The top 8 was finally over. Tomorrow the semifinals and the finals, as well the 3rd place match will take place. The pairings for the semifinals will be announced tomorrow.
Wes was already briefing his Pokemon about the matches that will take place tomorrow.
Wes: Ok everyone. That's all. Tomorrow i expect you to give it your all.
All of the Pokemon nodded and roared in excitement. They were ready to crash their respective opponents. The most excited of the bunch were Espeon, Umbreon and Charmeleon. They were the only ones, that had no appearances on this tournament. At the briefing, their trainer had informed them, that they will get 1 match each.
Wes then went to sleep early, as he needed to be at his top condition for the final 2 rounds of the tournament. The night past quietly, and the sun started to rise up. At around 09:00 o'clock, Wes woke up. After eating some breakfast, Wes immediately left for the stadium.
Inside the stadium the crowd was already cheering out loud, fully hyped up for the for the 4 matches remaining, for the finale of the tournament.
Commentator: Morning everyone. Welcome to the Semifinals of the Vermilion Double Tournament. After a day of waiting lets announce the pairings.
The commentator started immediately to hype the crowd even more.
Commentator: Ok. For the first match we have Leaf VS Wes!!! So the second pairing is our own rookie star of Vermilion City Aster, against the grandson of the world famous professor Oak. GARY OAK!!!!!.
The crowd started to cheer even more. Some people in the stands, started to bet for the winner of the whole event. Some others rushed at the Bar to buy coffee and snacks to enjo,y while watching the battles. While others run to the toilet to make sure that they won't have to go when the fights are under way. Of course the majority of the crowd was cheering for Aster. After all he was from the same city as the majority of them.
Commentator: What do you thing Lt.Surge about the upcoming round?
The commentator immediately asked the special guest of the event about his thoughts.
Surge: I can't wait for the matches to begin. I am also very happy since all three of the trainers i had my eye on managed to reach this stage.
The Commentator immediately caught on the piece of info that Lt.Surge spelled out.
Commentator: Oh i see. So which, are the three trainers you had your eyes on.
Surge: The second match has two of them. One is of course our young star Aster. After all as a trainer from Vermilion City, i know a lot about him. Of course his opponent is also a very powerful. If someone thinks, that he only is the grandson of someone famous, they will get a very bad awakening when they battle him. I had a very enjoyable match with him and i know for certain that Aster must fight with all his got. It will an epic match for sure.
Lt.Surge said, his last phrase with a light chuckle at the end.
Commentator: I see. So what about the final one?
Surge: I will keep it to myself for a bit ,after all I'm sure that i will see that trainer at the finals. After all that is the trainer i believe that has the chance to win the whole event.
Commentator: Ok then. Let's everyone welcome two trainers from Pallet Town. Leaf and Wes.
Surge: Three trainers from Pallet Town are in the top 4. This time Pallet Town for sure, gave birth to a lot of genius trainers. Ha Ha Ha.
The Commentator welcomed the contestants of the next battle to the stage. When a literal bomb was thrown towards hin from the special guest,
Commentator: Wow. You are totally right. The townspeople of Pallet Town, must feel very proud of their young talents.
At that moment both Wes and Leaf reached their corners. The referee immediately told them to realise their Pokemon.
Wes: Charmeleon. Magnemite take the stage.
Leaf: Ivysaur. Weepinbell. Come on out.
Leaf's POV:
A few minutes earlier:
Leaf was preparing for the fight with Wes in her waiting room.
Leaf: Ok Ivysaur. Weepinbell. You are my strongest Pokemon. This match is all up to you. Let's crush Wes in this fight.
Ivysaur: Ivy Ivy Ivysaurrrr!
Weepinbell: Bell bell.
Both Pokemon immediately nodded to their trainer.
" Everything is ready. Now all that's not accounted for, is only a small thing. The evolution of that Eevee of Wes. If he evolved it into a Flareon, this fight will be a lot of trouble."
Leaf took some deep breaths to calm herself down.
Then the time, to come up to the stage, finally arrived. Leaf climbed up the stairs, stood on her corner, and right opposite from her, she could see a blue clothed white haired youth.
The announcer called them out to summon their Pokemon. Leaf. immediately summoned her two best Pokemon, on the stage.
Leaf: Ivysaur. Weepinbell. Come on out.
Wes: Charmeleon. Magnemite take the stage.
Then the Pokemon of both trainers appeared on their respective corners.
Charmeleon: CHAAAAAAARR!!!!!!!!!
Leaf screamed, fully surprised, at what she was seeing right Infront of her eyes. Except the already reaveled Magnemite, a Charmeleon with visible scars on its body, radiating a lot of fighting intent, could be seen.
" How? How? How is this possible? He hasn't only caught an Ivysaur, but also a Charmeleon!!! Also, why does it look like, its a bit stronger than the one Daisy has?"
But unbeknownst to her, she wasn't the only shocked Person at the appearance of Charmeleon.
Daisy: Impossible!!!!!!!
Gary: How???
Gary and his sister Daisy were on the stands watching the upcoming fight. The moment Wes called out his Charmeleon, they were both shocked.
Daisy: Damnit!!! Both an Ivysaur and a Charmeleon.
Gary: This lucky pank.
Daisy: What do y... Brother are you sweating???
Daisy turned to ask her brother about his thoughts, but when she saw some drops of sweat on his face, she got immediately worried. After all her brother was always full of confidence and pride.
Gary: Don't worry. it's just that i don't now what to expect now. This is his Sixth reaveled Pokemon. Knowing that he also has his first Pokemon Eevee, that hasn't appeared yet, is just too shocking.
Daisy: You are right. After all this Charmeleon appears to be, as strong as mine.
Gary: Its not only that. If you take into account his already reaveled Pokemon, you will see what i mean.
Gary let at a sigh and he continued his explanation.
Gary: Electric Type Magnemite. Water Type Staryu and a Fire Type Charmeleon and to top it all off, an Ivysaur as a Grass Type. If we take those Types into account, its impossible to find any information about that Eevee.
Daisy: I see. So there's a high chance that this Eevee has evolved into an Espeon, Umbreon, Glaceon or even a Sylveon.
Gary: Or he has a duplicate Typing on his team. Damnit. Now if i face him, he made my Pokemon selection very difficult and confusing.
As Gary and Daisy were discussing about his Pokemon the match finally began.
Wes had checked out the summary of Ivysaur and Weepinbell again to make sure that there won't be any surprises.
Ivysaur: female LV 30 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Bide (Baby), Reflect (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Razor Leaf (Tutor), Ingrain (Tutor), Power Whip (Tutor), Growth,.
Weepinbell: female LV 27 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no
Moves: Vine Whip, Power Whip (Baby), Weather Ball (Baby), Growth, Razor Leaf (Tutor), Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Acid.
Leaf: Ok. Ivysaur. Weepinbell use Sleep Powder.
Wes: Protect. Then Flamethrower on Weepinbell, Charmeleon. Magnemite, Metal Sound on Ivysaur.
Both Ivysaur and Weepinbell immediately after hearing the order of their trainer realised a lot of polen. The green domes enveloping, the Charmeleon and Magnemite didn't allow even a little bit of the powder to pass through. Then suddenly Charmeleon lunched its Flamethrower Move towards Weepinbell. Weepinbell got directly hit by the attack and was knocked backwards. Magnemite on the other hand realised a sound wave towards Ivysaur. Ivysaur got hit by the Metal Sound Move of Magnemite but it took no damage instead its SPDef Stat got lowered by two stages.
Leaf: Ivysaur use Growth. Weepinbell use Weather Ball.
Wes: Magnemite Metal sound again. Charmeleon dash towards Ivysaur and use Scary Face.
Charmeleon immediately after hearing the order Wes gave, run towards Ivysaur. Ivysaur was enveloped by a white light increasing its Atk and SPAtk stat by one stage. Magnemite again launched its Metal Sound lowering again the stats of Ivysaur. Because of this Magnemite suffered a direct shot from Weepinbell's Weather Ball, receiving negligible damage in return. Charmeleon as it got closer to Ivysaur, its eyes shined with a red gleam, lowering the Speed Stat of both of Leaf's Pokemon by 2 stages.
Wes: Charmeleon Flamethrower. Magnemite move towards Charmeleon.
Leaf: Ivysaur Power Whip. Weepinbell use Stun Spore.
Charmeleon launched its Flamethrower Move towards Ivysaur.
Leaf: Ivysaur dodge!!!
Leaf seeing the Flamethrower coming closer to her Ivysaur, immediately ordered it to dodge the attack.
Wes: Magnemite now.
Suddenly Magnemite stopped moving towards Charmeleon, and it turned its face towards Ivysaur. Then a lot of red energy balls flew towards Ivysaur hiting it directly.
Ivysaur: IVYYYYYY!!!!!!!
Ivysaur screamed in pain, before fainting right away after that. With the -4 SPDef, Magnemite's Hidden Power-Fire was more than enough to defeat the Ivysaur. Wes had already briefed his Magnemite, that he wil have Charmeleon get closer to the target he decided. Then after the target dodged and Magnemite moved closer, Magnemite would spike it with its Hidden-Power Fire. The tactic worked like a charm, managing to get Leaf's ace in the end.
Then the Stun Spore Move of Weepinbell hit Magnemite. Inflicting it with the Paralisis status.
Leaf: NO Ivysaur!!!!!
Leaf returned her fallen Pokémon back to its Pokeball.
Wes: Charmeleon Flamethrower again and again and again. Magnemite Hidden-Power Fire 🔥 non stop.
Leaf: Weepinbell dodge and use Razor Leaf.
Then a chase and catch game began. Weepinbell tried to dodge, while Charmeleon and Magnemite attacked continuously. Some times Magnemite was unable to move thanks to its negative status effect. But Weepinbell was all alone, while facing two Pokemon that resisted it completely, while being unable to deal significant damage with its counter attacks.
Commentator: And we have a WINEEER!!!! Give your appulse towards Wes of Pallet Town.
After sometime, Weepinbell finally fell down. The commentator immediately announced the result of the match. Wes returned back his Pokemon back and left for the stands. Before returning back Magnemite, he gave it a Cherry Berry to heal its negative status effect. Leaf left for the for the healing room, to heal her defeated Pokemon.
Daisy: Leaf i have been searching for you.
As Leaf waited to receive her Pokemon back. Daisy called her out.
Leaf: I'm okay Daisy don't worry. I was only shocked at Wes having a Charmeleon also.
Daisy: I know. Gary actually got a bit worried. If he wins his match against Aster. He will have to face Wes on the finals.
Leaf: Well i for sure going to cheer for Gary.
Daisy: Of course you would.
The girls then continued to gossip for quite a while. On the other hand Garry with his Wartortle and Nidorino, was having the advantage against the Persian and Fearow of his opponent.
Wes was at the stands taking notes, since he would fight, the winner at the finals of the tournament. After some time Wartortle dealt the final blow to Fearow, giving Gary the win.
Commentator: Ok everyone. We will now have an hour long brake. After that we have the match of Aster VS Leaf for the 3rd place placement match. And right after that we have the two shining stars of Pallet Town. Gary Oak and Wes Williams for the finals. Let's see who will leave with the crown.
1: Espeon: female LV 31 Ability: Magic Bounce Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Detect (Baby), Stored Power (Baby), Hidden Power-Fire (Baby), Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Bite, Swift, Protect (TM), Refresh, Confusion, Psybeam, Future Sight, Helping Hand (Tutor), Ally Switch (Tutor), Psych Up, Hyper Beam (Tutor).
2: Umbreon: male LV 32 Ability: Synchronize Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Helping Hand, Curse (Baby), Wish (Baby), Sand Attack, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Hyper Beam (Tutor), Confuse Ray, Protect (TM), Payback (Tutor), Feint Attack, Charm (tutor), Foul Play (Tutor), Screech, Detect (Tutor), Sucker Punch (Tutor).
3: Nidorino: male. LV 30 Ability: Poison Point Item: no
Moves: Lear, Peck, Sucker Punch (Baby), Head Smash (Baby), Focus Energy, Double Kick, Protect (TM), Horn Attack, Bubble Beam (Tutor), Helping Hand, Thunderbolt (TM).
4: Ivysaur: male LV 30 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Swords Dance (Baby), Seed Bomb (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Protect (TM), Razor Leaf, Sweet Scent, Power Whip (Tutor), Growth.
5: Butterfree: female LV 31 Ability: Compound Eyes Item: no
Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Electroweb, Gust, Protect (TM), Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Psybeam, Silver Wind, Supersonic, Safeguard, Bug Buzz.
6: Charmeleon: male LV 31 Ability: Solar Power Item: no
Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ancient Power (Baby), Dragon Pulse (Baby), Belly Drum (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Scary Face, Protect (TM), Mega Punch (Tutor), Mega Kick (Tutor), Flamethrower (Tutor).
7: Staryu: LV 29 Ability: Natural Cure Item: no
Moves: Harden, Tackle, Teleport (Baby), Recover (Baby), Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Icy Wind (Tutor), Psywave, Swift, Bubble Beam, Signal Beam (Tutor), Rain Dance (TM), Protect (TM), Thunderbolt (TM).
8: Magnemite: LV 29 Ability: Magnet Pull Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Supersonic, Gravity (Baby), Shock Wave (Baby), Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Magnet Bomb, Light Screen, Magic Coat (Tutor), Sonic Boom, Discharge (Tutor), Mirror Shot, Metal Sound, Protect (TM), Hidden Power-Fire (Tutor), Thunderbolt (TM).
Leaf: Ivysaur use Sleep Powder.
Aster: Persian use Quick Attack.
The fight for the 3rd place, was underway. Leaf started with her Ivysaur and Weepinbell. While her opponent, began the fight with his Persian and Fearow. Leaf targeted only the Fearow and she finally managed to beat it, with the sacrifice of her Weepinbell.
Now Persian moved very fast and hit her Ivysaur. Ivysaur managed to continue the use off its Sleep Powder Move. Persian fell asleep instantly after breathing the powder.
Leaf: Ok Ivysaur use Growth. Then Power Whip.
Aster: Persian Wake up!!!
Aster was totally nervous at the situation he had found himself in. Ivysaur rised both Its Atk, SPAtk stats by one stage. Then a huge vine whip covered in green aura, started to hit the Poor sleeping Persian continuously.
Commentator: And we have a winner. LEAF OF PALLET TOWN!!!!!
After three hits, the Persian fainted giving Leaf the 3rd place of the Vermilion Double Tournament. The commentator immediately announced the result of the match.
Commentator: Ok everyone. Now you should beter go and grab some food or finish some of your personal needs. Because in half an hour the finals of the Vermilion Double Tournament will take place.
After healing her Pokemon Leaf met up with Daisy.
Daisy: Congratulations for the 3rd placement Leaf.
Leaf: Thanks Daisy. It's a very good feeling. Though i wanted to be in the finals :(.
Daisy: Do you want anger me or depress me? After all i lost at the top 16.
Leaf: Sorry Daisy. At least the other three of our group of 4 are in the top 3 😝.
Daisy: You little rascal.
Daisy pouted as she said this. Well, after her loss to Gary, she was in a bad mood. But thanks to Leaf she was able to relax from the tension she was feeling.
Then, both girls moved towards the stands to wait for the begining of the match. All around the stadium the spectators were discussing about the upcoming final match. Most of the spectators were favouring Gary as the winner. After all, Professor Oak was quite famous across the Kanto Region. No. The whole world. So they had high expectations of his win.
On the other hand Wes had no background at all. The Vermilion Times newspaper, actually described him as the biggest black horse of the whole Tournament.
Leaf and Daisy found their seats. Next to them a young couple was expressing their opinions about the match.
Male: I think Wes has this in the bag. With two of the rare starter Pokemon, that only professors have an easy access, i don't see how that Gary kid can win.
Female: What are saying??? Gary definitely wins this. His Wartortle destroys the Charmeleon of Wes. Kadabra also defeats that Ivysaur. If someone has no chance, that person is that Wes guy.
Leaf: The girl has a point. I'm sure Gary will win.
Daisy: I'm not so sure. That Eevee hasn't appeared on stage yet.
Leaf: It's a pity that we don't know, what it has evolved into.
Daisy: I know you want Gary to win, but all the wins Wes had, were very clean. Gary treats him, as a very dangerous foe on this tournament.
As the two girls were discussing. The time passed quickly and the Commentator came live.
Commentator: In just five minutes the finals shall begin. Lt.Surge, Who do you think, has the 1st place in his grasp. Personally, i think Gary is the one that will come on top.
Surge: I can see were your choice comes from. But its Wes for me.
Commentator: Wes? He definitely was the dark horse of this tournament, but his strongest Pokemon get countered by his opponents Pokemon.
Surge: Who told you that, the Charmeleon and Ivysaur you saw before, were his strongest Pokemon?
As the Gym Leader of Vermilion City dropped this bomb, the crowd got restless. if two of the most well known Pokemon in the whole region were not his best. Then what was it?
That revelation was in all of the attending crowd, as well as the people watching from home, minds. Daisy and Leaf turned and looked eachother with a worried look. After all Gary was the brother of Daisy. While for Leaf, he was her crash.
On the waiting room on the other hand, Wes was preparing his plans with his Umbreon and Espeon.
Wes: Are you both ready?
Umbreon: Umbreeeeeron!!!
Espeon: Espeeeeeeeeeon!!!
Wes: Then let's go to totally crush our smell ya later rival, Gary!!!
Then Wes moved towards the arena.
Commentator: Ok everyone. Our competitors have appeared. Give them a loud chear everyone!!!
The crowd cheered at both trainers and the Commentator announced the begining of the match.
Gary: Wartortle. Kadabra. Time to fight.
Wes: Espeon. Umbreon. Take the stage.
Then a majestic Espeon and a mysterious Umbreon, appeared on the side of Wes. The whole crowed turned completely silent at the appearance of that unexpected duo. After all Dark Type Pokemon were non existent in the Kanto Region. While Espeon was very rare.
Surge: Umbreon?
Even Lt.Surge was completely confused. He remembered the Espeon that defeated his Jolteon. So were did this Umbreon come from.
The Commentator heard what the Gym Leader said and he was left speechless. It seamed that, he also didn't know of what was going on.
Leaf: What is this?????
Daisy: An Espeon.... And an Umbreon???
Both the girls, were shocked at that revelation. They both knew that Wes had an Eevee. So they were shocked to fin,d about a second evolved one. Also both Eevee's had evolved into the two forms, that were discovered in the Johto Region.
" HOW???????? How did this happen??? He kept both of those Pokemon, hidden for the whole Tournament. Damnit, he crashed all my plans for this match."
Gary was shocked at the duo of Pokemon facing him. He had actually made plans for every one Eeveelution. But never did he expect, that he would face two, at the same time.
Wartortle: male LV 30 Ability: Torrent. Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Refresh (Baby), Water Spout (Baby), Water Gun, Withdraw, Bite, Aqua Jet (Tutor), Mega Punch (Tutor), Mega Kick (Tutor), Water Pulse (TM), Dragon Pulse (Tutor), Rapid Spin, Protect, Ice Punch (Tutor).
Kadabra: male LV 29 Ability: Magic Guard. Item: no
Moves: Teleport, Ice Punch (Baby), Fire Punch (Baby), Psywave (Baby), Metronome (Tutor), Thunder Punch (TM), Kinesis, Confusion, Disable, Psybeam, Reflect, Psycho Cut.
" I see. They had a level up. Well, my Pokemon also became stronger during the tournament.
Gary: Wartortle Water Spout. Kadabra use Reflect.
Gary gave his orders towards his Pokemon. Wes though, had stayed silent. Then the Water Spout that Wartortle lunched fell from sky. A green dome saved both of Wes's Pokemon. Then Umbreon and Espeon both ran towards Wartortle.
Gary: Kadabra forget the Reflect. Use Psybeam to stop them. Wartortle prepare another Water Spout.
Gary seeing the green dome appearing, immediately ordered his Kadabra to stop its Reflect Move and protect its teammate. After all Water Spout has more power, depending on the HP% of the user.
Kadabra hearing the order of its trainer, immediately stopped its midway use of Reflect and lunched a Psybeam from its eyes. Wes seeing the outcome at the beginning of the fight, had a wide grin 😁 on his face.
Espeon suddenly stopped moving. Then it fired away its own Psybeam from the red jewel on its forehead towards the Psybeam of Kadabra. Umbreon on the other hand had disappeared from the arena like it had never existed. Wartortle prepared to launch its Water Spout Move towards the sky. Then Umbreon appeared suddenly behind it, covered in a black aura. Umbreon then smacked the Wartortle with a powerful hit knocking it backwards. At that time the two Psybeam's collided with one another. Espeon's Psybeam was stronger and after a small interaction with the other Psybeam, it broke through and it hit the Kadabra directly. Kadabra lost 13% of its HP. (A Lv 32 Espeon's Psybeam deals 29.5 - 36.6% damage to a LV 29 Kadabra. Kadabra lost less than that, since the Psybeam was weaker from the collision).
Gary: Damnit!! It knows Sucker Punch.
Gary started to get nervous. The fight began with him in a disadvantage. Wes on the other hand, was completely calm. The plan he had communicated to his Pokemon happened exactly as he expected.
Wes: Espeon Quick Attack on Wartortle. Umbreon Helping Hand.
Gary: Wartortle Protect. Kadabra use Metronome.
Umbreon started to clap its front paws. Espeon then dashed towards Wartortle enveloped in a mysterious aura. Kadabra started to move both its middle fingers left and right. Wartortle afterwards was enveloped by a protective green dome. Espeon smashed itself into that dome and was deflected by it. Then Kadabra started to slap its own belly with its own arms. The Metronome turned into the Belly Drum Move. Kadabra increased its Atk stat by 6 stages at the cost of 50% of its max HP.
Wes: Espeon move towards Kadabra. Umbreon use Faint Attack on Wartortle.
Gary: Wartortle use Aqua Jet. Kadabra Psycho Cut.
" Is he an idiot?".
That was the thought that Gary had when he heard, the orders that were given by Wes. Gary immediately ordered his Pokemon to pincer attack the Espeon. After all, everyone knew that Espeon has low Def. So a +6 Psycho Cut and a stab Aqua Jet should do the trick.
Espeon started to get very close to Kadabra. At that time, Kadabra lunched a huge aura blade made from psychic energy, towards Espeon. Wartortle was also very close to Espeon. But then despair came.
Wes: Ally Switch.
" !!!!!!!!!! "
Gary was immediately alarmed at the Move he heard.
Gary: Kadabra dodge!!!!!!!!
Gary was really nervous right now. If his Kadabra got hit, he would only have one Pokemon left.
As Gary screamed towards his Kadabra, An Umbreon suddenly appeared in place of Espeon, Covered in an eerie aura. The Psycho Cut smashed directly on Umbreon, but Umbreon passed right through it like a hot knife on butter. The dispersed energy from the Psycho Cut clashed with the Wartortle, slowing its attack on Umbreon.
Umbreon then smashed itself, on the surprised Kadabra. Kadabra was blown away by the impact. Then Wartortle hit Umbreon with its Aqua Jet. Because of the Psycho Cut Wartortle hasn't only taken some damage, its Aqua jet was also affected and thanks to the high Def of Umbreon. Umbreon received the hit like a champ, receiving minimal damage on the process. Kadabra on the other hand, had already fainted.
" That's it. One more to go."
Wes was very happy. This fight was totally on his hands.
Commentator: Gary Oak looses the first Pokemon of this match!!!
The commentator immediately announced the happenings of this fight.
Leaf and Daisy on the other hand, had a pale look on their face. At first after the Belly Drum, both of them were excited at the sudden mistake of Wes. But that excitement quickly turned into worry, as Umbreon appeared out of nowhere to crash completely the pincer attack, that Gary had planned.
Lt.Surge was cursing Wes. He found, very disturbing the fact, that Wes beat him with out using his whole strength.
Gary returned back his defeated Pokemon and the battle continued.
Wes: Espeon Psybeam. Umbreon Helping Hand.
Gary: Wartortle Protect. Then Mega Punch.
Umbreon immediately clapped its front paws. A huge Psybeam flew out of the red jewel of Espeon, moving towards the Wartortle. Wartortle deflected the psychic ray with the green dome it created. Then its right fist glowed in a bright light and Wartortle punched Umbreon.
Wes: Quick Attack both of you!!!
The Mega Punch passed right through an after image. Then Wartortle before it could regain its balance, was hit by Espeon.
Gary: Wartortle Water Pulse.
Wes: Psybeam. Umbreon Helping Hand.
Wartortle lunched a huge Water Pulse. Umbreon immediately again began to clap its front paws. Espeon again launched its Psybeam Move toward the Water Pulse. The stab Water Pulse, was to weak against the stab boosted Psybeam.
Gary: Wartortle Protect!!!!!
Commentator: Oh no. Gary is in a huge pinch.
Wartortle immediately covered itself with the protective green dome. The commentator missed no chance, to pull the crowd in the atmosphere and tension that Gary felt. The huge Psybeam was blasted apart after it came in contact with the green dome.
Wes: Quick Attack.
Then Wartortle received, first the Quick Attack of Espeon. Then before it could take a breath, the Quick Attack of Umbreon came right after. It even scored a critical hit.
Gary: Dragon Pulse the Espeon.
Wes: Sucker Punch.
As Wartortle prepared to gather dragonic energy, Umbreon appeared behind it, striking it in the process.
Wes: Espeon Confusion.
Gary: Rapid Spin.
As Wartortle landed on the ground. Espeon used its Confusion Move. Wartortle before even regained its balance, pulled itself inside its shell and rolled away. The Confusion Move of Espeon barely missed it.
Then Wartortle stand up and was enveloped by a ferocious blue aura. Its Torrent Ability had activated.
Gary: Wartortle Water Pulse!!!!!!
Wes: Espeon Hyper Beam. Umbreon move towards the left side away from Espeon
Then Wartortle threw a huge Water Pulse. Espeon gathered energy and then it realised a huge purple/black ray. The two moves Collided and a huge explosion shook the whole stadium. Smoke could be seen, covering the area of the clash of the two Moves. Then Out of nowhere, Wes snapped his finger. And suddenly a purple/black ray passed right through the smoke and landed on the shocked Wartortle.
As the ray blew the smoke, Gary saw in practically slow motion, the last moments of the battle. His Wartortle took the hit and it was blown backwards. Wartortle tried to get up, even though it received such a hit. But its body failed it up. Then it crashed on the ground totally fainted.
The Commentator was screaming at the top of his lungs, the result of the match. The crowd immediately turned wild, with clapping, cheering and some talented people in the audience that knew how to whistle made the atmosphere ecstatic.
Gary had his face down. But he immediately moved towards his fallen starter Pokemon.
Gary: You were amazing. You deserve some well earned rest.
Gary said this as he stroked the head of his defeated Pokemon. Then he returned it back into its Pokeball.
On the other hand Wes ran towards his own Pokémon and gave them a big hug.
Wes: Amazing job you two. Today both of you will sleep together on the bed.
After hearing the last sentence of Wes, Espeon's face immediately took a red hue. Umbreon on the other hand, stayed totally still with its mouth wide open, like someone had cast the petrification spell from Harry Potter on it.
Then after Wes and Gary healed their Pokemon. Podiums were placed in the center of the arena to award the trophies to the Winners of the Vermilion Double Tournament. The special guest, Lt.Surge went towards the stage, to give the awards to the top 3 trainers of the event.
Commentator: Now the 3rd place goes towards, Leaf of Pallet Town.
The crowd started to cheer immediately after hearing the commentator.
Leaf climbed up the 3rd place podium and Lt.Surge arrived soon after, with a big bronze trophy.
Surge: Congratulations young lady. You grew up quite fast after your 1st defeat at my Gym. I hope that you will keep up growing even more in the future.
Then Lt.Surge passed the trophy to Leaf.
Leaf: Thank you Gym Leader.
Leaf thanked Lt.Surge and right afterwards she rised the trophy high in the air. The commentator was speaking the whole time, as the audience couldn't hear the conversations he had with the finalists.
After Leaf, Lt.Surge moved towards Gary.
Commentator: Now the silver trophy goes towards the second place trainer. Gary Oak!!!
The crowd immediately cheered for him as he received his trophy.
Surge: Great job young man. I have great expectations, for your future.
Gary: I will make sure to exceed then Gym Leader.
After that, Gary also rised the trophy he received high in the air.
Commentator: And now. THE CHAMPION of our tournament. WES !!!!!!!!!!!
The commentator scream loudly, the winner of the whole event. The reaction of the crowd was quite explosive.
Surge: What can i say about you? Were the heck were you hiding that Umbreon??? Now i know why Brock was so upset when he faced you.
Wes: Hahaha.
Wes couldn't help but laugh out, at the comment, left by the Vermilion City Gym Leader. Then the Gym Leader gave Wes the Gold Trophy 🏆. Wes immediately rised it high, in the air.
The crowd started to cheer even louder than before. Then Lt.Surge took a photo with the top 3 of the tournament. He also asked them to Write an email about the TM's they wanted for their prize.
(Prizes: 1st place gets 50000 Pokedolars. Two High valued Unbrakeable TMs. two medium Valued Unbrakeable TMs (including the weather change Moves). And finally A high value Pokémon item.". The prizes for 2nd place were 25000 Pokedolars. One High valued Unbrakeable TM. One medium Valued Unbrakeable TM (including the weather change Moves). And a medium to high value item. The prizes for 3rd place were 10000 Pokedolars. One medium Valued Unbrakeable TM (including the weather change Moves). And a medium value item.)
After the Event finally ended, Leaf and Daisy went to celebrate together in a bar. Gary on the other hand, left to train his Pokemon. Both he and his Pokemon were quite salty about their loss, so they started training immediately for their future rematch. Wes went towards a clearing in Route 7. He had bought, some premium treats for his Pokemon to celebrate the result of the Tournament.
Then the night passed and morning arrived. Outside in the mail box, Wes found the food he ordered from Brock. He had ordered enough food to last his Pokemon for a month. After all, this food was quite good. Also in the mailbox, he found 50000 Pokedolars, 1 TM (unbrakeable): Ice Beam, 1 TM (unbreakable): Shadow Ball, 1 TM (unbreakable): Sunny Day, 1 TM (unbreakable) Hidden Power and a Heat stone.
Then Wes left the Pokemon Center and he went into one of the most popular cafeterias of Vermilion City to meat his rivals.
Daisy: Hello Wes.
Wes: Hi Daisy.
Wes met up with Daisy and after 5 minutes, Leaf appeared together with Gary.
Gary: What is going on with that Umbreon and Espeon???
The moment Gary saw Wes, he immediately asked this question. Both Leaf and Daisy perked up their ears. After all they also had the same thought.
Wes: Before we got our first Pokemon. I had ordered an Eevee, since i already planed to have an Umbreon and an Espeon on my team. I received it, at the same day, that we received our starter Pokemon.
Gary: I see. Next time be prepared. I will beat the crap out of you.
Wes: Good luck with that.
Gary had an angry expression on his face. After all Wes had beat him quite cleanly. Then the four rivals drunk their coffee as they discussed about different topics. As they left the coffee shop, Leaf asked the rest about their plans.
Leaf: Everyone. What are your plans for now? I plan to go towards Celadon City, to train at the Grass type Gym.
Daisy: I also plan to go go towards Celadon. Let's go together.
Leaf: Sure.
Leaf had a very excited expression on her face. After all, she will travel with her best friend.
Gary: I plan to train here for some time. I will become a lot stronger after i finish.
Wes: As for me... I plan to pay a visit towards Lavender Town.
Leaf: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daisy: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gary: Why would you go towards that depressing place?
Leaf and Daisy were shocked at what Wes, had told them just now. Gary on the other hand, was confused. After all there was nothing noteworthy there.... except.....
Gary: Don't tell me...
Wes: Yes. i want to catch a Ghost Type Pokemon.
At the confirmation of Wes, both Gary and Daisy started to shiver. Confusing Wes and Leaf in the process.
Well who could blame them. Their Grandfather, Professor Oak had quite a lot of interactions, with the Ghost Type Elite Four Agatha. When she paid a visit, her favourite past time, was to realise out her two Gengar and one Haunter to prank and scare the sit out of Gary and Daisy.
Then after some small talk. Everyone was ready to go on their way, when Wes did something strange.
Snif snif snif snif snif.
Wes Started to snif Gary around his neck.
Leaf: Wes. What are you doing???
After a few seconds, Wes stopped Infront of Gary and looked him directly on his eyes. Then with the most serious and cool look he could master, he threw a literal bomb.
Wes: Smell ya later.
As this line flew out from Wes, Gary was petrified. Leaf and Daisy glanced at Gary. Then they turned their heads towards Wes. Then after that, they turned their face towards Gary again. Then after figuring what just transpired, both Leaf and Daisy started to laugh their ass of.
Wes: Hahahahaahhahahha!!!!!!
After seeing the reaction of the girls. Wes couldn't help it, but start laughing, on the expense of Gary
Gary: You bastard!!!!
Gary's face was totally red, from embarrassment.
Daisy: That was a good one Wes. Hahaahhaha!!!
Wes: I know.
Gary: You!!!!
Wes: You had it coming. You don't know how long i waited, to make fun, of that stupid catchphrase of yours.
Leaf: Even i, thought that this catchphrase was idiotic.
Gary: Not you too.
Then the group of rivals went on their own way.
But none of them knew that at that time a small pink Pokemon, floated toward the right part of the port of Vermilion City.
???: Mewww meww meww???
This weird Pokemon was looking at a van that was parked at that particular spot on the port. The weird Pokemon got attracted to it, because at the doors of the van, a red circle with a Pokemon looking exactly like it, inside it could be seen.
Then because the sun was particularly strong today. The small Pokemon known as Mew, gone under the Van to sleep, without being disrupt by the sunlight.
???: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!
After 2 hours a sudden cry startled the sleepy Mew. Mew saw a young kid that was holding a ball, looking at it with a horrified look. Mew immediately went away from the van, so it could find a better sleeping place. That was the day, the mith, that you could find the mythical Pokemon Mew under the van, was created.
1: Espeon: female LV 32 Ability: Magic Bounce Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Detect (Baby), Stored Power (Baby), Hidden Power-Fire (Baby), Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Bite, Swift, Protect (TM), Refresh, Confusion, Psybeam, Future Sight, Helping Hand (Tutor), Ally Switch (Tutor), Psych Up, Hyper Beam (Tutor),
2: Umbreon: male LV 32 Ability: Synchronize Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Helping Hand, Curse (Baby), Wish (Baby), Sand Attack, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Hyper Beam (Tutor), Confuse Ray, Protect (TM), Payback (Tutor), Feint Attack, Charm (tutor), Foul Play (Tutor), Screech, Detect (Tutor), Sucker Punch (Tutor).
3: Nidorino: male. LV 30 Ability: Poison Point Item: no
Moves: Lear, Peck, Sucker Punch (Baby), Head Smash (Baby), Focus Energy, Double Kick, Protect (TM), Horn Attack, Bubble Beam (Tutor), Helping Hand, Thunderbolt (TM),
4: Ivysaur: male LV 30 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Swords Dance (Baby), Seed Bomb (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Protect (TM), Razor Leaf, Sweet Scent, Power Whip (Tutor), Growth,
5: Butterfree: female LV 31 Ability: Compound Eyes Item: no
Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Electroweb, Gust, Protect (TM), Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Psybeam, Silver Wind, Supersonic, Safeguard, Bug Buzz,
6: Charmeleon: male LV 31 Ability: Solar Power Item: no
Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ancient Power (Baby), Dragon Pulse (Baby), Belly Drum (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Scary Face, Protect (TM), Mega Punch (Tutor), Mega Kick (Tutor), Flamethrower (Tutor),
7: Staryu: LV 29 Ability: Natural Cure Item: no
Moves: Harden, Tackle, Teleport (Baby), Recover (Baby), Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Icy Wind (Tutor), Psywave, Swift, Bubble Beam, Signal Beam (Tutor), Rain Dance (TM), Protect (TM), Thunderbolt (TM),
8: Magnemite: LV 29 Ability: Magnet Pull Item: Heat Stone
Moves: Tackle, Supersonic, Gravity (Baby), Shock Wave (Baby), Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Magnet Bomb, Light Screen, Magic Coat (Tutor), Sonic Boom, Discharge (Tutor), Mirror Shot, Metal Sound, Protect (TM), Hidden Power-Fire (Tutor), Thunderbolt (TM),
As i was writing this one and i reached the part of the battle, i thought that it will be an average length chapter.
Now i really don't know, how an extra 2000 words appeared. It should have been the blessing of Arceus, that allowed me to accomplish that.
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