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64.06% Prince of the Desert / Chapter 82: Gifts

Capítulo 82: Gifts

11 Day 4 Moon of 259AC

Dorne, Lemonwood

The days turned into weeks and by the beginning of his third week in Lemonwood, Doran had almost everything ready to continue with his Tour of Dorne. He only needed to finish packing everything and say goodbye to his family, which was undoubtedly the most difficult part of the whole thing.

Doran woke up that day an hour before the sun was up in the sky, he put his trunks in the middle of the room he called home for the last few weeks and started packing up his last belongings.

Given his social position, he could easily send a servant to do this task, but the prince keeps more than just clothes in his trunks.

`It would be... awkward for someone to see what I have inside these trunks.`

Of his trunks, two of them are ordinary, the ones containing his clothes, weapons, and armor. But the other two have different runes and enchantments, one of them is his portable potion lab and the other contains a wide variety of miscellaneous items, some of them magic in nature.

The first trunk that he modified was one that he ordered to build some northern artisans, made of ironwood, to that trunk he engraved some runes to increase its capacity and reduce its size to that of a matchbox. He ended up giving that trunk to Lothar for his nameday a couple of years ago.

The laboratory trunk, also made of ironwood, has a mixture of runes and enchantments that increase its interior to the size of an average room, it also has enchantments to keep it immune to humidity, cold, fire, to maintain good ventilation, and to be able to shrink to the size of a matchbox.

Finishing this trunk took Doran half a year, of course in that time he also had to attend to other matters but even if he had dedicated himself completely to this project he would not have been able to finish it in less than a month and a half.

The second trunk is much simpler than the lab, it just has a series of runes and enchantments that expand its size and make it waterproof and fireproof. This chest serves as storage for his magical items, the prince also keeps a variety of mundane items for emergency situations.

Both chests also have a security system to prevent unauthorized access to them and strengthening runes to make them more durable.

Doran, after finishing storing everything, locks the security system and shrinks them, once in mini size he puts them in a leather bag that is tied to his waist.

Already dressed in his travel clothes Doran secures his sword and dagger at his waist and leaves the room with two packages in hand.

"Carry my trunks to the carts." He orders some Martell guards.

The descent to the main courtyard seemed short as he spent the whole time thinking about everything he would have to do in the coming months.

Noise and chaos reigned in the courtyard. The men were loading wagons, shouting, harnessing the horses, saddling them... The sky had clouded over, a light rain was falling, and everyone was in a hurry to finish all the preparations.

Lothar was in the middle of the chaos, shouting orders left and right, making sure everything was ready. The knight was dressed from head to toe in his silver armor and Doran would feel sorry for him if he hadn't put runes on that armor to increase its durability and regulate its temperature.

`Though there are knights who brave the desert heat clad in full armor on a daily basis,though I don't know whether to admire their guts or feel sorry for them. At least I know my sworn knight won't die of heat stroke, maybe one day all Dornish warriors will enjoy such luxuries, maybe in some distant future...`

"Your parents are looking for you." Lothar told him. "They want to say goodbye and start the trip as soon as possible."

"I thought so," Doran replied. "I'll go see them soon, I just have two packages to deliver." Doran looked around him, between the commotion and confusion with a worried look.

"Oh, yes. They will love it." Lothar said with a smile. "Don't worry so much, my prince. They are young but intelligent, they understand that there are things that your duty as a prince demands."

Lothar seems to have read the prince's mind. Mors and Olyvvar have been quieter and calmer as the day of departure drew closer, the day before they barely spoke to their older brother.

"I hope so, my friend. But even if they understand it, it doesn't make it any less harsh."

"Goodbyes are never easy," Lothar nods.

"Well... I'm going to look for them." Doran turns around and walks towards the keep, goes up to the floor where his brothers are staying, the Dalts put Doran on the same floor as Damon Dalt in the hope that they would become friends and his brothers were staying on the same floor as his parents at Obella's request.

He first went to see Mors, the ten year old boy was putting his belongings into his trunk quite diligently, folding each item of clothing neatly.

When he heard the sound of the door opening the prince looked back, he saw Doran and his face lit up before darkening and turning his head, ignoring his brother. Doran watched as Mors kept packing, ignoring him and sighed.

"Mors..." Doran walked over to his brother and sat down on the ground next to him. "When you left for Casterly Rock you weren't that upset."

"That trip was short! This time…" The prince's voice lowers and he crosses his arms.

Doran knows what he means, this time they will not see each other again for many months, perhaps the trip to the Summer Islands will last more than a year. It's not easy for him either.

"You know I don't like this either, brother."

"Then why don't you come with mama and me?!" Mors raises his voice and looks at him with eyes shining with hope.

"This Tour is not an adventure little brother, it is my duty as mother's heir to meet each of my future subjects. Mother was my age when she undertook her Tour, and our grandmother before her was also the same age when she undertook hers. "

Doran's explanation didn't placate his brother but it did crush his hopes.

"Then why can't I stay and join you on your tour?"

"Little brother... You are Lewyn's squire, you have your duties just like I have mine."

"That's not fair!" Tears begin to shine in the eyes of the younger prince. Doran ran a hand over his shoulder and pulled his brother to his, wrapped him in his arms and hugged him tight.

"I know, Mors. I know." Doran remembers the last time he had to say goodbye to his brother before spending months without seeing each other, it was when he was still studying at the Citadel and over the years that didn't get any easier.

After a few minutes Mors stops crying and moves away from his brother. He quickly wipes his eyes and turns his head, cheeks flushed.

"I'm not a crybaby," he mutters under his breath, Doran stifles a smile and pretends he didn't hear anything.

"Since this year I'm going to miss your nameday so I had made sure to prepare a present for you in advance." Doran gives one of the packages to his brother.

Mors's golden eyes sparkle with curiosity.

"This is no toy brother," Doran warned him. "Be very careful, don't cut yourself."

"Cut?" Mors quickly unwraps the cloth and sees a sheathed sword. "A sword!" Mors's face lights up and all traces of sadness disappear from his face.

The sheath is made of golden leather, very soft and flexible. Doran picks up the scabbard and slowly draws the sword so his brother can see the dark blue gleam of steel.

"Remember, this is not a toy, Mors. This sword is a weapon, meant to be used only to defend yourself. Promise you won't forget that." Doran's voice is firm and he looks at his brother very seriously.

"I promise!"

Doran continues to stare at his brother for a few moments before nodding and handing over the sword.

Mors took the sword very reverently and looked at it closely.

It is a short sword made from the finest steel that the Progress Town forges can create, it has runes etched into the sides of the blade and the grip has an orange leather sheath. The pommel is shaped like a sun and is made of gold.

"Is beautiful." Mors looks at his sword with mesmerized eyes. "Mother-"

"I've already talked to mother and you have permission to take it with you once you leave for the Summer Islands. Until then you'll have to keep it in your trunk."

Mors sighs and looks between his trunk and his sword with conflicted eyes, unwilling to part with his gift.

"And that package?" He finally asks, noticing the second package.

"It is Olyvvar's gift."

"It has the same shape as my sword. Are you going to give that baby a sword?! He just started training in a few days!" He yells with a frown.

"It's not a real sword," Doran's gaze hardens. "Mors, you are twice Olyvvar's age, you shouldn't fight him every two blinks. Remember that as an older brother your duty is to protect him, not antagonize him."

"But he's the one who messes with me! The other day he changed sugar with salt and when I had tea with Lady Genna I ended up spitting on her face!"

Doran coughs quickly to hide his laughter.

`That is a good one, a real classic`

"He's a baby, you got up to a lot of mischief when you were his age too. I remember that time you put mud on Lewyn's boots or that time you crawled under the table when mother was having tea with aunt Joanne and you made farts noises, or-"

"Enough!" Mors interrupts his brother with red cheeks.

"Like you said, you'll be on a long journey soon, Mors, and you won't see Olyvvar for a long time. So try to get along with him."

"Fine... I shall forgive his transgressions."

"Great!" Doran ruffles Mors's hair and just before he leaves he turns to his younger brother. "I almost forgot, all great swords have names. Think of a suitable one."

"Yes, a name..." Mors puts a hand to his chin and looks thoughtfully at the sword. "The steel is dark blue but the grip is orange and the pommel is sun-shaped- Sunsky! No, that sounds bad... Sunburn? Skyfall? Sunslash? Skylight?"

"Take your time, and when you finally decide on the name send me a letter." After giving Mors a kiss on the forehead, Doran leaves the room to visit his other brother.

Like Mors, Olyvvar was putting away his things in his trunk but unlike his tidy older brother the little one was piling all the clothes on top of each other.

"You're supposed to fold them." Doran laughs amused.

"Doran!" Olyvvar jumps up and runs to his older brother. Doran reaches down to catch him and Olyvvar throws his small arms around his neck.

"Aren't you mad at me anymore, little troublemaker?"

"Nope!" Olyvvar replied with a big smile. "Papa told me that he would teach me to ride when we get home and by the time you get back I'll be a better rider than you! You'll see!"

"I can't wait then, we will have a race!" Doran matches his younger brother's bright smile.


Doran walks with his brother in his arms to the bed and sits with Olyvvar on his lap.

"I have a present for you Olly."

"A gift?" Olyvvar starts jumping excitedly. "Give me! Give me! Give me!"

"Hahaha patience." Doran laughs and hands him the package.

The child unwraps it as fast as he can.

"A sword!" Olyvvar looks at his gift with the same enthusiasm as Mors.

`They argue like cats and dogs but they are very much alike`

Olyvvar's sword is made of wood and has the little prince's name carved on it.

"But if you won't be around to teach me..." Olyvvar trails off and deflates.

"Papa can teach you! He is the best swordsman in Dorne!" Doran is quick to say.

"Better than you?" Olyvvar looks at him in disbelief.

`I don't know whether to feel flattered or worried that my brothers have such a high opinion of me.`



"Of course!" Doran reassures his brother.

"Hm..." Olyvvar doesn't seem to quite believe him but he nods anyway.

"Well, with this sword I will become the best swordsman in the world!" Olyvvar jumps to the ground and raises his sword triumphantly. "I will defeat monsters and villains!"

Doran smiles fondly at his brother, who starts swinging his sword back and forth killing imaginary enemies.


After saying goodbye to Olyvvar, the elder prince returns to the courtyard, where a knight Martell told him that his parents where.

In the hours that he spent with his brothers, the chaos has calmed down and everything seems ready. Obella and Trystanne are talking to Lothar next to a cart.

"Mother, father" Doran hugs each of his parents.

"Hello, sweetling."

"Ready to go, son?" Trystanne puts a hand on Doran's shoulder.

"Yes, father." The prince nods.

"Have you already said goodbye to your brothers?" Asks his mother.


"How it went?"

"It went quite well, though there were some tears. Mors understood that this is my duty but I'm worried that Olyvvar didn't fully understand what was happening. My Tour will be over in a few moons but mother won't be back until next year..."

"Yeah, I don't think Olly has understood how long I'll be gone." Obella furrows her brow in concern.

"A year is a concept that a child who has barely lived 4 years cannot understand." Lothar joins the conversation.

"Olyvvar will be surrounded by his family, his grandparents, siblings, uncles and aunts, cousins... If Mors could get used to being without Doran when he was his age for three years Olyvvar can get used to being without his mother for one year." Trystanne's words provoke a slight regret in Doran.

`Maybe I should have postponed my plans to go to the Citadel`

"Everything will be alright in the end. You know the saying, different paths lead to the same castle. We'll be apart for a while but soon we'll be reunited and will share the stories of all our adventures." Obella says.

"Yes, time flies."

`It's a shame Lewyn decided to stay a few extra days at Casterly Rock and return to Sunspear just in time for his departure to the Summer Islands, I would have liked to say goodbye to him. I guess hormones are more important than his nephew...`


Shortly after, Doran mounted his horse and followed by several carts and 50 knights set out on his journey.

He will first visit the Gargalen lands, then the Vaith lands, the Jordayne lands, and finally Yronwood. Along the way he will also stop at the seat of each landed knight and minor house. Although his Tour is an excuse to go and investigate the Yronwood, sooner or later, Doran had planned to undertake a Tour of Dorne and learn more about his lands.

`Kill two birds with one stone`


4 Moon 259AC

Essos, Naath

"Your grace! Pirate ships have been seen on the horizon."

"Bloody hell! Those bastards never give up!" A man in his mid thirties with curly black hair and gray-blue eyes gets up from the sofa and runs to the balcony of the room.

From there he sees the sea and in the distance he sees small dots approaching.

"Prepare our defenses Aggo, those bastards will see why it's a fucking bad idea to attack my island!"

"Yes, my king!" Aggo runs off to carry out the king's orders.

The man leaves the room at a more leisurely pace, in the hallway a ten year old boy intercepts him.

"Are you going to fight the pirates, papa? Can I go?" The boy's eyes sparkle with excitement.

"Hahaha you're still young Jamie. Your mother would kill me if I were to let you join me."

"I am already a man!" Jamie protests with a pout.

"Yes, yes pup. Quite a man." The king ruffles his hair and continues on his way to the armory.

Jamie watches his father walk away from him and sees their coat of arms etched on his cape, a wolf-like animal with red eyes and black fur.

`One day!` He promised to himself.


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