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PeOpLe ChAnGe PeOpLe ChAnGe original

PeOpLe ChAnGe

Autor: AdmireHailena

© WebNovel

Chapter 1


Cast Member: Hailey Baldwin as Herself 💕


Hailey's P.O.V

I woke up this morning feeling confident until I realized it was Monday, the beginning of the week where my life is a living hell for five days.

I looked around not wanting to get up, and then I heard footsteps outside my door. Knowing exactly who it was I said "I'm already up, you don't have to come in here" ignoring what I had said she entered my room. My sister, the long hair blonde that wasn't so popular to begin with, but I just made her life worse just by being related to her.

I was the popular girl, the head cheerleader, I protected my sister from getting bullied, but all of that changed when my boyfriend Jeremy cheated on me with one of the cheerleaders in my squad, Selena, she has always hated me.

When I found out they both played me I let my guard down not knowing that they were both turning my squad against me that's when I was voted off the squad! I was now at the bottom of the food chain.

"Hailey come on we're going to be late" Kylie said "I said I was up didn't I?!" I yelled back not noticing how harsh it really came to sound. I got out of bed and looked around for something to wear. I finally got dressed and walked downstairs, my mother looked at me then looked at Kylie and smiled. "See you girls after school. Love you"

I ignored her and looked at Kylie "Kyles let's go we're going to be late and I don't feel like being the example today." we each grabbed our bags and headed to my car. The car ride was silent mostly because I didn't feel like talking about the fact that my social life was ruined but also because I made things worse for my little sister. When we arrived she looked at me with worry in her eyes "promise me that you'll stay strong today, not just for you but for me too." I couldn't help but look at her and feel regret, regret that I wasn't part of the squad anymore, regret that I let my guard down because of Jeremy and Selena, but most importantly regret that my sister noticed that I felt weak.

We got out of the car and walked hand in hand we weren't going to let them see us as weak ever again. When we reached Kylie's locker we noticed somebody standing waiting for Kylie or so I thought. Kylie looked at me in confusion, I went to speak up but he beat me to it "I know you don't want to talk to me but I need you to hear me out babe" Jeremy turned around expecting to get slapped which come to think of it I should've but instead I said "there's nothing left to talk about, you clearly made your choice" I pushed him out of the way so Kylie could open her locker.

As soon as she got her books we headed towards my locker but not before hearing "she fucking used me Hails, she used me to get to you" come out of Jeremy's mouth. I turned around slowly "good! Now you know how it feels to get played. Not so great, huh?" He started to talk but I stopped him and walked away. We got to my locker; I took out my books and closed my locker making sure it was properly shut. I turned around and Kylie yelled "be careful! " but not before I crashed into someone. "I-I'm sorry, I... I wasn't looking" I said picking up my books, he handed me the last book I needed and helped me up.

"It's all good shawty, no need to be sorry." he smirked "I'm Justin. Justin Bieber. And you are?" he asked

"I um I'm Hailey and this is my sister Kylie."

"Well Hailey and Kylie, do you have a last name?"

"It's Baldwin" Kylie said giving me her 'he's cute' look.

"Hailey and Kylie Bal-" he started to say but was cut off by the all too familiar voice "Justin what the fuck are you doing?! Are you trying to kill your social life?" Selena said looking at me in disgust.

"Selena why the fuck are you always in my business?" he scolded. She didn't even worry about the fact that he talked to her that way, she quickly caught him up with everything that has happened this year, he looked at me then looked at her "you mean to tell me that you used her boyfriend to get to her, take the cheerleading squad for yourself and make her feel like shit all because you're jealous of her? Damn Selena that's low even for you." Selena turned to me and said "stay away from him bitch or things are going to get worse than they already are for you and your poor little sister Kayla..."

"It's Kylie you fucking idiot! Go ahead I don't give a fuck what you do. I will not let you keep my sister away from every guy that talks to her. That's such a shame, that she's not popular anymore and guys are still trying to get with her."

Selena looked at Kylie then back at me...

AdmireHailena AdmireHailena

Hey guys, so this is the first fanfiction I ever wrote so if you're reading I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoy it. I've decided to read over the story and fix some misspellings if there are any. Please leave some feedback. I look out for those and they make me want to write more.

Wattpad: @AdmireHailena

Instagram: @QuixoticViews

Twitter: @AdmireHailena

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