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Capítulo 58: Chapter 28

The new Precentor Apollo was a woman in her late thirties of Japanese Descent. Karen Shinomura was apparently from Dieron, the Daughter of a local Combine Noble and a ComGuards Adept stationed as part of the security detachment for the Deiron HPG Complex. Her father's money and her mother's rank within ComStar had allowed her to get a degree in economics from the University of Terra. On graduating with honors, she had begun working her way up to Precentor Rank via ComStar's Financial Services division, finally getting her promotion recently. Supposedly, she was here to offer loans and investments on behalf of the Unified Bank of Terra. All this was compiled in a report provided to me by Minister Simowitz, whose agents had been their usual thorough selves in tracking down this intelligence. Of course, this all was the official line that Minister Simowitz had found out.

Unofficially, Minister Simowitz believed that this was an attempt to gain some measure of control over the Grand Duchy via soft power so they could influence things out here. Given his competence in providing the dossier of Precentor Shinomura's past and my knowledge of ComStar's Goals, I was inclined to believe it. What I couldn't understand was why go about it this way. The soft-sell approach didn't fit with the ComStar my dreams had warned me about. The ComStar that would use deniable assets to nuclear strike anyone who even looked like they were manufacturing advanced technology. Instead, they were trying to be circumspect about this, and promoting a Precentor to head the Apollo HPG complex that, by all accounts, had risen through the ranks due to economic acumen rather than religious fervor. If this information was correct, then something had changed drastically in ComStar's operating procedure.

As it would behoove me to figure out what, I sent orders to Minister Simowitz to try and figure out what exactly was going on with ComStar, but even with the new computing and surveillance technology we had access to, his ability to find out information from within ComStar was extremely limited. The night before the meeting with the Precentor, I was told that Minister Simowitz had given up on attempting to do anything high-tech, like bug the Precentor's hotel room or something, and had instead resorted to an extremely low-tech, extremely well-worn, tactic. He waited till one of the ComGuards providing security for the Precentor was off-duty and then fed the poor man enough alcohol to make him amenable to gossip. Minister Simowitz arrived at my briefing before I was due to meet with the Precentor having taken a double strength dosage of Star League Anti-Hangover Meds, but with the info.

"Apparently, it's down to Primus Tiepolo. The Old Man has apparently started promoting members to vital positions based on merit over religious zeal. It has made the more conservative wing angry, but they can do nothing about it for the moment." Explained Minister Simowitz.

"You said this Acolyte Chavez told you this while drinking?" Frowned Minister Kowalski.

At Minister Simowitz's nod, Minister Kowalski's frown deepened and a sense of paranoia flared up in my mind as well. How would a mere Acolyte know something like that? My misgivings must have shown on my face, because Minister Simowitz cracked a crooked grin and said, "I know. It sounds too good to be true, but apparently, the political tensions inside ComStar are well-known within the Company. Acolyte Chavez is second in command of a Squad of ComGuards troops, equivalent to a Corporal in our Army. He's been with the Company just long enough to hear things."

"It does bear with what I've heard via the diplomatic grapevine. Apparently, the former Precentor of Apollo, Yvonne Euston, was transferred to a more prestigious posting at the Dieron HPG Complex. Virginia Hoope also was recently promoted to Precentor Tamar, thanks to the stress of the ongoing Succession War forcing the previous Precentor, Jason Marsh, to take a leave of absence. She was previously a Diplomat with the Stellar Affairs division and known more for her even-tempered negotiating capabilities than her adherence to ComStar's Doctrine. The problem is that it could still be a trap to lull us into a false sense of security and get us to take on more loans from Terra than we can afford and still keep control of our economy." Informed Minister Kowalski.

"To that end, what would you suggest?" I questioned, turning to Ministers Huber and Kovar.

"Any loan would be a boon, but it would offer ComStar the soft power that we think they want. The goal then must be to limit the amount of money we take on, walking a tightrope between financial boon and loss of control. Viktoria, what would you say is the minimum amount of money that would aid our industrial projects?" Queried Minister Huber.

"Well, we could use the money for a number of projects, the Germanium mine on Battaraigi, for example, would be a huge boon to our economy, so would finishing the secondary fusion plant on Cryfder, the Mechworks on Gotterdamerung, and the Aerospace Fighter Production Facility on Sigurd." Informed Minister Kovar.

"How much do we need to push those projects to completion, Pauliina?" I asked, turning to Minister Kokkonen.

"two-hundred-fifty-million C-bills for those projects, since they're already partially built. I would caution you not to take any loans over a billion C-bills from anyone, though, and at no higher interest than twenty percent annually. We should be able to pay that much back within a year and a half. Anything more is going to require multiple years of repayments, which opens things up to financial chicanery." Intoned Minister Kokkonen.

"There's also the issue of what happens if we appear to be targeting ComStar with refusing loans. I would not like to test my agency against their agents on a regular basis. ROM has a reputation for being professional, competent, and efficient. That is a deadly combination, even with our technical edge." Cautioned Minister Simowitz.

"Perhaps a more general limiting of foreign money in our economy? It would be a decent policy on its own, anyway, and allows ComStar to save face." Suggested Minister Kowalski.

"I could solicit loans from the Lyrans. We already have a favorable trade treaty with them, so they might be interested in matching a loan from ComStar. I'm sure I can get Duke Watson's people to agree, along with a few other Lyran Dukes, even if the Archon doesn't commit." Offered Minister Huber.

"Plus Lyran Money at play would balance ComStar Money to our benefit." Added Minister Simowitz.

"Right, Viktoria, what can we do with half a billion C-bills in loans?" I questioned.

"We could also finish the Combat Vehicle Plant on Lackhove, the Platinum mine on Koskenkorva, and the initial expansion to the secondary continent of Botany Bay." Informed Minister Kovar.

"Right, what's the projection on profit from all that?" I queried.

"If exports hold true? At least another few hundred million C-Bills a year, and that's if things don't pick up more. I've already got inquiries from various Lyran Dukes. I've even gotten nibbles from people working for the Office of Quartermaster-General Walter Steiner-Baker, head of the LCAF's Procurement Branch. I'd say we could easily add another seven-hundred-fifty-million C-bills to our GDP from deals in the next year if we can get the Combat Vehicle Plant, Mechworks, and Aerospace Fighter Plant up and running." Responded Minister Huber.

"And will that make it easier to pay back any loans?" I asked.

"It should indeed, to say nothing of whatever the Lyrans offer. Just be careful about this. The longer we take to pay back loans, the more opportunities there are for ComStar and the Lyrans to attempt some financial trick or other in order to hijack control over our economy. I will want you to run any deals by me for scrutiny so I can ensure that the treasury can keep pace with the interest and payments." Warned Minister Kokkonen.

"Then I think we have a plan of action. I'll return once I have met with Precentor Shinomura." I nodded.

The meeting adjourned, and I made my way out of the Council Chamber and toward the Great Hall, where I took a seat on the Grand Ducal, formerly Baronial, throne, patting the lacquered, red, bulls' heads that the armrests were carved in the shape of as I did so. I nodded to the guards and one of them made his way to the antechamber where I'd kept Precentor Shinomura waiting with a small table of snacks and drinks for refreshment. The Guard returned and following him walked a woman with a short haircut that was pinned up in the Draconis Combine Style, though her clothing was anything but Combine. Instead, she wore a charcoal gray cassock with gold trim and a white stole with mathematical sigils inscribed into it in gold. Her rank insignia was the crimson of a Precentor and looked brand new.

"Precentor Shinomura, welcome to New Ålborg. I trust your trip was uneventful?" I questioned.

"It was, thank Blake. You have done a fine job of cutting out piracy here in the Coreward Periphery, truly a laudable undertaking. I do see that Star's End remains operating, however. That was unfortunate, and we had heard rumors that they were attacking passing JumpShips recharging near Toland. Thank Blake for Duke Watson's new Aerospace Force, for the Pirates can no longer operate in the Duchy of Apollo for long. I understand you had a hand in said Aerospace Force?" Queried Precentor Shinomura.

"Indeed. Duke Watson has purchased a large amount of goods from our factories, including several squadrons of Upgraded Aerospace Fighter Designs." I confirmed.

"Yes, I have had the opportunity to see some of your Spad Two Designs in action on the Rasalhague Front. Quite impressive, and a credit to your skills. We who follow the teachings of Blake know good craftsmanship when we see it, and that is the main reason for my journey here from the Apollo HPG Complex. The Unified Bank of Terra would like to offer you a loan to help develop your industry even further. We are willing to offer as much as five billion C-bills in loans and investments, at an interest rate of fifteen percent." Offered Precentor Shinomura.

"Unfortunately, that will not be doable. My council and I have seen fit to limit the amount of foreign loans or investments allowed in our fledgling economy. No more than one billion C-bills in total will be allowed from foreign loans or investments. The Grand Duchy's Economy is still young, and we do not wish to bite off more than we can chew." I demurred.

"Is that so? Well, the Unified Bank of Terra would be willing to loan you the full billion C-bill allotment, though we would ask for twenty percent interest," Informed Precentor Shinomura.

"Would that I could accept that deal. Unfortunately, the Lyrans are already in talks with us for loans. I can accept no more than five-hundred-million C-bills in loans from Terra at this time to avoid angering our Lyran allies." I retorted.

"Interesting. You would have thought I'd have heard of such transactions, seeing as I am the Precentor of the Closest HPG. How about seven-hundred-fifty-million C-bills at twenty-five percent interest?" Countered Precentor Shinomura.

"Not all talks happen via HPG. I must insist on five-hundred-million C-bills at twenty percent interest." I insisted.

"Very well, five-hundred-million C-bills at twenty percent monthly interest." Intoned Precentor Shinomura.

"Annual Interest, not monthly." I pressed.

"You know, you drive a difficult bargain." Remarked Precentor Shinomura.

"I could always solicit more loans from the Lyrans, and they would have a more favorable interest rate." I hedged.

"I do not believe that will be necessary. A hard bargain is a bargain well-earned. I accept your terms for a loan of five-hundred-million C-bills at twenty percent annual interest." Nodded Precentor Shinomura.

With that, the deal was struck. Twenty percent annually was a high rate, considered borderline extortionate for most Periphery Realms. Precentor Shinomura likely believed we would be unable to service the loan for long and would eventually be forced to hand over partial control of our economy to ComStar's Financial Services division in exchange for loan forgiveness. However, Minister Kokkonen assured me that we would be able to pay it off in sixteen months, alongside any loans from the Lyrans that Minister Huber could negotiate. This would likely come as a shock to Precentor Shinomura, but in the meantime, we could boost our economic development to be ahead of schedule.

Minister Huber did indeed manage to get another five-hundred-million C-bills in loans from various Lyran Sources and did so at a much more favorable interest rate of twelve-and-a-half percent, bringing the total amount of loans that the Treasury would have to pay back up to one billion C-bills. Right on target for the maximum amount that Minister Kokkonen said we would be able to pay back in sixteen months. This would allow us even more funding to supercharge our economy, beef up our military, and fund public works, which would be desperately needed as the fighting on the Rasalhague Front would continue to bring refugees to the Grand Duchy.

By the time the year was out, we had gained a further million refugees from worlds along the Rasalhague front. We also negotiated the annexation of the worlds of Illum and Erewhon into the Grand Duchy, bringing our total number of worlds to fourteen, and adding a further one-million-five-hundred-fifty-thousand people and two Regiments and attendant Aerospace Fighter Wings to the Grand Ducal Guard, along with a further two-billion-seven-hundred-fifty-million C-bills to our GDP. We would be more than able to service our loans and keep expanding our industry and military.

By the time Thirty-Twenty-Four rolled around, the Grand Duchy of New Ålborg had fourteen worlds, a population of three-million-five-hundred-fifty-thousand, and a GDP of twelve-billion-seven-hundred-fifty-million C-bills per year. The Grand Ducal Guard had expanded to sixteen regiments, each with an attached Aerospace Fighter Wing, and the Grand Ducal Fleet had four flotillas, including the Secret Iron Land Fleet, and the Fleet Reserve. We were only four-hundred-fifty-thousand people shy of the population of the Oberon Confederation, and only about three billion short in GDP.

As the new year dawned, I had two objectives, the first would be to pay back the loans we'd taken on time. That should prove to be simple enough with our economy and trade deals. The second goal would be harder than that, though not by a whole lot. It was no less important, however, as it was a requirement to fulfill our treaty obligations with the Lyrans. By the end of the year, the Grand Duchy would be going to war with the Belt Pirates of Star's End. Hopefully, we would have that wrapped up in time for the end of the Third Succession War.

Speaking of the Third Succession War, news from down south was that the fighting had largely quieted down after the Combine had finally been kicked off of New Caledonia in July of thirty-twenty-three. Only raiding had been occurring over the front lines, though there was a sense that something would have to give eventually. Both sides were looking for a climactic battle to decide the fate of the Kirkbach Region. Surprisingly, however, the Jomsborg Hussars, the mercenary unit that my father had put together, had opted to return to us instead of continuing to extend their garrison contracts with Baron Truder of Waldorff. They had arrived on New Ålborg not two weeks into Thirty-Twenty-Four.

And their commander, Major Emilia McCormack wanted to meet with me. . .


AN: So yeah, the new Precentor is good at her job, but less fanatical than the conservative, Hardline Blakist Faction. That doesn't mean she won't attempt to negotiate an interest rate that she believes that the average Periphery Realm would be unable to handle in order to fulfill the Primus' directives, though. Fortunately, New Ålborg is a special case as far as Periphery Realms go and is reaping the benefits of the ongoing Third Succession War to rake in trade deals and take in refugees fleeing the front. It's caused the Grand Duchy to grow exponentially, to the point where they should be able to repay the loans fairly easily in a timely manner.

Now, the prodigal Mercenaries of the Jomsborg Hussars who have been set up as a proprietary mercenary unit of House Poniatowski have finally come back home. They've been on a garrison contract with Baron Truder of Waldorff since the beginning of the story, having had the contract extended year after year. This time, however, they opted to let their contract run out so they could return home. A lot has changed since they went out on contract, thanks to Jozef, though. Now their commander is requesting a meeting just in time for Jozef to organize a campaign to strike at the Belter Pirates of Star's End and fulfill his treaty obligations to the Lyrans.

That meeting is coming up next chapter.

Stay tuned. . .

next chapter
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