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2.5% Our Contract Marriage Is On The Trending Search / Chapter 1: Calling Him Uncle When We Meet Again? 19 Years Old When I Liked Him
Our Contract Marriage Is On The Trending Search Our Contract Marriage Is On The Trending Search

Our Contract Marriage Is On The Trending Search

Autor: Beautiful New Moon

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Calling Him Uncle When We Meet Again? 19 Years Old When I Liked Him

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

At the beginning of May, flowers bloomed on the trees, and orioles flew everywhere.

Kingstown, in the private room of the Park Hyatt Hotel.

The waiter knocked on the door for the third time and changed the half-cold tea in the pot. When he left the room, he stole a glance at the girl sitting on the right.

The waiter closed the door and left the private room. Then, he was pulled to a corner by a few colleagues. "Young Master Wei isn't here yet?"

"No, he isn't."

"He's already late for almost two hours. Even if he's not satisfied with the blind date arranged by his family, it's not nice to leave a girl hanging for so long."

"Who said it was a blind date? It's probably just an ordinary meal."

"Mrs. Wei even specially instructed the manager to prepare the best for everything. It's called a meal, but it's actually a blind date. However, Young Master Wei already has someone he likes, so he must have deliberately not come. I feel awkward for the girl who went on the blind date."


The atmosphere in the private room was also strange.

Su Xianyi lowered her head and took a sip of tea, looking docile and dignified.

The woman opposite her smiled kindly. "Yiyi, you just returned to Kingstown. I wanted to treat you to a meal with your Uncle Wei and Brother Yu'an."

"Auntie, thank you for your kindness. You don't have to be so polite." Su Xianyi smiled.

"It's just that your Uncle Wei went on a business trip at the last minute, so I specially called Yu'an's uncle over. Due to work reasons, he might not be able to come. I didn't expect Yu'an to be so late. He must be busy with work…"

"It's okay. Work is more important."

Su Xianyi's thoughtfulness made Lu Ruiqin feel satisfied and guilty. At the same time, she was secretly annoyed at her son's failure.

Speaking of which, this blind date originated from Su Xianyi's mother, Xu Jie.

She had a good relationship with Lu Ruiqin. Back then, both families had a son and a daughter, and they had a verbal agreement to be in-laws in the future.

However, after Su Xianyi's parents divorced, Su Xianyi left Kingstown with her mother for more than ten years, and no one mentioned this matter again.

Now that she had just returned, Lu Ruiqin was treating her to a meal. It was called catching up, but it was actually a blind date.

Su Xianyi drank the water and looked obedient and calm. She was neither anxious nor angry on the surface, but she knew very well in her heart:

This marriage was a verbal agreement, and it didn't count. She had agreed to Lu Ruiqin's invitation because she was on good terms with her mother and treated her well. She didn't want to reject her and just went through the motions.

In the future, if the Wei Family mentioned this matter again, they would have an explanation and not be in the wrong.

Regarding Wei Yu'an…

She was not interested at all.

As soon as she returned to Kingstown, Su Xianyi heard a lot about him.

It was said that he had fallen in love with a girl. After the two of them got together, there was always tons of trouble. Because of her, he had gotten into a fight with someone and was even sent to the police station.

The Wei family had a lot of influence in Kingstown. Ever since Wei Yu'an started dating her, nothing good had happened to the family. The family had even been criticized by others. The family must have held a grudge against them. Naturally, the family did not agree to their relationship. They had been arguing over this.

It was because of this that Lu Ruiqin was so anxious to invite Su Xianyi to dinner and tried her best to facilitate this marriage.

"Yiyi, why don't we order some food first?" Lu Ruiqin was anxious and guilty, but she had no choice. She called the waiter and handed the menu to Su Xianyi. "See what you like to eat."

"You're more familiar with this place, so you should order." Su Xianyi handed the menu back. "I'm fine with anything."

Lu Ruiqin was even more satisfied with the girl's gentleness.


When the dishes were served, Lu Ruiqin felt guilty and scooped a bowl of tofu soup for her. "This is the signature dish of this restaurant. Try it.""

"Thank you, Auntie."

Su Xianyi had just picked up the porcelain spoon when the door of the private room was pushed open.

The two people in the room instinctively looked at the door. Lu Ruiqin was overjoyed. "Yu'an, you're finally here!"

The man at the door was wearing a well-ironed suit. His facial features were typical and tough. He was not a standard handsome man, but he was good-looking and unrestrained. In addition, he was rich, so naturally, a lot of women would flock to him.

Su Xianyi put down her spoon and stood up, nodding slightly at him to show his courtesy.

"Look at you. I've already told you that work is endless. Yiyi has been waiting for you for a long time…" Lu Ruiqin's smile froze when she saw the person behind the man.

"I'm sorry to have made you wait so long." Wei Yu'an looked at Su Xianyi.

"It's alright."

After Wei Yu'an stepped into the private room, he was followed by…

There was also a good-looking girl.

Her skin was fair, thin, and slender. She wore a fresh floral dress and followed him step by step. Their fingers were intertwined. The girl looked like a little bird and was quite charming.

"Hello, Auntie." Ding Jiaqi's voice was as gentle as her personality.

Lu Ruiqin only grunted in response, her face already livid.

"This is Su Xianyi, the girl I often mentioned to you. We used to play together when we were young. We haven't seen each other for more than ten years." Wei Yu'an smiled at Su Xianyi. "This is my girlfriend, Ding Jiaqi."

"Hello," Su Xianyi greeted her with a smile.

She was just following the elder's request and was here for formality. Did she need to make it so awkward?


After the four of them sat down, the atmosphere became even stranger.

Today's dinner party was nominally a treat to catch up, but in fact, it was mainly a blind date. There would only be four people today, and Lu Ruiqin had specially found a four-person private room.

The two of them stood side by side, facing each other.

Lu Ruiqin had hoped to arrange for Su Xianyi and her son to sit together so that they could get close to each other. Now, she was sitting next to Su Xianyi…

Looking at the two of them being intimate and loving, she was so angry that she almost fainted.

"I'm really sorry. Jiaqi's health wasn't good, so I took care of her. She heard that you've been waiting for so long, so she wanted to apologize to you personally." Wei Yu'an looked at Su Xianyi. "You didn't mind, right?"

"It's alright." Su Xianyi smiled.

What else could she say?

Wei Yu'an's words and actions contained a lot of information…

One was to tell her that he had a girlfriend and that it was just a simple meal. Secondly, he wanted her not to be overly sentimental.

The main thing was that this conniving man's tone was really amazing!

Wouldn't it be better to part ways after a proper meal?

Was she afraid that she would pester him because she had Lu Ruiqin's support?

Did he really think of himself as the male lead of a novel? All women loved him.

"I'm really sorry for making you wait for so long, Ms. Su." Ding Jiaqi smiled gently. "You're just like what Yu'an described. You're kind and cute."

Su Xianyi was speechless.

The tone of her voice…

They were both conniving, they were too compatible!

"Auntie, I came quite suddenly and didn't bring any gifts…" Ding Jiaqi smiled at Lu Ruiqin.

Lu Ruiqin almost rolled her eyes, but because Su Xianyi was present, and it was a public place, the Wei family wanted to save face, so she couldn't flare up. She only said, "It's indeed very sudden!"

Ding Jiaqi was stunned.

Lu Ruiqin's tone was calm and perfunctory. "There's no need for gifts. After all… I don't dare to accept gifts from people who are not related to me."

Today's event was embarrassing. The two of them deliberately gave Lu Ruiqin a soft slap in the face. Naturally, she did not hold back and expressed her attitude.

"Mom." Wei Yu'an naturally couldn't bear to see the person he liked being put in a difficult position, so he frowned.

"Alright, hurry up and eat. The dishes are already cold."

Lu Ruiqin cut off all the conversation.


During the meal, the two of them wanted to say something but were interrupted by Lu Ruiqin.

When a waiter came in to deliver the food, Ding Jiaqi suddenly looked at Su Xianyi. "Miss Su, are you in your fourth year?"

"Yes." Su Xianyi nodded.

"Are you going back to Kingstown to look for a job?"

"More or less."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Su Xianyi was speechless. Why did Lu Ruiqin arrange this dinner?

Although she was speechless, she still smiled and shook her head.

"You're so good-looking. There must be a lot of people chasing after you. What kind of guy do you like? I know a lot of people. Do you want me to introduce them to you?" Ding Jiaqi looked like a caring sister.

Lu Ruiqin gritted her teeth in anger. She really had her own tricks up her sleeves. She had coaxed her son to come uninvited, and now she wanted to be a matchmaker?!

She was prepared to block her path!

She felt really wronged for this child to have to face such an awkward situation.

Just as she was about to speak, Su Xianyi suddenly smiled at Ding Jiaqi. "Are you really going to introduce me?"

Ding Jiaqi knew that Wei Yu'an was going on a blind date today, so she pretended to be sick and insisted that he bring her here. It was nothing more than a declaration of sovereignty and a chance to see the arrogant Mrs. Wei. If she didn't like her, what kind of person could she like?

The girl opposite her:

She had thin eyebrows, bright eyes, black hair, and red lips.

She was wearing a soft pink dress, revealing her exquisite and beautiful neckline, collarbone, and curves. Her shoulders were flat, her legs were long, and her waist was soft. She looked beautiful without trying.

There was a saying that some people were beautiful, but that was a gift from the heavens. As for her appearance…

It should be the kind the heavens bestowed.

Ding Jiaqi felt a sense of crisis and couldn't wait for her to find a boyfriend, so she asked casually. She didn't expect Su Xianyi to be interested.

This made her overjoyed and she couldn't wait to give her a man as soon as possible.

Then, she smiled. "If you really want to date, I can introduce you to someone. I'm not joking. What kind of guy do you like? Or do you have any specific requirements?"

"Requirements?" Su Xianyi pretended to be deep in thought. "Actually, I've always thought that Brother Yu'an was quite nice when I was young…"

These words successfully made the faces of the two people opposite her change.

Lu Ruiqin was overjoyed.

There was still hope!

"Is, is it?" Ding Jiaqi forced a smile. Who didn't like Wei Yu'an's handsome and rich looks?

"Miss Ding, don't be nervous." Su Xianyi smiled at her. "Don't worry, I won't snatch him from you. That was when we were young and ignorant. I don't like people like him now."

Just as the two of them heaved a sigh of relief, they heard her say,

"I like the kind who..."

"...have good taste and a brain."

Su Xianyi's eyes were dark, and the corners of her eyes were slightly raised with light makeup. Her eyelashes were extremely long, and they were slightly curved into an arc. She looked at the two of them and smiled…

It was harmless, but it still had a hint of seduction.

Her words successfully made Wei Yu'an's face turn grim, and Ding Jiaqi's face turned pale.

From the time they met for dinner until now, Su Xianyi had always been well-behaved. She didn't expect to say such harsh words.

She mocked Wei Yu'an for having poor taste and being brainless.

She even smiled so harmlessly.

Lu Ruiqin felt bitter, sad, and happy.

Su Xianyi knew what they were thinking.

She didn't have much hope for this so-called blind date. It was just an invitation from an elder. If you wanted to bring your girlfriend, she didn't care. Everyone just needs to finish this meal in a dignified manner and give an explanation to the elders.

However, she was already uncomfortable with Wei Yu'an's tone of voice. Now, Ding Jiaqi was acting conceited, saying words of a scheming b*tch, and couldn't wait to shove a man at her. It was really unbearable.

Since you don't want this dignity, then she won't be polite either.

After all, this person…

There was a limit to her endurance.


Ignoring the embarrassed expressions of the two people opposite her, Su Xianyi lowered her head and drank the tofu soup. Although the soup was a little cold, she was in a good mood.

Just as the atmosphere in the private room fell into a stalemate again, someone knocked on the door and entered.

Su Xianyi thought it was the waiter, so she didn't look up until she heard the voice.

"Sorry, I'm late."

In her memory, that person had an extremely pleasant male voice. It was deep but not greasy, and there was even a hint of a Beijing accent. When he spoke, he was always lethargic.

It was as if a stone had suddenly fallen into a lake. It was silent, but it instantly set off a storm in her heart.

Su Xianyi felt like someone was holding her life force, and her breathing quickened. The hand holding the spoon tightened slightly.

Her heart stopped beating for a moment. This voice sounded like him.

It was just a sound, but she was easily affected and her mind was captured.

She stiffened her neck and turned to look at the person who had come…

That person was wearing a white shirt and suit pants. His buttons were meticulously buttoned up to the collar, looking arrogant and reserved.

He was wearing a pair of narrow gold-rimmed glasses. The frame cast a half-inch shadow on both sides of his nose bridge. The black eyes behind the glasses had deep contours and were slightly pressed down, with a hidden sharpness.

He had a look of indifference and invulnerability.


Su Xianyi only felt a loud bang in her ears, and her mind was in turmoil.

That familiar face entered her line of sight without warning and hit her heart hard. Her limbs and bones seemed to be numb and she seemed to instantly lose consciousness.

"Didn't you say that you're busy with work and might not have time to come over?" Lu Ruiqin didn't notice Su Xianyi's abnormality and had already stood up with a smile.

"I just finished. Are you done?"

"Not yet. Have a seat first. I'll call the waiter over and order a few more dishes."

"No need to trouble yourself. There's enough to eat."

"Then sit…" Lu Ruiqin frowned. There were originally four seats, but now that there was an extra person, there was naturally one less chair. "You can sit in my seat first. It's right next to Yiyi. I'll get the waiter to add a chair."

"Hmm?" He seemed to be asking who Yiyi was.

"It's the one I told you about, my best friend's daughter, Su Xianyi!" Lu Ruiqin smiled and introduced. "Yiyi, this is the person I mentioned before. He was originally coming to eat. Yu'an calls him uncle, so you should do the same.""

"Yiyi?" The man murmured.

The way he addressed her sounded inexplicably gentle and affectionate.

Su Xianyi gently bit her lip. She felt that whatever he said seemed to have fallen into her ears…

It was enough to make her ears burn and her face heat up.

Su Xianyi stood up stiffly. The huge psychological impact made her not know what she was doing.

Her body stiffened, and her voice trembled in her throat. She called out in a low voice,

"Hi, Uncle."

The man responded politely and distanced himself.

Their gazes met…

He looked down from above, his expression indifferent.

Su Xianyi was stunned for a moment as she listened to the sound of her heartbeats increasing…

She never thought that she would see him again.

She was 19 years old when she fell in love with Lu Shiyuan.

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