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50% Pokemon: Merciless Rocket / Chapter 1: The Beginning Of Terror
Pokemon: Merciless Rocket Pokemon: Merciless Rocket original

Pokemon: Merciless Rocket

Autor: TowardsTheHeavens

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: The Beginning Of Terror

Just wanted to put out a few warnings, this story will have dark themes such as murder, torture, blood, no such things as r*pe scenes and all that though, not into that. Though, there might be mention of r*pe, but that's as far as it'll go. Like hell am I writing a r*pe scene. Also, the story starts just before Ash goes to Sinnoh.


When you've lived most of your pathetic life as a punching bag and stress relief source for your own parents, that can drive you to do things that no normal person would ever consider doing. Though, no matter how lawful someone may be, if pushed enough, they will eventually crack.

That was what Colt's entire life was, he was abused by his parents on the daily basis to relieve themselves of the stress of life. This continued for years without end, and the only solace he really ever got was when he went to school, funnily enough.

The place that many kids considered 'hell', he considered 'heaven'.

However, when he turned sixteen, he finally lost it. He even amazed himself at how he had been able to keep his emotions in check for all those years, though it felt so good to finally let it all out. He let all his emotions run out, not in the form of words, but actions.

After all, actions speak louder than words ever could.

He had made sure to give his 'parents' the most painful experience he could possibly provide, making sure that he inflicted as much pain onto them as possible. He wasn't just going to let them die, at least not so quickly. They needed to suffer, they needed to understand TRUE pain.

Of course, with how his father had been physically stronger than himself, not everything went down as he had planned. Though, he was more than happy to die at that moment as long as he was able to bring true terror to the ones that 'raised' him.

True to the words before, he had perished from the little fight between him and his parents. Though it was strange, he died yet here he was sitting down on a bed in one of the many bedrooms of a fictional criminal organisation.

Yeah, you heard that right. A FICTIONAL criminal organisation. He wasn't sure how it happened, but he could care less. All he knew was that he was in the world of Pokemon, a fictional world back in his own world. He only knew things about pokemon due to a friend he made at school talking about it constantly.

While he wasn't entirely interested whenever his friend talked on and on about the subject, he did at least sponge all of the information up. As useless as it was. Though now he was glad he actually listened to the nerd, the information would prove useful to him in this world.

For how he managed to find himself joining this crime syndicate? Well, let's leave that to your imagination... Let's just say that it took a bit of blood and guts, something that shouldn't be talked about so lightly. Anyway, compared to the others in the room, he was quite young.

Colt was a young man of sixteen years of age, having fair skin along with an athletic build. His current attire was that of a simple grunt here in the syndicate, black clothing fitted with gloves, a hat, and also with the red 'R' printed onto the front of the shirt.

It was actually a whole lot easier than he thought, as from what he's been told by his friend, though it was only a one-time thing he spoke about, Rocket members apparently went through some academy. Though, from what he's been told so far, the current recruits like himself weren't going to be going through that.

Instead, from what he's been informed about, him and the other recruits were going to be sent onto separate lower-end missions along with other different tasks to determine whether or not they'd be valuable enough to be placed into the ranks of the group.

That's exactly what he was waiting for now, Colt was waiting in this room for the instructor or whatever to come and get them along with the others. The room he was in now was one of the bedrooms that he'd be staying in over the recruitment days, along with five others.

They all had their separate beds, and they all seemed to be minding their own business, though two of them were talking with each other. From the looks of it, they were all either twenty years or older compared to himself who was only sixteen.

Anyway, the other recruits were probably waiting in their own rooms. While he wasn't aware of it, it seemed like the other recruits in the room were avoiding him. They felt kind of unnerved and concerned for themselves in his presence, and it made them uncomfortable. Colt couldn't care less, he just wanted the instructor to hurry the hell up.

Opening his eyes, Colt took off his hat as he stared at the ground with his dead crimson eyes. His eyes were sharp, and a bloody crimson colour. He had straight smooth black hair that slightly went over his left eye, his face was shadowed a bit by his hair, though his eyes seemed to glow right through the darkness.

He had to admit, the uniforms weren't exactly the most comfortable considering the material was a bit itchy to be honest, though nothing he couldn't get used to. Though, he was more annoyed by how hot they could get, but whatever. Maybe he'd be able to get his own custom outfit at some point.

"All right, recruits!" A loud voice suddenly shouted when the doors to the room swung open. The others flinched at the sudden noise, but Colt just looked over before standing up and placing his hat back over his head. "You are to all line up outside in the field to get your pokemon! No slacking!"

"Understood!" The others shouted as Colt calmly walked past the man who had spoken. Unconsciously, the man shivered a bit when Colt glanced up to meet his eyes as he walked past. Looking at Colt's retreating form, he stared for a second before shrugging.

This was what Colt was looking forward to the most, his first pokemon. He didn't care if the pokemon started weak, he'd train it to become strong. He only cared about whether or not the pokemon was willing to do what he says, he wasn't going to be a normal trainer or grunt after all. He didn't need a pokemon who didn't have the guts.

Anyway, it didn't take long at all for all the recruits to arrive on the outside field. The building they were in was one of the branching buildings to help train recruits, it wasn't the HQ, but it was still quite impressive. Team Rocket was probably without a doubt the most powerful when it came to influence, and also resources and overall strength.

Unlike a number of other organisations out there, Team Rocket seemed to weed out the especially weak recruits and only keep hold on the more promising ones. The other groups had to accept all recruits to help build their numbers, Team Rocket didn't as they had been around for far longer compared to the others and already had an incredible standing.

Anyway, there were also a number of official grunts lined up watching to make sure no one was making any trouble. They all had pokemon beside them, keeping an eye on the recruits. If Colt had to make an estimation, the number of recruits was around eighty or so.

"Listen up, recruits!" All of the recruits all quickly paid attention when a man's powerful voice shouted. When they looked forwards, they saw a large man with a purple mohawk along with large purple eyebrows. He held a clipboard in his hands as he addressed them. "My name is Viper, the Drill Sergeant for the Team Rocket Academy!"

Colt didn't show much of a reaction, but he did narrow his eyes slightly at the large form of the man. He could tell the man was experienced, he had a powerful presence to him and had a military-like demeanour. Fitting for a drill instructor. The man looked serious, he could respect that.

"As you all know by now, we aren't putting you through the normal works of the academy. However, don't expect this to be any easier, in fact, expect it to be even harsher!" Viper shouted as he glanced around at all the recruits. "We at Team Rocket won't be accepting people who can't prove themselves. Without further ado, we'll get started with giving you your first pokemon."

When Viper announced that, a few of the official grunts pushed over what looked to be a number of iron carts that had a countless number of pokeballs stacked into them. The recruits all looked at the carts with interest, and when the grunts stopped pushing them, Viper continued.

"Now, I'll be calling you up one at a time. You will quietly grab one of the pokeballs, and whatever pokemon you get will be your partner. If you can't work with what you get, then too bad!" Viper shouted seriously. "I'll tell you what will happen over the next few days after you all get your pokemon and get acquainted with it."

Just as Viper had instructed, he called up each and every recruit one at a time to get their pokemon. This was done in absolute silence as the recruits walked up, grabbed a pokemon and returned to their spots on the field without a word. Nothing special or crazy happening.

"Colt Alvester!"

Colt silently opened his eyes and uncrossed his arms when he heard his name being called out, to which he silently began walking up towards the front. When he walked up towards the carts, he looked at them for a second before grabbing one and walking back to where he stood.

As he did this, Viper couldn't help but look at Colt's eyes as the young man was walking past. A cold feeling washing over him as those blood-red eyes shined like crimson suns. A man as experienced as himself could see the cold dread that lingered inside those orbs.

"So that's the kid I was told about... Scary." Viper muttered to himself as he watched Colt walk away. He had been informed of a specific recruit, having been explained a rather gruesome situation. Viper wasn't sure if he believed what he was told or not considering how young Colt looked. Shaking his head, he decided to push it off for another time. "Enrique Woodland!"


At the current time, all of the recruits were now off on their own scattered all across the building. The reason was that Viper what all of them to at least get themselves acquainted with their new pokemon partners, and it'd be too annoying to do so all together on the field.

So, just so that he could have some alone time with his own pokemon, just so he could get to know it better, he chose to go to one of the corners of the sports field where people usually were found running laps and such. A few others had the same idea and were scattered across the field, though thankfully none were too close to him.

"Let's see what you are." Colt muttered to himself before priming the pokeball before calmly tossing it up into the air. The ball spun a few times before bursting open, releasing a stream of blue energy, to which the ball then landed back in his hand.

Colt watched as the light began to condense and take form, the shape appearing to be somewhat big as it seemed to look almost as if it was coiled on the grown. As the figure was soon fully shown, Colt saw that it was a large snake that closely resembled that of a rattle-snake.

"An ekans... A shiny one at that." Colt was bit surprised when he saw that the snake was not the usual purple, but a swampish green colour. He was surprised that they would even give this to a potential grunt, from his knowledge shiny pokemon were rare and would probably go for quite a lot of money on the market.

Not like it mattered, all he cared about was whether or not this ekans would be able to go through with the type of trainer that Colt was going to be. Don't get him wrong, Colt wasn't going to be abusive to his pokemon, but he was not one who would show mercy to his enemies. If Ekans hesitates in battle and refuses to go the extra mile, then he didn't want it as a pokemon.

"Ekans." Colt voiced calmly as the poisonous snake glanced up at him with its unblinking eyes. When Ekans looked into Colt's eyes, it shivered unconsciously, but shook it off before continuing to stare at him. "You're brave, good. Now, whether or not you fulfil my other condition, that's yet to be seen."

When Colt said this, Ekans could only raise its eye in a fashion similar to how humans would usually raise an eyebrow to display a sign of confusion. Seeing this, Colt crossed his arms before looking at Ekans seriously, no sign of joking or anything in his form.

"I'll put it bluntly, Ekans. If you and I are to be partners for the future, then you're going to have to be ruthless. You're going to have to be a pokemon that won't hesitate to strike when needed." Colt narrowed his eyes before continuing. "In other words, you have to be merciless. I expect you to be able to kill if need be."

Ekans seemed rather surprised by this as it blinked at his new trainer with a hint of surprise and... hopefulness? Colt knew that pokemon were far different compared to normal animals, not just in the sense that they have powers, but also that they display incredible intelligence.

"I'm not like other members here at Team Rocket, I'm not nearly as merciful or 'kind-hearted' as they may be." Colt unfolded his arms as he glared down at the snake. "I won't hesitate to kill someone if I have to, and I expect the same from you. We need to be brutal, that's how we get the job done. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bloodthirsty, I'm simply efficient."

Ekans continued to stare at Colt for a bit, Colt doing the same as his eyes didn't flinch back at all as the snake released a few hisses. After a few seconds, the poison-type gave a small grin before nodding its head and slithering over towards Colt and climbing up onto him.

"It seems that you've agreed to be my partner, correct?" Colt asked simply as Ekans nodded its head with a grin. Colt gave a small smile as the snake then wrapped itself around his neck loosely, using Colt's neck to perch itself. "I won't take your word for it though, you'll have to show me in a battle."

Ekans simply gave a nod with a loud hiss as Colt nodded before he proceeded to walk off towards the entrance of the building. He saw a few other recruits look over at him, obviously surprised by the shiny that hung around his neck, but he could care less as his first destination for now was the battlefield where Viper had told them all to meet up after.

As he walked through the building, Colt took notice of all the others and their pokemon. Not surprisingly, all of them had typical starting pokemon for grunts like zubats, rattatas, koffings, and even a few other ekans, though not shiny like his.

A few of them were still getting acquainted with their pokemon, while others had already done so and were making their way towards the same place he was going. Ekans was turning his head around constantly, curiously looking around at the new kind of environment.

Anyway, once Colt made it to the battlefield area, he saw that it was a massive hall with around six separate battlefields arranged nicely together, which was overlooked by a few audience stands and such for people to watch the ongoing battles. Currently, everyone was sitting on the seats waiting for Viper.

Taking a seat, Colt calmly observed everything that was going on around him. He saw a few recruits having a hard time keeping their pokemon in check, made him wonder why they didn't just put them back in their pokeballs. Probably weren't the brightest bunch compared to a few others he could see.

He sat there silently for around ten minutes before Viper himself walked up in front of the seats to address them all, the other recruits having managed to make it here in time before Viper could scold them or kick them out immediately for tardiness.

"Over the next few days, we expect you to get comfortable with your new partners. You will each be given different assignments to complete, let it be field or written, you'll get them." Viper stated as they all listened. "Of course, you'll also need to know how to battle with your partners. Which is what we'll be doing today to get a general grasp at your current ability, which we will then compare to in a few days time."

Colt noticed a few people looking nervous at this, probably due to the fact that this initial assessment was quite important. After all, if you do horrible the first time around, then the higher-ups probably won't end up having much hope for your future here at the organisation. If you do well, then you might catch their interest.

While Colt had never in his life been in a pokemon battle, obviously since he lived in a world without pokemon, and had only been in this world for a max of three days now. However, battling shouldn't be incredibly difficult. As long as you can give commands and react fast, along with analysing the situation and adapt, you should be more than fine.

"For the first few battle matchups, take a look at this screen."

Viper gestured towards a television screen placed next to him, to which the screen soon flicked on before displaying a few names, each of the names being in a pair, obviously meaning they were the two that were going to be put up against one another in a battle.

'I'm up first, huh? Prepare yourself, Ekans. Let's see if you can stay true to what you told me." Colt voiced as he glanced next to him to look at the snake in the eyes. Ekans simply gave a nod in response, causing Colt to nod as well with a small smile.

"As you can see, these are the first matchups. If you see your name, make your way to the battlefield now. They are numbered according to what battlefield you will be battling on. Now, get a move on! I don't want to waste any more time!"

Colt calmly stood up, along with eleven others as they all made their way down to the battlefield. Colt saw that he was placed to be battling on field three, so he calmly and silently made his way over towards the numbered field before standing inside one of the trainer boxes.

Not long after, another one of the recruits soon stepped into the trainer box on the other side of the field. Soon enough, a strange panel soon rose up from the ground next to each trainer box, Colt already knew what this thing was, along with the other recruits as they all placed their pokeballs onto the panel.

Even without Ekans present inside the ball, the panel seemed to scan the pokeball before displaying a bunch of information regarding Ekans. The screen displayed things like the pokemon's type, their current pokedex entry, gender, their current moveset, and even their ability.



● Type: Poison

● Ability: Shed Skin

● Pokedex: It sneaks through grass without making a sound and strikes unsuspecting prey from behind.

● Moves: Leer, Bite, Poison Sting, Wrap


'Not too bad...' Colt muttered to himself as he saw the moves displayed. He honestly didn't see too much reason to use Bite since Ekans didn't have any teeth, unlike his evolution. If Ekans did have teeth, they were so small you could just ignore them. However, he could use the attack as a way to throw the opponent around perhaps.

For now, he could definitely make use of the other three moves. So, after quickly reading the rest of the information, he turned his attention back up towards his opponent and saw that they were also ready. They had their pokeball in their hand ready to send out.

"You may now begin!"

"Come on out, Rattata!"

"Rattata, huh? Shouldn't be a problem at all. Get in there, Ekans." Colt voiced calmly as Ekans hissed before uncurling himself from Colt's neck and jumping onto the field. The rattata flinched back merely by Ekans landing on the field, making the snake scoff at the small rat. "Use Leer!"

Immediately, Ekans opened his mouth wide before hissing and glaring at the rattata harshly, causing the rat to recoil back in fright at the sight of the big snake in front of it. The recruit tried to get it to calm down, but to no avail as the Leer had quite the effect on the rat.

'Note to self, work on Ekan's Leer...' Colt frowned a bit when he saw the way Ekan's was glaring at the rat. While it may have worked quite well, there was no true scariness in his opinion behind those eyes. Ekan's was just trying to be scary, he wasn't producing and true meaning in that look aside from wanting to look frightening. "Now use Wrap, squeeze as tightly as possible!"

Ekans then lunged at the frightened rattata.

"Dodge out of the way!" The recruit tried to command, but it was to no avail as Ekans quickly wrapped the rattata inside the coil that was its body. The rattata was releasing loud squeaks as it tried to break free, to no avail. "Use Bite!"

"Don't let it try to sink its teeth in, squeeze tight!" Ekans hissed as he squeezed even tighter, making it hard for Rattata to even breathe as Ekans hissed at it with cold eyes. "Now, rain down Poison Sting onto it! Show no mercy!"

Ekans quickly complied as he opened up his mouth before countless purple darts of poison began raining out from its mouth, directly striking Rattata all over as it still struggled within Ekan's grasp. The darts of poison, while they didn't explode or anything on contact, they were still hurting the rattata.

"Another note, work on how Ekan's should wrap around the opponent..."

Colt sighed a bit when he saw that Ekan's was simply wrapping around Rattata's body. With Ekan's larger body, he should easily be wrapping himself completely around Rattata, yet was only restraining its main body. What a waste...

Wrapping around the head and neck was also something snakes did when they coiled around their prey, this made it easier for the prey to fall unconscious due to lack of air. That along with how the pokemon wouldn't be able to hear its trainer's commands as easily also was another advantage.

True, a lot of snakes don't rely on coiling but instead their poison to kill their prey, but since Ekan's didn't have any teeth to do that right now, coiling was the alternative for now. Though, Colt was definitely going to make use of both wrapping and poison in the future when Ekan's grew teeth either naturally or through evolution.

Only a fool would not use everything they have at their disposal.

"Slam Rattata into the ground, end this useless struggle!"

Colt commanded coldly as everyone in the hall, even Viper, shivered at the tone as Ekans hissed before using its body to grip Rattata at the end of its tail before slamming the rat down. The impact wasn't strong enough to crack the ground, but it did make a loud slamming sound as a cloud of dust formed as well.

When the dust dispersed, Rattata was seen on the ground completely knocked out with traces of small poisoning on its already purple body. Ekans scoffed at the rat before slithering his way back over to Colt and perching itself around his neck once again, Colt gently stroking the snake's body in response.

"Well done. A few things need to be worked on, but overall a good performance." Colt complimented as Ekan's hissed in glee. Colt smiled before he began walking back towards the staircase, he ignored the stares that he got as his performance caught the attention of everyone, even the others who were battling.

He ignored their looks and made his way out of the hall with Ekan's happily hanging around his neck.

next chapter
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