The rustling of the leaves can be heard, as two peculiar pikachu stroll through the quiet glade in the oak forest, the only other sound over their conversation being the chirping of the bird pokemon, up high on the tree canopies.
The most excited and carefree pikachu, skipping around, leading the little group, turned around and touched her pink right cheek. "Hey bro, look, look!", she exclaimed, as little bright pink arches of lightning started being emitted around her.
The other pikachu, differentiated by his magenta, completely different from the other's pink cheeks and ear tips, stopped and looked expectantly at his sister. "What is it, sister?".
The pink pikachu smirked at the 'foolishness' of her brother, as a few hearts appeared and started floating over her.
When his eyes turned into hearts, she knew she had won, and started giggling. "Ha ha ha ha, you absolute buffoon, I have captured you with my 'Charm', and so, this time, 'I' will win!", she shouted, confident in her imminent victory.
Having said her piece, she turned around and ran away, apparently having started a game of tag spontaneously, catching her sibling off guard, and getting a massive upstart.
After a few seconds, the stunned pikachu shook his head violently, and with a smile on his face, he yelled into the forest "You're On!", immediately starting to run on his little legs, after his beloved sister.
'She thinks she is really sneaky, but I can see the pink electrical trail she leaves behind when she is excited and forgets to contain her energy'.
His smile widens as he spots her, and the scattering small pokemon, feeding on berry bushes dotted around the forest, with her 'frightening' speed electric crackles.
'I am only slightly faster than "Tesla" and my endurance is not much better. If I want to catch the little rascal quickly, I'm going to have to step up my game and actually use my energies'.
With magenta electricity zapping around his body, he used an agility enhancing move, his speed almost doubled and the distance between the two young pokemon began to decrease quite rapidly..
Tesla glanced briefly behind her, catching a glimpse of her speeding pursuer, going much faster than she expected. While she 'was' surprised by the increasing speed of their game, she still brimmed with confidence. "What does my dust taste like, Coil?", she yelled over the sound of the wind, bouncing from a tree, making a 90º turn to the left and releasing a pink shockwave.
"Don't worry sister! You'll know what 'mine' tastes like in just a second!". Not discouraged by being slowed down by the shockwave, Ion kept running, barely touching the grass under his tiny yellow paws. 'She is getting way too cocky. It's time for some telekinesis.'.
A tree started shaking violently and fell in front of Tesla, blocking her path forward, while her brother behind her accelerated even more, applying telekinesis on himself.
Being the block headed little sister that she is, she decided to go with the first solution she thought about. Going straight through the thick wooden trunk in front of her, like an arrow.
It was, in fact, like an arrow, as she used 'cupid's arrow' and, suspended in midair, she became part of a pink arrow, with a heart shaped tip, piercing through the tree like a lightning bolt does through the sky, projecting hundreds of wood splinters in both sides.
Coil blinked slowly. '... What? Why would she waste energy going through the tree instead of just going over it, or to the sides? Considering those ways were trapped to catch her, that was the correct decision, but somehow I doubt that she had that in mind when making her decision'.
A serious, focused grimace replaced his confident smile as he let go of the branches and roots that he telekinetically controlled, to try and catch the little runaway had she chosen the more rational routes of escape, and used his psychic powers to evade the splinters and follow her through the tree.
Not being strong or fast enough to evade all of them, his body was roughly scratched by the sharp wood, everywhere, except the most important parts, like the eyes, which he chose to prioritize the defense of.
Coming through the other side, his eyes caught a pulsing pink leaf next to him, and his sister, running backwards with her tongue out, a paw pulling the skin under her right eye and one of the beautiful smiles she showed him when she was truly happy.
His eyes widened, a reluctant smile tugging at his lips. '... Crap…'.
The small explosion launched him away from his objective, who seemed content to further press her advantage, widening the distance between them.
The magenta pikachu skipped in the ground, like a smooth stone thrown in a lake and stopped at the base of a large tree.
'It seems I have underestimated both my sister's intelligence and strength. I am getting a bit tired, so I'll have to end our game now. I need to conserve enough energy to be able to hunt or gather food for us after this.'
An intense magenta swirling cloud started shimmering around him, as he concentrated hard on the new move he had just recently learned. Teleport is, in his opinion, one of the most powerful moves one could learn.
In combat situations, you could easily evade your opponent's attacks, and counter attack, confusing them by appearing in a completely different position, often being enough in itself to tip the scales of a balanced battle.
It is also a free escape from an unwinnable fight, like the Abra from a few 'moon cycles' ago had to resort to to escape from Coil.
Outside combat, it was incredibly convenient to move around, wherever your eyes could see, or to a place you remember having been to.
Of course, the concentration required to pull off an accurate teleport was a very important drawback, which made it very hard to learn and almost impossible to master. It's even worse for those not born with the inherent ability to use it, like the Abra line.
In an instant, Coil appeared in front of Tesla, a beaming smile on his face as he looked straight into the dismayed eyes of his sister, who, not being able to change course in midair, was fated to lose the game of tag she had just started.
"Brotheeeer, teleporting is cheeeating!!!", she yelled, waving her front paws over her face.
Coil chuckled as he heard his sister's outraged cries, stretching his own paw and high fiving her, like he had seen some weird humans do before in one of his explorations to the edges of the forest or to the human pathways through it.
"I win!", he simply said, as he felt his sister's paw hit his own, and the familiar two shaded pink sparkle resulting from the touch.
Tesla hit and rolled through the dirt, burying herself in it, making a long indent on the ground. Coil thought she looked like a small yellow meteorite making a crater on the earth.
"How's that? You didn't get to taste my dust, but what about the dirt? Is it tasty?"
Sitting up, the pink pikachu crossed her arms in front of her with a small pout. "You are so mean brother, can't you just let me win once?"
Coil shook his head. "Both you a I know you wouldn't like that, and besides, you have clearly gotten stronger since we started playing all that time ago, right?"
She didn't answer, catching her breath from the intense workout both of them just did. 'I'm really tired. That teleport was very tough on me, because of the distance between us at the time. I shouldn't have done that and it would probably be better to avoid doing it in the future, or at least until I can stop wasting so much energy on it.'
Both pokemon's ears twitched, as they caught a weird whistling sound in the air.
Tesla didn't have enough time to react, probably due to being just as, if not more tired than her brother, as a shiny, black and yellow ball fell and hit her head.
A red ray shot from the ball and captured her, transporting her inside and closing.
A human voice came from behind one of the thicker trees around.
"Heh. We hit a Jackpot, John. Can you believe we would find not just one, but two mutant pokemon at the same time? Give me another pokeball!".
Another one, hesitantly sounded from a different tree, where a fat human, dressed with black clothes with an orange 'R' on them was no longer trying to conceal himself.
"Umm… We don't have any more pokeballs, Johny."
The thin human seemed at a loss for words, before raising his voice.
Before the scared 'R-Branded-Human' could answer, a large pikachu cry was heard all over the forest, scaring many starly, murkrow, and other flying pokemon off their trees and making the two humans cover their ears.
"Holy shit! This guy's so loud, man. Let's just beat him up and bring him in, outside a pokeball. Mutant pokemon are worth more than their weight in gold! Hehehe…"
As they enlarged their chosen pokeballs, Coil kept screaming at them, building up electricity to attack his sister's kidnappers.
A strong thunderbolt almost struck the humans, but the human's pokemon arrived in time to defend their 'trainers'.
A machoke and a grimer appeared in front of the angry magenta pikachu.
'I have to save my sister no matter what!'. Coil's eyes shook in determined madness, resolved to achieve his goal no matter the cost.
Machoke looked his opponent up and down. "Why am I here? It's just a small yellow rattata.", he said dismissively, running with an arm pulled back, building a red aura.
Another lightning bolt was shot from the pikachu, and while machoke would usually be able to evade an attack from such a young and inexperienced pokemon, he felt his body lock, unresponsive to his commands, ultimately getting hit by the full power of the lightning.
Johny, looking at his seemingly paralyzed pokemon, gave an annoyed grunt. "I told you to follow my orders, but you still don't listen. Prepare a brick break and use it as grimer attacks him."
"Grimer! Barb Barrage!", John yelled.
Grimer did as ordered, spitting out a bunch of dark purple barbs after saying his own name, even in the pokemon language, seemingly for no reason.
Coil barely avoided being hit by the obviously poisonous projectiles, by leaping around, and removing his attention from the telekinesis he was using to stop the machoke, to deflect some barbs that were definitely going to hit him.
In the time that took him to blink, machoke's scorched form appeared in front of him, his muscled body looming over him.
His mouth was twisted in an ugly frown, as all four of his red covered hands fell at incredible speed towards Coil's head, spelling his doom, were they to hit their target.
In a panic, all the pikachu could and had the time to do was pray that the 'gold' on the machoke's belt was affected by magnetic fields and created the most powerful one he could around him.
Machokes lower right hand grazed him, before the gray pokemon was blasted away, hitting a tree with his back, and making a big machoke shaped crater on it.
Coil, pushing his face off the ground, stood shaking in exhaustion after being hit by the powerful fighting type move, and could not evade the disgusting purple slime ball that hit him, covering his face in the revolting sludge.
"Grimer", grimer said.
'Ugh, I feel terrible, not only am I completely exhausted, but I've also been poisoned. Damn it! I feel like a coward for running, but if I am also caught, then I really won't be able to save Tesla. Sorry, sister, I am a terrible brother. But I promise to save you as fast as possible!'
A small magenta sphere started to consume the tired pokemon as he prepared the furthest teleportation he could. He stared at each of the human's faces, doing his best to commit them to mind forever as the abominable villains they were. He would chase them to depths of hell itself if that was what was needed to rescue his poor sister.
"Aaargh!!!". Suddenly, machoke yelled at the top of his lungs, running faster than ever to pummel his adversary with the strongest attack possible.
Just as his fist was about to strike true, the pikachu disappeared.
Boooooom!!! The ground shook violently, as a crater was created on the ground, under machoke's fist, as a result of his missed attack.
"Damn It! The pikachu had a psychic mutation… Ugh." Johny spat, mad at the gigantic loss of opportunity.
"Uhm… maybe we should have caught that one first…" John meekly suggested.
As the two humans bickered annoyingly, a pikachu listened, hidden on the canopy of the closest tree to where he was prior to the life saving teleport.
He could not remain awake for much longer though, as his poisoned status kept seeping his strength from him, forcing him to enter a reinvigorating sleep. Closing his eyes, he didn't need to focus on ignoring the human screams on the ground and went immediately to sleep.
What do you guys think? Do you want more?
I've been a bit busy recently, so I would appreciate some feedback on if I should continue this story.
As always, thanks for reading and give me your stones.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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