Adeline was quiet the entire car ride. Six months ago she had given it every desperate attempt that she could and it had not turned out to be quite well which is why she had left it as it is.
Six months earlier she had not received the effort that she wanted from his side. Six months ago she had dropped this.
So was she supposed to pick it up because he wanted it?
She felt so confused and torn between the two options. They were good and both of them had some logic in it.
The car road to stop the door did not open. She had Xavier move and saw him with a thick woolen blazer and a muffler along with boots from a bag.
She looked at him as he held it out.
He explained with a soft smile, "the heater is on and the temperature is regulated in the car which is why you don't feel cold."
"Oh," now that she noticed as she took them from him there was a light line of precipitation on his skin.
Next update would probably be around the 3rd of September.