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100% RE: Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse / Chapter 27: The Year of Scoring Hard

Capítulo 27: The Year of Scoring Hard

Hentai Shinobi Rule 27: Sometimes, it's better to apologize than argue for five minutes of satisfaction over a smoothly functioning harem.


"We're finally free~!" Kushina mewled, her voice a mixture of excitement and relief, as she walked between Kai and Mikoto. It was her favorite spot since she got to link arms with her friends. The setting sun stopped fighting against the chill as the cold weather reddened the trio's fair cheeks and the tips of their noses. So, Kushina stepped up for the task of warming her friends by tightening her coiled arms and pulling them closer with a crisp giggle dissipating with her vaporous breath.

"So, it's missions from tomorrow," Kai confirmed, his gaze fixed on the glowing lanterns bouncing light against reflective streamers. The entire Village was ablaze with colorful vibrancy, marking the end of the celebration and the start of a new chapter for Team 9. They had spent their days sparring against each other and mastering tree walking and water walking, with Kai pushing the limits by adding weight from his training undershirt. However, Kai's anticipation of what lay ahead wasn't palpable compared to his friends.

The last few days were fun for Kai since he got two new Skill Trees to crack into. However, it was another thing to try to talk with Tsunade. What they did would constantly flash in his mind. Kai still couldn't believe he got away unscathed after the shit he pulled. After all, Tsunade somehow replacing his bedsheet could not take away the progress in his skill tab that revealed she'd orgasmed from his ministrations. Admittedly, it was hot. Still, her words after that gave Kai a lot to think about.

Taller, stronger, smarter, and wealthier—those were Tsunade's requirements. In other words, she hadn't expected things to take such a turn because Kai checked off none of these boxes. So? Was it just Tsunade rewarding Kai for his achievements? Her words certainly made him more receptive to her training format and suggestions, so Kai believed Tsunade might have stated those words for such an outcome.

Furthermore, did Tsunade feel weird? She must have. Despite his urges to explore the world and the ways of sin, Kai possessed standards. What he did was equivalent to Tsume luring him into her room and—

No, Tsunade willingly came over. Kai suspected she wanted him to be more compliant with her authority over the team. Well, that definitely worked. Kai was too enamored by the feeling of Tsunade's breasts swallowing his meat whole to bother trying to mess with the woman. The goblin incarnate was glad he never did anything sexual with Tsunade Onahole since it was the best with the real one. However, Kai hoped he could have been older. It would have been less awkward for Tsunade, right?

Regardless of her motivations, Kai ended up pushing Tsunade into an uncomfortable spot. While he would have ordinarily remained unbothered, those indifferent sentiments won't fly for a Harem Lord in the making. No. If the darkest alleys of pictorial art forms in his previous life taught him anything, it was to be mindful of your lady's need, or there would always be stranger meat to spill the seed. After his experience, Kai only wanted his meat to fulfill the dead.

'It's not like Tsunade revealed her discomfort,' Kai's gaze identified an intriguing prospect as his steps stalled, forcing his teammates to pause, too. 'So, she probably does think I have the stuff for what she might be into once I'm grown. There's a fine line between her trying to groom me and accidentally orgasming because she didn't know what I'm capable of.' The former would have instantly evaporated anything Kai felt for the bustiest, gorgeous kunoichi whose chest he dry-humped. No, Tsunade came for a massage. Kai turned it into ero under the 'practice's' guise.

'Besides, Tsunade must have some nerves of steel after being a doctor for so long.' It mattered because Kai knew doctors could sometimes have the strangest sense of morals and ethics. In conclusion, Kai simply decided not to burn the bridges he'd accidentally built with Tsunade on his fake birthday and attempted to be mindful of not leering at Tsunade unless she would offer some benefits as a prize for winning spars or the like. It was the best way to motivate Kai, or so Tsunade misunderstood.


Kai loved training for the sake of it. However, he wouldn't shoot himself in the foot by explaining that to Tsunade. He took great joy in receiving some sneak peeks here and there as that's the only thing Kai's sensei ever used to motivate him—a slight bend to reveal the depths of her cleavage and the squashed breasts, the pale skin tone of which melted into Tsunade's mesh bodysuit. Or Tsunade would sometimes have her skirt almost ride up her bubble butt before she adjusted it not far from Kai as she instructed Kushina and Mikoto.

It was their little secret, and Kai loved it.

The final nail in the coffin that made Kai want to be more receptive to Tsunade's thoughts was her retirement of calling him with the suffix—chan. Now, that shit rocked. And all this happened after one orgasm. It forced Kai to fantasize about what would happen with additional ones. Hey, Tsunade said she wouldn't set foot in his room. It just so happened an entire world existed outside of his tiny quarter.

"Why did we stop, Kai-chan?" Mikoto whispered as they stood near a brightly lit mask stall. The vibrant red from the nearby lantern bounced off their pale faces as Kai gestured ahead with his nudging chin.

Kushina and Mikoto focused ahead. With a direction pointed out, the two aspiring kunoichis swiftly located the only two children they knew within the stream of civilians strolling the streets with their families. One of the two children, no, recently graduated genins, was a dark-skinned boy with a buzz cut. The other one was an olive-skinned, brown-haired girl.

Dekai and Yuna.

Dekai was part of Minato's team—Team Jiriaya/Team 6. Meanwhile, Yuna didn't receive any Jonin sensei, so she must have enjoyed the weekly celebration before taking up the D-ranked missions.

The trio watched the surprising duo. After all, everyone in Kai's former class knew Yuna and Dekai hated each other. So, seeing them chatting in a discreet street corner surprised the trio. There was something about the situation, and it smelled fishy. This kind of gossip intrigued their impish nature, and even Mikoto sported a catty smirk shared by Kai and Kushina. The three gremlins huddled behind the store and whispered to each other.

"What do you think is going on?" Kushina questioned. "I never saw Dekai and Yuna together."

"They probably hooked up after graduation," Kai shrugged as it felt like the only possible scenario. The 'tradition' really was all the rage for a few of Kai's classmates since they were trying to partner with each other as if every other woman disappeared from the planet. Look at Kai. He somehow landed a questionable night with Tsunade! He had already surpassed one of his idols—Jiraiya.

"You can't be sure," Mikoto flushed. She nibbled her bottom lip as she glared at Kai before whispering. "Not everything has to do with naughty stuff, Kai-chan. Maybe they became friends. Besides, Yuna likes Ken Sarutobi."

Kai recalled the Sarutobi in their class who gave up on the exam.

"You can't be sure either," Kai argued as he crossed his arms. "Dekai beats Ken 7 times out of 10 in Taijutsu sessions. Don't you chicks love pissing contests like that?"

"What do you mean us chicks?" Mikoto narrowed her eyes and added a healthy serving of foreboding warning in her voice.

"You two?" Kai cocked his head sideways. "You two are girls, right? Well, I know Kushina is."

Kushina rolled her eyes.

"Girls tend to like many things," Mikoto lectured with a patient tone. "We like kindness, humor, and many other things."

"Dude," Kai snapped. "Dekai is a hundred times funnier than Ken. That asshole was worse than Hiruna and kept preening about Lord Third this and Uncle that."

Mikoto winced and looked away. "Yeah, you're right. I was just saying winning at everything isn't all we care about."

Kushina blinked before nodding. "Yep. Besides, we'll be there to help you build your harem so we can teach you more later."

"Please," Kai rolled his eyes. "I know more than you two."

"Yeah, maybe about touching yourself," Mikoto scoffed with a sour pout. "You should feel lucky we didn't betray your trust and expose you to Tsunade-Sensei or Mito-Sama."

"I already told you guys can do it for your crushes," Kai shrugged. "Didn't Tsunade-Sensei teach you all about that healthy lifestyle?"

"J-Just shut up, dattebane!" Kushina's cheek turned redder than her hair as she accidentally met an equally flustered Mikoto's stare. They instantly glanced away as Kai clicked his tongue.

"They are moving. Decide quickly, Mikoto. Are you visiting your compound to visit the shrine or joining us?"

"I can't ditch the clan customs for this," Mikoto's shoulders sagged. "Sorry. But could you two tell me later what happened?"

Kai and Kushina nodded as the trio separated. The duo followed the unusual couple. With Kushina still struggling to grasp the landing of the Body Flicker Jutsu, they had to follow Dekai and Yuna without any chakra spilling from the soles of their feet. It worked in Kai's and Kushina's favor since Dekai and Yuna weren't all that quick.

However, Kai and Kushina wished they weren't quicker since they tailed Dekai and Yuna to the discreet bushes in the park.

"Hmm~! Are you sure nobody followed us?"

"Huh? Yep! I think so."

"Wow. And it's natural, right? Ken lied to me and used transformation jutsu on his penis."

"I'm not that good in transformation jutsu, sorry."

"No, no! It's better this way. Huaa! Let me get a better look. Woah. So fat and big. Tsunade-Sensei taught us 5-6 inches would be enough once we grow, and it is already 4!"

"T-thanks. Are you sure we should do this?"

"Oh, yeah. I stopped seeing Ken yesterday. Here~! Does this position look good? The tree feels ticklish against my chest."

"It looks good," the other voice panted before Kai and Kushina heard a chorus of wet noises and childish mewls.

The two wards from the Uzumaki Residence continued sitting within a different bush. Their once bright eyes, no less vibrant than the glowing lanterns, now appeared dull and lost. The draft against the back of their necks never felt colder as they felt their time and emotional investment had been ruined.

Sure, Kai predicted Dekai scored, but holy fuck! He was joking and trying to ruffle Mikoto's feather. The Uchiha Princess tried looking dignified and stately ever since she awoke her Sharingan, so Kai enjoyed teasing the girl until she reverted into the same snobbish, cheek-glomping devil.

Not that he liked the devil. Kai merely preferred the cheeky brat over the try-hard stuck-up.

Soon, Kai felt Kushina's stare drawl southward from his face as he pinned her with a stern glare.

Bitch! Don't try to eyeball it through the clothes!

Kushina blushed and scoffed as she whispered. "L-like I care, dattebane! I've already seen you naked many times."

"Let's just go," Kai muttered with a distraught expression. Sure, he knew a few boys from his class scored after their graduations. Hiruna was one of those lucky assholes. However, witnessing it still struck a disastrous blow to Kai's ego. Here, he claimed to form a harem when he barely pulled anyone.

What was so bad about him?

Was it his indifference about genders when he insulted the orphans?

Was it his overbearing nature?

Did he bully them too hard?

Did he beat them too much in Taijutsu sessions?

No, that can't be right. Those were some of Kai's best aspects!

Kushina chewed her bottom lip as she watched Kai's slumped back.

"H-Hey!" She caught up to the boy and casually interlocked their fingers. "Dekai isn't the only big one in the classroom, so don't feel bad. Remember? Yours is bigger."

That… shattered Kai.

Bruh, why was Kushina even measuring his dick?!


"Ow! Why'd you hit me?" Kushina protested and whined with watery eyes as Kai looked away.

"Dunno. I acted on my instincts."

"I was just trying to cheer you up."

'Well, you failed!' Kai still squeezed out a smile.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry."

Kushina blinked before grinning. "Hihi~ You always fall for this!"

"Shove it," Kai scoffed. "Come on, let's go and eat some barbeque."

"Your treat?"


The celebration could have ended better for Kai. For one, he could have lived his life without hearing Dekai's score. Still, that's life for you. Kai only hoped for years to fly by.

"Say, Kai-chan," Kushina paused before grinning. "Yep. I wasn't wrong. You grew taller!"

And that made Kai's day! He grinned and hooked his arm around Kushina's neck.

"Hey! Learn to be gentle with a lady!"

"Sure, I'll be gentle when you grow into lady, farty-chan."

"Stop calling me that!"

"Only if you stop calling me Kai-chan."



The vivid sources of light tended to cast deep, abyss-like shadows—a breeding ground for the damning and sometimes the honorable alike. It did not judge but allowed the best to survive. The darkness existed everywhere—only how its populace used that space mattered. It could benefit organizations or ruin them alike.

Konoha had its dark spots, too. Some regions existed where the colorful lights of the lanterns did not bounce from and got devoured instead. The flickering figures traveled through these spots. Masked and cold, these men were given a wide berth by their comrades of the light, who also wore animal masks.

This team of masked shinobi had one destination alone. These men followed one command.

Only one responsibility guided their paths in the dark, drizzling wisps of light in the uncertain world—Konoha's Prosperity.

These men did not care about the young, excitable teens with their antics, the loving couples and their families strolling the streets, or merchants from afar trying to earn their keeps.

They headed for one of the more sophisticated infrastructures.

Basement Level 3, Konoha Hospital.

Hirenji Sena and his team of researchers worked on synthesizing a better chakra alloy for weaponry capable of transmitting chakra better than the alloys in the market. It was one of the projects left open since Lord Second's reign and received little notice—and thus, funds—due to the minimal potential. After all, it was proven that the best 'weapon' for Chakra transmission was the Shinobi's own body. Still, it was Hirenji's passion. He loved to synthesize and craft to achieve what wasn't possible before but could be with enough effort.

His lab was small but not ill-equipped. Hirenji and his team possessed renowned smelters, tubes, flasks, burners, scopes, and more.

"Congratulations on the New Year, everyone," announced the middle-aged bald man with striking green eyes. Hirenji looked at his team and nodded with a proud smirk.

"Our allies' testings proved we're on the right track. We'll soon synthesize our product and take the world by storm. It was worth it to stand our ground and not give in to their demands, else we would not have gotten so far."

Ambition flickered in Hirenji's bright green eyes. His passion may have been synthesizing new products, but his competitors were the ones who pushed him into this dead-end project. However, everything will change—


A sound softer than a lover's hushed whisper and keener than a blade's deadly edge kissed Hirenji's senses as he looked around.


"Ugh!" He held his bald head as the vision of his smiling and cheering comrades overlapped with a dim, bloody room. Hirenji saw his wife's head resting on his plate for a moment. The scene shifted again as Hirenji's back was drenched with sweat. He hurriedly glanced at his smiling wife before relaxing his tense nerves.


Again, the sight of the empty chair and splattered blood on the tablecloth overlapped with the spot where his wife sat. Hirenji swallowed a nervous lump before gritting his teeth. A hateful expression suddenly consumed his features as he formed a seal and—


Hirenji Sena committed suicide.


"Oh?" The muffled voice warbled in surprise behind the blood-smeared koala mask. Destroyed lanterns, torches, and candles cut a sorry figure for Hirenji's research lab as it starkly contrasted with the well-equipped, electricity-powered lab. Instead of a long table for dining, a few old stools were set. Bodies and blood pooled around the spot as Hirenji Sena's corpse slowly slid down and joined its comrades in death.

His body coincidentally shifted sideways as Hirenji's head lay beside his wife's lone head, bereft of the rest of her corpse.

"He had a precise instinct for Genjutsu, sir. He was also decisive in ending his life. I suspect he already knew things would end this way. I could not extract information of his employer." Five other masked men accompanied the shinobi under a Koala's mask. The darkness morphed their blood-smeared, hooded features into nightmares and monstrosities from stories the parents use to threaten their children to sleep early.

The six shinobi suddenly knelt as a bandaged individual appeared from the darkest depth. His spiky black hair melted with the room's ominous air. The lone left eye examined the corpses before their leader, one of Hokage's advisors, Danzo Shimura, reached out with his bandaged right hand and formed a seal near Hirenji's corpse.


A plume of smoke erupted from Hirenji's left shoulder as Danzo caught the finger-long glass test tube with a liquid green culture swishing inside.

Danzo's breath caught in his throat once he glanced at the test tube. Staring at it revealed a familiar figure from his past—the figure that symbolized the very vibrant nature around Konoha and the one that led to the creation of Shinobi Villages!

"Hirenji Sena could achieve these results from Nawaki Senju's cells in an ill-equipped lab. It's no wonder he didn't fall for the Genjutsu for long and committed suicide before revealing his employer. Nobody knew the truth except Hirenji. However, we can speculate."

Danzo narrowed his eyes and glanced at the five shinobi. Koala-masked Shinobi was too crucial. However, the same wasn't the case for others.

A wave of pity emerged in his heart. He hadn't known what Hirenji planned to do with Nawaki's culture. However, Danzo now possessed different intentions.

Was it a wonder the Shinobi cremated the dead? Hirenji used a small part of Nawaki and created the miracle present in Danzo's hand.

Hirenji bridged the gap to understand the secrets of Wood Release and what made the First Kage so mighty!

All Danzo had to do was apply this miracle.

Despite his experiences, Danzo couldn't help but swallow to wet his parched throat.

"Koala, exercise order 66 after you all return to the base. Make sure everything is within the protocols."

The five shinobi momentarily shivered as Koala nodded and flickered with the rest.

Meanwhile, Danzo looked around and sealed the tube into a scroll before leaving.


The Hokage's Office, Konoha Academy.

Hiruzen tiredly rolled the report scroll while taking a long, frustrated drag from his pipe.

"So, Hirenji Sena betrayed us and was in cahoots with the ones behind Nawaki-Kun's death?" Hiruzen muttered as Danzo, a picture of stony silence, stayed in his chair without anything to add.

Things might seem calm on the surface. However, a Senju's death to Uzumaki's seal was not one to be taken lightly, even if Nawaki's family understood that an Uzumaki had no hand in it. All the investigation led Danzo and his men, a sub-organization of the Anbu—Root, to take out the group of researchers.

"Why would Hirenji do such a thing?" Hiruzen directed his question to Danzo as the bandaged man shook his head.

"Everything I know is in that report, Hiruzen. My investigation points to a team of Kiri behind the plantation of the trap that killed Nawaki Senju. Acquiring an Uzumaki-made seal would be an effortless task for them. However, I suspect there is more at play here. Kiri's actions, Kumo's increasing conflict with Uzu, and Iwa's surprising silence don't sit right."

"Hmm," Hiruzen nodded gravely. An overbearing tension enveloped Hiruzen's office until the man sighed and dismissed Danzo.

"All that matters is that Hirenji failed to achieve anything with Nawaki's remains. Good work. You should rest and enjoy what remains of the celebration."

"You know I won't," Danzo's dry reply cut through Hiruzen's humor as the man stood and flickered from the office.


Alternate Title: Ehm, Kushina Likes To Be Between Kai and Mikoto; The Cute Redhead Rules; Kai's Thing With Tsunade; Thinking More; Unable To Forget The Cleavage; Nothing Like The Real Stuff; Kai: I'll Seduce Tsunade! *Gets Seduced Instead*; Their Little Secret; Motivating Peeks; Tsunade: If You Can't Force Obedience, Motivate It Instead; Kai's Training Turned Harder; Levels of Grooming; Corruptive On All Sides; Dekai And Yuna?; Mischief Turned Self-Destruction; Mikoto Got Saved By Rikudo FR; The Gosipping Bunch; Kushina Remains The Loyal Harem Collector; Kai Just Nudged Kushina and Mikoto To Goblinoid Jerking Session Routes; Kai: Nah, I'd Get Groomed; Dekai, The 4 Inch Destroyer; Ken Sarutobi Catching Strays; The Disastrous Stalking; Kushina Almost Ruined Kai; Kushina Made Kai's Day; Farty-Chan's The Cutest; Kushina's No Lady; The Hidden Shadows; The Team of Researchers; Lies and Truths; The Dream and Reality; Root Really Pulled a 'Wake Up To Reality' Move; The External Forces; The Wanted Treasure; Cultured; Danzo Likes Culture?; Order 69 When?; Hidden Treasure; The Falsified Report; A Gateway To Power; The Last Day of Celebration; Light and Shadow; The Unjudging Darkness; Bloody Fest; Hospital's Turnover; Synthesizing Past With Present; Always CREMATE The Remains; Dekai: Once You Go Black—; Kushina Really Taking DAT Measurement


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