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Capítulo 361: HPF331-340

Chapter 331

A few days after William's birth, Robert

and his family left the Granger residence,

and Ant moved back. It was also the day

he picked Cele and William up from the

hospital and returned home with them.

Winky kept the three bond-mates

appraised of the movements, and was

very happy to have a baby to look after

added to her duties.

However, Grandmother Elizabeth

requested she be allowed to stay, and told

Robert and his family she had 'important

matters' she wished to discuss with Ant

and Cele. It was no surprise to the

bondmates to learn it was about how

Hermione was a witch.

Throughout the week, Hedwig was

worked hard; but, appeared to have really

enjoyed the work. Harry had once used a

school owl to send a message and found

himself berated with wing flicks, barks and

nips by his beloved familiar for his efforts

of trying to 'spell' her by giving her a break.

That led to his wives laughing at him for

how Hedwig treated him for almost a

whole day. It took quite a few slices of

bacon-goodness for her to finally forgive

him his 'sin'. It was now clear Hedwig

considered herself 'his' mail owl, and

'cheating' on her by using another was not

to be tolerated.

That left him wondering just how the

bloody hell she was going to react if he

had the need of using another owl. He'd

have to find ways to send mail using other

owls when Hedwig wasn't present.

Nevertheless, much owl mail moved

between Hogwarts and Crawley once baby

William was brought back to the Granger

house. As Elizabeth clearly already knew

all about the magical world, it was with

great relief the Grangers were able to

discuss the magical world with her.

Elizabeth Cummings was quite the

formidable woman. And it was clear

where Hermione got her ability to think,

rationalise and deduce from.

Quite a few of the letters that were sent

back and forth dealt with how well

Hermione was doing in her studies,

personal issues relating to the three-way

relationship of the bondmates, what the

bondmates were doing to counter the

threat of Riddle, and a lot of other wide

ranging topics. Elizabeth's questions also

led to the bondmates having to think hard

about how to answer the woman, without

letting slip about the guardian angels.

They just prayed they could keep her in

the dark about that particular secret. They

weren't worried about the time travelling

one, though. That concept was just so

unbelievable they knew they'd never be

asked about it.

Just after the Grangers returned to their

home, the next major attack by the Death

Eaters occurred. It was now just over two

weeks since the attack on Bones Manor,

and the breakout at Azkaban.

The bondmates had been expecting it.

They knew Riddle would need at least that

amount of time to get his recently freed

inner circle members at least fit enough to

go on a raid; even if they weren't at full

fighting trim. He needed to 'make a


The three bondmates were all ready to go

but were unable to. They did not learn of

the attacks until the next day in the Daily

Prophet. And the attacks were on the

homes of some muggleborns.

~ # ~



Last night, the homes of two muggleborns

were attacked by what was believed to be

Death Eaters, one after the other, reports

staff reporter Walter Wordsworth.

The first was the home of muggleborns

Pablo and Melanie Martinez shortly after

nightfall. Mr and Mrs Martinez, along with

their two children, Jesus (9) and Gloria (7),

were killed in the attack. Advice from

within the auror corps say that the

Martinezes were tortured before they

were killed by what appears to be the

Killing Curse.

The second attack was also on the home

of a muggleborn family - the Broadbents -

not too long afterwards. Thankfully, there

were no children involved in the second


~ # ~

After reading the article, Harry slammed it

down onto the table, before then

slamming both fists down on top of it.

"Damn it!" he quietly snarled.

Before his wives could even offer him

comfort, the hated voice of Theo Nott

piped up from the Slytherin table. "Hey,

Potter!" he crowed. "You and your

mudblood are..."

"Mister Nott!" cried out the voice of

Headmistress McGonagall, right over the

top of whatever it was Nott was going to

say next. "Detention! One month with

Mister Filch, starting tonight.

And fifty points from Slytherin for

your disgusting words!"

Watching the short byplay, Harry was

quite chuffed that Nott, the 'new Malfoy

of Slytherin', got his just comeuppance.

'Finally!' he thought. What he didn't know,

nor did it matter, was he wasn't anywhere

near the only one who thought that.

Professor Snape looked like he'd just been

forced to suck on a lemon, but didn't

interfere. Best of all, was the look on

Nott's face. He clearly could not believe he

was so harshly punished. He kept looking

between Professor Snape and

Headmistress McGonagall waiting to see if

his Head of House was going to save him

from his foolishness. Once he realised he

wasn't, his face purpled and developed a

soundless ferocious snarl before turning

back to his breakfast.

"That's a surprise," said Daphne, staring at

the young man with a thoughtful look on

her face.

"Clearly he forgot he's under orders from

the Red-Eyed Wanker to keep his head

down," said Harry.

"It might mean he's close to solving the

problem with the Vanishing Cabinet,"

offered Hermione.

Harry was surprised he wasn't chided by

her for his language. Clearly, his bondmate

was deep in thought not to have picked up

on it. But, eventually, he said, "We'll have

to go and take a look at it tonight."

As soon as they knew Nott was being

entertained by Filch and his never-ending

quest to keep the trophies and awards in

the Trophy Room at a high shine, the

three headed across to the Room of

Requirement and checked over Nott's


After they'd searched all around the

cabinet, and within, Hermione gestured to

it and said to Harry, "Levitate it, please."

Knowing he was the magically strongest of

their group, and that he was the obvious

choice to levitate the cabinet, Harry did

just that, raising it to about five feet off

the ground.

Both his wives then checked the

underside of it to see if the split panel had

been repaired or replaced.

"He's replaced it," said Hermione

immediately. "It's of a different coloured


Chapter 332

"And there's no wear," added Daphne.

After they'd checked over some more of

the undercarriage of the cabinet, both

girls stepped back.

"You can put it down again, now, Harry,"

said Daphne.

Harry gently lowered it back to the floor,

making sure he put it in exactly the same

spot. "Any idea how much he still has to

go?" he asked.

Both girls looked at one another before

Daphne looked at him and said, "I think

it's basically ready. But, without being able

to test it ourselves, we have no way to


"My guess is, he just needs to re-engrave

some of the worn runes," shrugged

Hermione. "He could have that done in a

night, if he knew that was what he needed

to do."

Nodding, Harry said, "In that case, we

need to talk to the twins to see how many

of the potion rounds they've readied for

us. Insufficient, and we'll have to do

something minor to temporarily sabotage

the cabinet."

With that, the three left the Room and

headed back to their own apartment.

Along the way, Harry almost

unconsciously attempted to send a

patronus message. Its failure shocked him

in that he'd forgotten about the

anti-magic warding scheme now covering

the corridors.

Once in the apartment, he sent the

patronus message asking the twins to join

them; and then pulled out his mirror

asking his godfather to do the same.

Having less distance to travel, combined

with the first message sent, the twins

arrived first.

As they were let in, Harry greeted them.

"Boys! How goes the potions ammo?"

"Ammo?" asked one.

"You mean the paint... poitionball

rounds?" asked the other.

"Sorry," he replied. "Muggle shorthand.

It's short for 'ammunition'... And, yes, the

potionball rounds."

"Done!" replied the first, happily.

"Haven't you noticed?" asked the other,

pointing to the boxes where they were,

once more, stacked along the wall.

Looking over, Harry realised the boxes

were back and restacked. "Err... no," he

admitted a bit sheepishly. "I didn't think to


"Well, we'd not have had them done by

now," said one.

"But Dobby got them done, lickety-split,"

added the other.

At that moment, Sirius arrived. "What's up,

Pup?" he asked as everyone sat down.

"We've just been to check on the

Vanishing Cabinet," answered Daphne.

"And?" asked Sirius.

"Nott appears to have it almost done," she


"That was faster than we anticipated,"

said Hermione. "We didn't expect him to

have it finished for months yet."

"Is that going to be a problem?" asked

Sirius, straightening up.

"It would have been if the twins, here,

hadn't resolved the problems with getting

their potion into the paintball rounds..."

said Harry.

"Potionball rounds," interrupted both

twins in stereo.

"Sorry," said Harry with a nod to the twins.

"Potionball rounds."

"Really?" asked Sirius, looking at the pair

of them.

"Really," they both smirked back.

"How many have you done?"

"All of them," both twins together replied.

"Stop that!" snapped Hermione.

Both twins unabashedly grinned back.

To get things back on track, Harry said,

"The twins devised a most effective

method of using a purpose-designed rune

stone that allowed very accurate switching

spells to work on ten paintballs at a time.

Once it was a proven concept, they passed

the work over to Dobby to do. He got it

done very fast."

With a slight pop of displaced air, Dobby

popped in and said, "Dobby was happy to

do it. Dobby gots it all done and is happy

to do his bit."

"And Dobby is the most brilliant house elf

ever," said Harry.

With his suspiciously watering eyes

looking back at Harry, the little elf popped

away again without a word.

Sirius gave a bit of snort of amusement

before he asked, "So, we're ready, then?"

"Yes," replied Harry. "We keep an eye on

the map. As soon as one of us notices the

Death Eater team arrive, we use Dobby to

alert everyone else. Then we use

elf-apparation to gather up the guns and

potion balls, and move to a corridor ahead

of them, setting up an ambush."

"Any idea on when they're likely to attack,

yet?" asked Sirius.

"No," replied Harry. "However, I think it's

going to be in the evening after curfew,

some time."

"If Harry's the target, as we suspect, then

they may well come from the Room of

Requirement directly to here," said


"However, though Harry is the likely target,

we can't rule out attacks against other

targets," said Daphne. "Personally, if I was

thinking of a strategic one-off attack on

the castle by a small force, I'd also include

some of the Professors in the attack.

Specifically, Headmistress McGonagall and

Professor Flitwick."

"Makes sense," mused Sirius.

"Immediately after the first attack, that

way, you'd quickly discover how they got

in, and destroy the cabinet; making a

second attack by that means impossible."

"Exactly," said Hermione. "Plus, by

attacking three separate targets, you

divide any chance of a defence being

mounted against them."

Sirius seemed to think for a bit and the

others let him nut it out without

interruption. Finally, he leaned forward

and said, "I think you're right. That being

the case, and as we have plenty of both

the guns and ammunition, I think we

should divide them between here, the

Charms office, and the Headmistress's


"Stockpiles," said Hermione. "Place the

three caches of weapons and ammunition,

not in those precise locations, but under

disillusionment charms in nearby, empty


"Better idea," agreed Sirius with a nod to


"Alright," said Harry. "Let's go over this

and see if we can refine the plan even


Chapter 333

After an evening of planning and refining,

the group broke up and went back to what

they were doing.

For the Potters, it was assignments and

keeping a weather eye on the Map, where

it had become a near permanent fixture

on the coffee table while they were in the


Sirius returned to the DADA Professor's

office and the stack of still unmarked

assignments awaiting his red ink. He sat

down at his desk and, with a sigh and

mental shrug of resignation, picked up the

next assignment and tried to decipher the

chicken scrawl known as a third year

Gryffindor's handwriting. Reading along a

bit he muttered, "A dark spell is

considered dark because it's dark? What

sort of cockamamie reasoning is that?"

And the twins returned to their dorm in

Gryffindor to work on their NEWT year

assignments. Their latest was five whole

feet on why Veritaserum was effective,

how it could be overcome, what to an

observer were the signs it was being

overcome, and how to stop it from being


The next morning saw yet another

headline of Death Eaters attacking

muggleborn families. This time, one of

them was the family of Hufflepuff Wayne

Hopkins in their year.

Looking over at the Hufflepuff table, the

bondmates could see the rest of the fifth

years of the House gathered around the

boy, physically offering their support, as

the boy sat at the table quietly sobbing.

"Should we... go help?" asked Hermione.

"No," replied Daphne. "His friends have it

covered. We'd only get in the way."

The three returned to their meal and tried

to think of other matters. No matter how

much they wished they could end this now,

they couldn't. They needed some way of

knowing in advance when Riddle would

pop up, and where.

As they left the Hall to head for classes,

they were stopped by an angry Justin

Finch-Fletchley. The boy practically

snarled, "Why haven't you gone and

stopped him, Potter?"

Trying to rein in his own temper, Harry

snapped back, "Why haven't I gone and

stopped whom, Finch-Fletchley?"

"V... Riddle!" the 'Puff shot back.

"What in Merlin's name are you on about,

Finch-Fletchley?" snarled Daphne. "Harry

is not your personal bloody enforcer to be

sent after Riddle just because you seem to

think it's Harry's job! When are you going

to go and stop him, eh? Why

aren't you out there, mowing Death Eaters

down like the scum they are?"

"You have some nerve, Finch-Fletchley,"

growled Hermione, as she grabbed Harry's

elbow and led him to the grand staircase.

The Hufflepuff boy seemed to stand in

shock for a few moments before he

turned to them as they headed for the

stairs and called, "But, you stopped him

last time! It's your job!"

Finally reaching his breaking point, Harry

yanked his arm out of Hermione's grip,

spun on the spot and stormed back to the

boy. He didn't even realise he'd drawn his

wand until he noticed he was jabbing the

boy in the sternum with it. "My job?" he

shouted. "My fucking job? Bullshit! I'm

fifteen years old, you moron!

"And it wasn't me who stopped him last

time; it was my mother! She set in place a

trap for the dark tosser, and managed to

destroy him with it. I've been trying to get

you daft pricks to understand that

for years!" He roared, "Has that finally

sunk into that thick fucking head of yours


Harry only paused a moment before

spinning away and storming off back to his

wives. He wasn't even aware of the small

crowd that had gathered while he was

berating the boy.

As the Potters left, Professor Sprout

stepped forward as Finch-Fletchley looked

to be drawing his wand, and said, "Ten

points from Hufflepuff, Mister

Finch-Fletchley; and a night's detention

with me in Greenhouse Four."

"But, Professor..." the boy tried, clearly

upset but resheathing his wand.

"No buts, Mister Finch-Fletchley. You were

out of line," she said. Turning away from

the boy to address the other students who

had yet to move off, she said, "Mister

Potter has spent more than enough time

telling you all, over and over, it

was Lily Potter who bested Riddle

Halloween of eighty one. It is high time

you all accepted that.

"It is not Mister Potter's role to deal with

Riddle and his masked terrorists. That is

the job of the DMLE's aurors and hit

wizards. Mister Potter is only a fifth year

student who has not yet even passed his

OWLs. It is not his place to go haring off

after Tom Riddle, no matter how much

you wish it could be.

"Now, all of you, you have classes to

attend," she said. "I strongly suggest you

be about it."

Very shortly after curfew that night in her

own dorm room, Luna Lovegood suddenly

stopped humming a tune she had in her

head, her quill stopped moving as she

wrote on the parchment before her, and

she seemed to look off into the distance

as if watching something no one else

could see.

Snapping out of it she suddenly, and with

determination, quickly packed her things

away. She had developed the habit of

leaving nothing of hers out in the open in

the past couple of years, due to the

bullying. And made her way down to the

common room and out beyond the eagle


A long minute later and she was standing

before the entrance to the 'Potter

Apartment'. "Hello, Professor Whittaker,"

she said. "I most urgently need to speak

with the Potters.'

"Of course, Miss Lovegood," the Professor

replied with a short nod before stepping


Luna stepped forward, gave a quick knock

on the door, and entered before anyone

even came to answer the knock.

The three bondmates looked up in


"Luna?" asked Hermione. "Is something

the matter?"

Firmly, she replied, "Tommy's thugs will

attack Saint Mungo's some time tonight.

You'll need to hurry."

After a few moments of shock, Harry said,

"I'm sending a patronus to Amelia." And

quickly conjured a messenger patronus

with the message 'Death Eater attack on

Saint Mungo's imminent tonight'.

"What about the Order?" asked Hermione,

ready to cast her own patronus.

Harry thought about it and said, "Send

one to Professor McGonagall. I think she

now leads that organisation... but, remind

her to stay out of the way of the aurors...

and follow their directions."

Hermione nodded back and cast her own

messenger patronus. Her doe patronus

leapt out through the wall heading for the

Headmistress's office.

Chapter 334

As it left, Harry asked Luna, "Did you see

anything else, dear Luna? Any idea

of when the attack will take place?"

Still with a firm and focussed countenance,

Luna's lips formed a grim line as she shook

her head. "I just know it will be tonight."

Suddenly her eyes widened a little and she

said, "It'll be after visiting hours, though.

My... vision showed me the lights have

been dimmed and the corridors clear of

visitors when the attack commences."

"Excellent," replied Harry, a little more

relieved. "That helps."

He then sent a second messenger

patronus with the updated information to

Amelia. Hermione's own went out only

moments later.

Harry was just about to start pacing when

he suddenly stopped and looked at Luna

again. "No sign of old snake face being

involved in the attack?"

Watching him, Luna just shook her head in

the negative.

Harry was just about to resume pacing

when he looked back at the slight girl and

said, "Oh, where are my manners? Care

for a seat, dear Luna? I'll organise some

hot cocoa for us."

"Thank you, Harry," she replied, taking the

offered seat.

After Harry called Dobby and ordered the

requisite number of hot beverages, a

messenger patronus of an Asiatic tiger

entered and, in Madam Bones's voice,

said, "Thank you for the tip, Mister Potter.

We're gathering forces to repel, now."

"Nott's up and almost at the Room," said

Daphne, from where she was looking

down at the opened Map while nursing

her hot cocoa.

The other three all watched as Nott,

already on the seventh floor, did his

required pacing before where they knew

the door to the Room would appear. He

paced the three times and disappeared

through the wall.

After a few moments, Hermione suddenly

asked, "You don't think the attack will

come tonight, do you?"

"I believe Luna," retorted Harry, before

Hermione suddenly interrupted.

"No... no... I mean here; attack here, at

the castle," she quickly said.

The three looked at one another before

Harry said, "Keep an eye on the Map. I

have a feeling the attack on Saint Mungo's

may be a... distraction for an attack on the


He hurried over to the boxes and ensured

the guns and potionball rounds were

ready. Then began to load the hoppers as

quickly as he could.

"A feint?" asked Hermione.

"No," he replied, still loading. "Both

attacks are real. He's just looking to pull

the Order members away from the castle

so he can slip a smaller force in through

the Vanishing Cabinet near unopposed."

"Dobby!" he called still preparing guns.

"Yes, Master Harry?" asked Dobby.

"Initiate the first stage of Plan Invader Tag,

Dobby," he ordered.

Without a word, Dobby popped away.

"It's a pity we didn't get the chance to

split the paintball guns and potion

ammunition across the stockpiling idea,"

he said, not looking up as he worked.

The first part of the plan required Dobby

to go and wake Sirius, before then going

and waking the twins, if any of them were

asleep. Next, he'd return to Sirius, wait for

him to finish getting dressed, and pop him

direct to the apartment to get armed.

Then he'd go and get the twins, if they

weren't already hurrying over from

Gryffindor tower in a route which would

mean they'd miss passing close to the

Room of Requirement.

Dobby brought Sirius over five minutes


"This had better be..." began a

sleep-groggy Sirius, when he was cut off

by Daphne.

"It is," she interrupted. "It has to be. It's

Riddle's usual style. He attacks two

separate targets at the same time, hoping

to draw the aurors... or the Order... to one

while an attack is taking place elsewhere."

Looking to Sirius, Hermione said, "We

have information Death Eaters will be

attacking Saint Mungo's tonight. Probably

some time after visiting hours are over."

Sirius frowned and said, "That was his

usual tactics during the first war, yes.

Where'd you get the information from

that he'd be attacking Saint Mungo's


"We have access to someone who has

some Seer ability," said Harry.

"He means me," said Luna, quite calmly.

A little shocked, Sirius asked, "You're a

Seer, Miss Lovegood?"

"I have... some talent in the field," she


"But, that's a closely held and appreciated

secret," added Harry. "We don't want to

see Luna become a target for Riddle and

his people, or the Unspeakables."

"Noted," said Sirius, giving a slight bow to

Luna. "I will not divulge knowledge of your

gift to anyone without your permission."

"I know," said Luna, rising to give him a

quick hug.

Stepping back, she said, "Someone needs

to answer the door. The Weasley twins are

here." A moment later, there was quick

triple rap on the door to their apartment.

"She's right," said Daphne, glancing down

at the Map.

Harry immediately rose to let the two in.

With the twins now within the apartment,

Harry instructed them all, "I've already

loaded the guns, plus you also have a

reload canister ready with refills in case

you need them. Everyone grab one of


With eight guns loaded and ready, plus

eight refills dropped into belt pouches,

Harry had returned to sit on the couches

and sip his hot cocoa while Daphne

watched the Map.

"This is the hardest part," muttered


"The waiting?" asked Harry.

"Yeah, the waiting," she replied.

A half hour after Nott entered the Room,

Daphne called, "Here he comes... and so

has Bellatrix Lestrange. This is it. It's


As everyone rose from where they'd been

sitting, Sirius asked, "How many?"

"That's six invaders now," she said.

Almost boring his eyes into the young

woman, he asked, "Who?"

"Now eight. The three Lestranges,

Thorfinn Rowle, Antonin Dolohov, Samuel

Travers, and Amycus and Alecto Carrow,"

she replied. "And... there's Nott, again. So,

it's eight plus Nott."

Chapter 335

Dobby had just popped back.

"Yes, there be eight evil wizards and a

witch," he reported. "Theys trying to be


"Have they engaged disillusionment

charms?" asked Sirius.

"No, theys just trying to be quiet," replied

the elf.

"That'll make it easier," said Sirius with no

little amount of satisfaction.

"You can't hope to spread fear if no one

knows you're there," said Daphne.

"Right," said Harry. "Everyone get

yourselves ready while we try to find out

where they're heading." Turning to the elf

he said, "Dobby, I need you to see if you

can get another couple of house elves to

help side-along elf-popping us about the


"Dobby's already done that, Master

Harry," replied the elf before he snapped

his fingers.

Three other elves popped in, apparently

already ready to side-along elf-apparate

them wherever they needed to go.

As the others were waiting, Harry kept an

eye on the Map and where the Death

Eaters were heading. "They've split!" he


Harry showed them the Map. "The

Lestranges are heading for us, in here, I

think. The other five, plus Nott, are

heading further downstairs. Still no idea of

their target, yet."

"Where's the second group now?" asked


"On the stairs in the grand staircase,"

replied Harry.

"Alright," said Sirius, clearly making the

decision. "Harry, Daphne and Hermione;

you're outside here. You've got the

Lestranges. The rest of us will wait until

we know where we can ambush the rest."

After one last look at the Map confirming

the Lestranges were still heading for the

'Potter Apartment', Harry scooped it up

and handed it to Sirius. "Take the Map

with you, just in case you need to


As Sirius nodded back and accepted the

Map, Harry and his wives quickly left

through the door.

The three Potters stepped out past

Professor Whittaker and hurried down the

corridor to the next, where they knew

they'd be well-placed to meet the

Lestranges heading towards them. This

put them also in the corridor that would

have led the three Death Eaters to the

Ravenclaw common room, if that was

their real destination.

They'd just set themselves in their usual

formation - Daphne on the left, Harry in

the middle and Hermione on the right -

when the Lestranges came striding around

the corner at the other end. As expected,

Bellatrix was in her usual leather corset

attire without robes or mask, while her

husband and brother-in-law were wearing

the full garb, mask and all. She was

leading the trio a half pace ahead of the

other two.

As soon as the Lestranges saw the three

Potters, they stopped for a moment

before they stepped more fully into the

corridor. That was right where the three

bondmates wanted them.

"Awww... wook," said Bellatrix with a little

baby type voice. "Just the people we were

looking fwor. Its wee baby Potty wif his

wittle girlfwiends."

"Wives, actually; you crazy bitch," said


Both Harry and Daphne looked back at her

with astonished expressions. "Hermione!"

gasped Daphne. "Language!"

Harry just chuckled while Bellatrix got

angry. "Shut your mouth, you filthy

mudblood," she snarled.

"Awww... did wee baby Bella not wike

dat?" asked Daphne, in her own, mocking

baby voice.

The three bondmates broke into laughter.

Clearly beyond angry, Bellatrix raised her

wand to point at Hermione and

snarl-incanted, "Avada Kedavra!"

While her wand tip glowed killing curse

green, nothing happened, except for the

wand tip winking out.

'Well, that proved that concept,' thought


"Nice try, bitch," smirked Daphne.

Lestrange was looking gobsmacked at her

wand as the two brothers glanced at one

another. They raised their own wands and

attempted the same curse.

After both curses failed, Harry smirked

and said, "Our turn."

All three raised their paintball guns and

aimed them at the three Lestranges.

As the three Lestranges stood looking

shocked at how their curses had failed,

and curious at what the three bondmates

were doing, Harry quietly said, "Fire!"

All three opened up and shot potionballs

at the three Lestranges in rapidfire. Harry

was happy to see his first round hit

Bellatrix in the hand as she raised her

wand in reflex to block the potion ball as if

it was a curse. Pity for her the round

shattered when it hit her hand and

sprayed its contents right into her face.

She gave a little scream and scrunched up

her face, shutting her eyes.

Harry didn't know if it was because the

potionball stung her hand, or because

potion got in her eyes. However, he didn't

care, so long as potion contacted her skin.

Knowing she was going to go down in

moments, he switched aim to his right. He

didn't know which of the two brothers his

new target was, but he chose that one

knowing it was Hermione's target and

Daphne was a better aim than her.

However, he need not have bothered.

Hermione had managed to slip a round

past that male Lestrange's raised hand,

while he was attempting to ward off the

incoming rounds, and hit him in the lower

face and jaw.

'Two down,' he thought, swivelling to the

left. However, he was only in time to see

the third Lestrange already falling, joining

the other two crumpling to the floor.

None of the six had so much as moved

from their original positions. Once the first

round was fired, the battle lasted no more

than four seconds.

"Wow!" said Hermione. "That was quick."

"I'd thought they'd at least try and find

cover," said Daphne.

"Too confident in their abilities with a

wand," said Hermione, as the three

walked forward with their guns held at the

ready at the hip.

"Dobby," Harry called, checking to make

sure all three were, indeed, unconscious.

With a pop the little elf arrived. "Yes,

Master Harry?"

Chapter 336

"How're the others?" he asked as Daphne

and Hermione cast Incarcerous Charms on

the three Death Eaters.

"Still fighting, Master Harry," the elf


With a nod Harry said, "Can you take

these three to the holding room for us,


"Certainly, Master Harry," replied Dobby.

He then grabbed the first as two other

elves arrived to take all three Lestranges

to their rune-warded abandoned

classroom they'd chosen and readied in


"Back to the apartment, I think," said


"You... don't want to go and see how

Sirius and the others are faring?" asked


With a little shake of his head, as they

began to walk back to their apartment, he

replied, "It'll be over well before we got

there. Best to wait for them in our rooms,

I think."

As they walked, Daphne said, "You want to

go, though; don't you."

He hesitated a moment before he

admitted, "Yeah. Yeah, I do. However, we

need to trust and respect that Sirius, the

twins and Luna can take out five Death

Eaters who are pretty much defenceless,

without us turning up.

Down outside the Charms corridor, the

other team had just walked around the

corner when they spotted the other five

death eaters, plus Nott, trying to

disillusion themselves. They were outside

Professor Flitwick's office

As soon as they were spotted, Sirius

grinned and called, "Well, good evening.

To what do we owe the pleasure?"

As Nott looked back in shock at being

spotted, one of the death eaters snarled

and raised his wand.

With a snarl of "Avada Kedavra!" he

brought his wand down from on high with

a downward slashing jab motion. The

wand tip glowed green for only a moment

before the tip winked out with no curse


While the team of Sirius, the twins and

Luna readied themselves to jump out of

the way, they realised it wasn't necessary.

Sirius grinned and said, "Oops!"

"It works!" exclaims Luna, quite happily.


"Can we shoot them now?" asked one


"Please?" said the other; while the death

eaters and Nott looked back,


"Fire!" barked Sirius, and the four opened


As the death eaters and Nott attempted to

either fend off, shield from or duck to one

side to avoid the rounds, thinking them

curses, they had nothing to counter with.

Within five seconds of the first potion ball

being fired, all five were down.

"Well, that was almost… anticlimactic,"

said Luna. "Can we wake them up and

have another go?"

Sirius grinned and said, "Sorry, Miss

Lovegood. In a battle of life and death,

never give the opposition an even chance.

Just take them down and make

them stay down; the quicker, the better.

He loved teaching.

The three Potters had only just walked

into their apartment when Dobby


"Professor Dogwizard and the others have

captured the other evil wizards and we've

taken them to the magic-less room," he


"They're heading back here?" asked Harry.

"Yes, Master Harry," replied the elf.

"Thank you, Dobby," he nodded, relieved.

Once Dobby had popped away again,

taking the empty cocoa mugs with him,

Daphne asked, "When do we contact

Madam Bones about the prisoners we've


"Now, I think," replied Harry. He

immediately sent yet another messenger

patronus to Amelia letting her know

they'd captured eight Death Eaters who'd

infiltrated the castle, and would hold them

until she was ready to come and collect


"Now what?" asked Hermione.

"Now we have to do the hardest thing of

all," replied Daphne before Harry could.

"We have to wait."

Five minutes later, Sirius, the twins and

Luna returned.

"Got 'em!" grinned Sirius. "How..."

"We got ours, too," said Harry. "Yours in

the null-magic classroom?"

"Yep," grinned one of the twins.

"We just checked on 'em," said the other.

"The elves put them in chairs..." said the


"And bound them in place," said the


Nodding, Sirius said, "All eight plus Nott

are bound, asleep and tied to chairs with

the hoods over their heads. We also

stripped them of their portkeys and


With that, Sirius pulled the items from his

pocket, already inside an auror's large

evidence bag, and dropped it onto the

coffee table.

"They're not going anywhere," he grinned.

"Are you sure that potion's going to keep

them asleep?" asked Hermione, clearly a

little worried.

"Definitely," said both twins,


As all seven were beginning to relax, and

Sirius was regaling the Potters about the

very one-sided battle they had in the

Charms corridor, Amelia's patronus

arrived letting them know she'd be along

with a small team of aurors to collect their

prisoners about an hour later.

"Well, looks like we're up for a while,"

sighed Harry. Turning to Sirius he asked,

"Any idea why the other Death Eaters

were in the Charms corridor?"

With a nod, Sirius replied, "They were

after killing Professor Flitwick as soon as

he stepped out of his office."

With a frown of concentration Hermione

asked, "Why would they think Professor

Flitwick would... Oh!"

"Oh?" asked Daphne.

"They knew word of the attack on Saint

Mungo's would reach the ears of someone

within the Order of the Phoenix,"

explained Hermione. "They were counting

on the Professor leaving his office and

heading for the Headmistress's office to

join up with the rest of the Order, before

heading for Saint Mungo's to help repel

the attackers."

"Correct!" exclaimed Sirius.

"But, hadn't he already left?" asked one of

the twins.

"Yes, but they hadn't counted on the

Order getting word of the attack on Saint

Mungo's before the Death Eaters arrived

outside his classroom," she explained.

"They timed it," nodded Harry. "The attack

wasn't supposed to happen until about

the same time the Death Eaters got in


"Yes," nodded Sirius. "Classic Riddle attack

planning. I've no doubt he planned for the

attack to occur approximately ten minutes

after the last Death Eater went through

the Vanishing Cabinet.

"Then give it five minutes, once the attack

had begun, for word to reach the Order.

And about one minute for Filius to come

running out the door into the corridor."

Chapter 338

"With his mind focussed on getting to the

Headmistress's office, he would have been

caught completely unaware and

flatfooted," said Hermione. "Five of them

would have overcome him in seconds. And

the Light would have lost one of its best


As the others all nodded, recognising

Hermione's words as the truth they were,

she sighed. "Now we just need to deal

with the Vanishing Cabinet. With the

attack having taken place, even though it

was unsuccessful in both its objectives,

Riddle won't be suspicious if the one at

Borgin and Burke's no longer works."

Sirius began to grin, before he sat up

straighter and leaned forward. When it

was clear he'd thought of a plan the

others waited for him to speak of it.

"Why destroy it?" he asked. "We've used

it to take eight of his best, of

which five we know were Inner Circle, out

of circulation again.

"Four of them... the three Lestranges and

Dolohov... were recent escapees of

Azkaban. Riddle's going to be spitting

chips when he learns four of the nine he

recently broke out are back behind bars


"Well, I hope that's not where they're

headed," stated Harry quite firmly. "The

Minister of the time was well prepared to

have you immediately Kissed if you were

caught, when it was believed you were a

dangerous escapee from Azkaban. To not

have them immediately Kissed, or

otherwise immediately executed, would

positively reek of unfair justice."

"And that's what we'll tell Bonesy when

she turns up," stated Sirius.

As she'd promised, Amelia arrived a little

over an hour later and sent a patronus

message from the Headmistress's office to

let the Potters know where they could find

her. By then Luna had already left to

attempt to get a good night's sleep.

In return, Harry sent a messenger

patronus back to Amelia to let her know

how she could find the null magic room

where the invading Death Eaters could be

found; and to meet them there. Then the

three walked to the room, down on the

fourth floor along a normally unused

corridor, to wait for her and her aurors.

Harry carried one of the loaded paintball

guns with him.

They'd only been there about a minute

when Amelia; almost a dozen of her

aurors; Professors Flitwick, Snape and

Sinistra; and Headmistress McGonagall, all

approached them from down the Great

Hall end of the corridor.

The three Potters, the twins and Sirius

then led the large body into the

abandoned classroom they'd set up as

their null magic holding area. In a line

before them was the eight Death Eaters -

nine, if you included Nott. They were still

bound to chairs, and all nine were still


Harry then stepped forward and walked

along the line reefing the sleeve on their

right arms up. All nine, including Nott,

quite clearly showed the Dark Mark.

"These eight entered the castle through a

Vanishing Cabinet in a room on the

seventh floor," explained Hermione. "A

Vanishing Cabinet that was repaired by

Theodore Nott, a fifth year in Slytherin

House, over the past few months since the

beginning of the school year. This was

meticulously planned with the intent of

targetting Harry and Professor Flitwick."

With a gesture from Madam Bones, one of

the aurors stepped forward and

attempted to cast the Enervate Charm on

the Death Eater on the closest end of the

line; one of the Lestrange brothers. It had

no effect.

"That won't work for two reasons," said

Harry. "One, they've been potioned with a

modified version of the Draught of the

Living Death; and, two, wanded magic will

not work in this room."

With a frown, Madam Bones asked, "What

do you mean?"

With a gesture into the corners of the

room, Daphne replied, "There is a specific

rune set engraved into the corners of the

room that block cast magic. However, it

doesn't block all other forms of magic

including potions, rune magic, elf magic

and the like."

"As for the potion," added Hermione. She

indicated the Weasley twins, standing

back and grinning. "Harry paid the

Weasley twins to develop a fast acting

variation of Draught of the Living Death

that works on contact with the skin. Once

tagged with it, as he puts it, you go

Sleepy-byes - which is the name of the

potion - until the antidote is


Madam Bones stared with quite some

intensity at the twins, then Harry. "This

potion... you're willing to share the


"That's up to the twins, Ma'am," replied

Harry. "I paid them to develop it, but

allowed them to keep the rights to the

recipe. It's a proprietary product. However,

I think you'll find they're... eager to market

it, or make premade batches of the potion

for you."

"How long did it take to take effect?"

asked the Headmistress.

"On contact, about one and a half to three

seconds," replied Hermione.

One of the aurors whistled in amazement.

"How did you take them down without

injury to yourselves?" asked Madam


"With these," replied Harry, raising the

gun in his hand to show the woman. "It

shoots small balls that break apart on

contact. They contain the potion."

"Show me," she demanded.

Harry immediately aimed the gun at the

wall above the heads of the Death Eaters

and fired three rounds at the wall. All

three rounds, as promised, burst open on

impact leaving three wet splat marks on

the wall in almost a straight line.

He then turned and offered it to the


When she tentatively accepted it, Harry

demonstrated how it worked and said,

"Try not to hit anyone with it. As well as

dosing them with a dose of the

Sleepy-byes potion, at close range it stings

like a right... bitch; and leaves one hell of a

welt. It can make a stinging hex feel like a

love tap."

"What range does it have?" she asked.

"I wouldn't plan on accuracy, or for the

round to break open on contact, beyond

about thirty yards," he replied. "For

accuracy, the seam on the balls, together

with how they tend to spin coming out of

the barrel, make the balls swerve slightly

in flight. However, put enough rounds

down range and you'll hit more often than

not. Think about making the maximum

range about fifty feet."

Madam Bones gave a single firm nod,

raised the butt of the gun to her shoulder

as Harry had shown her, and fired off a

couple of rounds at the same area of wall

Harry did. Lowering the gun again, she

said, "I see what you mean about the ball

curving through the air. They both turned,

but in different directions."

Handing the gun back to Harry, she

declared, "I want them. Them and the

potion, together with its antidote."

"Who do I need to talk to about these...

gun things?" she asked, with a slight nod

in the direction of the paintball gun.

Chapter 339

"Remus Lupin," replied Hermione. "He's

the one who purchased ours, together

with the ordinary rounds. The twins have

developed a special rune-based device to

allow you to switch out the paint within

the rounds with the potion; plus provide

the potion."

"They'll just need time to make the potion,

and then switch out the paint with the

potion they make," added Harry.

With another nod, she said, "Final

question; if we can't cast magic in this

room, how do we get our prisoners here

to a Floo, so we can get them back to the

DMLE holding cells?"

"Elf magic," smiled Harry. "Just let them

know which Floo you want to use, and

they'll get them there for you." Reaching

into his robes, he withdrew the phial of

antidote from a pocket and handed it to


"The antidote," he smiled.

"Just a few drops in the mouth should do,"

said one of the twins.

"But, they'll be groggy for a few minutes

after you administer it," said the second.

"And have a thumping headache when

they do," added the first.

A few moments later, Harry called Dobby

to organise with the elves to take the

prisoners to the Headmistress's office the

next time he was called. And the party left

the room.

Just after they left the room, Harry turned

to Amelia and said, "Just as a note, I

remind you that there's already precedent

that escapees from Azkaban are

immediately Kissed after recapture. You

may not agree with that... policy... but, it's


"Noted, Mister Potter," she replied.

"Mister Potter!" gasped Professor

McGonagall. "You can't just advocate

killing prisoners.."

Interrupting her, he said, "Alright,

Professor. Which of these fine upstanding

aurors, here, do you want to sacrifice to

guard the prison and be killed when

Riddle goes there to break them back out


She looked back as if she'd just been


"Harry, that was uncalled for," Daphne

reprimanded him.

"But no less true," he shot back.

"Dumbledore's 'No killing' policy

is exactly why Riddle nearly won at the

end of the last war. Magical Britain was

just bloody lucky my mother didn't believe

that and was an exceptionally bright and

clever witch."

"Even so," started Daphne right back. "The

Headmistress didn't deserve..."

The Headmistress interrupted and said,

"It's alright, Missus Greengrass-Potter. As

much as I dislike the notion, he's right."

Ten minutes later, the elves shuttled the

prisoners to Professor McGonagall's office,

and the aurors took them out through the

Floo. The three Potters headed back to

their apartment to get some much

needed sleep. The twins remained

speaking with Madam Bones about

negotiating costs for the potion.

As they walked, Daphne asked, "Do you

think she'll execute them?"

"Yes... and no," said Harry. "I think she'll

milk them for as much information as she

can, in secret. She'll pump them full of

Veritaserum, then push them through

quick trials, then execute them... probably

via the Veil."

"So, we only knocked them out for her to

execute them later," sighed Hermione.

"No, we knocked them out so she can now

question them and get as much

information out of them as

possible before they're then lawfully

executed," said Daphne. "And, whether or

not they're executed is not our decision.

We captured them, and the law will

handle it from here."

"And even if we had killed them, the fact

they came at us with the Killing Curse off

the bat, means we were in a life and death

situation," added Harry. "As far as I'm

concerned, if you come at me with the

intent to kill, I have no problem with

killing you first."

"And that's the attitude

we must maintain," said Daphne firmly.

"It's the only way we're going to get

through this."

Two mornings later, the twins came over

at breakfast once all the mail was

delivered, all excited. One of them was

carrying a letter on Ministry letterhead.

"Madam Bones is buying our potion and a

large 'switch' stone," said one.

"Selling this means we'll have enough

money to open our store!" said the other.

That reminded Harry that the last time

he'd won the Tournament he'd handed his

winnings to the twins. He forgot to do that

this time.

However, having them earn their starting

capital out of their own efforts was better

for them. This way, they wouldn't feel

obliged to set aside some of their profit

for Harry. He didn't need it and he knew

they'd make good use of it.

"Congratulations, mates!" he exclaimed,

happy for them. "I take it this means we'll

see Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes open

for business some time soon after you


"Indeed!" said one.

"We've even got the store we want, in

mind," said the other.

"How soon does Madam Bones want the

potion and antidote?" asked Hermione.

"As soon as possible," said one.

"But, it's not going to take us long to make

it," said the other.

"Do you need any galleons as an advance

to purchase the ingredients?" asked Harry,

always willing to help.

"Thank you, but no," said one.

"Part of the contract has the DMLE

providing us an advance for that purpose,"

said the other.

"She also let us know she's contacted

Professor Lupin for the guns," said the


"And he's providing the instruction to her


"... On how to use them."

"... Plus purchasing extra ammunition..."

"... For training purposes."

"She sounds very keen to get things

happening," said Daphne.

"Oh, she is!" replied one.

"It's a rush order!" added the other.

"Again; congratulations, mates," said


"We couldn't have done it without you..."

"... Harrikins."

Chapter 340

"Nonsense," he scoffed. "You, two, have

plenty of innate business talent. You'd

have figured out a way, eventually... after

first making the gi-nor-mous mistake of

trying to make a fast galleon through


The twins unrepentantly grinned back.

"Been there..."

"... Done that."




Life within Hogwarts settled down again

for a few weeks. The attack on Saint

Mungo's had been repelled, as had the

assassination team attack on Harry and

Professor Flitwick.

The three Potters learned a few days later

from the woman herself that Madam

Bones had only lost a couple of aurors in

the defence of Saint Mungo's. In return

they had managed to kill a half dozen

Death Eaters, and capture about a dozen

more out of an attack of about three


She learned that Harry and Filius were the

primary targets that night, which

explained why there were so many inner

circle Death Eaters in the attack on the

school. The attack on Saint Mungo's was

supposed to be loud and noisy, to draw

both the aurors and the Order to the

hospital, as expected.

Four teams were sent in almost ahead of

the main body to kill all muggleborns that

were there. They were assassination

teams. Apparently, those Death Eaters had

on them a list of which muggleborns were

currently at the hospital, including which

beds they were in. Thankfully, they didn't

even manage to move out beyond the

main entrance/welcoming hall, as that

was where Madam Bones set up her

ambush for the attack.

Madam Bones's explanation of why she

didn't let the Potters know of the list was

because her aurors wanted to know who

at the wizarding hospital had gathered

and passed that information off to

Voldemort. The investigation also allowed

her to Veritaserum the staff, and identify

all the Death Eaters that were hiding on

staff, and arrest them. The new Minister,

Ogden, had no qualms about allowing her

to do that.

Of course, the captured and killed were

mainly 'cannon fodder' Death Eaters who

had recently joined and had little skill in

combat with a wand. However, they did

manage to kill one inner circle; Fenrir

Greyback. And they also killed Dolores

Umbridge during the short battle, who

had escaped from Azkaban the night

Riddle freed nine of his inner circle and


Others killed included some of the

Ministry workers who had been 'fired'

from their positions due to their

admitted-under-Veritaserum bigotry and

support of Riddle's 'policies'. However,

most Death Eater attackers immediately

portkeyed or apparated away as soon as

they realised the aurors had been lying in

ambush for them.

Even so, the aurors managed to take down

quite a few of Voldemort's terrorists, and

only lost two of their own doing so.

With the routing of his forces at Saint

Mungo's and the loss of half a dozen of his

inner circle including the capture of the

entire assassination team sent to

Hogwarts, Riddle's losses were bound to

have a deleterious effect on his recruiting

efforts. This was very good news to the


"When do the results of the two attacks

get released to the Prophet?" he asked


"This afternoon," she promptly replied.

"You should be able to read about it in

tomorrow morning's edition."

"Good," he firmly stated. "After reading

articles of attacks on muggleborn in their

homes, the wizarding populace needs to

read that his two largest attacks were

summarily and handily repelled."

"Agreed," she replied. "But, I'm sure you

understand there was a need to keep

mum about them both while we plumbed

those we caught, especially the inner

circle members, for whatever information

we could get out of them."

"Of course," he acquiesced. "I'm just glad

you're going to release it now. And not try

and keep it all a secret, like Fudge would

have done."

"I hope you understand I'm not like our

much unloved ex-Minister, Harry," she

said, a little miffed.

"Definitely not," he promptly replied. "I

just have a... wariness... about faith in the

actions of the Ministry. Sorry, but it's a

holdover from our first run through."

"Understood," she said, as she relaxed


As promised, that rather large, important

and quite shocking article did appear as

the lead story in the next morning's Daily

Prophet. Thankfully, the names of those

who took down the assassination team

that came to Hogwarts were deliberately

left out of Amelia's information to

the Prophet's reporter. However, the

reporter did include a section where he

'speculated' the three Potters had some

role to play in the events of that was also

the first time Harry had been reported as

'The Chosen One'.

After the article came out, they were

approached by quite a few people who

asked if they were involved. Their

rehearsed response was, "Just because

Harry is the supposed Boy-Who-Lived,

does not mean he has a hand in every

heroic act that occurs in the school."

Thanks to Daphne's forethought of what

attention the article would bring, they'd

already spoken to Luna, the twins and

Sirius about what their response would be.

And those four were quite happy not to

be included as part of the takedown of the

Death Eaters, either.

"We certainly don't need the attention,"

said one of the twins.

"Well, we do... but, not that sort," said the


"And we'd get a howler from Mum if she

found out we were involved," said the


And both twins made a face and

shuddered, causing the three Potters to

grin back. The howlers of the Weasley

matriarch, though not one had been seen

in over a year, were still part of the

Hogwarts legend.

"I don't mean to pry," said Daphne, a little

tentatively, "But, you're still in touch with


Both twins snorted in stereo before one

said, "It's more like..."

"... She's still in touch with us."

"She writes us near constantly..."

"But, we only... rarely... contact her."

"Dad says she's still our mother..."

"... Even after what she did... what she

tried to do."

"And we should at least maintain a civil


"Leastwise, that's what he says."

"Fair enough," said Harry.

next chapter
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