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64.28% Nuclear Winter / Chapter 17: Ch17. I’m in danger.

Capítulo 17: Ch17. I’m in danger.


Suddenly, Keres turned her head and shook off her bliss as she heard a door open, looking over she saw two more humans exiting a building.

A female and older male? Looking back at her human, she waited too see if he wanted them to go to sleep too.

Yet he just pat her snout and shook his head, after that Keres lost interest and just began to meander around the yard, maybe she missed a tasty snack in all the chaos, she held out hope!

Asia and Meyers slowly walked towards Alex, one keeping a weary eye on the massive matriarch who would occasionally glance at them.

Stepping around and over all the broken bodies strewn about the yard, Meyers fought back the urge to vomit out his stomachs contents.

Between the smell and the sickening squishing of blooded and offal underfoot, it was a battle Meyers quickly lost as he bent over and wretched.

Looking up and wiping the vomit off his chin, Meyers saw Alex just standing still looking at him, his eyebrow cocked up in amusement.

Asia however simply smiled and looked at Alex, she quickly waded through the carnage, not caring what she stepped on.

What shocked everyone brave enough too look out a window and Meyers was Asia wrapping her arms around Alex when she finally reached him.

"THAT WAS SO AWESOME!!!!" The giddy Asia began to hop around Alex, tugging on his armor as she recalled what she had seen.

"Is that your companion?! Woah! You actually tamed a deathclaw! Man I'm so jelly!!!" Asia began rapid firing questions as she skipped up to Keres.

A confused Keres looked down upon the strange human and then back up to her human before she looked back down, only to be completely shocked as the little human grabbed her hand and pulled her down.

"Heh, heh, who's a cutie? You are! Yes you are!" Asia buried her face into Keres neck and pat her snout while her other hand gave her neck scratchies.

This sudden turn of events made everyone's jaw drop, none more so then Keres, who at this point was having an existential crisis.

'What? Why? How? Am I not as fearsome as I thought I was? Does this little human not fear death? Why do they yell YOU NEVER SHOULD HAVE COME HERE! When I'm clearly stronger then them!' Keres had a million thoughts go through her brain as she slowly turned her head to look at Alex as the little human kept rubbing her with a perverted grin.

"Kruuuuu!" (Translated from deathclaw it means 'I'm in danger,Help!').




After shaking his head, Alex quickly walked over to the clearly terrified Keres and pulled Asia by the back of her nightgown.

"NOOOO!! I wasn't done giving the pretty deathclaw head pats!! Let me gooooo!!" Asia tried her best too wiggle away from Alex as Keres quickly backed away from the terrifying little human.

Looking down at Asia who was sporting gushed cheeks and a creepy grin, Alex felt scared for Keres.

'This girl is obviously insane, absolutely no damn fear in front of a matriarch, hell not even Keres could comprehend what just happened!' Alex looked over too see Keres shaking and checking herself, obviously scarred by what just transpired.




After a few minutes, Asia calmed herself down and cleared her throat prompting Alex to let her go.

"Apologies for my behavior, I always thought deathclaws were super cute, even had a plushie of one back in the Boneyard. Seeing one up close and so tamed brought out something unpleasant within me, again I apologize."

Alex would have taken the apology more seriously if every other word Asia didn't give Keres a quick glance, scaring the poor girl even more.

"Asia, please don't assault Keres again. I don't want the poor girl to be afraid of her own shadow."

*critical damage*

Asia swayed as she felt like she got hit by a truck, how could anyone ask her to do that! It's not possible, she needs this damn it!

"Anyways, let's get back to business! Meyers!! You done losing your supper?" Alex gave a look to the sick looking Meyers, who was so green you'd swear he was becoming a super mutant.

Meyers looked at Alex like he fucked the man's mom and didn't bother to call her the next day, Alex would never do that of course, he was a gentleman. Meyers mother would definitely get a call the next day!

"Yeah, just give me a minute. Not really use to" Meyers gestured to the yard. "This."

Alex simply nodded, "Alright, when your ready show me to your radio room, sooner I get this done the better."

Asia gave Alex a intrigued look and tilt her head, "Why do you need the radio room?"

Patting Asia's head, Alex sighed as he walked past her and towards Meyer who was still struggling with throwing up ever three steps.

"Can't let my new labor force get mistaken for common criminals now can I?" Alex stopped beside Meyers before picking him up in a princess carry.

"There, there Meyers. Uncle Alex got you, let's get you away from the smelly corpses!" Alex quickly made his way back to the main building and dropped Meyers before the man threw a hissy fit for being manhandled.

He, of course, still threw one.

"You fucker! Do I look like some damsel in love! You pick me up like that again and I'll shoot you twice! Once in each testicle!" Meyers bent down to grasp a stone to throw at the cocky kid but violently hurled when he realized he picked up an eyeball.




Twenty minutes later, Alex and Asia accompanied by Meyers were in the radio room on the second floor of the main guard building.

A few of Meyers men were strolling through the building, making sure everyone had their privacy.

Occasionally Keres stuck her head through the open window before growing bored and leaving to help clean up her mess, too which Meyers men were now stacking the bodies outside of the prison and burning them.

"You know the frequency kid?" Meyers turned on the radio.

Alex nodded before writing it down and slid it towards Meyers, who quickly found the frequency and clicked on the radio, causing it to crackle to life.

"This is Alex, you there?"

After a few second a female voice sounded off.

"Well if it ain't the one and only Mighty Dick!"

Meyers nearly choked on his own spit when he heard the woman's voice before giving Alex a chuckle and grin.

"Mighty Dick? Now why would you call me that?" Alex asked after shaking his head.

"Ava said you fucked a deathclaw matriarch and tamed it, if anyone says you ain't got a mighty dick after that, I'll fight them."

Alex burst out laughing and pressed the talk button while laughing.

"Damn it Cass, you believed her?" Alex asked while trying to catch his breath.

"I've seen weirder shit." Was the simple reply she sent back.

"Well I have no doubt about that, are the others there with you?" Alex scratched the back of his neck, tired of this day already.

"Ava and Sunny went to get breakfast for us while Sarah's still out cold. Poor girl drunk herself into a stupor last night because of you." Cass scolded Alex, making him scoff.

"Well, when everyone's together and awake, tell them to get ready. Once I'm done here we'll need to double time it north past the Vegas ruins." Alex put down the radio after Cass confirmed and signed off.

"Time to keep up your end of the bargain kid." Meyers pat Alex on his shoulders as Alex took a deep breath before reaching out and turning the radio dial to his fathers hidden frequency.

"Anyone there?" Alex with a cringe spike into the radio.

"A-Alex?" A feminine voice that nearly broke came over the radio that nearly caused Alex to collapse in a bruh moment.

"Hey….long time no speak, haha. Ehem, is General Oliver in office at this moment?" Alex awkwardly spoke out and cursed whatever omnipotent being was currently relishing in his suffering….

"Y-yeah…. Oh! I'll go get him!" The voice drifted off before shouting the last part and the radio cut out.

After a few moments of awkward silence Alex turned around to address the stares on his back, only to see Meyers with a wry amused smile and Asia with an accusatory glare.

"W-what, don't look at me like that!" Alex stammered out as he turned back to the radio.

"Mmmhmm, definitely history there." Alex nearly face planted the radio desk as he heard Meyers accusation.

'If you only knew old man' was Alexs only thought as he tried to get a grip on the sheer fuckery that is about to happen.

Suddenly the radio cut back in and a strong stoic voice was heard throughout the radio room.


Alex flinched, 'yeah he sounds pissed.'

"Hey General! I ha—" Alex was cut off by the stoic voice.

"Don't you General me boy! You know the roller coaster of emotions you put me on since your little disappearing act!" A huff could be heard and a snicker of a woman.

"Hey Katie, you there too?" Alex asked in embarrassment.

"Boy use the code names! And yes threes here with me. Begs the question, where the hell are you?" The voice asked with a tone of finality.

"NCRCF, helped a group of prisoners wrestle control of the place from the more violent convicts. They wanted to put an end to the raiding and kidnapping, also helped clear out quarry junction as a sign of good faith towards the NCR."

Of course it was all bull shit and Alex alongside Meyers and his men knew it, but the NCR didn't and that worked in their favor.

"Kinda the reason I'm getting a hold of you, need a favor." Alex asked while bracing himself for what came next.

"Let me get this straight, a bunch of convicts killed a bunch of other convicts. Then with nothing but dynamite and low caliber weapons, cleared a quarry filled with deathclaws? Oh would you look at that, a flying fucking pig! What's next? Enclave aliens with rainbow lasers? Boy, tell me the truth or don't tell me at all, raised you better then that."

The scolding voice of Lee came over the radio, nearly causing Meyers to laugh aloud at the scrunched face of Alex.

Alex sighed into the radio, "I'm tired pops, I'm done with the NCR."

Silence prevailed for nearly two whole minutes until the radio crackled to life.

"Sent everyone away, we're alone now. What's wrong son?" The concerned voice of a father came over the radio.

This was the man from Alex's memories, the doting Lee who would turn over mountains for his baby boy.

"I'm planning on starting a town up on the old ski resort north of Vegas, needed a starting work force. So I helped out a man named Meyers and his men at the NCRCF. Also I did in fact clear quarry junction in a sense, deathclaws are mostly gone."

Alex took a second to form out his thoughts .

"You and me both know the NCR ain't long for this world, if not the legion then more then likely from within. Just want to cut my loses before then, start someplace else."

Of course Alex was only saying half truths, the NCR was doomed, but he'd be it's down fall, the same as the legion. He just needed the time and place to get it all started.

The radio crackled back on as Lee spoke in a lower tone. "Alright, I'll pull some strings. Say that we had an informant on the inside of the prison and staged a coup, that we offered to wipe the sentence of any convict who helped clear the quarry as long as they didn't partake it violent acts against NCR caravans and civilians."

"Thanks pops, so you got questions I'm guessing?" Alex asked back after his father confirmed his help, much to Meyers now blossoming pleasure.




After an hour back and forth, Lee leaned back in his chair.

Behind him a woman in black stealth armor could be seen, her short wavy brown hair that went just above her shoulders and brown eyes staring at the woman next to her who was in tears yet was holding back her sobs until the general finished speaking to Alex.

Lee in fact only cleared out everyone but these two, three now known as Katie and a woman with black long hair and beautiful brown eyes.

"So, what do you think Three?" Lee asked out loud to the woman who let out an amused smile.

"He's definitely changed, for the better. Guess he's finally decided to be his own man." The beautiful fairy like woman mused.

Katie looked towards the sobbing girl again and reached out to gently stoke her long luscious hair. "You think he noticed?"

Lee let out a coy smile as he looked at the woman, "Most definitely, I know my son. He noticed right away, worth keeping her on the radio." Lee knew his son would eventually contact him, decided on a little pay back for the traumatic weeks Lee had to suffer.

"So, he's more then likely going to radio again once he's set up, but do you want me or seven to go to Foxtrot and watch over his new settlement?" Katie asked Lee, knowing how protective he was over his son, especially after recent events.

Lee nodded, "That's a good plan, your more quite then Seven so it will be you, also take some of your Valkyries. Anything or anyone tries to hinder his towns growth, you have permission to eradicate with extreme prejudice."

Lee took a deep sigh, "Who knows, maybe he'll make a town that will finally be what the NCR should have stood for." Lee thought about Alex's mother, a sharp pain assaulting his heart.

Katie however ignored it and turned to the woman beside her, "Go to the barracks and alert the others, I want us ready before midday."

The woman who up to this point had finished sobbing wiped away her tears and nodded before turning to walk away, quickly giving Lee a nod.

"You think it wise to send her with us?" Katie asked after the woman left.

"Don't know? Alex loved her and he deserves the truth, still shocked he never tried to dig to the bottom of it sooner, could have avoided this whole mess." Lee looked out the door that Caroline had just left through.

'Meh, either way this is vengeance for making his old father worry about him' with that thought Lee got up and headed towards his office.





Alex let out a loud sneeze as he and Meyers where about to shake hands.

"You alright kid, not getting a cold are you?" Meyers asked with worry.

"I hope not, that's the last thing I need right now." Alex wiped his nose on his sleeve unaware of the trouble headed his way.

Not the ex, or the VanGraff, or the deathclaw hiding from the chipper Asia….




A beautiful girl currently walking down a dim hallway, her body clad in a black stealth armor.

Her short wavy brown hair swaying with each step, a smile beaming on her porcelain face as she thought of the handsome man her father kept hidden from their entire family, except her.

Katie walked up to the door with a placard that had 'Alexander Sinclair' engraved on it.

The door opened revealing a neat and tidy room with a big bed, which Katie quickly threw herself onto and pulled a pillow close too her face.

After taking in the old lingering scent, she rolled over towards the nightstand next to the bed and opened the drawer.

Pulling out an old butterfly broach and a picture of a young alex, Lee Oliver and a young woman with short brown hair, one side pulled back with a butterfly broach, the same that was in her hand.

Katie gently folded the picture so that Lee was removed and it was just her and alex.

"I'm going to have to punish him for making me worry so much, stupid little brother!" Katie muttered as she dragged her armored fingers across the picture of her and alex.

Katie began to giggle maniacally as she thought of punishing her little brother, her body growing hot as she rolled back and forth on his bed, her cheeks gaining a pink hue.

Following her dad secretly that day was the best decision of her life, that day she met her little brother, a secret no one else but her and her father shared, oh how jealous the others would be.

Especially her mother! No her mother must never find out!

Alex was perfect, she would never let him out of her clutches if she learned of him, unbeknownst to her and her father…

She already did…




(Author thoughts)

Getting closer to the settlement part of the story, during which I'll be doing 'exploration' chapters that are one offs of Alex exploring locations throughout the Mojave.

It'll be him recruiting, gaining supplies, unique weapons and completing side quests.

Also I'll start diving into the 'memories' of Alex more and going through different POV's. Including the mysterious wife of Lee and her family, also the big deal with them that's going to be a real rib tickler. (Let's just say Lee is completely wrong with how his wife would act with Alex)

After all that and some other things I'll do the first DLC, Dead Money.

Then the second, Honest hearts.

Then the third, Old World Blues.

Then finally lonesome road.

After that is the East coast arc which will completely screw the Fallout 4 timeline.

Plus the secret plans I have after that… a hint it's called 'Red China'.



So yeah, I haven't posted in almost two weeks as I've been fully planning out all the arcs and where the story will be headed.

Creating new locations, characters, and lore that I'll be using to fill in the story of Alex's conquest of the wasteland.

So bear with me, I'm constantly changing ideas and rewriting, trying to bring forth a full and vibrant world for you all too enjoy!

- Shadow❤️

— P.s please feed me some names for settlements/Characters in the chapter comments. The best will be added alongside a shoutout the the individual who recommended it. (Also includes the main base of Alex, formerly Jacobstown.)

Shadow_of_death Shadow_of_death

Getting closer to the settlement building and then the exploration chapters.

next chapter
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