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9.3% Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF) / Chapter 8: A Brilliant Experience

Capítulo 8: A Brilliant Experience

Once I was dressed, I looked to the side of the room where all of my equipment was neatly placed. I had made a makeshift armour stand, the warhammer was against the wall alongside my quivers and my newly earned goldenheart bow rested on a shelf. I looked outside through my window and tried to calculate the time.

It seemed to be a little late into the morning.

My stomach grumbled at that very moment…

'Man can't fight on an empty stomach.'

I got up and made my way to the dining hall. It was pretty damn lively for the morning… the hall was damn near full. I went for my seat and went on to break my fast in silence. As I looked around, I wondered exactly who I had interacted with the night prior. Half of it was a blurry mess… was this how a hangover felt?

I decided to finish my food as quickly as possible.

Afterwards, I went to talk with Renly Baratheon.

"How much time until the melee starts?"

"You're participating in the melee?" Renly Baratheon chuckled.

"I want to get some experience out of it, at the very least." I replied, nodding. "I doubt I'll win but it'll prepare me for any future melees."

"I see… the melee will be in a few hours. You still have plenty of time. Do not throw yourself into the heat of the battle, injuries are common in such events. If you feel that you are at a grave disadvantage, conceding would be wise."

"I'll keep that in mind, uncle."

After reading about several tourneys previously, I had a good idea of how a melee worked. Everyone would start mounted in a massive free-for-all, taking their weapons of choice. Depending on the host, these weapons could either be blunted or the real thing. In this case… we were using the real thing. Once dismounted, combatants could continue fighting until they were killed, beaten to unconsciousness or simply gave up.

I decided to take everything at my disposal; bow, sword, throwing weapons and warhammer. The good thing is that I had bought a war saddle alongside my horse, giving me plenty of room to place my weapons.

Though, the more I thought about it, the more I realised that I always practised on the ground. Mounted combat… yeah, I was going to have to adapt quickly. Given that I had a few hours, I decided to see what I could do. I took my equipment and horse to the yard.

Starting with archery, I tried to shoot from horseback. With my destrier standing still, my aim didn't change much. I only had to alter it due to the greater height that I was shooting from. If anything, it was easier to aim for heads. But then… I made my horse charge onwards and a whole new world opened up.

By a whole new world… I mean my aim became dog wank.

'Well, shit. That's a new thing to practise.'

Given all the movement and constantly changing distance, it was difficult to be accurate. I had to actively adjust my aim every moment to be accurate… but then I slowly discovered a trick. Predicting where to shoot. Instead of actively changing my shot, I started to have it where it would be a second or so in the future and fire at the perfect moment.

'Is this a form of hyper-focus?'

This trick took me a few hours to get a decent hang of… and, by then, the bells for the melee were already ringing.

'This reminds me of doing homework an hour before school…' I chuckled, shaking my head. 'All this time, I was so focused on being the best fighter on the ground without realising that mounted combat was just as important… if not more. Then again, I was focused on winning the archery contest. The melee didn't come to mind until later.'

'Well, it's not like I was going to win either way…'

I quickly got on my plate armour, making my way to the tournament grounds on horseback right after. Compared to the archery and throwing contests, the crowd was on another level. Clearly, the melee was a far more prestigious event. There were so many looks of excitement… everyone wanted to see dozens of motherfuckers bash each other's brains in. Surprisingly, Loras Tyrell was one of the participants. I thought he was more of a joust guy… I saw Brienne in the mix too. There was Robert and Arthur as well.

Jaime Lannister was not in attendance and neither were most of the Kingsguard. The joust was still the greater event, both in prize and prestige. I took a ride around, scanning the crowd. Still without my helmet, I hoped to see a familiar face. In a certain row, there were plenty of ladies… and there she was.

We exchanged looks but she didn't smile.

"Alysanne, why do you look so upset?" I raised an eyebrow, smiling slightly. "You look far prettier when you smile."

"Hmph." She pouted, looking away.

'Yikes… what did drunk me do?'

"Edric Storm…"

I turned, realising the person who addressed me was the hot blonde girl.

'Oh hell naw, why does she have to be so close? You don't have to make this more embarrassing for either of us.'

"Would you receive… my favour?" She questioned, raising her arm to present a fancy band of black cloth with a silver crescent on it.

'I beg your pardon?'

I looked at her, puzzled.

'Alysanne… you gonna fight for your man's?' I glanced at Alysanne who didn't even look at me. 'That's crazy.'

My petty self was tempted to take the favour and roll with it. I mean, the blonde girl was pretty fine…

Then I saw Raiden Shogun floating to the side. How could anyone compare to her? She was the one I wanted most… she was the reason why I pushed myself to be even better. The reason why I hesitated saying yes to Alysanne. If she never existed, would I have done that? No.

"My lady, you ought to find someone more worthy of your favour. You do yourself a grave disservice by giving it to me." I lightly grasped her hand, lowering it. I couldn't hide my grin… it was too much. "After all, I am Edric Storm. The bastard of Storm's End… how could someone like me ever be worthy of such a beautiful, proper, lady's favour?"


She was speechless.

Was I a cunt? Maaaybe. But she was a cunt to me first.

I turned away and hurried my horse.

"You rejected that lady's favour?" Arthur joined me on horseback. "The previous night, you were saying that she was the love of your life."

"..." I felt like crying. "I was drunk, couldn't you see that much?"

"It takes great courage for a lady to give a contestant her favour… and to be rejected like that is truly terrible. You ought to apologise when you can."

"Man… you shouldn't dig your nose in matters that aren't related to you." I rolled my eyes. "When we last met, she rejected me in the most cruel manner imaginable."

"And so, you decided to mislead her and do the same?"

"I never meant to say whatever I did say… in the end, it's all a misunderstanding. In truth, I'd rather she avoided me."

"The least you could do is clear the confusion, in that case."

"Maybe…" I admitted, nodding. Then again, I didn't feel like doing all that. Was it worthwhile to lower my head to a person like that… someone who I have no interest in?

"That is what a true knight would do."

'A true knight…'

I thought, considering my options.


I turned to the side, noticing a familiar banner. Three brass buckles… on a blue field. Robert.

"Edric Storm, I, Robert of House Buckler, will see you on the field!"

"Listen… whatever I did the previous night, I didn't mean it." I replied, shaking my head.

"Don't you dare run from my challenge!"

Knowing Robert… it was pointless.

"... Fine, I'll see you on the field too." I sighed, putting on my helmet. "You better not concede to anyone before facing me, however."

"Oh, I won't. You have my word… on the honour of my house!"

After making his oath, he hurried his horse away.

"What happened to him?" I wondered.

"You kissed his 'intended'. Intended is putting it lightly… you know Robert, he has little luck with the ladies. She showed no interest in him. In the end, you two had a brawl over her and you were winning before being pushed apart."

"What a mess…" I remarked. "I'll have to face the consequences of my actions."

"Good luck." Arthur nodded, turning away. "I hope we don't end up facing each other."

"Can't we team up, worst-case scenario?" I smiled slightly.

"That would be dishonourable."

"Of course, it would be, Arthur the honourable could never do such a thing."

"The best I will do is avoid you."

"Sounds like a good strategy on your end… you wouldn't want to lose too early, would you?" I chuckled.

"Keep dreaming." Arthur chuckled. "Don't be too stubborn, Edric the Arrogant. The melee can be a deadly place."

"You're the second person to tell me that. Does everyone think I'll get myself hurt on purpose?"

"It's your stubborn pride… unless you're on the floor with a sword to your throat, you never stand down."

"There's a reason why I wield the bow… to avoid such circumstances." I replied.

"Until you wield that warhammer, I presume." Arthur remarked. "Good luck."

"... You too." I nodded.

"May the melee begin!!!"

At the same second, over dozens of horses charged all over the place. Lances crashed into armour and horses, leading to several people being unhorsed within the first few seconds. Few gave a shit about honour… the melee was a dirty mess where winning was the main goal!

I had been staying still the entire time, waiting in a corner. I noticed a cunt charging straight for me. I took an arrow and shot his horse in the eye… which led to the horse going back on itself and crushing its mounted knight onto the ground.

I drew another arrow, aiming straight for his head.

"I concede! I concede!"

He raised his arms.

"Help me out…" The knight asked, frowning deeply. "This horse… is heavy."

'I know this fucker ain't asking for my help.' I looked down at him and then around the field. If I dismounted and spent a whole minute to set him free… what are the chances of me being royally fucked?

I glanced at his banner, realising that it was black with a silver crescent. Is he related to the blonde girl as well? Man… I guess I should kinda… ughhh, this is long.

I swiftly dismounted and sprinted to the knight. Using all the strength in my arms, I pushed alongside the knight, tossing the heavy horse to the side. Afterwards, I felt way too bloody tired.

"Get the fuck out of here."

"You have my thanks." The knight nodded. "A strange boy… you have honour yet you do not. For this great favour, I will leave you with my sword."

'... This man can't be serious.'

"Mate, I'm in the middle of a melee… you can do that later."

"Ah, I see." The knight nodded. "Later it is."

I got onto my horse as quickly as I could… but someone else was already on my tail. Three brass buckles… it was Robert!

He was charging at me with a lance… and I didn't have enough time to load an arrow. I hurried my horse, charging slightly to the side. Yet, he managed to tilt his lance ever so slightly and thrust me off-balance. My riding was still a bit lacking… so I tumbled off my horse and onto the ground.

My quiver of arrows spread across the ground… but I still had my goldenheart bow in hand. I swiftly got up and realised that Robert had dismounted, meeting me on the ground with a morningstar in his right and a shield in his left hand.

"Me and you, Edric… you better not run!"

"I wouldn't have it any other way!"

I grinned, accepting the challenge.

I put my goldenheart bow on my back, drawing the warhammer from my horse's saddle.

Robert stormed forward, swinging his morningstar straight for my head.

'Is he trying to kill me!?'

I dashed back, countering with a two-handed strike with my warhammer which narrowingly hit the side of his chest. He stumbled back… and I took that as a cue to keep going. I raised the warhammer, aiming to smash it against his shoulder. He managed to raise his shield, blocking the blow. However, it struck like thunder… jolting his hand.

I kept hammering on, smashing into his shield and keeping him on the defensive.

In the end, his defence did crumble as I forced him to the ground.

"Concede!" I lowered my warhammer onto his chest.

"I…" Robert hesitated, moving his right hand. "Concede."

I suddenly felt an unfathomable pain in my back as something forced me down onto the ground…

I collapsed onto Robert, moving the warhammer away with my last ounce of strength.

That was the last I saw of the melee.


In the end, I spent several days bedridden and ended up missing out on the entire joust. I only got to hear of it… apparently it was grand and competitive. In the end, Jaime Lannister had unhorsed all of his opposition and took the title of champion, naming the Queen Cersei Lannister as the Queen of Love and Beauty. Well, that wasn't suspicious at all since Kingsguard were obligated to name their Queen if they won the joust.

As for the melee… I had taken a speeding lance to the back which took me out for the count. Towards the end, it was Arthur Tudbury, Yohn Royce, Thoros of Myr and Loras Tyrell who had remained. After beating flowerboy and taking some wounds, Yohn Royce faced Thoros of Myr and lost to him. As for Arthur, his horse had failed him in a clash against Thoros' flaming sword… running away. In the end, he too, fell to Thoros of Myr.

That priest was going to be a rich man… but knowing him, he'd just spend it all on getting drunk.

I was seething, knowing damn well I was just as capable as Arthur. I could've stayed till the end… but I was too focused on my one confrontation. My tunnel-vision had led to me besting Robert but losing the melee as a whole.

Also, my chestplate was now fucked thanks to the lance. The maester had no idea how I was able to recover so quickly from such a blow… and more so, without any lasting wounds. The maester presumed that it was the armour which had tanked the majority of the damage. Still, he called my case a great anomaly.

"That red priest… how could they allow a man like him to keep the victor's purse? He used a damned flaming sword, that has to be against the rules." Arthur complained, shaking his head.

"You're talking to me about dishonour… I got a lance to the back." I countered, chuckling. "Nevermind that… it's just as you said, the experience is what counts. We know where to improve for the next melee."

"How do you prepare for a flaming sword?" Arthur raised an eyebrow.

"Get a flaming sword yourself." I jested, shrugging my shoulders. "Seriously, though, get a horse that isn't afraid of a little fire."

"As if suicidal horses are common." Arthur replied, smiling slightly.

"I never said they were…"

Suddenly, the door opened to a familiar face. It was Alysanne, who's eyes widened as she saw me awake. She rushed to me, giving me a tight embrace. I was surprised, to say the least.

"When I saw that lance strike you like that…"

"You were worried?" I smiled, putting my arms around her. "Well, I'm fine now, aren't I?"

"Clueless." Arthur muttered.

"I'm so glad…" She stepped away, smiling slightly.

"Now, I don't think that ever would've happened if I had your favour." I refuted, pouting slightly. "I'll be honest, I was tempted to take that lady's when I saw that you weren't offering yours."

"... Well, you said she was the love of your life as you kissed her the night prior?" She remarked, frowning slightly. "What was I supposed to think?"

"You didn't notice that I was completely drunk?" I questioned, shaking my head.

"Well, sometimes… drunk people say the truth that they have been hiding all along."

"Or they say something bizarre and stupid." I added. "That was that. Regardless, I've decided to apologise for my actions."

Once I was good enough to get going, I looked for that blonde girl like a needle in a haystack. In the end, I did find her during the final feast of the tourney. I also noticed the knight who I had unhorsed with my arrow… he stood right beside her.

"Uh… well, I've come to apologise for my previous actions." For a moment, I couldn't meet her eye. Why the hell was I doing this again? True knight bullshit? Fuck you Arthur… really, fuck you.

"On that night I was drunk and acted unlike me… from my words to my actions, I didn't mean any of it. This led to the confusion at the melee which I had wished was never a thing." I stated, taking a deep breath. "I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me and move on."

"... I forgive you." She replied, to my shock.

"Boy, let us talk."

"..." I looked up, watching the knight put his arm around my neck and take me to the side. 'What does he want?'

"My daughter, Cynthea, is a stubborn girl who has rejected countless suitors. She is pretty, no one can object to that… but her stubborn nature has made it difficult for me. Alas…"

"What does that have to do with me?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I'll cut straight to the point. She is most interested in you. I am aware that she insulted you long ago… but it has been years since then and you were not who you are now. Given the stunt that you pulled earlier, you should take some responsibility."

'Take responsibility? For what??'

"I did apologise." I shrugged. "What more do you want me to do? Besides, I already have a lady in my heart. You could certainly do better than a landless bastard like me when it comes to a beautiful daughter like her…"

"... Certainly, I could set a match with a rich lord. Though, from experience, I do not want the same for my daughter. Her happiness is of paramount importance to me."

"You're a great father, then." I acknowledged with a nod. "Whatever fascination Cynthea might have for me, however, is artificial. She might think I'm what she wants… but that's hardly true. She doesn't know my true self in the slightest. In the end, she should find someone who truly loves her."

"... Is that what you truly believe?"

"Indeed. Also, I'm sorry for shooting down your horse earlier. You can keep the sword you promised."

"..." He sighed, shaking his head. "Why is the youth always so difficult?"

I took a deep breath after turning away. 'Glad that's settled.'

'Jeez… how did I go from being all alone to rejecting a hottie like that?'

'If it were the old me, I'd be all over her… though, she wouldn't look at the old me, would she?'

'The truth is always bitter.'

I recalled something a classmate of mine said. She tried to sound all smart by saying that but… sometimes, the truth really was bitter.


On the banquet night, Robert Baratheon's chambers were full of moans and laughter. I was just passing by… making my way to my room. Jaime Lannister stood by the door. He didn't look amused by the sounds behind him in the slightest.

'Ser Jaime… should I chat to him?' I wondered as I kept stepping forward. 'Man, why not?'

"Are you looking for squires?" I asked, half-jokingly.

"You want to be my squire?" Jaime Lannister chuckled, shaking his head. "Run along, Edric Storm. If you knew how dull it would be, you would have never asked."

"Right… it doesn't seem like you do much, do you?" I stroked my chin. "Standing by the door, hearing… almost watching the king act unfaithfully to your sister. Despite being the best swordsman in the Seven Kingdoms, you spend your days as a glorified bodyguard to someone so obscene."

"... You have a sharp tongue for a boy." Jaime Lannister remarked. "Perhaps too sharp for your own good."

"I'm not wrong though, am I?"

"So… if you already have that opinion of the Kingsguard, why would you ask to be my squire? Seems rather pointless as you would be following me around, doing as I do."

"I want to be as good as you." I admitted, glancing to the side. "No, I want to be better…"

"Best of luck with that." Jaime Lannister smiled. "The only time you'll have a chance is when I am far too old and have lost my step."

"So… if I beat you before then, would you knight me?"

"Knight you?" He scoffed. "Why would you want me to knight you?"

"Because only the best knight is worthy of knighting me."

"... I see." He chuckled, shaking his head. "You remind me of myself in my youth, you truly do. This strong admiration for knights… that look in your eyes is the same look that I once had for Ser Arthur. Yet, why do you have this admiration for one known as the 'Kingslayer', the least honourable knight in the realm?"

"In my eyes, you are the most honourable. You saved everyone from the Mad King and whatever atrocity he could've had planned… despite your oath. That makes you a true knight, a knight who protects the weak."

"... How is a boy like you cleverer than most of the Realm, I wonder?" Jaime Lannister tilted his head. "For one of Robert's bastards, you are quite the impressive individual."

"Why, thank you." I smiled slightly. "I try my best."

"I would like you for a squire… but the Kingsguard is not what it once was nor would a boy like you be amused by those duties. You would do far better on your own. But… if you do manage to best me in single combat in the future, I would agree to knight you."

"Wait, really?" My eyes lit up.

"You would have to best me without the use of a ranged weapon."

"Deal." I nodded. "Uhm… if you have the time, can you teach me some tricks with the sword?"

"You are stretching your luck, boy." Jaime Lannister frowned slightly.

"I mean… it's not like you're doing anything too important when you're off-duty, right?"

"... Mayhaps I could give a short session."

"Is that a yes?"

"... Perform notably in a melee or a joust." Jaime Lannister suddenly thought of something, stroking his chin. "You must earn it first… then I will instruct you for a little."

"Alright, I'll earn it! You better keep your word."

I turned back, continuing down the corridor to my chamber.

"What a strange boy…" Jaime Lannister muttered to himself.

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