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98.43% Pokemon: Radical Redux / Chapter 251: 3 Johto kids

Capítulo 251: 3 Johto kids

[You are probably wondering how Ash was here, welll….]

Last night, Ash, Misty, Brock, and Yellow went to get a hotel and had a good night's sleep, then Ash woke up and had Abra teleport to where Green was to mark a place, then she went back for Ash, and that's it, that's how one gets in this situation.

Anyway, Ash was now breaking up the fight that quite literally happened for no reason, he jumped down from his spot and walked to the center of their battle.

"You two are acting like children, why did you decide to fight in the middle of town," Ash said

Green immediately spoke up, "Hey, it was self-defense, he attacked us first!"

"And that was a reason to [Earth Power] the ground," Ash said, pointing to the new cracks on the road caused by her attack.

Ethan spoke up, "Well, I was trying to stop these Pokemon thieves from getting away, they stole that Totodile that was supposed to go to one of the trainers leaving today!"

Ash listened, then looked back at Green and Silver, seeing the Totodile, and sighed, "Now, what's your side,"

"We found this Totodile here in the alley," Silver said, "We didn't steal anything,"

"A likely story! That seems like something a Pokemon thief would say!" Ethan said, "And who are you, why did you get in the way!"

"I got in the way because you idiots were doing a lot of property damage for fighting in the middle of the road. You're lucky it's so early, or some people would be out, and best case, you guys get reported."

"W-well, it doesn't matter, I'm on a mission, I need to recover that Totodile!!"

"You know we said we were going to take the Totodile to the lab, right!" Green yelled out, but Ethan was dead set at the moment.

"So, who are you, and are you going to help me or stand in my way from completing the mission the Professor gave me!" Ethan said, holding out a new Pokeball.

Before Ash could say something, Green came up and grabbed Ash, pulling him to her side, "Isn't it obvious he's my boyfriend, and he's here to protect me~"

Ash just looked down at her, doing the disgusted Tanjiro face as she mouthed the words, 'Sorry'

Ethan frowned, "I see, then that means you're going to stop me, which means you're an Accomplice as well, oh then," Ethan said as he spun the Pokeball in his hand, "Then let's b- Gah!"

Suddenly, before Ethan could throw out that Pokeball, a small stone came up and hit him on the head, and a girl's voice called out, "Ethan! Stop being an idiot!"

Over where it came from, a blue-haired girl was bouncing another rock on her foot like it was a soccer ball, ready to kick it again, it was Kris,

"W-wha, but Kris, I'm trying to get the stolen Pokemon!" Ethan tried explaining himself as Kris kicked the other small rock, hitting him on the head again.

"You ran out before the Professor told you, you idiot, that Pokemon wasn't stolen it ran away!" Kris said as she started walking up, seeing everyone else and the destruction caused by the earlier battle.

"*sigh* you got yourself into a fight, didn't you, you idiot," Kris said as she came up and punched Ethan on the head.

"OW ok, ok, yeah I did, but in my defense, I thought I was doing the right thing I'm sorry," Ethan said, rubbing his head.

Kris sighed and then saw that Silver had the Totodile she walked up to him and smiled at him, "Hello there,"

Silver was momentarily stunned, but he managed to speak still, "Uh, hi… I'm Silver,"

"Kris, it's a pleasure to meet you, unfortunately, that idiot behind me is my friend, and he was coming after that Totodile you have, you see it's supposed to go to one of the new trainers that are going to come today to start their journey, so do you mind if I can get it back?"

Silver nodded and held out Totodile, but Totodile seemed to not want to let go and was holding onto Silver's arms as Kris grabbed it by the feet. It took some pulling, but eventually, Kris managed to pull the crocodile off Silver as it started chomping.

Kris frowned as Totodile tried chomping her, so she threw the crocodile at Ethan, "Here you carry it, Mr Hero,"

Ethan barely caught it but immediately got chomped on the arm, "YOWCH!"

As that was happening in the background, Kris looked at everyone, "Again, sorry for the trouble he caused, he has a good heart, just a stupid brain,"

"I hear that, I have a friend who is the same," Green said, smirking at Ash.

Ash rolled his eyes, "I know you're not talking about me because last time I checked, I had better grades than you when we were in school, or do I need to remind you how you begged to help you cheat so you could pass,"

"Hey, it's not my fault I knew you would help me out. Besides, I made it up to you,"

Ash sighed and looked back at Kris, "Whatever, anyway, it's fine, but you better go that Totodile is trying to eat your friend's head,"

As Kris looked back, she saw that Ethan was jumping around, trying to pull off the Totodile from his head as he was also running into objects.

She sighed, "Yeah, sorry again, I have to get these two back to the lab and don't worry about the property damage, I'll tell the Professor he'll take care of it after probably not scolding Ethan as he should."

With that, she came over and, grabbed Ethan's wrist and dragged him away as she waved goodbye, and they all waved her bye as well.

As she did, Ash and Green looked back and saw that Silver was still waving her bye for a few seconds longer, both Ash and Green looked at each other and smiled.

Green sneaked next to Silver, "Ohh, what's up you, you're acting differently,"

Silver flinched, "Uhh, no, I'm just thankful that she cleared up that situation with that guy,"

"But you never act so, let's say, nervous like that infact this is the first time I've seen you nervous," Ash added fuel to the fire.


Green gasped overdramaticly, "Don't tell me you like her!"

Silver's eye twitched, but he didn't deny it, so Ash continued, "Oh, You totally do, never thought the day would come where our Edge lord would have a crush,"

Green's eyes sparkled, "Oh, the pain an older sister feels when her little brother will be taken by another girl, but I'll accept it, just be sure to make me an Aunt soon~"

Silver started walking away, as a faint blush could be seen on his cheeks, Ash and Green laughed as they held onto each other for support.

After a moment, Green looked over at Ash, "Hey, by the way, I just realized you're here didn't you plan on staying at the other town,"

"Oh, while you were traveling, I got a good night's sleep, and I sent Abra over once you got here," Ash said smugly as they walked after Silver.

"That's just cheating, you bully," Green said with a deadpan face

"Hey, don't hate the player hate the game,"

Green pouted at him, frowning, "I demand compensation for my suffering,"

Ash waved her off, "Sure, fine, I'll buy everyone lunch if you want, but I'm gonna go get everyone else, you wanna meet up at the lab?"

Green's eyes lit up, "I'll hold you to that, and sure,"


A while later, Ash got Abra to bring the other 3, Misty and Brock chose to go explore the town since this was their first time outside of Kanto, for the most part anyway. Brock did come to Johto once, but that was more for gym leader duties,

Meanwhile, Yellow decided to go with Ash to go see Silver since she remembered him, and what they had can almost be called a friendship, it was more of two introverts in the middle of a school of extroverts.

As they got to the lab, they walked in since Ash also needed to talk to Elm, not just see Silver off, and as he did inside, he saw seven people already inside, there were the People he knew: Green, Silver, and Professor Elm.

But then there were also the people he knew about but didn't know personally. Like Kris, Ethan, Vincent, and then there was Lyra.

As soon as they walked in, the attention was on them, and Yellow reflexively hid behind Ash as they walked in, they each had their own reactions: confusion, shock, and interest from a certain girl,

Elm's eyes lightened up, "Oh, Ash! It's you. I hardly recognized you, and Yellow is behind you, too,"

Ethan looked at the Professor, "You know them too?"

"Yeah, I met them all once back when they were kids, it's a shame you 3 were just barely older otherwise, I would have recommended you all go to Kanto as well to study with them."

Ash walked in and smiled as he came closer to the Professor, "Yeah, it's great to see you, you seem to be doing well, I heard from the Professor you're married now,"

Elm smiled, "And with a kid on the way!"

With that, everyone except Ash looked shocked and collectively said, "EHHHH!!!"

Ash and Elm looked at everyone, Ash looked at them, "What did you expect, he studied Pokémon breeding, did you think he didn't know how to have kids? I'm more surprised it took so long,"

Elm chuckled, "Well, I think that's enough of that for now, but right now, we only have 2 of the three kids that will receive their Pokemon,"

Ethan scratched his head and looked at Silver again, "Sorry again, I didn't know you were one of the people getting a Pokemon today."

Ash noticed him say that, "Why do you say that did something else happen,"

Ethan looked embarrassed, but Lyra spoke up this time, "Oh, it's nothing, it's just as soon as he came in, Ethan there may or may not have tried to kick him out because he thought he came to Steal a Pokemon,"

Kris elbowed Lyra in the side, "Not the time to be cheeky,"

Lyra rubbed her side, "Ow, sorry, but it's true, sis, your boyfriend tried kicking him out,"

"First, he's not my boyfriend. I'm not dating anyone, and you know that second, just because he did something stupid doesn't mean you have to call it out,"

Elm chuckled, seeing those antics he's all too familiar with, "Don't mind them, that's how they bond, siblings sure are wired like that,"

Ash shrugged, "I wouldn't know, only child here,"

"Right, anyway, while we wait for the last new trainer, the Professor said you had some business for me, we can st-"

Suddenly, the door to the lab was kicked open, and from it, an energetic girl with purple hair came marching in wearing baseball clothes and a jacket that was about two sizes too big for her, she came in chanting a chant from a baseball team.

"If you think you'll win the game You are in for quite a shock, Electabuzz will electrify And then will rule and rock..."

As she came in, she finally noticed she wasn't the first like she thought, she was the last, "W-what! I came in last….no, this can't be," it was Casey.

Lyra elbowed her friend and teased her like she always does, "Yep, in last, just like the Electabuzz~"

Casey shook her head and slapped her cheeks, "It doesn't matter! I won't give up then; I'll just have to be better, just like the Electabuzz!"

Yellow leaned over to Ash and Green, Chuchu still on her shoulder, looking strangely, too, "Do you guys know what she's talking about,"

"I think it has to do with Baseball, but I never really got into it that much," Ash said as Pikachu nodded, still on Ash's shoulder, as he considered going back in the backpack.


As soon as he said that, Casey's ears perked up as she looked over and saw Ash and Yellow with their Pikachus, without a word, she ran up and grabbed them, looking excited,

"Oh my gosh! Pikachus! And there are 2 of them, oh look at their soft fur and that beautiful color *gasp* don't tell me are these two together are they gonna make a Pichu soon, ohh I want to see that!!"

Pikachu and Chuchu blushed at the mention of that as their cheeks started sparking from embarrassment.

Elm recognized that they got stimulated, which meant they were about to shock Casey, "Casey, no quick, put them down!"

But Casey didn't listen as she was too amazed by the mice then, as they were about to shock her, Ash came over and grabbed them both as they released their electricity at Ash.

Everyone was worried, but after seeing Ash was fine, they calmed down, Ash put Chuchu back in Yellow's arms and showed his gloves, "Electric proof gloves, don't think too much about it, you should be careful, I've gotten shocked enough to get used to it, your not."

Casey scratched her cheek in embarrassment, "Sorry, I was just so excited seeing a Yellow and black Pokemon,"

After Elm calmed his own nerves, he looked up, "Well then, after that minor heart attack, how about we start? There are 3 of you that need your first Pokemon."

Elm went to a shelf and, brought out a tray and pressed the buttons on each, releasing a Cyndaquil, Totodile, and a Chikorita.

But as soon as they did and before Elm could call on someone to choose, Totodile saw Silver and immediately jumped at him, he still remembered him, and he was snuggling against him.

Silver was surprised as the Totodile showed affection as everyone chuckled, and Elm spoke, "Well, it seems like Totodile likes you, why don't you take him then,"

Silver pulled Totodile off his face and looked at the croc, "Fine, I don't hate this…"

Kris walked over and grabbed the Pokeball before leaning down to Silver and handing it to him, "That means we started with the same Pokemon then,"

Silver took it but didn't quite look Kris in the eyes he just nodded. Meanwhile, Lyra and Casey looked over the last 2, and after a moment, they decided

"I chose Chikorita! X2," they said in unison, only after did they realized they wanted the grass type.

"So I was here first, you should get to choose last!" Lyra said 

"Hey, I should get the Chikorita! You have your sister to help you. I need all the help I can get!" Casey responded 

As they argued, Elm chuckled and put Cyndaquil back in its Pokeball, "Both of you relax,"

He went back on the shelf and grabbed another Pokeball, releasing a second Chikorita, "You can both get it, I'm more than prepared for all of you,"

they immediately stopped arguing and instead talked about who should get which. Chikorita, Ash and Green looked at each other, then back at Elm.

"Can you be our Professor instead!"

next chapter
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