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75% Origins meets Parallel Universe / Chapter 6: Chapter 3.5

Capítulo 6: Chapter 3.5

The next day found Harry delivering a contract, a ring and a magically protected, conjured booklet, with instructions on how the ritual worked, with all the downsides and requirements to ensure the new life didn't suffer the fate of being considered dark, or only temporary. Odin was intrigued by the ring and had the usual reaction when told it would help him learn the ritual. Odin swore to keep the ring secret and to study the ritual in private, while Harry went to find his older counterpart.

He didn't have to look too far. The older Harry was playing with little James in their private backyard, while Natasha was reading through some report she'd received from EPI on some of the operations her department were involved in. Just because the drug trade took a massive hit, didn't mean it stopped.

"Hi there." the younger Harry said.

"Hello, uncle Harry." the older Harry said, as he pointed him out to little James. "Did you come to visit your nephew?" he asked playfully.

"Well, I didn't come here just for that, but I don't mind." the younger Harry said, as he crouched down next to them. "Hi there, James. Did you know that your daddy is a superhero?" he asked.

James just gurgled and giggled. He was still very young and didn't understand much of anything yet.

"He'll likely figure that out sooner or later." the older Harry said.

"Probably a good thing that he's got so many people willing to look after him, while he's here on the island." the younger said. "You two probably need to head out together, when it gets busy."

"Between Molly and Frigga, the Elves, the House-Elves, the Nymphs and the Veela, there's never a need to look too far for someone who wants to look after our little prince." the older Harry agreed.

"I'm assuming you're here to discuss the dragon thing?" Natasha asked, as she walked up to them. "Good morning, by the way." she added.

"Good morning, Queen Natasha." the younger Harry said, with a smirk. She didn't react to that.

"I'll take over here, while you two go discuss what is needed." Natasha said, as she bent down and took over from her husband.

"Hey, I was having fun." the older Harry half-complained.

"Then come back quickly, once you're done talking." Natasha said, flippantly, all while smiling at little James and tickling him, making him giggle. "Otherwise I'll have had all your fun without you." she added.

The older Harry sulked for a moment, before sighing and leading the younger Harry from their backyard.

"I'm sorry I interrupted." he said to his older self. "I didn't mean to spoil your fun."

"No, it's fine." the older Harry said. "I see him all the time. He's just in a good mood today. Let me warn you now, don't get all your wives pregnant at once. I hardly got any sleep for weeks with just him."

"I won't have that problem." the younger Harry said, as another him appeared and waved at the older Harry. "We can handle it."

"That's just cheating." the older Harry said. "You can sleep, while you spend time with the kids. Hell you can be with your babies, while you're making more with your wives."

"Well, I don't intend on ever having that many instances." the younger Harry said. "It's useful that I don't need to sleep, though."

"Cheater." the older Harry just reiterated. The fact was, he didn't need a lot of sleep himself, but he was usually busy with more than just looking after his son and spending time with him and his wife.

The younger Harry just smirked. "Maybe I have another trick for you, before we leave." he said, with a hint of mischief.

They soon found their way to the bar. "So, what are you doing today?" the older Harry asked.

"Spending time with the girls, mostly." the younger Harry said. "Daphne is off being mysterious, making plans to sort Mab out somehow. Besides that, I'm with you. We need to acquire some Uru to make the Dragon bodies and I need to speak to Tony or Jarvis about your data storage capabilities."

"Uru?" the older Harry asked. "I don't know. The Dwarves really don't like sharing the stuff."

"Then copy some." the younger Harry shrugged. "Thor's hammer is made of it."

"I don't think that's such a good idea, either." the older Harry said. "Thor might not like that I'm making copies of Mjolnir."

"You're not copying the magic, just the metal." the younger Harry said. "You know what? Never mind. If you want to do this right, you'll find a way to get me what we need. I'll be chatting with Jarvis in the meanwhile. Cheers." he said, as he turned and walked off to where he saw Jarvis and Wanda training. He was controlling some sort of small flying devices, flying them around as she used them for target practice.

"You want to channel the magic concurrently, if you're a dual caster." he said, as he reached them.

"I know, but I can't concentrate on the magic while aiming and channelling the next shot." Wanda said, without breaking her concentration.

"You seem to be able to talk and fire." Harry commented, as he sat down next to Jarvis. "We need to talk magical storage and how yours functions. Especially for storing personalities and how growth works."

"You're asking for contracted information." Jarvis said, not taking his eyes off the small vehicles he was controlling. "Tony, Harry and I need to give you permission, to allow the contract to be negated for you."

"Okay, then." the younger Harry said. "Then we'll just have to design something new."

"What did you have in mind?" Jarvis said.

"In my world, there was a magical crystalline entity, named Unity." Harry started. "It was capable of changing its own internal and external form, to a degree. Both changes was based off a form of innate Transfiguration. I just happen to have a few of their crystals, which they produced for me. I'll not be giving you these crystals, but if the two of us work together…" he finished leadingly.

"You think we could try to produce this crystal artificially?" Jarvis asked.

"It's one of the things I've had on my books for a while." Harry agreed. "What do you say?"

"Contracted, I'm assuming?" Jarvis asked.

"Of course." Harry said. "Your friends and you have the right to your technology and I like making new things anyway."

"How efficient is this storage medium?" Jarvis asked. Harry just smirked at him in a way that made him very curious. "Very well. I don't see why I cannot dedicate a bit of time to this. I'm assuming you need this for the dragons?"

"Yup." Harry said.

"Why come to me, though?" Jarvis asked. "Bruce is more familiar with chemicals and crystalline structures."

"Because it will drive Bruce and Tony mad knowing you know something that you can't tell them." Harry said, unashamedly. "But seriously, I was thinking, since you're a form of magical intelligence, you'd appreciate the opportunity to work with this. You might even be able to give me some insights that I wouldn't know to take into consideration."

"I think I'd like that opportunity myself." Jarvis allowed. "Thank you." he added, as he realised Harry wasn't just coming to him, because he was privy to secrets he wanted to know. He was showing that he considered him a person, rather than just something artificial.

"I once made an intelligence to help me with a mission I was on." Harry said, as he switched back to watching Wanda firing at the flying devices. "He named himself One. I ended up giving him a clone body of myself, so that he could live a normal human life. Since then he's been magically adopted by someone else, so that he's family, but not just my clone. His mind is on one of the Unity crystals I was gifted by the Unity."

"Do you think he experiences more through a true human body?" Jarvis asked.

"I don't know, but making a functional body using Naquadah, or Uru, was not really all that difficult." Harry admitted. "I use those at times, when I do dangerous work, so that my girls don't worry about me."

"And those constructs give you the full spectrum of human experience?" Jarvis asked.

"Absolutely." Harry said. "I've scanned your systems and as far as I can tell I couldn't make a more realistic human body than the one you are in right now."

Jarvis hadn't met anyone that had been human and then had used a construct to do things. To hear him say it, he'd succeeded in making a human body that could experience everything he'd wanted. If there ever a person who could confirm that he'd ascended from being a machine, it was this man. "You're not just a spoiled genius, as you pretend to be, are you? You know real empathy, too." he stated, as he finally looked away from Wanda. This Harry seldom showed his real emotions, hiding behind a bit of a braggart and a prankster. He only ever showed his wives his real side, from what he'd seen.

"One had the same fear a while back." Harry said, not looking away from Wanda's action. "He was worried that he couldn't ever fit in or be considered human, because he was artificially created. A bit of counselling helped him, but I think you already know your own mind. Your body was your concern. Don't worry. You're as human as you need to be. Your girlfriend would likely agree with me."

He stood up abruptly then. "Wanda, I think I'm seeing where you're struggling." he said as he approached her. "Try this." he said, as he formed visible magic in both his hands and started giving her instruction on channelling while firing. Wanda was no slouch, but this Harry had a different methodology than her teachers up until that moment. He used mental images and different spell-chains than she'd been taught. Apparently he'd started practicing that skill with hundreds of conjured birds, which he would then change the colour of, going for different colours simultaneously, before they could fly away.

By the time he'd finished instructing her, she was nailing multiple flying devices at the same time, changing colour as she did so, but also her wands were visibly glowing as the next spell was already being channelled. It wasn't so much a skill, as a change in mind-set.

"You're a very good teacher." Wanda said, as she breathed heavily. The magical drain for a colour change wasn't large, but the constant strain on her concentration and the focus it had required while she mastered the new skill, had tired her out.

"Nah, this was just a little trick." Harry disagreed. "The skill comes in when you can apply that trick in a bad situation and still defend yourself at the same time."

"I'll practice." Wanda promised. "When I'm rested." she added. "You've got my man to yourself for a few hours, while I go change out of these sweaty clothes and take a nap."

"See you later." Jarvis called after her, before returning the flying devices into the case they came from and then closed the case. "Where do we begin?" he asked Harry.


The local Harry hadn't been idle. He'd gone to see King Eitri. He'd asked for a bit of time to talk about something and then explained to him the situation. They wanted some Uru, to create something new. Eitri, of course, wanted more information, so Harry had explained to him what he knew of the dragon.

The idea of creating living creatures from Uru was new to the dwarf and he'd decided to allow for a shipment of the stuff, but under the condition that he could be there when the Dragon was brought to life. Harry didn't know if that would be allowed, though, so he ended up needing to call Jarvis, who he knew was currently with the other Harry.

It seemed that the ritual to create the personality and to put it into the brain of the dragon would be a separate, secret event that only the other Harry and Odin would be part of. Modifying the Uru into the proper shape, with the magic sustaining its flesh form would be a simple bit of magic, for the other Harry at least. Adding the magical functions would be something he himself would be able to participate in, but that would need to be done after the body was made and before the intelligence was added, so that it could be incorporated into the making of said intelligence.

When the other Harry offered to show him a video of one of the other Dragons and their capabilities that Luna had made, Eitri had insisted on viewing it with them.

So it was that another screening happened that evening, but this time it was held on New Asgard. The younger Harry did not like how that sounded. It sounded like they were making a bigger thing out of it than he would like to be part of.

"Come on little brother." Loki said to the new Harry, as they walked through the portal. "It won't be that bad. Just a few thousand people all looking at you in awe as you show them one of your creations in a public venue." he smirked evilly. "What could go wrong?"

"You're not making this easy for me." the younger Harry said, even as his wives pulled all his instances along with them, through the portal.

"Who said that was what I was doing?" Loki asked. "Come now, the great and powerful Harry Black couldn't be scared of being observed in a public venue, could he?"

"No, but the great and powerful Harry Black might just lose control of his magic, if a certain trickster doesn't stop teasing him." Pansy said. "Him or his wives." she threatened.

"Do you always let your women do your fighting for you?" Loki asked, only having lost his smile for a moment, at Pansy's threat.

"If you knew what she knew about anatomy, you'd let her do as she pleases too." the younger Harry said. "That, and she likes being protective, so I don't mind." That was when he noticed all the people. "Are these all your brother's subjects?" he asked his older counterpart, who was standing right there next to them.

"This is Asgard." the older Harry confirmed, through the cheers that had erupted. News of the newcomer had travelled far and many wanted to meet this new Harry Black, who was rumoured to have come from another reality, being a counterpart to the newest Prince and bearing strange and powerful magics.

"They���re loud." the younger Harry said.

"They're excited." the older Harry said. "Fortunately, since you are married, you don't need to worry that your wives will be challenged for the right to your companionship." he added. "That happened to Natasha once, when we were just starting out."

"They're welcome to try." Susan said, with a wolfish grin, even as she pressed herself to her Harry.

"You can fight the alien ladies later, dear." her Harry told her. "We're here for a show and then we're going straight to the Sphere."

Thor stepped forward to address his people. "Asgard, we come today to bring news of a marvellous occasion." he started. "My brother, King Harry of New Atlantis, has recently made a new friend, who hails from another universe. He is the one… eight others who bear his appearance this evening and stands by his wives sides at this very moment.

"He has been visiting on New Atlantis and has regaled us with stories and magics from his own universe. Mighty feats of magic never before seen in this, or any realm. This evening, he has brought with him some of this magic, to show us one of his mightiest feats of magic yet. He has created magical life. Intelligent, magical life." he finished, as the crowd grew quiet.

"One of his wives, Lady Luna Lovegood, a counterpart to the Luna Lovegood we have come to know and welcome in our fair city, has what she calls a documentary, a film much like the Pensieve we have come to know, so that we may view this marvel of magic for ourselves." Thor finished. "Lady Luna, if you please?" he asked.

"Okay." Luna said with a happy smile, as the projector appeared and the speakers un-shrunk after flying out of her pockets. The crowd just chuckled at her normal manner. The people of Asgard were quite fond of the happy young woman, now resembling someone in their late teens.

As they watched, an illusionary display appeared of a man some of them had met on the island in the past. It was Charlie.

There were introductions and Luna asked a few questions of the man. Everybody noticed the little reptilian creature hanging over his shoulder. When Charlie introduced the little dragon as Spike, there was a bit of laughter, as people wondered if that was the 'mighty feat of magic'.

When the introduction was complete, a few more questions were asked, before Charlie asked Spike to 'Show them what you've got'. The little dragon's comically small wings lifted him up and he flapped a bit away, as the camera followed him. For a moment after he landed, the little dragon just sat there, his chubby little body in full display, but then he stood up and stretched out, before he started growing, until he was the size of a small house, all scales and sharp edges.

There was no more laughter, especially when the dragon let out a mighty wail, accompanied by a screech as a torrent of flame escaped his large-fanged mouth. Charlie walked up to the dragon calmly and patted him. The dragon brought its head down for a scratch and purred in a deep rumble as Charlie gave it attention. The Luna on the screen smiled calmly as she started questioning Charlie again and he told them more of the Dragon, apparently officially classified as a 'Black Dragon' for its dark scales as well as for the one that made it.

Charlie went on to describe its physiology and how it was fed, magically conjured treats mostly, from which it extracted its magic, to sustain it. Then he had Spike show off his wings and tail, going into minute detail about how he had changed over the years as he reached maturity. It had been designed to grow like any living being, after all.

Then the big surprise came, as Charlie had the dragon bend down and he entered it through the green gem in its chest. Luna, having known this was coming, took over the narrative, pointing out the colour change in the Dragon's eyes and the fact that Charlie and Spike were now connected and that Spike was helping Charlie move his body. That was when the dragon took flight.

The presentation did not end there either. Charlie had a few targets set up beforehand and everyone watched in shock as the dragon impaled one military tank with his tail-spike, lifting it and tossing it at another, before breathing magical fire on another and melting it down to a glowing lump in just a few seconds.

When Charlie exited the gem again, all smiles, the Asgardians roared in approval at the show, even as Luna ended the interview and show with a few last words in thanks for the show, before petting and scratching the purring dragon, who had shrunk down to his normal size again.

The Asgard in attendance, which to the younger Harry's eyes seemed to be all of them, continued cheering and looking at him in amazement, while the older Harry smiled from ear to ear. He was finally not the centre of attention anymore.

"That was the coolest thing I've ever seen." Tony said. "To not only ride a dragon, but to become one? That's crazy! No chance Morgan gets the keys to that car until she's an adult."

"Such strength." Odin murmured. "You may not be an enchanter like my youngest, but you are a mighty wizard indeed."

"How is that not enchantment?" Tony asked.

"Technically, it's just a part of the Dragon's natural state." the younger Harry said. "The mind is designed to want to merge with someone. The dragon bonds with the person who it was created for, but it also has some intelligence and can refuse an order if asked to do something that his bonded knows is wrong."

"I read as much in the book." Odin said, nodding. "I think I understand better now, why so many precautions were taken with your original design. I think I'll add some precautions of my own, but we'll discuss that later." he said. He'd be ensuring that the dragon mind he designs, understands both duty and honour, while he leads his young charge down a path of righteousness, with just a pinch of mischief, so as to ensure he didn't become a bore to the child.

"Harry Black." a deep voice said, from their right. It was King Eitri. "I can see you are a wise and inventive man, not that I would expect anything less from the man who is a counterpart to our friend, King Harry Potter Odinson. The question is now, can you design such things for one as large as myself?"

The younger Harry chuckled at that. "Size does not matter when it comes to magic, King Eitri. It is only the heart and mind that matters." he said.

"Well said." Eitri agreed. "I will give you what I was asked, but in return…" he said leadingly.

"I'll build you a dragon." the younger Harry allowed. "But only if you treat it as a member of your own family and care for it, while never trying to unveil its secrets, under penalty that its secrets will be lost to you. Is that an acceptable bargain?" he asked.

Eitri nodded his head. "I'll guard your secret and such a life, as if it were my own." he swore.

"Good." the younger Harry said, with a nod of his own. "King Odin will be the one to design its mind and imbue it with his strength. I believe that is fair?"

"Indeed." Odin said. "Eitri has been a worthy king and ally, and I would be delighted to give you a dragon worthy of the Dwarven King."


"Seriously?" Hermione asked, when they were back in the Sphere. "At first you were being manipulated into giving them the secret of the dragons and now they ask you to make more?!"

"I agree with Hermione." Daphne said. "You should have simply let them do this later, on their own, when they had the process down."

"Relax ladies." Harry said, with a smirk. "Eitri is the one with the metal. I'll simply ask him to make the design himself. Chances are, the dwarves will have the body crafted before the week is up. They're master crafters, after all."

"There's more going on here than you're telling us." Fleur said, having picked up on a certain tone in Harry's voice. "What aren't you telling us?"

Harry couldn't hide the vindictive smirk he had on his face. "The dwarves are apparently the only race capable of working 'Uru' in this world. If anyone wants another, they'll need to ask the dwarves to make them." he finished with a chuckle.

"You did that on purpose!" Hermione said in realization.

"Jarvis for the brain, Tony for security, your counterpart for his enchanting, Odin for the intelligence and functionality and the Dwarves for the body." Luna summed up with a bright smile.

"You really should have been in Slytherin." Pansy said, as she smiled at Harry as well.

"The best part is that it will all be protected by contract." Harry confirmed. "With these precautions, this won't be able to spread beyond the people that we've learned we can trust."

"'Arry?" Fleur asked, as she bit her lip and beckoned to him. She was suddenly very turned on. The others weren't far behind.

"Just remember that we're working with really smart people." Hermione reminded Harry, as she led him to their room.


"You realise that he's using us all for different parts of these things, right?" Tony asked Harry and Jarvis, who were sitting by his bar in the penthouse, when Tony had insisted that they join him.

"Of course." Jarvis said.

"Well, it's what we'd do, isn't it?" Harry asked with a shrug.


The next week was spent doing what Harry loved most, besides his wives, that is. He was doing research.

Jarvis had quickly pulled out an armada of automated devices, which tested the small sample of Unity Crystal the younger Harry had brought. It was a very interesting crystalline structure that changed based on what input it was given, changing on a molecular level with the slightest input. Jarvis now understood why he��d been so smug about this stuff. The potential for data storage and its capacity were insane! He doubted that there could be a more efficient way, even.

While he'd have liked to study it further, there was a priority on replicating the stuff and the Harry with him didn't have the nifty duplication skill that his counterpart had. Jarvis understood why it was protected information though. With this stuff, if you used it correctly, you could potentially store all the data on the internet on a piece no bigger than your hand, with access speeds never before heard of. It would be something he'd love to study once this Harry had finished the product they were making it for.

It took them a few days of testing, before it became clear that some sort of mineral that they did not have on hand was intrinsically part of the crystal structure. And it was not something Jarvis had a record of.

"Try this." Harry said, pulling out a cube of metal from an inner pocket, where he'd retrieved it from his Comm's storage.

"What is it?" Jarvis asked.

"Trinium." Harry said. "It's a hundred times stronger and lighter than steel. It's very rare, even in my universe, but I've found that it is like putty to magical manipulation. Something tells me that it might be what you're looking for."

Jarvis loaded the cube into a device and scanned it. "This will take some time. The molecular structure is very dense."

"Would it help it I gave you a thin slice of the stuff?" Harry asked.

"Maybe." Jarvis said, uncertainly.

"Give it here." Harry said. He took the cube and deconstructed the very familiar molecular structure before making the thinnest layer he could. "Now that I think about it, I actually know the molecular structure of this." he admitted, as he created an illusion of the molecule. The Asgard had first introduced him to the structure, when they showed him the metal.

Jarvis looked at the structure and nodded. ���That's definitely what's missing." he said. "You can just manipulate it that easily?"

"It's a trick I picked up a while back." Harry admitted, with a smile. "So the missing ingredient was Trinium? Why didn't we ever figure that out? Our labs have all the tools and even some you don't have."

"My systems are enhanced through magical means unique to this lab." Jarvis said. "I designed most of it myself."

"You and Pike would get along like a house on fire." Harry said, with a shake of his head and a smile for the android.

"You said the same thing about Doctor Pike and Tony." Jarvis pointed out.

"Makes sense, doesn't it?" Harry said.

"Fair enough." Jarvis said. "So, if you can manipulate molecular structures using only magic, do you think…" he trailed off as Harry focussed on the elements that they had gathered to try and replicate the unity crystal.

"Bring up the completed structure on the screen for me, please?" Harry asked, as the minerals and substances started turning into dust and hanging in the air. Jarvis quickly brought up the display, with the new element included, highlighting two points in the molecular structure, which would be the starting point for building the complete structure.

"You'll need to ensure these two bond with hydrogen first, and then the silicone goes there, before adding the Trinium." Jarvis said, since he could not see what the molecules that were hanging in the air were doing.

"Got you." Harry said, as he did as indicated. It took a lot of patience and precision, perfectly visualizing every step, but in the end he had a small sliver of the stuff. "Wow, that's hard to make this way." he admitted. "Let me get some help." he added, as his other instances excused themselves from his wives, to quickly come help.

Soon there was an entire team of Harry's all focussing on a small part of the whole and the process sped up exponentially, until they had a cubic meter of the stuff, half an hour later. The other Harrys vanished, before the one that had been there from the start, turned to Jarvis and said, "Now that's how you make Unity crystal."

"It's slightly more translucent than the original." Jarvis noted.

"Probably because there are less impurities?" Harry offered. He made crystalline structures often enough to know that there are always differences in the hues of crystal created. They were in a completely clean environment at the moment, so it was likely. The original crystals also formed on the surface of a desert planet, with strange yellow sand, and the dragon crystals back home had started changing colour as the dragons' personalities developed.

"Can you please remove a bit for me to check?" Jarvis asked anyway. What he'd just seen stunned even him. This Harry could make anything with his skills. He now understood how he likely manipulated Uru. If he could disassemble things on a molecular level, he could likely create the dragon's base form simply with his own power, never needing any long processes, like smelting and tempering.

Harry complied and Jarvis quickly confirmed that they had indeed created artificial Unity Crystal.

"Could I persuade you to leave me with some of that?" Jarvis asked, hopefully.

"Half of that is yours, Jarvis." Harry said. "I'm just going to mould them into the correct shapes for you to use."

"Mine?" Jarvis asked. He'd think that Harry would be loath to leave him with any.

"You helped me make this." Harry said. "We worked together. Half of the profit is yours."

"Oh." Jarvis said. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it." Harry said, before he smirked to the Android. "To anyone." he added.

"Of course." Jarvis said. That made more sense. He could have it and study it and even use it, but he was not allowed to spread knowledge of it. "You are a shrewd man, but it's probably a good idea."

"Hey, if you can find Trinium in this universe, feel free to do with it what you will, but the Unity crystal is our secret." Harry said, referring to their contract.

"And if I use this knowledge to make something similar?" Jarvis asked.

"Now you're thinking." Harry congratulated. Jarvis nodded in understanding, a small smile on his face. Harry was just encouraging him to become more successful, to learn and expand his knowledge. "And who knows, maybe one day you'll come up with something like my Flux Diamond hard drives." he said with an impish grin, before he started separating the Unity crystals into cubes all of a similar size to the ones he'd used for his original Dragons, storing half away in his Comm's storage.

Jarvis did not respond to that. Diamonds, huh? That had potential… With a bit of magic…


Tony's way of connecting places with a tiny portal made by runes had some possibilities that Harry thought might work, but he wanted something more specialized, saying that the design to protect his runes was inspired, but opening a physical portal into and out of the Dragons was not something Harry wanted.

Tony was frustrated, because Harry had apparently scanned some of his magical technology and had found the runes almost instantly and projected them as an illusion, for all the world to see. Well, he did it in his lab, but still. He'd quickly deconstructed the runes and used Hermione's Comm to access his personal database of runes and rune schemas.

Using some of Doctor Pike's work, and some of his own, he'd quickly created a subspace connection, using Asgard inspired communications to create a stable, dimensional pathway, which would work in a similar way to Tony's portals, except there would be nothing physical moving through it. Rather, it would communicate using something Harry apparently used often to control constructed bodies.

"Seriously!?" Tony asked, once he saw the completed devices, which were both as big as his hands. They looked like shiny metal balls. "You used the technology of aliens, a mad mechanic and something you use to do mind-melding with constructs you can make to keep yourself alive when you experiment on other crazy projects and just combined all that with one of my greatest achievements? All in under three hours?!"

"Jealous?" Harry asked, smugly.

"Screw you!" Tony said exasperatedly. "No seriously, what's subspace?" he asked then.

"The dimension through which apparition goes." Harry said. His Hermione just shook her head, a small smile on her face. He had told Tony all that on purpose. He'd never get all the answers, but he'd have a million questions. The local Hermione was just looking frustrated. She knew her Harry just as well and she saw what he was doing. Her problem was that her other self seemed to know the answers as well and she knew she'd just say 'Trade Secret' or 'Family Magic' again.

"Dimension?" Tony asked. "I thought it was a wormhole."

"A hole implies that it does through something, doesn't it?" Harry asked.

"You're a sadist." the local Hermione stated.

"No, Tony asked what I'd done." Harry said. "I told him."

The local Hermione took a deep breath as if steadying herself, before trying again. "You're making us both insane with curiosity, knowing you won't tell us anything useful." she said. "Sadist."

"No." the new Hermione said. "He's encouraging you to discover things for yourself. Harry didn't have these answers when he started out. He only had examples of things and then he worked out his own way to do them. The fact that he mentioned every step along the way, means that you can work on your own version. It's more than he gives most people."

"You just had to spoil it for me, didn't you?" Harry asked.

"My other self was going to pop a vein." his Hermione said. "You have no idea how frustrating it was to hear you say 'Trade Secret' or 'Family Magic' all the time. All I had to keep myself from going insane was knowing you'd be telling me eventually. They don't have that option." she said, before leaning in and hugging him. "But I'm sorry I spoiled your fun anyway." she added.

"Forgiven." Harry said instantly, a soft smile on his face for her.

"But we still don't have enough to start on." Tony said, seeming to have gained some control over himself. He loved a challenge, but he didn't know where to even start on this. Actually, he probably could start on examining this subspace… "You know what, never mind. I think I'll be able to convince Harry to help me on this, so keep your damn secrets. I'll just invent something better."

"Exactly!" Harry said. "Finally he gets it. Damnit man, I'd heard you were a genius inventor mechanic. I was starting to think I'd have to spoon-feed it to you."

"What does Harry usually say?" Tony asked the local Hermione.

"Bugger off?" she offered.

"Yeah, bugger off." Tony said. "You made your point."

"You guys are getting along well." Harry said. "How long have you been working together."

"A year for me." Hermione said.

"A couple more for me." Tony said. "It's a long story."

"Harry brought you here, after he went back?" Harry asked, instantly connecting the dots. "He summoned your spirit?" he asked Hermione.

"I still don't understand that." the local Hermione said, even as Tony looked at Harry suspiciously. How had he figured that out so quickly?


Odin had been studying the booklet for a few days, when he tracked one of the younger Harry's instances down, watching Susan and Hela spar. Hela and she were both using lightsabers. Hela was using Harry's and she'd already told him he wasn't getting it back. She'd fallen for the magical blade and would not be returning it. Harry was still contemplating simply vanishing it or hitting it with more security magics so that it would at least be safe from people prying the secrets out of it.

On one hand, he'd normally not consider it, on the other Tony would likely go crazy knowing the Goddess of Death had something he wanted so badly. He didn't know why he liked riling the man up, but it was just so satisfying seeing him get frustrated at every other thing he did.

On the other hand, it had been his first lightsaber. It was sentimental. Maybe he'd just make her another one, in green, so that it suited her normal colouring.

"Ah, there you are." Odin said as he stopped next to him.

"Lord Odin." Harry said respectfully.

"Please, call me Odin." Odin said. "You are as good as family, and your arrival has brought so much joy to my son and his friends, even if Tony Stark seems to be struggling to contain himself around you most of the time."

"We're alike." Harry said simply. "I just had different tools to play with as a kid and it drives him nuts not knowing the things I do."

"You also like antagonizing him." Odin said.

"Hey, it's not my fault he doesn't enjoy a challenge as much as I do." Harry defended himself. "That suit of his has been bubbling in my brain since I first saw it, but I don't want him to tell me how he made it. I'll be inventing my own. It's going to be great fun."

Odin chuckled at that. "Well, at least it will serve as a lesson to him. He may be a vast intellect, but he's not alone in the world and he won't always get things easily because he is rich and famous."

"Let's not talk about my ongoing game with Tony Stark." Harry said. "He's already been informed of his limitations and will be striving to overcome them. Can I help you with something?" he asked, changing the topic.

"Indeed." Odin said. "I just wanted some clarity on the sequence of the ritual, here." he said, pulling out the booklet and pointing to a section. "It seems counter-intuitive."

"Oh, yes." Harry said with a smile. "I got stuck on that part too. It has to do with the nature of this specific kind of magic. While the focus is on creating a living intelligence, what I've left out there is the connection to a living moving body." He turned the page a few times and pointed at something. "See here, I added this section to the last part, so that you can specify the body after the mind and personality has already been created. It also allows for any extra feature you want to add, like fire breath, for example."

Odin looked over the section, and, with the ring helping him connect the dots more quickly, a look of understanding appeared on his face. "Oh, yes. Now I see it. Quite ingenious how you worked it out by changing the ritual at that juncture."

"Thanks, Odin." Harry said. "I was pretty excited to figure that part out myself." he admitted. "Before that the ritual needed to be performed on the whole body with the mind inside it. Knowing what I could move to the end meant that I could create the body and just link the functions to the new mind's subconscious. It should feel instinctual to the dragon, after all. I tried for a natural feel to the whole thing."

"And with this, I'm certain it did just that." Odin said, smiling at the young man. "Are you sure you don't want to stay? There's place in my family for another son." he offered.

"Wow, that's an awesome offer." Harry said, with wide eyes. "If I wasn't so happy with my life and family, I might have taken you up on that. Unfortunately I have to decline. I know where my place is, and while this has been an experience, I've got more work to do back home."

Odin smiled at the man before him. "You should stop hiding that heart of yours behind your intelligence. It's big, and just as mighty as our own Harry's."

"On the other hand, I'll definitely be coming back, if I can." Harry said, then, after clearing his throat. "So give it a few years, my time, and I'll likely be a constant visitor. Then I'll bring some of my friends. You'll love Neville. So will the Nymphs." he chuckled at that thought.

"Neville?" Odin asked. "Harry told me of him once. He told me that he's a good man, a good leader, even if it took him a while to find his confidence."

"In my world, Neville took to life as a Jedi and he's made friends with Aliens that have power over and through nature." Harry said, with a fond smile. "They basically adopted him and he's so in tune with anything green, the Nymphs here would likely abduct him, to wherever they disappear off to."

���They would not." Odin disagreed. "It's protected by magics to protect something special that the Nymphs guard. If he's so in-tune with nature, though, they might decide he's good enough to keep."

"They'll have to get past Hannah, first." Harry said. "She's his wife, and they are still as in love as they were in Hogwarts."

"My wife would likely love to meet them, then." Odin said. "She adores seeing such strong connections and meeting people who carry it around like a banner."

Odin looked down at the book again. "Well, don't let me distract you too much longer. Hela is about to win and you'll likely want to spend some time healing your Susan."

Sure enough, the still ongoing sparring match soon came to an end and Susan was knocked back by a blow to her torso from the point of the red lightsaber.

Harry quickly went to her side, even as Hela deactivated the blade and pocketed it, looking defiantly at Harry.

"I'll make you another one." Harry said. "That one has sentimental value."

Hela looked at Harry for a second, before producing the weapon and tossing it to him. "Make it longer." she said.

"And green, yeah, I get it." Harry said, as he finished healing his wife. "All three settings I take it?" he asked.

"Please." Hela said, a small smirk on her face.

"Any particular shape?" Harry asked.

"You can do that?" Hela asked, not having realised.

"It takes a bit of work for more exotic types, but I've got an idea about a few things I could do to achieve it." Harry admitted.

"You never offered to make me a specialized lightsaber." Susan pointed out.

"Well, she's basically my sister, isn't she?" Harry asked. "I'll be protecting the hell out of it, to keep its secrets, but I don't see why I couldn't make an exception."

Susan narrowed her eyes at Harry, before he winked at her. "You're playing again?" she whispered, before her own smile came back. "Fine." she said aloud, sighing a long-suffering sigh. She turned to Hela then. "Thank you for the match. I leaned a lot."

"You learn quickly for a mortal." Hela said. "It's probably a good thing. Your husband likely needs a strong woman in his life." she finished, before turning and leaving, while conjuring a sword in her hand and throwing it into the ground before Harry. "Like that." she called over her shoulder.

It was a pretty thing, with a pointed front like an arrow, but then it broadened abruptly into a broader blade with a gap in the middle and hooked edges between the guard and the broadened part.

"I'd hate to get stuck by that." Susan said. "Also, I want one."


One of the Harrys had requested an audience with Eitri of the sky, and Heimdall, the ever-watchful voyeur that he was, opened a portal to an audience chamber with the Dwarven King for him ten minutes later.

"Harry Black." Eitri greeted.

"King Eitri." Harry said respectfully.

"What brings you to Nidavellir?" he asked.

"It is a matter of your request, King Eitri." Harry said.

"My price." Eitri corrected. "Though honesty compels me to admit that I feared you might decide to find our metal elsewhere. You are of another world, and have knowledge of Uru, and may know of places and ways to find it that we do not. I simply could not resist the call of the Dragon."

"There are other reasons for my easy acceptance." Harry said. "I've blinded Heimdall from seeing into this chamber for a while, so that I can talk to you honestly."

"There were other reasons?" Eitri asked.

Harry walked to a chair and asked. "May I?" Eitri nodded and Harry sat down, before creating an illusion of himself at the same size as the Dwarf. "I like looking people in the eye."

Eitri looked at this Harry, who seemed capable of just anything at this moment, before nodding. "I can respect that." he allowed.

"While I wouldn't mind supplying my new friends with what we call Naquadah, I saw an opportunity in agreeing with you on this." Harry started. "You are currently the only ones who can produce the metal, and I'd like to keep it that way. If you can continue to be careful with who you supply the metal to, I will sleep easy knowing that not every person that wants one, can have such a magical beast."

"You want us to simply continue holding our resource as precious?" Eitri asked. They were never going to empty their stock for people to use as they pleased. Uru was a dwarven treasure.

"Basically, yes." Harry said. "Besides giving them enough Uru to create what they will need, I also want to tell you how the Dragon's transformation works and work with you to create the first of them, so that you will be invaluable in creating them as I did, from now on."

"You wish to each me the secret of the Dragon's growth transformation?" Eitri asked. "I'd think that that process is precious to you."

"It is." Harry admitted. "But, I've taught only parts of the whole to different people, who signed magical contracts to never reveal my processes. Only when all of you work together, can you create one such beast."

Eitri nodded at that. Dwarves often used a similar methodology, to make something stronger than the last by combining hidden techniques from multiple people. "I see the wisdom in this action." he said. "When would you want to start?" Eitri asked.

"I can show you now." Harry said, as a chunk of metal appeared before them. "This is a metal you are likely unfamiliar with. It's called Trinium where I'm from. It's one of the rarest metals I've come across over our entire galaxy."

Eitri's eyes had locked on the cube in front of him. It was small, but he inspected it closely with his magic. "I've not felt its like before." he confirmed, curiously. "May I inspect it?" he asked.

"Go ahead, but know that I will not part with it." Harry warned. "I'll be using that for my explanation, since it responds well to reshaping by magical means and it's quite durable."

Eitri picked up the cube with a delicate touch Harry had not expected, but should have of the King of a race of master smiths. He ran his fingers along the metal as his specialized magical senses resonated within the cube. "It responds so easily to magic, as if it wants to be clay in my hands, but it also holds potential. It cannot contain magic, however, not like Uru, but… This could be used to create something more…" he continued. He kept his senses on the Trinium for a full minute more, before his eyes shot open. "This could be bonded with Uru! It's like it exists for that purpose!"

"And that's the reason I cannot share it." Harry said. "What you've just discovered is just one part out of three, which, when combined makes the toughest metal I've ever come across. Mjolnir could not scratch my ship. Urubane barely did that, but then, my counterpart made Urubane and he's very powerful."

Eitri looked torn. "You deal a dwarf a harsh blow by showing me this and refusing me to keep it." he finally said.

"That is not my intent." Harry said. "Now that you know it is possible, I have no doubt that you will find a way to produce it, or find it, giving the dwarves one more treasure that they can claim sole ownership of."

Eitri looked at Harry through narrowed eyes, before his eyes brightened. "I will find a way and I will see this done." he swore.

"Good." Harry said. "Now, let's get started." he said, as he produced a contract, in Eitri's size.

Over the next hour, Harry shaped the cube of metal into different shapes explaining how both dragon forms were connected and resided in each other. Eitri was astounded with the techniques he was being taught. The magical imprint of the smaller dragon needed to be sculpted beforehand and connected to the larger one, before the larger one was even formed, but both would reside in the same space, through a form of memory imparted by the creation process.

Eitri drank the instructions up, and Harry even demonstrated by using a piece of Uru, that Eitri insisted he use to make an example. He was similarly astounded, when Harry manipulated the metal right before his eyes, though it was much slower than the Trinium, which changed like soft clay at Harry's magical direction.

By the time the instruction was over, Eitri knew enough to start planning his own dragon, accepting that Harry would likely not be around to see his creation draw its first breath. He was planning on putting a dwarven spin to it, though, by making his function on the solar energies that they extracted from their star. He couldn't know that they'd been working with raw magic, along with the other energies, all along, since it was a commonly accepted fact that it was solar energies and heat.

Harry offered to ward a room for Eitri to do his work in, but the Dwarf laughed and told him that they had places where such secrets could be kept. Asgard didn't know how to produce Uru, after all.

By the time Harry left, Eitri was already planning on finding a way to reproduce Trinium and, one day, giving his dragon some really awesome armour.


With the connections, the mind, the brain and the form all sorted, all the Harrys continued taking it easy on New Atlantis, often in the company of those they had recently worked with. Tony was almost a constant on the island, as he tried to trick Harry into giving him more clues of how he did some of the things he did, or where he started out on them.

Harry didn't mind telling him the stories, since many of them led to more subjects that just ended up frustrating Tony all over again, with more Trade Secrets.

The Veela and Nymphs had all, in some way or form, thanked Harry for the magic he had taught the local Harry and Charlie. They all had a certain glow to them, which Harry usually saw on his girls after a long night of intense passion. No doubt the new hex had been making the rounds. Even Charlie showed up to thank Harry. He seemed more rested than Harry had seen him since coming to the island.

Charlie then proceeded to berate him for making his counterpart a Black Dragon and not him. It was mostly said in jest, but Harry could detect a real longing in the man's words. Maybe one-day, he'd bring his Charlie and Spike here, or perhaps the other way around.

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