Pokemon: Wandering Soul Chapter 12
Hey, sorry about the weird update schedule...
It was only a few days left until the party Soul was invited to by Valerie will happen. He just needed Shalour City's Gym badge, and he would be set.
But things aren't always what it seems.
"Hey, sorry about this, Soul..." Soul sighed at both Luna's and Blaze's downcast expressions.
They were like this because of Hunter's glare.
"You should know NOT to annoy Hunter. I promised him some alone time with Snow, and you almost spreading the word that a Shiny Decidueye evolved even further would NOT have helped..." Soul then heard a sinister laugh behind him and sighed. He turned to Luna, who was still sad.
"Luna, can you check your Pokeballs?" Luna widened her eyes in horror as she quickly looked through her Pokeballs and saw that one of them was open. She was worried because she knew what Pokemon was inside the Pokeball. Seeing her stressed movements, he spoke.
"Don't worry, Mr. Darkrai is just having fun with my mind..." Soul's shadow formed a claw as it grabbed the Darkrai from its hiding place.
They were in the middle of the road where no one saw them.
"...again." He said as he looked directly at Darkrai's eyes. They both stared at each other for a whole minute before Soul shook his head and enlarged a Pokeball.
"Dusk, you know what to do." He said, releasing the Aegislash. The pokemon materialized before him and went to its shield form, glaring at the Darkrai.
"Come on, Darkrai, you need to go back in the ball." The Darkrai grunted before nodding and went inside one of Luna's Ultra Ball. She looked at the Ultra Ball sadly, then was approached by Soul.
"One day, you will get him to listen to you. He hasn't caused any trouble, making random people have nightmares, right?" Luna shook her head, but sweat poured down her forehead when Soul nonchalantly mentioned nightmares.
"If he doesn't do that, he at least is giving you a chance. I remember Blacephalon trying to explode everything with its head." Soul sighed as then widened his eyes then smiled.
"How about a battle?" Blaze knew what Soul was going for.
"A battle? Using my Darkrai?" Soul nodded as he told ger that they would fight after getting something from the Pokemon Center in Shalour.
"After the battle, we will take a short break before I take on the Shalour City Gym..." Soul then remembered something and then opened his Holo Caster before typing something.
Valerie was picking something to wear in her room for the party in Anistar City.
"Hm, which style should I pick?" She was picking between some dresses and masks since she was told that it would be a 'Masquerade ball.' She then heard a notification pop-up on her Holo Caster and decided to check it. She then saw a small message.
Soul: Good morning, Valerie. Would you mind scheduling a battle in the afternoon at Shalour City for me? I would like to use the favor that Gurkinn gave me. Sorry about the hassle.
Valerie: Good morning, Soul! It's fine. I was just looking for something to wear for the ball.
Soul: A ball? Do you mean a more 'fancy' version of a party? I guess I need to ask my friend to send me something to use.
Valerie: It's a masquerade ball, so you need a mask as well.
Soul: I think I have something in mind.
Valerie: Well, concerning your question earlier, I will make the call now to Mr. Gurkinn. He should be there at this time of day.
Soul: Thanks, Valerie.
Valerie: No problem.
Valerie giggled when he sent an emoji of a Pikachu waving goodbye. She went back to her pile of dresses then smiled.
"This is the perfect one! I just need to make the mask." She wrote that down in the note and put it beside her sketchpad, then opened her Holo Caster and dialed 'Gurkinn.'
"Sir? Soul would like to use that favor you gave him."
"How long are you going to text your girlfriend,' Mr. Ecto?" Blaze grumbled while Luna giggled. Soul shook his head and patted Blaze on the shoulder.
"Let's get moving."
They walked for an hour then saw Shalour City in the vicinity. Blaze released his partner, Infernape, and dashed.
"The last one to get there will buy lunch!" Blaze yelled as he ran faster with his Infernape. Soul shook his head and looked at Hunter.
"Teleport Luna somewhere near Shalour." Hunter nodded as Luna thanked him. Hunter and Luna sunk into the ground.
"Well, Mimik, time to show Blaze what you are made of." Mimik, who was in his shadow, screeched in happiness.
Soul ran with a smile as he felt something cover his feet.
'Huh, never really used it until that time.' Soul said as he gained speed.
With Blaze and Infernape...
"Come on! We can do this!" They already went past the halfway point.
Blaze then heard Infernape shouting at him while pointing at something, Blaze and his starter could only look in shock.
It was Soul catching up to them with his feet being covered by Ghost-energy.
"How's it going?" Soul yelled as Blaze groaned and then thought of something.
"Stall him with punches, Infernape! Then catch up with me using Mach Punch!" Infernape looked at Blaze like he was crazy. He then turned to Soul, who was laughing.
"It's fine, Infernape," Infernape smirked and faced Soul, who stopped in front of him. Soul wore his headphones and played some music.
Soul read the situation and relayed it to Mimik.
Infernape threw a multitude of Fire Punches, and Soul dodged all of it with his eyes glowing. The pokemon then used a Close Combat, and Soul blocked it with his arms that were covered with Fairy-type energy.
"Sorry, Infernape, but your trainer will have to buy lunch," Soul told the pokemon before he disappeared in front of it and reappeared behind it.
"Shadow Claw," Infernape smirked and dodged the claw by jumping over it. It was confused on why Soul kept smirking as the claw went past...
Then went up and caught Infernape's foot.
"As I said, sorry!" He said as he threw Infernape upwards then ran towards Blaze's direction.
"INFERNAPE!" Blaze heard a Pokemon's yell and flinched as he looked back and saw a small figure of a fire ape flying through the sky.
"..." Blaze then looked down and saw Soul already in his tail.
"GO MOLTRES!" He immediately released the Moltres and rode on it while Soul shook his head.
"He did know I can teleport, right? But I won't do that. How about using..." Mimik cackled happily as it applied a more sinister aura around Soul's feet.
"Thanks," Soul said as he just ran through the path and passed through the surprised Moltres and Blaze.
Blaze could only sigh in sadness as he just motioned Moltres to go back.
"Let's just get Infernape. I will give you both extra helpings as an apology." Surprisingly, Moltres shook its head. It didn't want the extra food.
"Ok then, off to fetch Infernape."
"You know, I really hate you." Blaze said as Soul and Luna laughed.
"Hey, at least I am the one to pay even though you lost," Soul said as he stood up from his seat and went to the Pokemon Center.
They were at a small restaurant in Shalour City. It was at about 12:45 pm.
After a few minutes, Soul returned to them, and he said they would find a place outside the city. He made it easy for them by using Phantom Force.
They were in an open field on rocks.
"Hey, Luna, mind having a battle with me?" Luna widened her eyes as she knew what Soul was trying to do.
"...go, Darkrai," Luna said as she released the Pokemon out of its ball. Soul smiled as he showed a futuristic-looking ball.
"Don't tell me..." Blaze facepalmed as he recognized the ball.
It was a Beast Ball.
"Time to reveal yourself, Blacephalon." Soul chuckled as the Beast Ball in his hands shook violently and suddenly flew out of his hands and opened itself.
(He didn't name it because the Pokemon wanted to keep its name.)
It revealed the pokemon inside it that danced around the field while the Darkrai scoffed.
"You go first," Soul said as Luna nodded nervously and gulped.
"Dark Void." Darkrai was about to use a Dark Pulse but suddenly felt the ominous aura Blacephalon was emitting. It threw a ball of Dark-energy at Blacephalon, who simply danced again.
"Fire Blast." Blacephalon's head shook, and fire came out from it, heading towards Darkrai's attack. They both collided, but the Fire Blast easily overpowered the Dark Void.
"Dodge and use Dark Pulse." Darkrai wasn't sure that it could win, even though it was a pokemon known to be unbeatable. It also had the type advantage...
No, it can do this without the help of his trainer.
Darkrai didn't listen and shot a Dark Void which made it use more energy than usual. Luna frowned as Soul narrowed his eyes and commanded Blacephalon to counter it with a weaker Fire Blast and dodge it.
Soul knew that this was going to be a problem for them, so he sighed and, later on, would think of another way to show Darkrai that fighting experienced trainers. He was technically one of those trainers, but he is sure that there would be a better person than him one day.
"Mind Blown." Blacephalon threw its head at the Darkrai.
"Dodge it!" Darkrai didn't listen again and used a Dark Pulse to counter, but it staggered on itself because of the use of Dark Void. The head exploded into colorful sparks, landing a critical hit. It immediately fainted.
"Looks like it would take more time than that. What would I expect..." Soul said. He then had a flashback back to when he got Giratina.
'I was lucky that I already bonded with this Pokemon before when I was with Sun...' Soul remembered when they were Wormhole Hopping.
"Anyway, let's go and heal Darkrai." The group nodded and left...
But before that...
"Hunter and Treant, can you help me with the battlefield?" He said as both Pokemon were in front of him.
"Are you going to fight the Gym now?" Blaze asked as Soul nodded.
"Yeah, I still need to find something to wear..." Soul said as Blaze and Luna nodded.
"Well, I will not join you in the party, but I will definitely take Gladion here to see your battle with the Champion!" Luna said excitedly. Soul and Blaze smiled.
"That means you would need to wear something, Blaze." Blaze smirked.
"Hah, I already have one. My mom will send me the clothes that I would wear." Soul nodded.
"...let's go and beat that Gym." They laughed together in joy.
A/N: Hey guys, your author here. Sorry about the really late update.
Anyway, please wait and see what will happen to Soul's Gym battle.
Will it be the same...
...or will it be different?
Thanks for reading!
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