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32.85% Post-Apocalyptic Potter from a Parallel Universe / Chapter 23: Chapter Twenty-Three

Capítulo 23: Chapter Twenty-Three

The day of the Grand Feast was the next day and Harry decided to follow Odin's advice. He and Natasha showed up in the afternoon so that they could meet with Frigga to be robed. As they appeared by Heimdall, more out of habit than anything, they were informed that they had rooms in the Citadel now. As a Lord and Lady, they had been assigned them and been given special permission to arrive there from now on.

"But then when will we see you?" Harry asked. "You're always here at the bifrost." he said.

"You could always give me the Mirror you have in your pocket, which you intended to give me anyway. Then you can see me whenever you see fit." Heimdall smiled at him.

"Why do you spoil my fun? We know you know, but can't you at least act surprised?" Harry asked in a pained voice as he handed Heimdall's gift to him.

"What would be the point? We both would know that I was acting." Heimdall replied, this time with a smirk. He liked the wizard. He was fun to have around.

"It's called having manners." Harry huffed.

"Go, the Queen is awaiting you in her chambers. A servant will see you to her from the citadel's door." Heimdall said. "And Harry, thank you for the mirror. It will be most useful to me, especially with what you bring today."

"You're welcome." Harry said, feeling slightly better. One day he'd find a way to hide from that all-seeing eye and then he'd surprise him.

They were soon at the Citadel. Harry still preferred to fly there. He enjoyed the flight. The fact that he was holding Natasha in his arms didn't have a thing to do with it. She didn't seem to mind either.

Frigga welcomed them with open arms and soon they were being led to a room with curtains for privacy, bundles in their hands. Harry was disappointed to note that he was presented with stately robes in pure white. When he came out, he asked, "Why am I wearing white robes?"

"You are expected to dress as a Noble Lord. Our people expect you to look wise and stately for your position as Counsel, too." Frigga replied. "I think it looks good on you."

Harry moved his hand over his face and as he finished, he had a lot of wrinkles and white hair and a two foot long beard. His eyebrows were long as well, giving him the appearance of a really old man. "Would this not suit the role better?" Harry asked in an old man's voice.

Natasha stuck her head out, "It might actually suit the role better, but I don't think I'd match up with you well if you look that old." Her head then disappeared back into her dressing room.

"Natasha is right, but if the outfit does not suit you, we can try something else." Frigga contemplated. She went back to the clothes neatly folded around the sides of the room in bundles and chose something else. "Try these on, please?" as she gave him the next set. Harry just sighed and tried on the next bunch of clothes. These were less stately and more like the courtiers Harry had seen around, in all white again. It didn't really suit him.

When he came out to be inspected, Natasha stuck her head out again for a moment. "That looks better, but not really you, either." she said.

Harry knew this would carry on forever if he didn't step in. He moved his hand and transfigured the outfit into something he knew better. Suddenly he was suited in dress robes, like the ones he wore to Wizengamot meetings, though still in white, with a light grey vest and a silver bow tie. "How would this do?" Harry asked.

"That is an unfamiliar style to me, but it does look quite good on you." Frigga complimented.

Natasha once again stuck her head out. "Oh, I like that. Did you just make those?" she asked.

"It's the formal attire from my world. I'd wear something similar for state meetings, though wizards had a really strange sense of style and would have everything in strange contrasting colours like lime green and purple." Harry said with a chuckle.

"You should wear that then." Frigga said with finality. "It will set you aside and looks quite fetching."

"I agree." Natasha said appreciatively and then disappeared into her curtained off area again.

"Why are you taking so long?" Harry asked.

"I'm having trouble with this corset." she replied.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, my dear. Let me come help you." Frigga said as she moved into the changing room.

A couple of minutes later, Natasha came out, also dressed in white. Harry's mouth hung open. She was gorgeous. The dress was like one he'd seen on the covers of fantasy novels. She looked like a princess. "You look fantastic." he whispered.

"That's good, for the effort it took to get into." Natasha smiled at him. She then turned to Frigga, "This isn't some attempt to get us to go to a surprise wedding is it?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Why would you think that?" Frigga asked with a small smile.

"Brides tend to wear only white on their wedding day." Natasha replied. "Originally it was meant to signify their purity, but tradition changed with the times, so purity is no longer really required."

"That is good. While maidenhood is appreciated, I find that bonding pairs sometimes prefer to explore the prowess of their counterpart in the bedroom, before they decide to enter wedlock." Frigga stated easily. "I do hope you two are entertaining the possibility of using the gift I gave you at some later stage?" she asked with her own raised eyebrow. "How are things in the bedroom my dear?"

Natasha actually blushed, not having expected something like that from Frigga, Queen of Asgard. She stammered, "I… err."

"Do not look at me like you don't know my aspects. I was aware of your bond after all." Frigga smiled at her.

Natasha composed herself. "Harry is a man among men. He is also quite gifted." is all she said. Leaving out what gifts she was referring to.

Frigga just smiled a little more. "I shall endeavour to keep that to myself. We don't want any more maidens vying for your beloved's attention."

Harry had since turned scarlet. "Could we drop this subject?" he begged.

"Why Harry, are you blushing?" Natasha asked, a smile on her face at his discomfort.

"Don't enjoy it so much, or should I remind you the Queen had you blushing no less than a minute ago yourself." Harry smirked at her.

"I don't remember that." Natasha scoffed, then turned to the Queen. "I'm thinking we need to discuss what might happen this evening." And with that, the subject was changed.

They were escorted to the Throne Chamber by the Queen herself and had seats set a little bit away from the King and Queen on the dais. Harry had greeted the King with a bow and Odin had gotten up and shook Harry's hand heartily. "You may call me Odin. The crown considers you friend."

"Thank you Odin." Harry said sincerely. "Where are the people?" he asked looking around the great empty hall.

"We shall take our seats and then the hoard will descent upon us to greet you as a Lord and Lady of Asgard." Odin replied pointing for him to take his seat.

When they were seated, an announcement was made and throngs of people started entering, starting with Thor. They would stop and bow to first their monarchs and then the new Lord and Lady, before moving into the hall to their places, Thor taking his customary place by Odin's side. There were a lot of people, and Harry wondered if all of Asgard was here.

When everyone had entered Odin stood up, "Welcome to the celebration. I have called you here today to meet and honour a new Lord and Lady to the realm." Odin said. There were polite applause knowing their King was not finished. "Indeed they have done much to protect their world, Midgard, so you may ask why they have been honoured so. When first we met, Harry Potter was revealed to be a magic user of great power and repute. He has since proven to have great wisdom and generosity.

"Considering the prizes he has brought to Asgard willingly and requesting nothing in return, I decided to reward unto him the station as Midgardian Counsel to the Throne. When my Queen found that his chosen companion had an ailing, she decided to heal the young woman. She did so only because our new Counsel decided that her safety and security was paramount before even his continued association with Asgard." There were gasps. Few had ever spurned the jewel of the Nine Realms for anything before.

"Indeed, he showed his true character even then. But at our next meeting, our counsel and the young woman showed their gratitude in such a way that we could not stand by and not honour him and her. For the joy they bestowed upon my Queen and thus myself, I have appointed them Lord Harry Potter and Lady Natasha Romanoff! Let us stand and honour the new Lord and Lady of Asgard!" he intoned. Everybody stood and bowed. Even the King and queen turned and nodded to them. "Lord and Counsel Harry Potter, do you have any words at this time?" Odin asked.

Harry had not been warned of this, but decided to take the opportunity to present his next surprises. "I was not aware that I would be required to speak, so I have not prepared the words, but let me speak from the heart, as I have often found honesty to never be the wrong thing to say." Harry said this quietly, but with a modified amplification charm in place. Everybody could hear him, as if he was speaking to them personally.

"When I arrived in Asgard, I found a welcoming people. I have made friends and been shown your gracious hospitality. There has not been an occasion here that I did not feel welcomed and safe. So when I came back it was with gifts that I thought to give in thanks of that kindness. Since then, I have been given honours for simply doing what I believed right and fitting. Therefore I hope there are no further honours to give me as I present my latest creations to the King." Harry said.

He removed the bag from around his neck and opened it. Then he waved his hand and out came a flying carpet. He let it unfurl and levitated it above the crowd. It was huge, probably one of the biggest things he'd ever enchanted, besides houses. "This is a flying carpet, enchanted in many ways for protection, but its greatest feature is that it can travel to seven of the nine realms." Harry said. He left it to hang there rotating so many could see the golden glimmer of the royal coat of arms right in the centre.

"I was told of the bifrost and how Asgard protected so many realms with its army, but were unable to do so with the bifrost currently in need of repair, so I devised a plan, with the help of Lady Sif, to correct the issue. Here you have what I have come up with. No longer will the armies of Asgard be stationary. With this you can deploy once more and protect what you once have." Harry finished. There was silence for a moment and then an uproar of applause and shouting.

Harry held up a hand, to silence the crowd of celebrating people. It took a moment, but they soon gave him their attention again. "A couple more gifts, if you could give me some more of your time." Harry waved his hand again. A smaller carpet flew out and rotated next to its fellow. "This is a gift to the King and Queen themselves as a personal means of conveyance. It is much the same as the previous one, but much more heavily enchanted. I dare say, while they are on it, they could not be in a safer place." There were nods of approval as the people considered it.

Harry then reached into the bag three times and removed a bottle each time, having them float in the air in front of the King. "This time I present something more light-hearted. King Odin, if you please?" Harry conjured a three glass tumblers, and had the bottles pour themselves a taste of each into a glass. "Please taste this one first," giving him of the twenty-five year aged Firewhiskey.

Odin had looked at the bottles and understood what he was doing. Smiling he took his time, taking the first and looked at its colour, sniffed it and then took a drink. "A fine batch you have made this time, even slightly better than the last, aged just one year more than before." Odin said with a pleased smile. The cheers roared again. People had been talking about the Firewhiskey. So few had tasted it and to say this was better than the last, was truly a shock.

Harry presented him with the second glass. Odin took it and performed much the same performance as before. "Half a century has made the Firewhiskey taste even better. You have outdone yourself. This half-century aged Firewhiskey is truly something any King would want stored for only the best of occasions!" The crowd was now silent holding their breath in anticipation, wondering what the last glass could hold. If the first was half the age of the second, they could only guess at the third glass.

Odin himself was excited now, wanting nothing more than to taste from the last glass. When Harry presented it, he did not waste his time in showmanship. He took the glass and put it directly to his mouth. Everyone was silent, waiting for the verdict. Odin was working very hard to contain his emotions, acting like he was thinking and then turned to Harry, "I cannot think of an occasion that would ever be worthy of this. It is like it was made by magic itself."

Then Harry spoke, the crowd not knowing how to react yet. "That is why this drink was not named Firewhiskey at all, but Odin's Brew. For no occasion is truly worthy of your presence in it, for the esteem I hold you in." Harry said with a deep bow.

"You have shown me much respect and I will have to think hard on how to thank you for these wonders you have bestowed on our kingdom." King Odin said deep in thought. The crowd were dumbfounded. Nobody had ever seen the likes of the shock that passed Odin's face when he tasted from the last glass. A sense of awe settled on the crowd as what felt like a miracle had taken place.

Harry then waved his hand one last time and hundreds of bottles flew from the bag, to stack themselves neatly on the Dias. The twenty-five year, the fifty year and the Odin's Brew distinctly separated. One hundred and seventy-four of each. The Odin's Brew had two wolves and two ravens on each, animated to move around the label.

Odin had the bottles taken away, much to the consternation of the crowd, until one hundred bottles of the previous delivery was brought to the tables by the servants. "Let the feast begin!" Odin exclaimed, "Let us be merry and give thanks to the one who has given us this marvellous nectar!"

The people were still quite subdued, until the bottles were opened and people started tasting the marvel that was Firewhiskey. Soon the party was quite rowdy and Harry received nothing but respectful looks. Quite a few were looking at Natasha with looks of jealousy. Apparently she was drawing quite the attention this evening.

They were soon mingling and chatting, many giving him thanks for allowing them to protect the realms once again. A warrior nation indeed. Some women were flirting with him, some with Natasha. Some men too, but fortunately not with Harry. Harry didn't mind, though. She could handle them and was used to the attention.

At some point they were separated, as men started talking about the firewhiskey and trying to get information about its creation. Harry was telling them that there were many steps he didn't know and that his partners would not like him telling their secrets anyway. They were trying anyway, but at some point, they seemed to suddenly have other things to do.

As the men cleared the way, a beautiful blonde woman in a green outfit approached him, "So you are the wizard that has woven his way into the crown's favour?" she asked.

"Hello, my name is Harry Potter. Is there something I can help you with?" Harry asked politely. He got a strange sense from her that he didn't like. This woman had power. Magical power. And it was unleashed.

"You may call me Lady Amora and leave your companion to spend time with me." As she spoke her unleashed power twisted and started winding around Harry, attempting to enter his body. It was subtle in its jabs when it got to his mind, trying to find a weakness to enter.

"I'm afraid your attempts to enter my mind will fail." Harry said casually, taking a sip from his glass. "Stronger than you have tried and failed."

She blinked for a moment before retracting her power. "I only meant to know you. You cannot blame a girl for trying." she said.

"Really? Because it sounded like you were trying to order me to leave Natasha for you." Harry said, still with a smile on his face. He didn't know it at the time, but King Odin and Queen Frigga were paying close attention. "I remember your name. You are supposed to be a very powerful sorceress."

"I am, but don't you think me beautiful? Would I not make a better companion and mate than that of a mere Midgardian?" she asked, moving closer to him, putting her hands on his chest. He smelled her sweet breath in his face and realised the smell was something he recognized.

"That potion is strong, you must be powerful to control it so easily, but I've experienced it's like before. You cannot affect my emotions with it either." Harry said with a smirk as he took a step back. "Why are you suddenly interested in me? Last I heard you were enamoured by Prince Thor?" he asked.

"Prince Thor is not a powerful Sorcerer, like yourself. I can feel the pressure of your will even now. You must be worth many of him for you to radiate such pure power." There was a mad gleam in her eye.

Harry decided to cut this conversation short. "I'm afraid you'll need to excuse me. I have a companion I need to attend to." he said, while starting to move to where he last saw her, talking to one of the Warriors Three.

"Not if I attend to her first." she said in response. "I call for the right of challenge!" she suddenly exclaimed and the hall went silent.

Harry stopped and turned around, his own magic suddenly unleashed and rippling over him in waves as his eyes flashed. "You challenge me at your own peril."

"Not you! I challenge her!" she scoffed, pointing at Natasha as she walked up to Harry. "If she holds your heart, then I will take it from her!"

The crowd had moved back to see what would happen next. "If you challenge Lady Natasha in my hall you would do well to remember the consequences of failing!" Odin bellowed. "Should she defeat you, you would never be allowed to challenge her again. Do you understand and accept this?" Odin asked from his throne.

"I do, King Odin. She is an unworthy cow next to his splendour and I would make a far more appropriate companion." She spat at Natasha's feet.

"You will not insult my guests of honour and a Lady in my presence!" Odin bellowed again angrily.

Amora looked torn. She knew she could take the unworthy woman out easily, but her claim would be tarnished if she did not enter battle against her with honour. After a moment she whispered, "Sorry."

Odin did not seem pleased, but continued. "Make room for them to fight for their claim." He intoned. He had been informed that they would accept a challenger so that Natasha would be left alone. He just hoped they knew what they were doing.

Harry kissed Natasha. "She has magic, not as powerful as mine, but still, she might be able to see you if you go stealth. I suggest that you use that only when you can quickly close the distance and finish it." He whispered to her.

"Don't worry. I've got a plan." She whispered back.

There was an opening cleared in front of the dais. When Natasha and Amora were standing ready, Harry lifted his hand and they were lifted up as a circular platform grew under them so all could see. He didn't want anyone missing this, so that future challengers might think twice.

Amora looked at him in awe with that mad gleam in her eyes again. Natasha simply touched her hand to her bracelet and said, "Silent Widow". Her armour was suddenly on her and her glove in the bracelet's place.

"You may begin." Odin said. Next to him Frigga was smiling. She had no doubt of the victor, given what Harry and Natasha had shared with her.

Amora was first to act. She raised her hand and whispered an incantation. A bolt of blue energy flashed at Natasha. She simply lifter her gauntlet and clenched her fingers activating the built-in shield. The spell hit the shield and dissipated into nothingness. "The Wizard has given you some toys, but that will not save you!" She then ran to Natasha with a sword, which she summoned, in her hand. Natasha took out her first baton and blocked the blow. Then the second. She was taking her time, studying the woman's movements as she always did with new opponents.

They started trading blows and Natasha was soon keeping pace with her, with her one hand. When she spotted a weakness, she quickly took her other baton and hit Amora in the back of the knee with it. She may be from Asgard, but weighted batons and years of training had served her well. Amora went down on one knee, but quickly recovered. Trying again she doubled her efforts, her movements becoming quicker as she desperately tried to slash and skewer her opponent. But Natasha was simply better. She wasn't even aiming to injure, yet.

She let Amora vent her frustrations into her blows, and blocked every attack, smirking when she got the other knee with another hit. "Quit defending and attack me!" Amora yelled, hoping her opponent would let her guard down. It did not work, but Natasha obliged and started stepping forward every couple of blows, driving her opponent back, until they reached the other side of the platform and Amora had to dodge to the side or be thrown over the edge.

Her dodge left her exposed for a moment and Natasha stabbed the baton at her hip, shocking her with the electrical discharge. But it would not be so easy. Amora was from Asgard and was hardier than that. She did let out a grunt in pain, though. Then she rolled away and made some distance. She then raised her hands and started chanting. "Let's see if you can block this!" she said when she had finished as a great ball of fire was formed and suspended above her head.

There was a call of alarm from the audience, but Harry lifted his hand and caused a sphere of energy to surround the stage. Natasha, meanwhile had stowed her batons and drew a gun. She first fired at the ball of flame, but nothing happened. Then she fired at Amora. Where it hit, holes appeared in her clothes, but it did not seem to faze her besides a slight wince. Shrugging Natasha fired a bullet right at her forehead. The hit may not puncture, but the force was still impressive and Amora's head flew back.

When the woman started firing her weapon, Amora had a hard time keeping her concentration on the spell. The projectiles hit like bolts from a crossbow, only stronger. When she was hit in the head, she feared losing control of the fireball, so she tossed it to the last location of her opponent. She smirked and watched as it flew to her location and then exploded. Amora saw a dome of energy flare around the platform and smirked. She would have this sorcerer's power for herself!

When Natasha saw the fireball coming for her, she muttered something and disappeared. The fireball exploded, but she had escaped it completely due to her armour. If Harry was to be believed, she could have simply stood there as her armour was made with protections against such things. She rushed behind her opponent on silent feet and raised one finger to her neck.

Amora was impressed by her own power, she seemed to have disintegrated the tiny mortal. She was still smiling and mentally congratulating herself when everything went black.

The crowd stood transfixed throughout the entire event. First, the Lady Natasha blocked a magical attack and then took on her opponent with what looked like a short staff of some kind. Then she produced another and started beating her opponent back, until Amora had to dodge away from falling off the platform. Then, when Amora summoned a fireball to immolate her opponent, Lord Harry simply protected the observers. Apparently he had full faith in his Lady.

When the fireball hit, only some had noticed her disappear a second before. While the sorceress was looking at her handiwork, she suddenly toppled over, unconscious. Natasha then reappeared in her armour. It was soon replaced with her elegant dress again and she bowed to the King and Queen and then the audience.

There was a massive applause and cheering as everyone saw she had not even broken a sweat, let alone taken any injuries. Harry lowered the platform until it was gone, but before anyone could get to her to congratulate her, Harry was kissing the stuffing out of her. "Well done. That was brilliant!" he said in her ear.

"Thank you," she said breathlessly. Harry had done her more harm than her opponent could with his kiss.

"Congratulations Lady Natasha. You have truly defended your honour and righteously so!" Odin spoke from his throne.

Natasha bowed to him again and said, "Thank you, King Odin."

Soon the people were on them and they were congratulating her on her overwhelming success. Harry got her attention and she joined him where Amora lay, unconscious. Harry pointed a finger at her and the crowd grew still. When she awoke, she jumped up, "What happened?" she demanded.

"The cow defeated the sorceress." Natasha said simply, a wicked smile on her face.

"That isn't possible!" she screamed.

"It is true. All of Asgard saw you fall to her hand. You have been bested. Be glad that you have your life, as I am certain she had the power to end not just the fight, but your life as well." Odin said from where he sat. "She is an Avenger, after all. One of Thor's companions from Midgard who defeated an army."

Amora stood there shocked at all the faces looking at her like she was an interloper now. She couldn't have anyone looking down on her. Her power started to build again, angry and flaring.

Harry felt the build-up and pointed a finger at her again. "One spell from you and you won't have to despair your loss ever again." His own aura was unleashed. She was threatening his friends. His eyes started to glow, threatening the worst kind of vengeance with more power than she had felt in a long time. The room started to shake slightly. Natasha took Harry's hand and he suppressed his intent slightly.

Amora looked at him again, "You will be mine! Mark my words!" and then she vanished, having transported herself away.

The people were looking at Harry in awe. Never before had he so let go of his power. For the first time, everyone knew to fear his anger, and respected his control. There was another outbreak of applause and cheering.

"I think it is time we began the feast," Odin said. The servants soon started streaming in with platters of food. Harry was surprised to note there were quite a few Pizzas. He was glad Volstagg would not be bothering him again for food.

They were seated next to the King and Queen at the head table. And everyone started eating and retelling the story of what had just happened.

"You chose a dangerous opponent." Frigga said to Natasha. "I'm glad you were able to trounce her. I doubt you'll have any challengers now, as she is regarded as a great warrior and powerful sorceress."

"I had Harry's protections and the enchanted items he gave me. There was never a way for her to win." Natasha said offhandedly.

"She might become a hindrance later, though. So be careful. If she shows up on Midgard, I suggest that you allow Harry to handle the encounter, as the Enchantress is quite the schemer." Frigga warned.

"Enchantress?" Harry asked, his attention drawn to one of his favourite subjects.

"Her title was gained through her ability to seduce men, not her magical prowess, though they do go hand-in-hand at times." Odin said.

"Well, that's different then." Harry conceded. "She was trying to enter my mind first while we spoke and then I detected a love potion on her breath. She must have brewed it so she could use her breath as a way to control people too." Harry explained.

"And why were you not affected?" Odin asked.

"I have very strong mental shields. Nobody can enter them without permission." Harry explained.

"People have tried giving him love potions in the past as well, so he knows how to protect himself." Natasha added.

"That is very impressive. Do your skills allow you to enter another's mind as well?" Frigga asked him.

"He can, but he doesn't like to. It was done to him too much while he was still a child, so he has grown an aversion to it." Natasha answered for him.

"The more I hear of your world, the less I sympathise with their demise." Frigga said. "Who would do that to a child!" she exclaimed in impotent fury.

"They weren't all that bad." Harry defended his world.

"Of course not, Harry. I'm just sad for what you went through." Frigga apologised. "It's also unfortunate you dislike the skill, for we have long tried to speak to Loki, but he refuses to tell us of who sent him and the Chitauri to your world. We had hoped we could redeem him if we could find out someone else had forced his hand."

"I may not like the skill, but if you require it of me, I may attempt it." Harry said sadly.

"No. We are friends and as such, I will never force your hand like that. You are too valuable a resource to alienate you so." Odin said seriously, then, "After all, where will Odin come by more Odin's Brew if you refuse to return to us." Odin smiled at him.

"Certainly one hundred and seventy-five bottles will last you a while yet?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"But we live such long lives and people will want to taste it, as reward for deeds they do in service of the crown. You do not seem to have realised the value of the drink you yourself have striven to create." Odin said sincerely.

"Myself and others." Harry corrected, "You must please remember that I was not alone in its creation. Bruce Banner and Tony Stark did as much if not more than myself."

"And your aging process was in part due to them?" Odin asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, Bruce did find the spell." Harry said weakly.

"And you cast it. Don't undersell yourself on this, Harry. You are the major benefactor, but you are also correct. I will have to consider rewarding them as well." Odin relented.

"You have already paid for the delivery." Harry said.

"But you have not been paid enough for the enhanced quality of the latest delivery. I fear Asgard does not have enough gold to pay for what you have delivered to me. If you were a man like Fandral I would have offered any woman you wished, many even, were they amenable, but you are not. It is difficult to give you a proper reward, so I will do what I can of as much value as I can offer." Odin said. "As such, when will you start visiting more often, that I might instruct you in the magic of Asgard?"

Harry's mouth hung open. "I think you just rewarded him more than you can imagine, King Odin. His one true passion is magic and helping others with it." Natasha said for him while he was still trying to gather himself.

"I think you are correct. I may have found a worthy reward indeed." Odin said with a smile. "But then we have not discussed the Magic Carpets yet. That is of almost equal value to the people of the many worlds we strive to protect." Odin added.

"Oh, that reminds me." Harry suddenly said coming out of his stupor. He reached into his pocket and removed two mirrors. "This one is for you. It is shrunken and can be placed on a wall in your briefing room. It is connected to the other ones. You may contact me, Thor, Heimdall or this one, which I suggest you give to one of your people when they go to another world. Let me demonstrate." Harry held out the other mirror. "Heimdall."

It was not one second before Heimdall answered, "Greetings Harry and King Odin."

"Hi Heimdall. I'm demonstrating the mirror and its use to the King." Harry said.

"Are you really?" Heimdall said with a look of interest. He failed at hiding his humour.

"Yeah, that just seems wrong. Forget I asked you to act surprised. It doesn't work." Harry said. "Goodbye." Harry ended the connection before Heimdall could reply. 'Take that' Harry thought.

"This will be most useful." Odin said. "I will for once be able to have contact with my people when they are in harms' way."

"There is another reason. The Carpets always travel to the same places when they arrive on the different worlds. So they will need Heimdall to instruct them where to go when they arrive." Harry said slightly apologetically.

"It's more than we can do now," said Odin. "You have still outdone yourself in service of Asgard. And you are not even one of its subjects."

"It is true. You are giving us a way to help thousands, millions of people. You have, by this one act become the reason for so many less, meaningless deaths." Frigga said. "In my opinion, this was the most important gift you have given us yet."

"Speaking of gifts," Natasha said. "Why haven't you given Odin his sight back in his other eye, like you did for Fury, Harry?"

"Is this possible?" Odin asked, raised eyebrow.

Harry looked at Odin, "I would like to, but I'm not sure my enchantments would work on an Asgardian and I didn't want to give the King hope, just to fail. You are, from our perspective at least, an alien race and it is a very delicate piece of magic that reaches into the mind and accesses certain parts of the brain to give it input." he said apologetically.

"Sorry." Natasha said. "I didn't know."

"Could you try anyway?" Frigga asked. "We could always remove it if the enchantment fails. We Aesir can take a lot of pain and recover, if that is your fear."

Harry reached into his bag and withdrew the eye-patch he had been carrying with him for the last couple of weeks. "I have one already that I made for you, but I realized only afterward that there might be issues, so I kept it to myself. I didn't want to experiment with the King. Until tested it might have the opposite effect, basically blinding him." Harry said handing the patch to Odin.

"Let us try it in a safe environment first." Odin said standing up. He spoke to a servant who quickly left. Then he spoke loudly, "We will adjourn for a few moments. Continue as you are."

When they reached the privacy of another room, there was a wrinkled old man waiting for them. He had a stump for a leg and one eye, battle scars all over his body. "My King." He said with a bow.

"Ah, Trygg. Yes, I sent for you because we have need of you. The wizard has made an artefact that might restore my eye, but he was worried that because we are Asgardian, it might affect us differently. He fears pain, or even complete blindness. Would you be willing to test this artefact for me? If it fails or has negative effects I will ensure to commission him to resolve the issue until it works and your care will be seen to here in the palace, until that time." Odin explained.

"If there is need for me, I would be happy to be of service." he said at once. Then, "Should the artefact work, would it be possible for you to commission one for me, sire?" Trygg asked.

"I would be glad to." Odin assured him. He handed the eye patch to Trygg.

Trygg put the eye-patch on his head and waited. "It doesn't seem to be doing anything, sire."

"Give it a moment. The enchantments are complex and precise. It takes a couple of seconds even for Midgardians." Harry said.

They waited another thirty seconds. "I still don't…" he trailed off. "Wait, I think…" he was looking around, awe suddenly on his face. "It is working! It started so slowly, I almost didn't notice. This is a miracle!"

"It works!" Odin exclaimed. "Ha! Will your wonders never cease?" He thumped Harry on the back.

"Thank you, King Odin." Harry said with a smile, genuinely happy for him. He just wished he had an extra one with him. Trygg's wonder made him feel bad for the man, when he reluctantly took it off and handed it to King Odin. "I have an idea that might be useful to you, yet, Trygg."

Harry focused and changed Trygg's stumped leg to look like a real one. And then he animated it. He was doing this on the fly, never having experimented with this particular enchantment. It's what took intent from the mind to the carpet, but he thought, that if he did it just right, he may just… "Okay, try walking around a bit." Harry told the old man.

Trygg looked at him funny and then started moving about. Suddenly with wonder in his one eye again. "What a marvel! I can walk." He then jumped, and then ran to the other side of the room and back faster than Harry thought possible for such an old man. "I'm almost whole again! You truly are a wizard! Now I can die on my feet and go to Valhalla!" there were tears in his eyes.

"Our wizard truly is a wonderful man." Frigga said. There were so many denied their final battle.

"I may have other commissions for you now, Harry." Odin said with a smile.

"I thought you might," Harry sighed, but smiled. He did love helping people. If there were people lying about, wanting to be of use but encumbered by injury, he'd do what he could. "I won't say I can fix everything. I'm just a man and I was never trained officially in the medical arts."

"We'd not expect miracles around every corner, just possibilities." Frigga said. This man was so wonderful, if he didn't have Natasha she'd find him an Asgardian to tie him to their realm.

"Thank you for understanding my limitations." Odin was reaching for his current eye-patch. "Just hold the new one over it, I'll do the rest." He said to Odin. Odin did that, and Harry melded it to the current patch making it look exactly the same.

A minute later, Odin exclaimed, "It worked! I did so miss this." He said looking around in wonder, before his eyes settled on his wife. "You look twice as beautiful with two eyes to behold you." He said and then hugged her.

"Perhaps a nice Carpet ride so you can test your sight?" Natasha suggested.

"Oh, I have been hoping to try it out!" Frigga said.

"Why?!" Harry exclaimed.

"Why, what, Harry?" Odin asked.

"In his world there seemed to be those who loved Magic Carpets and those who loved flying enchanted brooms. Harry is one of the latter." Natasha smirked. "Every time someone shows their interest in the Carpet over the Broom, he feels his taste has been personally affronted."

"Well if you want us to know that and make an informed decision, you should have brought us both. As it stands people will automatically think the carpet is best, because they were introduced to only it!" Odin laughed.

"That is fair I suppose." Harry grumbled good-naturedly. "Remind me to show you a memory of a quiddich match one day. That's the best example of brooms."

They left the room and went back to the party. Harry levitated the carpet back down from where it still rotated and put it on the floor of the dais. He then conjured two thick u-shaped pillows that could be sat in with arm rests and stepped back, allowing the King and Queen to sit down in them. The carpet rose and Odin and Frigga floated to the door.

They turned around and Odin addressed the hall, "We are going to test the Carpet, we will be back in a short while."

The doors were opened and when the King and Queen were out one of the guards came to Harry, "Lord Harry, if you could please bring the other carpet down, the king's personal Guard would like to accompany him." he said respectfully. Harry understood it was his job, so brought it down and rolled it up, so it would fit through the doors. Three guards took it and they marched out of the hall.

When the doors shut again, people started partying again. Harry was soon pulled into a discussion with the Warriors Three and Natasha was in conversation with a couple of ladies. All the ladies now looked at her with respect and wanted to know how she had trained and how she had armoured herself so quickly. Volstagg was happily eating while he drank Firewhiskey. Harry warned him, that no matter his tolerance, the magical drink could still affect him greatly.

Fandral was telling Harry that he must have found the best Midgardian woman available and Harry agreed.

Then Hogun approached him, "Harry, could you make that other drink again. I quite enjoyed that."

Harry had seldom heard him talk, so immediately agreed. Soon there was Butterbeer all around again and some people who preferred milder drinks were drinking that.

Trygg, meanwhile had started telling everyone what Harry had done for the king and showing off his foot. He had attained another shoe as well, so when people asked him about it he happily rolled up and showed them the leg and how it moved. Harry was getting more and more stares. He was about to suggest that they leave, when King Odin and Queen Frigga floated back in through the door.

When they landed, Odin dismounted first and walked up to Harry, "Could you not have given us a couple of minutes?!" he whispered harshly.

"I'm afraid not, Majesty. Your royal guard were doing their jobs. I would not put your or the Queens life in peril. Nor would I have them kill horses, trying to keep up with you. I know how fast those carpets can go." Harry said with a smile.

Odin grumbled. "I can't argue with your logic, but I don't have to be happy about it." He then moved off to his throne while Queen Frigga approached, a smile on her face.

"You must excuse Odin. He so seldom has a moment to himself." Frigga apologised.

Harry leaned in close, "Well, then I suggest the next time you are on the carpet and want some privacy, you say the words 'To Vanaheim' or 'To Alfheim'. If the guards don't hear it, they'll have to go to Heimdall to find out where you are. I suspect that will give you a couple of minutes." Harry said this with a wink.

Frigga instantly brightened and said, "Thank you." before leaving to sit by Odin. She was talking to him in whispers and Harry could see the smile return to his face. Odin then turned to Harry and nodded at him in thanks.

The evening was a rousing success and just before they left they were presented with an even larger amount of gold. Twice as large by Harry's estimation. He was then asked for another two quarter-century and one of the half-century Firewhiskey. Odin didn't want too much of the Odin's Brew made. Saying it's more valuable as a limited resource and that he didn't want to bankrupt Asgard buying another load of those just yet. He'd be thinking in the meanwhile what he could present Harry for another one of those. 'Perhaps a seed from one of the golden apples if he promises to protect it jealously.' Odin thought.

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