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40% Pokémon: Master of life / Chapter 2: Awakening

Capítulo 2: Awakening

AN: This is where the story starts to diverge from canon.

Even while in a state of rest, Xerneas kept its consciousness. The child that lay at the base of his form was receiving natural cover from the various trees that littered the forest. Thankfully, the forest it had decided to take a rest in was completely separated from any main region and received only 5 visitors throughout the years.

Unfortunately, not everything was going as smoothly as Xerneas would have hoped. It was finding it was not gaining as much energy as it normally would. The reason for this was the child resting at its base.

Xerneas had no way of giving the child food to eat, so instead, he fed him life energy. It was the energy that every living being possessed, and the thing Xerneas wielded.

Said life energy replaced his need for food and nutrients and the boy grew as he should. As the years passed and the child grew, Xerneas was increasingly confused about why it was taking so much to fuel this child.

Its answer only came 6 years after its hibernation. It began feeling its own life force present in a different living creature. At first, it thought it was just the child, however upon closer inspection that was not the case.

Laying next to the now 6-year-old child, a yellow egg with black stripes leans against it. The egg was quite a bit larger than it should've been, around 3 times the norm.

Upon discovery, Xerneas found that it couldn't just stop the eggs from siphoning its energy, without in turn stopping the transfer to the child. As such, it continued its rest allowing it. Even if instead of millennia spent in slumber it would now have to rest for another 200 years to regain its full energy.

The only problem with this was the cocoon that leaned against its massive form, the slumbered state of Yveltal. With another 200 years added to its rest time, Yveltal would wake up earlier than Xerneas. This... Was not good.

If Yveltal was to go into another rage, no one would be able to stop it. As the guardian of this forest, Xerneas could not allow that. Unfortunately, there was nothing it could do.


8 years passed by very quickly. In that time the kid had grown into a miniature adult. The egg by his side had also grown a bit more but stopped soon after.

Xerneas recognized that it would soon be time to release the child from his slumber and be done with the promise it had one-sidedly made with its former friend.

And so, one day when the sun was at its' brightest, it did. The kid that had been glowing a faint green the entire 14 years, stopped doing so.

Not long after, his eyes which had been closed his entire life has opened for the first time. Xerneas had already begun to see the similarities the child had with its former friend.

His brown hair, which had grown to his lower back. His rounded nose, the same one his mother had, and had a habit of pressing when she was frustrated. His jawline, that was more rounded than sharp.

All that and more reminded Xerneas of the child's mother. That was except for one small detail... It was only noticeable when the child opened his eyes. Those orbs were not of his mothers.

They were a deep blue and had an x overlapping with their pupils. Those were its eyes.

'But how?' Xerneas was not male nor female, it had absolutely no way of having children, and yet?

'Perhaps a result of my influence?' It was the only real explanation it could give as to how the child could have come to possess his eyes.


I woke up. My butt was sorer than I ever believed possible.

'The hell?!' My eyes opened to a very unfamiliar scenery.

I had never been one to lucid dream, especially not with this level of detail, but there was no other explanation.

I tried standing but lost balance immediately. It was like my body just wasn't used to such a motion.

I had gotten extreme cases of fatigue before, but it didn't feel like that. I didn't feel the slightest bit weak, instead, I felt great.

Even if I was only 19, I had built up some serious tension in my lower back, but now, it was gone. I felt like I could do a backflip, not that I'd even try that.

And woah, why was I naked...

I've never been one to streak, so why exactly is this part of my dream?

'So you have awoken.'

And now there's a voice in my head... Ok time to wake up.

A slap to the face should do the trick... Nope, just pain...' Fuck that hurt.'

'Such complex thoughts for a person who has only just gained consciousness.' The voice yet again appeared in my head.

"Ehm, woo er oo?" I tried to speak, and holy hell what the fuck just came out of my mouth. Why the hell do I feel like a newborn who had no control over their body? This dream sucks.

'My name is Xerneas, the guardian of this forest. As for your confusion, this is no dream... Though I am confused about how you know what a dream is in the first place.'

'This is confusing... I wake up naked in a forest, there's a voice in my head... And I have no idea what the hell is going on.' The very real sensations of pain were giving me a very bad feeling.

Sure I had indulged in my fair share of culture, anime or as my mom would call it "Japanese cartoons", manga, light novels, hell I had even breezed through a few fan fiction.

Point is, I was familiar with the concept of transmigration. And yes, I had my fair share of wishes of getting to experience it. Well, those wishes also included some insanely overpowered cheat so I would be certain I could be 100% safe.

Fuck thrill or character development, instantly having what I want when I want was ideal. Well at least for the me that wanted a power trip.

'This is truly abnormal, your thoughts should not be yours. Does another soul reside in your body?' Again that voice popped up in my head.

'Look, I'm just as confused as you are. A minute ago I went to the fridge to grab some water, and now I'm stark naked in the middle of a forest.'

'...Tell me, who are you?'


'Interesting, so your soul belongs to a different world. I wonder if this is father's influence.'

'What? Is your dad some omnipotent entity?' I couldn't help but gape.

'Arceus... My father is the creator and ruler of all that inhabits this world.' I blanked out.

'Ar-ar-ar-ar-ar-ar-Arceus...' I stuttered so hard I sounded like a seal.

'Hah, I'm in the world of Pokemon.' A chuckle escaped me. 'Nope, must be a dream.'

'You know of this world? Tell me child, all you know.'

And so I did.


Born in the U.S. in the completely unpopular state of Wyoming. Was an average student with half my brain occupancy being spent on my self-interest.

Made it past high school, and decided college was annoying and expensive, and so I decided to take a gap year. I worked at a nearby mall and made enough to pay a bit of the rent so as to not burden my family.

All in all, I was just a regular dude, living a regular life. I of course had dreams of grandeur but for it to actually happen?

The voice, Xerneas, could read my thoughts so me skipping out on any sort of info was just impossible. Well at least one thing came of it, I was hopefully getting the favor of this mythical creature.

I wasn't stupid. I mean the voice had named himself Xerneas, and soon after started talking about Pokemon. I did make it past high school, I can put two and two together. The gigantic oddly shaped tree that towered over I was also a big factor but I digress.

Xerneas didn't leave me hanging, however, he answered some of my queries as well. The first being, yes he was indeed THAT Xerneas. The legendary fairy Pokemon capable of giving eternal life.

Well with that knowledge came the fact that that giant black sphere leaning against the massive tree that was Xerneas, was in fact the legendary counterpart, Yveltal. Now, I won't lie... My first instinct was to run the fuck away from the statue-creating beast.

Unfortunately, I was informed that the forest I was in was part of an island that was completely separated from any civilization. What does this mean for me? I'm stuck... With the only option of getting out being via a boat or flying type Pokemon.

As for the first option... I'd rather punch the sleeping Yveltal. My fear of those terrifying bodies of water stems far beyond simply their depth. Nope, aquatic animals are scary... Really fucking scary, especially when so little is known about the ocean.

And that was just on Earth. This is the world of Pokemon. All it takes is one bloodthirsty gyrados and boom, I'm fish food.

That one problem led me down a loophole of problems. To get a flying type I'd need a Pokeball to catch one. And as I have learned from dear old Xernatree, yes stupid nickname I know, the only manmade place in this forest had been destroyed after my supposed mother had pissed off Yveltal, and along with that any remaining pokeballs she may have had.

Thanks, mom, really feel loved here.

I did ask Xerna to expand on that last bit more... Nope, Xerna doesn't sound right... Xern? Xery? Cornelius... Don't ask how I came up with the last one, but regardless I asked and it expanded.

My mother was apparently a researcher. Not just that though, she was one hell of a pokemon trainer.

Arcanine, Dragonite, Snorlax, Gengar, Scizor…Manetric. Those were just a few of the Pokemon she possessed. That last one I heard was even a mega, apparently, one that had led to the fall of Yveltal.

She had been on the island for a while, a few years or so. Met Xerneas one fateful day, and somehow became buddy-buddy with it. Then she had apparently left and came back a few years later, me in her arms and an unexplained vendetta against Yveltal. Xerneas had warned her numerous times against it but alas she seemed to only fall into a deeper rage.

And so, as Xerneas had clearly made apparent, around 20 feet from me a woman of around 5'8 in height stood, her arms reached out, and her face in an eternal state of shock and panic.

'Yeesh, I guess what they say about a mother's love is true huh?'

Too bad though, the woman spent her last moments trying to save me only for me to not care.

And no, I don't mean that to be edgy. I've always had little care for things I probably should unless it's something I considered wildly important. Hell, there's a high chance there once existed a previous soul to this body.

If that's the case... Sorry, no take backsies. This body is mine now, and this normal and average me will make something of it.

Thrust in a world like Pokemon as a Pokemon lover, it would be an offense to every Pokemon enjoyer out there if I wasn't to take advantage and snag a Dragonite or two.

'You remind me a lot of her, she too had dreams of becoming a Pokemon master.' Xerneas' melodic voice filled my head yet again.

'Yeah... Anyway, how exactly did I survive?' I attempted a change of topic. It was a bit uncomfortable hearing so much about a woman I had no memory of.

'Well, I was able to save you before my darker counterpart's powers reached. After that, when we returned to rest, I simply shared a bit of the energy I am continuously regaining. It made up for your need of food and the like.'

'Woah, so am I like immortal now?' I couldn't help but ask excitedly.

'Immortal... No. It is within my power but the process requires my full reserve, which I do not possess at the moment. You may however find yourself living a lot longer than those around you. As for the exact quantity, I am not sure. You are the first of which I have ever bathed in my power for such a duration. Well you, and that egg beside you.'


It was a wonder that I until then hadn't looked to my side since I had woken up. Because if I did, I would have undoubtedly gaped at the size of the black and yellow egg. The thing was huge, it towered over me when I was sitting, and I'm sure it'd be above my height even when standing.

'Are Pokemon eggs supposed to be this size?!' I screamed internally, earning a chuckle from Xerneas.

'No, originally that egg was around a third of what it is now. But somehow grew to that size over the years.'

Was it wrong for me to already desire what was inside even when I didn't know what it was?

'I will leave you to yourself for a while. I grow tired easily when in this form even if I am technically resting.' To support its words, a telepathic yawn followed after.

I spent the next hour contemplating life. This was in all seriousness, reality, and I had to adapt to it. For starters, I needed... A starter.

Hopefully, I could tame whatever was in this egg to be an obedient pet.


I couldn't.

I spent the remaining parts of the day relearning motor skills. The first being how to stand, and ultimately how to walk. My body was in perfect condition, more than enough to support my body. The only real trouble I had was balance.

I tried to brush off the embarrassment of a grown man struggling to stand up. The various Aipom snickering from the top of a tree didn't help though.

I did get the hang of it though, the next step was learning to actually use my strength. Push-ups proved the best method for this. After that came running, jumping, talking, hand-eye coordination, kicking, catching, etc...

In total it took around 3 days, and I won't lie... This body was addicting.


Woah, woah. Not like that. I'm not so much of a weirdo that I'd actually start lusting after my own body.

I just liked how capable the body was when it came to physical tasks. I felt like superman even if I didn't possess nearly as much strength. Xerneas had told me a lot about the world, at least much of what he knew.

He was a being that had been around since nearly the beginning. He had seen a lot and knew a lot.

'Granpa Xeny... Nah, still wrong. Xanax? Haha if you actually think about it... I'm not gonna explain myself- if you get it you get it. Regardless, we have a winner. Grandpa Xanax.

I still didn't even know if the legendary was male or female but it didn't seem to care regardless if I was to refer to it as he.

Grandpa Xanax had been to a lot of places. If I had my old phone I'd have written it all down in my notes app. Islands filled entirely with riolu, a traveling Beldum group. Regardless of when exactly Xerneas saw them it'd be useful if I could check the places out.

Unfortunately, I didn't so all I could try to do was to download it to memory. Thankfully, mine wasn't terrible... At least when it came to my self-interest. Don't ask me shit about anything in history.

Throughout the days I came to notice, that I never had the urge to eat, drink, or sleep. I guessed it was simply because I'm running on life energy. Ugh, that's another motor skill I'd have to relearn, hope I don't choke the first time I try to eat.

I was warned against exploring the island much, apparently, a lot of the Pokemon here were territorial. So I stayed within this part of the forest where there were honestly not many of them around.

I'd seen a few Pidgey, some Aipom, Taillow, and maybe one or two Zigzagoon. I scavenged around the destroyed shelter my mom apparently built. Everything was toast and only scraps of paper remained. Bummer, any information would have been nice.

It was as I was scanning around the place that I heard a thump. Returning back to the base of Grandpa Xanax, I located the source of it.

The egg that had previously been still, had moved, and a very small crack could be seen in the middle.

My heart thumped hard. I was both excited and terrified about what was to come out. Unconsciously my hands gripped right.

All my excitement went down the drain, however, when there was no more movement from the egg.

It continued like that for another week. The egg would move around a bit, crack a bit, but never fully break.

That last part only happened on the last day. I had been laying down bored as all hell. I had chosen the task of trying to decide my future team when I heard the egg slam into the tree behind it.

Looking back I could see the egg yet again moving. This time though, it was a lot more frequent. It jumped, wiggled, and rolled. Every action caused yet another crack to appear until finally, the egg burst apart around 2 meters from where we were before.

Out of it, a head quite a bit bigger than my own popped out. Its eyes a glowing blue color, and a strange X in the pupil. Then came a giant mouth that grew from the back of its head. Then the rest of the body.


It was a massive fucking Mawile.

"Wile, mawile." The eyes of the giant Pokemon looked into my own. Its form was easily two times mine. Weren't Mawile suppose to be like two feet tall?

I tried my best to give a smile, even if I was absolutely terrified.


The last thing I expected was for the giant Mawile to jump on me. I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes. The newborn pushed me down on the ground crushing me with its force.

"Aughh." I couldn't help but groan as the Mawile nuzzled its head against my own.

'Does it think I'm its mother or something?'

'You're not wrong, Pokemon tend to be very impressionable when firstborn. It is entirely possible it took you as its parent as you were the first it has seen.'

Well... It could be worse, it could be actively trying to kill me I guess. Being smothered to death is a lot better than getting eaten by that thing on its head.

'Now now little one, it's time to calm down.' It was clear the voice didn't reach just my head as the overly-excited Mawile stopped its smothering and slowly stood up. Her gaze looked for the source of the voice.

'This one too? I am truly at a loss.' Grandpa Xanax communicated mysteriously.

'I don't know how I'd even go about trying to tame...her.'

'She is still a baby, do not be discouraged just by the size. Worry about gaining her loyalty.'

'"I can at least try." I voiced walking up to the dazed Mawile. My hand reached for the forest point I could reach, its chin and I scratched.

The patting must have been good because the next second I found myself yet again on the floor with a Mawile that clearly didn't know its own strength nuzzling me.

'This is going to take a while.'


A/N: NO POKEPHILIA WILL EVER BE PRESENT IN THIS NOVEL, IF THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR I RECOMMEND YOU LEAVE NOW. Prob some smut with human girls though, knowing my history it's very well possible. Still don't know if I want to make mc travel with people yet though. Feel free to recommend people you'd like to see as traveling companions if you want.

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