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37.5% Nier Two Human / Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Leaving The UN

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3 Leaving The UN

As we strolled, engaged in casual conversation with Mathew, I caught sight of someone familiar...

More accurately, someone I recognized. I turned the corner, and there, right in front of me, were two familiar figures. One with straight red hair, and the other with shaggy red hair. Both were adorned in white coats, resembling scientists.

Unable to contain my joy, my smile brightened the moment I spotted them. "Popola! Devola!"

I leaped into the air, reaching out to envelop them in my customary daily hugs. They seemed taken aback, gasping for air as my embrace surprised them.

"Jack! Quit it!" Devola protested, attempting to push me away, while Popola simply giggled and tapped me on the back.

"Hehe, I am sorry.." After releasing them, I examine their faces "Looking good as always! Or Should I call you both by your ID numbers PA-171 and DA-192 so we can get even closer?"

PA and DA short for Popola And Devola Model, this twin served as caretakers and administrators overseeing the implementation of the project including the creation and maintenance of Gestalt.

But for me, I consider them as my benefactor since these twins were the ones to recommend me to be a mechanic and my only friend. And I started by calling them by their ID number because I thought it would be funny.

"I told you to stop calling us by our ID numbers and call us by our names!" Devola asserts with an apparent hint of annoyance. But I can sense that she does not mind it.

"Hahaha.." Sensing that further teasing might lead to trouble, I attempt to change the subject. "Anyways how's work treating you?"

"As usual," Devola remarked, crossing her arms with a hint of sarcasm "Professor working us to the very each of our exoskeletons, Can you believe it?"

Devola has finally learned to joke around! I am Soo happy! Before they usually just stood there and followed the damn Commander's orders like a robot, I must congrats our dear people who create the model for finally improving the emotion.

To take their mind off from work I decided to make a playful remark.

"Then... instead of working with that old geezer how about instead marry me?" I asked, planting a kiss on each of their arms.

Both of them instinctively withdrew, and when I gazed at their faces I saw a shade of red from embarrassment. I took it as a small victory.

Whoever designs these androids deserves my ever-last respect, and they are beautiful and a twin to boot.

If I ever meet them I would protect them with my life. 

Before I could proceed to tease them, smirking at their blushing cheeks, I was abruptly smacked on the head. I turned to see Mathew, rubbing my head in pain. "Ow... why?!"

"You know, there are plenty of other beautiful girls here in this base! But you choose to flirt with androids of all people..."

I shot him a mischievous look while still holding my head, trying to shake off the pain. "But that's what makes it more entertaining!"

"Yeah, but they are androids." He argues

"Bah! Just because there is another batch of popular models from Hollywood coming to this base does not beat-"

"Stop joking around!" Suddenly, both of my cheeks were firmly pulled by Devola from behind, diverting my attention from my friend to Devola, who appeared displeased with my actions.

"I-I am sorry!" I stammered, attempting to pry her hand off.

"Then stop grinning like a fool!" Devola scolded, her face wearing a frown as she continued to pinch my cheeks, prompting me to yelp in pain.

In the background, I could hear Popola giggling softly. If I managed to make Popola laugh, I considered it a win for today as well~

As we were enjoying our usual antics, Mathew declared, "Whatever! I'm leaving soon, sucker!" He took off running, and I managed to break free from Devola's grip with a surprised sound.

"Hey, wait for me!" I reached out to catch up with him.

"Wait!" That stopped my walking and I looked at the source of the voice to see Popola was the one that called me out.

"What's wrong?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Popola has a look of hesitation like she does not want to speak it until Devola takes the lead by making a few steps while looking at me like she is a bit mad

"We heard about your resignation." That immediately makes me tense upon hearing this and look upon them in surprise.

And when I looked at their face they were not happy at all.

"How did you-"

"Devola, Popola! I need your help!" Both girls' bodies suddenly jerked up when they heard the voice.

As they were being called out, I looked behind them to see the culprit and Saw one of the member scientists of Project Gestalt. Dr. Madison.

Seeing as she won't like it if I take them for myself I make a quick gate away "Talk to me later at our usual spot okay?"

I left quickly so as not to cause trouble for the twins.

"Hey! We are not done yet, you hear me?" I can hear Devola raise her voice loudly from behind me.

I did not speak but continued running without looking back.


After finishing my daily work I arrive at my little room head to my room and begin packing my stuff into the huge bag. From my own personal stuff and various equipment in the room

As I almost finished packing the belongings, I heard a loud noise of banging on the door. Like it was repeatedly knocked in anger.

"Come in!"

And behold the one that came was none other than a twin, as I looked upon them they were not wearing their usual white coat and were wearing casual clothing.

After a brief moment of looking at them I turn my gaze back to my belongings and continue packing the stuff "So what do you guys want to know?"

"Is it true.. that you are leaving?" Popola asked with a hint of concern

I stop for a few seconds thinking about what to answer "Like you just said, I am leaving this place."

"B-but why?" Devola questioned, her worry evident

As I continued packing my luggage, nearing completion, I explained, "I think that I have done enough and want to get out of this place."

Since money has meant nothing since the collapse of society, we were given a contribution point that can be used to exchange for a lot of things from food, weapons, and even high-tech technology.

And I already had the last part I needed, and seeing that this Place was beginning to deteriorate I thought I could use this chance to finally quit the job and finally finish the reason I worked here from the start.

Popola placed a hand over her heart. "You don't wish to join Project Gestalt?." 

This fact alone shocks the twins. Yeah, I won't blame them either. Anybody would wishes to Join Project Gestalt, would even killed to enter. I mean the whole world depends on it.

The only problem I had was their unreasonable demand which I already said before I have to work for five years straight for free. 

Even if you finally work here for five years, then there are another 2 years of waiting to get your turn inside. As there is a long line waiting.

By then I would turn 30. Honestly, I prefer to make my own way of escaping this hell rather than working to the very last bone. "Joining Project Gestalt? Yeah right, you know how strict it is."

After finishing packing the stuff I close the bags and try to make my way outside "Well Thank you for your help for the last 8 months of helping me but I am leaving."

As I was about to leave and get things through both of the twins my hand was forcefully grabbed stopping me deadtrack and forcing both of them to look at them.

"...What do you want?" I try to pry their hand off.

"There is one absence in one of the Project Gestalt," Devola said

I look at them with a very confused expression about what they mean until Popola speaks.

"It means you can join as one of the people who wish to enter Project Gestalt." 

That can't be a coincidence. Joining the so-called Project Gestalt is nothing more than a miracle itself, to join you need to have an insane amount of influence and power that is compatible with the president just to get the ticket.

I am not even mentioning the number of lines of people who have been waiting for it, it could take years even decades alone. And by the time you get to the line you either die from WCS, starvation, or old age.


Devola takes the lead first "One of the personnel that was supposed to enter Project Gestalt died while trying to reach here" 

"And we kind.. have not reported it" Popola finishes it

Wait, so you are telling me this guy died mid-way while trying to reach here? And when he died you fake that he was still active so there going to be an empty space?

This is a serious crime against humanity itself. If the Chief of Project Gestalt ever heard of it he would not hesitate to plug these two off. Maybe even stop the Devola and Popola production.

I grab Devola's and Popola's shoulders and look at them in fear knowing their fate if they have done this "Why! Would you people do such a dangerous thing?! You know what happen if you ever did that right?!"

"Isn't it obvious?" Devola smirked.

"it's because we care about you." Popola smiles gently

My heart warms up upon hearing it, I shake my head trying to dismiss it while letting things go off their shoulder "Hah... You still need a Replicant if you want to join-" 

"It's already done," Popola said and shut my mouth tight.

"We were planning to tell you as a Surprise," Devola continued

I.. was in disbelief. But the replicant requires extensive work...There is no way they could have built it in just a single day, they must have planned this...

...You two truly have changed than before.

"That's... really kind both of you both."

For the past month, because I have the skill of maintenance most of my time was spent with Devola and Popola while here, they were kind twins who would sometimes provide me with warm food and help me when I was at the lowest.

Honestly, these two are more human than we humans ourselves.

"But this Will be the last time you will ever see me but can you at least do me a favor and give this opportunity to Mathew?"

Oh no, it seems they feel sad that I did not take their opportunity to join Project Gestalt, and with the way they look down saddened.

Well.. I did throw away their hard work of making the replicant for me.

It's like It's like I was kicking someone's puppy.

"Don't be sad here I will give you both advice since I consider both of you as a friend and... Savior" I wrap my arms around both of their neck and begin hugging them tightly

"What are you-" Devola said but cut off

"Do not blame yourself in case Project Gestalt ever failed" Both of their eyes went wide when hearing this.

"But test result shows-" Popola seems to be trying to argue with me

"Lisen to me first!" I Scream at them

Both of them then went silent. And I continue my speech." "I don't know how long the WCS would last, It could be around 10 years, 100, Even 1000 years for all we know."

None of the girls were speaking to let me continue the speech but I could sense their sorrow without needing to glance in their direction, as I took a deep breath "There will be a lot of hardship I know it, and you both will make a hard choice."

""Hard choice?"" Both of them said.

"Either gathering what's left of us or undeniable reality in front of your eyes" I hug them a bit tighter "Just know that if Project Gestalt were to fail, Please don't blame yourself for it"

I could feel their hand gripping a bit hard on me the moment I said it. I could sense their reluctance to accept it, but I urged them silently to endure a bit longer as this could be the last speech.

"Humankind would be happy knowing that androids might inherit our legacy and history so they can live in our sted."


"As long as the memory of us is contained inside your mind humanity will not die!"

After all of that speech, I finish it with a little joke I have wanted to say to them.

"And... I love to see you both in lingerie." 



I averted my gaze from them and started running without glancing back.

"Wait!" They called out, and I slowed down, stealing a glance at Devola and Popola without meeting their eyes. I feared that tears might escape if I looked directly at their faces.

With Devola's hand on her heart she speaks "....Will you at least come back?"

I think for a moment before answering. "...Maybe if Project Gestalt is successful we can meet again but if not? Just wait for me and I'll come back"

After finishing my speech I continued to run this time without looking back ever again.

...As I keep running I can't help but wonder what kind of expression they make.


After reaching the parking slot, I mounted the motorcycle and swiftly rode towards the base exit. 

As I arrived at the gate that was blocking the path outside one of the guards slowly came to me, coated with full heavy armor and a machine gun in its arms like he was a juggernaut.

"It's me" I wave my hand to him and he stops deadtrack

"Lieutenant Jack Thomson," he spoke with a somewhat constrained voice. "Wasn't expecting a well-known figure like you to be leaving at this hour. Same usual?" His tone shifted to a more serious note, as was customary.

"Yeah.. just leaving the base like usual" I responded.

I spoke ideally with him while he was checking me from face recognition and keycard I noticed there were rows after Rows of people, outside the base, with the fence stopping their path.

"Please! Let us in-" "At least my child for god sake-" "Where were you people-"

As I saw the rows after Rows of people can be outside. , I noticed varying scenes of malnourished, others were carrying babies on their shoulders, and many were visibly distraught, with tears streaming down their faces.

They are one of the batch of humans who have not joined and have been waiting outside of the base... Begging to join alongside the others Project Gestalt just to survive. The only barrier obstructing their path is a barred fence, heavily guarded by numerous soldiers.

"But this time, I'm not heading back," I remarked before glancing at him. "Did the numbers increase again?"

"Yeah... and it got a lot worse this month" He returned my keycard and looked back at the other soldier "It's safe open the gate-"

However, his words were interrupted when the radio, hanging from his shoulder, came alive. "We need reinforcement! the Legion is converging on Gate B He-help Gahhh!-"

"Gate B! Repeat!" He only received a static response which he lot out the sound of 'cih

Suddenly, the base was engulfed in blaring alarms, bathed in a vivid red light, and the speaker crackled to life. "All units, we are now at DEFCON 1! I repeat, DEFCON 1! Prepare for immediate deployment!"

The subsequent sound that reached my ears was the deafening roar of artillery and the ceaseless gunfire from anti-aircraft weapons piercing the sky, drawing my attention.

I observe closely I notice small dots flying up into the skies and I can't help but frown the moment I see them.

...It's them.

Once I tore my gaze away from the intense firefight, I turned back to him, noticing the tension in his demeanor. His grip on the machine gun tightened before he looked back at me, remarking, "Looks like I won't be around to witness your retirement."

"No worry" I wave at him trying to reassure him "Good luck"

"I'll see you around Spear guy." He bolts off and begins running to the danger followed suit by another soldier who leaves the post Immediately and follows him from behind.

I did even look at him turn on my motorcycle and begin my way. The survivor outside the wall begins making a run to their respective home knowing that those emergencies were nothing to scoff at.


As I kept driving in the hallway I looked around and noticed people

Barricade the door, people hiding, a massive fight broke out and so much more currently happening.

The long scale of the war has caused massive slums and shanty towns. You won't find a single city that is not affected by the war.

The house price increase, food supply shortage, and crime rate increase as the situation keeps deteriorating.

It's the fate of humanity since 16 years ago.

It's funny since I don't belong in this world.

When was it again? It was 5 years ago I was transported into this world.

I don't know how and why. All I knew the moment I knew which Universe I was the only thing on my mind was to survive.

It hurts living like this. I miss the internet, gaming, and even my own family which I forgot what they even looked like or even what their name was. Every time I try to remember them my head always hurts and the image of their face is blurred.

Not all of it was bad news. As I was a big fan of Nier itself. So I pretty much know about the future of the story making it easier for me to predict.

As people say knowledge is power, and with me knowing the future I was able to avoid some of the most dangerous events in Nier Timeline.

That's why I was never interested in joining Project Gestalt since I knew that it would end up with Replica rebels against its own creator, prolonging the inevitable. Ending humanity.

Also, I am not interested in stopping them from joining the grave. Or even provide a solution to solve it.

Why? Because I hate all the people who join Project Gestalt. 

Many times I see those rich folk look down on us just because we are not these so-called Project Gestalt, and see us as nothing more than a stepping tool for their own survival.

I hate their gaze. 

That's why I feel very disgusted if these people were ever to live. And I hate that the people who work there don't want to accept the damn truth in front of their own eyes that there is another way to survive.

Well... Project Gestalt from the start was only meant for the rich, powerful, the most intelligent, and strongest people on this planet;, normal folks like us have no chance at all in joining part of Project Gestalt.

Besides I don't have a single way to stop or provide a solution for them since I was already suspicious enough to have no background at all when I tried to join the UN force.

As I drove through the street, I had a momentary flashback of the surrounding area as I kept traveling using the motorcycle.

I remember this place, it's usually crowded with people,

But in just one month since WCS has been reported here the whole town has been ghosted and the rest of the civilians were slaughtered by the Legion. Women and children too.

It's eerie to see all of these streets without people in them.

Guiding the motorcycle through the darkness with its headlights, I suddenly caught sight of it. In an instant blur, my entire body was propelled into the air for a few moments before harshly plummeting to the ground, pain shooting through me.

"Guh..." Still grappling with the pain, I mustered the strength to rise, forcing my body to stand as I strained to identify the culprit.

Upon laying eyes on the culprit, I muttered under my broken breath,

"..Of course, it has to be them."

The Legion 

Legion, the culprit behind our war and the reason for humanity's extinction in the first place.

They were known as 'legion'... a name given to them because they were the remnants of what made humans human. In return for not turning into salt, they were transformed into mindless creatures that hunted the remaining humans on this planet.

Upon closer examination, they looked like some kind of alien species with spiky backs, black skin, and red eyes that made them stand out in the darkness. They had become monstrous in nature, a far cry from what they had once been. And their number was numerous.

Knowing who the enemy is I immediately stand up to face the enemy. Even when it still feels pain from the recent accident the Legion caused.

As I slowly make a step toward the monster, I begin pulling out of my spear on my back. And when I manage to get closer the Legion seems to notice my presence with the way they suddenly roar in screams and begin running to me.

In the blink of an eye, a horde of legion began to swarm upon me like a horde of zombies, they jumped over car wreckage while roaring like animals as their eyes glowed red.

I looked upon them with a determined face, extended my hand, and incanted the familiar spells.

"Dark Lance!"

Eight darkish lances materialized with a magic circle behind my back. As I point my hand at the Legion, darkish Lance launches at them at lightning speed and several of them are pierced on the first wave of my spells.

I repeat the process and keep shooting Dark Lance, until finally after getting things closer I spell out the next magic "Dark Execution!"

As I spelled out the name, the first legion that was close to me was getting impaled from the ground as Red Colour Spear appeared from the ground followed suit by the other five behind them.

16 left.

With grip tightened around the shaft of my spear, I braced myself As the first legion lunged within range, I struck with precision. My weapon pierced the air, impaling the Legion through its black chest. With a fluid twist, I wrenched the spear free, sending the Legion collapsing to the ground.

As I only glance for a moment at the Legion I pierced a moment ago as it begins to slowly dematerialize before looking back at the horde.

The horde of legion pressed on, undeterred by the fall of one of their own. I continue to pierce the Legio while letting out a War Cry Sound.

"Akh!! Die!!"

I moved with calculated efficiency, my motions a dance of lethal grace. I sidestepped a grasping hand, swiftly dispatching another Legion with a sweeping arc of my spear.

Before I knew it I was Breathing heavily while feeling some scratches, I surveyed the aftermath of the battle. I had stood alone against a horde of Legion and emerged victorious.

"....Yet, I survive another day," I mutter

Humanity was extinct, that was a fact I had to live.

As rain begins to pour on the city, making my clothes wet I realize for the first time in a while.

Living is hell



Hello people! It's your author here, next chapter I plan to slow down making the chapter since this fanfic is still a work in progress.

Anyways if you want to support me don't forget to leave a comment and review. And if you want to support me to see some of the chapters I am working on go to my Patreon.

With that said see you all next time byee.

next chapter
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