Tinashe was feeling a lot more at ease and much happier than he had ever been since his father's death. He was brimming with the energy and confidence of knowing he would soon be stepping into his predecessors shoes, taking over the family business from his father, as his father had done before him taking over from his own father.
The family was going to be in safe hands and the clan as a whole would continue to be taken care of under his capable leadership.
In Tinashe's mind the development was an occasion for celebration.
A new era of prosperity was about to dawn, with him, Tinashe at the head, instilling a new business culture with dynamic new ideas to take the family to the next century.
He was still feeling quite buoyant when he went to bed that night. He went out like a bulb the moment his head touched the pillow. He found himself sitting on the flying island at the feet of the spirit who stood with his arms raised by his sides shoulder level.