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6.66% One Piece : Journey For Adventure / Chapter 1: Origin Of Adventure
One Piece : Journey For Adventure One Piece : Journey For Adventure original

One Piece : Journey For Adventure

Autor: BlazingImmortal

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Origin Of Adventure



Suddenly after a few small but quick foot steps are heared shuffling down the hallway a quick and loud *Slam* is heard and the room's door is shoved open and a small boy who appears to be around 8 or 9 years old with dark tanned skin and black hair with striking red eyes hurries in.

"Yes Miss Doctor what is it" (Axel)

"I am sorry to tell you this Axel but it looks like Julie won't make it" (Doctor)

"Wha.. What your lying, you, you have to be lying she said she was fine yesterday she said she would be better soon" (Axel)

At the look on Axel's tearful face all the doctor could do was frown with small tears pricking at the corner of her eyes and continue on.

"Axel I'm so sorry there's nothing we can do to help her any longer she has asked to see you one last time before she passes" (Doctor)

"O.. Okay" Axel say's through broken sob's as he is led into a smaller side room where a small girl of similar appearance and age lay's waiting on a bed near the center of the room.

"Ah.. Axel you came" (Julie)

"Of course I came no matter what i will always make it back to see you" (Axel)

Axel walk's upto the side of the Bed and grasps the small girls hand in his own.

" I'm so Sorry Axel I think i'm gonna have to break our promise" The small girl says through endless tears and a hoarse throat.

"It's ok Julie.. It's ok I will continue on our dream enough for the both of us no matter what we will have the greatest adventure ever even if you can't be there to do it with me you better watch me from wherever you end up you hear me Julie just Watch Me" Axel says with great conviction swatting away tears that keep welling up and smiling at the girl.

"Hmm" The small girl hum's out with tears flowing out her squeezed shut eyes and smiling up at the small boy she calls her brother while she drifts off into an endless sleep through the loud crying of her brother.

After a few hour's of crying by the bedside of his only remaining relative Axel stands and though dry sob's turns to the doctors who have gathered.

"Please take care of her body for me" (Axel)

"We will don't worry Axel, what will you do now though" (Doctor)

"I'm going to train so that i am strong enough to take on anyone who get's in the way of my adventure" Axel say's with a look of determination as he heads for the door as he is leaving he picks up the present his Sister got him before she was hospitalized a sleek solid steel baseball bat and headed towards the forest of the island to train for the future.



"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT" Axel yells out as he is startled awake and upon looking around realizes that he has no idea where he is at the moment.

"Where the hell am I?, and more importantly WHICH BASTARD WOKE ME UP" (Axel)

"Hey SHUT UP or when i get out of here ill kill you dumbass" (Unknown)

"Who said that was it a ghost" Axel said with a perplexed look while searching for the voice only to realise hes behind bars.

"Im Gin of the Krieg Pirates and were on a Navy ship because we have been captured by them" (Gin)

"What do you mean We why the hell did i get locked up i didn't anything and who the hell is Krieg" (Axel)

"They must have thought you were with me because you were sleaping nearby when they found me and how don't you know the Krieg Pirates led by Don Krieg Pirate Fleet Admiral, The Ruler of East Blue" (Gin)

"Don't Know never heard of him" Axel says with a completely disinterested blank face.

"What do live under a rock" (Gin)

"No but i did live in a cave which is kinda just a hole in a very big rock does that count?" Axel say's while looking like he won an award.

"YOUR A DUMBASS" Gin say's with an annoyed expression and shark teeth.

"HEY SCREW YOU SAY THAT TO MY FACE ASSHOLE" Axel say's back with an equaly annoyed face and pointy teeth.

"I WILL WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE IDIOT" Gin screams back while a marine soldier walks into the holding cells block to quite down the prisoners but is terrified when he is suddenly yanked towards the cell holding Gin with great force and slamed against the bars where he was knocked unconsious with.

"Haha Dumbass looks like we will have to postpone this arguement for another time stranger" Gin say's while he unlocks his cell with the keys he took from the marine soldier and bolted away and up the stairs.

"Haaaa.. WAIT YOU ASSHOLE WE HAVEN'T SETTLED THIS FIGHT" Axel say's while Inhaling some air and suddenly Exhailing while pulling his cuffed hands apart and breaking them he runs upto the bars and places his hands onto two different bars side by side and reapeats the same process with some strain as he pulls apart the metal bars caging him in.

"GET BACK HERE AND FIGHT ME GIN" Axel exclaims while running towards the stairs briefly stoping to pick up his bat of the rack of confiscated weapons and contues upto the deck where he saw around 20 unconcious Marine soldiers strewn about the deck to which he pays no mind to and jumps off the side of the ship to swim to the weird fish shaped ship where there seems to be alot of noise and a comotion going on.

As Axel climbs aboard and heads towards the door at slow pace he notices two Marines crawling out the door one had pink hair who looked like the boss.

"Hey you asshole are you the one who arrested me" Axel say's with a royaly pissed off expression adorning his face.

"Haaa.. Yes i am you filthy Krieg Pirate" lieutenant Fullbody grits out while standing up from his crawl at the door.

"I'M NOT A PIRATE DUMBASS" Axel yell's while swinging his bat one handed sideways into Fullbody's rib's and launching him into the other Marine soldier who was swept up and sent into the distance back by their ship with the one swing with incredible power.

"Hmph.. that'll teach them" Say's Axel who failed to realize that one of the establishments customers had noticed him attack the Marines.

"Kyaaa.. There's another one, Sombody Stop Him" (Random Female A)

All eye's moved towards the door and locked onto Axel who seemed completely oblivious of the situation who then walked into the resturant as if nothing was happening.

"Hey chef mind getting me some food although I don't have any money at the moment as the Marines took it all so can i just give you an I O U note to pay you back later i'm good for it I promise" (Axel)

Everyone stared at the man who looked to be around 19 or 20 with a dark tan, black hair and incredible red eyes who had a lean but muscular build and seemed to be around the same height as the blonde chef in bewilderment, as if this newcomer was an absolute idiot or a moron but then the Customers notice he was carrying a weapon albeit a non lethal weapon but a weapon non the less and their shocked expressions turned to fearful ones as they backed away.

Patty however didn't seem to get the memo and aproached the newcomer with a creepily wide grin plastered on his face amd hands clamped together.

"So in other words you're not a payin Customer" Patty wispers out and then suddenly pulls an back to cock his fist and swings it forward at the Moron while exclaiming "THEN GET THE HELL OUT".

Axel who wasn't expecting the sudden hostility quickly reacts by standing firm and moving his head slightly forward to meet the punch head first part way.

Suddenly everything and everyone is silent as they watch the pirate tank the hit to his head without so much as flinching and having no visible damage to his form what so ever.

"Haaa.. Whats the Big idead ASSHOLE" Axel finsishes his sentence of yelling and slams his bat into Patty' side who was too shocked to react and was sent flying across to the far side of the room and was embeded into the wall from the powerfull hit.

"Could have just said No Dumbass" (Axel)

Everyone still in too much of a state of shock to notice that the guy had left the room and was outside now just stared blankly at where the exchange had gone down.

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