The old general paused, his hands trembling. He had spoken with the higher-ups; Little Qin was out on a mission and anything could trigger his hypnosis. At this moment, he could not let him know that the kid had left. Since he had gone over to Tang's side, there shouldn't be any issue.
The old general maintained an even tone. "He asked. Where did you get someone like him? It wasn't easy tricking him."
"What did you tell him?" Qin Mo was still looking out the window, analyzing the situation.
The old general sighed. "I followed your instructions." But before he could finish executing everything, that child drove off in his car. Until this moment, the old general was still mad at the guards on duty. Geez, how could he have let Little Qin down like that? But he was helpless; all he could do was to repeatedly call the Tang family hoping to get a response.
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