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14.28% Optimum University / Chapter 1: Most Hope For The Same Thing (V.1 Ch.1.1)
Optimum University Optimum University original

Optimum University

Autor: easyread

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Most Hope For The Same Thing (V.1 Ch.1.1)

{If you wish to read ahead, head to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Scott Cassidy)~~~

~~~(Location: Bedroom, Edaria (City), Southern California)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: August 1st, 8:19 AM, 2020)~~~

~~~(Age: 19 Years)~~~


[Ring! Ring!]

[Ring! Ring! Ring!]

My eyes slowly open and lock with the familiar floating screen that's been with me since birth. A simple wave from my hand dismisses the screen, and I lean up in bed. Running a hand through my dark hair and taking a breath.

Starting today, I'm only two weeks away.

My first day at Campus Optimum.

The central air of my parent's house blows against my skin as I pass a vent. Causing slight goosebumps to appear at the sudden temperature change.

The sound of a TV fills my ears as I enter the living room. Jennifer is sitting on the couch with barely anything covering her. Jennifer is the only person I'd call family. Our Mother and Father have been... Busy... Most of our lives.

"The same dead look greets me, huh? Is that any way to treat your sister? What if Dad or Duncun were here? Would you still look at me like that?"

The sardonic tone of my sister's voice doesn't elicit the reaction she wants. She's always been one to press people's buttons regardless of who they are. Crudely gaining control of them.

[Jennifer Cassidy is annoyed at your absence of a reaction.]

A notification I frequently see appears in the corner of my vision. It disappears after a second like it always does. The source of her annoyance has always been the same when it comes to me. She can't press my buttons.

I don't have buttons to press.

Not wanting to entertain anything else from her, I turn for the kitchen and leave her to herself on the couch.

[Jennifer Cassidy is ticked off by your treatment of her. She believes you should treat her better since you're her younger brother.]

Duncun and her are similar in that regard.

I'm the youngest of three children; Duncun is our oldest sibling. Most families are close. One could say the same for my family. It's me who isn't close to them.

The kitchen is as clean as it always is. The cold tile takes me from my thoughts of my family and system.

It only takes me a minute to gather all the ingredients for breakfast now that I'm not distracted.

[Cooking Mastery 100/100: Activated.]

One of many skills I have developed over the years turns on.

My hands swiftly and deftly combine, mix, and use the ingredients to make pancake batter. It takes a little bit of time, but everything is ready. The sizzling sound of the batter lands on the hot pan now that I'm finished with it.

The smell hits my nose, and any average person would smile and take a deep breath.

A plate I've set out on the counter quickly fills with hot pancakes. Clear steam is coming off the piling-up breakfast.

[Jennifer Cassidy has become hungry at the scent of pancakes.]

My sister is halfway to the kitchen in a few seconds when the notification disappears. Her bare feet slap against the tiled kitchen floor. Her hand reaches out for the plate and takes it. Heading for the kitchen table.

Not outside my expectations.

More pancake batter spreads across the hot pan. I've made enough for her. The last thing I need is to have her tell Mom and Dad I didn't make her pancakes when I could've.

That unnecessary event is something I'd prefer to avoid.

The next batch of pancakes is finished after a few minutes. Taking another plate out of the cupboard and filling it. Moving to the kitchen table with my food. Jennifer's attention is resting on me as I sit across from her.

Grabbing the syrup and spreading it across my pancakes with butter. At least she didn't forget to bring the condiments.

She swallows her mouthful of food and takes a long drink of milk.

"School is starting in a couple of weeks. Are you looking forward to Optimum?"

My green eyes lock with hers.

[Jennifer Cassidy is worried about you.]

"I'll be fine."

My voice's even, dead tone forces her to lean back and fold her arms. A sigh of exasperation breaches her lips.

"Group performance is just as important as individual performance. If you cannot work with others, everything will be difficult."

This time, her tone is a gentle one that leaks concern. She told me about her previous year at Optimum and how she had to adapt to working in a group environment with her class. All the while having to compete with them at different times.

She'll be a second year when school starts. Duncun has shared experiences during his time with us. His third year will be starting in two week time.

The process of how Optimum works isn't lost to me.

"It's not me you should worry about."

The neutral edge in my even voice laces her current feelings about this talk.

A frustrated crease in her brow appears for a moment. Disappearing almost as fast as it appeared.

"Be that way. All I was doing was trying to help."

The underlining anger in her tone tells me this isn't one of the moments where she'll let my dismissive attitude go.

[Jennifer Cassidy resents how you're treating her in this serious moment.]

[-10 points to your relationship with Jennifer Cassidy.]

[Current relationship (Sibling) level with Jennifer Cassidy: 65/100]

The messages from the system disappear after a few seconds.

Jennifer grabs her plate and stands up abruptly. Before she can move too far, I reach across the table and grab her wrist. Stopping her from leaving.

While most of my emotions are dead, I still have some left. Jennifer is the only person left in my family I care about. Duncun has a problem with me. Intimidated by the threat I pose. Mom and Dad may love me, but they're not parents in my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I should've listened."

The same neutral and dead she's familiar with greets her. What shows my honesty at this moment are my eyes. She knows how to read them better than anyone.

She doesn't pull her wrist away. A thinking expression takes form on her features. A soft sigh escapes her lips, and she sits back down.

"Okay, I forgive you."

A happier and more pleasant tone enters her voice as she speaks. Jennifer has always been quick to forgive me for... Errors.

[Jennifer Cassidy sees and feels the genuine sincerity in your eyes.]

[+10 points to your relationship with Jennifer Cassidy]

[Current relationship (Sibling) level with Jennifer Cassidy: 75/100]

"Now, tell me how you plan to get a girlfriend this year?"

The teasing, laced with slight mockery, has no effect on me. Her eyes narrow just a little, taking on a sharper shape. Waiting for a response.

"Do I need one?"

My genuinely curious voice mixes with my naturally neutral style; it seems to reach her quickly. She closes her eyes and leans back with her palm on her forehead. Giving a long and tired sigh in the process.

[Jennifer Cassidy feels bad for you and gives up on this line of conversation.]

"Nevermind, little bro. You're not the type to feel that way about someone anyway. I don't know what I was thinking..."

Hmm... Am I even capable of loving a person sexually? The system prevents such things...

"What about you?"

The quick question throws my sister off guard, and she looks away with slight embarrassment.

I'll admit that reaction is a little confusing.

[Jennifer Cassidy is embarrassed since her love life is the same as yours. Despite being far more friendly and outgoing than you.]

Perhaps she should be more concerned about her love life than mine.

"Oh, you know... Seeing this guy and that guy..."

[Jennifer Cassidy is lying through her teeth.]

"Are you still a virgin?"

She makes a strange sound as she almost falls out of her chair at my question. If she's been with a man intimately, she's gained some interest from the opposite sex.

My sister is a beautiful woman in the eyes of society.

[Jennifer Cassidy is stunned at your unbelievable question.]

It takes her a moment to regain her composure. Once she does, she averts looking directly into my eyes with a minor redness on her cheeks.

"Of course, I've been with a man before! What do you take me for?!"

[Jennifer Cassidy fails to control her embarrassment and surprise.]

[Jennifer Cassidy isn't a good liar when with you.]

That's a no.

"Whatever you say."

The neutrally dead tone mixes with a slight mock as the words leave my lips.

This entire chain of events with my sister is why she's the only one I can say I care about. Love even.

However, it is a hollow one. Regulated by the system.

"I'm meeting up with some of my friends today. Want to come along?"

The rushed words and desperate tone in her voice indicate her desire to change the topic of conversation.


An annoyed look on her face appears at my quick response. Her friends are hers. Not mine.

Before she can keep talking to me, I stand up with my empty plate. Washing it clean in the sink. All I hear behind me is an irritated groan. She places her dishes in the sink and returns to the living room.

Leaving me with the responsibility of cleaning them. She hasn't changed.

Neither have I.

~~~(POV: Jennifer Cassidy)~~~

~~~(Location: Bedroom, Edaria (City), Southern California)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: August 9th, 10:25 AM, 2020)~~~

~~~(Age: 20 Years)~~~

The sun blasts through my bedroom windows and causes the heat to rise despite the central air. The sticky and sweaty sheets peel off me as I struggle out of bed. My fingers dig into the pits of my eyes. Cleaning the crust out.

Falling onto my buxom chest before trailing off. A yawn rushes out of me with no warning. My lips smack from the dryness. I shake off the sleep as best I can and stand up. Making my way to my dresser.

The smell of a woman carries through the air off me as I look in the mirror.

"Geez... Looking like the dead there, Jen..."

A slightly disgusted tone leaves my mouth. I'm not a pretty sight. The hairbrush I use daily goes through my hair as I sit in my chair.

Boys don't know what this is like. Waking up and having to make yourself beautiful. All they've gotta do is wake up and run a hand through their hair. Wish it were that simple for the rest of us.

I begin humming a melody as I continue my daily routine. It's less than a week away before my second year starts...

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. Duncun hasn't been home since his second year. Optimum's rules are the source of that.

Once students reach their second year, they cannot leave the campus during summer break.

That's only exclusive for first years, becoming second years, such as myself. After this next school year, I can't return home during breaks.

We're not allowed to leave the campus unless it's for Special Assessments. So from now on, I'll be on campus until I graduate...

A breath quickly enters my lungs as I look into the mirror. I've got butterflies starting in my stomach.


Knowing Scott, he's not rattled in the slightest. I'm worried about my little brother... He's different compared to others. Dad and Duncun are... Wary around him. Almost considering him not a member of the family.

Mom refuses to acknowledge how different Scott is... She's scared of how... He is...

Staying away from the family with Dad is the best way for her to cope. Duncun hasn't been home since his second year started... A perfect way to avoid Scott in his eyes.

So, it's just been Scott and me.

I'm the only one that's treated him like family. I'm the only one he cares about. He might even love me, but it's hard to tell. He shows me through his eyes sometimes, but it's rare...

"He's already up."

I can hear the TV downstairs. It's not loud, but he's watching something.

~~~(POV: Scott Cassidy)~~~

~~~(Location: Living Room, Edaria (City), Southern California)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: August 9th, 10:42 AM, 2020)~~~

~~~(Age: 19 Years)~~~

The noise coming from the TV doesn't cause the focus I have on my system's screen to distract me. It's been around a month since I checked it last. Haven't been given a reason to check it since my senior year at high school ended.

My first year at Optimum University starts in six days. A lot of my life will change in my attendance. Optimum University is a school based on Merit.

It's a Meritocracy.

Duncun has answered some questions I've asked him. Jennifer is the one that responds unrestrained when it came to my questions.

---[Prodigious Genius System]---

[Scott Cassidy] [Lvl. 390] [Personal Level Exp: 10/100]

---[Core Stats]---

[Strength: 243 Points] [Perception: 451 Points] [Endurance: 209 Points] [Charisma: 214 Points] [Intelligence: 307 Points] [Athletics: 299 Points] [Luck: 155 Points]

[Unused Stat Points: 199 Points]

---[Core Skills]---

[Emotion Suppression (Locked)] [Physical Pain Nullification (Locked)] [Physical Dedragation Nullification (Locked)] [Accelerated Healing Factor (Locked)] [Hyperaccelerated Learning Factor (Locked)] [Analytical Vision (Locked)]

---[Potent Physical Skills]---

[Aikido Mastery 100/100] [Muay Thai Mastery 100/100] [Boxing Mastery 100/100] [Taekwondo Mastery 100/100] [Karate Mastery 100/100]

---[Potent Mental Skills]---

[Automated Mathematics Mastery 100/100] [Storage & Recall Memory Mastery 100/100] [Thoughts & Feelings Perception Mastery 100/100] [Strategic Planning Mastery 100/100] [Tactical Planning Mastery 100/100] [Analytical Mind Mastery 100/100]

---[Extented Skills (Press For List)]---

When I started using the system, I only had the Core Skills and baseline average stats in the Core Stats section. It's taken nineteen years to reach the level that I've come to.

The Core Skills were a mystery to me in the beginning. It took a while to understand what they represent. They're detached from the other Skill lists. They lack levels or paths to progress. All of them were like this when I got them.

The Core Skills prevent my mind and body from becoming damaged due to the powerful Skills and high stats I've achieved.

The average human has between 30 and 60 points for the Core Stats. A reason why I need those Core Skills is my body and mind would be destroyed without them.

It's something that only I have. I don't know why I have this system... This ability... Only that it's mine, and that's why I'm so different.

No one knows the truth. Only I know of its existence.

My attention is taken as footsteps coming from upstairs reverberate through the living room. The screen for the system disappears with a wave.

Jennifer descends the stairs and looks in my direction.

"Why don't you ever sleep in?"

There is a lack of energy in her voice. A slight tone of curiosity mixed with it. We've had this conversation several times before. She doesn't remember since the answers never satisfy her.

My actions in ignoring her question caused a twitch in her brow. But her face relaxes, and she passes by. Heading straight for the kitchen. The coffee maker is in her sights.

[Jennifer Cassidy is too tired to deal with you.]

She's been stressed with the upcoming school year at Optimum. She won't be allowed to come home during breaks until she graduates.

The three Cassidy siblings will be attending Optimum together.

easyread easyread

If you wish to read ahead, head to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread

Word count: 2590

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