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79.16% Pokemon: Trainer SI / Chapter 37: Chapter 37: Deja Vu

Capítulo 37: Chapter 37: Deja Vu

Author's note: There is a bit of world-building in this chapter. I forewarned you.

-P.S: Don't worry I kept it readable.


Reader's review: The author made 4 different povs in this chapter.

Author: Sorry. I will learn. Besides the chapter is ok.

Readers: We know, It's just a suggestion.

Author : ^_^


----Unknown pov-----

In the dimly lit bar of Beerytown, a group of former cronies of Dregen's gang gathered, their voices low as they discussed the recent events surrounding Archer's rise to power. The atmosphere was a swirling mixture of opinions and dick-measuring among the violent group.

"Good shot! Archer's Beedrill reminds me of Dregen's old bastard," remarked one of the former cronies, his eyes gleaming with admiration as he watched Archer's battle on the television screen.

"Yeah, me too," another chimed in, nodding in agreement. "Maybe he will keep his word."

"He better," added a third, his voice tinged with bitterness. "I am living separately from my family so that they get a happy and good life."

The conversation shifted to the legacy of Dregen, their former leader whose passing had left a void in their lives. Dregen had been a strong pillar who had looked out for his own, ensuring that even the most vulnerable members of their group were taken care of.

"Hey, the kid could have appropriated all of Dregen's will, but he sent them to the rightful claimants," remarked one of the former cronies, a note of grudging respect in his voice. "Even my parents got a home. That man truly is great, to remember even a thief like me. Just because I helped track down the smuggling ring."

"No, dude. You are worthy of it since you are the one who risked his life for the info. I was there, such a risk is worth the money. You were owed that money."

As the conversation continued, some of the former cronies hoped that Archer's strength would lead to positive change for Beerytown and its surroundings.

They believed that his victory at the conference would grant him the right to establish a gym, ushering in a new era of prosperity for the people.

But amidst the optimism, there was a sense of helplessness among the group, a feeling of being powerless to change their circumstances. Many of them lamented the sacrifices they had made to ensure a better life for their loved ones, while others longed for the guiding hand of their former leader, Dregen. He was never the one to cause pain to his friends, even if it meant for the good of others.

"But, it hurts to stay away from my family," one of the former cronies confessed, his voice thick with emotion.

"Yeah, a pity," echoed another, his words tinged with regret. "I wish Big Bro Dregen was here. He would have understood and tried to find a way for everyone to be happy."

Murmurs of agreement rose among the group, a shared sense of approval at that.

"But that kid, he is taking the easy way out for him. He cast us away to ensure the so-called 'Development'. I heard Edric disappeared while leaving his kid, Edric Jr. He might have been an asshole, but he was a good father for his kid."

But, as the conversation turned to Archer and his promises, a sense of resentment began to grow, fuelled by the comparison to their beloved former leader.

Ethan, the bulky gangster, stood up, his eyes blazing with something unrecognizable to me. "Hey, the kid is no Dregen. But he is doing his best."

The crowd fell silent, their attention drawn to Ethan as he continued, his voice ringing out with authority. "But if he doesn't, so be it. We are here to remind him and continue Dregen's duty. There have already been multiple attacks on our streets while the fancy security forces are still training."

A wave of excitement and anger swept through the crowd, their resolve strengthened by Ethan's words.

They knew that they had a duty to uphold, a legacy to protect, and they were willing to do whatever it took to ensure that Beerytown remained their territory, no matter who tried to challenge their authority.

All the while Ethan smiled and chatted up the crowd. I only noticed now that it doubled since the first gathering in Telios City. At this point, Ethan's face looked quite eerie.


Sam's pov

---- A day after gym battle-----


As I watched Archer diligently prepare Pokeblocks for our Pokémon, I couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration. Despite my best efforts, I just couldn't seem to get the hang of making them.

Gabite, in particular, seemed to have a strong aversion to my creations, and I couldn't blame him. The blocks I made were barely edible, let alone tasty.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair in frustration. "Sorry, Gabite," I muttered, feeling guilty for subjecting him to my fucked up attempts. "I'll stick to the training part from now on."

Meanwhile, Archer seemed to be in his element, effortlessly crafting perfect Pokeblocks for our team.

His hands moved with precision and care, each block crafted to perfect round or cube. It was no surprise that his Pokémon responded positively to his efforts, eagerly devouring the treats with gusto.

As I watched Archer work, I couldn't help but marvel at his skill. Even more so, his stubborn nature erected by his genius.

Despite being my little brother figure, he had grown into a leader, capable of taking on even the most challenging tasks. I can see working and planning all the time. Even training and taking care of breed plans for everyone in the group.

It was visible to everyone. That had earned him the respect and admiration of Derek and his team. Of course, the fact that he was bulldozing his way through the gyms is a fact that cannot be forgotten.





Looking at the falling trees, trembling ground and the explosions in the distant sparring ground of Electrivire and Slaking, I could say with monsters like them. Commanding people is easy. 

Unfortunately, I don't have Pokemon like that and most importantly, Battle Maniac doesn't mesh well with my style.

Speaking of Archer, it wasn't just him who was awesome in Pokeblock making. To my surprise, Jon and Samantha proved to be quite good at it as well, their blocks receiving high praise from our Pokémon.

It seemed that making Pokeblocks was a talent that came easily to my immediate surroundings. Such bullshit.

I watched in mirth as the head security guy- Derek noted the Breeding points from Archer for his own Beedrill, a Pidegeotto, Ampharos, Arcanine, and even a fucking Gyarados.

As the day wore on and Archer continued to work, a sudden interruption broke the peaceful atmosphere of our training session.

A Pidgeot bearing the League symbol swooped down from the sky, delivering a letter directly to Archer.

I wished in my heart the officer who watched the gym battle this time, sent good news. They are diligent in sending a Pidgeot to the known last location area. After all, the trainer is a travelling professional, so when immediate contact is required the last known locations could be derived from Gym battles.

Curious, I approached my brother as he read the letter, a frown forming on his face. Whatever the contents of the letter were, they seemed to get him thinking. Trust me, his weird brain needs thinking then it is a dilemma for the rest of us normal folk.

"What is it, Archer?" I asked, unable to hide my concern.

Archer's brow furrowed as he read the letter, his expression shifting from curiosity to surprise, then finally to a mix of excitement and hesitation. "It's from the League," he muttered, his voice fucked with a mix of emotions.

"What does it say?" I inquired; my curiosity piqued.

Archer handed me the letter, a hint of anticipation in his eyes. "It's about the official announcements," he explained, his tone tinged with excitement. "The League wants to inform the date and location of the announcements regarding my discovery of Kleavor and Annihilape, as well as the invention of the first man-made evolution item."

I scanned the letter, my eyes widening in realization. This was big news, not just for Archer, but for the entire Pokémon world.

His groundbreaking discoveries and inventions would revolutionize the way research towards Pokémon evolution. After all, this is the first time, an evolution item is made with a completed theory backing it.

"Congratulations, Archer!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement. "This is incredible news!"

Archer nodded, a hint of pride in his eyes. " The evolutions are just lucky case for me. But the Eletrizier, it's been a long time study that took too much time," he admitted, his voice filled with a mix of nostalgia and irritation. "But it's all been worth it."

I knew, because I was there listening to his cries of pain, all from the start - a charger for the baby Elekid.

"So, When and where's the announcement?"

Archer instead just continued his thoughts out loud not answering my question, "Hopefully, I would be awarded the researcher title. It would come a long way to reassure the folk if the research lab is started being established."

It was now I felt sad, seeing him caring only about the benefits of disregarding such honour, all due to the duty saddled on him by Dad. Now, I am thankful that he is there and was talented enough to endure this pressure, otherwise, I would gone insane in his position. Still, he is the only one I know who is so sure that the research lab will succeed. Well, considering his genius, it really might. On this point, I agree with Dad, some people are born differently.

Samantha as if seeing my thoughts asked, "So, when and where's the announcement."

"15 days from now, at this year's scientific gathering and techno expo in the oldest town in the world-- Celestic town, Sinnoh."


Samantha's POV,

----The next day after the letter, Safari zone---------

As I followed my new boss, Archer, and the other two kids I had helped raise, Jon and Sam, into the Safari Zone, a wave of nostalgia washed over me. It felt surreal to see the children I had known since they were babies now embarking on their own Pokémon journeys.

I felt the most disgusting feeling- Older.

Still, the passing glances from Jon and the other guards make me happy and frankly speaking, sexier. 

So, with a bright smile, I looked at the shifting terrain of the Safari Zone and its ever-changing landscape. I mean the first time I was here, they were not this well-maintained and this peaceful. 

I still remember the constant attacks from the Pokemon, but now there aren't anymore. Frankly, I am jealous of the main Kanto formed around the top 8 gyms. Something like this is a paradise to me. 

At least Bharatsa is changing by joining Kanto. Flashes of childhood filled with funerals every day came to my mind. Now, there is only an occasional death in the neighbourhood. Still, it might take decades for further change.

As much as I admire Dregen and even Archer for his talent and skill, I don't think one person can change the country. Stuff like Oak is the only example in the long history of the world.

I saw Archer leading the way confidently accompanied by his friends. Most importantly they are smiling and joking again. I am happy that they are finally leaving Dregen's death in the past.

For me, it is a reminder of how quickly life moved on. And it is a beautiful life.

I watched as Nidorans darted through the tall grass, Rhyhorns stomped through rocky terrain, Tauros grazed peacefully in open fields, and Pidgey soared through the sky above. 

Visiting kids, the family having a picnic. Trainers trying to find a Pokemon for their team.

Each Pokémon moves with grace and purpose, but the most important thing is they are peaceful and secure. All of this is possible because of the bond between trainers and Pokémon. It was a sight to behold, no wonder people are inspired by Oak, if this is the result of one man.

As we ventured deeper into the Safari Zone, I couldn't help but reflect on my journey as a Pokémon trainer and coordinator. Over the years, I had encountered countless Pokémon which I recognized on each step I took in the safari.

As we walked past Jon wrestling with a Tauros to catch it, Sam turned to me with a curious expression.

"Hey, Samantha, what's the difference between a researcher and a professor?" he asked. Probably arose from the recent summons to Archer.

I considered his question for a second before responding. "Well, researchers are the ones who take on projects on various topics, either funded by the Pokémon Alliance or privately. They delve deep into specific areas of study, conducting experiments and gathering data to further our understanding of Pokémon and their world. On the other hand, professors are figures of authority in their field. They have direct access to all of the League's information database, including the ones sealed behind red tape. It's said that every professor is a matter of pride to their home region."

Archer, who was ahead of us, shouted back, "That, and the almost endless funding from the Pokémon Alliance's deep pockets. Remember when I told you about the Porygon when the incident happened to you guys?"

I couldn't forget. It was a harrowing experience that nearly cost us our lives, I still remember Jonathan screaming at his lost limb but Archer's quick thinking and hacking skills had saved us. And then there was the Porygon itself, the man-made Pokémon. A Pokemon whose rise will more or less seal our fates as criminals.

"Yes," I replied, recalling the terrifying past and the unknown future ahead.

"Well, for professors, they are always given a few Porygons above the required requirement to help with their research," Archer explained. "The complex data that I currently require months to process, even with millions of Pokédollars poured into the Rotomdex, can be processed in a matter of minutes with Porygons help. Not to forget the laboratories outfitted with the latest equipment and the League's backing for data gathering."

As I processed this information, I watched Archer set up a camp near a lake, fishing out some Pokéblocks and throwing dozens of boxes into the water. My heart sank at the prodigal use of his Pokéblocks. You see, Archer's Pokéblocks could be worth hundreds of times their manufacturing cost due to his abnormal precision of quality.

But one question lingered in my mind, and I couldn't help but ask it. "So, does having more Porygons and better data mean that discoveries or inventions can be made just by lying back in comfort? And if so, why aren't there discoveries or inventions every once in a while? I mean with enough resources it seems to be possible to build up a professorship."


Archer's pov

I chuckled at Samantha's question, a familiar pondering that had crossed my mind many times as I progressed rapidly in this life with the help of AI, my unique advantage.

The Porygon itself, an artificial intelligence, was part digital lifeform capable of processing vast amounts of data from across the entire country.

As everyone looked at me expectantly, waiting for my response to Samantha's inquiry, I couldn't help but notice the shiver that ran through Sam's Gardevoir. It was as if the Pokémon sensed something familiar, perhaps the echoes of my past madness remained.

I continued, addressing Samantha's question, "And let's not forget the most important factor—the blessed minds of the professors."

Temporal move: Flashback

As I delved into my research, I decided it was time to put my theory regarding my AI to the test.

That's right, I am exploring my AI limits and capabilities, you dummy.

"The efficiency with which it processed data seemed to exceed normal capabilities by a significant margin. Note this point."

Glancing over at Sam's Kirlia, who was currently recovering from the onslaught of researched Pokéblocks of varying flavours, I knew I could count on her for assistance, such is my seducing bribe.

"You know the drill, girl," I said, addressing Kirlia. "I need you to alert me if you sense any loss of focus."

Kirlia nodded in understanding, taking a sip of the extra sweet Pecha Berry-infused juice.

Turning to Rotomdex, I instructed, "Start the problem."

The newly upgraded Rotomdex nodded solemnly as the process began, revealing a classic problem: "Find the value of X."

I set to work on solving it, simultaneously commanding my AI to do the same. It was a routine I had repeated hundreds of times before.

Initially, the time difference between my solution and the AI's had been substantial, attributed to factors like laziness, lack of focus, and irritation from my side.

That's when I decided to recruit Kirlia's help as my closest aid.

[AI prompt: Task completed]

Despite a burst of laziness threatening to hinder my progress, I persisted, aided by Kirlia's gentle reminders. Eventually, I completed the task just a minute after the AI, a significant improvement from the initial gap of hours.

"Kirlia, the next one will be trying to avoid losing control of myself due to petty emotions. It caused a delay in me."


Gathering the group around me, I began to explain the two primary methods of thinking that most individuals rely on.

Of course, I forewarned them in a rough and dummy version explanation.

"The first," I explained, "is the trial and error method, which involves using the information we collect or already know to solve problems. Polygons are the pinnacle of this approach. While the chance of error is almost negligible, the time consumed is atrocious. Samantha, your question earlier is relevant here. While a team of Porygons could potentially make groundbreaking discoveries given new data gathering capabilities, the method is inefficient and resource-heavy."

Turning to the second method, I continued, "Then there's pattern analysis, logic, or intuition, whichever name you prefer. It's easier and more efficient, but also more prone to mistakes. However, with increased experience, the likelihood of errors decreases. For example, if a given Data drive is filled with info without the necessary steps for a Porygon to process, it would resort to trial and error. In contrast, pattern analysis can discern the pattern and solve it in a matter of seconds."

"The first method is hard work, training, and education, while the second method is a talent, with which the individual is blessed upon birth. "

I paused to let the information sink in before elaborating further, "Professors, due to their immense talent and experience, have taken this second approach to the apex, reducing most mistakes to negligible levels. Coupled with Porygons for repetitive tasks, the greatest minds of our world can make progress decades ahead of the rest."

Drawing parallels to historical figures and modern scientists, it's similar to the great thinkers of my previous life—Edison, Galileo, Aryabhatta—who could think ahead of their time. In the modern era, this process has been streamlined, with scientists cultivated with funding from across the world seeing rapid improvements in short periods—a feat almost impossible for those of the previous decade.

But here, with AI coupled with the handful of professors alone can be said to be even further ahead of the modern world.

This brings the discussion back to my theory, according to which, My AI seems to possess the first-line data processing of trial and error, but it also appears to utilize my pattern thinking capabilities at crucial moments.

A pattern recognition that intervenes at the right points to leap ahead of redundant processing.

"The first method is hard work, training, and education, while the second method is a talent, with which the individual is blessed upon birth. "

As the discussion continued, my mind wandered back to the countless hours spent problem-solving, with Gardevoir watching on with a sense of fear, all for increasing my first method naturally. If 100% is my capacity, which is to be noted is used by AI. I use only a partial amount for trial and error.

So, I trained. The result is that Gardevoir had developed a keen sense of fear regarding me.

You see, during those moments when my determination bordered on madness. Eventually, I had to relent, realizing the futility of trying to suppress my emotions for the sake of increased efficacy. The human mind has limits beyond what we can expect.

But unfortunately, it is Humans as a whole are limited.


Suddenly, the tranquillity of the lake was shattered by a sudden disturbance. A whirlpool erupted from the water, dragging all the Poke blocks to the centre, scaring away all other Pokemon, to reveal a magnificent Dragonair.

According to Canon, this Dragonair had resided in the lake for the past two decades. It is likely to continue living and even give birth to an offspring in the next decade by the time of encounter with Ash.

I wasted no time in responding, sending out Electivire and Slaking to prepare for battle. The rest of the group instinctively moved back, their eyes widening at the sight of the second-stage Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon.


Observing the Dragonair's movements, I noted the telltale signs of Rain Dance. The air thickened with anticipation as the serpentine beauty gathered a massive amount of water near its mouth, releasing it in a torrential downpour aimed directly at me.


With a hint of mirth, I couldn't resist a joke, "Seems like I've ruffled the dragon's pride, luring it out like a common Magikarp with bait."

As the powerful Hydro Pump hurtled toward us, I swiftly issued my command, "Slaking, Endure."

My colossal tank of a Pokémon stepped forward, summoning normal energy to fortify his muscles and brace against the assault. Contrary to the games, this move in reality not only reduces the damage taken but also helps the Pokémon maintain combat effectiveness by diverting the damage to useless places.


I watched in amazement as Slaking managed to withstand the attack, his feet leaving dragged footprints in the ground as he was pushed back several meters.

It was a testament to the incredible strength of Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon. I know this Pokemon had no training I am sure it has little to no combat. Still, it is pushing Slaking.


In response to Slaking's roar, the Dragonair unleashed a Twister of Dragon energy from her tail, carrying gallons of water toward us while releasing an ice-type mover- icy wind at the back of the water-filled vortex.

I couldn't help but smile at the display, feeling a surge of relief wash over me. With proper training and breeding, this dragoness had the potential to evolve and become a Pokemon, on par with Electivire and Slaking. More chances in the main Indigo tournament.

Each Pseudo-Legendary was like an unpolished diamond, waiting for the right trainer to unlock their full potential.

In fact, with the addition of the Dragonair to our team, the variability and strength of our lineup had significantly improved. Only I knew the immense pressure I was under by using type disadvantage matchups, but with her by our side and the shiny Pokémon I planned to find in Sinnoh, our chances at the Indigo Conference were already promising.

With renewed vigour and confidence, I addressed my Pokémon, "Electivire, Slaking, let's show the lady dragons our strength. After all, the common trait of all Dragon types is that strength speaks louder than words. I am sure she won't reject the safari ball after a good beat-up."

I got a bloodthirsty smirk from slaking and thunder rising from Electrivire. I nodded and told them. "Fuck her up,"




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