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8.33% Raundon (BL) / Chapter 1: Lucky shot
Raundon (BL) Raundon (BL) original

Raundon (BL)

Autor: Edetnitt

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Lucky shot

"Wow, look at that sky. Did you bring your umbrella, Jaxen?"

A young man sighs while wearing his hoodie over his head, showing a smile back to the owner who was right behind him, carefully closing the backdoor. The weather had just get worse all of a sudden and it was heavily raining by now. "No. But I'm okay. I will just run back," Jaxen waves goodbye and takes a bold step under the rain, jogging.

It was friday evening, almost midnight. The gas station Jaxen worked three days a week wasn't so far from his home. Usually he would have simple walk all the way home, that took about half an hour. But because of this stormy weather Jaxen was seriously thinking if he should just take the train instead. That would save some time. Or at least his clothes.. He didn't want to get sick either, been already damn soaking wet.

After making his mind he takes the other road and jogs calmly toward the main street. The area where he was heading to get to the train station was a customer service focused, full of restaurants and night clubs. Even under this weather, party people haven't let the rain slow them down. There were people under the shelters. Laughing could be heard here and there. Taxi lines were awfully long.

Jaxen wouldn't think himself as an antisocial, he was popular in school, but things like going in the clubs and get yourself dead drunk to have fun has never been his thing ever. Of course he was still a minor, couldn't even get inside bars yet, but many of his friends were like that, drinking. Giving an examble what kind he definitely wasn't, like, take a look at the guy who was slowly walking ahead of him, wearing a startling black coat with blue sleeves, waving from left to right while walking. This evening has definitely took the best of him. Guy was visibly wasted.

So wasted he drops his phone and after a second to even realize where his phone went he has to take a step back to pick it up again. When he gets back up, a step behind makes him fall down on his ass. From that he simple drops down to lie on the ground, not minding the rain. Jaxen has got even closer by now and could easily hear this deep sigh from the guy lying on the road, even under the heavy raining. "..nemui.."

Jaxen slows his steps, even his breathing. Was this guy really okay by himself? It took about two seconds Jaxen to realize he clearly wasn't. Instead of trying to get up or something, guy takes even more comfortable position, using his own hand as a pillow.

"Hey..," Jaxen says out loud, poking the guy with his shoe. "You can't possible think to sleep here.."

But guy doesn't answer. He was ready to have his rest. Jaxen looks around them, then back to the sleeping guy. Should he call staff from the nearest bar? Or police? What exactly you do in the situation like this?! He can't just leave the guy take his nap here. There was no way he could just ignore this one. So he knees down and shakes the guy from the shoulder. "Hey. Let's go under the shelter. You will catch a cold like this.."

No answer. Just a quiet hum. At least he heard him. But wasn't that chatty in his condition. "You have someone I can call for you? To pick you up?" Jaxen trys.

"Pick up?" guy actually mumbles back, nothing else.

Guy was seriously half asleep already. There was no way Jaxen could get anything useful out of him. Sighing, he reachs out to others hand. "Okay. I'm gonna borrow your phone, if you may," he gently takes the phone from guys strong hold and covers it with his hand, to protect it from the heavy rain. The screen was black. Did it break when guy fell? No. The battery has just died. The screen doesn't look damaged at all. But finding that out didn't help Jaxen at all.

After another lost sigh, Jaxen puts the phone in guys pocket and closes the zipper. "You are not going to help me at all here, ha?" he tsihs and shakes the guy again. "Hey! I really need to get you up! I can escort you where ever so give me a hint where you were going."

No answer. Guy looked very comfortable and sleeping.

"You are shitting me..," third sigh. Guy looked young, around his own age, probably. Should Jaxen call police? He definitely looked young enough to still live with his parents.

Jaxen gets up again, looking around. What the hell he should do..?

- - -

"Okay, there's another doorstep. Raise your legs one by one," Jaxen instructs and helps this half-sleeping guy walk inside the living area. And all the way to the back of the apartment where Jaxens own room was. Finally he drops the young man on the bed, letting out the hundredth sigh. Being so exhausted after carrying the drunker all the way from the spot he found him to Jaxens own home.

Young guy takes a better position and lets out a relaxed breath. He was clearly happy to finally find a sleeping spot what didn't move so much.

"Yeah, you surely do look way too happy," Jaxen curses the other in his mind while stretching his back and shoulders. Now that he had a better light around, this drunker actually looked a little familiar. And pretty handsome. "Yo. Haven't I seen you around..?" He was now quite sure he migh have seen this guy in his school. So he really was a student too, underage. If his parents or their school would find out he was this down and drunk, he's gonna be in big trouble.

After rolling the guy to take his wet jacket and jeans away, Jaxen throws a blanket over him, leaving the other sleep his drunkenness away.

- - - -

The sound of the maindoor opening woke Jaxen up. Immediately he turns his eyes toward the clock on the wall, just to realize he had fall asleep without setting a proper alarm to wake up earlier. He had slept on the couch the rest of the night since his bed was currently taken. "Oh shit, I need to get going soon," he mumbles and pushs himself to sit, wiping his eye while turning to look the woman who was now walking in the living area, giving a loving smile.

"Good morning, dear," woman greets and pets Jaxens messy bed hair while walking pass the couch. "How come you slept here? Did the movie channel give free watching time again?"

"Wrong. My bed is full right now," Jaxen answers and gets slowly up.


"There is this random guy.."

"Ha?!" woman raises his voice and turns her eyes to look at his son. Then she glances toward Jaxens room. And lets her imagination run. "You brought a date here and got into a fight and that is why you had to sleep on the couch?"

"Ha?!" young man scowls. He was at work the whole evening. Why THAT was her first guess? "Mom! No!"

Woman smirks. Of course she was joking. "Is he cute?"

Jaxen sighs again. His life has become one big sigh all of a sudden. "I saw him falling asleep in the middle of the street. I think he's from my school. I didn't know what to do so I helped him walk here."

"Whaaat? Really?" woman rushly walks toward the room on the back, opens ther door and peeks in. There really was someone on the bed, hugging a pillow, sleeping.

Jaxen takes a look at the clock on the wall once again. "I need to go soon."

"Dock working today?" she wonders out loud when walking back to the living area.

"Yeah. I can escort him to the train station at least."

Woman tsihs and waves her hand relaxedly. "What, you are going to wake him up? I'm home the rest of the day. I can take it from here. Let the poor boy sleep."

"Ha? I'm not leaving him here alone with you! He is a random guy. Who knows what he could do.."

"I see dangerous people in the hospital daily. I think your mother knows how to handle one brat," she smiles and tickles her sons chin. "Besides he looks cute."

"Him looking cute doesn't mean he is nice.."

- - - -

The headache was bad. Very very freaking bad. But it was warm under the blanket, so that help Kaz deal the worst of his state. He felt so cold last night. Sleeping on the wet ground..

Wait, did he really sleep in such a place? He definitely remembers thinking that it was very wet.. Kaz opens his eyes a little. See, he's properly sleeping in the bed. He doesn't remember arriving home, but he has clearly done a good job on his own. He has even put his phone in charge. The battery died just before he left the bar so he couldn't call his ride. But his alter ego has helped him find his way safely back home.

While he was trying to remember how he got home, with a taxi or what, Kaz starts to wonder when he has rearranged his furnitures. Has his table always been there? Shouldn't his TV be on the wall?

Where is the TV? He was now staring the room eyes wide open. This is not his room!

Kaz sits up fastly just to make his headache even worse. Grinning from the pain young man holds his head while eyeing the room, feeling very confused. Seriously, where the hell he is? The room around him was small. There wasn't much furnitures, only the bed, school table and the integrated wardrobe. The curtains were open, showing the river view from the window. His phone was charging on this small level on the wall next to the bed.

He was wearing only his t-shirt and boxers, and definitely doesn't remember taking his clothes off.

- - - -

Kaz opens the door carefully, peeking out the room just to see a short hallway area with two doors and one bigger door to the backyard. Some noises could be heard coming from the back of the wider area, on the other side of the wall. There was definitely someone with him in.

A woman was standing in front of the cooking island, hands moving around when she cuts some ingredients and adds them in the pot which was boiling on the stove.

Gathering up his courage, Kaz steps forth. "Emm, excuse me..," he dares to open his mouth to take womans attention. He was now standing on the doorway.

Woman turns immediately her eyes on the young man, smiling. "Ah, good morning," she says and leans her hands on the island, smirking. "Have a bad hangover?"

"Very..," Kaz answers nodding, still very confused of the situation he has found himself. "Erm, I'm sorry, but I can't remember how I.. Where exactly am I?"

"Yeah, I heard you fall asleep on the street. My son is the one who found you. I'm Luna Clandon," Luna introduces herself and straightens her back. "You are in our home. Not long fall from the train station. X area."

"Right..," Kaz sighs. After hearing her and clearing his mind he fastly takes a pose and bows. "S-sorry! I must have cause you so much trouble!"

"Ah, don't mind it. We all get lost sometimes," Luna laughs and waves her hand. "Please don't think it too much. I heard you were light to lead. But the least you can do is tell me your name. We are partners in crime now, right? If you ain't playing nicely I will contact your parents."

"Yes! Kaz! Kazuro Hallen," young man states vigorously, bowing once again. "I-! I was out drinking and -! I didn't think I would pass out on the place like that! I'm so sorry!"

Luna tries to hold the rest of her laugh. Young man was clearly feeling guilty about that all. "Well, I'm not the one you need to apologize. That guy needed to leave earlier to work. And the prime thing here is that you are okay. Now, go wash your face and come back to do your share. We are making dinner. Since you slept over the breakfast, meat filled pot is what you will get."

This might go to the top one in Kaz's top weirdest mornings ever. No, this was the very weirdest. When he really didn't find any words to speak anymore, Luna raises her eyebrow, like showing a gesture she wasn't ready to negotiate. In her home, she was the word. Who you should follow.

"Y-yes!" Kaz nods once again, taking a step back and turning around, thinking to do exactly as he was told. But he has to turn back, giving an unsure look.

Luna takes the hint. "Behind you, the door in your left," she leads while pointing the door on the back.

Once again, Kaz nods, turns and walks straight toward the restroom.

- - - -

When Kaz came back, Luna gave him back his clothes which Jaxen has washed and dried earlier. With properly dressed now, Kaz walks back in the living area where Luna was still making their dinner.

Because of the weirdly nice atmosphere and way too relaxing, not minding act from the woman, Kaz just takes his spot next to the woman and starts to peel onions, feeling awfully nice actually, even when his headache was still quite bad. He could have woke up in very different place, like in the drunk tank or something. Being here now, peeling onions, he didn't comlain a bit.

"So, I take a look in your pockets earlier. What is with the fake ID, 'Kim Miller'?" Luna asks while roiling her concoction. "You do this often? Go in bars and restaurants with those IDs?"

Kaz suddenly felt very guilty. "That-! Not often. Just sometimes.."

"You do realize how lucky you are that it was my son who found you. I can tell just by the look of your nice smart watch and phone you are from a wealthy family. Not only you could have been robbed, there are all kind of people here.."

"Yes! I will be more careful from now on."

"Yes you will. 'Cause I'm gonna keep those IDs," Luna smirks, showing with her wide smile she wasn't kidding. Kaz looks the woman next to him, then lets out a deep sigh. Yeah, it could have been worse.. Losing his IDs wasn't that big of a deal. "Have you properly let your parents know where you are?" Lunas asks then, getting back to where she left with her cookings.

"Yes," that was a lie. But explaining himself and his family circumstance to others was always causing unnecessary drama.

"Good. When we have eaten, I'm going to the discount store," Luna adds the onions Kaz has just cutted, giving young man other ingredients to keep himself busy. "There is no way a kid like you live in this neigborhood, so are you heading to the train station? I can see you there."

"Yes," Kaz keeps politely.

- - - -

And really, after the dinner, which was easily the best meal Kaz has had in a long time, Kaz follows Luna out of the apartment. Now he could see the actual building. It was an old apartment building, two floors, having steeled stairs placed in the middle of it from where you could go to the higher level. Every apartment has it own entrance from the side of the inner court, where were some flowers and bushs planted. Even when the area was clearly old and full of concrete buildings, the green park looking court brought at least a little bit of nature in here. It was well cared for too.

The apartment they just got out was on the first floor, first from the right. That apartment door Luna was now closing behind her, before leading them toward the main street. Luna was a very chatty woman. Very social. She was a nurse, working in two different hospitals this area of the city has. Night shifts were what she usually does during this time of year. The circle changes from time to time. Also the amount of work has been increasing.

That all Kaz could learn from her only during this short walk, since she talk about herself, non-stop, all the way to the train station which actually was pretty near. After Luna gave him one last note to be more careful in the future, they apart their ways. Waving his hand for goodbye, Kaz walks toward the station, while Luna was heading to her businesses. When making sure woman wasn't looking back, Kaz makes a turn and starts to walk to the opposite direction from the station.

Instead of taking a train, he simple calls a taxi. "To the X area," Kaz reguests and after shutting the door he leans back and lets himself relax, sighing deeply. Damn, that was a weird morning. How he could get himself so wasted he couldn't remember a thing what happened..?

He was with those girls in the mall. They talk him go with them to that club. There definitely were quite many tequila shots.. Yeah, he did realize there he was becoming too intoxicated so he plan to leave. But they talk him to stay longer. He was buying, right? Their drinks too? Fastly Kazuro checks his account, rolls down to see how much exactly he did spend. There were many credit transfers. But the amount wasn't so high what he first had feared. No wonder he lost his memory too. Indeed, he was lucky to have someone find him before cops did.

Someone.. That woman said her son was the one. That was his room Kaz woke up in? But didn't she look quite young? Having a son at her age, guy must be younger than Kaz was? He went to work? If he was able to work they must be about the same age.. The room did look like a students room..

Did Kaz hear the name? No. That woman was only talking about herself the whole time so he doesn't know the name.. Luna.. Clandon.. was it?

Sigh. No, did it really matter. He probably wouldn't see those people ever again. They live on the other side of the river than he does. But if he was a student still, they could be from the same school. They live on the same area, at least. Might be?

"Clandon..," Kaz wonders quietly out loud and moves his eyes out of the window, looking the city around them.

Damn, his headache was still quite bad..

- - - -

"Welcome back," Luna calls from the kitchen after hearing the door going. "Are you hungry. We made pot so help yourself up."

Jaxen takes his shoes off and walks in the living area, seeing his mother leaning on the island, watching TV. Young mans eyes survey carefully the area. "Did he leave?"

"Yeah. He was quite a cute," Luna shows this very adoring smile. "You have a good eye. Bringing such a hottie in."

"Did he apologize properly?" Jaxen asks, ignoring his mothers nonsenses.

"He did. His name was Kazuro Hallen. Sixteen years old."

"Kazuro?" So guy was really a second yearer, a sophomore. Younger than him??

"I think he prefers been called Kaz," woman hands a soda bottle to Jaxen when young man got next to the island. "He was very polite and didn't complain when I made him help with the dinner. But I kept his fake IDs."

"Fake ID's?"

"I sniffed his clothes. He had them save inside his jackets chest pocket," Luna explains. "He gave me his real name right away when I asked."

What kind of student this guy was? Growing a little curious Jaxen leans to the island. "There is a photo?"

Luna search the drawer under the island and takes out the ID, giving it to Jaxen. First young man focus on looking the guy in the photo. "Yeah, that's his face.. Kim? Twenty years old? With that face? How he pass in with this?"

"Well he looked quite mature, being so tall and handsome. Even if he definitely act immature."

Jaxen gives the ID back and takes a gulp from the soda. "Lets hope he learnt his lesson. Although I would had like to punch him once. He was freaking heavy.."

"Aww, I'm so proud of my son, acting so mature. How good behaving child I have raised," Luna was all shine after hearing her sons cool sounding words. And more, her son was a hero.

Young man tsihs and heads toward his room. "What ever. Good he is gone. I got my room back."

"Ah, I could have keep him in forever," woman keeps talking on her own when Jaxen was already walking away. The door to his room was open, bed properly made. Everything look the same as always.

Except the small note which has appeared on the middle of his worktable.

"Thanks! ♥" was all the note said.

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