This novel tells the story of the protagonist, Aden, who accidentally travels to a world filled with war and magic, reborn as a goblin named Gorgath. In this world, goblins are considered inferior and barbaric creatures, but Aden possesses a unique ability known as the "Life Simulation System," which allows him to foresee the impact of different choices and actions on the future. Through this system, Aden can see the potential consequences of various decisions and make choices that are most beneficial for his survival and development.
Using his intelligence and the capabilities of the system, Aden gradually grows from a marginalized goblin into a powerful and influential goblin leader. He not only establishes his position within the goblin tribe but also gains new skills by consuming the flesh and blood of other creatures, allowing him to continually evolve. As the story progresses, Aden leads the goblin tribe into conflicts and wars against other races, such as ogres, lizardmen, and humans, gradually expanding his sphere of influence.
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