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46.54% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 100: EPISODE 100: Birds Of Prey!

Capítulo 100: EPISODE 100: Birds Of Prey!

"Alright, we finally made it to route twenty-seven!" I beamed with excitement as we passed through the sign. One more route remains before we reach the cavern of the deep. Route twenty-seven is filled with deep jungles and very tall trees. The perfect place, for flying type Pokemon which loves to cling on branches.

It's been almost three days, without my Dratini. There were times where I would remember her cute little face, and there were times where I would remember her blue slithering body.

Camellia's worry doubles every time we move closer to the Cavern Of The Deep. It's the cavern where my parents are, according to the golden rings. We decided to set up a camp, near a tall and sturdy tree. It would take time for Camellia to cook her meal, so we decided to let our Pokemons play with each other while the four of us fix our camp.

"Alright! I want to challenge all of you!" Riolu beamed with determination.

"Nah, I'm too lazy to battle." Luxray uttered while stretching his four paws.

"And, I just want to sleep!" Treecko uttered while slowly closing his eyes.

"Alright then, about you Gardevoir, wanna battle?" Riolu queried with determination.

"No, me and Absol are going to play!" Gardevoir uttered while going towards Absol.

"About you Flabebe! I haven't seen you battle before." Riolu smiled and challenged the hopping Flabebe.

"Who wants to battle you? Hmph!" Flabebe uttered with anger.

"I guess you're still mad at me huh? About you Buneary? Roselia? Mareep?" Riolu queried.

"No thank you, we're busy with our own business," Roselia answered.

"Scyther? Zorua? Wanna battle!?" Riolu challenged the two playing Pokemons.

"All you know is to battle this and that, why don't you play once in awhile." Zorua suggested.

"Does anyone want to battle me!?" Riolu queried out loud.

"No!" The Pokemons shouted directly at him except for Rufflet and Petilil.

"Me Riolu! I wanna battle you!" Rufflet beamed with determination.

"Finally, I have a competitor! Alright Rufflet, let's battle!" Riolu beamed with determination.

"I'll be cheering for you Riolu!" Petilil giggled and smiled at Riolu.

"Thanks Petilil! I'll make you proud." Riolu beamed with determination.



*Riolu used seismic toss!*

*Rufflet dodges the attack and used peck!*



"Go, Riolu!" Petilil blushed while watching Riolu battle. She gets fascinated at Riolu's strength and power in battling.

*Riolu used force palm!*

*Rufflet tried to dodge but failed!*



*Rufflet used wing attack!*

*Riolu was pushed back by the wind!*



*Riolu used metal claw!*

*Rufflet dodged the attack!*

*Riolu climbed the vine and jumped! As Riolu falls, Rufflet couldn't look up! Rufflet was hit with metal claw!*



"Yay Riolu! Go! Go! Go!" Petilil cheered.

*Rufflet used Aerial Ace!*

*Riolu was shocked with the attack!*



*Riolu climbed the vines again but Rufflet pulled Riolu down! Riolu's attack missed!*



*Rufflet use Aerial Ace!*

*Riolu swiftly turns his body as Rufflet arrives! Riolu grabbed Rufflet's wing and tossed him to the sky!*



*Riolu used quick attack!*

*Rufflet was unable to dodge!*



"Yay! Riolu won again!" Petilil smiled and cheered Riolu.

"That was an amazing battle Riolu!" Rufflet rushed towards Riolu and complimented him.

"Thanks Rufflet, you're great in battling too, you just need some improvement." Riolu smiled.

Petilil rushed towards Riolu and Rufflet with a happy and big smile.

"Hey Riolu, can you train me to become strong like you! I want to become a bird of prey. A strong and powerful bird!" Rufflet begged with determination.

"Training? Sure thing! We can go deep in the jungle to train!" Riolu suggested.

"Can I come with you? Please!" Petilil begged with her cute little eyes.

"Sure, no problem Petilil, you can watch us train if you want." Riolu nodded and agreed.

"But deep in the jungle? Our trainers might scold us when they knew we left them without permission." Rufflet uttered with worry.

"Don't worry Riolu, it'll be for a short period of time only. We'll be back before we know it! Trust me." Riolu winked at the rough tough bird!

Petilil, Riolu, and Rufflet left the camp and wandered off to the deeper parts of the jungle. They didn't know where they were going, and they didn't know how to return back to the camp.

Petilil marveled at the beautiful flowers while Riolu and Rufflet walked side by side.

"In order for you to become a bird of prey, step one, focus your inner power!" Riolu smiled and instructed.

"Focus inner power!? How do I do that?" Rufflet queried in confusion.

"Simple, close your eyes and focus your power. You'll feel something going up your spine. Once you achieved your inner power? You'll need to release it with full force!" Riolu beamed and instructed with determination.

Rufflet slowly closed his eyes tightly, and tried to sense the inner power. Rufflet couldn't feel anything going up his spine, it was empty and plain.

"I don't feel anything Riolu!" Rufflet uttered while closing his eyes tightly.

"Focus Rufflet! Focus, let the eagle inside of you, take over!" Riolu instructed with determination.

"There's an eagle inside of me!?" Rufflet quicky opened his eyes with shock.

"It was just an expression Rufflet!" Riolu sighed and faced palm himself.

Rufflet tried to close his eyes again and tried to focus his inner power, but nothing was happening. It felt like an old blank piece of paper. Nothing was coming up Rufflet's spine.

A Pokemon was watching Rufflet train, he decided to descend from the trees and help Riolu and Rufflet out while Petilil sniffed the nearby flowers.

"Hello there," The bird rushed down towards Rufflet and Riolu.

"Ah! Don't eat us!" Riolu and Rufflet got shocked and panicked right away.

"No, no... don't be scared. I am Mandibuzz, people call me a bird of prey." The Pokemon introduced with his cool jazz voice.

"Mandibuzz!? You're the Pokemon which circles around dead Pokemons right?" Riolu shivered in fear.

"No, no... those are just rumors, after all, we look like vultures right? I see your little friend right here is having a hard time being a bird f prey." Mandibuzz observed with his cool jazz voice.

"You look like an enemy to me." Rufflet hid behind Riolu and shivered in fear.

"Well I agree with you, I look scary don't I? but rest assured, I already ate my lunch." Mandibuzz teased with his cool jazz voice.

"Great! You can help me and Rufflet train! My buddy here wants to become a bird of prey! Since you're a bird of prey, why don't you teach him how?" Riolu smiled and suggested.

"Yeah sure, I'll help your buddy out. Bird of prey, is a hard-won title! Just relax and feel the cool blue breeze." Mandibuzz uttered with his cool jazz voice.

"Thanks so much! Rufflet, you're going to become stronger in no time!" Ruflet beamed with determination.

"Alright, enough talking more training!" Rufflet beamed with excitement and determination.

"Alriiiiiggghhtt! Let's do this training quick and easy, oh by the way is that onion yours?" Mandibuzz pointed at Petilil who was sniffing a lot of flowers.

"Yup, that's Petilil! She loves to sniff flowers!" Riolu introduced and smiled.

"Ah I see... she looks like an onion to me. Anyways, let's go train Ruffy and Rio!" Mandibuzz teased with his cool jazz voice.

"Ruffy? My name is Rufflet!"

"And I'm not Rio, I am Riolu."

"Yeah I know that, in the jungle, you gotta have cool nicknames, dig?"

"What do you mean dig?" Rufflet queried in confusion.

"Are you three from around here? or are you some trainer Pokemons or somethin?"

"Yup, we have trainers!" Riolu smiled.

"Oh I see, in the jungle? We have our own language. The language of nature. Come on ya'll! It's time to explore the jungle." Mandibuzz deadpanned.

"Cool! Come on Petilil, we're going to follow Mandibuzz." Riolu called.

Petilil, Riolu, and Rufflet made a new friend who seem scary in the outside, its name is Mandibuzz, a bird of prey!

"Yo Croggy! Long time no see!" Mandibuzz went close to his friend and did their buddy hand shake.

"Croggy? Isn't that a Croagunk?" Petilil queried.

"Yeah it is, you see? The language of nature doesn't speak the name but the heart of a Pokemon. We're all brothers and sisters here. From the roaring Pyroes, or in your term, Pyroars, to the swimming Karps! Or the Magikarps in your term, the jungle is our home and we get to play in the jungle!" Mandibuzz explained with his cool jazz voice.

"Nice!" Rufflet complimented.

"So Ruffy, why don't we train in this cliff here?" Mandibuzz pointed.

"Sure thing! I already know how to fly!" Rufflet boasted.

"Yeah yeah, I know you know how to fly, but the question is... can you fly with blindfolds on!?" Mandibuzz tied a small leaf on Rufflet's eye and pushed him off the cliff.

"What in the world would you do that for!?" Riolu queried.

"Inner power dude! Relax, he'll fall into a pond if he doesn't fly." Mandibuzz explained.

Rufflet was scared at first, but he began to fly. The problem is, does he know where he's going?

"Rufflet's going crazy." Petilil uttered while looking at Rufflet flying through different directions.

Mandibuzz followed Rufflet and trained him well.

"Calm down yo, No need for speed. Navigate with ya mind and heart dude!" Mandibuzz instructed with a cool jazzy voice.

"How will I navigate? My eyes are covered?" Rufflet queried.

"Yeah, the only way to erupt is true fire and tribulation. We birds of prey can see with our eyes opened or close. Focus dude! Just feel the elements, air, water, earth, and fire. Hear them out." Mandibuzz instructed.

"What do you mean, all I see is nothing but pitch black! I don't hear anything but you." Rufflet uttered.

"Listen yo! Listen to the elements of the jungle. Fire, water, wind, and earth, feel them!" Mandibuzz instructed.

"How will I feel them? How can that help me navigate my way around?" Rufflet queried while flying with Mandibuzz.

"Simple Ruffy! Once you sense the elements, you can detect where they are, and where you're headed! Feel and listen to the sound of nature! Tell me Rufflet, what do ya hear?"

"Um... let's see, I hear you, Riolu and Petilil talking to each other, I can hear the gushing water at the pond." Rufflet answered.

"Cool, but not cool enough. You can hear the water, where's it coming from?"

"From below me," Rufflet answered.

"Which means, you're able to detect water! Try listening to the wind, or try feeling it."

"Well yeah I can feel the wind."

"Great dude! Where is it headed to?"

"To the east, oh wait! Now it's going west!" Rufflet uttered with eyes closed.

"Cool! the wind is your best friend now! Follow the wind, and it'll lead you to the right path!" Mandibuzz explained.

"Oh wait, I see something blue appearing in my eye. It's like I can see the cliff, but in a holographic view of some sort." Riolu uttered with eyes closed.

"Yes! You're sensing them, tell me Ruffy, do you heare the leaves?"

"Yes I do! Actually, it's pretty loud in my ear. Riolu and Petilil's talk is very loud even if I'm far away from them."

"Yes! That holographic thing, is your inner power dude! When you hear leaves, it means you're near ground. Tell me Ruffy, do you hear anything peculiar?"

"Umm... I hear a wavy sound, but it's not water. Is it fire?" Rufflet wondered.

"Dude! you're amazing, you just heard Charmander's flame from about 100 meters." Mandibuzz complimented.

"So, does that mean I'm a bird of prey now?" Rufflet queried.

"No no, you need to test your new skill first! Smile and Glide dude, smile and glide." Mandibuzz uttered with his cool jazzy voice.

Rufflet dashed through the jungle with blindfolds on, he was able to navigate the things around him even if his eyes were closed.

"Cool bro! Now remove your blindfold and it's time for training number two!" Mandibuzz instructed.

Rufflet was happy to learn a new skill from a bird of prey!

"Training number two, you need to work with your zoomin' eyes!" Mandibuzz instructed with a cool jazz voice.

"Sure, what do you mean by zooming eyes?" Rufflet queried with confusion.

"Simple, you see that tall tree over the distance? Seems pretty far right?"


"Now zoom your eyes, and it'll be closer," Mandibuzz uttered.

Rufflet tried to squint his eyes but nothing was happening. The tall tree stayed the same.

"Dude, don't squint! Just open your eyes and look directly at it!" Mandibuzz instructed.

"It looks like it's getting closer!" Rufflet uttered while opening his eyes very wide.

"Yeah dude cool blue right! Go and zoom up a bit, tell me what ya see?"

"Um, I see a Mankey hanging around and a little Vullaby in a nest." Rufflet smiled and uttered.

"Yo dude! You just mastered it, good job yo!" Mandibuzz complimented.

Rufflet swirled and flew around with excitement, when all of a sudden he began to glow.

"Dude! Ya evolving right away! I guess we have a new addition to the bird of prey title!" Mandibuzz watched Rufflet evolved. Rufflet had bigger wings and a ticker mane, Rufflet's now called Braviary!

"Braviary! Nice job dude! You're officially a bird of prey." Mandibuzz smiled and complimented.

"Thanks so much Mandibuzz! My trainer is definitely gonna be porud of me!" Rufflet, I mean Braviary uttered.

"Alright dude! I wanna battle you!" Mandibuzz ordered.

"A battle? Sure thing Mandibu-"

"Help!" Riolu shouted while trying to protect Petilil.

"What the? What's going on with my friends?" Braviary wondered and zoomed his eyes towards them.

"They're being surrounded with a flock of birds!" Braviary uttered with worry.

"Oh no, it's king Raptor the Staraptor!" Mandibuzz instructed.

"Come on, we have to save my friends!" Braviary and Mandibuzz flew towards Riolu and Petilil.

"Heh heh! Look at blue dog here, he's protecting green onion!" Raptor the staraptor teased as his flock laughed by his side.

"Petilil don't move, just stay still." Riolu uttered while Petilil was hiding behind Riolu.

Staraptor was very odd-looking, it had the looks of a gangster bird with his flock of birds.

"Give me little green onion and we'll let you live!" Staraptor demanded.

"No, she doesn't belong to you!" Riolu shouted.

"Oh man, I liked you little blue dog, but I guess I have to order my flock to brave bird of all ya!" Staraptor warned.

"Petilil, run!" Riolu instructed and held Petilil's hand. They rushed towards the deeper parts of the jungle.

"Yo dudes! Get me little onion and little blue dog for me!" Staraptor ordered as his clan began to chase Riolu and Petilil.

Riolu and Petilil kept on running away but the birds were keeping up.

Braviary and Mandibuzz lost our sight, they began to panic and find us.

"Dude! Your friends probably ran towards the Gorge!" Mandibuzz guessed.

"Oh no, come on Mandibuzz! We gotta save them!" Braviary uttered with worry and tried to chase Riolu and Petilil.

<Cocock!>The Pokemon chirped with bravery.

"Petilil, don't look back!" Riolu ordered as the both of them rushed towards the gorge. They didn't know they were heading to a dead end.

-------------(Birds)-------------------(R and P)

"Ouch!" Riolu accidently stepped on a thorn which caused him to trip.

"Riolu, this isn't the time to give up now, come on!" Petilil held Riolu's arm as he tried to hop. Riolu's other feet were bleeding and were badly damaged.

"My foot hurts!" Riolu uttered with pain.

"Come on Riolu, they're chasing us! Bear the pain, and I'll heal them once we're safe!" Petilil uttered with worry as Riolu tried to hop.

Their speed got slower as the birds catched up.

Riolu and Petilil ended up on another cliff, below them was a river.

"Riolu! It's a dead-end!" Petilil uttered with worry as Riolu tried to bear the thorn stuck in his face. The birds were charging towards them while Braviary was behind them.

"Petilil! Hold on tight!" Riolu hugged Petilil and jumped off the cliff, they were falling towards the river with a strong current.

The birds got shocked with Riolu and Petilil's action, they taught they were gonna die anyways so they went back to Raptor the Staraptor.

Riolu was hugging Petilil very tightly as they splashed into the river. The strong current separated them. Riolu tried to reach for Petilil but the water distracted him. The water tried to pull Riolu down.

Braviary tried to find Petilil and Riolu but they were not in sight.

"Mandibuzz, I have to tell my trainer!" Braviary uttered with panic.

"Go ahead dude! I'll be searching for them!" Mandibuzz smiled and promised as Braviary rushed back to the camp.

"Petilil!" Riolu shouted as the river pushed them.

"Riolu! Help me! I don't know how to swim." Petilil shouted with worry as she tried to find Riolu.

<Brav! Brav!>The Pokemon pecked Glade's shoulder.

"What the!? Rufflet!? You evolved?" Glade uttered in shock as Braviary pulled his t-shirt.

The ties are getting tougher! Riolu and Petilil are in trouble, Raptor is after them, and Braviary is worried! What other problems will arise? Only time will tell as the journey continues!

next chapter
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