Well, let's just say they're unlikely to make the shelf.

Harry -Shelf, sir?

Slughorn - Anyone who aspires to be anyone hopes to end up here. But then again, you already are someone, aren't you, Harry?

Harry - Did Voldemort ever make the shelf, sir? You knew him, didn't you, sir? Tom Riddle? You were his teacher.

Slughorn - Mr. Riddle had a number of teachers who was here at Hogwarts.

Harry - What was he like? I'm sorry, sir. Forgive me. He killed my parents.

Slughorn - Of course, it's only natural you should want to know more. But I'm afraid I must disappoint you, Harry. When I first met young Mr. Riddle, he was a quiet, albeit brilliant boy, committed to becoming a first-grade wizard. Not unlike others I've known. Not unlike yourself, in fact. If the monster existed, it was very deep within.


Draco has started ignoring me again after the party I was angry at him well he did what he did out of pure anger or so he said i tried to ask him to go with me to the Slughorn party but he was nowhere to be found Ron and lavender started dating and Ron seems to not into her much but whenever i am near he just starts going on and on about lavender and i think he likes me well as an obvious act he is trying to pull to make me jealous is only making me amused as it is so funny 😄.

so to make Draco jealous i am taking Cormac to the dinner but then i remembered that I had other friends so i went and ask Neville but he had a date too he was going with someone from the slughorn club and he looked so happy telling me about her well it will be certainly a surprise to see him and his date soon it was evening and i hope i see Draco today.


Harry entered the party room filled with people

Dean - Drink?

Harry - Dean.

Dean - I didn't get into the Slug Club.this is detention. It's okay, though. He's got Belby hanging up towels in the looroom.

Harry- I'm--I'm fine, mate. Thanks.

Dean– Okay.

Then harry saw someone behind the curtains and went to see someone to his surprise it was,

Harry - Hermione, what are you doing? What happened to you?

Hermione - No, I've just escaped. I mean, I left Cormac under the mistletoe.

Harry - Cormac? That's who you invited?

Hermione - I thought it would annoy certain someone the most.

Hermione - He's got more tentacles than a Snarfalump plant.

wade - Dragon tartare?

Hermione - No, I'm fine, thank you.

Wade - Just as well. They give one horribly bad breath.

Hermione - On second thoughts, it might keep Cormac away. God, here he comes.

Harry - I think she just went to powder her nose.

Cormac- Slippery little minx, your friend. Likes to work mouth too, doesn't she? Yeah, yeah, yeah. What is this I'm eating, by the way? Dragon balls.

then he vomited on someones foot.

SS - You've just brought yourself a month's detention, McLaggen. Not so quick, Potter.

Harry - Sir, I really think I should rejoin the party. My date—

SS - Can surely survive your absence for another minute or two. Besides, I only wish to convey a message.

Harry- A message?

SS - From Professor Dumbledore. He asked me to give you his best and he hopes you enjoy your holidays. You see... He's travelling. And he won't return until term resumes.

Harry - Travelling where?

Draco – Take your hands off me, you filthy Scum.

Filch - Professor Slughorn, sir. I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party.

Slughorn:i most certainly did without Mr.malfoy the party would be meaningless.

Draco - you heard it. Happy?

SS - I'll escort him out.

Draco - Certainly, Professor.Goodnight professor slughorn.

he nodded.

Slughorn - Alright, everyone carry on, carry on.

Harry followed them and heard them talking.

SS - I swore to protect you. I made the Unbreakable Vow.

D - I don't need protection. I was chosen for this. Out of all others, me, and I can't fail him.

SS - You're afraid, Draco. You attempt to conceal it, but it's obvious, let me assist you.

D - No. I was chosen. and soon there will be no need of your assistance as i am already halfway across.

scene change train ride:

Ron - Unbreakable Vow. You sure that's what Snape said?

Harry - Positive. Why?

Ron - It's just, you can't break an Unbreakable Vow.

Harry - I-I worked that much out for myself, funny enough.

Ron- You don't understand. Oh bloody hell.

Lavander - I miss you.

Harry- Lovely.

Ron- All she wants to do is snog me. My lips are getting chapped, look. I don't even like her much if not for that dumb idea i wouldn't even date her.

Harry - what do you mean?

Ron - i just wanted to make Hermione jealous you know i like her and all.

Harry - well that's news to me.

Ron - wait you didn't know what kind of best friend are you harry so it wasn't that noticeable was it.

Harry- na not at all and i am sorry but i think she is dating someone so it's better you give up.

Ron - well that news to me now, who is it?

Harry- no idea but i am sure she is dating someone.

Ron- well we will see i have to do something about lavender first.

Harry- Then I'll take your word for it. So what happens to you? What happens if you break an Unbreakable Vow?

Ron - You simply just die.


Remus L - Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy for a mission?

Harry- I know it sounds mad.

Remus L - Has it occured to you, Harry, that Snape was simply pretending to offer Draco help so he could find out what he was up to or have you forgotten Draco joining us?

Harry - That's not what it sounded like.

Nymphadora - Perhaps Harry is right, Remus. I mean, to make an Unbreakable Vow—

Remus L - It comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgement. Dumbledore trusts Snape and Draco, therefore, I do.

Harry - Dumbledore can make mistakes. He said so himself.

Remus L - You are blinded by hatred.

Harry - I'm not.

Remus L - Yes, you are. People are disappearing, Harry. Daily. We could only place our trust in a handful of people. If we started fighting amongst ourselves, we're doomed.


Things were exactly as i thought would go but with couple of mishap but everything was exactly same i sent a letter to dumbledore that if he needs information on Voldemort meet me

at hogwarts in Christmas and so he did and as i headed to his office and entered it.

Albus - ah, Mr.Malfoy just the person i was waiting for the letter you send was quite interesting so what do you want to tell me about tom riddle.

Draco:i would like it if you send a patronus to professor snape and invite him too.

Albus: very well then.

he sent a Phoenix patronus and soon after snape came into the office and looked bewildered and asked what was it about i told him to sit and while i talk not to ask any questions not until i am done they nodded.

Draco: i am death eater now and i am meant to let others to enter hogwarts and to kill you but i know that you already know it as you have one competent spy on your side i know that professor snape is your spy for a long time and he is doing everything for potter it was easy you know i mean who would create a trap that a first year can easily pass i was thinking that you were an idiot to keep such traps but then i thought why do all of this until i understood and did some digging and research on tom and Harry and few legilimency here and there and i was shocked to find out that you are preparing potter as a hero but why a hero i was confused but finally i got an answer as he is a parselmouth and i thought at first due to right of conquest he got the powers but then I digged deep and found that it dosen't happen like that abilities do not transfer but transfer through blood only so i tried finding potters ancestors and there was no one on slytherin side for far back in time so he wasn't blood but then how and i should thank muggles for this answer you see i spent a lot of time in muggle world these past few years they happen to have interesting books on witches and potioneers in one book i found something which said when you mix a normal water with poison the poison can become strong and weak depending on its environment and then everything clicked there was no body found of dark lord he was in his spirit form so i came to a conclusion that a bit of dark lord is in potter and hence he needs to die if Voldemort has to die as destroying the diary was important to stop him to come back alive and then i searched more and here i am.

so i need a deal of you of claiming of my innocence through your memories and a letter signed by you claiming that you dying by my hand and me being a death eater was all your plan so i can infiltrate dark lords inner circle and make the evidence in such a way that i paints me as a hero as i will tell you how to defeat him once and for all after your death obviously. And yeah i can see that you are dying as that was hard to understand why did professor snape took a unbreakable vow while being you spy then i saw your right hand and the withering curse so you can hardly live for few more months so we got a deal.


they looked shocked beyond belief snape was wide eyed and Albus just looked like a statue as someone asked for his kidney.

Albus:i have to say Mr.Malfoy you are one of the most slytherin person i have met in my entire life but it's unbelievable to think you were able to figure out everything no wonder you are called the genius of the century very well then i will do as you say and prepare the evidence as you wish but you have to tell me what you find out for further trust between us.

Draco:very well then i will tell you but i would like a oath from both of you and no you will not take a normal oath you just need to drop a drop of blood on this contract that i have prepared and you have to do it if you want to know secrets of form morvolo riddle.

They both were silent for some time but then each nodded and dropped blood on the contract the contract was something i bought from the system and this one was expensive as it dosen't have any loopholes magically and theoretically it was around 9,000,000 galleons and 120,000 on mana as i have a lot on my system wealth stats as i regularly loot from everyone i meet i have easily around 134mil on mana and galleons is almost infinite.

then albus started writing a letter according to which i was commanded by him and i was fine with it being able to help against dark lord and the letter painted me as a person who can sacrifice himself for greater good and chivalry personality then he created a memory and gave me both i checked them both and also got witness evidence from snape as its better as a precaution as he was a spy too after everything was done we sat and asked for some tea or something and then we just sat and Frank the tea and talked.

Deaco: now headmaster if you don't mind showing me the gaunt ring that you have destroyed as you are the person who took it away from the shack and yeah i know where some of them are and what are they.

Albus: seem to know a lot Draco.

he took out the ring and gave it to me i took the ring and wandlessly destroyed the ring leaving the stone intact and placed it in the inventory and then thanked him.

Draco:thank you professor as it will be very useful to me the legendary resurrection stone. and i have done my research and found everything i could and i know where the rest of the hallows are and i will have them all not for usage but as an artifact as you see i love to collect them and i don't need your wand (i casted a bombarda on a stool near him wandlessly and he stood up shocked so did snape while I just drank my tea) as you can see I am perfect at wandless magic so where were we yeah the secrets well as you see after second year I found out from my father's mind about the book then I searched the origin of the magic on the book and I paid millions before I found a clue and from goblins no less they were not interested to share their secrets but me being me (showed them my wand holder inscriptions).

Albus:that's goblin made and they gave you a name you are a friend to the goblin nation incredible.

Draco: I thought so that you can read goblin language as it wouldn't have been easy to hide the will of James potter from others.

So I found it and you would love to know that tom morvolo riddle used dark magic called the HOCRUXIOUS to stay immortal and the diary the ring and potter are his Horcruxes.

Albus looked enlightened while snape was confused and looking at albus.

Albus: it all makes sense I thought it was a myth for something like this to exist thank you Mr.Malfoy now we can win this war early on.

Draco: yeah no, you will not stop this war I can't let you.

Albus: But why Draco hundreds of innocent life can be spared.

Draco: yeah it will then what the pureblood will still rule another dark lord will arise and in the end more will die a meaningless death I wish to stop this cycle of hate to be ended forever and I will do it my way i want muggle-born to get rights too to have a job to have a life of a person not of a slave so you will do as I say for the real greater good albus.

he didn't speak for a while and just looked lost while snape was staring at me and i just smiled at him.

Albus: very well then what is it you have planned Draco as you have all the information out of your sheer capabilities then tell me what to do now as it seems the younger generation is stronger than the older one now.

Draco: that's not it headmaster you are a legend after your sacrifice I will work hard to make your name immortal as in this journey that people call life you have aced it.

Now nothing will change as if potter is told everything he will lose his path and you don't have to worry I found out that will make sure potter lives but that will depend on something else as he will be told when he finds this entire truth as it is necessary for that time for now I know he has been told to get the knowledge of Horcruxes from Slughorn let him find it and then you do what you planned according to your thoughts as I am working on to locate all the other Horcruxes and yeah the way to destroy them is easy for now the Gryffindor sword and a basilisk tooth are the only items that can destroy them and one of the hocruxe is Nagini the snake next to him that's a hocruxe too and there is another one Bellatrix vault and I think he created more than one hocruxe so the correct number should be at 7.

The ring, the diary, Nagini, Potter are the 4 of the Horcruxes known to us while counting the one at the vault that's 5 and I am trying to track down the other to as soon as they are destroyed he will be gone forever.

Albus:well I have found another one and I shall be on my way to destroy it with harry when he comes , very well then we shall follow it that way then and Draco I am proud of the wizard you have become.

Draco: thank you professor that means a lot but do you mind sending an extra letter to moody about trusting me when I go to them in the near future after your death please that will be helpful and I would like to talk to you about something else privately tomorrow evening regarding few problems I am dealing with now I should leave as I have more work to do and the day you get to know about the Horcruxes is the day I let them in, thank you, professor, good night.


Hermione - It's so easy for them to get to you. You're bloody lucky you weren't killed. You have to realise who you are, Harry!

Harry - I know who I am, Hermione, alright. Sorry.

Ron - Lav, come on. Of course, I'll wear it.

Lavender- That's my Won-Won.

Hermione - Excuse me, I have to go and vomit.


I was in the headmaster office going through the memories of tom.

Slughorn – I'd like to know where you get your information. More knowledgable than half the staff, you are.

Tom - Sir, is it true that Professor Merrythought is retiring?

Slughorn - Tom, I couldn't tell you if I knew, could I? And by the way, thank you for the pineapple. You're quite right. It is my favourite But how did you know?

Tom - Intuition.

Slughorn - Good gracious, is it that time already? Off you go, boys or Professor Dippet will have us all in detention. Look sharp, Tom. Don't be caught out of bed after hours. Is something on your mind, Tom?

Tom - Yes, sir. See, I couldn't think of anyone else to go to. The other professors... Well, they're not like you. They might misunderstand.

Slughorn - Go on.

Tom - I was in the library the other night. In the restricted section. And I picked something rather odd about this rare magic. I thought perhaps, you could illuminate me. It's called, as I understand it, Hor...

Slughorn - I beg your pardon? I don't know anything about such things and if I did, I wouldn't tell you. Now get out of here at once and don't let me ever catch you mentioning them again!

Albus - Confused? I'd be surprised if you weren't.

Harry - I don't understand. What happened?

Albus - This is perhaps the most important memory I had collected. It is also a lie. This memory has been tampered with by the same person whose memory it is. Our old friend, Professor Slughorn.

Harry - But why would he tamper with his own memory?

Albus - I suspect he's ashamed of it.

Harry - Why?

Albus - Why, indeed. I asked you to get to know Professor Slughorn and you had done so. Now I want you to persuade him to divulge his true memory. Any way you can.

Harry - I don't know him that well, sir.

Albus - This memory is everything. Without it, we are blind. Without it, we leave the fate of our world to change. You have no choice. You must not fail.

Hermione (POV)

Harry was attacked at the burrow but it was fixed few days after as dDracosent some house elves to help fix it to which molly was really thankful of him.

Things went on as same as always Draco started talking again after I Found him and apologized while he did the same saying he was busy with some work and we were happy again he said he was really jealous of maclaggen at the party that night ,haha Neville and pansy were a thing now known to some of our close friends Ron broke up with lavender and she blamed me for it to which I think is true as I Notice Ron flirting with me in a way that people will think of him being caring.

and today harry was going to use the Felix felixus to solve a mission given by headmaster Dumbledore to get knowledge of Voldemort from Professor Slughorn.



Hermione - Well, how do you feel?

Harry - Excellent. Really excellent.

Hermione - Remember, Slughorn usually leaves early, takes a walk, and then returns to his office.

Harry - Right. I'm going down to Hagrid's.

Hermione - What? No, Harry, you've got to go to speak to Slughorn. We have a plan.

Harry - I know but I've got a really good feeling about Hagrid's. I feel it's--it's the place to be tonight. Do you know what I mean?

He&R – No.

Harry - Well, trust me. I know what I'm doing. Or Felix does. Hi!

Slughorn - Merlin's beard, Harry!

Harry - Sorry, sir. I should've announced myself. Clear my throat. Coughed. You probably thought I was Professor Sprout?

Slughorn - Definitely. What makes you think?

H - Ah well, just your general behaviour, sir. Just sneaking around, jumping when you saw me. Are those tentacular leaves, sir?

Slughorn - Yes.

Harry - They're very valuable, aren't they?

Slughorn - Ten galleons a leaf to the right buyer. Not that I'm familiar with any such back-alley- transactions on but one does hear rumours. My only interests are purely academical.

Harry - I mean, personally, these plants always kinda freak me out.

Slughorn - Exactly how did you get out of the castle, Harry?

Harry - Through the front door, sir. I'm off to Hagrid's, you see. He's a very dear friend and I just fancy paying him a visit. So if you don't mind, I will be going now.

Slughorn - Harry!

Harry - Sir?

Slughorn - It's nearly nightfall. Surely, you realise I can't allow you to go roaming the grounds by yourself.

Harry - Well then, by all means, come along, sir.

Slughorn - Harry, I must insist you accompany me back to the castle immediately!

Harry - That would be counterproductive, sir.

Slughorn - And what makes you say that?

Harry - No idea.

And so we left to hagrid' we approached him he looked at me then at the professor

RH- Horace.

Slughorn - Merlin's beard! Is that an actual Acromantula?

Harry - A dead one, I think, sir.

Slughorn - Good God. Dear fellow, however did you manage to kill it?

RH- "Kill it"? My oldest friend, he was.

Slughorn - I'm so sorry, I didn't—

RH - Ah, don't worry yourself. You're not alone. Seriously misunderstood creatures, spiders are. The eyes I reckon, they unnerve some folk.

Harry - Not to mention the pincers.

RH - Yeah, I reckon that too.

Slughorn - Hagrid... The last thing I wish to be is indelicate but Acromantula venom is uncommonly rare. Would you allow me to extract a vial or two, purely for academic purposes, you understand?

RH - Well I don't suppose it's gonna do him much good now is it.

Slughorn - My thoughts exactly. I have an ampoule or two about my person for just such occasions as as this. Old... Potion master's habit, you know?

RH - I wish you could have seen him with his prime. Magnificent, he was. Just magnificent.

Slughorn - Would you like me to say a few words?

RH - Yes.

Slughorn - Had a family, I trust?

Harry - Oh, yeah.

Slughorn - Farewell...

RH - Aragog.

Slughorn - Farewell, Aragog. King of the arachnids. Your body will decay... but your spirit lingers on and your human friends find solace, the loss they have sustained.

After a while, we were sitting in hagrid's house with both of them drunk.

RH&S - # Laid to rest, #And his wand, snapped in two, which was sad. #

RH - I had him from an egg, you know? Tiny little thing he was when he hatched. No bigger than a Pekingese. A Pekingese, mind you.

Slughorn - How sweet! I once had a fish. Francis. He was very dear to me. One afternoon, I came downstairs and... it vanished. Poof.

RH - That's very odd, isn't it?

Slughorn - It is, isn't it? But that's life! I suppose, you--you go along with and suddenly... poof.

RH - Poof.

Harry - Poof.

Slughorn - It was a student who gave me Francis. One spring afternoon, I discovered the bowl on my desk... With just a few inches of clear water in it... And floating on the surface was a flower petal. As I watched, it sank. But just before it reached the bottom, it transformed into a wee fish. It was beautiful magic. Wondrous to behold. The flower petal had come from a lily. Your mother. The day I came downstairs, the day the bowl was empty. That's the day your mother... I know why you're here. But I can't help you. It would ruin me.

Harry - Do you know why I survived, Professor? The night I got this? Because of her, because she sacrificed herself... Because she refused to step aside. Because her love was more powerful than Voldemort.

Slughorn - Don't say his name.

Harry - I'm not afraid of the name, Professor. I'm going to tell you something. Something others have only guessed at. It's true. I am the Chosen One. Only I can destroy him, but in order to do so, I need to know what Tom Riddle asked you all those years ago in your office and I need to know what you told him. Be brave, Professor. Be brave like my mother. Otherwise, you disgrace her. Otherwise, she died for nothing. Otherwise, the bowl will remain empty forever.

Then he took out a bottle and gave me a memory.

Slughorn - Please, don't think badly of me when you see it. I had no idea what he was like, even then.

I took the vial and ran to the headmaster's office and as I reached we both dived in the memories.

~in the memories ~

Tom - I was in the library the other day. In the restricted section... and I read something rather odd about this rare magic. It's called, as I understand it, a Horcrux.

Slughorn - I beg your pardon?

Tom - Horcrux. I came across the term while reading... and I didn't fully understand it.

Slughorn - I'm not sure what you were reading, Tom, but this is very dark stuff. Very dark, indeed.

Tom - Which is... why I came to you.

Slughorn - A Horcrux is an object in which a person has concealed part of their soul.

Tom - But I don't understand how that works, sir.

Slughorn - One splits one's soul and hides part of it in an object. By doing so, you are protected, should you be attacked and your body destroyed.

Tom - Protected?

Slughorn - That part of your soul which is hidden lives on. In other words, you cannot die.

Tom - And how does one splits his soul, sir?

Slughorn - I think you already know the answer to that, Tom.

Tom - Murder.

Slughorn - Yes, killing rips the soul apart and it is a violation against nature.

Tom - Can you only split the soul once? For instance, isn't seven—

Slughorn - Seven? Merlin's beard, Tom! Isn't it bad enough to consider killing one person? To rip the soul in seven pieces! This is all hypothetical, isn't it, Tom? All academic?

Tom - Of course, sir. It'll be our little secret.

And then we were back

Harry - Sir.

Albus - This is beyond anything I imagined.

Harry - Do you mean, sir, he succeeded, sir? In making a Horcrux?

Albus - Oh yes, he succeeded, alright. And not just once.

Harry - What are they exactly?

Albus - It could be anything. Most commonplace of objects. A ring, for example, or a book.

Harry - Tom Riddle's diary.

Albus - It's a Horcrux, yes. Four years ago when you saved Ginny Weasley's life in the Chamber of Secrets, you brought me this. I knew then, this was a different kind of magic. Very dark, very powerful. But until tonight, I had no idea just how powerful...

Harry - And the ring? (without the stone)

Albus - Belonged to Voldemort's mother. Difficult to find. Even more difficult to destroy.

Harry - But if you could find them all, if you did destroy each Horcrux—

Albus - One destroys Voldemort.

Harry - How would you find them? They could be hidden anywhere, couldn't they?

Albus - True, but magic, especially dark magic... leaves traces.

Harry - It's where you've been going, isn't it, sir? When you leave the school.

Albus - Yes, and I think perhaps, I may have found another. But this time, I cannot hope to destroy it alone. Once again, I must ask too much of you, Harry.

and then we apparated.

Draco (POV)

It was time I I woke up from my bed and got dressed the weather was gloomy as if nature and magic were sad about dumbledore's death I left for the room of requirement and as I felt Potter and Dumbledore enter Hogwarts I called the death eaters and in a few seconds they were behind the cabinet as they came out of it I left to find dumbledore.


Harry - We need to get you to the hospital wing, sir to Madam Pomfrey.

Albus - No... Severus, Severus is who I need. Wake him. Tell him what happened. Speak to no one else. Severus, Harry. Hide yourself below, Harry. Don't speak or be seen by anybody without my permission. Whatever happens, it's imperative you stay below. Harry, do as I say. Trust me. Trust me. Good evening, Draco. What brings you here on this fine spring evening?

Draco - (whispered to him and harry heard too)ok professor not happy, it was an honour sir.

Albus just smiled and nodded. Then Draco raised his voice

Draco - Who else is here? I heard you talking.

Albus - I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful. Have you always been to yourself, Draco? Draco, you are no assassin.

Draco - How do you know what I am? I've done things that would shock you.

Albus - Oh, like cursing Katie Bell and hoping that in return she would bear a cursed necklace to me? Like replacing a bottle of mead with one lace with poison. Forgive me, Draco, I cannot help feel these actions are so weak that your... heart can't really have been in.

Draco - He trusts me. I was chosen.

Albus - I shall make it easy for you.

Draco - Expelliarmus!

Albus - Very good. Very good. You're not alone. There are others. How?

Draco -The Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement. I've been mending it.

Albus - Let me guess, it has a sister.

Draco - A twin. In Borgin and Burkes. They form a passage.

Albus - Ingenious. Draco, years ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please let me help you.

Draco - I don't want your help. Don't you understand? I have to do this. I have to kill you. Or he's gonna kill me and my family.

As he finished talking there were footsteps and someone came on the tower

Bella - Well, look what we have here. Well done, Draco.

Albus - Good evening, Bellatrix. I think introductions are in order, don't you?

Bella- Love to, Albus, but I'm afraid we're on a bit of a tight schedule. Do it!

Greyback - He doesn't have the stomach. Just like his father. Let me finish him in my own way.

Bella - No, the Dark Lord was clear the boy has to do it. This is your moment, Draco. Do it! Go on, Draco, now!

Snape - No. i have to pay him back.

Albus - Severus. Please...

Snape - Avada Kedavra.

Bella - Yeah!!!

Dead the greatest Wizard of all time Albus Dumbledore died as he fell from the astronomical Tower Harry was shocked and after some time, he ran back following snape as he reached hagrid's house it was burning.

Bella - Hagrid, hello?

Harry - Snape, he trusted you!

snape looked at Draco and said.

Snape - Go on!

Harry - Incarcerous! Fight back, you coward! Fight back!

Bellatrix made harry fall and was about to attack him but snape stopped her.

Snape - No, he belongs to the Dark Lord.

Harry - Sectumsempra!

Snape - You dare use my own spells against me, Potter? Yes, I'm the Half-Blood Prince.

soon after at late night, everyone gathered around the corpse of Albus and soon harry came and sat next to him soon joined by Daphne as he cried on her shoulder soon McGonagall raised her wand towards the death mark and everyone followed it started to glow slowly the death mark but at that moment a Patronus of a dragon flew from the astronomy tower and joined the hundreds of specks of light and destroyed the death mark

Soon his body was taken and Harry was standing at the tower McGonagall came to him.

McGonagall - Potter... In light of what has happened. If you should have the need to talk to someone... You should know... Professor Dumbledore... You meant a great deal to him.

Harry nodded and then she left after a while he was joined by

Hermione - Do you think he would have done it? Draco.

H - No. No, he was lowering his wand even though his family was in danger he didn't do it. In the end, it was Snape. It was always Snape. I did nothing.

Hermione took the locket in her hand.

Harry - It's fake. Open it.

Hermione – 'To the Dark Lord: I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. R.A.B.'  R.A.B.?

Harry - Don't know. But whoever they are, they have the real Horcrux. It means it was all a waste. All of it.

the stood there in silence

Hermione - Don't worry we can figure it out.

Harry - I'm not coming back, Hermione. I got to finish whatever Dumbledore started. And I don't know where that'll leave me, but I'll let you and Ron know where I am... when I can.

Hermione - I've always admired your courage, Harry. But sometimes, you can be really thick. You don't really think you're going to be able to find all those Horcruxes by yourself, do you? You need us, Harry.

Harry smiled and looked at the scenery around him.

Harry - I never realised how beautiful this place was.

next chapter
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