The meeting was called together to discuss the feasibility of attacking Star's End by the end of the year. I sat down in my chair at the head of the table in the Council Chamber and waited for my council to arrive. Minister Kokkonen was the first to arrive, punctual to a fault, it was one of the reason she was so good at her job as head of the Treasury. General Jorgensen was next, followed by Minister Kowalski and so on. Minister Simowitz was the last to arrive, hurriedly rushing to make it to the Council Meeting. At least, he would have been rushing if he had been anyone other than who he was. Adam Simowitz, however, never rushed for anyone, even for his Lord. Perpetual nonchalance, he'd once told me, was an extremely useful facade to cultivate in his line of work. Once he arrived, I started the meeting.
"Now that we've all arrived, why don't we start with a progress report and get to the meat of this meeting after that?" I began.
"Very well, I'll start. Our R&D sector has reached capacity. We need more scientists and technicians if we're going to get a full Star League-era techbase on-schedule. Your father left us well-staffed, and we've recruited who we could from the periphery under our control, but we're still short of our projections from a few years ago." Reported Minister Macszek.
"What happened?" I questioned.
"We've run behind on the miniature myomer fibers from the Power Armor Designs, along with several other areas, including Gene Sequencing, certain Naval Components for ships above frigate tonnage, and ER PPCs. We need more researchers to get back on track and back on-schedule with our projections." Answered Minister Macszek.
"Do we have solutions for that?" I queried.
"Actually, the Lyrans might be willing to allow us to recruit Scientists from their space. The Archon's people have been nothing but cordial after the Cancer Treatments and diagnosis. I can talk to them and see what the word is." Offered Minister Kowalski.
"We'll need at least another five qualified scientists for each behind-schedule project to get back on-track. I'll send you a list." Nodded Minister Macszek.
"Aside from that, how are we on our loan repayments?" I asked.
"Ahead of schedule. Minister Huber has worked something of a Miracle of Trade these past few months and ensured the Treasury still has enough of a revenue stream to keep payments fast and efficient. We've already paid back the Lyran Loan over the last four months, and will have the ComStar Loan paid back in another three." Responded Minister Kokkonen.
"I wouldn't call it a miracle, but it is quite a handy contract to have. It's mostly in medical scanners and other medical equipment. In many ways, Archon Steiner's Cancer Diagnosis and treatment was a blessing in disguise for us. News of our involvement in its detection and treatment has already spread to New Avalon and Atreus. While, the sale of war meterial to various Dukes and the LCAF has dropped off now that the Terra Conference is underway, sales of medical technology have gone up considerably, even into the Free Worlds League and Federated Suns." Informed Minister Huber.
"Sounds good. Almost too good. How are those contracts? No surprises, I hope?" I frowned.
"None, my Lord. I went over them personally. The Davions may try to reverse-engineer some of the medicines, they do have that new fancy Institute of Science the First Prince established in thirty-sixteen, but if they try to reverse-engineer the scanners they'll be in for a shock. In-keeping with your standing orders, we've black-boxed all exported technology that could be black-boxed." Shrugged Minister Huber.
"Fair enough." I nodded.
"Speaking of things too good to be true, the refugees. We have screened them as they came in batches and found several plants hoping to gain access to crucial industry to begin spying for various factions. Not many, considering the flood of people, but enough to be worried. About three-dozen potential foreign agents have been, or were attempted to be, detained by my men. Four comitted suicide on capture, some sort of miniature cybernetic explosive implant for self-termination, six others tried, though they used cruder poison teeth. That we have antidotes for, unlike implanted micro-explosives. Six attempted to flee and were killed doing so. The rest surrendered to our custody after a token struggle. They knew they wouldn't get away." Informed Minister Simowitz.
"I see. Do we know who sent these spies?" I questioned.
"Poison Teeth are common amongst certain professional espionage organizations. Especially among deniable assets. Most often, they're used by the Liao's Maskirovka." Informed Minister Jonsson.
"Alec is partly right. Around four of the agents with the poison teeth were from the Maskirovka. Two proved to be Combine Spies. We've also identified three of the dead men as being from the Outworlds Alliance, we think they were sent to look at the production lines for the Sabre Twos, panicked when they were found out, and tried to run." Explained Minister Simowitz.
"Omniss adherents. They lack the stomach for close-in encounters." Scoffed General Jorgensen.
"And the others?" I pressed.
"We have no positive ID on any of the micro-explosive Agents, but of the others, we've ID'd the other three dead men as Combine plants, while the rest are a mix of SAFE Agents, MIIO plants, Oberon Confederation Agents, and a small group of MIM plants that are apparently here to get a look at our medical tech." Informed Minister Simowitz.
"MIM? The Canopians are a long way from home, no?" Blinked Minister Jonsson.
"That might be, but until we came along, they had the best medical sector in the Periphery or the Inner Sphere. Our hospitals and doctors can compete with theirs. That has to sting." Replied Minister O'Neill.
"There's more. One of my interrogaters flipped one of the Oberon Plants. It seems the reason they've turned ths tables on Helamar Valasek's Forces is thanks to agreeing to become a vassal of the Draconis Combine. Apparently, the Coordinator is concerned about our alignment with the Lyrans and wanted a counterweight." Added Minister Simowitz.
"Right. You've caught the spies, though, yes?" I queried.
"We believe so, yes." Nodded Minister Simowitz.
"Keep an extra eye on security, just in case. You and Minister Jonsson." I ordered. Both men nodded and we moved on, with Minister O'Neill speaking up next.
"Speaking of refugees, thanks to the infrastructure bill you let me get through, we have enough housing, water treatment plants, roads, hospitals, and schools to service the absurd amount of people we had to take in. We had to import food to do it, but now the hydroponic farms are up and running to supplement normal production. It was a close thing for a while though, and we may want to open up the last closed-off sections of Botany Bay and Gotterdamerung for settlers soon to relieve some of the pressure. We'll need to produce another four storm inibitors to completely open them up, though." Explained Minister O'Neill.
"What's in those sectors, anything useful? I don't want to send people someplace with no commercial prospects. That isn't how you win loyalty." I pointed out.
"There's a few deposits. Mostly more black sand in Botany Bay, but also some phosphates and smaller amounts of tin and copper. On Gotterdamerung, there's several large deposits of heavy metals and a bit of Germanium." Informed Minister Kovar.
"Right. Let's open those up. Plan on a mix of mines, farms, and factories, like usual." I nodded.
"Phosphates are good for fertilizer and various explosives. I'd say put a fertilizer factory down on Botany Bay and maybe a sattelite Buccaneer Arms one as well. For Gotterdamerung, I'd say a metal smelting complex to prep the heavy metals for export. They'll need housing, water treatment, schools, and hospitals too." Mused Minister Kovar.
"I'll handle that aspect if you can handle the power stations?" Shot back Minister O'Neill.
"Of course." Grinned Minister Kovar.
"Good. Get it done. Now the main reason for this meeting. Stars End." I announced.
"The deadline the Lyrans gave is coming up. You're finally going to do something about it?" Asked Minister Kowalski.
"I plan to launch our attack no later than September." I confirmed.
"The Archon's people will be happy. It's been the sole complaint they've had with our performance as allies so far." Sighed Minister Kowalski.
"Incessant complaints, eh?" Chuckled Minister Huber.
"Oh yes. Every time I talk with Ambassador Von Schenk he always brings it up. You'd think the Belter Pirates had caused him personal offense with the way he goes on about it." Groused Minister Kowalski.
"They may well have. With how many Military Assets were sent to the Rasalhague Front to press home the assault on Kirchbach, the Belter Pirates have grown bolder as the war went on. I've heard they were hitting shipping around Icar quite a bit for the last few months of the war." Opined Minister Jonsson.
"I can confirm those rumors. Duke Benedict had us send a full convoy when we delivered his order of Medicine and Specialty Munitions to Icar for those reasons last November." Added Minister Huber.
"Then it's high time we fulfilled our treaty obligations. What's the state of our forces like, currently? Can we be ready to go by September?" I questioned.
"The Grand Ducal Guards are already ready. If we only had to worry about the Belter Pirates, I'd say just send in the First through Fifth Grand Ducal Guards and have done with." Hedged General Jorgensen.
"But? You wouldn't have phrased it like that if there wasn't a Caveat." I prompted.
"I'd better let Minister Simowitz take this part. Adam?" Offered General Jorgensen.
Minister Simowitz nodded and slid over a dataslate, the clunky tablet showing a series of images from what looked to be an urban battle. From the looks of things, the attacker was winning. Handily, at that.
"These are recent as of a week ago, taken from Santander's World. Hendrik Grimm has pushed Helamar Valasek out of Ciudad Lobo, which means the only stronghold left to resist him is Castillo de Santander, the Planetary Capital." Informed Minister Simowitz.
"From the wreckage, it looks like Santander's Killers are down to their last company, too. They're going to fight mostly using militia and they're going to lose. Look at what Mechs are being used by the attackers too." Pointed out General Jorgensen.
"Dragons, Catapults, and Battlemasters?" I frowned. That wasn't good. Hendrik Grimm didn't have that many heavy and assault mechs. He could only have gotten the metal from one place, judging by Minister Simowitz's earlier report.
"Exactly. We believe his Combine Masters have been funneling Hendrik Grimm equipment rather than put it back into storage once the Terra Conference is over. Likely, Coordinator Takashi is planning on a proxy war in the Periphery to regain any lost face from whatever treaty is negotiated on Terra." Nodded Minister Simowitz.
"So you see, we can't just send our best forces in numbers out to crush the Belter Pirates. We'll need enough of a reserve to deal with Hendrik Grimm the moment his Combine Masters say go." Added General Jorgensen.
"So then, in your estimation, how many regiments can we spare for Stars End?" I queried.
"No more than three. Hendrik Grimm has around ten regiments, half of it is funneled surplus war material from the Combine, with Combine 'Advisors' to pad out the ranks. That's a formidable amount of men and material. We estimate that he'll have victory over Helamar Valasek sometime next month. So any time after that will be when the Combine orders him to attack." Responded General Jorgensen.
"How high is confidence in this forthcoming attack?" I asked.
"High enough to practically be guaranteed." Informed Minister Simowitz.
"Right. So it looks like we'll need to plan for a two front war. Are the Hussars finished working up?" I questioned.
"They are, though their second and third battalions bring down the grade of the unit some. Veteran rather than elite." Answered General Jorgensen.
"That's good enough for Star's End. Send them and the First Ducal Guards to Star's End along with Second Flotilla. I have a plan for the rest of us, but I'll need a Military Staff meeting to go over it." I ordered.
"I'll get everyone together and cut the orders for the Hussars, First Guards, and Second Flotilla." Agreed General Jorgensen.
"In the meantime, everyone else start implementing what we've discussed today. Get what you can done now, because a bigger war is looming. Dismissed." I commanded.
Everyone broke up to go carry out their appointed tasks, leaving me alone in the conference room. For a few moments, I sat there, trying to figure out just how I was going to keep all these plates spinning while also juggling a major war with Hendrik Grimm and the Oberon Confederation. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself, then got back to work. I had little time to mope, after all.
Millions of people were depending on me, and I refused to let them down. . .
AN: Apologies for any spelling or grammar errors in this one. My editing software is on my still at the shop laptop. Apparently they're waiting on a part. Hopefully, this wasn't too illegible and you all could read it.
So, here we see several things happen to Jozef. R&D is starting to bottleneck and needs more researchers, spies from all over are starting to try and infiltrate the place with all the new tech, and events in the Inner Sphere are beginning to effect his slice of the Periphery ibstead of vice-versa.
Not everything is breaking his way, and now he's staring down the barrel of a Combine-backed Proxy Invasion at a time when he absolutely has to send forces away from the potential front to fulfill treaty obligations with the Lyrans.
At any rate, next up will be a series of interludes with various Inner Sphere Characters, Hendrik Grimm, and ComStar.
Stay tuned. . .